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How to Organically Turn Your Socials Into a Sales Machine, Without the Icky Sales Pitch and Cold Call Strategy

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Open Minded Magic

Open Minded Magic

By Nicole Healy

It really fascinates me when I hear of salons not utilising their social media platforms in order to sell their services and retail, what happens more often than not, is that businesses feel like their socials are like a hobby, more than a marketing tool for their salons.

When your social media platforms are well built, well-structured and have a strategy behind it, you can scale your salon business to a social sales machine, truly! This is why I help salon owners, like you, build their socials with confidence, understanding & know the why you’re using it, without having to ever send anyone a cold DM trying to pitch your service, especially without their permission!

It gives you all the icky feels when you open a DM and see someone trying to pitch you their product or service, without even knowing who they are, what they do or even more so, they don’t even introduce themselves, this isn’t going to return many sales, in fact this kind of strategy results in more deleted DM’s and even more, blocks. The percentage rate of client conversions through this strategy is very low, and not recommended in my opinion, it make you look desperate for sales and business.

Have you ever thought of how a client would use a platform like Google to find your salon? Here is a little exercise I love to do, go into google, right now, and type in what you think your dream clients would be searching, and do you come up? If not, this can be the first step in making the change for clients to find your business in the first place, then go into Instagram, type in the same thing to the search bar and again, do you come up?

If not, you need to understand the WHY and work out the HOW, this why I do what I do, so I can help you come up, so you can be discovered by new clients that become dream clients!

What you can do, to attract your dream clients to your business organically, is to create and post content that will in return attract your dream client to your salon, because client attraction, turns into client conversion, and sales.

Because you’re reading this today, I am going to give you my sales strategy for selling on socials, especially coming up into the end of the year and Christmas time, where people are looking at changing their hair colours, people are more willing to spend, and they often look after their hair better throughout the warmer months, as they go out more and style their hair more often, so it’s the perfect time to start promoting yourself and what your business sells - because why the hell not!

Sleigh your Socials in four steps and it comes down to content and copy! It’s simple, it’s not hard and I promise, you’ll start attracting people to your salon doing this - and your socials doesn’t just mean Instagram, you should be posting photos to your Google Business profile & Facebook too!

1.YOUR CONTENT - Think of 3 Types of Services you want to promote between now and the end of December.

Keep posting this consistently, by alternating these post by post, reel by reel, the choice is yours where you post (but as we know, Instagram are pushing reels)

You may choose to only post lived in blondes & low maintenance balayage in November and December, because that the type of clientele your business is wanting to attract, what you put out there is what you’ll bring in, because it’s what your marketing your business as!

2. YOUR COPY - Your words matter, this is why we need to make use of our captions, this way you can help people further understand who this service is perfect for!

3. CALL TO ACTION - Are you adding a Call to Action to the end of your Caption ? If you’re not familiar with a CTA, this is the way you’ll be able to tell people how to take the next step to book and appointment at your business or enquire! service with a FREE sticker to direct people to sales and booking page! Why are we not using this more?

It’s often missed especially when people are using stories for available appointments, if you’re telling people you’re open for appointment opportunities, make sure it’s super easy to have them book, if you have online bookings, you can add your booking link in here, or if you take enquires through a form on your website, you can add this website form link to your Instagram story link and gain new leads - in just a click!

We need to work smarter, not harder; socials are definitely something you need to allocate time for in your business, especially if you want to grow, scale and make money!

Attracting your dream clients takes effort, by creating amazing content that converts, using copy that doesn’t sound like a sales pitch, it needs to sound human-like and easy to read and understand. Get down on your clients level and out of the hairdresser lingo, so your content sounds appealing to your potential customers.

If you would like more information on growing your salon business using the power of Social Media, lets connect, send me an email I’d love to chat with you on how I can help you in 2023 with my services.


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