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Rooftop Reflections: Sophia Hilton’s, Hilton Hundred Lunch

By Rebecca Wood

Picture this… A sunny afternoon in Brisbane, on a rooftop balcony 21 floors up at the Terrace Rooftop, with breathtaking views and a gorgeous Insta-worthy bathroom! This was the scene for an unforgettable lunch recently hosted by none other than UK’s Sophia Hilton for some of her Hilton Hundred members.

The atmosphere was buzzing with energy, laughter, and great conversation, with ten of us sharing stories related to both business and life in general, and we even had one dedicated member who flew all the way over from New Zealand.

The event wasn’t just about business—it was about building a community. We swapped stories about hair, life, and everything in between. The connections we made that day were genuine and lasting, reflecting the incredible spirit of the Hilton Hundred.

Now, about the Hilton Hundred program itself—it’s a year-long mentorship that covers everything you need to know about marketing. Starting from the basics of branding, like brand personality, and choosing your logo, colours, and fonts, the program moves into social media strategies, including posts, stories, reels, and captions. Advanced topics like using ChatGPT for marketing and crafting newsletters are also part of the curriculum.

Each module is delivered through live Zoom sessions, follow-up Zooms, and recorded content on an easy-to-use platform. And if you ever need help, Sophia and her dedicated team are just a WhatsApp message away. The program is more than just learning—it’s about creating a supportive network of 100 business owners from around the world.

Sophia’s approach is practical and tailored to your unique business and clients. She’s straightforward, ridiculously informative, and an absolute gem to work with. During the Brisbane lunch, it was clear why she’s celebrated globally in our industry—her kindness, compassion, quirkiness and downto-earth nature shone through.

Rebecca Wood chats with Sophia about her time in Australia and her Hilton Hundred Program…

Sophia, you seem to have a special connection with Australia, can you talk to us about that?

Yes sure! Well, my husband is Australian, and I have been coming back here for years, and I have such a soft spot for Kiwis and Australians. My Hilton Hundred Social Media Marketing Membership has grown so much here in Australia & NZ, it is the biggest growing country for me in the whole world and I just love you all.

Can you tell us how you specifically teach salon owners from a grassroots level and not to be influencers, and how to be successful salon owners?

Ok, so I know there are a lot of mentors out there teaching how to be an influencer, but that is not what I do! I am an influencer myself, but that is not what I teach. I teach normal people (salon owners) how to get bums on chairs. So, you are not going to learn from me how to be followed by millions on TikTok. I am not going to do that...

But what you are going to learn, is how to make your salon business more successful, and I think that’s what makes my membership different to others around the world, is that I am just about the normal people who have normal everyday salons.

Can you tell us how to join your program and why it would be beneficial for us?

You get mentored by me, and you learn social media marketing, email marketing, how to reach out to your community, and how to work with influencers, in every way possible for you to get bums on seats in your salon business. You can apply by jumping on my website and filling out your details to apply to join, and I will get my team to reach out to you. It is only $100 a month, and I am going to look after you for 12 months!


@hiltonsophia @notanotheracademy @rebeccawoodeducation

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