4 minute read

Why Prompts Matter when using AI for your Content.

By Rachel Medlock

Lately, I’ve been seeing more salon, spa, and clinic owners jumping on the AI train, particularly ChatGPT, for their marketing, and hey, I get it. It’s fast, shiny, and a dream tool for small businesses. But here’s the catch: everyone’s starting to sound… well, the same. It’s polished, sure, but also kinda predictable.

Look, I’m a big fan of AI making life easier, but it’s only as good as what you feed it. That’s why prompts matter. They separate the cookie-cutter content from content that actually feels like you.

AI Isn’t a Mind Reader

Think of ChatGPT as a super-smart assistant. Fast, efficient, and able to multitask better than most of us, but it still needs a little direction. No direction? You’ll get the copywriting equivalent of a 3pm slump. Let’s take a look at an example:

Basic Prompt:

“Write a social media post about pigmentation treatments for my salon.”

Result: A bland post that is as exciting as watching paint dry. It’s like rocket ship emojis replaced any resemblance of personality.

Better Prompt:

“You’re an experienced social media marketer specialising in professional skin treatments. Write me an Instagram caption for {{Business Name}} about our {{Technology/Treatment Name}} pigmentation treatment. Our target audience is {{target demographic}}, their pain points are {{pain points}}, and our point of difference is {{selling point}}. Highlight that it’s {{key treatment benefits}}. Keep the tone {{tone of voice requirements}}, and no over-the-top marketing fluff.”

Result: An educational and engaging post that actually feels tailored to your clients (and your business).

The key difference? The prompt. When you give ChatGPT clear instructions, you tell it exactly how to think and communicate like your brand. You’re giving it the playbook instead of letting it guess what your brand sounds like.

It’s Your Co-Pilot, Not the Captain AI tools are incredible, but they’re not here to replace the human side of your beauty business. Sure, it can help you draft content quickly and handle repetitive tasks, but it still needs your input to truly align with your brand. If you’re after a hands-off experience where the copy writes itself, hire a copywriter.

The truth is, no matter how fast technology evolves, it will always lack something essential: a beating heart. A heart that understands empathy, nuance, and the hands-on experience in our industry. That’s where you, and people like me, come in. We bring the human touch, the creativity, and the insight that AI just can’t replicate.

Think of AI tools as just that - tools. Just like an at-home LED device can’t replace the professional treatments you book in between, AI tools can’t replace the human creativity and expertise that help your business grow. Harness these tools to save time and streamline your process, but don’t forget: the magic comes from the people behind the brand.

The Bottom Line

AI isn’t a magic wand. It’s a tool. And just like any other tool, it’s only as good as the person wielding it. The beauty industry thrives on personal connections, authenticity, and creativity. So, don’t settle for content that sounds like it came from a generic template.

Master your prompts, and you’ll unlock the power of AI - saving you time and energy, while still sounding like the real you. After all, your clients want to connect with your expertise, your story, and your why.

If you’re ready to get the most out of AI, my new Salon Scribe AI tools can help you craft smarter prompts, refine your brand’s voice, and turn AI into a real asset. Because when AI, your beating heart and my expertise work together? That’s when the real magic happens.


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