Mocha Market Magazine - School Choices

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School Choices in Middle Tennessee VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2

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Lifestyle 14

EDUCATION The Pros and Cons of Charter Schools


INTERVIEW Jeremy Kane: Founder of LEAD Public Schools


EDITORIAL On Privilege and Education


FASHION Walter Jones: RhinoPic Photography

Events 28

Calendar of Events


Around Town African American Heritage Society, New Hope Academy Fundraiser, 105 Voices, Ringside: A Fight for Kids, Les Gemmes: Literary Luncheon, Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center–AstraZeneca, Kirk Whalum Concert, Jack & Jill Gala, Spoken Word Awards

Featured 18

Close-Up: New Hope Academy

In Every Issue 6 8 12 13

Letter from the Publisher Contributors Know Your History Common Grammatical Errors On the Cover: Paige Pitts and Stuart Tutler.



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hoice and Education

’m sure you’re familiar with the saying “If you keep doing the same things you shouldn’t expect a different result”. To some this expression is just a conversational piece, but to others it is a call to action. As I read through the articles of this edition, I was impressed by the courage and initiative of the school founders to make a difference in the lives of our youth. Too often when most of us see a problem we notice, complain and complain some more! These founders felt the need to provide a solution. I believe that this is the true definition of passion. When a problem bothers us so much that we have take action to remedy, then it is our passion. In this issue we have added several new contributors, that are experts in their fields. I am always pleasantly amazed with the talent that we have in our community! Sincerely,

Ernest V. Campbell, III Publisher Mocha Market



Mocha Market Magazine VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2

Publisher | Ernie V. Campbell, III Graphic Designer | Denise Wells Editorial Contributors Devan Oglesby Genma Holmes Lynae Turner Jamelle T. Magee, Esq. Gretchen H. Campbell, MD Photographers Keith Layden Rhino Pic CJ Wells David Braud Benjamin Gibbs Advertising For more information on advertising please visit our website at Events If you would like to submit event photos, please send the materials to: Submission and or receipt of the event materials does not guarantee coverage in the magazine or website.

MOCHA MARKET MAGAZINE Mocha Market magazine is an extension of the website that was created in 2009. Mocha Market magazine is unique in that it is the only advertiser-supported magazine focusing on the minority professional in middle Tennessee. We have taken great care to insure that the magazine is of the highest quality. From the clean layout to the photographers, each has been carefully adjusted to produce a magazine that we hope that you can be proud of. A magazine that you will be eager to share with your community and colleagues.

Our goal is to entertain, educate, and inspire!

MOCHA MARKET MAGAZINE is published by Mocha Market Media. All contents copyright 2012, all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without the express written consent of the publisher is prohibited. Content and photos on these pages do not imply any endorsement or support of any product or person. We are not responsible for, nor will we return, any unsolicited photos, product samples, editorial content or manuscripts and we may use any and all material at our sole discretion, printed or otherwise.

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A Page from Our History

Dr. Mary Bethune’s Last Will and Testament “We as Negroes must recognize that we are the custodians as well as heirs of a great civilization.” But do the students who now inhabit the college she founded (Bethune–Cookman University) take this document, much less this statement seriously? Do African American students everywhere take it seriously? Have we ever taken a look at the words she wrote in her last days to us? I believe the most important section of the sacred letter comes not in the end or beginning, but in the fourth paragraph when she says: “I leave a thirst for education. Knowledge is the prime need of the hour. More and more, Negroes are taking full advantage of hard won opportunities for learning and the educational level of the Negro population is at its highest point in history. We are making greater use of the privileges inherent in living in a democracy. If we continue in this trend, we will be able to rear increasing numbers of strong, purposeful men and women, equipped with vision, mental clarity, health and education.’’ The actions and moral values of some students don’t display those ideals in the least. I believe her wish was for us to prosper productively, not fall by the wayside and become perpetual walking stereotypes. Where is our love and respect for this woman’s memory, let alone the sacred institution(s) she and other influential black leaders founded? What happened to it? And how do we get it back? Within Dr. Bethune’s last will and testament are the preamble to a movement in which we should feel not only personally responsible to uphold but take heed to and bridge the gap between older and younger generations, she states: “I leave you finally a responsibility to our young people. The world around us really belongs to youth for youth will take over its future management. Our children must never lose their zeal for building a better world. They must not be discouraged from aspiring towards greatness, for they are the leaders of tomorrow. Nor must they forget that the masses of our people are still underprivileged, ill-housed, impoverished and victimized by discrimination. We have a powerful potential in our youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends.’’ Dr. Bethune was one of nation’s finest women; she stood for two things, love and brotherhood. She has left a lasting impression on my life. I leave you with these last words from her last will and testament: “Our greatest Negro figures have been imbued with faith. Our forefathers struggled for liberty in conditions far more onerous than those we now face, but they never lost the faith. Their perseverance paid rich dividends. We must never forget their sufferings and their sacrifices, for they were the foundations of the progress of our people.’’ Daven Oglesby holds a B.A. in English and a Minor in Journalism from Bethune-Cookman University. He is a member of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. and author of Like Oceans Turned Sideways, a collection of poems. You can check out his blog at, follow him on twitter: @soul_cypher or email at 12


Common Grammatical Errors

Who vs. Whom Who

is a subjective—or nominative—pronoun, like “he,” “she,” “it,” “we,” and “they.” It’s used when the pronoun acts as the subject of a clause.


is an objective pronoun, like “him,” “her,” “it”, “us,” and “them.” It’s used when the pronoun acts as the object of a clause. Hint: If you’re unsure of which to use, substitute “who” with one of the subjective pronouns “he” or “she,” e.g.,

EXAMPLE: Who wrote the paper? >> He wrote the paper? Similarly, for “whom” substitute one of the objective pronouns “him” or “her.” e.g.,

EXAMPLE: I consulted an advisor whom I met in Charleston. I consulted him. Now that we know better, let’s do better!

…Class dismissed. M O C H A M A R K E T 13

The Pros and Cons of Charter Schools

by Genma Holmes


ost large family gatherings have the normal family disagreements, but if you ever want to ruin a “good argument” during the holidays, just mention charter schools around the educators in my family. At the dinner table sit female educators who are teachers, principals, and college professors who will send the turkey and dressing running-for-cover at the very mention of charter schools. The topic of charter schools is hotly disputed between my mother and my aunts who believe “the devil is in the details”. Asking these fervently experienced Titans of education to explain why they love or loath the idea of charter schools has left me, occasionally, looking for the turkey and dressing’s hiding place.




s Governor Haslam has lifted the ban on the number of charter schools statewide, we will see more charter schools forming. The reasons for allowing more charter schools are as numerous as the stars above but it is important to review some of the pros and cons of charter schools.* PRO: Charter schools provide families with public school choice options. Parents will have the ability to choose the school best suited for their child. CON: Charter schools, due to their small size and limited numbers, will provide only some families with public school choice options, thereby raising issues of fairness and equity. PRO: Charter schools can act as laboratories of reform, identifying successful practices that could be replicated by traditional district public schools. Also, by waiving regulations in a limited number of schools, the most prohibitive policies can be identified and eliminated for all schools. CON: Successful reform models such as New American Schools and Core Knowledge have already been identified. Why not attempt these reforms in existing schools? If rules and regulations are so burdensome, they should be waived for all public schools. PRO: Through school choice, competition within the public school system is created, pressuring school districts to reassess their educational practices. CON: Charter schools have an unfair advantage when competing against district public schools since they tend to be smaller and free from regulations. Charter schools have access to federal funds and other revenue sources. PRO: Charters will lead to overall systemic reform through the pressure and competition of the choice mechanism. CON: Charters are too limited in scope to adequately pressure the entire public school system. PRO: Charter schools, unlike traditional public schools are held accountable. If charters do not perform, they are not renewed. CON: Charters are not accountable as they are freed from rules and regulations intended to ensure quality in public education. The pros and cons listed above should be studied and

weighed very seriously. What works in one community may not work in another. What I have found more fascinating than debating the pros and cons of charter schools is the role that state legislators play in the expansion of charter schools. The majority of charter school arguments take place in legislative sessions (not at family dinner tables) since the programs that enable choice in public education are legislative enactments. Who you vote for (or don’t) determines what educational programs are received in your community. Too often, the communities that need the most educational options have residents who are least likely to vote. One can have the best ideas and plans on how to educate our communities, but how public dollars are allocated is determined by an elected official (not the school and the families that make up that school). In order to help change the crisis in education, families must become more informed of educational choices and involved in school district issues. Parents must also be engaged politically by voting for individuals that have their family’s best interest at heart. A child’s education, whether charter or public, is dependent on the family foundation, the skills of the teachers he or she encounters daily, the leadership of the principals, the effectiveness of the school district, community engagement and who writes the laws in state legislatures. In order to have more positive outcomes surrounding the education of children, parents must do their homework on issues and make sure they are investing in their child’s future by voting in every election. In 2012, the survival of public education will be determined by who is elected to the highest office in the land, but locals must give as much priority to state and county elections. These elections are equally important especially when it comes to education.

“In order to help change the crisis in education, families must become more informed of educational choices...”

*Data compiled from NCSL Issues and Research.

Genma Holmes is a mother, author and talk show host of Living Your Best Life. She can be heard locally on 760 The Gospel and on her blog Genma Speaks (

M O C H A M A R K E T 15


New Hope Academy Enriching students spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically.




hat started as one church’s dream in 1991 is now a thriving present-day reality. Stretched across 19 acres of property in Franklin, Tennessee exists New Hope Academy- a privately held Christian elementary school founded to serve disadvantaged children in the area. Together with the church, and a band of eager volunteers, Paige Overton founded New Hope and opened its doors in 1996. Since then, the school has relocated to a 33,000 square foot facility in Franklin with a total of 16 classrooms, art and music facilities, a library, and a computer lab. Even more impressive than the facilities is the school’s mission to empower the poor. “Situated in the twelfth-wealthiest county in the US, it would be easy to assume that New Hope Academy exists only to serve the underserved. That would be only half the story. In a revolutionary paradigm shift, New Hope Academy asserts that we are all underprivileged. Wealthy or poor, we are all limited by what we know, by what makes us feel comfortable and safe,” explains Megan Hyatt on behalf of New Hope Academy. To carry out this mission, New Hope Academy has a culturally and socioeconomically diverse population. Of the 130 families served, 27% of students are from single-parent homes, and 41% are

minority students. With such a varied group of students with a wide assortment of needs, New Hope provides as much support as possible by giving away $740,000 in scholarships. That scholarship money allows for nearly 40% of its students to be on full scholarship. Currently serving grades Pre-K through 6th grade, New Hope focuses on enriching students spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. New Hope focuses on spirituality first. Students participate in worship 5 days of the school week with morning devotion promptly at 8 a.m. To keep the students engaged, they enjoy devotion in different formats and settings. Mondays and Fridays include schoolwide worship with all grades gathering together. On Tuesdays and Thursdays the grades are divided (Pre-K through second, and third through sixth) to enjoy peer devotion. On Wednesdays, students participate in devotion specifically with their classmates. By starting the day with spiritual emphasis, New Hope feels that formal religious classes are not dire additions to the curriculum. Instead, spiritual lessons and biblical principles are incorporated into all subjects. According to their website, “New Hope Academy’s classical approach to education integrates subject areas

M O C H A M A R K E T 17

in order to help the students learn not only the facts about a subject, but also to make connections in the learning process. New Hope uses a thematic, multidisciplinary model of teaching and learning. The building process of an integrated curriculum begins with our Humanities unit - by studying important people of the time, culture, and incorporating these into the Discovery (Science) units, helping these two units intersect, overlap, and connect.” With a focused curriculum and a dedicated staff, New Hope Academy uses small class sizes (14 students to 1 teacher maximum) to execute their vision. By using structure, discipline and Christian principles, New Hope aims to become the leading model of what it means to practice what you preach. If you are interested in your child joining the New Hope community, you are always welcome to participate in a school tour by calling (615) 595-0324 ext. 221. Lynae Turner is a freelance writer and fashion blogger. She can be found at

“Wealthy or poor, we are all limited by what we know, by what makes us feel comfortable and safe,”...

M O C H A M A R K E T 19


An Interview with

JEREMY KANE Founder of LEAD Public Schools

“When I first started telling people about my dream of starting a school that would graduate 100% of its students, I thought people would think I was crazy.” MM: For those who may not know you, tell us a bit about yourself. (where you were born/raised, attended college, and your work experience). JEREMY KANE: Before founding LEAD Public Schools, Tennessee’s first charter management organization, I attended or taught in public and private schools here in Nashville and in San Jose, California, served as a speechwriter for Senator John Kerry, and promoted school choice as the Executive Director of the Tennessee Charter Schools Association. I attended Stanford University on a swimming scholarship. While completing my Masters in Public Policy at Vanderbilt University, I developed the concept for LEAD Academy, one of Tennessee’s highest performing public schools. In April 2010, our organization was approved to open its third school at Cameron Middle School as the State’s first charter conversion. Following the successful opening of Cameron College Prep, we were approved to convert another low-performing traditional public middle school in Nashville. I have been married for 7 years to Tracy Kane, a graduate of Vanderbilt Law School and a veteran international trade and business specialist, who is currently an Associate at the law firm, Dodson, Parker, Behm, and Caparella. We just had our first child, a daughter in December! MM: What inspired you to start a charter school? JEREMY KANE: Two people—my father and President Clinton, one of my mentors—and one set of facts inspired me to found LEAD and make transforming our city my life’s work. My father was a minister and always taught us that whatever our jobs, our work couldn’t and shouldn’t be confined to the four walls of our jobs. He preached on Sundays but saw his work in the community during the other 6 days as his real work—from visiting people who were sick in the hospital and working with people in the neighborhood to understand their needs and how he and the church could do more to help. I learned from him that if we simply stick to the job description other people give us, we miss most of the incredible moments that allow us to build the relationships that form supportive and healthy

communities. I’ve tried to follow that advice and instill that spirit in our team. I learned from President Clinton that strong communities have these amazing connections that help to weave the various threads of business, commerce, transportation, education, faith, and policy into an incredible community that allow people to build healthy and productive lives. He obviously did it through the policy and political world, but through my internship and getting to know him personally, I saw the incredible power we all have to make those connections stronger through the work we do and the choices we make and the relationships we build. He inspired me to think more broadly about what schools can do in our communities and how, if done right, can become the cornerstone of productive, healthy communities. When I returned to Nashville and began visiting many communities in Nashville that lacked those threads of business or commerce or safe streets or the ability to thread them together, I noticed that one of the most common similarities was that they lacked a high-performing school. Inspired by others who were doing this work around the country, I decided to found a school that could begin to repair the connections that had been severed and allow our families and students begin rebuilding their communities. Seeing that North Nashville lacked a high-performing school at the time, I sought to find a way to change that. Drawing on what I’d learned from President Clinton and my father as well as some of the highest performing charter and public schools around the country, I designed a school that I hoped would change the trajectory of student’s lives. MM: How did you decide upon the name “Lead Academy”? JEREMY KANE: I have always been fascinated by leadership in all its forms. From an early age, I was attracted to stories and people who displayed incredible leadership—whether it was in athletics, business, politics, history, or in their personal lives. My father and mother encouraged me to read widely and they talked to me about what I was learning. Looking back now, I can see that I’ve been researching what it means to be a M O C H A M A R K E T 21

addressed the public school system with regard to their generally negative opinion regarding charter schools? JEREMY KANE: In the last 6 years since LEAD was approved by the MNPS School Board and 8 years since I first started working in the education reform movement in Tennessee, opinions have changed drastically. I used to be able to count the number of supporters of public charter schools on one hand. There was a great fear out there, partly because we were such a new concept, but also because there was still a belief that public schools were doing good by kids. Over the last 8 years, through more testing, a better and more wide-spread understanding of the challenges our public schools face, and a lot of bumps and bruises in talking to people about what we are and how we can fit into the bigger education reform agenda, we have definitely moved public opinion. What I’m proudest of is that this shift hasn’t happened through celebrity spokespeople or public campaigns, but through steadily proving that the charter school model and our flexibility and greater accountability can increase student learning while also helping to rebuild our neighborhoods. I think what you’re seeing in Nashville right now is testament to our hard work. No longer are we something to be pushed to the side; now, the District is trying to find a way to give all public schools some of the same freedoms we in the charter school movement enjoy. That’s incredible for teachers and for students.

leader and how to develop it in others all my life. When I was developing the concept for the school, I knew that I wanted our culture based on a culture of leadership. Our discipline program, our service-learning program, and our daily schedule is all based on the qualities we have found most important in leadership: discipline, self-reliance, service to others, commitment, and courage. Once I had decided on leadership as our core mission, the name was pretty simple and has served as a MM: If you could give one piece of advice to someone daily reminder of why we all do this work. (young or old) that would assist them in reaching their goals, what would it be?

MM: How is a charter school different from a private school? JEREMY KANE: Find a way to allow people to share in Jeremy Kane: Charter schools are public schools. There are many who miss this fact, but it’s important that people understand that we are public schools too. Unlike private schools, we accept all students through a lottery and receive public dollars that follow the students. Because we are a public school, we must meet the same requirements that all public schools must meet—number of school days, testing, special education services, teacher requirements, etc—but as a charter school we have the freedom to meet those requirements in creative ways. MM: How have you responded to the diverse opinions regarding charter schools? Specifically, how have you 22


your dream. What has been incredible is how many people have found something in our mission of graduating 100% of our students and transforming the way Nashville educates

dream of starting a school that would graduate 100% of its students, I thought people would think I was crazy. Some did, but even more signed up to help in a thousand different ways. After meeting some of the most incredible people in our parents, students, and community supporters I am awestruck at how one idea could inspire so many people to the point that now my original dream is no longer mine— it’s shared by more than 1,500 parents, teachers, students, and staff and even more supporters, funders, community members, and neighbors. Find a way to share your passion and you will be stunned by how many supporters you have.


ennessee Charter Schools and Children with Special Needs by Jamelle T. Magee, Esq. Overview of Charter Schools in Tennessee The first charter school law in Tennessee was passed in 2002 and is known as the “Tennessee Public Charter Schools Act of 2002” (T.C.A. Title 49, Chapter 13). The law has subsequently been revised multiple times, with the major revisions focusing on three charter school policy issues: the number of charter schools allowed in Tennessee, student eligibility to attend charter schools, and the term of a charter agreement. As publicly funded, “schools of choice,” charter schools operate under a charter or contract that defines their mission, program, goals, methods of assessment, and ways to measure success. One of the attractors to charter schools is that they are granted greater autonomy to operate outside of traditional school frameworks -- which is expected to encourage innovation, higher achievement and competition – in exchange for greater accountability. This accountability is measured by student performance reaching a higher level of achievement, at the risk of revocation or non-renewal of the charter. Although charter schools are public schools, they have been afforded some latitude in being required to adhere to ALL the same laws, rules, regulations and policies as their non-charter counterparts. There are certain federal and state laws (or statutes) and rules that charter schools must follow, such as licensing of teachers, open meetings and public records, civil rights, health and safety standards, public records, immunizations, open meetings, etc. (see Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-13-105 and 111). The governing body of a public charter school is responsible for managing and operating the public charter school, as such charter schools are not required to follow local board of education policies, but the policies of the governing body of the charter school. Children with Special Needs Charter schools must be nondiscriminatory and comply with federal laws such as Title VI (race, color,

national origin), Title IX (gender), Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (disability), and with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Charter schools may not refuse to enroll students because of their eligibility for special education services. T.C.A. § 49-13-111(b). Though some public charter schools may not presently have the infrastructure or personnel to meet the needs of special education students identified in the students’ individualized education programs (IEPs), these charter schools are still responsible for ensuring their students receive those services. Because most Tennessee public charter schools are considered part of the local education association (LEA), the LEA must treat the chartered schools just as any other school in the district in the provision of and monitoring of special education services. In some cases, the charter school may contract with the local board of education to provide the services through a separate contract to ensure funding is directed to the school providing the services. Lawsuits alleging discrimination in public charter schools against children with special needs have been filed in Louisiana, the District of Columbia and Florida, just to mention a few states. If you feel your child with special needs has been discriminated against by a public charter school, you should contact an attorney. For more information on Tennessee Charter schools, please check out the following resources: w w w. t e n n e s s e e . g o v / e d u c a t i o n / f e d p r o g / fpcharterschls.shtml.

Jamelle T. Magee, Esq. has over 17 years of legal experience, concentrating in the area of health care law. She currently practices in the health care insurance industry and resides in Lancaster, PA. She is married to Ed Magee and has two daughters, 13 and 7. M O C H A M A R K E T 23


n Privilege and Education by Gretchen H. Campbell, MD

As I sped down I-65S at 90mph, looking over my shoulder every couple of seconds, I could only think about how I have to be back at my office by 1. It’s noon. How am I going to pull this off and make it back to my office on time? I hadn’t planned to go, but I didn’t tell my sister. So when I got the pouty-face text exclaiming “mama can’t come so you have to be here!” I raced out of my office and got in my car as soon as I finished with my last patient. It was match day, the day that medical students all over the country find out where they will go for residency. At Meharry, the students would be called up at random to open the coveted envelope holding the secret of their next destination in their medical training. I honestly didn’t realize that all the students would have family with them. I don’t remember this process at all when I finished medical school in 1999. Was this new? After making it to the LRC Hall in record time, I found my sister Heather and my cousin Erika, (MMC class of 2010) in the audience and sat down with a sigh. I looked at my watch and wondered, “when will this be over so I can get back?”. Then I thought, “Crap, this isn’t 24


in alphabetical order? It’s gonna last forever!” So I called my office to reschedule all of my patients from 1:00 – 2:00 and tried to appear interested. As I sat there however, I was stunned to see how emotional nearly all of the students were as their names were called. They were almost all in tears, as were their families. I even saw a few “man tears” at the podium! I sat there next to my sister and my cousin and made the comment “there must be way too many doctors in our family because I don’t feel emotional at all!” At that moment I realized that was the case. When you are born into a family of college (and frequently doctorate level) graduates dating back several generations, you don’t consider it an extraordinary accomplishment (and defininetly nothing to get emotional about). I then realized the extent to which I took my family “pedigree” for granted as I saw student after student tearfully thank their parents and mentors prior to opening their letters. I was actually (and unexpectedly) moved. I began to think about the privilege of being able to call family when I needed a “curbside consult” regarding a complicated patient or when I needed a legal opinion,

“...those of us who have had the privilege of not only our personal education, but the ability to leverage the education of close relatives, have a greater responsibility to pay it forward.” or an opinion regarding accounting, or teaching my children. I have been guilty of taking for granted the resources that have always been available to me. Being a doctor in the context of a family like mine is no more extraordinary than being a domestic in a family of domestics. In most cases, we tend to do what we see. It only becomes extraordinary when one is able to do it without the unspoken expectation to do so by a family who has done it for generations. My mind then began to wander back to the saying “to whom much is given, much will also be required.” To this end, those of us who have had the privilege of not only our personal education, but the ability to leverage the education of close relatives, have a greater responsibility to pay it forward. We have had an easier road to travel. I believe that we have a greater responsibility to mentor others in our professions; even if they do not ask (because they won’t). Find a way to make yourself available to these “first graduates of the family”. Be that person that they can call and ask the “stupid” questions that they would be embarrassed to ask anyone else. Recently, I have begun to allow medical students to shadow me in

my office, and it has been a very rewarding experience for me. I also mentor a few fellows at Vanderbilt regarding the business of medicine, which has also been a very rewarding experience. I also enjoy hosting a monthly dinner for doctors where we have speakers and discuss issues of finance. I have learned a great deal from these advisors. If you have had the privilege of education (and especially if you have had the privilege of being born into a family of educated professionals), consider proactively reaching out to offer your story and advice to one (or a few) other newly minted colleagues in your industry. I can tell you from experience, you will gain just a much from the experience, as they will. Only then will we begin to understand and benefit from the full measure of “leverage” in the area of education as a community. Gretchen H. Campbell, MD is a married, mother of two, board certified neurologist practicing in Franklin, TN.

M O C H A M A R K E T 25




by Charles Lord


nspired by the “dolce vita” lifestyle of 1960s Italian high society, the collection is austere in silhouette and exuberant in texture. Simple sophistication is the theme. The collection has a classic, somewhat nostalgic, that is still very relevant and desirable to today’s woman.

M O C H A M A R K E T 27



“I was highly inspired by the work of past designers and past key collections of current designers, primarily Valentino and the Russian-born, Italian princess Irene Galitzine. Additionally, and always formidably, was the influence of Cristobal Balenciaga, whose work as a couturier of the highest order informs my work on a fundamental level.� ~ Charles Brown, Head Designer and President

WALTER JONES Rhino Pic Photography 615-218-6781

M O C H A M A R K E T 29

The Frist Center for the Visual Arts

As we enter the summer months we are constantly trying to find good educational activities for our children. The Frist Center has a hidden gem called the Martin ArtQuest Gallery. ArtQuest is a fun engaging, interactive place for visitors of all ages. ArtQuest has 30 interactive stations that allow visitors to become artists! Visitors can create collages, paint, sketch and explore the essentials of art. Local radio personality, Genma Holmes escorts several classes, community groups, and families to the Frist Center throughout the year. She uses the Frist to help incorporate the arts into story-telling which in-turn encourages learning. These visits to the Frist Center have helped numerous students and their families become museum regulars.

Photography by: Matt Andrews and Sanford Myers

MARTIN ARTQUEST GALLERY HOURS: Monday through Saturday: 10:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sunday: 1:00-5:30 p.m. #SPBEXBZ /BTIWJMMF 5/ t 30


NBCC Sponsored

The Nashville Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) is honored to collaborate with Mocha Market to provide the Business Spotlight section. With the support of our sponsor, each issue in this section will highlight the works of various individuals within the Nashville community who are helping to empower and support the growth of local African-American businesses and organizations. Each article will also focus on those whose efforts reflect NBCC’s current theme, “Empower 2012: Reshaping Music City”.

For more information about NBCC, visit NBCC Corporate Sponsors AT&T Regions Bank Olympic News and Gifts Hoskins & Company HCA/Tri Star Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority Baker Donelson Bearmen Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC Universal Electronics, Inc Nashville Convention & Visitors Bureau NBCC Business Spotlight Sponsors InfoWorks First Bank Associated Children’s Dentistry

M O C H A M A R K E T 31

NBCC Sponsored



uring their annual luncheon in 2011, the Nashville Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) announced its theme for the upcoming year: “Empower 2012: Reshaping Music City”. With such an inspiring goal ahead of them, it seemed only natural that the organization would choose as its first business spotlight subject Mr. Jim Clayton, who is reshaping Music City one relationship at a time.

by Latrisha Talley

less expensive costs. InfoWorks has had some impressive milestones along the way. The company was listed in the Nashville Business Journal as a Best Place to Work for 4 years in a row. Additionally, in 2009, in the midst of the economic crisis, while other companies were doing massive layoffs, InfoWorks stood strong and held on to its employees. After seeing a 29% decrease in revenue that year, InfoWorks rebounded with an incredible 74% increase in revenue in 2010. Jim states that one of the challenges he faces in his field is ensuring that the company takes care of its people. Currently there is a shortage of technology workers; there’s more demand than there is supply. To combat this challenge, Jim focuses on one of the key components of his company’s success—the people. By establishing a rigorous hiring routine and ensuring that the company doesn’t grow any faster than it can handle, Jim has been able to create an environment where there is a balance of culture that retains people. He advises that businesses should focus on hiring individuals who don’t necessarily have the experience but have the attitude and aptitude to want to do the work. He adds, “In order to be successful, you have to be passionate about what you’re doing. Enjoy what you do and do it well.” It is evident that Jim cares about people. “We all need Jim Clayton is a member of NBCC’s Board of Directors support, encouragement and role models…it’s about and Chairman of the Nashville-based Information relationships…you’ve got to invest in order to get back.” Technology (IT) company InfoWorks, Inc. He is currently And that’s exactly what Jim has been doing—investing in assisting NBCC with revitalizing their website and meaningful relationships with his team at InfoWorks as increasing their web presence with significant technological well as with those in the Nashville community; and that’s advancements. how he’s “Reshaping Music City”. A native Nashvillian, Jim, along with two other former Latrisha Talley is a freelance writer. IBMers started InfoWorks, Inc. in 1997. Jim recalls that Her hobbies include acting, directing, and videography. they saw an opportunity for a consulting firm within the Nashville community, and envisioned a market for a company that could focus on deeper relationships in the Nashville community with a broader base of services and 32



NBCC Sponsored

hat Message Is Your Personal Image Sending?


oes your personal image project the same image that matches your corporate brand, role or professional goals? Since first impressions are developed within the first 2-3 seconds of meeting someone, are you conveying an image that says you and your business are professional, trustworthy, credible, confident, detail oriented and successful? What is your personal brand? In this context, your personal brand is the image that you are projecting to others. When meeting with a client, your appearance —hair, grooming and dress—should communicate your professional level, success and confidence. In a conservative business environment, hair should be neat and color should be maintained; facial hair should be shaven; nails should be trimmed, free of any debris and nail polish should be conservative with no polish chips; and dress should be appropriate and fit the occasion—know your client and their environment. Disheveled hair, scuffed shoes, clothing too small and out-dated suits could send the message that you lack attention to detail, have low self-esteem, lack confidence and/or are behind the times; leaving others to question your leadership abilities The key to polishing your personal brand is knowing how to dress for your body type and what colors resonate with your skin, eyes and hair color while incorporating your personal style into your look. Everyone has a style of dress which makes them unique. In order to project confidence, your dress and style must equal comfort. Clothing should fit comfortably. Important to note, looking professional does not mean you have to be someone that you’re not or look stiff because you are uncomfortable. What does the color you wear say about you? Color is an effective form of communication. Ancient Chinese

by Yolanda S. Cox-Bey

believe each person is a blend of two personalities— yin and yang; polar opposites that when put together make up a whole, balanced person. he yin is your gentle, passive side, while the yang is the active side of your personality. Just as we have a personality, colors also have personalities. We tend to express our moods with our dress and clothing colors. Each color has a yin (lighter to medium shades) and a yang (vibrant to darker shades), varying with the hue to depict our mood. (Courtesy of Leatrice Eiseman, More Alive with Color) What are power colors? Yang colors convey the message of power and authority—choose suits that are navy, dark brown, medium/dark gray and black. Incorporate your style and personality into your dress by complimenting your yang colors with a hint of yin. Again, select colors that resonate with your skin, eyes and hair color by adding yin color in your shirt or blouse and tie or accessories – the area closest to your face. When you learn how to dress consistently with your corporate brand, you will project an image of confidence resulting in a positive return on your investment… success in your business and social relationships. For the business owner, let me help you and your business convey the right message—a clear message of confidence and success. If you are seeking a promotion or selfimage improvement, I can help you.

Yolanda S. Cox-Bey, Certified Image Consultant Color, Style and Body Analysis; Wardrobe Organization & Personal Shopping. Call me today to schedule your complimentary consultation. 615-585-7710. “Discover your Professional and Personal Image” M O C H A M A R K E T 33


MAY 2012 16

The Wooten Brothers 20th Anniversary Show with very special guests. Show starts at 9:30 PM at 3rd and Lindsley.


MAYHEM performs Prince’s Controversy Album with special guest Dez Dickerson Showtime: 9:00 PM at Mercy Lounge.


R&B sensation, Chrisette Michele plays Jazz & Jokes for two nights. Call for showtimes. Mayhem

JUNE 2012 12

The world famous music machine Dirty Dozen Brass Band performs at Exit/Inn. Showtime: 8:00 PM.


Legendary funk band The Bar-Kays will funk it up at Jazz & Jokes Showtimes: 8:00 PM and 9:30 PM.


The elements, Earth, Wind & Fire will perform at Fontanel. Show starts at 8:00 PM.

Dirty Dozen Brass Band




JULY 2012 10

The one and only Jacksons will be performing at the Ryman Auditorium. Showtime at 7:30 PM.


The legendary James Taylor plays Bridgestone Arena. Showtime: 8:00 PM.


Comedian Arnez J plays Zanies at for three nights. See website for showtimes.

The Jacksons

Have an Event Coming Up? Mocha Market places events on the calendar that we think you will find interesting. We realize that we are not aware of every event in the community, but with your help we can! If you have events that you would like placed on the calendar, go to to submit your entry. All submissions are subject to approval and may or may not be placed in the magazine or on the website.

Check for the latest updates.

M O C H A M A R K E T 35

African American Heritage Soceity


ABOVE: Calvin Scruggs, Wilma Alexander, Linda Brown, Katie Prince and African American Heritage Society board member, Eleanor Bright


he African American Heritage Society held its 11th annual “A Black Tie Affair”, on February 3rd. The event is a fundraiser for the organization, whose mission is to collect, preserve and interpret artifacts pertaining to African American Culture and to chronicle the lives and contributions African Americans have made in Williamson County. PHOTOGRAPHY: BENJAMIN GIBBS

The Otey Family, Pioneer Family Award 36


Luster Family, Century Farm Award Family farm over 100 years old

Sandy and Mike Binkley

Alma McLemore and Cindy Cotton�Davis

Tommy and Debbie Murdic, Dennis Miller

Barbara and James Hughes

Susan Ille, Alderman Mike Skinner, Cheryl Bradley, Alderman Clyde Barnhill and Susan Barnhill

Gilda and Jody Bowman M O C H A M A R K E T 37



Kelani and Josie Jones

Barbara Murdic, Jewell Bingham, Jewell and Reggie Mason

Miasha Easley and Jackie Johnson

Thelma and Wayne Walden

Stacy Watson, Marianne Schroer, Juanita Patton

Denise Johnson and Rose Cox



Pam and Robert Bright

Nathaniel and Linda Nevels, Eleanor Bright

Tovitha, Kennedy and Dennis Williams

Milissa and Jason Reierson, Linda and Mayor Ken Moore

Stephanie Coker and Mary Mills

Patricia and Floyd Hughes M O C H A M A R K E T 39

New Hope Academy Fundraiser E

ach year, New Hope Academy invites guests to enjoy an evening of hope as it celebrates and communicates it’s unique educational experience. The fundraising banquet serves to raise awareness for the school and raise funds for its scholarship fund for disadvantaged students. This year’s banquet entitled, “Step Into Our Doors, a vision of artful learning” allowed its guests to take a look into the classroom and view the impact of its classical education and diverse community. PHOTOGRAPHY: DAVID BRAUD

ABOVE PHOTO: Mr. Thomas’s Latin class LEFT PHOTO: Malachi Pointer and Paula Morrison



Susan Smallwood, Edward and Edwina Temple, Stuart Tutler

Neil Paez, Sheldon and Pam Jones, Lenis Paez

Reagan Heath and Demondrae Martin

Stuart Southard and Lisa Patton

John and Julian Bibb M O C H A M A R K E T 41


Tom Lawrence and Debbie Henry

Kathy Sauder, Lenis Paez, Stacey Perry

Brandon Dyson and Tony Bailey

Robbin Davis and Rodney Robertson

Justin Galloway, Emily Ring, Lonnie Cochran, Patti Kelly

Keith and Kim Hays




Stuart Tutler, Amy and Ryan Duncan

Stuart Tutler and Nakiya Haynes

Robert Jones, Stuart Tutler, Brandon Dyson

Kristin and Will Butler, Jeff and Allison Cobb

Dan and Paige Pitts, Marsha and Chuck Blackburn M O C H A M A R K E T 43


he Nation’s first and only Historically Black Colleges and Universities National Concert Choir performed at the Grand Ole Opry. The concert featured guest host Shirley Caesar and special guest artist Wynonna Judd. Event chairs were Dr. T.B. Boyd, III and Ms. Rosetta I. Miller-Perry. PHOTOGRAPHY: KEITH LAYDEN



M O C H A M A R K E T 45


he NFL Alumni Chapter in Tennessee and the Charley Foundation teamed up to to present Nashville’s premier charity boxing event with proceeds providing assistance to disabled and underprivileged children in the Nashville community. Guests enjoyed gourmet dining, live music performances, surprise celebrity guests and an exciting live auction featuring one-of-a-kind items.

ABOVE PHOTO: Michael Archie, Zach Piller, Kevin Dyson, Deron Jenkins, Brad Hopkins, Robert Scott, Al Smith, Leroy Harris, Corey Harris

Alexis Santos 46



Storme Warren, Master of Ceremonies

Tondalaneya Scott and Freddie Scott

Christina Harris, Crystal Archie, Tondalaneya Scott, Katrina Smith

Natalie Hoover, Beth Baker, Michael Poole, Marabeth Poole, Katherine Hough Phillips, Rell Farris

Michael Stanley and family

Al Smith, Leroy Harris

Thomas R. Baldrica, Ring Announcer M O C H A M A R K E T 47


Blair Daly

Johnny Stanton and Jacob Stiefel

Ninette Giardina and John Giardina

Tiffany Littlejohn and Bob Merritt 48


Leroy and Christina Harris


Michael Stanley

Sean Kenealy, Angela Rouech, Tony Bartish, Amber Strohauer, Hoyt Steel

Jason and Angela Layton

Crystal Archie, Michael Archie, Daniel Alexander

Zach Piller & guest, Michael & Christie Archie, Tondalaneya & Robert Scott, Katrina & Al Smith, Leroy&Christina Harris

Chas Stanford M O C H A M A R K E T 49

ABOVE: Stephanie & Bishop Joseph W. Walker III, Rosetta Miller-Perry, Brenda Gilmore, Eddie & Taj George


he Nashville Chapter of Les Gemmes, Inc. held the 5th Annual Literary Luncheon benefiting “Lighting the Path for Girls” at The Marriott Cool Springs on February 25th. The day featured guest authors Joseph W. Walker III and wife Dr. Stephanie Walker, as well as Eddie George and wife Tamara George. Each couple talked about their respective books on marriage. PHOTOGRAPHY: KEITH LAYDEN

Debbie Hirsch 50


Freida Outlaw, Simone Sheats, Lula Brooks

Patricia Lockridge and Normal Flourney

Carol Creswell-Betsch and LaVoneia Steele

Terrance Hurd

Dr. Delores Shockley and Ollie Sweat

Front: Jamesenia Shelton and Eva Morris Back: Rosa Lee Houston, Ann Wright

Teresa Campbell M O C H A M A R K E T 51


he Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center recently received a $165,000 grant award from the AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation program, Connections for Cardiovascular Health. The grant will support the Center’s “Dial Down Diabetes” program, which provides diabetes management for patients and health education for the Middle Tennessee community. AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation representatives visited Nashville on Tuesday, February 21 to present the award. PHOTOGRAPHY: WALTER JONES

AstraZeneca representative, Jeffrey McKissack, Kathryn Beesley, James Crumlin, Esq. 52


Donnell Ramey

Jeffrey McKissack

Lee Molette

Kathryn Beesley

M O C H A M A R K E T 53



azz and Jokes celebrated the new release of Kirk Whalum’s CD Romance Language. This event was part of the Music City Soul Series line-up.




Katherine Roberts and Jake Ogle

Jason Eskridge

AG Granderson and David Spencer

Kevin Whalum, Kelvin Wooten, Kirk Whalum

M O C H A M A R K E T 55



Kevin Whalum

James Kittrell, Charlene Ugwu, and Marie Sueing

Kirk Whalum

John Seigenthaler and Connie Kinnard



Rosa Tillery and Guest

Kirk Whalum and Butch Spyridon

Butch Spyridon and Connie Kinnard

Butch Spyridon,Connie Kinnard, Kirk Whalum, Joe Johnson, AG Granderson

M O C H A M A R K E T 57


he Williamson County Area Chapter of Jack and Jill held the Women of Excellence silent auction fundraiser at the Governor’s Club Event House. Proceeds were used to support Hard Bargain Association, Granting Dreams Foundation, and the Jack and Jill of America Foundation. Guests were treated to live performances by pianist Frankie Staton and ballet dancer Anya Brice. Original artwork by Jamaal Sheats was presented for auction along with various artwork donated by Woodcuts of Nashville, TN.

Anya Brice

Jack and Jill of Williamson County Chapter 58



Frankie Staton and Evelyn Hickerson

Angela and Kawonia Mull

Carmen Tucker

Pamela Fisher and Contena Smitherman

Barbara Singh, Tina Perry, Tanya Singh

M O C H A M A R K E T 59


Nicole C. Mullen

Sandy Wade-Johnson, Linda Sylvester, Marcus Henderson

Simone Sheats

Sharon Moore-Caldwell, MD, Ashley Bullard, Dorothy Bullard

Madalyn and Terri Meadors




Prescott and Pamela Fisher

Christol and Richard Obayagbona

Jennetta Jones and Christie Sheats

Gary Oates and Pamela Carter Hatten M O C H A M A R K E T 61



he Soul Food Poetry Café Spoken Word Awards Show was held April 7th at the Hard Rock Café. The show featured Sebastian Jones, Aubrey The Poet, and Rashad thaPoet. The host of the event was Imani Rhema.



Aubrey the Poet

Imani Rhema, Host

Jamie Hawkins (aka The One)

Sebastian Jones


Jasmin, Raven, Tonya

Stacy Brooks, Kim Simmons, Ricky Williams, Nicolette Gordon

Tiauna and Margo

Steve and Tanika Williams, Stephonia and Darryl Allen

Sheri Johnson, Tenisha Stewart, Ebony Butler, LaTrice

Shamika and Courtney M O C H A M A R K E T 63


Genma Holmes on

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