2 minute read
Maydale Nature Classroom Programs & Events
Maydale Nature Classroom
1638 Maydale Drive • Colesville, MD 20905 • 301-962-1496 MCP-Maydale@montgomeryparks.org • Trails open daily, dawn to dusk. MaydaleNature.org
Programs are subject to change. For the most up-to-date listings visit: MaydaleNature.org
Recurring Programs
Someofourprogramsaresopopularthatweoffer themanumberoftimesthroughouttheseason. Pleasecheckbelowforthedatesthatworkbestfor you.
Beyond the Book: Around One Log
Join us for a reading of the children's classic Around One Log. Then we will head to the woods to look for roly-polies, daddy longlegs, salamanders, slugs, and other ughs. Ages: 3 & Up Fee: $2 Course: #113928 • Tue, Jun. 22 • 10-11 am
Beyond the Book: Near One Cattail
Join us for a reading of the children's classic Near One Cattail. Then we will head out to the wetlands to look for zipzipping dragonflies, hiphopping frogs, and a medley of other critters who swim, soar, or crawl in a wetlands. Ages: 3 & Up Fee: $2 Course: #113982 • Tue, Jul. 6 • 10-11 am
Beyond the Book: Under One Rock
Join us for a reading of the children's classic Under One Rock. Then we will head out to the woods with a naturalist to look for worms, bugs, slugs, and other ughs. Ages: 3 & Up Fee: $2 Course: #113957 • Tue, Jul. 20 • 10-11 am
Beyond the Book: On One Flower
Join us for a reading of the children's classic On One Flower. Then we will head out to the meadow to look for bees buzzing, butterflies sipping nectar, and ladybugs snacking on aphids. Ages: 3 & Up Fee: $2 Course: #113942 • Tue, Aug. 3 • 10-11 am
JUNE 2021
6/5 Cicadapalooza
The 17-year brood of cicada is emerging! Cicadas will be everywhere! Let's take advantage of this rare event by coming together to learn more about these interesting insects as we look for their holes, search for their exoskeletons, listen to their calls, and hopefully even catch a few! Ages: 5 & Up Fee: $3 Course: #115490 • Sat, Jun. 5 • 11 am-12 pm
6/24 Creek Critter Search
Wade in the water to see what's swimming, diving, and living in the creek. Adults and children should wear shoes you don't mind getting wet [for your safety, please no flip-flops or backless sandals]. Children must be accompanied by an adult, especially while in the water. Ages: 6 & Up Fee: $3 Course: #114003 • Thu, Jun. 24 • 10:30-11:30 am