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Miniature Train & Carousel
JULY 2021
7/3 Animal Olympics
As we prepare for the summer Olympics, let's have our own Olympics: animal Olympics! Can you jump as far as a frog? Is your grip as strong as an owl's? We'll compete with the real skills and adaptations of animals and see who is the winner! Ages: 5 & Up Fee: $3 Course: #115491 • Sat, Jul. 3 • 11 am-12 pm
7/8 Creek Critter Search
Wade in the water to see what's swimming, diving, and living in the creek. Adults and children should wear shoes you don't mind getting wet [for your safety, please no flip-flops or backless sandals]. Children must be accompanied by an adult, especially while in the water. Ages: 6 & Up Fee: $3 Course: #114016 • Thu, Jul. 8 • 10:30-11:30 am
7/22 Campfre Cookout: Fire and Ice
Come and cookout over a campfire. You supply the hot dogs and buns, and we will provide the roasting sticks, condiments, and all the ingredients for making ice cream. We will finish the evening with a leisurely hike around Maydale Conservation Park. Ages: 3 & Up Fee: $5 Course: #114067 • Thu, Jul. 22 • 6-7 pm
8/5 Creek Critter Search
Wade in the water to see what's swimming, diving, and living in the creek. Adults and children should wear shoes you don't mind getting wet [for your safety, please no flip-flops or backless sandals]. Children must be accompanied by an adult, especially while in the water. Ages: 6 & Up Fee: $3 Course: #114024 • Thu, Aug. 5 • 10:30-11:30 am
8/12 Campfre Cookout: S'mores Galore
Come and cookout over a campfire. You supply the hot dogs and buns, and we will provide the roasting sticks, condiments, and all the ingredients for making gourmet S'mores. We will finish the evening with a leisurely hike around Maydale Conservation Park. Ages: 3 & Up Fee: $5 Course: #114058 • Thu, Aug. 12 • 6-7 pm
8/28 End of Summer Night Hike
Bring a flashlight and join us as we hike through the woods, meadow, and ponds of Maydale exploring the late summer sights and sounds that surround us! Ages: 6 & Up Fee: $3 Course: #115493 • Sat, Aug. 28 • 8:30-9:30 pm
All Aboard!
Cabin John Miniature Train, Wheaton Train, and Carousel
For schedule and ticket information visit MontgomeryParks.org/Trains

can be purchased in advance at ActiveMontgomery.org