3 minute read
Letter from the Chair
Spring 2022
Montgomery Parks asked hundreds of residents what parks mean to them and what they would like to see in the park system in the future, and we are excited to share the results!
From surveys of more than 800 households, 93 percent of respondents told us they greatly value parks and recreation amenities. Here’s some of what we learned:
• People want more recreational amenities, especially for seniors and teenagers • Physical activity and exercise are extremely important • People crave opportunities for social gathering and volunteerism • Trails are highly valued amenities, and • Conservation and natural resources are of great importance.
You can read the full report online at MontgomeryParks.org/poweredbyparks. We’ll be using this data to improve our amenities and programs to provide even more opportunities for people to connect, socialize and recreate. We want to make sure that parks help give people opportunities to live their best lives.
Whether it’s discovering a new park, playground or program, or simply gathering with your friends, family and neighbors at a picnic shelter or hiking a trail, there is something for everyone in Montgomery Parks. I hope you’ll take advantage of this guide to help find the park programs and facilities that are right for you.
Wishing you a healthy and safe spring,
Casey Anderson Chair, Montgomery County Planning Board and Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
From the Chair...
Fall 2020 Dear Friends, I hope you and your loved ones have been able to remain healthy and hopeful during these unprecedented times. Now, more than ever, we have seen the critical need for safe, accessible public spaces for both our physical and mental wellbeing. Montgomery Parks’ staff have been working diligently to maintain our world class systems of parks, trails, gardens, and facilities. Our staff can’t wait to welcome you back to all of our facilities, but your safety is our utmost priority. We are working closely with county health officials to open facilities and restore park amenities once it is safe to do so. In this guide, you’ll find a variety of activities we have planned for this fall, and we hope to continue to add offerings.
You can stay informed regarding Montgomery Parks’ operating status, classes, programs and events, by visiting www.MontgomeryParks.org. You can also receive up to date information by signing up for the Montgomery Parks E-Newsletter at www.montgomeryparks.org/newsletter and following @MontgomeryParks on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Nextdoor.
Wishing you a healthy and happy fall season,
Casey Anderson Chair, Montgomery County Planning Board and Vice Chair, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Phone: 301.495.4605 Fax: 301.495.1320 www.MontgomeryPlanningBoard.org E-Mail: mcp-chair@mncppc.org
Program Access (Inclusion Services) 301-495-2581 | ProgramAccess@MontgomeryParks.org | TTY 301-439-0579
Agricultural & Historical Programs 10 Agricultural History Farm Park 11 Josiah Henson Museum & Park 12 Oakley Cabin African American Museum & Park 13 Woodlawn Manor Cultural Park
Nature & Horticultural Programs 16 Brookside Gardens 31 Black Hill Visitor Center 43 Brookside Nature Center 51 Locust Grove Nature Center 59 Maydale Nature Classroom 65 Meadowside Nature Center (closed for renovations)
Sports Programs 66 Ice Skating and Hockey at Cabin John and Wheaton Ice 88 Golf & Archery at South Germantown
Driving Range 93 Tennis at Pauline Betz Addie and Wheaton
Indoor Tennis
More to Do in the Parks 7 Volunteer Opportunities 8 Rainout Line 9 Park Activity Buildings & Park Permits 14 Boating & SplashPark 15 Event Centers 30 Greenfest 42 Friends of Black Hill Nature Programs Native
Plant Sale 109 Spring Eye Spy Trains
Information & Registration 2 Letter from the Chair 4 Montgomery Parks Facility Directory 106 Registration Information 108 ActiveMontgomery Registration Form
Monday, February 14 for Spring programs
Wednesday, February 23 for Ice Skating, Tennis and Hockey classes.
Registration for all sessions is open to Montgomery County residents on first date shown; next day registration is open to all.
Programs are subject to change. For the most up-to-date listings visit: MontgomeryParks.org