Modelart scale models

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about us / o nama


our approach / naš pristup


advantages of a scale model / prednosti makete

/ 10

research / istraživanje

/ 12

presentation / prezentacija

/ 14

scenic design / scenografija

/ 19

details / detalji

/ 20

work process / proces rada

/ 22

team / tim

/ 25


modelart arhitekti ///////////////////////////////////////// spatial design studio / studio za prostorni dizajn

ADRESS / Dušana Vasiljeva 21, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia E-MAIL / WEB / TEL / + 381 (0) 62 283 725

Sinagogue / Sinagoga / Novi Sad / 2010



WE RESEARCH AND PRESENT WITH SCALE MODELS ............................................................................................................

MI ISTRAŽUJEMO I PREZENTUJEMO PUTEM MAKETA ............................................................................................................

FIAT Srbija / FIAT Serbia / 2012


We are Modelart Architects, spatial design studio founded in Novi Sad in 2009. Our work is based on research, design and presentation of architectural space primarily through physical scale models, including conceptual/ research models, which are an integral part of the design process, and also models of the existing projects and buildings. In our work we apply architectural education acquired during the studies and in practice, as well as years of experience in making of physical scale models. In addition to traditional methods of modeling, we also apply modern techniques, such as digital fabrication, which makes us competent to respond to any requirements and needs of the client.





Mi smo Modelart arhitekti, studio za prostorni dizajn osnovan u Novom Sadu 2009. godine. Naš rad se zasniva na istraživanju, kreiranju i prezentovanju arhitektonskog prostora putem fizičkih modela - maketa, kako istraživačkih i konceptualnih, koje su sastavni deo dizajnerskog procesa, tako i maketa već postojećih projekata ili izvedenih objekata. U svom radu primenjujemo arhitektonsko obrazovanje stečeno na studijima i u praksi, kao i dugogodišnje iskustvo u izradi fizičkih modela/maketa. Pored tradicionalnih metoda rada u maketarstvu, primenjujemo i savremene tehnike, poput digitalne fabrikacije, što nas čini kompetentnim da odgovorimo na sve zahteve i potrebe klijenta.

Mira Trailović Square, competition entry / Trg Mire Trailović, konkursno rešenje / 2013


Architectural scale model, as the most effective way of presenting architecture, is an essential part of the work process, that materializes the idea and concept of the project throuh the miniature object. On the other hand, the model can exist independently, as an object in itself. Therefore, each model is a particular challenge, which we approach carefully, thoroughly analyzing the needs and purposes of the model, which further defines its materialization, production techniques, degree of detail, size etc. In our work we are constantly exploring different techniques through experimentation with form and usage of different materials. By applying contemporary technologies the process of model making has became much faster and easier. In our work we use CNC and laser technology, but a uniqueness and a special touch to any scale model we gain by finishing, regardless of whether it comes to realistic (with a high level of detail), volume (with an emphasis on geometry, the relation of masses, light and shadow) or research model (which explores the form, or other individual aspects of the building).






Arhitektonska maketa, kao najefikasniji način predstavljanja ideje u arhitekturi, je nezaobilazan deo procesa rada na projektu, koji kroz minijaturni objekat materijalizuje ideju i koncept projekta. Sa druge strane, maketa može postojati nezavisno, kao objekat po sebi. Stoga svaka maketa predstavlja poseban izazov, kome pristupamo sa pažnjom, detaljno analizirajući potrebe i namene makete, što dalje definiše njenu materijalizaciju, tehniku izrade, stepen detaljnosti, razmeru itd. U našem radu konstantno istražujemo različite tehnike izrade, kroz eksperimentisanje sa formom i primenom različitih materijala. Primenom savremene tehnologije proces izrade maketa znatno je unapređen. U svom radu primenjujemo CNC i lasersku tehnologiju, a unikatnost i poseban pečat svakoj maketi dajemo završnom obradom, bez obzira na to da li je u pitanju realistična (sa visokim stepenom detaljnosti), volumenska (sa naglaskom na geometriji, odnosu masa, svetlosti i senke) ili pak istraživačka maketa (na kojoj se istražuju forma ili drugi pojedinačni aspekti objekta).

Experimental pavilion / research model / Eksperimentalni paviljon / istraĹživaÄ?ka maketa / 2010



Hotel Zweisimmen / Switzerland / Ĺ vajcarska / 2013


The main advantage of scale models compared to the two-dimensional drawing or 3D computer graphics is that it enables consideration of the entire object from different angles, leading the viewer one step closer to reality. Therefore, the scale model is the only true three-dimensional way of displaying architecture. Instead of a series of technical drawings (floors, sections, elevations and perspective views), which show the individual parts or aspects of the project, a scale model provides a comprehensive insight, enabling easier understanding of the relationship of the individual parts and the whole. This is particularly important for presentation of the project to the client or to a wider audience because the model is much closer to the real three-dimensional space, and therefore easier to understand and interpret. Tactility, as one of the features of scale models, enables viewer to feel the space more directly - by touching, not just observing. In contrast to individual drawings and paintings, models provoke an emotional response from the the viewer by engaging a larger number of senses and hence a closer relationship with the space. Regardless of the level of detail and method of production, scale models can be divided into research and presentation models. There are also scale models of various specific purposes, such as scenic design.


Osnovna prednost makete u odnosu na dvodimenzionalni crtež ili kompjutersku 3D grafiku jeste u tome što ona omugućava sagledavanje celokupnog objekta iz različitih uglova, vodeći posmatrača jedan stepen bliže stvarnosti. Stoga je maketa jedini istinski trodimenzionalni način prikazivanja arhitekture. Umesto serije tehničkih crteža (osnova, preseka, izgleda i perspektivnih slika), koji prikazuju pojedinačne delove ili aspekte projekta, maketa pruža sveobuhvatan uvid, omogućujući lakše sagledavanje celine i odnosa pojedinačnih delova. Ovo je od posebnog značaja za prezentaciju projekta klijentu ili širem auditorijumu, jer je maketa znatno bliža realnom trodimenzionalnom prostoru, pa samim tim i lakša za shvatanje i tumačenje.





Taktilnost, kao jedna od osobina makete, daje mogućnost posmatraču da neposrednije oseti prostor - dodirivanjem, a ne samo posmatranjem. Nasuprot pojedinačnim crtežima i slikama, makete izazivaju emocionalnu reakciju kod posmatrača, angažujući veći broj čula i samim tim prisniji odnos sa prostorom. Bez obzira na stepen detaljnosti i način izrade, makete se u odnosu na njihovu namenu mogu podeliti na istraživačke i prezentacione. Takođe, postoje i makete različitih specifičnih namena, kao što je scenografija.

MAKETA - JEDAN STEPEN BLIŽE STVARNOSTI ............................................................................................................

SCALE MODEL - ONE STEP CLOSER TO REALITY ............................................................................................................

A Model for Savamala /2013


Besides being an instrument of communication, scale models are also a design tool, which are used in all phases of the architectural process - from the initial idea to the final representation of the project. Using physical models of varying degrees of development and detail, one can explore the form, lighting and other aspects of the building, develop the strategy of the project, test the engineering concepts etc. Such comprehensiveness makes scale models indispensable in architectural design, because no other tool is so inclusive and universal.

Origami u arhitekturi / 2010 TIP / serija istraživačkih maketa RAZMERA / MATERIJAL / papir, karton, balsa IZLOŽBA / Modelling Museums, Budimpešta, 2010






Origami in Architecture / 2010 TYPE / series of research models SCALE / MATERIAL / paper, cardboard, balsa wood EXHIBITION / Modelling Museums, Budapest, 2010

Pored toga što su instrument komunikacije, makete su i dizajnerski alat koji se koristi u svim fazama arhitektonskog procesa - od početne ideje, do krajnje reprezentacije projekta. Pomoću fizičkih modela različitog stepena razrade i detaljnosti, istražuje se forma, osvetljenje i drugi aspekti objekta, razrađuje se strategija rada na projektu, testiraju se inženjerski koncepti itd. Ovakva sveobuhvatnost čini makete nezamenljivim u arhitektonskom dizajnu, jer nijedan drugi alat nije toliko sveobuhvatan i univerzalan.


Mediatheque / 2010 TYPE / research model SCALE / 1:50 MATERIAL / balsa wood, cardboard

Medijateka / 2010 TIP / istraživačka maketa RAZMERA / 1:50 MATERIJAL / balsa, lepenka


The model of Zweisimmen hotel in Switzerland (picture below) was created to answer the client’s needs to review object’s integration with surrounding landscape, and to choose one of two offered designs. The result are two clear volumetric models, with no excessive details.

Zweisimmen Hotel / Switzerland / 2013 TYPE / volume presentation model SCALE / 1:200 MATERIAL / plastic


Prezentacija arhitektonskog projekta investitoru pomoću makete primenjuje se u svim fazama istorijskog razvoja arhitekture. Kao što smo naveli, razlog tome je lakše shvatanje prostornih odnosa na maketi nego na dvodimenzionalnim crtežima ili perspektivnim slikama. Na taj način maketa pomaže u donošenju odluka u arhitektonskom projektovanju.


Usage of scale models for presentation of architectural projects to the investor has been applied at all stages of the historical development of architecture. As mentioned, the reason for this is easier understanding of spatial relationships on a scale model rather than twodimensional drawings or perspective images. In this way, scale model helps in decision making in architectural design.




Zweisimmen Hotel / Švajcarska / 2013 TIP / volumenska prezentaciona maketa RAZMERA / 1:200 MATERIJAL / plastika

Maketa hotela Zweisimmen u Švajcarskoj (slika ispod) nastala je kao odgovor na potrebe klijenta da sagleda uklapanje objekta hotela u okolni pejzaž, te da izabere jedno od dva ponuđena rešenja. Rezultat su dve svedene, volumenske makete, bez suvišnih detalja.

Popović Vračar, Daša Spasojević, Ana Ugrinić, Miloš Kašul Nikolić, Predrag Milić, Studio KU+, Zvučna mapa Beograda

Vračar, Daša Spasojević, Ana Ugrinić, Miloš Kašul Nikolić, Predrag Milić, Studio KU+, Zvučna mapa Beograda


A Model for Savamala was made as part of the Urban Incubator project, which was initiated by the Goethe Institute in Belgrade. The objective of this project is an analysis of Savamala area in Belgrade and is composed of several “layers” - technical drawing, graphic data and the physical model - merged into a single unit. The purpose of the model is presentation to the public through exposure at a variety of venues, and the aim was to make the entire model user-friendly and adapted to a wider audience.

Model za Savamalu / Beograd / 2013 TIP / volumenska prezentaciona maketa RAZMERA / 1:200 MATERIJAL / plastika, klirit, medijapan U SARADNJI SA / Boba Stanić, Maja Popović


A Model for Savamala / Belgrade / 2013 TYPE / volume presentation model SCALE / 1:200 MATERIAL / plastic, clirite, MDF IN COLLABORATION WITH / Boba Stanić, Maja

Model za Savamalu nastao je u okviru projekta Urban Incubator, koji je pokrenut od strane Goethe Instituta u Beogradu. Cilj modela je analiza područja Savamale u Beogradu i sastoji se od nekoliko “slojeva” - tehničkih crteža, grafičkih podataka i fizičkog modela/ makete - povezanih u jedinstvenu celinu. Namena modela je prezentovanje javnosti kroz izlaganje na različitim prostorima, pa je cilj bio da celokupan model bude razumljiv i prilagođen široj publici.


FIAT Serbia / 2012 TYPE / presentation scale model SCALE / 1:500 MATERIAL / plastic ........................................................................

FIAT Srbija / 2012 TIP / prezentaciona maketa RAZMERA / 1:500 MATERIJAL / plastika



Arača - the remains of a medieval church / 2013 TYPE / presentation scale model / realistic SCALE / 1:100 MATERIAL / plastic, acrylic paint

Arača - ostaci srednjovekovne crkve / 2013 TIP / prezentaciona maketa / realistična RAZMERA / 1:100 MATERIJAL / plastika, akrilne boje


City Hall in Subotica (up) / Cement factory Lafarge, Beočin (middle) / NIS Novi Sad (down) / 2010 TYPE / series of models SCALE / MATERIAL / balsa wood EXHIBITION / Ideologies & Ideals, Museum

of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, 2010 ............................................................................................

Gradska kuća u Subotici (gore) / Cementara Lafarge, Beočin (u sredini) / NIS Novi Sad (dole) / 2010 TIP / serija maketa RAZMERA / MATERIJAL / balsa IZLOŽBA / Ideologije i ideali, Muzej

savremene umetnosti Vojvodine, 2010


“Images of My World”, theater play / 2010 TYPE / theater design SCALE / 1:20 MATERIAL / MDF

Scenografija je jedna od posebnih oblasti primene arhitektonskih maketa, gde je njihova upotreba široka - od simulacije postojećih objekata ili urbanih/ruralnih celina (na slici dole), do dizajna potpuno novih struktura. Slika prikazuje makete gde je specifičan zahtev bio izrada dovoljno čvrstih elemenata da bi se po njima moglo hodati, što je uticalo na izbor materijala i oblikovanje.


Scenic design is one of the special fields of application of scale models, where their use is wide - from simulations of existing buildings or urban/ rural units (picture below), to design of a completely new structures. The picture shows scale model where a specific request was to develop sufficiently strong elements to be able to walk over them, which influenced the choice of materials and design.




Predstava “Slike moga sveta” / 2010 TIP / scenografija RAZMERA / 1:20 MATERIJAL / medijapan


We believe that the true value of each model lies in the small details, which enhances its liveliness, creating microambients, a small world in itself. Therefore, we pay special attention to this aspect of the model, in order to provide clients with a unique experience of space.





Smatramo da istinska vrednost svake makete leži u malim detaljima, koji joj unose život, stvarajući mikroambijent, svet u malom. Stoga posebnu pažnju posvećujemo ovom aspektu maketa, kako bi klijentu pružili poseban doživljaj prostora.


The development of digital technology computer animation and prefabrication - has enabled the realization of free geometric forms that could not be done by using of traditional modeling tools. In our work we combine digital and analog technologies, which mutually complement each other in a unique architectural scale models.





Razvoj digitalnih tehnologija - kompjuterske animacije i prefabrikacije - omogućio je realizaciju slobodnih geometrijskih formi, koje upotrebom tradicionalnih modelarskih alata nije bilo moguće izvesti. U našem radu kombinujemo digitalne i analogne tehnologije, koje se međusobno nadopunjuju i prožimaju u jedinstvenim arhitektonskim maketama.


Armenian church in Novi Sad / 2014 TYPE / volumenska maketa SCALE / 1:100 MATERIAL / plastic

Jermenska crkva u Novom Sadu / 2014 TIP / volumenska maketa RAZMERA / 1:100 MATERIJAL / plastika


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Research model / Istraživačka maketa / 2014 DIZAJN / DESIGN BY / dr Bojan Tepavčević

Dejan Mitov, M.Arch / Graduated with a Master’s degree from Department of Architecture, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad and the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, study program Wood products design. PhD student at the Department of Architecture, where also works as an assistant at the Modelling and related courses. Jelena Mitov, M.Arch / Undergraduate and Master studies completed at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, Department of Architecture. Krsto Radovanović, M.Arch / Undergraduate and Master studies completed at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, Department of Architecture.





Dejan Mitov, mast. inž. arh. / Master studije završio na Departmanu za arhitekturu Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu i na Šumarskom fakultetu u Beogradu, studijski program Obliko-vanje proizvoda od drveta. Radi kao asistent na Departmanu za arhitekturu na predmetu Maketarstvo i srodnim predmetima, gdje je i student doktorskih studija. Jelena Mitov, mast. inž. arh. / Osnovne i master studije završila na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu na Departmanu za arhitekturu. Krsto Radovanović, mast. inž. arh. / Osnovne i master studije završio na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu na Departmanu za arhitekturu.



modelart arhitekti /////////////////////////////////////////// spatial design studio / studio za prostorni dizajn

adress / Dušana Vasiljeva 21, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia e-mail / web / tel. / + 381 (0) 62 283 725

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