Annual Report 2007-2008

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Newfoundland and Labrador Partners in Sustainable Forest Management

Annual Report

April 1, 2007 – September 30, 2007 October 1, 2007 – March 31, 2008 Supported by:

Audited Report, Bonnell Cole Janes Chartered Accountants

Prepared by:

Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador December 2008 Prepared for:

Natural Resources Canada Canadian Forest Service

Annual Report: 2007-2008

Model Forest of

© Model Forest of Newfoundland & Labrador Inc. (MFNL)

WNMF has catalogued this Strategic document as follows: Annual Report 2007-2008 April 1, 2007 – September 30, 2007 October 1, 2007 – March 31, 2008 Editor of document: Sean Dolter, General Manager

Copies of this document may be obtained from: Model Forest of Newfoundland & Labrador Inc. P. O. Box 68 Corner Brook, NL A2H 6C3 Telephone: 709-637-7300 Fax: 709-634-0255

Table of Contents Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3 Overview of the 2007-2008 ................................................................................. 3 Changes from the Workplans .............................................................................. 3 Period Highlights ............................................................................................... 4 2007 - 2008 Activities.............................................................................................. 5 Part 1: 2006 – 2007 Goal Categories ................................................................. 5 Support ............................................................................................................... 5 Integrated Resource Management....................................................................... 9 Research........................................................................................................... 10 Education and Communications ....................................................................... 13 Expenditures..................................................................................................... 19 Part 2: 2007 - 2012 FCP Objective Categories................................................. 21 Administration .................................................................................................. 22 Capacity Building ............................................................................................. 22 Knowledge Gathering ....................................................................................... 30 Opportunities Generation ................................................................................. 34 International..................................................................................................... 36 Legacy .............................................................................................................. 38 Financial Report ................................................................................................. 43 Financial Report – Forest Communities Program 2007-2008 (October 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008) ............................................................................................... 43 Expenditures..................................................................................................... 45


Introduction Overview of the 2007-2008 From April 1, 2007 to September 30, 2007, the WNMF was involved in bridging our past program of fifteen years with the possibilities of a new Forest Communities Program (FCP). On October 1, 2007 that possibility became reality as the organization was granted FCP status until March 31, 2012 by Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service. A significant amount of time and resources were spent finalizing the end of phase (2002-2007) agreements on project deliverables from the 2006-2007 fiscal year. Many partners were also interested in maintaining the Model Forest’s administration services for implementing aspects of their programs. Marketing and communications activities were enhanced to properly report on some of the successful program and projects implemented during the past fifteen years of the Canadian Model Forest Program. As of October 1, 2007 the kick-off began for the Forest Communities Program as the Western Newfoundland Model Forest began re-branding its image within its partnership, the forest sector and the communities in Newfoundland and Labrador. The first objective of the new program focused primarily on capacity building with the formation of the FCP’s Local Community Networks. The second objective concentrated primarily in the area of community inventories and aspects of gathering knowledge in partnership with the Regional Economic Development Boards on the northern peninsula and Humber Valley to White Bay. Our fourth objective continued its international commitment to the Canadian Forest Service and the Government of Argentina with international Local Level Indicator training in Argentina. Lastly, our legacy objective saw great support of our program from our partnership. These specific projects fall outside the contribution agreement of the FCP and will not be reported in this annual report. Changes from the Workplans

April 1 – September 30, 2007 Workplan All projects proposed with the extended workplan were implemented according to the objectives. As the WNMF begins to acquire funding outside of the federal contribution agreement, new projects and programs will arise outside of the NRCan workplan schedule. Several new partners were brought on board in anticipation of the FCP. The following are a list of new comers: Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador Red Ochre Regional Board Nordic Economic Development Corporation Great Humber Joint Council

October 1, 2007 – March 31, 2008 Workplan Projects proposed through the FCP’s first workplan should be considered over a period of 18 months, ending March 31, 2009. Thus, a comprehensive evaluation of changes in the workplan is only effective after the 18 month term has expired.


Period Highlights During this short extension of Phase III of the Model Forest program (2002-2007), several accomplishments were made:

Key Achievements April – September 2007 o The Biodiversity Assessment Project is a completed prototype with aspects of its Habitat Suitability Models (HSM) already working in our partners’ operations. Wildlife Division has taken on the task of further refining the Habitat Suitability Models for Boreal Owl and Woodland Caribou. With this refinement initiative, the Wildlife Division is further supporting more field research in its efforts to supplement the prediction capacity of the HSMs; o The Watershed Management contract has been signed with the City of Corner Brook for the application of the manual for municipalities; o Our Model Forest Legacy report has been published and circulated; o The FCP team has completed the Strategic Plan for the new FCP. October 2007 – March 31, 2008 o Implementation of a FCP Marketing Program DVD on the Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador DVD on partner benefits in being a part of the MFNL New Logo and Audio/Visual Decks (MS PowerPoint format) Promotional Material produced o Completion of Communication Material for the Forest Sector Strategy o Completion of the second International Workshop on C & I in Argentina.

Challenges The primary challenge is changing the mindsets of our partners and the public to accept the new challenges of the FCP. Community-level engagement is a new area for many of our partners.


2007 - 2008 Activities Part 1: 2006 – 2007 Goal Categories The following 14 projects were scheduled to be implemented during the 6 month period beginning April 1, 2007 and ending September 30, 2007. The projects are numbered according to year of contribution agreement/goal/project #. For the extended contribution agreement, year 6 was chosen since April 1, 2007 marked the beginning of a new fiscal year. For example, project 6.3.5 is implemented in year 6 of the Contribution Agreement, deals with Goal 3 on building the capacity of society, and is the fifth project in that category. The Goal Areas are: 1. To implement an integrated resource management plan (IRM); 2. To improve our understanding of the ecological, social and economic processes and functions of forests; and to incorporate that knowledge into SFM practice; 3. To build the capacity in society for people to contribute effectively to resource management. Administration and management of the organization are reported as projects but will be put under the category of Support and will be given a goal number 0. Support Project Number: 6.0.1 New Project: No Project Title: Program Administration Project Leader: Glenda Garnier, Office Manager Purpose: a. b.

Date Started: 04/1/2007

Accounting and administration; Employee relations/student employment.

Report: Organized and prepared the WNMF audits; Prepared cash flow statement for regular management and Board meetings; Ensured that the office rent and all supplies articles were paid for and properly accounted; Conducted payroll on a bi-weekly basis; Issued payments; Managed the Human Resource issues for the organization Expenditure and contribution: Cash 40,078

Project Expenditure





Total 40,078


Project Contributors Admin Income - Partners, projects, office rental, etc.






Outputs: Audited statements; Contractual agreement; Funding Proposals Cash flow reports; Inventory reports; Payroll accounts; List of Other Project Partners: N/A

Project Number: 6.0.2 New Project: No Project Title: Program Supervision and Leadership Project Leader: Jim Taylor, General Manager Purpose: a. b. c. d. e.

Date Started: 04/1/2007

Annual Report Staff Supervision Reporting to the Board and Management Group CMFN Liaison Partner Liaison

Report: Prepared the Annual Report for the 2006 – 2007 fiscal yearend and submitted it to the Management Group and Board for approval before sending it to NRCan; Supervised 4 full-time staff and 12 temporary staff; Advised and implemented directives of the Management and Board by conducting regular meetings; Developed and maintained the operational links with the CMFN and acted as the Presidentâ€&#x;s alternate on CMFN Board Meetings; Communicated information to the partnership concerning the Model Forest program. Expenditure and contribution: Cash 7,747

Project Expenditure


Project Contributors Nfld. Forest Service Model Forest Partnership


Total 7,747












Outputs: Workplans and Annual Reports; Board and Management Meetings; Partnership meeting; Staff Meetings; CMFN liaison and meetings List of Other Project Partners: Newfoundland Forest Service

Project Number: 6.0.3 New Project: No Project Title: Project Management Project Leader: Sean Dolter, Projects Manager

Date Started: 04/1/2007

Purpose: Project Coordination and Accountability for: a. Molecular markers of Balsam Fir Sawfly eggs b. Biodiversity Assessment Project (BAP) Report: Prepared a supplementary addendum to the Molecular markers research program to adjust to equipment challenges; Assessed and conducted working group meetings on the Biodiversity Assessment Project deliverables. IQAFF delivered the final prototype report to the Model Forest. This report assessed four management scenarios against a natural disturbance regime forest of the future. Expenditure and contribution: Cash



Project Expenditure Purpose a and b Total

$13,302 $ 13,302

$ 13,302 $ 13,302

Wildlife Division Corner Brook Pulp and Paper

$ 21,438 $ 7,500

$ 21,438 $ 7,500


$ 28,938

$ 28,938

Project Contributors

Outputs: Final Reports: a. L. Royer, “Molecular Markers as the New Tool to Monitor and Forecast Population Densities of BFS and Related Forest Insects”; b. F. Doyon, “Biodiversity assessment of four forest management scenarios in District 15, Western Newfoundland”. List of Other Project Partners: BAP Working Group: Department of Environment and Conservation, Wildlife Division Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited Abitibi Bowater Department of Natural Resources, Forest Services Division


Parks Canada, Gros Morne National Park

Project Number: 6.0.4. New Project: No Project Title: Partner-Driven Initiatives Project Leader: Sean Dolter, Projects Manager

Date Started: 04/1/2007

Purpose: a. Support and administration of non-core, partner driven projects. Report: Department of Natural Resources: Implemented the Atlantic Master Loggers Certification Program on behalf of the Canadian Woodlands Forum and DNR. Contracted Anderson and Yates Forestry Consultants for the drafting of a best management practices document; Department of Natural Resources: Implemented the Eastport Peninsula Forest Community Consultation process. Expenditure and contribution: Cash $ 4,000

Project Expenditure



Total $ 4,000

$ 4,000

$ 4,000

$ 16,750

$ 16,750

$ 16,750

$ 16,750

Project Contributors Nfld. Forest Service


Outputs: Final reports: a. Master Logger Certification Program: Phase 1 – Compilation of Best Management Practices for Operators on Crown Lands in Newfoundland and Labrador, Anderson, Adam, 2007 b. Stage 1: Forest Community Network – A Consultation on the Eastport Peninsula, Philpott, Thomas, 2008 List of Other Project Partners: a. Canadian Woodlands Forum; b. Town of Eastport


Integrated Resource Management Project Number: 6.1.1. New Project: No Project Title: Corner Brook Watershed Management Plan Project Leader: Tina Newbury, Watershed Planner

Date Started: 04/1/2007

Purpose: a. Research and development of a comprehensive watershed management plan for the City of Corner Brook b. Revise the provincial watershed management template for Newfoundland and Labrador Municipalities. Report: A contract was signed between the Model Forest and the City of Corner Brook for the implementation of this project. Interviews were conducted and Tina Newbury was hired for a period of 18 months. A public survey was conducted and a public Forum was held on watershed issues; The provincial watershed template was updated and burned to a CD Rom for distribution. Expenditure and contribution: Cash



Project Expenditure Purpose a Purpose b


$ 7,000


$ 7,000

$ 7,000

Project Contributors City of Corner Brook

$ 33,760

$ 33,760


$ 33,760

$ 33,760

Outputs: Final reports/product: a. Status report on progress, Newbury, T L, 2007 b. Provincial Watershed Management Planning Template, CD Rom List of Other Project Partners:


Research Project Number: 6.2.1. New Project: No Date Started: 04/1/2007 Project Title: Local Level Indicators (LLI) – Biodiversity Assessment Project (BAP) Project Leader: Sean Dolter, Project Manager Purpose: a. To finalize the first international workshop on Local Level Indicators in Argentina; b. Conduct consultations with Model Forest partner over the final BAP reports. Report: Sean Dolter, with Dr. John Hall of NRCan, traveled to Argentina to deliver a three day workshop on Local Level Indicators. A report was prepared and a second workshop is planned for February 2008. Dr. Frédérik Doyon delivered the final report on the BAP prototype. A workshop was held by the Model Forest and the final report was discussed in detail. The DNR is preparing a response to our request for feedback on the utilization of this management tool in future planning exercises. Expenditure and contribution: Cash



Project Expenditure Purpose a and b



$ 1,000

$ 1,000

$ 1,000

Project Contributors

Total Outputs: Final reports/product: a. Trip Report, Argentina 2007 b. Workshop proceedings List of Other Project Partners:

Project Number: 6.2.2. New Project: No Date Started: 04/1/2007 Project Title: Geo-referencing Tourism Values: Deer Lake to Gros Morne Project Leader: Sean Dolter, Project Manager; Adam Anderson, Anderson and Yates Forestry Consultants Purpose: a. To spatially map tourism values in the transportation corridor from Deer Lake to Gros Morne.


Report: Adam Anderson finalized the project with a meeting between Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador and the Model Forest. HNL would like to have time to review the report before it is released. Expenditure and contribution: Cash



Project Expenditure Purpose a and b


Project Contributors Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Environmental Excellence Geospatial Research Facility (GRF) Total


$ 1,958

$ 1,958

$ 1,958

$ 9,451

$ 9,451

$ 9,451

$ 5,000

$ 5,000

$ 590

$ 590

$ 5,590

$ 15,041

Outputs: Final report: Draft Report, “Geo-Referencing Tourism Values in the Deer Lake to Gros Morne Corridor� List of Other Project Partners: Natural Resources Canada Gros Morne Institute for Sustainable Tourism Sir Wilfred Grenfell College Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation Gros Morne National Park Newfoundland and Labrador Outfitters Association

Project Number: 6.2.3. New Project: No Date Started: 03/1/2007 Project Title: Risk Assessment Approach for Riparian Insertion Method Project Leader: Jana Fenske, Department of Environment and Conservation, Wildlife Division Purpose: Assessment of different biological indicators for assessing ecosystem health. Report: This research project has another year in the established control and riparian management areas. The results still do not show any significant impact on the ecological integrity in managed riparian zones on a broader scale. There have been some issues with the continuation of funding for this program since the Model Forest is no longer the largest contributor besides the Wildlife Division. We hope that the other provincial partners assist in funding future research. Expenditure and contribution: Cash




Project Expenditure Total

Project Contributors Wildlife Division Newfoundland Forest Service Corner Brook Pulp and Paper NRCan –S&T Internship Services Canada Total


$ 6,000


$ 6,000

$ 3,000 $ 13,000 $ 3,000 $ 9,673 $ 2,106

$ 3,000 $ 13,000 $ 3,000 $ 9,673 $ 2,106

$ 30, 779

$ 30,779

Outputs: Final report: Risk Assessment-Riparian Management Zones , End of Season Report for 2007 Riparian Zone study at Black Lake Study site, FMD 9 List of Other Project Partners: Department of Fisheries and Oceans Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Department of Natural Resources, FEIS Department of Environment and Conservation, Wildlife Division Natural Resources Canada and Services Canada

Project Number: 6.2.4. New Project: No Date Started: 04/1/2007 Project Title: Labrador Special Project Site Project Leader: Jim Taylor, General Manager; Sean Dolter, Project Manager Purpose: To facilitate and coordinate the forest management committee (FMC) for District 19. Report: Bruce Roberts of NRCan assisted the FMC in developing a site classification manual. This manual is in draft form and will need to be linked with Innu traditional knowledge. Expenditure and contribution: Cash



Project Expenditure Total


$ 1,943


$ 1,943

Project Contributors FMC Total Outputs: Final report: Not received to date. List of Other Project Partners: Department of Natural Resources Natural Resources Canada Innu Nation


Education and Communications Project Number: 6.3.1. New Project: No Date Started: 04/1/2007 Project Title: Envirothon Project Leader: Linda Skinner, Communications Specialist; Judy Bond, Envirothon Coordinator Purpose: a. Hosting the 2007 provincial Envirothon competition; b. Refinement of the „How-toâ€&#x; manual for the Envirothon and preparations for the 2008 competition. Report: a. The 2007 Envirothon was one of the most successful in our 7 year history. 9 teams competed in the competition and the winning team traveled and competed in the international competition in New York. $16,000 was raised by Coordinator, Judy Bond. Preparations were made for the 2008 competition and a list of sponsors was established for future fundraising campaigns. b. The Newfoundland and Labrador Envirothon Manual was completed and refined many of the objectives from previous events. Expenditure and contribution: Cash



Project Expenditure Purpose a and b


$ 3,526


$ 3,526

$ 3,526

Provincial Government Federal Government Canon Envirothon School Teams Sponsors Total

$ 1,500 $ 2,000 $ 6,799 $ 4,650 $ 4,953 $ 19,902

Project Contributors

Outputs: a. 2007 Envirothon Competition Report b. Newfoundland and Labrador Envirothon Manual List of Other Project Partners: Committee Members Natural Resources Canada Department of Natural Resources Western School District Minaskuat Partnership Limited Department of Education Salmonier Nature Park ACAP Humber Arm NL Conservation Corps


$ 750 $ 4,000 $ 3,250 $ 8,000

$ 2,250 $ 6,000 $ 6,799 $ 4,650 $ 8,203 $ 27,902

Project Number: 6.3.2. New Project: No Project Title: Model Forest Legacy Project Leader: Linda Skinner, Communications Specialist

Date Started: 04/1/2007

Purpose: a. In our 15 years, the Model Forest partnership has contributed greatly to sustainable forest management, education and curriculum, professional development of the forest sector employees and a host of other benefits to our partners and sector. To communicate this legacy, the WNMF published a document that illustrates the impact our program has had on our partners and their activities. b. The development and refinement of the SWGC Environmental Studies course that encompasses our Summer Institute for Environmental Education. c. Publishing of e-newsletters and updates to the website. Report: a. WNMF 60-page partner legacy document, “The Heart of the Model Forest,” was printed and distributed; b. Environmental Studies course syllabus was completed and the implementation of the course is on hold until 2008 (pending MUN approval). This project has been handed over to SWGC; c. Website updated, Forest Watch (newsletter) was released September 2007 and biweekly e-newsletter was compiled and distributed to partners. Expenditure and contribution: Cash



Project Expenditure Total


$ 7,623

$ 7,623

$ 7,623

Project Contributors Model Forest Partnership

$ 3,275

$ 3,275


$ 3,275

$ 3,275

Outputs: a. Legacy document, “The Heart of the Model Forest” by Linda Skinner b. SWGC Syllabus for Environmental Studies c. Website, email versions online and newsletters List of Other Project Partners: Sir Wilfred Grenfell College The Model Forest Partnership

Project Number: 6.3.3. New Project: No Project Title: Media Relations Project Leader: Linda Skinner, Communications Specialist

Date Started: 04/1/2007

Purpose: The WNMF continues to proactively engage the media, seek 3rd party funds, and work to ensure our partners have the best possible information upon which to base their decisions. Report: 3 newspaper articles and several newspaper ads were produced.


Expenditure and contribution: Cash



Project Expenditure Total


$ 3,000


$ 3,000

Project Contributors Total Outputs: Newspaper articles List of Other Project Partners:

Project Number: 6.3.4. New Project: No Project Title: Educational Toolbox Project Leader: Linda Skinner, Communications Specialist

Date Started: 04/1/2007

Purpose: Development of a „Forestry Module in a Backpack.” Report: We provided a variety of educational tools to our partner‟s staff in the form of an easy-touse backpack. This material was reviewed by educational experts and approved. We mass produced these backpacks and supplied each district office with a unit. Expenditure and contribution: Cash $ 7,000

Project Expenditure Total

Project Contributors Department of Natural Resources Model Forest Partners Total


$ 7,000

$ 7,000

$ 7,000 $ 7,000

Total $ 7,000

$ 500 $ 500

$ 7,000 $ 500 $ 7,500

Outputs: 20 Backpacks distributed to District Forestry offices across the province and also to the itinerant educator at Western School District. List of Other Project Partners: Department of Education Department of Natural Resources


Project Number: 6.3.5. New Project: No Project Title: Provincial Communications Project Leader: Linda Skinner, Communications Specialist

Date Started: 04/1/2007

Purpose: To develop a draft provincial forest sector communications strategy. Report: During the summer, the WNMF facilitated a one-day workshop with DNR, CFS, CBPPL and ACCC. The focus was on the development of a comprehensive forest sector provincial communications strategy. A draft plan was produced and released to the partners for comment. Expenditure and contribution: Cash



Project Expenditure Total

$ 17,766

$ 17,766

$ 17,766

$ 17,766

Project Contributors Department of Natural Resources Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Total

$ 375 $ 125 $ 500

Outputs: Draft communications strategy List of Other Project Partners: Natural Resources Canada, Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Abitibi Bowater


$ 375 $ 125 $ 500

Financial Report

Financial Report – 2006-2007(extended) The WNMF’s financial statements represent the total revenue and expenditures realized by the WNMF during the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Expenditures for the period of April 1, 2007September 30, 2007 applicable to the $120,000 funding grant received from the Department of Natural Resources as an extension of the Model Forest program are presented separately. Consistent with previous years, the financial statements are presented on a project accounting basis with each project’s expenditure activities stated separately. These statements are audited annually by the accounting firm of Bonnell Cole Janes. The organization’s summary statements separate funding into two streams; the Canadian Forest Service core funding and Canadian Forest Service strategic funding and Model Forest partnership and general revenue funding. The expenditure report on this statement is directly related to budgetary projections presented in the WNMF annual Workplan for the first two quarters of 2007-2008. This report will address the expenditures related to this period. Following this report, Table I breaks down expenditures by project including in-kind contributions relevant to each project. This table also identifies government and nongovernment sources of funding. Overall Income Total actual revenue for the period of April 1, 2007 to September 30, 2007 was $ 333,361. This level of funding represents the core funding grant ($ 120,000) from the Canadian Forest Service and ($8,000) representing National Strategic Project and Labrador funding and special project funding plus partnership and general revenue funding totaling $211,418. Of this funding, $ 6,057 was deferred to the second half of 2007-2008. National Strategic Funding was received during the first six months in 2007-2008 from the Strategic Partnership Area Project Funding ($ 8,000 – Labrador). Funding was also provided from the NRCan Science and Technology Internship program for the Risk Assessment Approach for Riparian Insertion Methods Project ($ 9,673). A grant was received from NRCan as sponsorship for the Newfoundland and Labrador Envirothon ($ 2,000).

Other Funds The Partnership and Other Revenue Funding $ 211,418 (government and non-government sources) is generated mainly from the Western Newfoundland Model Forest Partnership contributions to projects as well as funding from Human Resources Development Canada, special project funding and other miscellaneous income, GST/HST rebates, and sales of forest site classification manuals.


Overall Expenditures Expenditures during the period of April 1, 2007 to September 30, 2007 are described in the two workplan extensions and are in keeping with activities outlined in these documents. The Model Forest Phase III program concentrated in three goal areas: These include: Using a balanced approach to the development of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) systems and tools and increasing the capacity for partners to implement approaches within and beyond our boundaries. Communicate national, provincial and local SFM priorities through the dissemination of knowledge and results by working in co-operation with the Canadian Forest Service, the model forest network, provincial partners, affiliated stakeholders and the public. Increase the level of public understanding of SFM within the Province to provide opportunities for effective participation. General and Administrative expenditures are used to support the General and Office Manager’s salary and employee benefits, office rent, supplies, telephone, travel, equipment, meetings, insurance, and related expenses. A significant portion of the General Manager’s salary during this six month extension period was contributed by the provincial Department of Natural Resources – Forest Services Branch ($ 41,122). Balance Sheet Current assets consist mainly of cash and receivables due from partners, government or other funding agencies. The organization’s capital assets have been amortized on an annual basis as per the guidelines of the Canadian Auditors Association. Direct and In-Kind Contributions Overall contributions to the Western Newfoundland Model Forest program during period of April 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008 totaled $ 361,351 (includes in-kind contributions – refer page 19). This total is comprised of $121,943 of direct funding from the Canadian Forest Service, $ 151,349 direct partner funding (government sources) and $ 60,069 direct partner funding (nongovernment sources). Also included in this total is the total partnership in-kind contribution of $ 27,990 which is sourced from government and non-government sources ($ 10,400 and $ 17,590 respectively). The total revenue of the Western Newfoundland Model Forest core program 20062007(extended – April 1 to September 30, 2007) which is sourced from government sources is $ 283,692 or 78.5 % of its total revenue.


Expenditures Thematic Areas Annual Report Summary April 1, 2007 to September 30, 2007 NRCan-CFS FCP Funds*


Partner/Other Cash Inkind Gvt Ngvt Gvt Ngvt

6. 0 Effective Management & Delivery 6.0.1 Program Administration 40,078 6.0.2 Program Supervision/Leadership 7,747


Subtotal 6.0




13,302 4,000 7,000 1,000 1,958

21,438 16,750 33,760





1,943 35,203




Goal/Program Areas 6.1 Planning and Management 6.0.3 Project Management 6.0.4 Partner Driven Initiatives 6.1.1 Corner Brook Watershed 6.2.1 Argentina LLI 6.2.2 Georeferencing Tourism Values 6.2.3 Risk Assessment Approaches – Riparian Zones 6.2.4 Labrador Special Project Subtotal 6.1


63,794 3,625







42,240 20,750 40,760 1,000 16,999


6.3 Communication and Education 6.3.1 2007 Envirothon 6.3.2 Model Forest Legacy 6.3.3 Media Relations 6.3.4 Education Toolbox 6.3.5 Communications Strategy Subtotal 6.3

3,526 7,623 3,000 7,000 17,766 38,915



Annual Totals



36,779 5,590

4,750 1,400

3,250 1,875


250 375 6,775

250 125 5,500






1,943 160,471

31,428 10,898 3,000 14,500 18,266 78,092


Annual Financial Report: List of Contributors for Year 2007-2008 (April 1 to Sept. 30, 2008) Contributor


NRCan-CFS (FCP) NRCan-CFS (Other) Newfoundland Forest Service

$120,000 $ 13,616 $ 77,872


In-kind $4,000 $375

Total $ 124,000 $ 13,616 $ 78,247

Dept. of Environment & Conservation Corner Brook Pulp and Paper City of Corner Brook Hospitality Nfld. & Labrador College of the North Atlantic Centre for Environmental Excellence Services Canada Provincial Departments (Envirothon) Canon Envirothon Envirothon Sponsors Provincial Schools General Revenue Model Forest Partnership Total

$24,438 $ 10,500 $ 33,760 $ 9,451 $ 590 $ 5,000 $ 2,106 $ 1,500 $ 6,799 $ 4,953 $ 4,650 $ 23,716 $ 333,361


$750 $ 3,375

$ 13,900 $ 27,990

$ 24,438 $ 10,500 $ 33,760 $ 9,451 $ 590 $ 5,000 $ 2,106 $ 2,250 $ 6,799 $ 8,328 $ 4,650 $ 23,716 $ 13,900 $ 361,351

Part 2: 2007 - 2012 FCP Objective Categories The following 27 projects were scheduled to be implemented during the 6 month period beginning October 1, 2007 and ending March 31, 2008. The projects are numbered according to year of contribution agreement/goal/project #. For the extended contribution agreement, year 6 was chosen since April 1, 2007 marked the beginning of a new fiscal year. For example, project 6.3.5 is implemented in year 6 of the Contribution Agreement, deals with Goal 3 on building the capacity of society, and is the fifth project in that category. General focus of this ½ year’s work was Capacity Building and working with the 3 LCN sites in the Model Forest boundaries. The annual report’s second part will be organized according to 5 objectives: 1. Capacity Building: Concentrate on the governance structure and labour capacity of implementing a FCP within the individual LCNs; 2. Knowledge Gathering: Focus on characterizing the regions within the communities reach and assess human and social, infrastructure, and natural capital. We will also generate opportunities for specific research associated with the FCP’s future success; 3. Opportunities Creation: Host a series of workshops which will illustrate how long-term commitment to resource opportunity generation will have lasting effects within the communities. A business model for community sustainable will be approached. 4. International: Continue to explore opportunities in Argentina related to Criteria and Indicator (C & I) and possible education linkages. 5. Legacy: Continue to support our partners’ efforts to implement innovative programs within their organizations and to promote the forest sector as being responsible and a great career investment. Administration and management of the organization are reported as projects but will be put under the category of Support and will be given a goal number 0.


Administration Project Number: 1.0.1

New Project: Yes

Date Started: 10/1/2007

Project Title: Program Administration Project Leader: Glenda Garnier, Office Manager; Sean Dolter, General Manager Purpose: Administrative and management services; organizational support and facilitation. Description: Management and administrative activities which were high priority during this six month period involved the negotiation and signing of the Forest Communities Program agreement with Natural Resources Canada. The agreement was signed in late December 2008. As well, the organization opted to change its offical name to the Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador Inc.(MFNL). Appropriate legal documents were filed. The organizations‟s office was also relocated to 19-21 West Street in Corner Brook, a more visible business location. An annual general meeting was held at the Blomidon Golf Club in early December with a detailed presentation on the Forest Communities Program and the MFNL 5 year strategic plan. During the early months of 2008, several presentations on the FCP- MFNL strategic plan were delivered to the Minister of Natural Resources, the Minister of Environment and Conservation and the Director of Provincial Affairs. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core



Total $ 47,819.00

CFS – other (if any) Miscellaneous income, admin. Partnership N/A



$ 56,866.00



$ 0.00


$ 28,908.00




Planned Outputs: Annual Report; Audited Financial Statements; Contractual agreements with partners, government agencies, private consulting firms and non-government organizations. Evaluation and Performance Management Framework

List of Other Project Partners: The Model Forest Partnership

Capacity Building Project Number: 1.1.1

New Project: Yes Project Title: „Capacity Building‟ Facilitation and Management Project Leader: Sean Dolter, General Manager


Date Started: 10/1/2007

Purpose: Guide the implementation of activities related to the objective for Capacity Building; Develop a governance system for each LCN. Description: Significant consultation with potential partners in the LCN implementation was conducted during this six month period. Community leaders, representatives on Regional Economic Boards, industry representatives were informed and engaged in the Forest Communities Program and the LCN process. Meetings were held in White Bay South, St. Pauls and Plum Point on the Great Northern Peninsula. Plans and agreements were formulated to encourage the development of Local Community Networks. Several proposals were developed by Regional Economic Development Boards and submitted to Services Canada. These funds would be used to employ LCN coordinators. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core


In-kind 0

Total $20,793.00



$ 0.00

0 0

0 0

$ 0.00 $ 0.00


$ 0.00


CFS – other (if any) N/A N/A Total

Planned Outputs: Annual Report, Funding Proposals, Memorandum of Understanding. List of Other Project Partners: Humber Economic Development Board, Red Ochre Regional Board and Nordic Economic Development Corporation, Municipal Councils, Forestry Organizations

Project Number: 1.1.2

New Project: Yes Project Title: MFC-NL Marketing Strategy Project Leader: Glenda Tulk, Marketing Specialist

Date Started: 10/1/2007

Purpose: Marketing the new Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador through the Forest Communities Program initiative of Natural Resources Canada. Description: Funding was approved through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and the provincial Dept. of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development to assist with the implementation of a Marketing Strategy for MFNL. During this six month period, a marketing consultant was hired and began the development of a full slate of marketing tools including new logo and corporate marketing materials. These materials included new business cards, brochure and poster, a new display, and a promotional video. The marketing consultant also assisted in the organization and delivery of the community outreach plan intended to inform residents regarding the Forest Communities Program and the LCN development. A marketing presentation was delivered to the CMFN network meetings held in Winnipeg in February 2008 by the MFNL Marketing Consultant. Funding was also applied for and received from Services Canada to assist with the


implementation of an event plan to promote a series of Forest Fairs in the province. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core



Total $27,700.00




$ 45,145.00


$ 0.00

$ 72,845.00



Planned Outputs: Marketing Strategy Program logo and promotional and display material; Proceedings from consultations; Event Plan for forest fairs and implementation report. List of Other Project Partners: Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Dept. of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development, Services Canada, Humber Economic Development Board, Red Ochre Regional Board, Nordic Regional Development Corporation, Dept. of Natural Resources

Project Number: 1.1.3

New Project: Date Started: 10/1/2007 Yes Project Title: MF Communications Strategy Project Leader: Chair, Education and Communication Working (EC WG) Group; Communications Contractor Purpose: Promoting the FCP to our partners, the forest sector and the general public. Description: National Forest week activities were celebrated with a Forestry Breakfast which saw a gathering of forestry professionals and Model Forest partners at the Blomidon Country Club in Corner Brook. The Urban Forest Walking Tour was delivered on the Corner Brook Stream Trail and to various communities in the greater Humber Valley Bay of Islands region. The tour continued through the month of October and enjoyed participation of significant numbers of all grade levels of students. Marketing materials were utilized to educate and promote the Model Forest and the Forest Communities Programs at various venues, meetings and conferences. A series of email updates were circulated to the broader MF partnership informing on the progress of the new program. Preliminary research was completed for the development of a Model Forest newsletter and planning got underway for a Newfoundland launch of the FCP program. As the new branded image and marketing materials became available, the Model Forest website was redesigned and retrofitted with the „new look‟. A planning process was initiated to upgrade the report search mechanisms on the website. An event planner and an assistant were hired with funding received from Services Canada and they began planning for the Pilot Forest Fair NL 2008 and the Newfoundland and Labrador Envirothon 2008. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core CFS – other (if any) Service Canada


In-kind 0

Total $ 11,671.00



$ 0.00





Corporate Sponsor Dept. of Natural Resources Total




$ 1,000.00


$ 14,131.00

Planned Outputs: Progress Reports, 3 email updates, Plannng and organization for Pilot Forest Fair 2008 and NL Envirothon 2008, various presentations to school and community groups, Urban Forest Walking Tour, National Forest week breakfast.

List of Other Project Partners: Dept. of Natural Resources, Dept. of Environmental and Conservation, Corporations, Service Canada

Project Number: 1.1.4

New Project: Date Started: 10/1/2007 Yes Project Title: Local Community Network Sites Project Leader: General Manager; Capacity Building Extension Working Group (CBE WG); LCN Coordinators Purpose: Establish the implementation mechanism for the Forest Communities Program Description: Information meetings are held in numerous communities during this six month period including Pollards Point, White Bay South, Roddickton and St. Paul‟s on the Great Northern Peninsula, Eastport, and Goose Bay, Labrador. These events are attended by community leaders, economic developers, business people and forestry professionals, the general public and representatives of the Model Forest. The focus of these meetings is to inform and encourage community participation in the implementation of the Forest Communities Program. Considerable support and interest is expressed in all areas. Partnership agreements are reached between the Red Ochre and Nordic Development Boards on the Great Northern Peninsula and the Humber Economic Development Board regarding White Bay South. A LCN Advisory Group is formed which will assist with setting direction for and overseeing the developing program. Proposals are developed and submitted to Service Canada to employ LCN coordinators in both areas. Funding is received from the Department of Natural Resources to pursue the development of a LCN in the Eastport area. A consultant is retained to further develop the Eastport area initiative and to develop a feasibility assessment for an LCN for this region.

Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core


In-kind 0

Total $4,642.00



$ 0.00


$ 5,325.00

CFS – other (if any) Humber Economic Development Board; RedOchre Regional Board;


Nordic Regional Development Corporation (joint proposal) Department of Natural Resources Total

4,250.00 $ 8,892.00

$ 4,250.00 $ $ 5,325.00

$ 14,217.00

Planned Outputs: Memorandum of Understanding and contracts with partners; Feasibility Assessment for Eastport; Proposals for LCN Coordinators List of Other Project Partners: Dept. of Natural Resources; Humber Economic Development Board; Red Ochre Regional Board; Nordic Regional Development Corporation

Project Number: 1.1.5

New Project: Date Started: 10/1/2007 Yes Project Title: Host CIF/MF-NL Miniforums Project Leader: Canadian Institute of Forestry, Newfoundland and Labrador Section Purpose: To network and share information with forest sector practioners. Description: Assisted with the hosting of two CIF miniforums during this period; CIF Value Added Manufacturing Forum at the College of the North Atlantic on Jan 17th, and Forestry 2020 at Glynmill Inn on March 13th, 2008. The Value Added Manufacturing Forum focused on value added wood products as a possible avenue to alleviate recent declines in the traditional wood product industries. Focus was also placed on the latest manufacturing technology in Europe e.g. Biofuels. Staff and sudents of CONA and members of the forest community attended. Over 40 people attended a discussion forum entitled Forestry 2020 relating to the provincial Forestry industry. The premise of the forum was to review current practices and to engage the audience in a discussion of where foresty may be in 2020. Guest speaker, Dave McLean, dean of Forest Management, UNB, presented some interesting ideas. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement


CFS – core CFS – other (if any) Canadian Institute of Forestry - NL Section Sector Members Total



Total $ 114.00



$ 0.00



$ 2625.00



$ 2,625.00

$ 2,739.00

$ 114.00

Planned Outputs:


Workshop Proceedings List of Other Project Partners: Canadian Institute of Forestry (NL section); College of the North Atlantic

Project Number: 1.1.6

New Project: Yes Project Title: Forest Sector Professional Development Strategy Project Leader: Dr. David Smallwood

Date Started: 10/1/2007

Purpose: Formulate a response to poor public image of forestry, careers in forestry, and methods of delivering positive messages through out education system. Description: A consultant was hired to complete a review of existing research documents and to develop a strategy for implementation of the recommendations made. A request from the provincial Department of Natural Resources saw the renewal of the provincial forest communications committee and the initiation of several projects which will help to address the lack of interest in the secondary schools in the forestry profession. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement


CFS – core



Total $800.00



$ 0.00


$ 800.00

CFS – other (if any) Department of Natural Resources Total

0 $ 800.00

Planned Outputs: Provincial Forestry Communication Committee Strategy List of Other Project Partners: Dept. of Natural Resources

Project Number: 1.1.7

New Project: Date Started: 10/1/2007 Yes Project Title: Forestry Educational Toolbox Project Leader: Department of Natural Resources (DNR); Western School District Purpose: To package the educational-curriculum related forestry toolbox into a website portal and DVD. Description: The provincial forestry communications committee requested that the Model Forest plan and


deliver a Forestry Toolbox In-Service for District Foresters. The consultant hired under the previous project organized the venue and the delivery of the workshop as part of the overall contract. Western School District provided the services of their Itinerant Educator to deliver this workshop. Over 20 district foresters from around the province attended this workshop. Funding was provided from Provincial Communications funding for this project and will be reported under that heading. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement


CFS – core CFS – other (if any) Western School District DNR



$ 0.00

$ 500.00

$ 500.00

$ 500.00

$ 500.00



Total 0

Planned Outputs: Workshop Proceeding List of Other Project Partners: Dept. of Natural Resources, Western School District

Project Number: 1.1.8

New Project: Date Started: 10/1/2007 Yes Project Title: Facilitate the development of the Atlantic Master Logger Certification Program (AMLCP) Project Leader: Department of Natural Resources Purpose: To pilot a provincial certification program for Crown operators in accordance with an Atlantic Canadian standard. Description: A forestry consulting firm was hired during April to September 2007 to compile the best management practices for Operators on Crown Lands in the province. This work was completed late in the year and a report received from the contractor. Since this time, the Department of Natural Resources has requested that the project be put on hold until such time as the province as completed the revision of its Environmental Protection Guidelines. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement


CFS – core CFS – other (if any) Department of Natural Resources Canadian Woodlands Forum Total




Total $ 0.00


$ 0.00 $ 6,726

0 $ 6,726.00


$ 6,726.00

Planned Outputs: Compilation of Best Management Practices for Operators on Crown Lands List of Other Project Partners: CWF: Consultation and management from Peter Robichaud

Project Number: 1.1.9

New Project: Date Started: 10/1/2007 Yes Project Title: Explore a closer relationship on initiatives with Atlantic FCP sites Project Leader: National and International Ventures Working Group (NIVWG) Marketing Consultant Purpose: To initiate a regional (Atlantic Canadian) approach to marketing the FCP program with the Atlantic provinces and its forest-dependent communities.

Description: A marketing workshop was delivered to Atlantic Model Forests by MFNL marketing consultant in Nova Scotia in mid November. Consultations were ongoing with the Atlantic Model Forests during this period with a goal to develop a plan for a regional marketing initiative. A regional proposal was developed by the MFNL Marketing Consultant and submitted to ACOA for funding. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement



CFS – core CFS – other (if any) ACOA Atlantic FCP sites



$ 4,885


Planned Outputs: Regional Proposal Meeting agenda and proceedings Atlantic Strategic Plan.

List of Other Project Partners: Fundy Model Forest; Nova Forest Alliance


0 3,850 $ 3,850.00

$ 4,885.00 $ 3,850.00 $ 8,735.00

Knowledge Gathering Project Number: 1.2.1

New Project: Yes Project Title: „Knowledge Gathering‟ Facilitation and Management Project Leader: Sean Dolter, General Manager

Date Started: 10/1/2007

Purpose: Guide the implementation of activities related to the objective for Knowledge Gathering; Develop a research program for gathering an inventory of biophysical, human/social and infrastructure capital. Description: The General Manager of the Model Forest guided the knowledge gathering initiatives of the LCN sites in cooperation with the Regional Economic Development Boards. Activities were related to facilitation, negotiation, developing terms of references and tracking successes and overcoming challenges. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core


In-kind 0

Total $ 15,262



$ 0.00

0 0

0 0

$ 0.00 $ 0.00

$ 15,262.00

$ 0.00

$ 15,262.00

CFS – other (if any) N/A N/A Total

Planned Outputs: Annual Report; Contractual agreements; Evaluation and Performance Management Framework.

List of Other Project Partners: N/A

Project Number: 1.2.2

New Project: Yes Project Title: Synergy Workshop of Natural Resource Economies Project Leader: HEDB Inc.

Date Started: 10/1/2007

Purpose: To enable the Model Forest to discover and build relationships with programs within the areas of sustainable communities, economic development, and human and social science. Description: Initial meetings are held to begin the process of bringing together groups who are working toward the economic and social development of forestry communities. Meetings are held with representatives of Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, the Centre for Environmental Excellence, Natural Resources Canada – CFS research teams, Institutue for Biodiversity and Ecological


Science, Regional Economic Development Boards, Sustainable Communities InitiativeMunicipalities NL, Lighthouse Institute. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement


CFS – core CFS – other (if any) Humber Economic Development Board; N/A Total



Total $640.00



$ 0.00


$ 0.00

0 0 $ 640.00

$ 640.00

Planned Outputs: Meeting Discussions List of Other Project Partners: See above

Project Number: 1.2.4

New Project: Date Started: 10/1/2007 Yes Project Title: Corner Brook Watershed Management Planning Framework and Provincial Watershed Template Project Leader: City of Corner Brook; Watershed Planner; Purpose: The establishment of an informed-decision making process in community-based watershed management. Description: The development of the Corner Brook Watershed Management Planning Framework continues during this period with research and public consultations. This information will be finalized in an implementation plan for the Corner Brook Watershed during 2008-2009. The new watershed plan will enable the Model Forest to update its existing template for community watershed management for distribution to 282 municipalities in Newfoundland and Labrador. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core


In-kind 0

Total $ 0.00

CFS – other (if any) City of Corner Brook Total



$ 0.00


$ 20,383.00

$ 20,383.00

$ 20,383.00

Planned Outputs:


Corner Brook Watershed Management Planning Document; Updated 2008 Provincial Watershed Management Template List of Other Project Partners: City of Corner Brook

Project Number: 1.2.5

New Project: Date Started: 4/1/2008 Yes Project Title: Information Resource System: Web-based and digital/hardcopy exchange Project Leader: Education and Communications Working Group; Water Resources Management Division; LCN Coordinators Purpose: To provide an information exchange platform for communities involved with the Model Forest Program; Also, enable future FCP communities to gather and exchange information for their future benefit. Description: The restructuring of the Model Forest website is begun and a searchable database will be designed to promote access to research and information presented. Discussions with the Department of Environment and Conservation, Water Resources Division are ongoing to decide how to integrate the NL Water Resources Portal Geoconnections project. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement


CFS – core CFS – other (if any) Water Resources Management Division N/A Total

Planned Outputs: Enhanced Model Forest Website NL Water Resources Portal

List of Other Project Partners: Department of Environment and Conservation, Water Resources Division



Project Number: 1.2.6

New Project: Yes Project Title: Community inventories of LCNs Project Leader: Humber Economic Development Board

Date Started: 4/1/2008

Purpose: To compile all labour market development information in the White Bay South Local Community Network. Secondary information will be collected in anticipation of a biophysical, human and social, and community infrastructure information database. This information is critical to the LCNs ability to develop strategic approaches to economic diversification utilizing the areas natural resources.

Description: HEDB have established a directory of community-based infrastructure and labour market information related to five communities. This information will be supplemented further by an inventory of socio-economic knowledge specifically related to human, social and infrastructure capital. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core


In-kind 0

Total $ 12,000.00



$ 0.00


$ 0.00

CFS – other (if any) Humber Economic Development Board; RedOchre Regional Board; Nordic Development Association – (joint proposal) N/A Total


0 $12,000.00

$ 12,000.00

Planned Outputs: Baseline LCN Inventory List of Other Project Partners: N/A

Project Number: 1.2.7

New Project: Yes Project Title: Knowledge Generation Plans (KGP) for the LCNs Project Leader: LCN Coordinators

Date Started: 4/1/2008

Purpose: A KGP will characterize what opportunities exist for research and information gathering. Description: The Humber Economica Development Board began its process for the development and


implementation of a strategy to fill the LCNs gaps in resource knowledge and answer critical questions as part of a KGP. This project should be considered the research file of the FCP and a multi-year program. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core


In-kind 0

Total $ 12,000.00



$ 0.00

CFS – other (if any) DNR LCNs Total

$ 12,000.00

$ 12,000.00

Planned Outputs: Interim Reports List of Other Project Partners: N/A

Opportunities Generation Project Number: 1.3.1

New Project: Yes Project Title: „Opportunities‟ Facilitation and Management Project Leader: Sean Dolter, General Manager

Date Started: 10/1/2007

Purpose: Guide the implementation of activities related to the objective for Opportunities Creation; Develop a organizational structure around the concept of pilot projects related to new or enhanced community economic development. Description This project was not active during the 2007-2008 fiscal year. The General Manager of the Model Forest will guide the Opportunities Creation initiatives of the LCN sites. Activities will be related to facilitation, negotiation, developing terms of references, contracting services, and tracking successes and overcoming challenges. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement


CFS – core

Total 0

CFS – other (if any) N/A N/A Total

Planned Outputs: Annual Report; Contractual agreements;




$ 0.00

0 0

0 0

$ 0.00 $ 0.00

Evaluation and Performance Management Framework. List of Other Project Partners: N/A

Project Number: 1.3.3

New Project: Yes Project Title: Working Group Workshops Project Leader: Chairs of Working Groups, LCN Coordinators

Date Started: 4/1/2008

Purpose: Working Group will be established under the authority of the Management Group of the MF-NL. Four Working Groups will be: Capacity Building Extension (CBEWG); Forest Based Economic Development (FEDWG); Education and Communications (ECWG); and the National and International Ventures (NIVWG) Description: This project was not active during the 2007-2008 fiscal year. The Working Group will conduct a series of workshops on topics related to: CBE WG – Partner facilitation, Conflict resolution, and traning opportunities; FED WG – Opportunity think-tank and pilot project development; EC WG – Youth outreach, technology transfer, networking and marketing; NIV WG – Joint projects, training and mentoring, international networking and technology transfer.

Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement


CFS – core CFS – other (if any) N/A N/A Total

Planned Outputs: WG Discussion document for LCN consideration List of Other Project Partners: N/A



International Project Number: 1.4.1

New Project: Yes Project Title: „International‟“ Facilitation and Management Project Leader: Sean Dolter, General Manager

Date Started: 10/1/2007

Purpose: Guide the implementation of activities related to our International objective. Description: The General Manager of the Model Forest developed the MFNL collaboration with the Argentine Model Forest, which included the Canadian Model Forest Network and the Canadian Forest Service, in furthering the developing of their LLI Process. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core


In-kind 0

Total $ 3,362



$ 0.00

0 0

0 0

$ 0.00 $ 0.00

$ 3,362.00

$ 0.00

$ 3,362.00

CFS – other (if any) N/A N/A Total

Planned Outputs: Annual Report; Contractual agreements; Evaluation and Performance Management Framework.

List of Other Project Partners: N/A


Project Number: 1.4.3

New Project: Date Started: 10/1/2007 Yes Project Title: Argentina Model Forest Network: Criteria and Indicator (LLI) Development Project Leader: Sean Dolter, General Manager Purpose: As part of Model Forest‟s commitment to work and exchange successful SFM experiences through the IMFN, MF-NL will facilitate a technology transfer workshop with the five Model Forest sites in Argentina. Description: The MFNL General Manager continued to develop a site training course on Argentina MF Local Level Indicators. A proposal was developed and submitted to the Forest Communities Program to assist with the delivery of this course. Funding was approved and the LLI workshop was delivered in Neuquen, Argentina in March 2008. The focus of this workshop was to promote an understanding and acceptance of a common set of indicators for LLI; to validate the proposed AMFN strategic plan on C&I; and to share an awareness and understanding of Canada‟s practical experience in defining and implementing LLI and indicator use at a network level. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core CFS – other (if any) Argentina Model Forest Network Model Forest – NL Partnership Total


In-kind 0

Total $ 4,632.00









$ 3,000.00

$ 22,967.00

$ 3,000

$ 28,967.00

Planned Outputs: Trip Report and Spanish Modules List of Other Project Partners: Model Forest Partnership Argentine Model Forest Network Canadian Forest Service Canadian Model Forest Network


Project Number: 1.4.7

New Project: Yes Project Title: International Student Field Station Project Leader: NRCan-CFS

Date Started: 4/1/2008

Purpose: Opportunities to bring national and international students to study Newfoundland and Labrador forests are numerous. The existing services and accomomodations for housing these students are at times limited. MF-NL offers its assistance to partners in the establishment or enhancement of this infrastructure. Description: This project was not active during the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Assist partners interested in exploring a business/ feasibility approach to an international student field research station. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core



Total $ 0.00

CFS – other (if any) N/A N/A



$ 0.00

0 0

0 0

$ 0.00 $ 0.00

$ 0.00

$ 0.00

$ 0.00



Planned Outputs: Proposal List of Other Project Partners: N/A

Legacy Project Number: 1.5.1

New Project: Yes Project Title: Opportunities Facilitation and Management Project Leader: Sean Dolter, General Manager

Date Started: 10/1/2007

Purpose: Guide the implementation of activities related to the objective for maintaining our relevance with legacy initiatives and their linkage with the new FCP program objectives. Description: The General Manager promoted the legacy initiatives of the Model Forest for consideration and integration into the planning mechanisms for the implementation of the Forest Communities Program. Legacy projects include the Biodiversity Assessment Program, the Criteria and Indicators Framework, the Watershed Management Planning Mechanisms, etc.


Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement



Total $ 14,067.00



$ 0.00

0 0

0 0

$ 0.00 $ 0.00


$ 0.00

$ 14,067.00

CFS – core


CFS – other (if any) N/A N/A Total

Planned Outputs: Annual Report; Contractual agreements; Evaluation and Performance Management Framework.

List of Other Project Partners: Model Forest Partnership

Project Number: 1.5.3

New Project: Yes

Date Started: 10/1/2007

Project Title: Partner-led Initiatives Project Leader: Management Group Partners Purpose: MF-NL is committed to supporting initiatives that our partners feel would be better administered under the auspices of the Model Forest program. These programs are not necessarily directly or indirectly related to the strategic plan of the FCP but are critical to the operational needs of the partner. Where appropriate, the LCNs will be transferred the knowledge and experience generated by these projects and incorporated into the LCN‟s Knowledge Generation Plans. Description: Maintained third party project administration for partners; shared the results of the partner-led initiatives with the FCP partners and the LCN sites. Examples of projects include: Wildlife research (caribou, predators, aquatics, geospatial, ecosystem status and trends; Education (exotic species); Natural Areas (Human Footprint analysis); Baie du Nord Heritage River. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement


CFS – core CFS – other (if any) MF Partnership DNR Wildlife Division Parks and Natural Areas Division Total

Total 0

0 29,553 203,261 12,834 $ 245,628.00

0 0 0

$ 0.00

$ 0.00 $ 29,533.00 $ 203,261.00 $ 12,834.00 $ 245,628.00

This Partner Led Initiative Funding will not be reported as part of the Forest Communities Program as these initiatives were not included in the 2007-2008 FCP Workplan.


Planned Outputs: Contracts; Final Reports; Communication tools. List of Other Project Partners: Dept. of Natural Resources, Dept. of Environment and Conservation, Wildlife Division and Parks and Natural Areas Division

Project Number: 1.5.4

New Project: Date Started: 10/1/2007 Yes Project Title: Labrador Forest Management Committee (FMC) projects Project Leader: Innu Nation and DNR Purpose: To support initiatives under an agreement between the Innu Nation and the DNR. Description: Offered facilitation services, project management guidance and project administration on several initiatives including: ISO certification, site classification, carbon research, insect conference. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core



Total $ 0.00

CFS – other (if any) DNR N/A



$ 0.00

28,178 0

0 0

$ 28,178 $ 0.00

$ 28,178.00

$ 0.00

$ 28,178.00



Planned Outputs: Workplan; Annual Reports List of Other Project Partners: N/A

Project Number: 1.5.5

New Project: Yes

Date Started: 4/1/2008

Project Title: SFM Education Strategy Project Leader: EC WG Purpose: The forest sectors‟ main challenge is the misinformation about forest management being delivered in our school systems. MF-NL with the assistance of many partners will formulate an approach over the next 5 years that clearly targets the messages delivered to the youth of our province. Part of building strong communities is building the knowledge base of our youth and the


new FCP will bring these messages to the LCN sites through smaller pilot programs. Description: Initiate the development of a SFM Education Strategy based on the previous work conducted through the Model Forest, the Department of Natural Resources and the Canadian Institute of Forestry. The Strategy will create several pilot activities and associated educational tools. These will be applied within the FCP boundary and shared with the LCN sites. They will be later applied at the provincial level through the education system and through guidance officials. During this period the first Pilot Forest Fair is planned and organized for April 2008. This event will profile our Forests and all of its values. As well, discussions begin on the development of a program to promote our Forests and the Forest Industry to Junior and Senior High School students. Outputs from this initiative will include a DVD, a Power Point presentation, and supplementary teaching materials which will provide an overview of Forests and the Forest Industry in this province.

Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement



CFS – core CFS – other (if any) DNR N/A Total



$ 0.00

6,253 0


$ 6,253.00 $ 0.00

$ 6,523.00

$ 0.00

$ 6,523.00

Planned Outputs: Strategy Document/Proposal for 2008-09. List of Other Project Partners: Dept. of Natural Resources

Project Number: 1.5.6

New Project: Yes Project Title: Forest Sector Communications (DNR) Project Leader: DNR; EC WG

Date Started: 10/1/2007

Purpose: Forest Sector issues need to be focused in the general public through media that will produce the most effective outcomes. MF-NL will work with DNR to produce a communications strategy and working group to carry through this most important task. The FCP will also parallel its communications efforts with the provincial strategy and intregrate a positive message about the new program and its ability to assist with provincial public education targets. Description: A provincial forest communication strategy is produced and a provincial communications working group formalized. A variety of promotional materials are produced and events planned for implementation in 2008. Budget:


Cash Contribution Agreement


CFS – core CFS – other (if any) DNR Total

Total 0



$ 0.00


$ 25,242.00


$ 25,242.00

Planned Outputs: Provincial calendars with winning student posters ; Proceedings of the in-servicing sessions; video script; Terms of Reference for the Provincial Communications Working Group; 6 fact sheets; 8 articles on issues related to forest management; 6 brochures on Criteria and Indicators; Pilot Forest Fair List of Other Project Partners: N/A

Project Number: 1.5.7

New Project: Yes

Date Started: 10/1/2007

Project Title: Charitable Status Project Leader: Executive Committee Purpose: Education and communication initiatives promoting Sustainable Forest Management are difficult projects for leveraging financial resources. MF-NL will attempt to establish a charitable organization to access funds for youth and public education initiatives. Description: This project went forward with no funding necessary. A charitable application was sent to the Canadian Revenue Agency for consideration. The proposed organization is incorporated under the provincial Corporations Act entitled “Future Forests for Sustainable Communities Inc.”. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement

CFS – core



Total $ 0.00

CFS – other (if any) N/A N/A



$ 0.00

0 0

0 0

$ 0.00 $ 0.00

$ 0.00

$ 0.00

$ 0.00



Planned Outputs: Incorporation of non profit agency List of Other Project Partners: N/A


Financial Report Financial Report – Forest Communities Program 2007-2008 (October 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008) The Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador (MFNL) financial statements represent the total revenue and expenditures realized by the MFNL during the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Expenditures for the period of October 1, 2007- March 31, 2008 applicable to the $ 175,000 funding grant received from the Department of Natural Resources under Year 1 of the Forest Communities program are presented separately. Consistent with previous years, the financial statements are presented on a project accounting basis with each project’s expenditure activities stated separately. These statements are audited annually by the accounting firm of Bonnell Cole Janes. The organization’s summary statements separate funding into two streams; the Canadian Forest Service core funding and Canadian Forest Service strategic funding and Model Forest partnership and general revenue funding. The expenditure report on this statement is directly related to budgetary projections presented in the MFNL 2007-2009 Workplan. This report will address the expenditures related to the first six months of this eighteen month Workplan. Following this report, Table I (page 44) breaks down expenditures by project including in-kind contributions relevant to each project. This table also identifies government and nongovernment sources of funding.

Overall Income Total actual revenue for the period of October 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008 was $ 412,525. This figure does not include Partner Led Imitative funding (Page 39) as these programs were not included in the MFNL Workplan 2007-2009. This total revenue of $ 412,525 represents the core funding grant ($ 175,000) from the Canadian Forest Service and ($ 15,410) contributed from National Strategic Project Funding toward the Atlantic Forest Marketing Initiative and the Argentina Local Level Indicators Initiative. The total revenue figure includes a total cash contribution from partners, government agencies, corporate sponsors and general revenue sources of $ 190,317. In-kind contributions to the program were $ 47,208.

Other Funds The Partnership and Other Revenue Funding $ 237,525 (government and non-government sources) is generated from the Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador Partnership contributions to projects as well as funding from government agencies, corporations, educational institutions, and other miscellaneous income, GST/HST rebates, and sales of forest site classification manuals.


Overall Expenditures Expenditures during the period of October 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008 are described in the MFNL 2007-2009 Workplan (18 month) and are in keeping with activities outlined in these documents. General and Administrative expenditures are used to support the General and Office Manager’s salary and employee benefits, office rent, supplies, telephone, travel, equipment, meetings, insurance, and related expenses. A portion of the General Manager’s salary during this six month initiative of the Forest Communities Program was contributed by the provincial Department of Natural Resources – Forest Services Branch ($ 7,908).

Balance Sheet Current assets consist mainly of cash and receivables due from partners, government or other funding agencies. The organization’s capital assets have been amortized on an annual basis as per the guidelines of the Canadian Auditors Association.

Direct and In-Kind Contributions Overall contributions to the Western Newfoundland Model Forest program during the period of October 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008 totaled $ 412,525 (includes in-kind contributions – refer page 46). This total is comprised of $ 190,410 of direct funding from the Canadian Forest Service, $ 153,847 direct partner funding (government sources) and $35,968 direct partner funding (nongovernment sources). Also included in this total is the total partnership in-kind contribution of $ 47,208 which is sourced from government and non-government sources ($ 17,108 and $ 30,100 respectively). Direct funding and in-kind contributions are presented as totals on page 46. The total revenue of the Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador core program October 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008 (first six months of the Forest Communities Program) which is sourced from government sources is $ 345,955 or 84.0% of its total revenue.


Expenditures Annual Report Summary October 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008 Expenses

NRCan-CFS FCP Funds*

Partner/Other Cash Inkind Gvt Ngvt Gvt Ngvt

1.0.1 Effective Management & Delivery 1.0.1 Program Administration 45,724 1.0.2 Program Supervision/Leadership 2,095 Subtotal 1.0.1


Goal/Program Areas Capacity Building 1.1.1 Facilitation & Management 1.1.2 Marketing Strategy 1.1.3 Communications Strategy 1.1.4 LCN Sites 1.1.5 CIF Miniforums 1.1.6 Forest Sector Professional Strategy 1.1.7 Forest Education Toolbox

20,793 27,700 11,671 4,642 114 800

1.1.8 AM Loggers Program 1.1.9 Atlantic FCP Sites Subtotal 1.1



45,145 2,260 4,250


Developing Approaches and Sharing Knowledge 1.2.1 Facilitation & Management 15,262 1.2.2 Synergy Workshop 640 1.2.4 Corner Brook Watershed 1.2.6 Community Inventory LCN 12,000 1.2.7 Knowledge Generation 12,000 Plan – LCN Subtotal 1.2 39,902 International Facilitation and Management 1.4.1 Facilitation & Management 3,362 1.4.3 Argentina Model Forest 4,632 Subtotal 1.4 7,994 Legacy 1.5.1 Opportunity Facilitation and Management 1.5.3 Partner Led Initiative 1.5.4 Labrador FMC 1.5.5 SFM Education Strategy 1.5.6 FS Communication Strategy Subtotal 1.5

73,882 15,458






200 950

4,375 2,625

500 6,726 4,885 63,266



700 1,650

3,150 10,650

20,793 72,845 14,131 14,217 2,739 800 500 6,726 8,735 141,486


15,262 640 20,383 12,000 12,000



10,525 10,525


7,810 7,810

6,000 6,000

3,362 28,967 32,329




28,178 6,253 25,242

28,178 6,253 25,242



Annual Totals $ 175,502






Annual Financial Report: List of Contributors for Year 2007-2008 (October 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008) Contributor


NRCan-CFS (FCP) NRCan-CFS (Other) Newfoundland Forest Service City of Corner Brook Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Dept. of Innovation, Trade & Rural Development Services Canada Humber Economic Development Board/Red Ochre Regional Board Canadian Institute of Foresters (NL Section) Western School District Envirothon Sponsors –Corporate General Revenue General Revenue – FCP

$175,000 $ 15,410 $ 71,649 $ 20,383 $ 29,395 $ 15,750



$ 1,260

$ 7,810 $365,317


$ 175,000 $ 15,410 $ 79,557 $ 20,383 $ 29,395 $ 15,750

$ 5,325

$ 1,260 $ 5,325

$ 2,625

$ 2,625

$ 500

$500 $ 200 $ 27,958 $ 502

$ 24,000 $ 3,850 $ 3,000 $47,208

$ 24,000 $ 3,850 $ 10,810 $ 412,525

$ 200 $ 27,958 $ 502

Model Forest Partnership Atlantic Model Forests Argentine Model Forest Network Total


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