Newfoundland and Labrador Partners in Sustainable Forest Management
Annual Report April 1, 2009– March 31, 2010 Supported by:
Audited Report, Bonnell Cole Janes Chartered Accountants
Prepared by:
Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador September 2010 Prepared for:
Natural Resources Canada Canadian Forest Service
Annual Report: 2009-2010
Model Forest of
Š Model Forest of Newfoundland & Labrador Inc. (MFNL)
WNMF has catalogued this Strategic document as follows: Annual Report 2009-2010 April 1, 2009– March 31, 2010 Editor of document: Glenda Garnier, Manager of Administration
Copies of this document may be obtained from: Model Forest of Newfoundland & Labrador Inc. P. O. Box 68 Corner Brook, NL A2H 6C3 Telephone: 709-637-7300 Fax: 709-634-0255
Table of Contents Introduction ...............................................................................................................3 Part 1: Overview of the 2009-2010 ........................................................................3 Changes from the Workplan ...................................................................................4 Period Highlights ...................................................................................................4 Part 2: 2007 - 2012 FCP Objective Categories .....................................................6 Administration.........................................................................................................7 Capacity Building ...................................................................................................8 Knowledge Gathering ...........................................................................................13 Opportunities Generation .....................................................................................17 International .........................................................................................................19 Legacy ...................................................................................................................22 Financial Report......................................................................................................25 Financial Report – Forest Communities Program 2009-2010 (April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010)....................................................................................................25 Expenditures .........................................................................................................27
Introduction Part 1: Overview of the 2009-2010 The following Annual Report covers the fiscal year from April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010, the third year of the Forestry Communities Program, and will focus on activities implemented during the twelve month period ending in March 2010. This third year of the Forest Communities Program and its implementation in Newfoundland and Labrador sees solid progress in the advancement of the objectives stated in the 5 year Strategic Plan. A. Capacity Building The creation of the Local Community Networks is well underway; a structure has been established in both White Bay South and the Great Northern Peninsula with the input and agreement of local community leaders, business people and government agencies. The Humber, Red Ochre and Nordic Regional Economic Development Boards are assisting with the employment of the LCN Coordinators and they are actively supporting the development of the LCN’s. They are also involved in stimulating discussion and ideas and identifying issues which are important to consider in forest opportunity development. B. Knowledge Generation The biophysical inventory document is completed and circulated to the LCN’s and the Regional Economic Development Boards. This database will be valuable for business planning and gap identification. Both of the LCN coordinators completed labour force assessments for their regions, and an infrastructure information document is completed for White Bay South. A contingent of Model Forest representatives, Humber Economic Development Board and LCN coordinators traveled to British Columbia to meet with representatives of the BC Community Forestry Association. C. Opportunities Creation Discussions between the members of the Local Community Networks, business people and economic development organizations have resulted in a number of development opportunities which have been researched in 2009-2010. Specific examples include; Community Forestry and its application in this province, Small Scale Harvesting in Sensitive Areas, Commercial Woodlot for Domestic Fuelwood , Pellet Industry Certification for access to export markets. The agreement between Corner Brook Pulp and Paper, the Humber Economic Development Board and MFNL was reached and will be used as a template for a proposed Crown agreement. Non Timber Forest Products such as mushrooms, birch sap, wreaths and greenery are identified as potential areas for development and both LCN regions plan for investigation and development if feasible. D. National and International MFNL continued its commitment to the Canadian Model Forest Network through its leadership on several national working groups. The General Manager was heavily involved in the delivery of a 3
side event at the World Forestry Congress. This event represented the Canadian Model Forest Network, the Canadian Forest Service and the Government of Argentina and the Argentina Model Forest Network and the collaboration and training which resulted in a Criteria and Indicators system for Argentina. Our GM also contributed to the CMFN as Champion of the International Engagement Strategy. The final document will be completed by September 2010. E. Legacy The Legacy program during this year saw a comprehensive program of projects with considerable financial input to a wide variety of initiatives including research, education, communication, environment restoration and assessment, provincial attitudinal studies, etc. Several of the legacy initiatives are directly related to the Forest Communities Program such as the Futures from Forest DVD, Forest Fair and National Forest Week. All other partner projects are not directly related to the FCP Contribution Agreement and will not be reported on in this Annual Report. Changes from the Workplan
April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010 Most of the projects proposed within this twelve month workplan were implemented according to the objectives. Significant funding is accessed from other federal and provincial sources outside of the Forest Communities program funding and is applied to the existing FCP program of projects and programs arising aside from the NRCan workplan schedule. Further in this annual report, project descriptions will characterize changes to the original intent of the project. Period Highlights During this third year of the Forest Communities Program several key milestones were achieved:
Key Achievements o The LCN coordinator is employed in White Bay South during this year. Activity highlights include the establishment of a group of key stakeholders who will provide direction and input to the development of the LCN workplan for this area. Significant liaison with local people, businesses and community groups is ongoing throughout the year. Labour force and human and infrastructure information on the region is collected and reported. Several workshops were held in the region to discuss potential opportunities and non timber forest products. o An agreement in principle is signed between Corner Brook Pulp and Paper, the Humber Economic Development Board and the Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador regarding the possibility of establishing a community managed forest in the White Bay South region. Unfortunately, the area under consideration was returned back to the Crown. Negotiations have commenced on a new agreement with Crown for the same area. o An LCN coordinator is employed on the Great Northern Peninsula as part of a cooperative agreement with the Nordic Economic Development Board and the Red Ochre Regional Board in October 2009.
o A complete biophysical inventory of the resources in the White Bay South and Great Northern Peninsula regions is completed and presented to the Model Forest and the LCN groups early in 2009. Other research included an investigation into Small Scale Harvesting and its contribution to Rural Development; An Analysis of Community Approaches to Forest Management across Canada; Commercial Woodlot for Domestic Fuelwood Consumption and Domestic Harvesting: Best Management Practices Brochure. o A series of presentations, workshops and meetings are held in both LCN regions and the Humber Valley- Corner Brook region to acquaint local community leaders with the Forest Communities Program and the LCN concept. Discussions are evolving to specific opportunities and gaps in rural forest dependent communities. o Several Model Forest staff and a representative from the Humber Economic Development Board and both LCN coordinators visit a number of Community Forests in British Columbia in November 2009. This fact finding mission is planned in collaboration with the British Columbia Community Forestry Association and the Canadian Model Forest Network meetings held in Nanaimo. o The Communications and Education Specialist positions continue throughout this fiscal year. Krista McCarthy is hired in September 2009 to replace Bonny Moroni, Education Specialist. The Forestry DVD is completed and launched in September during National Forest Week. The resource package is then copied and provided to the Dept. of Education for inclusion in the high school curriculum. The Communications Specialist updates the Model Forest modes of communication with the addition of a Facebook Site, Twitter and video networking options. o The General Manager together with Dr. John Hall of the Canadian Forest Service and the Argentina Model Forest Network present the Criteria and Indicators Development Process for Argentina at the World Forestry Congress in October 2009.
Challenges The continuing decline in world demand for pulp and paper has impacted the forestry industry in Newfoundland and Labrador with the shutdown of two paper machines and associated layoffs at Corner Brook Pulp and Paper. As well, the buyback of some of Corner Brook Pulp and Paper timber rights by the provincial government will likely impact the implementation of the Community Forest Initiative in White Bay South. MFNL needs to stimulate interest by the provincial government in experimenting with alternative tenure and licensing arrangements for rural, forest-dependent regions. Areas adjacent to traditional industries must be maintained for the benefit of those industries but in regions of this province where little economic forest-based activities are prevalent, we need to change the course of how we encourage investment. Major attention needs to be spent determining how product exports can meet the certification demands of a global marketplace. Chain of Custody certification on exports will only be achieved under a tenure arrangement and not a license; thus, greatly limiting the markets for our fledgling pellet industry. We need to think outside the box of large industry and begin to 5
experiment now with alternatives. This was the intent of creating the Model Forest in Newfoundland and Labrador. Part 2: 2007 - 2012 FCP Objective Categories The following projects were scheduled to be implemented during the 12 month period beginning April 1, 2009 and ending March 31, 2010. The projects are numbered according to year of contribution agreement/goal/project #. General focus of this year’s work was Capacity Building, Knowledge Generation and working with the 2 LCN sites in the Model Forest boundaries. The annual report’s second part will be organized according to 5 objectives: 1. 2.
4. 5.
Capacity Building: Concentrate on the governance structure and labour capacity of implementing a FCP within the individual LCNs; Knowledge Gathering: Focus on characterizing the forested regions within the communities reach and assessing human and social, infrastructure, and natural capital. We also generated opportunities for specific research associated with the FCP’s future success; Opportunities Creation: Hosted a series of workshops which will illustrate how long-term commitment to resource opportunity generation will have lasting effects within the communities. A business model for community management is being approached. International: Continue to explore opportunities in Argentina related to Criteria and Indicator (C & I) and possible education linkages. Legacy: Continue to support our partners’ efforts to implement innovative programs within their organizations and to promote the forest sector as being responsible and a great career investment.
Administration and management of the organization are reported as projects but will be put under the category of Support and will be given a goal number 0.
Administration Project Number: 3.0.1 New Project: No Date Started: 4/1/2009 Project Title: Program Administration Project Leader: Glenda Garnier, Administration Manager; Sean Dolter, General Manager Purpose: Administrative and management services; organizational support and facilitation. Description: The implementation and management of Year 3 of the Forest Communities program was the main priority of the Management Team of the Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador during 2009-10. Significant leadership and support were provided to the Local Community Network development in White Bay South and the Great Northern Peninsula. Regular Board and Management Group meetings were held during this period as well as planning meetings of the various sub-committees and the LCN advisory group. The Model Forest management also administered a slate of projects in addition to the FCP funding totaling $ 588,670. Several applications were submitted and approved to provide additional funding to FCP initiatives. These initiatives included the Communications and Education Specialist position and three student employment positions and an Environmental Green Team for a heritage project in White Bay South. The Manager of Administration also coordinated and administered the registration for a Carbon Budget Model Workshop in cooperation with Stephen Kull, NRCan. The workshop was held in Ste. Foy, Quebec in February 2009. There were thirty participants in this workshop from across Canada and internationally. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core CFS – other (if any) Miscellaneous income, admin. Partnership Services Canada (HRSDC) Carbon Budget Model Registration Total
Total $86,501
$ 4,900
$ 149,281
Outputs: Annual Report; Audited Financial Statements; Contractual agreements with partners, government agencies, private consulting firms and non-government organizations. Evaluation and Performance Management Framework
List of Other Project Partners: The Model Forest Partnership
Capacity Building Project Number: 3.1.1 New Project: No Project Title: „Capacity Building‟ Facilitation and Management Project Leader: Sean Dolter, General Manager
Date Started: 4/1/2009
Purpose: Guide the implementation of activities related to the objective for Capacity Building; Develop a governance system for each LCN. Description: Significant support was provided to both the White Bay South LCN and Great Northern Peninsula LCN during this year. The MFNL Management assisted with facilitation of LCN meetings and workshops; gave support and direction to both LCN coordinators and coordinated regular LCN advisory committee meetings. Extensive consultation with the Regional Economic Development Boards who have sponsored the employment programs for the LCN coordinators was ongoing. The general manager provided support to the development of an agreement in principle to establish a community managed forest in White Bay South. This agreement is signed off by Corner Brook Pulp and Paper, and the Humber Economic Development Board and MNFL. Extensive discussions are held with the WBS-LCN regarding the implementation of a community forest in the region. Interest in the community forest concept is growing in the province and is coming from a variety of groups. The general manager delivered a presentation to the minister and deputy minister of the Dept. of Natural Resources regarding the community forest concept and its relevance to this province. The general manager continued to provide facilitation services to the Public Advisory Committee for the CSA Z809 certified forest of CBPPL‟s limits As well, the general manager and communications specialist assisted Parks Canada with the facilitation and reporting for several Moose Management workshops in central Newfoundland. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core
Total $ 38,184
$ 38,184
Outputs: Annual Report, Funding Proposals, Memorandum of Understanding. List of Other Project Partners: Humber Economic Development Board, Red Ochre Regional Board and Nordic Economic Development Corporation, Municipal Councils, Forestry Organizations, Corner Brook Pulp and Paper, Burtons Cove Logging, Parks Canada
Project Number: 3.1.2 New Project: No Date Started: 4/1/2009 Project Title: MF Marketing and Communications Strategy Implementation Project Leader: Chair, Education and Communication Working (EC WG) Group; Communications Specialist Purpose: Promoting the FCP to our partners, the forest sector and the general public.
Funding to provide a communications specialist position was applied for and approved through Service Canada‟s Job Creation Program. Charlene Connors continued her term of employment in this position. The Model Forest Marketing and Communications strategy was reviewed and updated. A spring 2009 Model Forest newsletter was developed and widely distributed. It highlighted the progress of the LCN‟s, the international C&I workshop in Argentina, etc. The Communications Specialist participated in the development of a communication tool for Model Forests nationally. Organization for the Model Forest participation in the East meets West Expo in Corner Brook and Mount Pearl and the delivery of a Lumberjack Challenge was undertaken. This event was very well received by the public and participants were eager and enthusiastic. The communications specialist continued to provide support and leadership to the provincial forestry communications committee, assisted with the planning for a public relations event for the dedication of a CIF monument, and liaised with LCN coordinators to assist with communication efforts in rural communities. She assisted with the organization, promotion, and implementation of Forest Fair 2009 and 2010, and the NL Envirothon and the NL Hydro Envirofest. National Forest Week activities were organized and celebrated with a forestry luncheon featuring the provincial Minister of Education who launched the release of the Futures from Forests DVD and curriculum package. The communicator assisted with the assembly and distribution of the Futures from Forests DVD. Other events during National Forest week included a Kids Day in the Park. The Model Forest website was updated regularly with new information, publications and a schedule of events. Promotion of the 2009 Forest Ecology Walking tours was provided. Marketing materials were utilized to educate and promote the Model Forest and the Forest Communities Program at various venues, meetings and conferences. The design and construction of a Non Timber Forest Product display was contracted during this period. The Communications Specialist represented MFNL at a variety of meetings, workshops, ceremonies, and trade shows both in the province and Atlantic Canada. She developed a MFNL e-update mechanism and sent regular monthly updates to the partnership. The review and update of the MFNL communication strategy included the development of a Facebook site and Twitter capability. As well, the use of networking software such as Skype, Basecamp and Webex was investigated and implemented in use at MFNL. The communicator developed a webinar and delivered it to the Model Forest Network and communicators. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core
Total $ 33,118
Dept. of Natural Resources
Service Canada Parks Canada Other government Total
1,274 2,400
22,730 2,400
$ 21,456
$ 103,917
Outputs: Progress Reports, 3 email updates, planning and implementation of Forest Fair 2009 and NL Envirothon 2009 , various presentations to school and community groups, Urban Forest Walking Tour, National Forest week breakfast and Lumberjack Competition, Facebook and Twitter and a national communication tool.
List of Other Project Partners: Dept. of Natural Resources, Dept. of Environmental and Conservation, Corporations, Service Canada
Project Number: 3.1.3 New Project: No Date Started: 4/1/2009 Project Title: Local Community Network (LCNs) Project Leader: General Manager; Capacity Building Extension Working Group (CBE WG); LCN Coordinators Purpose: Establish the implementation mechanism for the Forest Communities Program Description: Significant support and participation is seen throughout this year from the White Bay South LCN. The group is formalized in September 2009 with representatives from municipal councils, White Bay South Development Assn., the Main River Advisory Group, Stanley Ford Heritage Property, Burtons Cove Logging, Corner Brook Pulp and Paper, the Humber Economic Development Board and the MFNL. The coordinator provides organizational support and facilitation for the White Bay South LCN. He also completes a labour force report, a human resources report and an overview of the infrastructure available in the region. In the winter, a wreath making workshop is held in White Bay South and is well attended. Wreath making will be further explored as a possible NTFP business for the region. Both LCN coordinators attend a Entrepreneurship and Business Planning workshop sponsored by the Community Services Council in June 2009. A coordinator was hired for the Great Northern Peninsula Forestry Network (GNPFN) in May 2009 but for personal reasons had to leave the position. There was a time lapse between her departure and the new LCN coordinator being hired in late October 2009. During this time however several meetings were held on the GNP with a wide spectrum of stakeholders attending. The GM still maintains the position of Acting Chair of the GNPFN. Significant consultation with business owners, harvesters and stakeholders in the LCN groups begins during this period regarding the implementation of specific economic initiatives in the LCN regions. Examples of these ideas include the certification of a pellet mill operation, the development of a domestic fuel wood yard, wreath making, mushroom harvesting, and the community forest concept. Both LCN coordinators participated the Community Forest fact finding mission to British Columbia in November 2009. As well, the MFNL General Manager, Manager of Administration and the Executive Director of the Humber Economic Development Board participated. Presentations were made to both LCN groups and to a group of Newfoundland Forest Service staff to educate and inform regarding this mission. The LCN Advisory Group continues to meet and provide feedback and guidance to the LCN coordinators and LCN groups. The Town of Eastport contacted the Model Forest and the Dept. of Natural Resources to request a presentation on community forests and its application in the municipal context. Sean Dolter and Keith Deering attend a meeting with the town council to discuss the concept.
Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core Humber Economic Development Board Red Ochre Regional Board; Nordic Economic Development Board Local Community Networks Total
Total $ 16,266
$ 16,266
$ 41,683
$ 7,675
$ 77,213
Outputs: Memorandum of Understanding and contracts with partners; Labour force reports; Municipal infrastructure report; Human Resources report; Proposals for LCN Coordinators List of Other Project Partners: Dept. of Natural Resources; Humber Economic Development Board; Red Ochre Regional Board; Nordic Regional Development Corporation; Holsum Forest Products; Burtons Cove Logging; Corner Brook Pulp and Paper; Municipal Councils; Main River Advisory Group; White Bay South Development Association
Project Number: 3.1.4 New Project: No Project Title: Canadian Model Forest Network (CMFN) Project Leader: General Manager
Date Started: 4/1/2009
Purpose: To represent the MFNL at the regional, national and international level. As part of the CMFN, participant in Strategic Initiatives, task groups and joint projects that support SFM in Canada. Description: The MFNL were active members and provided leadership to a number of initiatives undertaken by the CMFN during 2009-2010. Sean Dolter chaired several working groups and facilitated the development of an international engagement strategy and assisted two national task groups. A number of Model Forest partners, LCN representatives and staff participated in the CMFN meetings in Nanaimo, BC in November. The Manager of Administration participated in Community Indicators workshop held in Toronto in December and the Communications and Education Specialists together with the two LCN coordinators participated in the Non Timber Forest Products Workshop (NTFP) held in Nova Scotia in February. MFNL contributed financially to this NTFP workshop. MFNL also supported the establishment of the Atlantic Model Forest Regional Network. In March 2010, the MFNL‟s representative on the CMFN, Dr. M. Nazir agreed to chair the CMFN working group 4/5 in developing a membership approach for the organization. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core
Total $ 2,410
$ 2,410
CFS – other (if any) Sector Members Total
Outputs: International Engagement Strategy Task Group 4/5 Recommendation on Membership List of Other Project Partners: Canadian Model Forest Network Atlantic Model Forest Network
Knowledge Gathering Project Number: 3.2.1 New Project: No Project Title: „Knowledge Gathering‟ Facilitation and Management Project Leader: Sean Dolter, General Manager
Date Started: 4/1/2009
Purpose: Guide the implementation of activities related to the objective for Knowledge Gathering; Develop a research program for gathering an inventory of biophysical, human/social and infrastructure capital. Description: The Biophysical Inventory Assessment in White Bay South and the Great Northern Peninsula is completed in May 2009. This project sees the identification of all forest inventories, herbaceous and mushroom species inventories, spatial information pertaining to protected areas, ecological reserves, cabins, outfitting lodges, recreational trail locations, and waterways. This information was entered and analyzed using GIS. This information will be utilized to identify knowledge gaps and potential economic opportunities in the LCN regions. Information gathered as part of the LCN coordinators‟ research such as human resource and community infrastructure data is used as a foundation for planning activities around new forest based opportunities. The General Manager continued a facilitating and supporting role in the Community Involvement Process for the development of the Regional 5 year plan in District 16 at the request of Corner Brook Pulp and Paper. This will help the industry to meet requirements for both the CSA certification and the future Forest Stewardship Council certification (FSC). Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core
$ 10,536
$ 10,536
$ 10,536
$ 10,536
Outputs: Annual Report; Contractual agreements; Evaluation and Performance Management Framework. List of Other Project Partners: Humber Economic Development Board Red Ochre Regional Development Board Nordic Economic Development Corporation Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Department of Natural Resources
Project Number: 3.2.2 New Project: No Project Title: „Model Forest/Forest Sector Workshops and Seminars Project Leader: MFNL Staff
Date Started: 4/1/2009
Purpose: To augment local professional development opportunities within the forest sector especially with regard to community based organizations, institutions, agencies, etc. Our forest sector partners will strengthen collaborative initiatives as well as inter-institutional strategies. Description: The Model Forest 2009-2010 workplan planned for participation in the Trends and Opportunities Conference in the fall of 2009. As this event was cancelled, a contingency plan was implemented which coordinated a mission to Community Forests in British Columbia. This mission was planned in a complementary timeframe to permit attendance at the Canadian Model Forest Network meetings in Nanaimo and the Non Timber Forest Workshop sponsored by Royal Roads University. The Model Forest General Manager and Manager of Administration, the Executive Director of the Humber Economic Development Board and both LCN Coordinators travelled to BC in early November. Susan Mulkey with the Community Forest Association of British Columbia facilitated the information gathering mission through meetings with the Sunshine Coast Community Forest, Lake Powell and Whistler Community Forests. As well, the contingent met with representatives of the BC Forestry Ministry who regulate and license community forests. The General Manager and the LCN coordinators developed and delivered presentations on Community Forests to the LCN groups in the regions, to regional Dept. of Natural Resources staff, district foresters and to community organizations. The Canadian Institute of Forestry and the Model Forest sponsored two miniforums during this year. In May 2009, a forum was held in Goose Bay, Labrador with 30 participants and 4 presenters. The range of topics included Biomass in Europe, Pellet Manufacturing in NL, Windthrow Modelling and Insects in Labrador. A second miniforum was held in St. John‟s at the Dept. of Natural Resources‟ Agricultural Station. 25 participants attended this presentation by Sean Dolter and Krista Head (DNR) on Non Timber Forest Products. MFNL sponsored the provincial representative on the Management Group in attending a Non Timber Forest workshop in Nova Scotia in April 2009. MFNL also made a contribution to the Atlantic Non Timber Forest Workshop held in Truro in February 2010. Both LCN coordinators and the Model Forest Communications and Education Specialist attended the event. MF staff and partners represented the organization at a variety of regional, provincial and national events and committees. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core CIF – NL Section Humber Economic Development Board Red Ochre Regional Board Total
In-kind 21,984
Total $ 21,984
526 2,385
$ 28,885
Outputs: Model Forest presentations and Community Forest reports, CIF miniforums, reports.
Project Number: 3.2.3
New Project: Date Started: 4/1/2009 Yes Project Title: Domestic Harvesting: Best Management Practices Brochure Project Leader: Charlene Connors, Communications Specialist Purpose: To develop a manual/brochure that illustrates best management procedures to ensure ecosystem protection, full utilization of timber, health and safety precautions and minimizing the impact on other forest users and values. Description: The current information on domestic cutting and best management practices was reviewed by Anderson and Yates Forestry Consultants. Meetings were held with MFNL and representatives of the Department of Natural Resources. A brochure is completed, reviewed and printed. This brochure was circulated through the Model Forest partnership, at regional DNR branches and at events like Forest Fair. It is also available on the MFNL website. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
Total $ 1,184
CFS – core
Dept. of Natural Resources Total
$ 3,294
Outputs: Domestic Harvesting; Best Management Practices Guide List of Other Project Partners: NRCan DNR
Project Number: 3.2.4 New Project: No Date Started: 4/1/2009 Project Title: Corner Brook Watershed Management Planning Framework and Provincial Watershed Template Project Leader: City of Corner Brook Purpose: The establishment of an informed-decision making process in community-based watershed management. Description: The Corner Brook Watershed Management Planning Framework was endorsed by the City of Corner Brook council during this year. The MFNL assisted the City with the public consultation phase of this process. This information will be used to help support the development of the City‟s Long-term Sustainability Plan. The pilot process was also used to update the Model Forest existing template for community watershed management. This information is available to municipalities and the general public on the Dept. of Environment and Conservation, Water Resources Division website. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core City of Corner Brook Total
Total 0
$ 2,436
$ 2,436
$ 2,436
Planned Outputs: Corner Brook Watershed Management Planning Document; Updated 2008 Provincial Watershed Management Template List of Other Project Partners: City of Corner Brook, Dept. of Environment and Conservation, Water Resources Division
Project Number: 3.2.5
New Project: Yes Project Title: Ecological Goods and Services Research Project Project Leader: Sean Dolter, General Manager
Date Started: 4/1/2009
Purpose: The MFNL contributed to the CMFN‟s Ecological Goods and Services Strategic Initiative by sending a representative of the Management Group to the project workshop in Ottawa. It is the intent of the MFNL to investigate NL activities to establish EG&S research priorities. Description: Jim Taylor, former General Manager attended the EG and S Workshop in Ottawa to review the CMFN‟s Strategic Initiative and to recommend a provincial approach to harmonizing national priorities with provincial. A trip report was prepared but no major activities have taken place on this initiative. Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core
Total $0
Output: Trip Report List of Other Project Partners: Canadian Model Forest Network
Opportunities Generation Project Number: 3.3.1 New Project: No Project Title: „Opportunities‟ Facilitation and Management Project Leader: Sean Dolter, General Manager
Date Started: 4/1/2009
Purpose: Guide the implementation of activities related to the objective for Opportunities Creation. Liasion with the Working Group and the LCN Advisory Committee in exploring new opportunities for entrepreneurial engagement; prepare proposals to leverage MF and partner resources. Description: Through several meetings of the LCN advisory group, liaison with our regional forest networks and consultation with industry, entrepreneurs and government departments, MFNL has identified a number of economic opportunities which were pursued during this period. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core
In-kind 6,071
Total $ 6,071
Outputs: Annual Report; Contractual agreements; Evaluation and Performance Management Framework. List of Other Project Partners: Burtons Cove Logging, White Bay South LCN, Corner Brook Pulp and Paper
Project Number: 3.3.2 New Project: Yes Date Started: 4/1/2009 Project Title: Small Scale Harvesting in Sensitive Areas and its Contribution to Rural Development Project Leader: General Manager Purpose: The Model Forest is interested in demonstrating various approaches to timber removal in sensitive viewsheds. A proposed approach to salvaging timber infested by the spruce bark beetle has been a critical issue in the Humber Valley region. One of the major oppositions to small scale harvesting techniques by contractors is the cost associated with harvesting on sloped areas in sensitive viewsheds where clear cutting is not an option. This project was to gather information on the Humber Valley‟s white spruce population and mortality rate and to begin formulating a strategy to produce a cost benefit analysis of this initiative from its design to its final sale of timber to market. Description: Anderson and Yates Forestry Consultants were contracted to conduct a field and aerial evaluation of the extent of the spruce bark beetle infestation in the Humber Valley and to identify the optimal stands to conduct a trial. This project was completed in the fall of 2009.
The project report is available on the MFNL website. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
Total $ 7,547
$ 7,547
$ 7,547
CFS – core Total
Project report: List of Other Project Partners: DNR
Project Number: 3.3.3
New Project: Date Started: 4/1/2009 Yes Project Title: Commercial Woodlot for Domestic Fuel Wood Consumption: Demonstration Project Project Leader: General Manager Purpose: The Great Northern Peninsula Forest Network and the Model Forest developed a business case for the establishment of domestic fuel yards in western Newfoundland. Description: Anderson and Yates Forestry Consultants were contracted to investigate the potential to commercialize fuelwood for retail outlets in the western region. The final report is presented in March 2010 entitled “Retail Fuel Wood: A Supporting Document for Business Planning”. A copy of this document is shared with the Local Community Networks and is posted on the MFNL website.
Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core
In-kind 3,493
Planned Outputs: Annual Report; Project Report Contractual agreements; Evaluation and Performance Management Framework. List of Other Project Partners: Dean Pilgrim, Pilgrims Trucking, Roddickton, NL
Total $ 3,493
International Project Number: 3.4.1 New Project: No Project Title: „International‟“ Facilitation and Management Project Leader: General Manager
Date Started: 4/1/2008
Purpose: Guide the implementation of activities related to our International objective. Description: MFNL has assisted the CMFN in several parallel processes on the international scene: 1. The MFNL has chaired the Strategic Initiative to develop a CMFN International Engagement Strategy. The GM has developed an implementation process and has consulted with most CMFN members. During the 2009-2010 fiscal year, a presentation was developed on the IES and refinements have been made to the final document. 2. For the past three years, the Canadian Model Forest Network has partnered with MFNL, Canadian Forest Service, Argentinian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and the Argentina Model Forest Network to develop local level indicators for sustainable forest management for Argentine Model Forests. During the 2009-2010 fiscal year, the GM created and delivered a presentation at the World Forest Congress in Argentina, Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core
CFS – other (if any) Government of Argentina N/A Total
Total $ 5,438
$ 5,438
$ 5,438
Planned Outputs: Annual Report; Proposals and Contribution Agreements Contractual agreements; World Forestry Congress Evaluation and Performance Management Framework.
List of Other Project Partners: CMFN NRCan-CFS – through the representation of Dr. John Hall Argentinian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Argentina Model Forest Network International Model Forest Network
Project Number: 3.4.3 New Project: No Project Title: International Partners Project Leader: Sean Dolter, General Manager
Date Started: 4/1/2009
Purpose: As part of Model Forest‟s commitment to work and exchange successful SFM experiences through the IMFN, MFNL assisted the Argentina Model Forest Network in profiling the development of a „suite of local level indicators‟ for Argentina at the World Forestry Congress. Description: The Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador, as a representative of the CMFN, partnered with NRCan-CFS to host a side event at the 2009 World Forestry Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The WFC was held from Oct. 18-23, 2009. The WFC gave the Canadian government and the Model Forest program, both international and national, great exposure. From a Canadian standpoint, the major presence at the WFC was this side event. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core
In-kind 0
Total $ 1,638
CFS – other (if any) Government of Argentina Canadian Model Forest Network
$ 2,128
$ 10,405
$ 7,527
Planned Outputs: Trip Report and Spanish Modules List of Other Project Partners: Model Forest Partnership Argentine Model Forest Network NRCan - Canadian Forest Service Canadian Model Forest Network
$ 3,761
$ 10,405
$ 17,932
Project Number: 3.4.3
New Project: Date Started: 4/1/2009 Yes Project Title: Community Approaches to Forest Management across Canada and the International Model Forest Project Leader: General Manager Purpose: The risks associated with embracing a new model for community participation in decisions related to forest management can be high. MFNL looked at a variety of models both nationally and internationally that could be used as a model for Newfoundland and Labrador communities. Description: Anderson and Yates Forestry Consultants were contracted in late 2009 to research and compile data related to established Community Forest projects across Canada. The information collected will aid in the development of a innovative approach for forest projects across the province and will provide insight into the keys to success when developing a new CF as well as identifying many of the initial and operational problems faced by other CF‟s across Canada. This research report was completed in February 2010 and is found on the MFNL website entitled “Community Approaches to Forest Management Across Canada: An Analysis of Current Community Forests”. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core
$ 9,159
$ 9,159
Planned Outputs: Final Report, “Community Approaches to Forest Management Across Canada: An Analysis of Current Community Forests“ List of Other Project Partners: Model Forest Partnership
Total 0
$ 9,159 $ 9,159
Legacy Project Number: 3.5.1 New Project: No Project Title: Partner Based Facilitation and Management Project Leader: Sean Dolter, General Manager
Date Started: 4/1/2009
Purpose: Guide the implementation of activities related to the Legacy objective. Project administration and management are key to the level of involvement, by partners, in the Model Forest. Description: During 2009-2010, MFNL has administered 36 partnership projects (total value of $ 588,670) which were developed through ongoing consultation and support to our partnership. Many of these projects have complemented the Forest Communities Program. They have provided research which will be valuable to future forest planning initiatives, promoted the forest resource and its valuable contributions to our economy, supported training initiatives such as the national Carbon Budget Modeling training, and implemented a river cleanup initiative on Lomond River as part of an environmental compensation package by a major corporation. Other examples of projects include: Research (caribou, predators, aquatics, geospatial, ecosystem status and trends); Education (exotic species);Molecular Markers; National Forest Week; Forest Fair 2009, Facilitation and support to the Innu Nation and the Dept. of Natural Resources in District 19 A in Goose Bay, Labrador. MFNL also purchased climate change monitoring equipment for the Innu Nation from DNR Forest Management Committee funds. Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core DNR Process Agreement Total
In-kind 41,808
Total 0
3,299 $ 45,107
Planned Outputs: Final Reports Annual Report; Contractual agreements. List of Other Project Partners: Provincial Departments: Department of Environment and Conservation: o Wildlife Division o Parks and Natural Areas Department of Natural Resources o Forestry Division Canadian Forest Service Innu Nation Jacques Whitford/Stantec Environmental Consultants
$ 41,808 $ 3,299
$ 45,107
Project Number: 3.5.2 New Project: No Project Title: SFM Education Strategy Project Leader: Krista McCarthy, Education Specialist
Date Started: 4/1/2009
Purpose: The forest sectors‟ main challenge is the misinformation about forest management being delivered in our school systems. MFNL with the assistance of many partners formulated an approach over the next 5 years that clearly targets the messages delivered to the youth of our province. Part of building strong communities is building the knowledge base of our youth. Description: The Education strategy developed by the Model Forest guides the activities of the Educational Specialist who was hired initially in August 2008. Additional funding is received from Service Canada through a Job Creation Partnership program to continue this position through 2009-10. Highlights of 2009-2010 activities: NL 2009 Envirothon and planning for the 2010 event; Finalization and launch of the Forestry DVD during National Forest week 2009 and its introduction in the school system this year; Forest Ecology Walking Tour; Refinement of Foresty in a Backpack and several workshops for district office forestry officers; Green Team Heritage Research and Community Garden Project in White Bay South. As well, the MFNL Educational Specialist collaborated and supported the development and delivery of a Traditional Ecological Knowledge Camp which was attended by 30 aboriginal students from the province in March 2010. The Education Specialist was involved in numerous trade shows, career fairs, presentations in schools, role play at the College of North Atlantic and Sir Wilfred Grenfell College.
Budget: Cash Contribution Agreement
CFS – core CFS – other (if any) Services Canada Corporate Sponsors Dept of Natural Resources Dept. of Environment and Conservation Dept. of Innovation, Trade & Rural Dev. Schools – Registration Dept. of Fisheries & Aquaculture Total
Total $ 39,663
39,663 2,000
$ 2000
2,454 11,445
21,456 0
$23,910 $11,445
$ 29,975
$ 19,207
$ 3,200
Planned Outputs:
$ 21,456
NL Envirothon Final Report, Forest Ecology Walking Tour Final Report, Forest Fair Synopsis, Forestry DVD and curriculum materials Traditional Ecological Knowledge Camp Report List of Other Project Partners: Department of Natural Resources, Canadian Institute of Forestry (NL Section), Canadian Forest Service, Department of Environment and Conservation
Financial Report Financial Report – Forest Communities Program 2009-2010 (April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010) The Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador (MFNL) financial statements represent the total revenue and expenditures realized by the MFNL during the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Expenditures for the period of April 1, 2009- March 31, 2010 applicable to the $ 325,000 funding grant received from the Natural Resources Canada under Year 3 of the Forest Communities program are presented separately. Consistent with previous years, the financial statements are presented on a project accounting basis with each project’s expenditure activities stated separately. These statements are audited annually by the accounting firm of Bonnell Cole Janes. The organization’s summary statements separate funding into two streams; the Canadian Forest Service core funding and Canadian Forest Service strategic funding and Model Forest partnership and general revenue funding. The expenditure report on this statement is directly related to budgetary projections presented in the MFNL 2009-2010 Workplan. Following this report, Table I (page 32) breaks down expenditures by project including in-kind contributions relevant to each project. This table also identifies government and nongovernment sources of funding.
Overall Income Total actual revenue including in-kind contributions for the period of April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010 was $ 671,994. This figure does not include Partner Led Initiative funding (Page 23) as these programs were not included in the MFNL Workplan 2009-2010. This total revenue of $ 671,994 includes the core funding grant ($ 325,000) from the Canadian Forest Service and ($ 4,128) contributed from National Strategic Project Funding toward the World Forestry Congress Side Event and the NL Envirothon. Registration fees for the Carbon Budget Modelling Workshop were $ 4900. The total revenue figure includes a total cash contribution from partners, government agencies, corporate sponsors and general revenue sources of $ 198,664 and in-kind contributions to the program were $ 148,330.
Other Funds The Partnership and Other Revenue Funding $ 198,664 (government and non-government sources) is generated from the Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador Partnership contributions to projects as well as funding from government agencies, corporations and businesses, educational institutions, and other miscellaneous income, GST/HST rebates, and sales of forest site classification manuals.
Overall Expenditures Expenditures during the period of April 1, 2009-March 31, 2010 are described in the MFNL 2009-2010 Workplan and are in keeping with activities outlined in these documents. General and Administrative expenditures are used to support the General and Administration Manager’s salary and employee benefits, office rent, supplies, telephone, travel, equipment, meetings, insurance, and related expenses.
Balance Sheet Current assets consist mainly of cash and receivables due from partners, government or other funding agencies. The organization’s capital assets have been amortized on an annual basis as per the guidelines of the Canadian Auditors Association.
Direct and In-Kind Contributions Overall contributions to the Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador program during the period of April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010 totaled $ 671,994 (includes in-kind contributions – refer page 27-28). This total ($ 671,994) is comprised of $ 325,000 of direct funding from the Canadian Forest Service, $ 128,662 direct partner funding (government sources) and $70,002 direct partner funding (non-government sources). Also included in this total is the total partnership in-kind contribution of $ 148,330 which is sourced from government and non-government sources ($ 59,217 and $ 89,113 respectively). Direct funding and in-kind contributions are presented as totals by source on page 28. The total revenue of the Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador core program April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010 (third year of the Forest Communities Program) which is sourced from government sources is $ 512,879 or 76.3 % of its total funding.
Expenditures Annual Report Summary April 1, 2009 – March 31, 2010 Expenses
NRCan-CFS FCP Funds*
Partner/Other Cash Inkind Gvt Ngvt Gvt Ngvt
3.0.1 Effective Management & Delivery 3.0.1 Program Administration 86,501 3.0.2 Program Supervision/Leadership
Subtotal 3.0.1
38,184 33,118
Goal/Program Areas Capacity Building 3.1.1 Facilitation & Management 3.1.2 Marketing & Communications Strategy 3.1.3 LCN Sites 3.1.4 Canadian Model Forest Network Subtotal 3.1
Developing Approaches and Sharing Knowledge 3.2.1 Facilitation & Management 10,536 3.2.2 Forest Sector Workshops 21,984 and Seminars 3.2.3 Domestic Harvesting BMP 1,184 Guide 3.2.4 Corner Brook Watershed 3.2.5 Ecological Goods & Services Subtotal 3.2 33,704
146,596 14,110
16,266 2,410 89,978
38,184 103,917
93,479 2,410
10,536 28,885
526 2,110
New or Enhanced Forest Based Opportunities 3.3.1 Facilitation & Management 6,071 3.3.2 Small Scale Harvesting 7,547 Sensitive Areas 3.3.3 Retail Fuel Wood 3,493 Research Subtotal 3.3 17,111
6,071 7,547 3,493 17,111
International Facilitation and Management 3.4.1 International Facilitation & 5,438 Management 3.4.2 International Partners 1,638 3.4.3 Community Approaches to 9,159 Forest Management Subtotal 3.4 16,235
Bringing Forth the Model
9,159 32,529
Forest Legacy 3.5.1 Partner Based Facilitation and Management 3.5.2 Education Strategy Facilitation 3.5.4 Labrador FMC Subtotal 3.5 Annual Totals 2009-2010
3,299 60,935
3,299 178,507
Annual Financial Report: List of Contributors for Year 2009-2010 Contributor
NRCan-CFS (FCP) NRCan-CFS (Other) Carbon Budget Model Workshop Regist Dept. of Natural Resources Newfoundland Forest Service City of Corner Brook Dept. of Innovation, Trade & Rural Development Services Canada Humber Economic Development Board Red Ochre Regional Board/Nordic Regional Board Canadian Institute of Foresters (NL Section) Dept. of Environment & Conservation – Wildlife Division Envirothon Sponsors –Corporate/schools Schools – Envirothon registrations General Revenue
325,000 4,128 4,900 81,053
$ 325,000 $ 4,128 $ 4,900 $ 81,053
$ 2,436
19,207 12,938
Model Forest Partnership Dept. of Fisheries & Aquaculture Argentine Model Forest Network Canadian Model Forest Network Parks Canada Local Community Networks Total
42,912 44,068
$ 19,207 $55,850 $ 44,068
$ 526
3,500 11,445 3,200 48,670
$ 3,500 $ 11,445 $ 3,200 $ 48,670 11,425
500 10,405 3,761 2,400 523,664
7,675 148,330
$ 11,425 $500 $ 10,405 $ 3,761 $ 2,400 $7,675 $671,994