MFNL Work Plan 2011-2012

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Forest Communities Program’s (FCP) contribution to economic prosperity utilizing our natural resources

2011-2012 Work Plan Year 5 of the FCP (12 month)

Prepared by:

Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador March 2011

Prepared for:

Forest Communities Program Secretariat Natural Resources Canada Canadian Forest Service

WORK PLAN 2011-12

Rural Newfoundland and Labrador’s Future

Š 2011 Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador (MFNL)

MFNL has catalogued this Strategic document as follows: 2011-2012 Work Plan: Year 5 of the Forest Communities Program (FCP)

Author: Sean Dolter, General Manager Contributions from: Glenda Garnier, Manager of Administration Tammy Higgins, Project Manager Nathan Wareham, LCN Coordinator White Bay South Ian Stone, LCN Coordinator Great Northern Peninsula

Copies of this document may be obtained from: Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador Inc. P. O. Box 68 Corner Brook, NL A2H 6C3 Telephone: (709) 637-7300 Fax: (709) 634-0255

Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................... 3 Work Plan Overview ............................................................................................ 4 Linkages between Activities, Outputs and Outcomes ......................................... 5 Performance Management Strategy ) .................................................................. 5 2011-2012 Activities .............................................................................................. 8 Thematic Categories ........................................................................................... 8 Capacity Building ..................................................................................... 10 Knowledge Generation/Gathering ............................................................. 18 Opportunities Creation .............................................................................. 25 National and International ......................................................................... 35 Legacy ...................................................................................................... 37 Work Plan Budget Summary ............................................................................. 41 Cash Flow Forecast ......................................................................................... 42 MF-NL Partners and Supporters: Nature of Partnerships & Future Impacts 43 Appendix 1: Environmental Assessment ........................................................... 47 Appendix 2: Logic Model and Results Based Management Framework ......... 48 Results and Outcome Chain .............................................................................. 48 Performance Measurement Strategy ................................................................. 49

Introduction The Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador now enters its final year of the Forest Communities Program. 2010-2011 proved to be a year of growth for the MFNL on several levels: •

Additions to our staff: o

Tammy Higgins as Projects Manager


Lindsay Collingwood as Communications Coordinator – later replaced by Peter Davison as Outreach Coordinator


Nathan Wareham as the LCN Coordinator for White Bay South under the Humber Economic Development Board


Ian Stone as LCN Coordinator for the Great Northern Peninsula under the Red Ochre Regional Economic Development Board.

Product development trials commenced in White Bay South;

Planning for a large provincial conference on Rural Revitalization came to fruition with hosting the event in April 2011;

And a general feeling that we are truly making an impact on communities and businesses in our region.

For 2011-2012, we have an ambitious but attainable work plan. This is the year where we challenge our rural partners in implementing measures to support a strong foundation for rural, forest-based economic development. Social enterprise development will assist us in incubating small to medium size businesses while existing business people will be looking at expanding their operations to incorporate new products and processes. As with the beginning of the Model Forest program in 1992, there was a period of adjustment. Since 2007, we have been establishing the operational capacity of our new collaborative relationships. We learn from one another how to work in a new environment where rural issues are very distinct from urban. Major industries have operational standards and motivations that often differ from communities and small cottage industries. We are becoming aware of the range of possibilities under the circumstances of the region. Those circumstances have ranged from challenges in technology and logistics, employee/employer benefits, lack of entrepreneurs, small town/region politics and, at times, lack of initiative. Alternatively, we have seen the determination of local people and experienced their sense of connection with their community’s future. The MFNL looks forward to our final year of the FCP and hopes for a continued relationship with Natural Resources Canada. The FCP supports ‘Strong Communities’ and these rural, forest-dependent communities support Canada.


Work Plan Overview The MFNL uses 5 program objectives with corresponding strategic approaches: Objective 1: Capacity Building

Objective 2: Knowledge Generation

Objective 3: Opportunities

Objective 4: International Outreach

Objective 5: Legacy and Partner Driven Initiatives

Build strong forest-based communities that will effectively meet transitional challenges and produce healthy local economies. Facilitate governance options to build community ownership and accountabilities in the forest sector.

Create awareness in science-based solutions so that decisions are based on factual information and are accountable and realistic.

Establish the capacity to explore new opportunities in the forest sector that directly benefit the communities targeted. Engage partnerships to implement activities and encourage a transfer of successful methodologies.

Deliver internationally significant success stories and experiences to benefit the MFNL partners and its selected international model forest sites.

Implement and refine the legacy outputs of three phases of the model forest program that are relevant to the MFC-NL partners’ ability to practice SFM.


Linkages between Activities, Outputs and Outcomes Performance Management Strategy Long Term Outcomes

Independent, financially autonomous LCNs throughout NL contributing to the economic revitalization and transition of their communities and international partners.

Intermediate Outcomes Clear and concise working environment that exceeds partner expectations.

Increased capacity and collaboration on community development, knowledge sharing and implementing economic strategies. An acknowledgement and understanding of the diverse elements and potential conflicts of sustainable community development.

Immediate Outcomes Accountable performance for all program managers and partners.

Awareness of program objectives, challenges and exchange opportunities and increased participation by natural resource professionals, partners and outside organizations.

Project # and Title


5.0.1 Program Administration

Annual Reports and audited statements;

5.3.3 Forest Products Co-Op Initiative

Bylaws & Incorporation papers.

5.5.1 Partner-based Project Facilitation and Management

Contractual Agreements; Final reports

5.1.1 Capacity Building Facilitation and Management 5.1.3 Local Community Networks (LCNs)

Annual Report; Proceedings from Workshops, meeting minutes;

5.1.4 Humber Valley Farmers Market

Advertising, seminars and meetings;

5.2.2 Model Forest/Forest Sector Workshops and Seminars

Travel reports and blogs;

5.2.6 LCN GIS Initiative

GIS Database;

5.3.2 "New" Opportunity Identification Initiative

Proposals; MOUs; Strategic Plans; Business Plans; Audited reports; Presentations; Trail Strategy & training report.

5.3.7 West Coast Trail Strategy


Long Term Outcomes

Improved forest management that integrates innovative, cost – effective alternatives in economic growth.

A vibrate forest sector with new economic opportunities and growth.

Intermediate Outcomes Knowledgeable and well-trained, highly motivated forest professionals, technicians and front-line workers Enhanced learning opportunities at the local, national and international level and a heightened level of pride in the sector.

Immediate Outcomes Awareness of program objectives, challenges and exchange opportunities and increased participation by natural resource professionals, partners and outside organizations.

Project # and Title (Linked with Objective 2) 5.1.5 Sawmill Mechanization Expansion

Training course curriculum;

5.1.6 Newfoundland & Labrador Community Forest Initiative

CF Proposal and business strategy;

5.2.3 NTFP Wild Mushroom Project

Faculty foray proceedings;

5.3.9 Miapukek First Nation Support

Bioenergy Feasibility Assessment;

5.4.1 ‘International’ Facilitation and Management

LLI International Workbook; International Education Marketing report;

5.4.2 International Networking

Enhanced opportunities for academia to incorporate SFM knowledge into their curriculum and materials.

Same as Above

5.5.3 Partner-driven Initiatives 5.2.4 MUN Forest Community Research 5.5.2 Education & Outreach Strategy Implementation 5.3.6 CNA Wood Pellet Demonstration Centre

An adoption and implementation of Business Plans and SFM systems and tools by LCN/MFNL partners and strategic alliances.

An understanding and appreciation of the strategic planning process and the information necessary for the revitalization of rural economies and conserving natural resources



5.2.1 Knowledge Gathering’ Facilitation and Management 5.2.5 Pellet Plant Certification Initiative 5.3.4 Sawmill Boiler Technologies (Biomass Utilization)

Final Research Reports. Research reports;

Careers module for Forest sector (Webbased); Proposal and minutes Annual report; Contractual agreements. Consumer Brochure, presentations, Certification documentation. Business plan and documents.

Long Term Outcomes

Public acceptance and trust of the forest sector due to better integrated management and decision making.

Intermediate Outcomes

(Linked with all Intermediate Outcomes)

Immediate Outcomes

Increased awareness of the natural resource sector and their contribution at the local, provincial and national levels.


Project # and Title


5.3.5 Horticulture Mulch Initiative 5.1.2 MF-NL Marketing and Communications Strategy Implementation

Business plan and documents. Marketing and Communications Strategy: Annual report review of progress.

(Linked with all the projects are communication targets that leads to the immediate outcome)

Newsletters; Project Reports; Website modifications; Display materials;

2011-2012 Activities Thematic Categories The following projects are scheduled to be implemented during the 12 month period beginning April 1, 2011 and ending March 31, 2012. The projects are numbered according to year/objective/project #. For example, project 5.3.4 is implemented in year 5 of the FCP contribution agreement, is focused on Objective 3, Opportunity Creation and is the fourth project in that category. Administration •5.0.1 Program Administration Capacity Building •5.1.1 'Capacity Building' Facilitation and Management •5.1.2 MF-NL Marketing and Communications Strategy Implementation •5.1.3 Local Community Networks (LCNs) •5.1.4 Humber Valley Farmers Market •5.1.5 BCL Sawmill Mechanization Expansion •5.1.6 Newfoundland & Labrador Community Forest Initative Knowledge Generation •5.2.1 •5.2.2 •5.2.3 •5.2.4 •5.2.5 •5.2.6

'Knowledge Gathering’ Facilitation and Management Model Forest/Forest Sector Workshops and Seminars NTFP Wild Mushroom Project Erin Kelly Forest Community Research Pellet Plant Certification Initiative LCN GIS Initative

Opportunities •5.3.1 •5.3.2 •5.3.3 •5.3.4 •5.3.5 •5.3.6 •5.3.7 •5.3.8 •5.3.9

‘Opportunities’ Facilitation and Management "New" Opportunity Identification Initiative Forest Products Co-Op Initiative Sawmill Boiler Technology (Biomass Utilization): Greenhouse Production/Research Facility Horticulture Mulch Initiative CNA Wood Pellet Demonstration Center West Coast Trail Strategy Mountain Biking Master Plan Miapukek First Nation Support

National and International •5.4.1 ‘International’ Facilitation and Management •5.4.2 International and National Networking Legacy •5.5.1 Partner-based Project Facilitation and Management •5.5.2 Education & Outreach Strategy Implementation •5.5.3 Partner-driven Initiative


Administration Project # 5.0.1

Theme Administration

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2007

Project Leader Glenda Garnier

Program Administration

Project Title:

Description: 1. Administrative and management services; office rental; overhead expenses. a. Funds are required to support Model Forest administrative functions and link to national, regional and partner programs. The largest portion of Administrative Support is for salary for the manager of administration; office overhead, telephone, meetings and seminars, equipment rental; travel and vehicle rental; harmonized sales tax and capital expenditures; insurance, materials and supplies; and general and professional fees. b. Board of Directors: Secretariat functions of the Board of Directors for the Corporation. Budget: Program Administration Item/Category Description Administration and management services Office rental and overhead General Revenue Policy for Expenditures Total Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $76,700 MFNL Partners (Board of Directors/Management Group) $0 General Revenue $67,225 $143,925 Planned Outputs: • Annual Report; • Contractual agreements; • Performance Reviews List of Other Project Partners: •

Partner Administration Fees


In-Kind $0 $20,000 $0 $20,000

Direct Cash 76,700 22,225 45,000 $143,925 Total $76,700 $20,000 $67,225 $ 163,925

Capacity Building Project # 5.1.1

Theme Capacity Building

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2007

Project Leader Sean Dolter

'Capacity Building' Facilitation and Management

Project Title:

Description: Guide the implementation of activities related to the objective for Capacity Building: a. General Manager/Manager of Administration b. Leading Chair: Board and Management Group Level c. Travel reimbursements: Partners with NGO or independent status

Budget: ‘Capacity Building’ Facilitation and Management Item/Category Description General Manager/Manager of Administration Leading Chairs Travel Total Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $15,775 General Revenue $4,000 Model Forest Partners – Management Group $0 $19,775

In-Kind $0 $0 $6,000 $6,000

Planned Outputs: • Annual Report; • Minutes from Board and Management Group meetings; • Performance Reviews • Trip Reports and Presentations List of Other Project Partners: •

Management Group and Board of Director partners (see Table 1)


Direct Cash $11,775 $4,000 $4,000 $19,775 Total $15,775 $4,000 $6,000 $25,775

Project # 5.1.2 Project Title:

Theme Capacity Building

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2007

Project Leader Peter Davison

MF-NL Marketing and Communications Strategy Implementation

Description: The following activities are performed by Model Staff and partners for the good of the Forest Sector and the Model Forest partnership: 1. 2 Yearly Newsletters in digital and hardcopy medium; 2. E-Updates: Monthly updates via email to partnership 3. Participation in Network level communication initiatives: a. Maintain presence on national communication network(s); b. Travel to communication conferences; c. Participate in projects that benefit the Network and our local Communication needs. 4. Tradeshow materials: NTFP display and merchandise: a. Display maintenance and refinements b. Tradeshow logistics c. Merchandise for public distribution 5. Website maintenance and updating: integration of networking services such as Facebook, Twitter, RSS feeds, etc: a. Our website is information based and we desire a more interactive presence on the internet. Chat based forums will be used to display information that may be used for forum discussion. We will investigate the current trends in this medium and design a prototype for testing and eventual implementation; b. Searchable compendium, RSS feed, links to other initiatives and partner websites 6. Internet-based software training (offices and partners) 7. Rural Revitalization of our Forests Conference and Web links.

Budget: MF-NL Marketing and Communications Strategy Implementation Item/Category Description Newsletters and E-Updates Network Activities Tradeshow/merchandise Website maintenance and Training Rural Revitalization of our Forests NTFP trade show materials Total

Direct Cash $ 500 $1,750 $2,000 $1,500 $8,000 $1,000 $14,750

Contributor Summary Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $14,750 Agriculture and Agrifood Canada $15,000 $29,750

Total $ 14,750 $ 25,000 $39,750

In-Kind $0 $10,000 $10,000

Planned Outputs: • Marketing and Communications Strategy 2009 – 2012 (Refined) • Newsletters 11

• • • • •

Project Reports Website Modifications and add-ons Equipment inventory Display booth materials Rural Revitalization of our Forests Conference Proceedings

List of Other Project Partners: • • • • •

Humber Economic Development Board; Red Ochre Regional Economic Development Board; Nordic Economic Development Corporation Corner Brook Pulp and Paper; Provincial Agencies: Department of Natural Resources; Federal Agencies: Natural Resources Canada, Gros Morne & Terra Nova National Parks; Industry Associations: Hospitality NL, NL Forest Training Association, Canadian Institute of Forestry.


Project # 5.1.3 Project Title:

Theme Capacity Building

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2007

Project Leader Tammy Higgins

Local Community Networks (LCNs) Model Forest and LCN directed initiatives

Description: Build and maintain the capacity for forest-dependent communities to contribute in developing alternative uses of our forest-based natural resources. We will focus on three core LCN regions: • Joint Initiatives: o LCN Advisory Committee  Administration and Travel (Committee and Coordinators) o Professional development opportunities  Project management and proposal writing  Skills training specific to NTFPs •

Great Northern Peninsula Forest Network: o LCN office established in Parsons Pond with Coordinator;  Manage the Parsons Pond Office; • Consult all resource agencies with a stake in the region and natural resources  Investigate and implement business strategies identified by GNPFN; • Special emphasis will be placed on indentifying “New Opportunities” • Focus on wild mushrooms • Focus on setting up greenery products supply network  Assist in the development of Business Plans;  Support of project research for sawmill/pellet industry: • Certification: Initiate discussion regarding ENplus Certification  Feasibility of a pilot community forest in the Hawkes Bay area  Outfitting & tourism industry diversification: • Development of a regional trail enhancement strategy • Assisting the region’s tourism and forest sector by attending networking functions

White Bay South Forest Network: o LCN office set up in Corner Brook with Coordinator;  Manage our Corner Brook Office: • Consult communities on the initiative and the SWOT associated with a community-based model; • Coordinate a joint effort amongst government, communities and forest industries;  Investigate and implement business strategies identified by WBS LCN; • Focus on wild mushrooms • Focus on greenery products • Focus on uses of sawmill waste: horticultural mulch  Pilot community forest initiative on Crown land  Ecotourism/land utilization strategy


Humber Valley Forest Network: o

The HVFN is Corner Brook based and part of the Core staffs’ responsibilities:  Maintain linkages with agricultural initiatives that impact the use of NTFPs: • Farmer’s Market; • Labour Cooperative feasibility; • Market analysis of Agriforestry/waste product use.  Build the capacity of the Mountain Biking Recreational Trail System as an alternative use of forest resources in the Humber Valley and region;  Assist in the development of the Corner Brook-Humber Valley Land Use Authority Plan  Establish a collaborative approach with the City of Corner Brook for Urban Forestry;  Participate and assist municipalities with establishing green space committees and plans;  Investigate the feasibility of a Forest Resource Institute in the Cormack region.

Budget: Local Community Networks (LCNs) Item/Category Description Joint Initiatives Great Northern Peninsula Forest Network White Bay South Forest Network Total Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $32,000 Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Department of Natural Resources/Other Gov’t source Humber Economic Development Board Red Ochre Regional Board $40,000 Nordic Economic Development Corporation Human Resources Labour and Employment $20,000 $92,000

Planned Outputs: • Proposals; • Project Reports; • Agreements: MOU; • Progress and Strategic Plans; • Audited Reports; • Presentations.

• • • • • • • • •

List of Other Project Partners: • Services Canada


In-Kind $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 50,000

Direct Cash $32,000 $40,000 $20,000 $92,000 Total $32,000 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $50,000 $10,000 $20,000 $142,000

HRLE: Human Resource and Labour and Employment Rural Secretariat (Federal) Rural Secretariat (Provincial) College of the North Atlantic Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Burton’s Cove Logging and Lumber DNR INTRD ACOA

Project # 5.1.4 Project Title:

Theme Capacity Building

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2011

Project Leader Nathan Wareham

Humber Valley Farmers Market

Description: MFNL will be assisting our partner, the Western Environmental Centre (WEC), with building the capacity to establish a sustainable Farmer’s Market in this region. This Farmer’s Market initiative will: • bring rural lifestyles and agriforestry products (honey, mushrooms, berries, etc) into Corner Brook; • encourage social interaction particularly between rural and urban community members and vendors; • stimulate local economic development by increasing spending on farm produce, crafts and other artisans goods; • encourage consumers to support local and rural businesses, and thus keeping the money within the local community and region; and • attract producers to retailers in the vicinity of Corner Brook. MFNL’s contribution will be specifically supporting advertising and committee functions. Budget: Item/Category Description Contribution to Humber Valley Farmers Market Development Western Environment Centre Total Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $1000 Western Environmental Centre $10,000 MFNL Partners $0 $11,000

Planned Outputs: • Advertising materials List of Other Project Partners: • • •

City of Corner Brook Grenfell College, Environmental Policy Institute Local volunteers.


In-Kind $0 $ $0 $0

Direct Cash $1,000 $ 10,000 $11,000 Total $1000 $10,000 $0 $11,000

Project # 5.1.5

Theme Capacity Building

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2010

Project Leader Nathan Wareham

BCL Sawmill Mechanization Expansion

Project Title:

Description: One of the MFNL LCN partners is Burton’s Cove Logging and Lumber (BCLL) of Hampden and is located in the White Bay South region of the Model Forest boundary. As part of this region’s plan to enhance the operation of BCLL, the company will be purchasing several pieces of state of the art equipment. The purchase of a HewSaw sawing machine from a North Carolina company, Jordan Lumber, will bring the Hampden based company to a new level of automation. The HewSaw provides a profitable solution for the sawing of small and medium size logs. Its integrated functions and flexible sawing programmes, guarantee profitable operations and a quick payback for BCLL. The HewSaw accepts both softwood and hardwood raw material and is a perfect fit for a small to medium sized enterprise. MFNL wishes to assist BCLL in implementing comprehensive training programs, hands-on and in classroom. Budget: Sawmill Mechanization Training Item/Category Description Direct Cash Support Travel Human Resources Labour and Employment Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Burtons Cove Logging Total Contributor Summary FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement Human Resources Labour and Employment ACOA BCLL

Planned Outputs: • Training Curriculum • Trainee Evaluation List of Other Project Partners: • •

White Bay South Development Association WBSFN


Cash $1000 $50,000 $50,000 $40,000 $141,000


$5,000 $5,000

$ 1,000 $50,000 $50,000 $40,000 $141,000 Total $1,000 $50,000 $50,000 $45,000 $146,000

Project # 5.1.6

Theme Capacity Building

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2011

Project Leader Tammy Higgins

Newfoundland & Labrador Community Forest Initiative

Project Title:

Description: The long term goal of the Local Community Network is to try and establish Newfoundland & Labrador’s first Community Forest. The goal of community forestry is to build strong economically stable communities that will effectively meet transitional challenges and produce healthy local economies. The LCN recognizes that this initiative has many hurdles it must overcome before this goal can be realized. Activities in this category have been undertaken with the objective to try and overcome some of these roadblocks. Several candidate sites are being considered. Budget: Community Forest Item/Category Description Direct Cash Facilitation Expenses and Project Administration $6,000 Total $6,000 Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $6000 Red Ochre Regional Board Tri-town Municipal Committee Nordic Regional Economic Board Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Humber Economic Development Board Dept. of Natural Resources Dept. of Environment and Conservation College of the North Atlantic Town of Hampden $6,000

Planned Outputs: • Proceedings from Meetings, Workshops and Seminars; • Contractual agreements on Co-Management Agreement; • Annual Reports • Basecamp Project Management Site List of Other Project Partners: • •

NRCan-CFS MUN – Grenfell Campus


In-Kind $4,000 $3,000 $3,000 $1,000 $1,000 $3,000 $2,000 $2,000 $10,000 $5,000 $34,000

Total $10,000 $3,000 $3,000 $1,000 $1,000 $3,000 $2,000 $2,000 $10,000 $5,000 $40,000

Knowledge Generation/Gathering Project # 5.2.1

Theme Knowledge Generation

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2007

Project Leader Sean Dolter

‘Knowledge Gathering’ Facilitation and Management

Project Title:

Description: Guide the implementation of activities related to the objective for Knowledge Gathering a. Provide an advisory capacity for the LCN Advisory Committee on the implementation of research and awareness programs related to their regional needs; b. Representing the Model Forest program in all events related to generating knowledge for the forest sector diversification. Budget: Knowledge Gathering’ Facilitation and Management Item/Category Description Direct Cash General Manager/Manager of Administration $14,850 Total $14,850 Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $14,850 $14,850

In-Kind $0 $0

Total $14,850 $14,850

Planned Outputs: • Annual Report; • Contractual agreements; • Minutes of LCN Meetings; • Evaluation and Performance Management Framework.

List of Other Project Partners: • •

Model Forest Partners LCN Advisory Committee: o Humber Economic Development Board; Red Ochre Regional Economic Development Board; Nordic Economic Development Corporation


Project # 5.2.2

Theme Knowledge Generation

New Project Yes

Year Initiated 2009

Project Leader Sean Dolter

Model Forest/Forest Sector Workshops and Seminars

Project Title:

Description: MFNL supports training and learning opportunities provincially, nationally and internationally. This is done by either hosting or participating in forest sector related events. Eligible events may be:  Workshops and conferences, Industry seminars, professional development activities: training courses, study trips, trade missions, etc. The following initiatives will be implemented as part of the 2011-2012 workplan: • RROF Conference (St. Paul’s, NL) • Atlantic Certification Conference (Truro, NS) • Bioenergy Conference (Quebec) • Canadian Model Forest AGM (Saskatchewan) • CIF National AGM (Huntsville, ON) • CIF Provincial AGM (TBA) Budget: Model Forest/Forest Sector Workshops and Seminars Item/Category Description RROF Conference Atlantic Certification Conference Bioenergy Conference Canadian Model Forest AGM CIF National AGM CIF Provincial AGM Total Contributor Summary FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement Department of Natural Resources (Forestry and Agriculture) Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development ACOA Model Forest Partners and Sponsors General Revenue

Planned Outputs: • Proceedings of Workshops/Seminars • Project Report List of Other Project Partners: •

Model Forest Partners


Cash $7,950 $5,000 $11,675 $7,500 $3,000 $4,050 $39,175

In-Kind $0

$10,000 $10,000

Direct Cash $ 31,675 $ 1,000 $ 1,500 $ 3,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $39,175 Total $7,950 $5,000 $11,675 $7,500 $13,000 $4,050 $49,175

• •

Trip Reports Presentation to Management Group

Forest sector representatives as participants

Project # 5.2.3 Project Title:

Theme Knowledge Generation

New Project Yes

Year Initiated 2009

Project Leader Nathan Wareham

NTFP Wild Mushroom Project

Description: Commercial harvesting of wild mushrooms is a million dollar a year industry in Canada, but in Newfoundland & Labrador the industry is practically nonexistent. Over the past few years, the Model Forest of Newfoundland & Labrador has been dedicated to bringing together scientists from international organizations and encouraging research in an attempt to bring more awareness to the industry. The outlook for many of the known mushroom species in Newfoundland and Labrador is bright and production of mushrooms worldwide has been steadily increasing. There is the potential for an entrepreneur in this province to take advantage of this opportunity. The FCP Local Community Network has recognized this and is dedicated to exploring this industry further. MFNL will be supporting the academic portion of the 2011 Mushroom Foray; also known as the Faculty Foray. It will be hosted in White Bay South.

Budget: NTFP Wild Mushroom Research Item/Category Description Direct Cash White Bay South Mushroom Foray $7,500 Mushroom Foray Newfoundland and Labrador $2,500

Total $10,000 Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $7,500 Mushroom Foray NL $2,500 $0 $0 $10,000

In-Kind $0 $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000

Total $7,500 $7,500 $0 $0 $15,000

Planned Outputs: •

Event proceedings and a spatial compendium of NL mushrooms with a 2011 update as per the discoveries in WBS

List of Other Project Partners: • • • • •

Department of Natural Resources INTRD NL Mushroom Foray ACOA Corner Brook Pulp & Paper Ltd.


Project # 5.2.4

Theme Knowledge Generation

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2011

Project Leader Ian Stone

MUN Forest Community Research

Project Title:

Description: In recognition of the need to develop more capacity in social science approaches to forestry and forest communities, Grenfell campus of Memorial University has developed a two-year post-doctoral position in social and cultural values in Forestry. Dr. Erin Kelly has been hired and the Model Forest will be supporting her work in the Roddickton and Hawke’s Bay area. During the summer of 2011, she will be initiating a case study project that will closely examine the adaptive capacity of forest communities in Newfoundland. Her plan is to use Roddickton as her case study and spend substantial time within the community, participating in meetings and interviewing residents. For Fall 2011-Spring 2012, she will continue her research by analyzing data and creating a comparative case study by including an additional community.

Budget: MUN Community Research Item/Category Description Direct Cash Consultant fees $ 17,000 Total $17,000 Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $5,000

Centre for Forest Science and Innovation $26,000 LCN's $0 Grenfell $0 $31,000 Planned Outputs: • Research paper and published article. List of Other Project Partners: • • • • • •

Local Community Network – Great Northern Peninsula Memorial University – Grenfell Campus Centre for Forest Science and Innovation Nordic Economic Development Corporation Red Ochre Regional Board Town of Hawke’s Bay


In-Kind $2,000

Total $7,000

$6,000 $80,000 $88,000

$26,000 $6,000 $80,000 $119,000

Project # 5.2.5 Project Title:

Theme Knowledge Gathering

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2009

Project Leader Tammy Higgins

Pellet Plant Certification Initiative

Description: Holson Forest Products, one of the Forest Network partners on the Great Northern Peninsula, has established a wood pellet mill near the community of Roddickton, NL. As part of the process to market their product internationally, Holsons will be required to achieve ENplus certification. ENplus is a two part pellet quality and chain of custody certification system. The chain of custody portion will require the forest upon which Holsons operates to be certified against a set of strict environmental and social standards. The two forest management certification standards currently accepted by ENplus are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). As part of the process, both certification systems require the landowner to be the certifying body. Currently in Newfoundland, sawmills operate with annual cutting permits issued on crown land, i.e. the landowner. Under the existing land tenure system, in order for Holson Forest Products to achieve ENplus Certification the province will have to first certify their landholdings in that region. At the moment, the province has just begun the process to achieve ISO 14001 certification, however, there is still much to be done before they can get to the ENplus required chain of custody certification. For Holson Forest Products, time is of the essence. They need to secure a buyer for their product as soon as possible. It is clear the province and wood pellet manufacturers need to combine efforts to achieve the land based certification required by the European pellet market. It is the intent of the Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador to assist with this initiative. Budget: Pellet Plant Certification Initiative Item/Category Description Direct Cash Meetings, Travel and Accommodations $2,000 Total $2,000 Contributor Summary FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement Department of Natural Resources Holson Forest Products Newfoundland Lumber Producers Assn. Newfoundland and Labrador Training Assn. Nordic Economic Development Assn. Cottles Island Lumber


Cash $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,000

In-Kind $0 $3,000 1 $10,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $21,000

Total $2,000 $3,000 $10,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $23,000

DNR has the legislative responsibility on Crown limits. Certification of those limits is a Crown responsibility; thus expenses related to MFNL’s contribution only reflect DNR’s role on our certification committee. 22

Planned Outputs: • Forest Certification Discussion Document • Meeting with Stakeholders • Meeting with Minister

PowerPoint Presentation: Certification Wood Pellet Industry in Newfoundland Project Implementation Strategy

List of Other Project Partners: • • • • • • • • •

Nordic Economic Development Corporation Department of Natural Resources Corner Brook Pulp & Paper Ltd. Department of Natural Resources NL Forestry Training Association Canadian Woodlands Forum Newfoundland & Labrador Lumber Producers Association QMI: Certification Auditors assisting with CSA, PEFC. Eastern Ontario Model Forest: Assisting with FSC certification knowledge.


Project # 5.2.6 Project Title:

Theme Knowledge Gathering

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2011

Project Leader Tammy Higgins

LCN GIS Initiative

Description: In year 3 of the FCP plan, Geographical Information Systems was identified as a significant tool to help support the initiatives of the Local Community Networks. Many of the proposed projects being investigated and undertaken by the LCN Coordinators require some level of GIS analysis and currently much of this work has been outsourced. Because of this, MFNL has accumulated an array of shape files and biophysical inventory but does not have the capacity to access this information in-house. In September of 2010, the College of the North Atlantic (CNA) sent out a request asking for projects of interest which could be undertaken by students in the GIS Application Specialist Post Diploma program. MFNL approached CNA with the suggestion that a student could look at the Model Forest organization, assess the organization’s current GIS capacity and recommend a plan of action to have GIS fully operational in-house by the end of 2011. Budget: Item/Category Description Direct Cash Purchase of ArcView Software $3,000 Total $3,000 Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $3,000 College of the North Atlantic $0 ESRI $0 $3,000

In-Kind $0 $5,000 $12,000 $17,000

Planned Outputs: • CNA will provide MFNL will a final report and modified GIS layers List of Other Project Partners

• • • • •

Local Community Network College of the North Atlantic ESRI Corner Brook Pulp & Paper Department of Natural Resources


Total $3,000 $5,000 $12,000 $20,000

Opportunities Creation Project # 5.3.1 Project Title:

Theme Opportunities Creation

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2007

Project Leader Sean Dolter

‘Opportunities’ Facilitation and Management

Description: Guide the implementation of activities related to the objective for Opportunities Creation. a. Liaison with the Working Group and LCN Advisory Committee in exploring new opportunities for entrepreneurial engagement; b. Prepare proposals to leverage MF and partner resources.

Budget: ‘Opportunities’ Facilitation and Management Item/Category Description Direct Cash General Manager/Manager of Administration $18,800 Total $18,800 Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $18,800 $18,800

Planned Outputs: • Annual Report • Contractual Agreements • Proposals • Evaluation and Performance Management Framework

List of Other Project Partners: • Model Forest partners


In-Kind $0 $0

Total $18,800 $18,800

Project # 5.3.2 Project Title:

Theme Opportunities Creation

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2011

Project Leader Ian Stone

“New” Opportunity Identification initiative

Description: The five components required for any business are: Opportunity, Resources, Organization, Strategy and the Entrepreneur. Since 2009, the LCN has worked toward identifying forestry related business opportunities and ensuring the support mechanisms were in place to assist any new entrepreneur with the required strategies, organization and resources to get started. Coordinating the assistance has not been difficult; finding people willing to become entrepreneurs however, has proven to be more of a challenge. The ‘New’ Opportunities initiative is being undertaken in an attempt to identify individuals with a genuine interest in starting a business and who have capital to invest. The initiative will be accomplished primarily by undertaking an advertising campaign calling for Expressions of Interest into business ideas the LCN has investigated. The majority of the work in Phase I will be undertaken by the LCN coordinators and require a small amount of capital. If successful in attracting interest, Phase II of the program will involve the creation of a business start up network, whereby members attracted by this initiative and aided by the LCN will fund the program and assist in promoting new opportunities. As an example, the Commercial Fuelwood for Domestic Consumers Initiative is an opportunities that the Forest Network has developed a business case analysis. Budget: ‘Opportunities’ Facilitation and Management Item/Category Description Direct Cash Advertising $4,000 Total $4,000 Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $4,000 Great Northern Peninsula and White Bay South LCN $0 $4,000 Planned Outputs: • Opportunity Report • Contractual Agreements • Proposals List of Other Project Partners: • Model Forest LCN partners • ACOA • INTRD


In-Kind $0 $10,000 $10,000

Total $4,000 $10,000 $14,000

Project # 5.3.3 Project Title:

Theme Opportunities Creation

New Project Yes

Year Initiated 2011

Project Leader Nathan Wareham

Forest Products Co-op Initiative

Description: We are faced with a growing challenge in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. There are many workers, but few entrepreneurs. In order to maximize all potential business opportunities and bridge this entrepreneurial gap, MFNL and HEDB are proposing the establishment of a forest network co-operative to facilitate the next steps in the ongoing development and commercialization of nontraditional forest products in our region. A co-operative is a business that is owned and controlled by individuals and/or organizations that derive a benefit from the delivery of the co-op’s services. We are proposing that the member/owners of the forest network co-op be business, community and economic development organizations in our region that have an interest in the promoting and developing forest based opportunities. The first division of the Co-op will be the Christmas Greenery initiative. There is also a possibility of assisting SABRI and Nordic with their berry harvesting initiative if this structure fits with the capacity of the region. Budget: Forest Products Co-op

Contributor Summary FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement Dept. of Innovation Trade and Rural Development Humber Economic Development Board Local Community Networks Community Development Agencies

Item/Category Description Business Plan Development Cooperative Initiation Total

Direct Cash $ 8,000 $10,000 $18,000

Cash $5,000 $3,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $18,000

Total $5,000 $5,000 $6,000 $5,000 $10,000 $31,000

Planned Outputs: • Business Plan • Project Report List of Other Project Partners: • Great Northern Peninsula Forest Network • White Bay South Forest Network • ACOA • Corner Brook Pulp & Paper Ltd. • Other government agencies deemed applicable.


In-Kind $0 $2,000 $6,000 $5,000 $0 $13,000

Project # 5.3.4 Project Title:

Theme Opportunities Creation

New Project Yes

Year Initiated 2009

Project Leader Sean Dolter

Sawmill Boiler Technology (Biomass Utilization): Greenhouse Production Facility/Research Facility

Description: The Model Forest has been working with Major’s Logging and Lumber in an attempt to secure a large scale industry on their premises for the purpose of utilizing their bioenergy resources. The primary concept discussed by Major’s is the development of a year-round commercial Greenhouse Vegetable Production Facility. Such a facility could significantly displace agricultural products being imported into this region of the province. The facilities market could be to existing wholesalers, retailers or future marketing co-operatives (linking with existing Deer Lake- Humber Valley root crop producers). Another option could be a research oriented greenhouse facility that could support a number of significant research challenges that face northern producers/growers. This type of research facility would be used for crop research, demonstration and technology transfer. Business proposals from agricultural producers could be accepted for the utilization of the site.

Budget: Sawmill Boiler Technology (Biomass Utilization): Greenhouse Production Facility/Research Facility Item/Category Description Direct Cash Proposal Development $6,000 $0 Total $6,000 Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $1,000 INTRD/DNR $5,000 Major’s Logging $0 $6,000

Planned Outputs: • Project Report • Terms of Reference • Memorandum of Understanding List of Other Project Partners: • Agrifoods Division • INTRD • Newfoundland and Labrador Agricultural Producers Association


In-Kind $0 $5,000 $5,000

Total $1,000 $5,000 $5,000 $11,000

Project # 5.3.3 Project Title:

Theme Opportunities Creation

New Project Yes

Year Initiated 2011

Project Leader Nathan Wareham

Horticulture Mulch Initiative (Private Investor)

Description: The Local Community Network has been successful in attracting a private investor interested in establishing a horticulture mulch business in Western Newfoundland. This investor currently owns a small contracting business and is looking to expand with another venture which will complement the seasonality of his current business. The Model Forest has done some research into the requirements for this business but further market research is required. With the cooperation of the investor, for this fiscal year, the project will undertake the market research and investigate the machinery and capital investment required to start.

Budget: Horticulture Mulch Initiative (Private Investor) Item/Category Description Direct Cash Market Research Consultant $6,000 Total $6,000 Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $2,000 Private Investor $0 ACOA $4,000 $6,000

Planned Outputs: • Memorandum of Understanding • Business Plan • Project Report List of Other Project Partners: • White Bay South Forest Network • Other government agencies deemed applicable.


In-Kind $8,000 $8,000

Total $2,000 $8,000 $4,000 $14,000

Project # 5.3.6 Project Title:

Theme Opportunities Creation

New Project Yes

Year Initiated 2011

Project Leader Ian Stone

CNA Wood Pellet Demonstration Centre

Description: The St. Anthony Campus of the College of the North Atlantic is proposing to establish a Wood Pellet Demonstration Centre. This initiative is central to moving forward the economic development, research, and educational needs required to expand the domestic market for wood pellet consumption in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The project will aim to:(1) convert St. Anthony campus to wood pellet energy, (2) research the environmental impact of wood pellet conversion, and provide research support to government and industry (3) study the feasibility of converting similar institutions within the region and across Newfoundland and Labrador to wood pellet consumption, (4) educate burner mechanics and installers on appropriate maintenance and installation techniques for wood pellet burners and stoves, (5) establish a demonstration centre for various types of wood pellet stoves and burners, and (6) educate consumers on the benefits of converting to wood pellets. This pilot project will aim to establish a market for wood pellet consumption across Newfoundland and Labrador in support of government’s and industry’s recent multi-million dollar investment in wood pellet production within the province. The Model Forest has agreed to support this initiative and has agreed to be part of the advisory committee.

Budget: CNA Wood Pellet Demonstration Centre Item/Category Description Direct Cash Advisory Committee Meetings $2,000 $0 Total $2,000 Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $2000 CNA $0 Nordic Holson Forest Products DNR $2,000

Planned Outputs: • Project Report List of Other Project Partners: • CNA • INTRD • Great Northern Peninsula Forest Network • Other government agencies deemed applicable. 30

In-Kind $10,000 $2,000 $5,000 $2,000 $19,000

Total $2,000 $10,000 $2,000 $5,000 $2,000 $21,000

Project # 5.3.7 Project Title:

Theme Opportunities Creation

New Project Yes

Year Initiated 2011

Project Leader Ian Stone

West Coast Trail Strategy

Description: Over the past decade in Newfoundland and Labrador, government departments (provincial and municipal), not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations, as well as outfitters, recreationalists, and tourism operators, have increasingly recognized the value of aligning their efforts and working side-by-side to develop a comprehensive vision for the trails sector. Collaborative approaches to trails promote common interests and standards while working to resolve conflict amongst stakeholders. The MFNL would like to engage the Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation and interested stakeholders on the Great Northern Peninsula and White Bay South in a one day workshop on TCR’s vision for trail development and promotion with our province. From this workshop, the Forest Network could coordinate a plan of action for managing existing and future trail systems in our LCN areas. Budget: West Coast Trail Strategy Item/Category Description Workshop expenses Travel expenses for participants Facilitator Total Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $1000 INTRD $500 TCR $1000 $2500

Planned Outputs: • Workshop proceedings • Project Report and Strategy outline List of Other Project Partners: • Great Northern Peninsula Forest Network • White Bay South Forest Network • Other government agencies deemed applicable.


In-Kind $0 $2200 $3000 $5200

Direct Cash $1000 $500 $1000 $2500 Total $1000 $2700 $4000 $7700

Project # 5.3.8 Project Title:

Theme Opportunities Creation

New Project Yes

Year Initiated 2011

Project Leader Nathan Wareham

Mountain Biking Master Plan

Description: The West Coast Mountain Biking Association has recently applied to the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) – Canada to have the 2011 Trail Care Crew to deliver their Trail Building School program in Corner Brook in summer 2011. IMBA Trail Crew travels across the country in the summer to provide training to volunteers on how to build mountain bike trails using best practices. This valuable knowledge and skill set will allow West Coast Mountain Biking Association, partners, and volunteers to create trails that require very little maintenance and are not subject to common problems of drainage and erosion. Before the Trail Building Care Crew arrives in last August, the West Coast Mountain Biking Association would like to develop a Master Plan for development of mountain bike trails. It will give the association a work plan for the next ten years and help focus on where to first utilize the new found skills from the Trail Building School. IMBA also has a Trail Specialist on staff, Daniel Scott, who is available to come to Corner Brook in June 2011. Daniel is a Master Trail Designer and spent 2 weeks in Crow’s Nest Pass in 2010 and created a 145 km Master Trail design for that area. Budget: Mountain Biking Master Plan Item/Category Description Direct Cash Master Plan Development $22,100 Total $22,100 Contributor Summary FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement City of Corner Brook INTRD Cycle Solutions West Coast Mountain Biking Association Gavin White

Cash $3,500 $3,600 $9,000 $5,000


$0 $0 $2,100

$ 1,000 $22,100

Planned Outputs: • Mountain Biking Master Plan • Funding Proposals



Total $3,500 $3,600 $9,000 $5,000 $2,100 $1,000 $24,200

List of Other Project Partners: • West Coast Mountain Biking Association • Cycle Solutions • Model Forest of Newfoundland and Labrador • Department of Tourism, Culture, and Recreation • City of Corner Brook • Department of Natural Resources • INTRD • ACOA • Corner Brook Pulp & Paper Ltd. • Corner Brook Stream Development Corporation • Anderson & Yates Forest Consultants • Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland – Outdoors Club & Environment Studies program • College of the North Atlantic – Adventure Tourism, Forest Resources & GIS Applications programs • International Appalachian Trail Newfoundland Labrador • Humber Valley Hiking Club • Western Sno-riders Snowmobile Club


Project # 5.3.9 Project Title:

Theme Opportunities Creation

New Project Yes

Year Initiated 2011

Project Leader Sean Dolter

Miapukek First Nation Support

Description: Multi-projects: A collaboration of MFNL, DNR, NLFTA, NRCan and the Miapukek Council participated in funding a feasibility assessment for bioenergy options leading to heating four municipal council buildings on the Conne River Reserve. The next phase of this program will investigate further on the recommendations of the feasibility study and develop a strategy on how to develop their bioenergy interests. In the 2010-2011, the Council is also interested in aspects of NTFP training and business development. The MFNL will remain open to offering assistance to the Council.

Budget: Miapukek First Nation Item/Category Description Training officer on NTFPs Supplies and equipment Total Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $3,000 Miapukek Council $0 Other funding sources $2,000 $5,000

Planned Outputs: • Training workbook and evaluations List of Other Project Partners: • Department of Natural Resources • INTRD • ACOA


In-Kind $0 $5000 $0 $5,000

Direct Cash $3000 $2000 $5000 Total $3,000 $5,000 $2,000 $10,000

National and International Project # 5.4.1 Project Title:

Theme International

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2007

Project Leader Sean Dolter

‘International’ Facilitation and Management

Description: Guide the implementation of activities related to the objective for National and International Initiatives. Model Forests have a responsibility to share their knowledge and experience throughout our national and international community. MFNL will be engaged in a number of activities where the General Manager’s time will be required.

Budget: ‘International’ Facilitation and Management Item/Category Description Direct Cash Facilitation and management – General Manager, Manager of Admin $18,625 Total $18,625 Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $18,625 $18,625

Planned Outputs: • Annual Report • Contractual Agreements List of Other Project Partners: • International Model Forest Network • Other Regional Model Forest Networks


In-Kind $0 $0

Total $18,625 $18,625

Project # 5.4.2 Project Title:

Theme International

New Project Multi-year

Year Initiated 2007

Project Leader Sean Dolter

International & National Networking

Description: The MFNL will be involved in three networking initiatives with the International Model Forest Network: a. Mediterranean Model Forest Network i. The General Manager has been assigned to an emerging Model Forest in one of the ten Mediterranean Network provisional sites. The position will be an ementor; ii. Duties will include one site visit with the Model Forest and several online mentoring opportunities. b. Ibero-American Model Forest Network i. Drafting indicator training modules in three English, French and Spanish. c. CMFN Meetings d. International Networking Committee i. Website Development: The MFNL, through its work on the International Engagement Strategy (IES), will assist in the development of a project linking web portal. Sites with supply and demand issues and in need of collaborative partners will be assigned through an online matching and reporting service. Budget: International Networking Item/Category Description Direct Cash

Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $5,750 NRCan – CFS or IMFN $3,000 $8,750

Planned Outputs: • Trip Report and Travel Blog • Meeting minutes • Training modules List of Other Project Partners: • Mediterranean Model Forest Network • Ibero-American Regional MF Network • CMFN


Travel to Croatia CMFN Meetings Training modules Total

$2,000 $3,750 $3,000 $8,750

In-Kind $0 $4,000 $4,000

Total $5,750 $7,000 $12,750

Legacy Project # 5.5.1

Theme Legacy

New Project No

Year Initiated 2007

Project Leader Sean Dolter

Partner-based Project Facilitation and Management

Project Title:

Description: Guide the implementation of activities related to the Legacy objective. Project administration and management are key to the level of involvement, by partners, in the Model Forest. Budget: Partner-based Project Facilitation and Management Item/Category Description Direct Cash General Manager/Manager of Administration $28,550 Total $28.550 Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $28,550 $28,550

Planned Outputs: • Annual Report • Contractual Agreements • Evaluation and Performance Management Framework

List of Other Project Partners: •

Model Forest partners


In-Kind $0 $0

Total $28,550 $28,550

Project # 5.5.2 Project Title:

Theme Legacy

New Project No

Year Initiated 2007

Project Leader Peter Davison

Education & Outreach Strategy Implementation

Description: The MFNL has an Outreach Education Specialist for the management of its Education Strategy. The following activities are a part of the Specialist tasks for the 2011-12 fiscal year: 1. 2011 Envirothon Event and 2012 Planning 2. Futures from Forests a. In-servicing and evaluation of Phase I b. Development of Phase II (careers) 3. Participation in Network level education initiatives 4. Forest in a Backpack Refinement and Evaluation 5. Review and Enhance Forest Interpretative Guide for Schools a. Ecological Walking Tours b. Developing an online interpretive guide to outdoor educational activities 6. Engagement of First Nation communities 7. Green Team Sponsorship: Great Northern Peninsula Forest Network 8. Canadian Woodlands Forum: Teacher’s In-servicing 9. Spring in Your Step a. The Model Forest will partner with the Department of Natural Resources to host a Family Day in the park, including an interpretive walk and other educational activities. 10. East meets West: Celebrity Lumberjack Competition and Forest Sector booth: a. Model Forest will work with its forest sector partners in designing, constructing and hosting an event and information kiosk at our annual municipal festival. A booth/tent will be illustrating our forests contribution to our economy and social/recreational pursuits. As a feature and draw for the public, a celebrity Lumberjack and Jill competition will be hosted on our main retail street in Corner Brook. 11. National Forest Week Activities: a. Model Forest will coordinate a week-long event with its forest sector partners to celebrate the forests contribution to our culture and heritage. 12. Non-Timber Forest Products and enhancing ”From our Atlantic Woods” impact for local producers: a. Maintaining the Non-Timber Forest Products Directory and relationship with Networking Across Borders group; b. Searching for this province’s “Spark Plugs” in the area of NTFPs; c. Establishment of a provincial voice for NTFPs


Budget: Education & Outreach Strategy Implementation Item/Category Description Direct Cash Envirothon $17,000 Futures From Forests, Phase 1 $0 Futures From Forests, Phase 2 $3,000 Network Initiatives $1,000 Forest in a Backpack $2,000 National Forest Week $2,000 East meets West: Lumberjack Competition $3,000 Engagement of First Nation Communities $1,000 Forest Institute Training $2,500 Green Team $3,000 Canadian Woodlands Forum; Atlantic Teachers Tour $2,500 Labour Services $45,492 Total $82,492 Contributor Summary FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement Sponsors and government contributions Dept. of Innovation, Trade and Development Human Resources Labour and Employment

Cash $44,300 $16,000 $ 3,500 $18,692 $82,492

In-Kind $0 $30,000 $0 $30,000

Total $44,300 $46,000 $ 3,500 $18,692 $ 112,492

Planned Outputs: • Project Reports • Contracts • Proceedings • Photo Library

List of Other Project Partners: • Department of Education • Multi-Material Stewardship Board • Gros Morne National Park • College of the North Atlantic • Stantec • CBCL (Engineering) • NL Conservation Corp • Environment Canada • Canon Envirothon • Nalcor • Department of Fisheries and Oceans • Johnson’s Geo-Centre • North Atlantic Petroleum

• • • • • • • • • • •


Vale Inco Wildlife Habitat Canada Newfoundland Power Fortis Properties Memorial University NEIA (Environmental Industry Association) Harvey’s Oil INTRD CBPPL ACCC Junior Achievement of Newfoundland and Labrador

Project # 5.5.3 Project Title:

Theme Legacy

New Project No

Year Initiated 2007

Project Leader Glenda Garnier

Partner-driven Initiatives

Description: Continue administrative and organizational capacity for the following initiatives: 1. Wildlife Division: a. Stewardship and Education Coordinator b. Northern Strategic Plan – Climate Change c. Coordinator of Information d. Red Indian Lake Telemetry e. General Status of Species f. Wildlife Technicians Phase II 2. Department of Natural Resources a. Futures from Forest: Phase 2 b. Forest Fair 2011 c. Provincial Communications Strategy d. National Forest Week 3. Plus additional Projects throughout the year. Budget: Partner-driven Initiatives Item/Category Description Direct Cash Total Contributor Summary

Cash FCP – CFS Contribution Agreement $0 Model Forest Partners $500,000

Planned Outputs: • Project Report • Contracts

List of Other Project Partners: • N/A


In-Kind $0 $0

Total $0 $500,000 $500,000

Finances Work Plan Budget Summary NRCan-CFS FCP Funds*

Expenses 0. 0 Administration 5.0.1 Program Administration Subtotal 0.0 Administration Thematic/Program Areas 1.0 Capacity Building 5.1.1 'Capacity Building' Facilitation and Management 5.1.2 MF-NL Marketing and Communications Strategy Implementation 5.1.3 Local Community Networks (LCNs) 5.1.4 Humber Valley Farmers Market 5.1.5 BCL Sawmill Mechanization Training 5.1.6 NL Community Forest Initiative Subtotal 1.0 2.0 Developing Approaches and Sharing Knowledge 5.2.1 'Knowledge Gathering’ Facilitation and Management 5.2.2 Model Forest/Forest Sector Workshops and Seminars 5.2.3 NTFP Wild Mushroom Project 5.2.4 MUN Forest Community Research 5.2.5 Pellett Plant Certification Initiative 5.2.6 LCN GIS Initiative Subtotal 2.0 3.0 New or Enhanced Forest Based Opportunities 5.3.1 ‘Opportunities’ Facilitation and Management 5.3.2 New Opportunity Identification Initiative 5.3.3 Forest Products Cooperative 5.3.4 Sawmill Boiler Technology(Biomass Utilization) 5.3.5 Horticulture Mulch Initiative 5.3.6 CNA Wood Pellet Demonstration Centre 5.3.7 West Coast Trail Strategy 5.3.8 Mountain Biking Master Plan 5.3.9 Miapukek First Nation Support Subtotal 3.0 4.0 National & International Outreach 5.4.1 ‘International’ Facilitation and Management 5.4.2 International and National Networking Subtotal 4.0 5.0 Bringing Forth the MF Legacy 5.5.1 Partner-based Project Facilitation and Management 5.5.2 Education Strategy Implementation 5.5.3 Partner-driven Initiatives


Partner/Other Cash In-kind


76700 76700

67225 67225

20000 20000

163925 163925

15775 14750

4000 15000

6000 10000

25775 39750

32000 1000 1000 6000 70525

60000 10000 140000



5000 34000 105000

142000 11000 146000 40000 404525









7500 5000 2000 3000 40300

2500 26000

5000 88000 21000 17000 141000

15000 119000 23000 20000 241025

18800 4000 5000 1000 2000 2000 1000 3500 3000 40300


1500 18600 2000 44100

0 10000 13000 5000 8000 19000 5200 2100 5000 67300

18800 14000 31000 11000 14000 21000 7700 24200 10000 151700

18625 5750 24375

0 3000 3000

0 4000 4000

18625 12750 31375





44300 0

38192 500000

30000 0

112492 500000


13000 5000 4000

NRCan-CFS FCP Funds* 72800

Expenses Subtotal 5.0


Workplan Totals Cash Flow Forecast 1st Quarter 04 - 06 Administration 19,175 1.0 Theme 17,632 2.0 Theme 10,075 3.0 Theme 10,075 4.0 Theme 6,094 5.0 Theme 18,200 Total 81,251

2nd Quarter 07 - 09 19,175 17,631 10,075 10,075 6,094 18,200 81,250

3rd Quarter 10-12 19,175 17,631 10,075 10,075 6,094 18,200 81,250


Partner/Other Cash In-kind 538192 30000 $941,242


4th Quarter 01-03 19,175 17,631 10,075 10,075 6,093 18,200 81,249

Total 640992 $1,633,542

Total 76,700 70,525 40,300 40,300 24,375 72,800 $ 325,000

MF-NL Partners and Supporters: Nature of Partnerships & Future Impacts Table 1: Partnerships and Future Impacts

MF-NL Stakeholder/Partner

Nature of Partnership & Program Impacts

Department of Natural Resources (DNR): Forestry Services Branch • Representatives: Keith Deering, ADM and Ivan Downton, Director

Founding partner on the Board and Management Group. Integrally involved in forest management planning, research and communications. • Delivery on commitments under innovative methods in planning, certification and forest management. The department is leading the way with a sector revitalization strategy. A new division under the DoMA, the section is instrumental in implementing a pilot Land Use Management Strategy for the Humber Valley – and core LCN site; • In-depth and comprehensive approach to Land-use Planning for the Humber Valley over the next four years. The MFC-NL will assist, if invited, in that process. MFC-NL partner on the Management Group and interested in land use management issues involving traditional forest management and nontimber values. • Integration of cabin and non-timber development into strategic plans.

Department of Municipal Affairs (DoMA): Engineering and Land Use Planning Division, Land Use Planning Section • Representative: TBA, Vacant Department of Environment and Conservation: Land Management Division • Reg Garland, Director & Darren Moore, Land Management Specialist Department of Environment and Conservation: Water Resources Management Division • Representative: Dr. Haseen Khan, Manager Department of Environment and Conservation: Parks and Natural Areas Division • Representative: Calvin Yates, Acting Director, and Jeri Graham, Natural Areas Biologist Department of Environment and Conservation: Wildlife Division • Representatives: Jonathan Sharpe, Senior Biologist Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development • Representative: Keith Payne, Economic Development Office Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development, Rural Secretariat • Representative: Nina Mitchelmore, Regional Partnership Planner Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited • Pat Tompkins, Woodlands Manager, and Stephen Balsam, Superintendent

Project partner. Several cooperative programs are being brought forth for collaboration including projects in watershed management, water quality data acquisition and decision support, and development and use of the online data mapping services by communities. • Delivery of a water resources DSS portal. Management Group Partner. The MFC-NL will maintain its continued support of a coalition to assist with the NASP and will assist in the public outreach effort within rural communities. • Acceptance and better understanding of the Natural Areas System Plan (NASP) and Main River Waterway Park in the LCNs. Board of Directors and Management Group Partner. • Further knowledge and technical resources in wildlife research, decision support system HSM development, and community-based monitoring. A strategic partner working in cooperation with the MFC-NL specifically on resource mobilization. • Knowledge of innovative mechanism for diversification of rural economies. Strategic partner that will assist MFC-NL with linking economic, social, cultural and environmental issues to advance sustainable development. • Enhanced collaboration among government departments and with community partners with the LCN areas. Board of Directors and Management Group Partner. • Employed alternative solutions to include rural communities in forest management activities. The idea of community cooperatives is something CBPPL would like to explore in regions that are no longer affordable to harvest.


MF-NL Stakeholder/Partner

Nature of Partnership & Program Impacts

Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador • Representative: Carol-Ann Gilliard, Executive Director Great Humber Joint Council (GHJC) • Representative: TBA, Vacant

City of Corner Brook • Representatives: Paul Barnable, Director of Community Services, and Colleen Humphries, City Planner Canadian Institute of Forestry (CIF), Newfoundland and Labrador Section • Representative: Eric Young, CIF President, and Dr. Muhammad Nazir Humber Natural History Society • Representative: Lois Bateman

Humber Arm Environmental Association (ACAP) • Representative: Sheldon Peddle, Executive Director Humber Economic Development Board Inc. (HEDB) • Representative: Valerie Simms Anderson, Executive Director RED Ochre Board Inc. • Representative Sean St. George, Executive Director Nordic Economic Development Corporation • Representative: Linda Randell, Executive Director Newfoundland and Labrador Forestry Training Association • Representative: Bill Alexander, Executive Director Protected Areas Association of Newfoundland and Labrador • Representative: Vacant White Bay South Development Association • Representative: Eli Bishop, Chairman

A strategic partner in the area of tourism related planning and DSS development. • Produced DSS tools for addressing land-use challenges. • A strategic Partner and member of the Management Group. • An association of 16 communities in the greater Corner Brook to White Bay region, the GHJC will have experience with communitybased model for sustainable communities. Viewshed and watershed issues will be their primary focus in the MFC-NL program. Founding member of the Board of Directors and Management Group • Community accepted watershed management planning process and an urban forest strategy. Management Group Partner. • Strategies to enhance the forest sector’s ability to maintain a skilled workforce and raise awareness about SFM, professional education and communications. Management Group Partner. • This local ENGO has been a driving force behind western Newfoundland’s community-based monitoring activities for birds and mushrooms. The MFC-NL is interested in maintaining its relationship and enhancing this organization’s ability to gain a strong footing with other species monitoring initiatives. Management Group Partner. • ACAP Humber Arm is interested in areas such as watershed management, socio-economic assessment, community capacity building, and stewardship building approaches. Management Group Partner. • Implementation of aspects of their strategy plan that sets out a progressive framework for rural development. The HEDB is important alliance in the MFC-NL approach to rural development. A LCN strategic partner on the Northern Peninsula. • Economic opportunities for their rural communities. This organization is a full partner with the MFNL for future opportunities in the Great Northern Peninsula area. Also a LCN strategic partner on the Northern Peninsula. • Economic opportunities for their rural communities. This organization is a full partner with the MFNL for future opportunities in the Great Northern Peninsula area. A strategic alliance and future partner. • Delivery non-timber development strategies in key areas of NL. The leading provincial agency for the development and promotion of the non-timber forest product sector, the NLFTA will be vital in assisting with initiatives to diversify community based forest opportunities. Management Group Partner. • Implemented NASP communication strategies in rural communities. The PAA contributes to provincial efforts that support protected areas and their promotion. A partner with the White Bay South LCN initiative. • Implemented economic opportunities for their rural communities. WBSDA produced a report on the development opportunities for the


MF-NL Stakeholder/Partner

College of the North Atlantic • Representative: Brent Howell, Dean and Chad Simms, Campus Administrator

Sir Wilfred Grenfell College • Representative: Dr. Holly Pike, Acting Principal and Dr. Nick Novakowski

Western School District • Representative: Margaret McKeon, Outdoor Education Coordinator Western Environment Centre • Representative: Simon Jansen

Nature of Partnership & Program Impacts White Bay South area. They are particularly interested in forestry, tourism, craft development, and Agrifoods. MFC-NL is interested in collaborating on several initiatives as part of our forest network approach. Board of Directors and Management Group Partner. • Delivery of a multitude of diverse and innovative DSS approaches to rural issues and possible international liaisons. The MFC-NL will maintain a strong working relationship with the Geospatial Research Facility (GRF) and also looks forward to designing internship agreements for students working with communities. Board of Directors and Management Group Partner. • Socio-economic research delivered with post graduate and graduate level students. SWGC is a facility partner and a future research partner in collaboration with the Centre of Environmental Excellence. There is great potential in this region for various collaborative approaches to ecological economics and forest-based indicator research. Management Group Partner. • Programs delivered in Outdoor Education. The MFC-NL will maintain a close working relationship on issues affecting the awareness of forest values for both educators and student. Management Group Partner. • This organization is involved in environmental advocacy and is a collaborative partner with the Model Forest in several initiatives i.e. Community Gardens and the Farmers Market.

MFC-NL Supporter (Federal)

Nature of Support & Program Impacts

Natural Resources Canada: Canadian Forest Service (NRCan-CFS) • Representatives: Dr. John Richards, Director General Atlantic Region and Dr. Michael van Zyll de Jong, Science Director, Corner Brook Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada • Representative: Darrin Sooley, Area Habitat Coordinator Parks Canada: Gros Morne and Terra Nova National Parks • Representatives: Jeff Anderson, Superintendent, and Peter Deering, Chief Warden; TNNP representative pending Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) • Representative: Sonya Lane, West Coast Officer

Federal funding provider in the FCP program implementation. • Deliver on Objective 2 of the National Forest Strategy: Sustainable Forest Communities.

MFC-NL supporter within the Management Group and on projects related to aquatic research and education. • Enhance approaches to watershed management, community-based monitoring and aquatic research. MFC-NL supporter on the Board of Directors and contributor to initiatives on connectivity, DSS-wildlife modeling, and community sustainability. • Community and enclave confidence and enhanced partnerships with tourism development activities, ecological integrity research, environmental education initiatives and species demographics and modeling. A strategic supporter working in cooperation with the MFC-NL specifically on resource mobilization. Key areas of interest relate to community sustainability in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. • Delivery of successful approaches to rural economic revitalization.


MF-NL Staff and Current Contractors

Position and responsibility

• Sean Dolter • Glenda Garnier Project Staff • Tammy Higgins • Peter Davison

• •

General Manager Manager of Administration

• •

Project Manager Outreach and Education Coordinator


Appendix 1: Environmental Assessment This 12 month workplan, covering the period from April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011 does not include projects which will require an Environmental Assessment.


Appendix 2: Logic Model and Results Based Management Framework Results and Outcome Chain

INPUTS Funding through FCP Federal contribution agreement

Funding through Provincial contribution agreements and special initiatives

Funding & In-kind contributions from local, national, and international partners and various strategic alliances for specific initiatives

Funding through national and international organizations and foundations for education, community development and knowledge exchange



Administering and management of the activities of the MFC-NL

Guidelines, policies, strategic plans, workplans, annual reports, and meeting proceedings /minutes, Audited statements, monthly summaries and updates, performance evaluations

Building capacity between provincial, national, and international forest-based community networks and the forest sector. (Objectives 1 and 4) Developing multiple sector strategies, systems, and decision support tools to assist in revitalizing rural economies by better utilizing our natural resources. (Objectives 2 and 5)

Implementing and evaluating strategic economic plans for rural communities using practical and sound business models (Objective 3)

Operational guidelines, terms of references, articles of incorporation, groundrules, marketing, education and communication strategies, best management practices, publications, communications materials.

Strategic plans, business plans, process agreements, workshops, conferences, IT materials and products for the dissemination of information.

Project reports, economic forecasts, products and processes, and employment statistics


Accountable performance for all program managers and partners.

Awareness of program objectives, challenges and exchange opportunities and increased participation by natural resource professionals, partners and outside organizations.

An understanding and appreciation of the strategic planning process and the information necessary for the revitalization of rural economies and conserving natural resources

Awareness of the applicability of SFM products and services and the level of collaboration necessary to sustain their use.


LONG-TERM Outcomes

Clear and concise working environment that exceeds partner expectations.

Increased capacity and collaboration on community development, knowledge sharing and implementing economic strategies.

Independent, financially autonomous LCNs throughout NL contributing to the economic revitalization and transition of their communities and international partners.

An acknowledgement and understanding of the diverse elements and potential conflicts of sustainable community development. Knowledgeable and well-trained, highly motivated forest professionals, technicians and front-line workers Enhanced learning opportunities at the local, national and international level and a heightened level of pride in the sector.

Improved forest management that integrates innovative, cost –effective alternatives to economic growth. A vibrate forest sector with new economic opportunities and growth.

Enhanced opportunities for academia to incorporate SFM knowledge into their curriculum and materials. An adoption and implementation of Business Plans and SFM systems and tools by LCN/MFC-NL partners and strategic alliances.

Increased awareness of the natural resource sector and their contribution at the local, provincial and national levels.

Figure 1: Logic Model - Results and Outcome Chain


Public acceptance and trust of the forest sector due to better integrated management and decision making.

Performance Measurement Strategy Table 2: Performance Measurement Strategy

Performance Area

Performance Indicators

Methods/Data Source

Collection Responsibility


Timing/ Frequency of Measurement

Outputs Guidelines, policies, strategic plans, workplans, annual reports, and meeting proceedings /minutes, Audited statements, monthly summaries and updates, performance evaluations • Operational guidelines, terms of references, articles of incorporation, groundrules, marketing, education and communication strategies, best management practices, publications, communications materials.

Approval of programs, agreements and documents associated with the MFC-NL program.

• •

Annual Report Review documents and archive.

Strategic plans, business plans, process agreements, workshops, conferences, IT materials and products for the dissemination of information.

Negotiated and signed agreements, reports, plans, and proceedings.

• •

Annual Report Review documents and archive.

Project reports, economic forecasts, products and processes, and employment statistics

Production and approval of final reports and tools associated with the MFC-NL program.

Review documents and tools and • archive.

Mid-phase and final evaluation.

• •

Annual report; Surveys

Annual Report & Committee Minutes; Review documents and archive.





Meet the requirements of the contribution agreements, partner expectation and annual workplans.



All workplan approved initiatives will have accepted outputs.




Mid-phase and end-ofphase

Mid-phase and end-ofphase

Mid-phase and end-ofphase

For every associated agreement or formal review or plan, there will be a corresponding report or signed document.

Immediate Outcomes Accountable performance for all program managers and partners;

Awareness of program objectives, challenges and exchange opportunities and increased participation by natural resource professionals, partners and outside organizations;

An understanding and appreciation of the strategic planning process and the information necessary for the revitalizing rural economies and conserving natural resources;

Awareness of the applicability of SFM products and services and the level of collaboration necessary to sustain their use; Increased awareness of the natural resource sector and their contribution at the local, provincial and national levels.

• Level of satisfaction by community members and participants in the MFC-NL programs; • Signed agreements on the establishment of formal organizations. • Relevance of international experiences to local issues; • Participation in workshops, committees, and working groups; • Participation in workshops, committees, and working groups; • Successful completion of the KGP and level of commitment to implement; • Successful completion of the strategic directions document; • Level of development and application of tools and systems that support the FCN strategic direction throughout the forest community. • Number of articles based on MFC-NL activities in local, provincial, national, and international communication materials;

95% rate of approval.

• 5 LCN Agreements; • 100% satisfaction in international linkages

• • •

100% participation partners; All LCNs submit KGPs and 100% agree to implement; All LCNs submit strategic documents.



• Annual Report

• All tool and system developments proposed in the workplans are completed and adopted by MFC-NL/LCN partners.


Annual and end-of-phase

• Local and provincial media; • Annual report.

• One monthly article on the positive contributions of the forest sector.


Annual and end-of-phase


Performance Area

Performance Indicators

Methods/Data Source


Collection Responsibility

Timing/ Frequency of Measurement

Intermediate Outcomes Clear and concise working environment that exceeds partner expectations.

Increased capacity and collaboration on community development, knowledge sharing and implementing economic strategies.

An acknowledgement and understanding of the diverse elements and potential conflicts of sustainable community development. Knowledgeable and well-trained, highly motivated forest professionals, technicians and front-line workers

Enhanced learning opportunities at the local, national and international level and a heightened level of pride in the sector.

An adoption and implementation of Business Plans and SFM systems and tools by LCN/MFC-NL partners and strategic alliances.

• Level of satisfaction by community members and participants in the MFC-NL programs ; • Number of Business Plans produced and their quality and usefulness to the LCN participants; • Number of economic initiatives within the LCN; Success of financial leveraging; • Number of monitoring programs incorporated into communities. • Level of satisfaction by community members and participants in the MFC-NL programs; • Relevance to local issues. • Enrolment numbers; • Number of training programs held; • Level of promotional material related to professional development programs; • Number of articles based on MFC-NL activities in local, provincial, national, and international communication materials; • Relevance of international experiences to local issues; • Number of participants in international ventures. • Level of development and application of tools and systems that support the FCN strategic direction.

Mid-phase and end-ofphase


Mid-phase and end-ofphase

Mid-phase and end-ofphase


Mid-phase and end-ofphase


Annual and end-of-phase

• Annual Report; • MFC-NL Business Plan; • Survey.

• Any single source of funding received for the management and administration of the LCNs is no more than 20% of the total administration and management budget; • Formal financial commitments are made for 2012 – 2017; • 100% satisfaction in international linkages.



• Economic Assessment • Annual Report

• All tool and system developments adopted by MFC-NL/LCN partners have been further adopted by an equal amount of independent LCNs.


End-of-phase and beyond

• Economic Assessment within the LCN annual reports

• 2 new forest-based initiatives within each LCN.


End-of-phase and beyond


Annual Report and Minutes

100% satisfaction


All LCN meet or exclude the expectations for Business plan development and content; All Economic initiatives are active and progressing according to workplans; At least 1 community-based monitoring program per LCN.


100% satisfaction and relevance


• • •

An annual interest of 100%; Meeting the requirements of the AMLCP; All major issues covered by promotional material.


2 of the monthly articles dedicated to international projects; 100% satisfaction in international linkages; At least 2 LCNs and/or partners are participating in an international venture.

• •

• All tool and system developments proposed in the workplans are completed and adopted by MFC-NL/LCN partners.

• •


• • •

Forestry programs; AMLCP Report; Annual Report

• Local and provincial media & Media report from the IMFN; • Survey; • Annual report

• Annual Report

• •

Long-term Outcomes Independent, financially autonomous LCNs throughout NL contributing to the economic revitalization and transition of their communities and international partners.

Improved forest management that integrates innovative, cost – effective alternatives to economic growth.

A vibrant forest sector with new economic opportunities and growth.

• Diversity of financial inputs and the level of independence of MFC-NL partnership; • Ability to sustain the MFC-NL beyond 5 years; • Number of participants in international ventures; • Relevance of international experiences to local issues. • Contributions of forest sector and non-timber forest industries to the GDP; • Level of development and application of tools and systems that support the FCN strategic direction throughout the forest community; • Number of economic initiatives within the LCN;


Performance Area

Public acceptance and trust of the forest sector due to better integrated management and decision making.

Performance Indicators • Level of satisfaction by community members and participants in the MFC-NL programs ; • Level of public knowledge in the areas of forestry and the identification of MFC-NL with the public;

Methods/Data Source

• Provincial Survey


Targets • 100% satisfaction and relevance • Public knowledge level indicators have doubled since the 2006 Bath Survey

Collection Responsibility


Timing/ Frequency of Measurement

End-of-phase and beyond


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