2 minute read




Modeliste Muse Sarah Waddles

How did you begin your career? I started off actually duetting a TikTok of a classmate making fun of me and it blew up and everything just grew from there!

How do you hope to influence people through your social media platform? What can people expect to see when visiting your social media page(s)?

My content is pretty lighthearted and fun so I hope to influence people to not take things so seriously and just to be confident in yourself!

What do you predict will be the biggest trends of this Spring/Summer season?

I am horrible at predicting trends but I think sheer dresses and cool body/ hair jewelry will be trendy!

Any upcoming travel plans you’re looking forward to?

No, I have been traveling constantly for work for the past few months so I am very excited to get settled into LA and have some chill time.

Favorite brands and places to shop for your favorite Summer looks?

I love IAMGIA for really trendy going out outfits but for more of a casual vibe I really like basics from Urban Outfitters and Aritizia!

What was the highlight of your trip to Aspen with Modeliste?

The whole trip was so fun it’s hard to pick! But I loved getting to Ski! It was my first time and although I was nervous I had a blast!

What's your go-to airport look?

Essentials to pack in a carry-on?

My go to airport look is definitely something comfortable. I am not one of those people who tries to be super stylish at the airport. But I love a matching sweat set but my number one essential is my UGGs slippers. My carry on consists of a good book, headphones, and some sort of sweet treat!

Girls night in or Girls night out? Definitely a girls night out! I love dressing up and having a good time with my gals!

What's a typical work week like for you? Any advice for staying productive throughout the week?

My workload varies every week! As a model you never know your schedule till the last minute. But even when I’m busy modeling I always try to find time to take content for my socials, whether it’s TikTok videos or Instagram pictures! I love a day of laying in bed but being productive is essential so my number 1 tip is just to wake up and set your goals for the day! I like to journal my schedule and try to cross everything off by the end of the day! It makes my daily tasks seem more fun, like a little game!!

What's your go-to makeup routine? Any products you'd recommend for our Modeliste readers?

My makeup is very simple, just the basics. A but of concealer, contour, blush, mascara, and lip liner and I’m good to go! I 100% swear by the Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk lip liner! I have one in my car, my purse, and my bffs purse. It goes everywhere with me!

What's something your fans would be surprised to know about you?

My fans would be surprised to know that I am a HUGE musical fan! I did theatre growing up and I still am just as obsessed! Everytime I’m on a road trip I have to play some Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, and a touch of Hamilton!

Where do you gain inspiration for content? Any tips & tricks you'd like to share for those inspiring to have a career like your own?

I gain my content inspiration from spending hours on the TikTok for-you page! I love just creating content that feels like me so I just post my authentic self! I really feel like your viewers can tell when you are not 100% in it so I try to only post when I can be dedicated!