1 minute read


How did you begin your career?

Posting on social media during quarantine


How do you hope to influence people through your social media platform? What can people expect to see when visiting your social media page(s)?

More AAPI representation!

What do you predict will be the biggest trends this fall?

Layering and ruffles.

Any upcoming travel plans you’re looking forward to this year?

We’ll find out!

The one product you can't live without?

Heroine makeup mascara.

What was the highlight of your trip to Antalya with Modeliste?

Meeting new girls!

What did you love the most about your flight experience with Turkish Airlines?

The food + sitting next to my best friend! I felt extremely grateful to be there in general!

What was your favorite aspect of the Kaya Palazzo property?

The private terrace!

What's your go-to airport look? Essentials to pack in a carry-on?

SPF+ sweats!

Girls night in or Girls night out?

Night in for sure!

What's a typical work week like for you? Any advice for staying productive throughout the week?

Plan things out in your notes app and check them off!

What's your current skincare routine? Any products you'd recommend for our Modeliste readers?

My skincare routine changes up all the time but I love Kbeauty because the quality is the best!

What's something your followers would be surprised to know about you?

My dad opened a French restaurant named after me!

Where do you gain inspiration for content? Any tips & tricks you'd like to share for those inspiring to have a career like your own?

Living in NYC + sourcing vintage!

What makes you different from other content creators?

I love to learn from my peers so I don’t really compare myself to them in that way!

What would you like to say to your fans/followers?

I view my followers as friends I'd totally go on FaceTime with so I hope they know I love them and appreciate them/ always here for them like a sister.