From the editor Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine Modellenland Magazine is a fresh, new submissionbased editorial publication that celebrates the true art of fashion and the emerging artists behind it. Modellenland is a Free Belgian magazine but we accept also entries from other countries.
60 Everybody can publish for free ,photographers, MUA, stylists, models, good amateur, students, semiprofessional, professional etc... The focus will not only be on fashion, but food, lifestyle, animals, landscapes, are also welkom.
Modellenland Magazine is a fashion, beauty, editorial and conceptual art magazine and will be published monthly. The goal is to show our submitters their portfolio worldwide to model and PR-agencies, and brand labels.
Modellenland will focus on creative minds from all over the fashion world. It will be a magazine for aspiring artists who deserve recognition for their work. Modellenland Magazine is available in a free digital format - download To order a print version go to the website (Magazines)
Creative Director and Editor in Chief: Van Poucke Peter Website: http://modellenland.com http://facebook.com/modellenland Email: info@modellenland.com
Credits Cover: Model: Olga Savina By: Lukas Dvorak
CONTENTS 04 Cover Girl: Olga Savina 16 Model: Daniela Graf 26 Photographer: Łukasz Sołek 36 Model: Veronica Frosi 48 Photographer: Stefan Häusler 60 Model: Ines Angelova 72 Model: Silvia Roberta 84 Model: Gaelle Baekelandt
98 Photographer: Alessandro Corazza 110 Model: Candice Msl 120 Model: Alina Eva Lyuba 134 Model: Olga Klippenstein 146 Photographer: Mark Zanderink 158 Model: Anna Sparrow 172 Model: Petra Thürme 180 Model: Romy van Boxtel 190 Photographer: Ralf Tophoven 204 Model: Maria Lopez
212 Model: Sia Dorable 222 Photographer: Denys Ganba 236 Model: Olga Danilova 252 Model: Patrycja Kajda 262 Photographer: Stanislav Pokhodilo 272 Model: Martina Passarello 280 Elisabeth, By Joss Peix Foto 284 Lara, By Joss Peix Foto 290 Sara, By Joss Peix Foto
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Cover girl Olga Savina
(New York) USA
Winner of the Month
Tatyana Nagayeva
Can you tell us a little about you? Hi! My name is Olga Savina. I’m from Moldova and I have been in the fashion industry for 8 years. I have been very fortunate to work as a fashion model in many places: Tokyo, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong-Kong, Shenzhen, Istanbul, Moscow, Bucharest, Paris and now in New York. I had the opportunity to work with very talented fashion houses such as Oscar de la Renta, Rick Owens, Chanel, Maison Martin Margiela, Vetements, Gucci, Pnina Tornai, Altuzarra, and Tiffany & Co. among others… If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? My sign is Aries, so… I always want everything immediately, in other words, patience has never been a top strength that’s. one of many things I would change about myself! How did you start modeling? Growing up in a family where sports and studies were the areas of focus, there wasn’t a lot of space for arts or modelling… Realizing that professional basketball wasn’t for me, an agency based in Bucharest spotted me and one year later I was starting my modelling career, in Tokyo… I was 19 years old, I didn’t speak English, I had 5 pictures in my book, one pair of jeans and a $100 in my pocket! At that time I didn’t quite grasp that this trip would change my life and I would be working with some of the best designers in the world. What do you think of the work as a model? I think it is a demanding but also very rewarding job. It requires a lot of self-discipline both in terms of body and mind. You need to always believe in yourself in a very competitive industry. On the other side, each show or shooting is a new enriching experience where I get to wear beautiful looks and work with outstanding people with an eye for perfection. In summary, I am lucky and I love my job! What is your beauty regimen? Balance in everything! A good amount of sleep (8 hours minimum), healthy food (including chocolate) and laughing every single day. I am also a big user of natural beauty products from body to face, hair or nails, I have got it all… What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? I would say generosity and positivity. I am always stunned by the negativity and selfishness of some people. I enjoy giving, helping others and working as a team. Teamwork makes the dream work! What are your plans for the future? I do have a big ambitions to further succeed in the New York fashion scene and I remain very focused on this goal. However, modelling is only one of my two passions… I have recently started my flower arrangements business: Blanche Fleur. Check it out!
Photo by Lukas Dvorak
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
What are some of your favorite experiences so far? Walking for Rick Owens in Paris remains one of my career highlights. The mystic atmosphere, the crowd the lights, the pressure I felt before coming out of the dressing room The whole experience was surreal, empowering! Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Be ambitious, be bold, be yourself… Don’t take no for an answer, go for the casting you think you won’t get, and meet new people. You never know where the breakthrough is going to come from, you can only trust that if you keep on trying, things will come your way. Believe me. What do you think of the magazine? The magazine is always filled with beautiful pictures and insightful interviews, it has been a source of inspiration for me. Sending love to everyone. Kisses from New York. www.facebook.com/olga.savina.5
photo by Jeff Kravitz makeup Ekaterina Muzlayev
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
photo by Hanna Pavlova Wardrobe styling Emily Winoker Hair by Elisa Ford
lova a Pav n n a by H Photo
photo by Irina Ilichenko Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
photo by Mirco Pasqualini
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Vadim Putregai
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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photo by Ryan Jenq style by Katelyn Johnson hair and makeup Amrita Mehta
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
photo by Hanna Pavlova
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Photo: Nicolas Normand MUA: Stéphanie Jacquet Hair: Raphaël Mariage Style: Laurence Nollet Photo-assistant: François Ray
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Daniela Graf
Kannst du uns ein wenig über dich selbst erzählen? Ich bin 26 Jahre alt, komme ursprün-glich aus Rosenheim bei München, bin vor 4 Jahren in die Schweiz ausgewandert und seither wohnhaft in Wil bei St. Gallen. Ich arbeite im Einkauf, studiere Handelsmanagement und ECommerce in München und modle nebenher. Wie bist zu zum Modeln gekommen? Mein erstes Shooting hatte ich bereits mit 15 Jahren. Damals wurde ich in einer online Plattform angeschrieben und durch diesen Fotografen bin ich zur Modelkartei gelangt. Dort erhielt ich viele Nachrichten und es ergab sich ein Shooting nach dem anderen. Als ich dann in die Schweiz zog hatte ich vor aufzuhören. Auf einem Festival wurde ich dann erneut angesprochen und ich entschied mich aktuelle Bilder in die Modelkartei zu stellen. Dann erhielt ich eine Nachricht von Marco Gressler (Schwarz / Weiss Bilder u.s.). Kurz darauf hatten wir schon unser erstes Shooting. Dieses öffnete mir weitere Türen, denn einige Fotografen hatten sich gemeldet und ich durfte an seinen Workshops viele neue Leute aus der Fotoszene kennenlernen. Durch die lange und intensive Zusammenarbeit mit Marco habe ich auch seinen Geschäftspartner Stefanos (farbige Bilder u.s.) kennengelernt und beide sind für mich heute nicht mehr wegzudenken. Durch die beiden habe ich mich enorm weiterentwickeln können und Fotografie ist heute meine grosse Leidenschaft. Wenn du etwas bei dir selbst ändern könntest, was wäre das? Meine Ungeduld. Ich bin extrem zielstrebig und wenn ich mir etwas in den Kopf gesetzt habe, dann möchte ich das am liebsten gleich und sofort. Dies führt natürlich oft dazu, dass ich an meinem Weg Zweifel habe und entsprechend meine Entscheidungen in Frage stelle. Im Nachhinein betrachtet bin ich an all meinen Entscheidungen – ob richtig oder falsch – gewachsen. Was denkst du über die Arbeit als Model? Das ist eine Sache über die ich sehr viel und intensiv nachdenke. Das Modeln ist für mich eine grosse Leidenschaft und wenn ich in meinen Lernphasen pausiere, dann fehlt mir ein bedeutender Teil meines Lebens. An einem fertigen Bild sind viele kreative Köpfe beteiligt und jeder Beteiligte trägt seinen Teil dazu bei. Durch das Modeln können viele neue Kontakte geknüpft werden und die Kreativität hilft mir zum Ausgleich bei der Büroar-beit. Die Arbeit mit den Menschen bereitet mir viel Freude. Nicht nur das Modeln an sich ist für mich spannend, auch die Fotografie ist ein Thema das mich begeistert. Allerdings ersch-wert mir das Modeln gewisse Bereiche im Leben. Zum einen versuche ich das Modeln von der Karriere zu trennen, da ich viel Zeit und Nerven in meine Aus-/Weiterbildung und mein Studium investiert habe. Zum anderen ist es für Familie und Partner nicht immer einfach zu akzep-tieren, dass es freizügige Bilder gibt, die jeder im Internet betrachten kann. Ich finde jedoch, dass das heutzutage nichts Schlimmes ist. Im Freibad kann man auch im Bikini bet-rachtet werden oder im Club können Frauen auch knapp bekleidet sein. Ich finde es geht um den Menschen dahinter und wie er sich gibt. Professionell in der Arbeit. Treu und ehrlich in der Partnerschaft und verlässlich bei der Familie. Für mich sind diese Werte wichtiger und daher denke ich nicht, dass ein Mensch anhand seiner Bilder beurteilt werden kann. Richtig be-trachtet sind diese Fotos Kunst, entstanden durch den Blick des Fotografen und die Pose des Models. - 16 -
Was ist dein Schönheitsgeheimnis? Ich habe keines. Ich kann nur verraten, dass meine Mama früher genauso ausgesehen^hat wie ich heute. Nicht allein das Äusserliche macht einen Menschen «schön» - vielmehr ist es von Bedeutung, was ein Mensch für Werte verfolgt. Von einer Person die mich sehr geprägt hat habe ich mir einen Satz sehr zu Herzen genommen: «Man kann noch so schön sein, ein hässlicher Charakter verdirbt einem die äusserliche Schönheit sehr schnell.» Was sind deine persönlichen Eigenschaften, die dich von anderen unterscheiden? Ich habe viel an mir selbst gearbeitet und versuche nicht mit der Gesellschaft zu schwimmen. Ich habe Jahre damit verbracht mich selbst lieben zu lernen, Werte zu verfolgen die viele heute nicht mehr als wichtig erachten. Die Menschen, die mir Nahe stehen, schätzen genau diese Werte an mir. Als Model denke ich, will man immer perfekt sein vor der Kamera – sich von der besten Seite zeigen. Ich glaube Marco und Stefanos können das bezeugen – ICH BIN CRAZY. Das heisst ich muss mich nicht immer perfekt zeigen und geben, ich lache enorm viel beim shooten und sorge für eine lockere Stimmung. Dennoch kann ich natürlich ernst sein, wenn es dann ans Eingemachte geht. Mein ultimativer Schlachtplan für die kommende Zeit wäre folgender: Ich schliesse mein Studium ab, reduziere mein Arbeitspensum um mein Modelbusiness weiter auszubauen und nebenher erlerne ich die ein oder anderen Skills im E-Commerce Bereich. Ziel wird es sein direkt nach dem Studium reisen zu gehen und von überall aus zu modeln und zu arbeiten. Was die Reise für Überraschungen bringt weiss niemand – bin da total offen und freue mich auf die Zeit.
Stefanos Spanidis Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Was sind bisher deine schönsten Erfahrungen? Eine wirklich tolle Erfahrung für mich war, dass ich ausgewandert bin. Ich habe durch die Selbstständigkeit gelernt in den schwierigsten Situationen allein klar zu kommen. Ich habe Menschen kennengelernt die ich so wahrscheinlich nicht in mein Leben gelassen hätte – welche mich enorm geprägt haben und ich dank ihnen heute der Mensch sein kann der ich bin. Durch die Fotografie habe ich soooooo herzensgute Menschen lieben gelernt - meine kleine Familie in der Schweiz. Ich schätze die wenige Zeit, die ich in Deutschland mit meiner Familie habe, umso mehr. Ich freue mich über FaceTime Anrufe meines kleinen Neffens, schätze es, dass ich tolle Abende planen kann, wenn ich zu Hause bin und sich jeder Zeit für mich nimmt. Wir sind noch viel mehr zusammengewachsen. Ich lerne mich selbst jeden Tag neu kennen, da ich Entscheidungen treffe, die ich, wenn Mama und Papa in der Nähe wären wahrscheinlich anders getroffen hätte. Hast du einen Rat für diejenigen, die gerne anfangen würden zu Modeln? Ja da könnte ich einiges dazu erzählen. Ich denke die first Steps sind sicherlich, dass man gewissen Facebook Gruppen beitritt, sich bei der Modelkartei anmeldet, sein Instagram Profil öffentlich macht (zumindest für den Anfang) und keine Angst hat, dass man Fotografen anschreibt und nach «TFP Shootings» fragt oder auch in das eine oder andere Pay-Shooting investiert. Zudem muss einem bewusst werden, dass es in gewissen Situationen natürlich auch schwieriger wird (Liebe, Job, Freunde, Familie, Neid etc.), wenn man sich so «öffentlich» zeigt. Ich konnte mich enorm weiterentwickeln durch die Zusammenarbeit mit immer den gleichen Fotografen. Ich habe Feedback eingeholt: «Wo kann ich besser werden», «wie findest du die Pose» etc., habe mir andere Models angeschaut, Fotomagazine / Bücher gelesen und konnte als Workshop Model bei Marco Gressler enorm viel auch über die Fotografen-Seite lernen. Zudem hatte ich einen Partner der mich gepusht hat – durch seine Kritik bin ich am meisten gewachsen, durch seine Ideen konnte ich mich entfalten und durch seine Offenheit musste ich mich nicht einschränken und dies ist
ENORM wichtig als Model. Ein Mann an seiner Seite der einem 100% vertraut und keine Verbote ausspricht, sondern im Gegenteil unterstützt. Aber noch wichtiger, die Meinung meiner Familie und Freunde. Ich schicke sehr oft Bilder bevor ich sie poste meinen Liebsten und frage nach Meinungen. Aber da gibt es noch so viel zu erzählen…..
Was hältst du von der Zeitschrift? Ich finde es super, dass solche Plattformen für Fotografen und Models geschaffen werden. Ich denke jede Art der Kunst ist es wert auch gezeigt zu werden. Ein gedrucktes Bild ist für mich so viel mehr wert als ein Instagram Profil. Durch den Einblick in das Progress Magazin von Marco Gressler ist mir bewusst geworden, wie viel Arbeit in so ein Magazin gesteckt wird. facebook.com/dani.grr.3
Marco Gressler - 18 -
Stefanos Spanidis
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Stefanos Spanidis
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Stefanos Spanidis
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Marco Gressler - 22 -
Marco Gressler
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Marco Gressler
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Marco Gressler
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photographer Łukasz Sołek (Poland)
Can you tell us a little about you? Hi, i'm from Poland, Szczecin. I'm 36 years old and i love take a photos. How and when did you get into photography? My first camera was Zenit that i borrowed from my older brother and i love it. What does photography mean to you? My motto is “Photography helps people to see” by S. Melsela Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. My style i unique even for me because every single photo i see different in my mind. Where do you get inspiration from? Good inspiration is internet of course. Do you think in advance what you want in the picture? Yes, i have vision in my head Studio, on location or both? I prefer outdoors because of natural light. Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? I deal with photography as a hobby What has been your most memorable session and why? Every single session is different, every single model is unique so i learn every time new stuff. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Canon 5D Mark II and i love my 85mm/1.8 lens. What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? Don't worry about criticism unless it's constructive 500px: https://500px.com/ukaszsoek FB: https://www.facebook.com/Solekphotography/ Insta: https://www.instagram.com/solekphotography/
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Marta Miklej Marta Miklej
Klaudia Kukurowska
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Damian Makwinski
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Monika Zielinska
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
dia Klau
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Sandra Kwasniewska
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Plener - 32 -
Patrycja Wlodarz 1 Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Sandra Kwasniewska
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Magdalena Andrzejak
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Veronica Frosi
Can you tell us a little about you? I am 21 years old, I am Italian, I come from Rome, I have been in the photography environment for 8 years, it is a passion as well as a job and I would like to grow professionally in this field. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I wish I had the largest breast. Ranked Ph: Ramon Carusi draven_artworks Make up: Erica Luciano
How did you start modeling? I started as a joke, with a girl who asked me to take some shots, and from there I never stopped because I realized that I feel very comfortable shooting. What do you think of the work as a model? Personally I think it's one of the most beautiful jobs. From many satisfactions What is your beauty regimen? I keep myself in shape by doing physical activity and maintaining proper nutrition. As far as my skin is concerned, I turn to my trusted beautician, who gives me so much advice on natural remedies that benefit my skin by keeping it always well cared for. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? I am a very determined person, and I try to do what I can to get what I want. What are your plans for the future? I would like to move to a city like Milan, but I don't like programming, so I'll leave it to fate and what it will be. What are some of your favorite experiences so far? One of my most beautiful experiences is that of wearing the clothes of the Feleppa FV brand, it was a very professional and satisfying job. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? I think that determination and constancy is the basis for starting this work and obviously the passion for this environment is the fundamental thing. What do you think of the magazine? I think it's a professional and competent magazine. https://www.facebook.com/veronica.frosi.1 Instagram veronicafrosimodel_
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Ph: Ramon Carusi draven_artworks Make up: Erica Luciano
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Ph: Ramon Carusi draven_artworks Make up: Erica Luciano - 38 -
Ph: Ramon Carusi draven_artworks Make up: Erica Luciano
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Ph: Ramon Carusi draven_artworks Make up: Erica Luciano - 40 -
Ph: Ramon Carusi draven_artworks Make up: Erica Luciano
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Ph: Ramon Carusi draven_artworks Make up: Erica Luciano
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Ph: Ramon Carusi draven_artworks Make up: Erica Luciano Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Ph: Ramon Carusi draven_artworks Make up: Erica Luciano
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Ph: Ramon Carusi draven_artworks Make up: Erica Luciano
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Ph: Ramon Carusi draven_artworks Make up: Erica Luciano
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Ph: Ramon Carusi draven_artworks Make up: Erica Luciano
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photographer Stefan Häusler (Austria) Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Stefan Häusler, i'm 30 years old and i'm an austrian photographer specialised in portrait-photography. How and when did you get into photography? I started taking pictures in 2013 - 6 years ago. It all started with buying a DSLR and taking pictures of flowers and random stuff. But I wanted to get better and took many lessons in studio photography. The result: I set up my own studio at home and started with portrait shootings with some of my friends. And as I got better by time, I started taking portrait pictures of professional photo-models and creating photostories. And now... here I am. What does photography mean to you? Photography means a lot to me. It's the only opportunity for me to be creative as a storyteller. That's why I want to create something special that people like to see and that they can feel the story and emotions that I want to tell and show – like an author who writes a book, but without using a single word. Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. My main portfolio is like a storybook. Sometimes it reminds me of my childhood. Pictures in books were the only thing that had drawn my attention. If a book has no pictures in, I immediately put it away. I've always focussed on the picture that told me the story without reading it. In my opinion my photography style does the same – it developed over the years – it's colorful, storytelling, emotional, sensitive, sensual and soft.
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Do you think in advance what you want in the picture? Almost always. I think about the theme, the mood and the story I want to tell. On the one hand I buy requisites for my projects and on the other hand I work together with my team regarding to wardrobe, make up and styling. But I think some projects live from spontaneity – especially when working outdoor. There are some elements in projects that cannot be planned exactly such as weather conditions. Studio, on location or both? Definitely both but it depends on the project. My main photography style is focused on location but as an offset I also get into the studio and work on projects with hard light, strong make up styles and fashion-themed moods. Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? Short and sweet: Paid professional What has been your most memorable session and why? There are a lot of memorable moments, that I will never forget but the “umbrella”-story is the most memorable session. It was a journey to Venice late summer – to work on another story for my main portfolio. The moods were sunny, based on warm colors, outfits and requisites for a summer-based story. Only a few days before the scheduled flight to venice, the weather forecast got really bad. Rainy and cloudy days, dark light conditions and cold weather. Since we had no opportunity to cancel the flight, there was no way back. So my team and I decided to start the project/journey either way. My mood got bad because the pictures I’ve had in my mind were totally different than reality. We started to improvise and finally we got perfect shots and pictures that tell a story. These pictures are one of the best shots I’ve ever taken up til now. It was an important aha-effect regarding to my personal attitude. You can always get something good even in bad or unexpected situations and as I mentioned before – some stories/shots live from spontaneity. Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Where do you get inspiration from? My inspiration comes from music and movies. Music inspires me the most – even if it‘s just driving around in my car and listening to different styles of music. Whenever I listen to music, ideas just rush through my mind. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Sony. I started with a Canon 7D, then i got a Nikon D700 and Nikon D800 – and now I’m finally happy with my Sony Alpha 7R III. Electronic viewfinder, sensor stabilization – that helpes me a lot at my work with long exposure times, aperture wide opened and lighting that may cause failfocus or blurred images. My favorite lenses: 50 and 85 mm. What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? Especially at the beginning of your business you think that equipment is the most important thing to get wonderful results and I thought the same, but it’s not. The most important thing are your eyes and your fantasy / imagination. You have to learn how to use both to catch the shot that you have on your mind. What do you think of our new magazine? It looks professional and interesting – i also like how the covers are made. Keep up the good work – i‘m looking forward to the next issues. Website: http://www.stefanhaeusler.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stefan.haeusler.photo/ 500px: https://500px.com/stefanhaeusler - 50 -
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Ines Angelova
Photographer: Mika Heijnen
Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Ines Angelova, I am a model but most people know me as a social media personality. Currently I travel the World together with my boyfriend who actually is a photographer and my work partner in crime. At such a young age (20) I already have seen more than half of the world and we still keep on traveling, which is also a must when you are a model. Languages are one of my biggest talent since I am from Bulgaria,but grew up in Holland and half of my family is in the US. Currently I can count more than 5 languages in my vocabulary and still counting haha as I love adapting new cultures. My soul food is gym,kickboxing and yoga. I love staying active, it really keeps me motivated. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? Haha my looks or personality? Hmm... Iʼd love to be more patient sometimes and a bit less impulsive. I am really hot tempered person. But when it comes to my looks I am happy to say I am more than satisfied with myself. As all women should be! However I really like experimenting with new looks on me and working hard in the gym. How did you start modeling? Itʼs actually really funny that I am a model now because I am named after a very famous Spanish model from the 90ʼs. Her name is Ines Sastre. Not many people know that about me but I think it really wasnʼt a coincidence!! And ever since I was very Young creating was always a passion of mine. I wanted to be an actress then designer and then suddenly modeling came into my life. I got asked by couple of friends to help them with some modeling and it started as a hobby at first but then I could really feel the connection with the job and the camera. Later on I started my instagram and thatʼs how I got bigger with modeling. What do you think of the work as a model? Modeling has really taught me a lot. Traveling all the time, meeting new people and experiencing new stuff is amazing! It also teaches you a lot about life... you get to see it from a whole different perspective. Itʼs one of the best creative jobs I couldʼve ask for, but is not for everyone. It comes with a lot of stress, attention and traveling. And some people really cannot handle all the pressure. But for me is thrilling and T.U. adventurous! What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? Everyone can agree on the fact that I am extremely social! I am here and I am there...hahah I just really love getting to know people and their stories, which makes people feel comfortable around me very fast. Itʼs good when you work in my industry. I am stubborn as well... I never give up no matter what. Last but not least I stay very true to myself. In the modeling industry thereʼs a lot of pressure to be someone else or do what others tell you. But I follow my rules and my true self. Staying true to myself is something my mom taught me. She always says: “strong personality really makes a person stand out from all the others”.
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Photographer: Mika Heijnen
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photographer: Melville McKee
What is your beauty regimen? As cliché as it sounds my number 1 beauty must is hydration. I drink lots of water. Stay hydrated!! A second must for me is enough sleep and gym, those are really my favorites. I use many products with spf in it, face serums aswell. Mario Badescuʼs products are my holy grail and lotʼs of oils. Hair oil, body oil, coconut oil... and of course vitamin D straight from the sun! I love spending my time somewhere warm and sunny it makes me feel fresh and alive. What are your plans for the future? I like to live in the moment. If I plan itʼs only for the upcoming few months. Of course success in the career and happiness is in the plan but I like to keep it mysterious haha What are some of your favorite experiences so far? For me is still really exciting when I see myself in a magazine or a website. After a few years I still canʼt get used to it, but I love it. Also I have met so many interesting and (famous) people it really inspires me. And of course I still smile thinking of the amazing friends and memories I have with the friends I made along the way. Is priceless for me. But of course the most exciting is all the upcoming projects and experiences I have yet to experience. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? My only advice for those who want to start modeling is to stay true to themselves and keep on trying. Thereʼs no wrong way after all, only your way.Of course doing your best is a must in this business in order to stand out people appreciate hard work. But donʼt be too harsh with yourself if it doesnʼt work immediately. Just see what works for you and give the process some time. What do you think of the magazine? I love the whole concept of the magazine, I think is fantastic! A podium for all kinds of talents to show what they can. Love it! Instagram: @inesangelova - https://www.facebook.com/InesAngelova9 - 62 -
Photographer: Mika Heijnen Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photographer: Analog Bali Mua: arbeauty_id
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Photographer: Stef Hartog
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photographer: Mika Heijnen
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Photographer: Mika Heijnen
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photographer: Mika Heijnen
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Photographer: Mika Heijnen
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photographer: Stef Hartog
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Photographer: Stef Hartog
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Silvia Roberta Possidente Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Silvia Roberta Possidente and I'm Italian. I'm 27 years old and I began to work like a model 10 years ago. I studied photography before I began to work as a model, Infact I was a photographer but than I met some people that advised me to try to become a model, I tried but at the beginning I didn't like it because I was so shy but after some months I liked it and day by day I did better and better. I met some important people in the world of fashion and i took part in some italian films. I like art in every form art is. I would like a day I will become an actress. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I think that maybe I prefere to change nothing about me, because the way I am, in positive and negative things is what made me Silvia. Everybody is special because of his/her own strengths and weaknesses.
What do you think of the work as a model? I Like the art that in the fashion world there is. I had the possibilities to took part of creations of make up artist or to discover the ideas that inspired a stylist or any other artist. What are some of your favorite experiences so far? My favourite work was to work with animals, like a wolf, so exciting and beauty experience Do you have any advice for those who want to be model? I think that the only important characteristic is to al-ways believe in yourself and be strong to realize your dreams, it's not easy but if you believe in it you can realize it. What do you think of the magazine? I think that this magazine is an opportunity to everyone to express or show his/her own work, and life. www.facebook.com/silviaroberta.possidente
Wilson Gomes - 72 -
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Francesco Francia
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Centrone Vincenzo
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Centrone Vincenzo
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Wilson Gomes - 78 -
Antonella Aresta
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Piergiuseppe Pace
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Antonio Piizzi
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Centrone Vincenzo
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Mourad Echchaoui
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Gaelle Baekelandt (Belgium)
karel Duerinckx
Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Gaëlle, meaning stranger from German origin, and defines my way of living. I am exploring in this life for 26 years and feel highly curious to know and experience more every day. This characteristic of me brought me to extraordinary places and made me connect with special souls. These unique experiences stimulated me to cultivate my creative self and drove me to manifest in several spectrums. I create and collab under ConCyCon (Conscious cycle connect) with sustainable intentions in three forms. The first is as a model, I tend to work with brands that connect with my values, so I can influence in an authentic way. Next to that I create upcycle clothing and jewellery, under the brand di’Elle, with forgotten objects and smart streams (post- industrial waste). Feeling grateful for my space and atelier in inspiring Bruges where I may wonder and create surrounded by history and nature. The third part considers sustainability consulting for businesses and consciousness coaching for individuals under ConSus (Conscious sustainability). If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? My patience, I am learning to have more patience, but it still tends to kick in from time to time when I am eager to achie-ve something. It’s a process to learn to just experience the steps without any expectation. I try to apply mindfulness within every moment by living by experience within full curiosity without expectations. Out of the believe that it brings me more joy then if I spend time worrying about a possible outcome. Living with a clear vision without expectation sometimes goes against my drive to generate my goals. Nevertheless it brought me more peace of mind and makes me feel more happy in general. Thanks to this way of navigating through life I depend less on high note events and see the beauty of the little steps to be celebrated. How did you start modelling? When I was a kid I did some model work for a kids clothing brand and I had been asked a few times when I was 15 to do a shoot for clothing or portrait. I always liked to tell a story but didn’t think modelling could be a means for that. I also didn’t wanted to be associated with the stereotype idea of “beauty”. I restarted modelling via my marketing consulting jobs for fashion brands. During my freelance jobs I got asked to also come in as model for the brands I worked with. But it really started when I got requests to make some pictures with more artistic photographers. This kind of work spoke to my creative side to tell a story with my body, my expression and through the interaction with my environment. So it wasn’t my intent to become a model, but I do like to transfer emotions stories to people, so I like to describe myself as a performance artist. What do you think of the work as a model? I prefer to work with brands with sustainable values or artistic people who want to tell a story. I don’t see myself as a commercial model, I prefer to stand for something. If I promote a brand I want to stand behind the product or service that they provide. So I think modelling can be a beautiful thing if you spread a true story. Sadly there are a lot of girls mostly at a very young age scouted to promote all kinds of products that are not supporting a more conscious way of living and I do believe this influences the way we live. Commercials are there to sell us short time happiness. They make you believe that this or that product will give you that happy feeling, but happiness comes from within you can’t really buy it.
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Mattesh Zimmermann
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
What is your beauty regimen? I work together with my body, mind and soul. I just listen to my needs, for example; I don’t just wake up, stand up and rush into whatever I need to do. If I wake up I stretch what needs to be stretched, I take time to order my mind and find my balance within my emotions to feel aligned with my soul. I eat plant based food and surround myself daily with nature. Thanks to dancing I can express my emotions and feel one with my body, what brings me a lot of joy.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? As a creative butterfly I apply my diverse insights in my work as a model. Thanks to operating as marketeer, saleswomen, designer and consultant concerning the processes of companies I got a wide perspective of the needs of the client. I know that transmitting an emotion and forming the right lines within the frame can tell a story deeper then a 1000 words. Next to that I believe by being a dancer, I have a good connection with my body I know how to move for a picture or motion video.
MUA and Photo Ivan mugemanyi Tamiim Beauty
What are your plans for the future? I just started my atelier di’Elle where I create with forgotten items, waste or as I call it smart streams and natural elements that came on my path to stimulate awareness of our exploitation. Via collaborations with artistic photographers and other artist I want to spread the upcycle way of consuming. By stimulating the people to look at the materials they have stored in the house and create new things with it that can add value to their life and fulfil current needs. This can bring more consciousness to the people and their way of consuming. I want to continue to work with creative people to tell inspiring stories via events, pictures, video, my poems and other art forms. Keep on expanding my comfort zone and cultivating my passions. What do you think of the magazine? To be honest, I didn’t know this magazine for this contact. I do feel like it’s a nice platform where artistic people can read more about each other and find new connections. So I will keep closer look to this magazine, now I know it. Hakim @H_K_I_M Mua Tamiim Brussel - 86 -
What are some of your favourite experiences so far? I love to shoot analogue, The work I did together with Kristof Dongleur in collaboration with designer Jana Roos and mua Shari Parmentier in an vintage house in Brussels will be one of my favorite analogue experience. I adore when I can shoot with my dog so the trip that I took with Dieter Raes to create nomade travel connent through Germany, Italy and Croatia is certainly one of the recent experiences I really enjoyed. Exploring nature in great company and being able to capture it with a drone and other professional material is amazing. To be able to see the things out of the sky give a hole new field to play in. It learned me a lot about natural light and angels. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling? If you want to start modelling do it for you, do it to spread a message, not the money or the “fame”. If you want to be a role model, show example that we are more then outside beauty, go for it. Show that we women are worth to be seen for what we are strong visionaries. I just would like to see more of that, less empty and fake selling more leather bags and snake boots. We can make this world so much more pleasurable if we would shine from within and not show of the external luxury and “beauty”. Website: https://www.gaellebaekelandt-capturedmoments.com/ - Facebook name: Gaelle Baekelandt Instagram: @gaellebaki (modelling) @di_elle_upcycle ( upcycle jewelry) Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Dieter Raes juweel di'Elle
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Alina Caat
Ryan Johnson Mua Annemieke Tip Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Selim Say
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Selim Say Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Peter Mueller Jean noir studio
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Christine Bongartz
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photograaf Anastasia Vervueren Mua viva brasseur juwelen di'Elle by GaĂŤlle baki
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Photograaf Anastasia vervueren Mua Viva brasseur juwelen di'Elle by gaelle b Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Dieter Raes SloveniĂŤ
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Morgane Gielen Mua BĂŠa Beauty
Selim Say
Kristof Dongleur Mua Shari Parmentier designer Jana roos
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photographer Alessandro Corazza (Italy) Can you tell us a little about you? Hello! My name is Alessandro Corazza and I'm a portrait photographer based in Vicenza, in the north of Italy. I love romantic and emotional portrait. How and when did you get into photography? After playing the guitar for many years my band took a break and so I had time to dedicate myself to photography, something that intrigued me since I was a child. About six / seven years ago I bought my first reflex. I started with some landscapes, thenI had the chance to take some portraits and from there the real passion started. What does photography mean to you? Photography for me is above all a form of expression. It's an opportunity to show the world how I see it or how I would like it. All while managing the light, that it's really amazing. And then it relaxes me a lot, both when I shoot and when I postproduce my photos. Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. As I said above I have a predilection for portraits in romantic style and sometimes I get close to what are called emotional portraits. I like bright photos, perhaps a little counter-current to what it's fashionable in my country. I also look for a simplicity that often comes from a previous study of what I want to achieve. Where do you get inspiration from? I take inspiration from many sources, both photographic and pictorial. I really appreciate some Russian stylistic currents lately. However what results is a mix that does not really resemble any of the sources I am inspired by.
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Do you think in advance what you want in the picture? Yes, I think ahead, I try to make a set list of what the shooting will be like. Then, however, I always find time for improvisation. Studio, on location or both? Strictly location, preferably outside. I find shooting in the studio boring, even if in winter it would certainly be more comfortable! Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? I have the enthusiasm of a novice amateur photographer and the seriousness of a professional! :-) What has been your most memorable session and why? Hard to say what my favorite session is. There are many of which I'm satisfied, usually when the location is interesting and creates a good feeling with the model. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Sony and Canon, but I'm deeply convinced that they are only tools. And photography goes beyond choosing a brand. I often use a Canon 85 mm. What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? To be really motivated because the sector is not simple. But with tenacity, ideas and good technique it is possible to find space for your business. What do you think of our new magazine? I think that's it's a great work, really nice done. With the occasion I thank you also for the opportunity! https://500px.com/alessandrocorazza www.instagram.com/ale.corazza/ - www.facebook.com/AlessandroCorazzaPhotography/ Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Candice Msl
Que pouvez-vous nous dire sur vous? Je suis une fille simple, Etudiante en Lettres et qui espère évoluer dans le milieu de la communication par la suite. Je fais pas mal de petits boulots en parallèle de mes études et je rêve d’un bel avenir comme pas mal de personnes. Si vous pouviez changer quelque de vous , qu'est-ce que cela serait? Ma taille sans hésitation, je suis de taille moyenne pour une femme mais trop petite pour être mannequin défilée ou agences. Leurs critères sont très précis concernant la taille et les mensurations et ma taille a toujours était un obstacle a pas mal de beaux projets. Mais on est comme on est, et cela ne devrait jamais être un problème ou une contrainte au contraire. Quelles sont vos qualités personnelles qui vous distinguent des autres? Honnêtement je n’en trouve pas, je suis comme tout le monde et chacun a de belles particularités qui les distingue. Mais si je devais en choisir une se serait mon hypersensibilité et mon coter trop expressif en photo. Dans la vie de suis très timide et discrète, mais derrière l’objectif j’arrive à me dévoiler. J’adore travailler comme en acting, essayé de jouer ou d’incarner un personnage qui n’est pas moi dans la vie. Essayé de transmettre des émotions que je ressens au fond de moi et les ressortir sans filtre, c’est très libérateur et ca aide a retranscrire de vrai émotions en photo. Comment avez-vous commencé à être modèle? Tout a commencé par une simple rencontre, un shoot qui a duré pas plus de quinze minutes et qui a changé ma façon de voir les choses. J’avais avant cela aucune envie de devenir modèle, ce n’était pas fait pour moi, c’était un milieu inaccessible et superficiel a mon gout. J’ai rencontré un photographe qui était également formateur, il aimé recruter des modèles a en devenir et leur apprendre a dépasser leur limites en termes d’expression et poses. C’était a une époque ou je savais pas qui j’était et ou j’allais, cela m’a permis de voir ce milieu comme autre chose que quelque chose de superficiel et a me faire comprendre que celui-ci pouvait également être une thérapie pour moi, dépasser ses limites et prendre confiance a soie. C’est un domaine qui forge, et les rencontres que j’ai pu faire ont toutes étaient constructive et riches. Un milieu incroyable et pleines de belles personnes qui m’ont toutes apportées énormément. Que pensez-vous de votre travail en tant que modèle? Ce n’est pas un travail pour moi, ça m’est arrivé de faire des petits jobs mais cela reste une passion avant tout. J’ai réalisé qu’a partir du moment ou on est payé, on doit faire la prestation demandée, sans laisser libre court a nos idées. Le client décide de tout et je n’aime pas l’idée de pas être moi-même, de ne pas pouvoir apporter mes idées au projets. Je préfère ne pas être payé, faire des collaborations et être fier de dire que c’est un partage, avoir des résultats qui nous ressemble à chacun et pas dicté par un simple travail demandé. J’aime également pouvoir choisir les photographes, travailler avec quelqu’un de confiance, que j’apprécie et qui me connait. Les jobs sont très rarement des choix, et même si les fois où j’étais payé était de belles expériences, cela n’achètera jamais un shoot avec un ami photographe, ou on déconne et on laisse libre court a nos idées folles. - 110 -
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Quelles sont vos meilleurs expériences jusqu'à présent? Mes meilleures expériences sont nombreuses, chaque shoot est une expérience et chaque photographe m’a apporté de beaux souvenirs. Mais si je devais en choisir une, se serait un hiver dans les Alpes. Devoir poser sur un lac gelé en robe de créateur (très légère). J’ai réellement cru que j’allais mourir de froid, et j’avais peur de glisser et de tomber dans l’eau. Mais l’équipe était géniale, on était tous solidaire comme une petite famille. Ce petit road trip était incroyable et nous a tous permis de dépasser nos limites, et je pense qu’on était tous fière ensuite de voir le travail obtenu en photo. Sinon ce sont également tous les souvenirs en Picardie, avec un photographe qui habite là-bas, nos shoots sont sans aucun doute les plus marquants pour moi. Nous étions comme deux enfants, se baladant à vélo et cherchant des spots’ au hasard, sans aucune préparation et juste au feeling. Nous avions trouvé une colline de craie et nous avions eu l’idée de me faire poser en topless dessus avec de la craie partout sur mon corps. J’ai réussi à me balader en topless dans la campagne pour des clichés, alors que dans la vraie vie je suis très pudique. C’était une expérience hyper libératrice et une première pour moi ! J’ai eu grâce à lui une confiance je ne soupçonnais même pas.. Réussir à me désinhiber plus facilement sans avoir peur des préjugés ou du regard des gens. Un souvenir extra, et cette rencontre m’a tellement étonné car nous étions vraiment en alchimie et j’étais confiante comme si on se connaissais depuis toujours alors que c’était notre premier shoot ensemble. Mais encore une fois tous mes shoots ont été de superbes souvenirs que je suis pas prête d’oublier. Comment voyez-vous la beauté? Pour moi la beauté ce n’est pas le physique, c’est le charisme que la personne dégage et son intelligence. J’ai vu des gens qui n’était pas l’incarnation de la perfection même et qui m’ont bougebé de par leur façon d’être, de s’exprimer, de regarder et toutes les belles choses qu’elles savaient. Je pense qu’on charme par le savoir avant tout et c’est cela la vraie beauté à mes yeux. De plus, celle-ci ne ternira jamais avec le temps contrairement au physique au terme brut.
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Quels sont vos projets pour l'avenir? J’aimerais obtenir mes diplômes, m’orienter et évoluer dans la communication, obtenir un travail stable et en parallèle ouvrir mon agence de management de modèles. Dénicher des talents, les former, leur donner confiances en leur capacités et les faires évoluer ! C’est un rêve fou je le conçois, mais j’aimerais tellement transmettre et voir évoluer des personnes qui ne songer même pas à être modèles ou mannequins. J’aimerais également développer mes idées artistiques, ne plus poser mais faire partie d’une équipe. Collaborer avec des photographes que je connais, faire appel à de belles marques a en devenir et faire de grands projets ensemble. J’adore poser aujourd’hui mais ce que j’aime le plus dans un shoot c’est la préparation d’un projet, les idées, et comment les mettre en pratique pour la conception de celui-ci. On voit souvent l’image et le modèle sur les affiches de pub, mais se qui m’intrigue le plus c’est tous les a cotés sans qui ce clichés n’aurait jamais existé.. Je me dis que plus tard ce qui me rendrait heureuse, c’est de ne plus être devant l’objectif, mais derrière, à penser chaque détail d’un shoot et de donner naissance à un projet. Avez-vous un conseil à donner aux personnes qui aimeraient commencer dans ce milieu? Ne surtout pas se prendre la tête. C’est une passion, qui fait un bien fou et qui apporte énormément à condition qu’on ne se prenne pas trop au sérieux. Je ne comprendrais jamais les modèles qui devienne hautaine et qui pense être quelqu’un sous prétexte qu’elle pose derrière un objectif. Tout le monde peut être modèle, c’est à la portée de tous de poser et d’être photographié. Et le fait de prendre cela trop au sérieux gâche tout le charme je trouve. C’est avant tout un moment de lâcher prise, d’amusement, de partage et de beaux souvenirs a raconté à nos enfants. Et également de ne jamais écouté les personnes qui critiques gratuitement sur un physique, des formes, ou une taille. Les modèles ne sont pas comme les mannequins, ils n’ont pas de mensurations type à respecter pour être dans les normes. Chaque model est beau avec toutes ses particularités.
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Que pensez-vous du magazine "Modellenland "? Le Magazine Modellenland est un super concept, le fait de pouvoir mettre en avant des artistes qui ne sont pas forcément a grande notoriété. Pouvoir donner au monde de nouvelles choses, mettre en avant la photographie et l’art telle qu’il est sans artifices. De nombreux Magazines sont aujourd’hui plus attiré par le profit que par leur contenu Editorial et c’est tellement dommage. Car c’est avant tout un partage et Modellenland prouve qu’il existe encore des magazines qui sont réellement intéressé par l’art de la photographie. Site internet : candicemsl.wixsite.com/candicemsl/ Instagram : www.instagram.com/candice_msl/ Facebook : www.facebook.com/CandiceMsl
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Alina Eva Lyuba
Can you tell us a little about you? I’m first of all a person that loves life, family, nature, animals and travels. I’m sensitive to the things around me. I’m open and respectful to other people’s culture and traditions since i travel a lot due to my Job which involves meeting people from different cultural backgrounds. Respect to the others is very important for me. The best present for me its a smile. I like seeing people smiling. Photo: Sergei Kalyagin Make up: Oksana Schweiger
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I would never change anything about myself except maybe spending more time with my family since they live far away. From my look i have something from my dad and from my mom and it’s the best present from the nature to me. How did you start modeling? I started modeling quite late. First time i got in contact with agency I was at the age of 14, but had to refuse this idea because my parents objected to it. The second time I was invited to do the job when i was 18, but again had to refuse the opportunity while I was studying to become a Journalist. After i finished my study i moved to Austria and i decided to start my model job. Soon i got my first international contracts. What do you think of the work as a model? Modeling is a very interesting, but also a very hard job. One has to be strong physically, mentally and sometimes emotionally. One has to have a lot of patience with the understanding that that photo shooting isn’t about yourself, but the designer, Make up artist, photographer or the company you are advertising for. You should present the dress and the idea of designer. Every project is a team work. The pictures are the result of team work. While you show luxury on the pictures, but in reality you live in simple conditions. Its exciting to work in different countries Sharing rooms with other models, meeting new local agencies and worrying if your type will be asked in this country. I count myself lucky to have had good room mates who, I’m still friends with, i had cool agencies and interesting jobs. As a model you should have discipline and lot of patient. What is your beauty regiment. My beauty requirement involve nothing that is unusual. I go makeup-free in my free time. I like to go to sauna and i like to swim in the lake or in the sea. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? Everybody got different professional skills. I’m using my professional skills and experience in my job the same like all other people do. And i have respect to the knowledges. if i see somebody can do it better, i’m trying to learn from them also I share my professional ideas if somebody interested in it. What are your plans for the future? I live for now. I don’t have much ambitions, but as i was child i was always dreaming. Reality present me better moments in my life then i could have dreamt about. I have my parents, i have many friends, i was working and traveling to many countries. I just follow my life and enjoy every moment.
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Photo: Nikol Bartzoka Make up: @antikapetanaki Styling: Dimitrios Constantine Makris
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photo: Nikol Bartzoka - Make up: @antikapetanaki - Styling: Dimitrios Constantine Makris What are some of your favorite experience so far? My favorite experience was in India, it was my first time there. I had the chance to work with local designers and photographers. The people were nice and open, very exotic country. I was there not as a tourist, but working as a model. I sow many local designers works and i had the chance to learn a bit of their culture and tradition. I had every day jobs, from one shooting, shows in different places, something i couldn’t have experienced as a tourist. I had a first hand experience of the Indian traditional fashion, completely different from European. China and Hong Kong was also interesting for me, as they have very amazing make up artists. I felt very special in Milan because i was dressed in amazing wedding Dress. The jobs in Austria and Germany are always very professional. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Nothing can be more important then your health. There are no job can make you happy if you don’t feel good. Modeling it’s very interesting life style, you will meet creative and talented people, enjoy it! What do you think of magazine? Dear Peter, I think it’s great idea to get a chance to know more about the colleagues, photographers and make up artists. There are so many interesting people and personalities in this field. You can see here works from the artists who is getting published in the other countries. Read their minds, feel their ideas and be thankful for all the possibilities. Face book Alina Eva - Instagram alinaevalll - Agency http://www.visagemodels.at/ - 122 -
Photo: Elena Prokhorova dress In Or Near @inornear
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photo: Nikol Bartzoka Make up: @antikapetanaki Styling: Dimitrios Constantine Makris
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Photo: Nikol Bartzoka Make up: @antikapetanaki Styling: Dimitrios Constantine Makris
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photo: Elena Prokhorova @prokhorovaelenaphoto Make up: Anna Podgorova @anna_makeupme Styling: Elena Pavlova @elenapavlova.stylist Outfit: @firusas @4jahreszeiten_vienna Light: @photowowo1
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Photo: Elena Prokhorova Styling: Elena Pavlova Make up: Anna Podgorova Light: @photowowo1 Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photo: Stefan Dokoupil Make up: Anna Podgorova Hair: Viktor Zadvornyi
Photo: Stefan Dokoupil Make up: Anna Podgorova Hair: Viktor Zadvornyi
Photo: Stefan Dokoupil Make up: Anna Podgorova Hair: Viktor Zadvornyi
Photo: Stefan Dokoupil Make up: Anna Podgorova Hair: Viktor Zadvornyi
Photo: Elena Prokhorova @prokhorovaelenaphoto Make up: Anna Podgorova @anna_makeupme Styling: Elena Pavlova @elenapavlova.stylist Outfit: @firusas @4jahreszeiten_vienna Light: @photowowo1
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photo: Judith Bender @judith_benderjbj Make up: Christina Kiselyova @christinakiselyova - 130 -
Photo: Judith Bender @judith_benderjbj Make up: Christina Kiselyova @christinakiselyova Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photo: Sergei Kalyagin Make up: Oksana Schweiger
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Photo: Sergei Kalyagin Make up: Oksana Schweiger
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Olga Klippenstein
Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Olga Klippenstein, I am 35 years old and I am a mummy of 2 beautiful girls. I was born in Siberia and I have been living in Germany for 20 years. My profession is a medical assistant and I love this job, because I am not only totally into fashion and photos but also like to work with people. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I came to modeling quite by accident, 2017 in march, a photographer from my city, once approached me and offered to let me finally take proper photos, as I photographed my together Outfitts in my mirror and Instagramm posted. From the first shoot I was already addicted, and then came more and more offers from other photographers, where I could not say no but also did not want. How did you start modeling? Since I like to do sports I would not only start the shootings much earlier but also with sports, even though as a child I had already been very active in Russia. Such as basketball, gymnastics, acrobatics, ice skating. But with fitness I started at 30 years old. But better later than never. What do you think of the work as a model? Since I'm modeling by the way, you have to be well organized in terms of time, besides the main job and family. But I love to be styled, to style myself, to have the ability to implement your own ideas, to put the Outfitts together. Wear what man can wear in everyday life. It is always exciting and the best part is to look forward to the results. What is your beauty regimen? I am always appreciated younger, I think mainly because of my nature. I would call myself a positive person, and that's what man radiates outwardly. Of course, this includes care, healthy nutrition and exercise, which is very important to me. I always try to look fresh and youthful. It just has to fit together and you have to feel good in it. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? I am like every woman and mother like the others, it's not easy sometimes to get everything under one roof, but I try to keep my balance everywhere. For that I am admired by many acquaintances or my followers and I even get news that I am the motivator to be like that. That's a big compliment for me. What are your plans for the future? My plans for the future are more towards fitness and at some point I would like to perform on stage as Bikini Fitness. And of course, I never want to stop modeling. To teach a foreign language and to see a lot of the world, to travel a lot and to meet more interesting people. What are some of your favorite experiences so far? 8th The most beautiful experiences in my life, of course, the births of my children, I had a beautiful Hochzeit.Dazu of course discovery of fitness for me 5 years ago and then also the modeling. - 134 -
Fotograf Detlef Blanke
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? I would have had to start modeling before 10-15 years, I would also recommend girls / boys, and not keep as a dream. What do you think of the magazine? The magazine contains so many great pictures of models, with so many beautiful ideas in photography, fashion and make-up. Since I am always fascinated, it is very interesting and versatile for me personally. I like a lot of pictures, especially contains big pictures. https://www.instagram.com/diamondcoxdreams/ Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Fotograf Detlef Blanke
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Fotograf Detlef Blanke
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Fotograf Detlef Blanke
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Fotograf Detlef Blanke
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Fotograf Doreen Schรถttker
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Fotograf Manuel Ohle
Fotograf Doreen Schรถttker
Fotograf Manuel Ohle
Fotograf Manuel Ohle Fotograf Doreen Schรถttker Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Fotograf Doreen Schรถttker
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Fotograf Doreen Schรถttker
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Fotograf Doreen Schรถttker
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photographer Mark Zanderink
Stel je eens voor. Ik ben Mark, 35 jaar en woon in Almelo. Ik heb 2 passies, namelijk mijn werk en mijn hobby. Voor mijn werk verzorg ik heel graag dementerende mensen en ik fotografeer heel graag als hobby. Ik heb nu 5 jaar een fijne relatie met Roos die me met haar creativiteit overal in bijstaat. Wanneer en hoe begonnen? De directe aanleiding om te beginnen met fotografie was een heel praktische. Het zal zo’n 20 jaar geleden zijn geweest en ik herinner me dit nog heel goed. Ik zat in de straatrace-scene en was. Dus veel bij dat soort meetings te vinden. Ik vond het leuk om bijzondere auto’s op de foto te zetten met mijn compact camera. Wat mij opviel is dat niemand mij de ruimte gaf en voor mij opzij ging als ik auto’s wilde fotograferen . Sterker nog ,ze gingen er gewoon voorstaan. Bij degene echter, die met een spiegelreflex camera verscheen ,werd onmiddellijk ruimte gemaakt en deze kon overal vrij shots maken. Kennelijk werd dit wel serieus genomen. Dit was voor mij een belangrijke les. Ik kocht dus ook een spiegelreflex camera en legde me toe op de carbabes. Van het een kwam het ander en zo ging ik door met modellen fotograferen . Dit breidde uit met crossfit en gym. Ik hou ervan om met licht en donker te spelen. Wat en hoe ik het op de gevoelige plaat wil vastleggen dat dient zich vanzelf aan. Ik zit nooit om ideeën of onderwerpen verlegen. Ik vind mezelf breed geïnteresseerd en ben niet snel tevreden. Ik kan onwijs genieten van een mooi gelukte plaat. Wat wil je met fotografie bereiken? Ik wil datgene vastleggen zoals ik het me in mijn hoofd voorstel Creativiteit, fantasie en samenwerken met anderen om dit te bereiken dat geeft me energie. Waarin onderscheid jij je in van anderen? Ik speel gemakkelijk met alle soorten licht. Of het nu flits of natuurlijk licht is dat maakt me niet uit. Ik experimenteer er graag mee en vind gemakkelijk oplossingen voor problemen. Voor mij is dit geen kunstje maar echte kunst.
Model Annemiek - 146 -
Wat betekent fotografie voor jou? Ik kan mijn energie en creativiteit er helemaal in kwijt. Het woord vrijheid komt dan in me op. Ongebonden zijn en los van alles wat zonodig moet. Als het plaatje dan helemaal klopt en de klant helemaal tevreden is dan geniet ik. Ik ben zelf mijn grootste klant. Ik ben ook naar mezelf dus behoorlijk kritisch voor het goed genoeg is. Waar haal jij je inspiratie vandaan? Dat is lastig te beantwoorden want het kan letterlijk van alles en nog wat zijn. Fotos ,films, muziek ,situaties of een gebouw. Het komt vanzelf op en dan zie ik het al gemakkelijk voor me en laat ik het ook niet gemakkelijk los. Bedenk je van te voren wat je op de foto wil hebben? In principe heb ik het plaatje al in mijn hoofd. Ik maak voor het model wel een klein moodbord maar kan gemakkelijk switchen naar andere of betere ideeen . Deze losheid om gemakkelijk aan te passen is ook wel iets eigens van mijn stijl. Bewerk je je fotos en wat doe je eraan? Ik ben niet snel tevreden en zoals eerder gezegd ook kritisch naar mijn eigen werk. Ik voel en zie gemakkelijk wat beter of anders kan. De foto’s zet ik dan ook eerst in een programma als Lightroom en dan pas ik kleur en/of belichting aan om zo de puntjes op de “i” te zetten. Bij modellen bewerk ik de huid en kleine details in een programma als Photoshop. Waar gaat jou voorkeur naar uit studio of locatie? Zonder twijfel gaat mijn voorkeur uit naar locatie. Ik kan hier veel meer van mijn creativiteit in kwijt omdat een locatie vaak veel meer mogelijkheden geeft. Een bijzondere locatie voegt ook vaak iets toe aan de foto of versterkt het gewenste effect. Deze verrassende aanpassingen geven mij en de foto weer een extra “boost”.
Model Noami
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Wat voor onderwerpen of locaties spreken je het meest aan? Ik heb het meest aan “urban” of “vintage” achtige locaties omdat deze meer warmte uitstralen. Clean en strak zijn niet zo mijn ding. Maar het onderwerp is natuurlijk bepalend welke locatie het meest passend is. Waar/wat wil je absoluut nog een keer fotograferen? Ik heb wat dat betreft nog wel wensen te over. Ik wil nog graag in een tropische omgeving met watervallen e.d.met modellen gedurende een hele week shoots doen. Ook in landhuizen of kastelen of oude dorpjes zou ik dit graag doen. Wat is het belangrijkste wat je de afgelopen jaren hebt geleerd? Ik heb met vallen en opstaan steeds meer kunnen genieten van mijn eigen werk en de daarbij behorende resultaten. Daarvoor keek ik heel erg naar wat en hoe anderen dingen deden en wat ze bereikten. Plezier in en met eigen werk staat nu voorop. Ik heb meer zelfvertrouwen gekregen en dat geeft ook rust. Wat kunnen we binnenkort nog van je verwachten? Ik heb nog wel een aantal leuke thema’s voor een shoot op stapel staan die ik in 2020 wil uitwerken. Daarnaast wil ik me verder ontwikkelen in boudoir fotografie. Wat zoek je in modellen waar je mee werkt? Dat is per thema verschillend. Ik zoek datgene/diegene welke daarbij het beste past. Wat vind je van ons nieuwe magazine? Het blad ziet er fris uit met mooie foto's van van verschillende fotografen. Heb je nog een boodschap naar de modellenwereld? Geloof in jezelf want jij bent uniek! www.markzanderink.nl
Model Bregjecar - 148 -
Model Claudia
Model Roos Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Roos Goldenfield
Model Karin Motor
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Model Ruan - Gym
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Melanie
Olivier Gym
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Model Sharon Mua Simone de Waal
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Laura mua Melanie
Model Nov
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The Kilkenneys
Model Merle Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Roos Vintage
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Model Tamara
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Anna Sparrow
Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Anna, I’m a 26 years old Spanish girl who is currently in Belgium as an Erasmus veterinary medicine student. I’m a spontaneous girl, very expressive and open up. I love the interpretation and to pose in front of cameras feeling quite comfortable being free to express myself as the way I feel in the moment. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? Sometimes I’m too impulsive and I don’t think twice about the consequences. Physically talking, I would change my height, I would like to be taller. By the rest I don’t use to concern about these matters. How did you start modeling? I start that kind of works being an actress at the beginning and actin in some musical videoclips. After that a photograph offers me some collaboration and because of the pictures some brands selected me as a sport model most of all. What do you think of the work as a model? I like to do some jobs of the kind but it’s not my main professional future. What is your beauty regimen? Always before going to sleep I cream my face with anti-aging and hydrating products, I really love to take care of my skin. Also, I put an eye-lashes serum to keep my lashes long and dark. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? The spontaneous character and the confidingness without doubt. What are your plans for the future? I would like to apply for an internship in an Equine hospital to become a resident in equine surgery. In the meantime, I would like to work as a model occasionally. What are some of your favorite experiences so far? The travels that I did and the amazing people who I met there. Specially the volunteering program on a wildlife rescue center that I did in Costa Rica for 2 months. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Be confident with yourselves, have the ideas clear in your mind and just feel comfortable with your body in front of the cameras and back to them. What do you think of the magazine? Interesting how the magazine shows to the world of fashion new faces and shooting ideas. https://www.facebook.com/equusann - https://www.instagram.com/equusann Musical Videoclips: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB9_X_9sbcg www.youtube.com/watch?v=TodJF0l_Pnc - www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZwDCH1cm48 - 158 -
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Petra ThĂźrme JĂźrgen Bauer
Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Petra, I'm 36 years old and I'm from Austria, near Vienna. I am the proud mother of an 11 year old daughter. Professionally, I am very versatile on the road, mainly I work as a clerk in a real estate office, otherwise I'm modding a lot by the way and am traveling at several agencies as a fair hostess or advertising figure. My hobbys are dancing, reading, swimming and walking with friends. How did you start modeling? I came to modeling by accident about 6 years ago. Really wanted to have nice pictures of me made for my former ex boyfriend and so then came one into the other. The photographer was immediately impressed by my charisma in front of the camera and on recommendation came more and more orders. At first I was very shy and insecure, but the more experiences I could gain, the more posesicherer and more open I became. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I would not want to change anything, I like myself the way I am What do you think of the work as a model? It's definitely a tough job that requires a lot of body control and concentration. But I enjoy it a lot and the reward is the beautiful pictures of one. What is you beauty regimen? You should take good care of your body, eat well, take care of yourself and exercise sports very important. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? Would say: my charisma What are your plans for the future? I would like to have more children, own a large house with a garden and enjoy traveling and discovering new things. What are some of your favorite experiences so far? It's very simple: The birth of my daughter, because she was born exactly on Mother's Day and that was my best present. And that I finally got to know the love of my life after a long time. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? In any case, always pay close attention, because there are many black sheep among the photographers who take advantage of the naivety of the young girls. Always be well informed in advance about the photographer before accepting the job. Get information from the agencies as well. What do you think of the magazine? I find very interesting, serious and insightful. https://www.facebook.com/petra.thuermer
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Jürgen Bauer
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JĂźrgen Bauer Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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JĂźrgen Bauer
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Jürgen Bauer
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Romy van Boxtel
Bas van den Broeck
Kun je ons iets vertellen over jou? Mijn naam is Romy van Boxtel, ik ben 21 jaar en ik woon in Kaatsheuvel. Ik ben een half haar geleden afgestudeerd als maatschappelijke zorg/gehandicaptenzorg en verzorgende IG en ben op dit moment werkzaam in de gehandicapten zorg. Erg leuk en dankbaar werk! Wat zijn je goede eigenschappen, en je minder goeie? Mijn goede eigenschappen zijn: Zelfverzekerd, Vrolijk, Humoristisch, Initiatief tonen. Mijn verbeterpunten zij :Chaotisch, Uitstelgedrag, Ongeordend Hoe ben je begonnen als model? Mijn eerste fotoshoot was 5/6 jaar gelden ik werd aangesproken door een amateur fotograaf tijdens mijn bijbaantje, nu ondertussen zo’n 25 shoots gedaan. Ik doe alleen nog maar shoots met professionele fotografen om mijn portfolio uit te breiden. Wat denk je van het werk als model? Ik vind shooten echt super leuk! Ik zou hier heel graag mijn werk van willen maken! Wat is uw schoonheid regime? Ik doe altijd voor het slapen mijn make-up er afhalen daarna wassen met water en een nachtcreme op, en in de ochtend een dagcreme! Wat zijn je plannen voor de toekomst? Ik heb nu nog 3 shoots gepland op TFP basis en Ik ben aan het zoeken naar een modellenbureau, als dat niet zou lukken dan zou ik zelf alleen nog betaalde opdrachten aannemen. Wat zijn sommige van uw favoriete ervaringen tot nu toe? Ik heb nog geen officiÍle modellen ervaringen als in een opdracht, maar ik vind shooten in het algemeen heel erg leuk. Er staat nog een leuke shoot gepland rond December met nep sneeuw waar ik veel zin in heb en ik vind shooten bij Micky jooren leuk om te doen, dat is een visagie opleiding. Heeft u nog een advies voor wie als model wil starten? Gewoon doen en vooral veel durven probeer zelfverzekerd te zijn en stel doelen voor jezelf op! Wat vind je van het modellenland Magazine? Ik vind Modellenland Magazine erg leuk, waar veel te lezen en te zien valt! Het is een heel gevarieerd blad! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000067558780
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Danielle Verboven
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Michel Zoeter - 182 -
Michel Zoeter Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Michel Zoeter
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Michel Zoeter Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Michel Zoeter - 186 -
Michel Zoeter Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Bas van den Broeck
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Michel Zoeter
Michel Zoeter Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photographer Ralf Tophoven Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Ralf Tophoven, living in Krefeld/Germany I am 51 years old. How and when did you get into photography? First I took pictures with my old smartphone. When I realized that I wanted more, I bought my first Canon DSLR I quickly realized that my focus is on black and white photography. What does photography mean to you? Photography is my passion and it is a window to my soul. Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. First, I like the darkness. I prefer to look in the dark than in the light. I admire the old masters, sometimes you see it in my pictures. Where do you get inspiration from? From the old Masters. Do you think in advance what you want in the picture ? In most cases I work unprepared. I get inspired by the model and the location Studio, on location or both? I have a studio in my hometown Krefeld, but I love it also to shoot outdoor. Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? I would consider me as a hobbyist What has been your most memorable session and why? I love all sessions with my love Claudia. It's always beautiful with her. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Canon for sure! :-D My favourite lens is my Sigma 70-200 mm F2,8 EX DG OS HSM What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer? Stay who you are, don't try to copy and try always to keep evolving. https://www.facebook.com/ralf.tophoven - 190 -
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Maria Lopez
Que pouvez vous nous dire sur vous? Je m’appelle Maria je suis model, je suis aussi actuellement une formation dans le cinéma pour devenir actrice depuis un an et demi. Depuis petite j’ai toujours étais attirée par le milieu artistique, ce monde là me fascine. C’est tout naturellement que j’y ai consacré ma carrière professionnelle. C’est un milieu à la fois difficile mais très enrichissant. Toujours partante et motiver pour de nouveaux projets. Si vous pouviez changer quelque chose de vous qu’est ce que ça serait? Si j’avais la possibilité de changer quelque chose chez moi je dirais mon coté un peu paresseux, je peux parfois prendre du temps pour faire les choses. Je n’aime pas trop ce coté là de moi. Quelles sont vos qualités personnelles qui vous distinguent des autres? Les qualités qui me distinguent des autres je dirais ma joie de vivre en toutes circonstances, sociable je suis une personne qui aime rire, faire plaisir aux autres les aider. J’ai le contact humain facile cela m’a permis de faire de belles rencontres inattendues que se soit professionnel ou personnel. Comment avez vous commencé à être model? Depuis petite on me propose d’être model, ma famille n’étant pas d’accord pour que je fasse ce métier ils ne m’ont pas vraiment soutenu dans cette voie là. Mais j’ai persévéré malgré tout et aujourd’hui je m’épanouie pleinement dans ce métier. Un événement à était déterminant, la rencontre avec une connaissance d’un un ami qui travaillait dans une agence de publicité. J’y suis allée et tout a commencé là pour moi, j’ai eu la possibilité de me faire pas mal de contacts, ça m’a permis de me faire une vraie expérience dans ce milieu et de pouvoir évoluer, par la suite je me suis également diriger vers l’acting. Qu’elles sont vos meilleurs expériences jusqu’à présent? Ma meilleure expérience a été la rencontre avec ma meilleure amie lors d’un shooting photo en Tunisie. Que pensez vous de votre travail en tant que model? Chaque shooting est different j’aime pouvoir découvrir de nouvelles façons de travailler, pouvoir aussi apporter quelques artistiques au photographe. J’aime vraiment ce que je fais alors j’en profite à fond je pense que si on a la possibilité de faire ce métier c’est une superbe expérience à vivre. C’est enrichissant personnellement ces expériences m’ont permis de m’épanouir moi qui de base n’ai pas forcement confiance en moi ce métier m’a beaucoup aider à ce niveau. Comment voyez vous la beauté? C’est assez subjectif, ça peut être physique intérieur les deux pour moi la beauté c’est un état d’esprit, être à l’aise avec sois même avoir confiance en nous, avoir bon coeur aussi c’est très important je trouve que les gens avec des qualités humaines sont beaux. Une femme qui se sent bien dans sa peau ça passe par là aussi. - 204 -
Quels sont vos projets pour l’avenir? Mes projets continuer le plus longtemps possible ce que fais, pouvoir continuer d’évoluer dans différents milieux artistiques et créatifs. J’ai un shooting qui se déroulera en Corse dans quelques mois j’ai hâte d’y être. J’ai également des projets de tournage de films et publicité qui se dérouleront eux aussi dans quelques mois. Avez-vous un conseil à donner aux les personnes qui aimeraient commencer dans ce milieu? Le conseil que je pourrais donner c’est de ne rien lâcher, s’accrocher à ce que l’on veut c’est un milieu qui n’est pas toujours facile. Il faut toujours croire en sois, il y a beaucoup de concurrence il faut s’entourer de bonne personnes bien veillantes pour vous conseiller vous aider au mieux a atteindre vos objectifs. Demander conseils auprès des personnes qui sont dans le milieu depuis un moment qui ont de l’expérience c’est toujours bon prendre, pour se faire des contacts aussi. Que pensez vous du magazine Modellenland? Ce magazine est top vraiment !! Pour moi le vrai point qui fait la différence c’est qu’il est gratuit donc forcement plus accessible aux lecteurs. Vous y trouvez également des interview sur le travail d’autres modele ou mannequins cela permet de découvrir d’autres expériences et de nouvelles personnalités. Il est bien présenter agréable a lire et il y a de belles photos aussi. https://www.facebook.com/maria.professionel Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Model Sia Dorable (Belgium) Can you tell a little about you? My name is Sia, I m 22 yo, I am working as a saleswoman. I studied industrial model making, I create harness and little purse bags on my free time. I really am into fashion, especially lingerie, actually buying a nice piece of lace/set of underwear is my cute sin. I also love photography, being in front or behind the camera. La lumière et son envers
If you could change anything about you, what will it be? Beside work, I am really shy. It really bothering me but I’m working on it. What do you think about work as a model? It’s really good to meet new people, build a project together and see it become true. I can’t wait to get new experiences! How did you start modelling? I did a photoshoot for the final year’s project of a fashion student, I had zero confidence at the time, I wasn’t good on the pics so I wanted to try again to see how it could work if I do it for myself without any pressure. What is your personal beauty hack? ALWAYS remove your make up, wash and moisturise your face before going to sleep. No matter how late it is or how tired you are. I use micellaire water, a coconut serum and night cream. What are your personal quality which distinguish you from others? I am creative and passionate about what I do and love. I happily take critics to improve myself but I’ll never let them stop me to be who I am. What are some of your best experiences so far? Discovering new places/countries is the best experiences of all. What are you futur plans? My goal is creating my own brand inspired by my favorite designers and working as a model for lingerie/fashion designers as well. What is your advise for new models? My advices are: go for it, start as soon as you can, be confident and take some pleasure on your way. what do you think about the modellen magazine? Really great and interesting content, I love the fact that it shows photographers and models with different style. Instagram: sia__dorable - Book siadorable.book.fr
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Younès Elm
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
John Bowno - 214 -
John Bowno
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Martins Serrat photography
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Martins serrât photography Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
David Bioux
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photography Fotony
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Photography Fotony Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Photographer Denys Ganba (Poland)
Can you tell us a little about you? Hi! My name is Denys Ganba, 27 years old. Born in Ukraine. Live in Poland for about 10 years. Photography is what I really love to do! How and when did you get into photography? Difficult to say when I did. I have been interested in photography for many years. I started working hard and intense after buying my second camera a little more than a year ago. What does photography mean to you? I cannot sleep normally because of photography :D Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. I love something unusual. In my portfolio you can see different styles of photos. Post Apocalypse, Viking, Nu and more. Where do you get inspiration from? Other works of photographers. Mostly instagram. Studio, on location or both? Location
Model: Nataliia Shulha Postapo-dress
Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? Presently I am a hobbyist. The word "professional" sounds too loud for me for now :D What has been your most memorable session and why? My last photoshoot definitely has been most memorable and I'm sure it will be hard for my next models to change my mind. It is really exciting! Shortly... Poland. Location: A house in which the kitchen and one room are still in the 80-90s style. Madly beautiful Ukrainian model. As for me, the Spanish appearance. Style of photography is a reconstruction of history + sexuality of the girl. We cooked dumplings. Dumplings are Ukrainian national dish. Why is this my favorite photo session? This is all a model! Panties and a tight shirt have nothing to do with it. If you only saw her in front of the lens! How does she move! Her gaze! No pretense! Naturalness! Sincerity! Femininity! I would especially like to note her gaze! I am impressed :D Photos coming soon‌ - 222 -
Model: fb: ElizabethVampirLady Event: fb: oldtownpl Clothing maker: fb: wastedcouture
Model: Dariusz Marek KoĹşma
Model: Dariusz Marek KoĹşma
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model: Magdalena Nowak and her horse Lover
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Do you think in advance what you want in the picture? Sometimes it’s very difficult to show a picture from the head. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Sony! :D My camera is sony a7r iii. For now, I have not had the opportunity to try different lenses. What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? Don't forget about Photoshop and Lightroom! What do you think of our new magazine? It would be great to see my photography in your magazine! Ganba (FB: @denys.ganba.photography; Insta: @denys.ganba.photography) https://500px.com/denysganba
Model: Magdalena Nowak and her horse Lover
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model: Nataliia Shulha Postapo-dress
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Model: Nataliia Shulha Postapo-dress Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model: Kinga Cabała Postapo-dress
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Model: Kinga Cabała Postapo-dress
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model: Margo Dumas MUA: Iryna Prokhorchuk
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Model: Margo Dumas MUA: Iryna Prokhorchuk
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model: Kinga Cabała Postapo-dress
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Model: Dariusz Marek KoĹşma
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model: Adrian Kantorski
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Model: Oleksandr Ganba - Clothes - from the shop kinda Second hand; - Metal pipe - I bought in the steel factory; - A Mask - I bought to rob a bank but later I have changed my mind and I just used it for photosession.
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Olga Danilova
Taras Taranda
Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Olga. I was born and raised in Ukraine on the shores of the Sea of Azov. I live and work in Kiev. I have a restaurateur diploma, but over the past few years I have been working in the field of media digital marketing . If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? Nothing. I am grateful to nature and the creator for my embodiment. How did you start modeling? This happened thanks to my friend, she at that time loved shooting, invited me to pose for her. After that shoot, they found out about me through social networks. What do you think of the work as a model? First of all- this is job! At first glance, everything seems easy, beautiful and bohemian ..But this is a big work that requires love, inspiration and further growth. What is your beauty regimen? Pure nutrition, physical activity, restful sleep, harmony with oneself. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? Perseverance, insight, belief in yourself. What are your plans for the future? Develop my own business. Do more charity What are some of your favorite experiences so far? Travel, art (I can long admire what impresses me or new discoveries). What do you think of the magazine? Modellenland.com is an interesting and bright source of inspiration for anyone who cannot imagine their life without art. Here you can meet amazing masters and unique works. I love this. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001035260759 https://www.instagram.com/diamondcoxdreams/
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Taras Taranda
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Taras Taranda
Taras Taranda
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Taras Taranda
Taras Taranda
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Inna Aylasova
Inna Aylasova - 240 -
Inna Aylasova Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Taras Taranda
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Taras Taranda
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Taras Taranda
Taras Taranda
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Taras Taranda
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Sergey Kovbasyuk Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Pierre Mahloudji
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Pierre Mahloudji
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Pierre Mahloudji
Danylo Mykhailenko - 250 -
Danylo Mykhailenko
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Patrycja Kajda
Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Patrycja, I live in Czechowice-Dziedzice. I'm 23 years old and I'm a nursing student. Before I've started my studies, I was a medical secretary in the hospital in Bielsko-Biala, and in the meantime I studied as a dental assistant.
Jarek Partyka
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I would change some of my character traits, I would like to be more assertive and hard-working, but also a few things in my appearance, especially the nose and size of the bust. How did you start modeling? It was more than one year and half ago, when I've been on the holidays in Egypt with my parents. I've met a photographer there who offered me a session. I was very happy, because I was dreaming of it for a long time, so I agreed. Then after we came back home I've created an account on Maxmodels, and that's how it started. What do you think of the work as a model? I think that it's hard, but very satisfying work. In modeling not only the appearance counts, you have to be able to show emotions. What is your beauty regimen? Above all, my beauty regime is a healthy diet, physical activity and taking care of hair and skin. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? I went through a lot in my life, serious illness, hate at school, loss of loved ones and many more. All this made me strong and stubborn. I never give up. When I want something, I strive for it with all my strength. What are your plans for the future? I want to finish my studies and start working as a nurse. I would like to continue my career as a model and be more and more known. My goal is to work with the best photographers and be on the magazine covers. What are some of your favorite experiences so far? My favorite experience is participation in organized outdoor sessions and photo workshops where I met many new photographers and I spent a very nice and productive time. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? It is not an easy piece of bread and in an era where there are so many people that wants to be a model it's hard to be seen, but my advice is just to be yourself and do what you love, because it gives the greatest satisfaction. What do you think of the magazine? I love this magazine. It is full of works and projects at the highest level. Very good job! https://www.facebook.com/patrycja.kajda
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Ryszard Blazynski
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Oleg Bannikov
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Oleg Bannikov
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Katarzyna Wałęsa
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Bartek Gloc
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Jarek Partyka
Jarek Partyka
Daniel Zakrzewski - 259 -
Janusz Czarnik Janusz Czarnik
Rafał Pasikiewicz Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Andrzej Wiśniowski
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Photographer Stanislav Pokhodilo (Netherlands) Stel jezelf een kort voor aan onze lezers. Mijn naam is Stanislav Pokhodilo ik ben OekraĂŻense Fine Art fotograaf gebaseerde in de Nederland. Hoe en wanneer ben je begonnen met fotografie? Op mijn 12 de verjaardag heb ik een Smena 8M als cadeau van ouders gekregen. Dat was een simpele analoge camera, daarna heb ik FED, Zenit TTL,Practica SLR. Mijn interesse voor de tekening heb ik in kunstschool uitgevoerd. Veel van mijn werk waren fantasie collages. Naar dat ik met Photoshop heb kennis gemaakt echte olieverf schilderen wordt voor mij een verleden tijd, hoewel wil ik nog ooit iets leuk schilder. Tot 2004 had ik in gebruik Nikon SLR. Maar mijn eerste DSLR was Canon EOS 20d, end sindsdien ben ik Canon gebruiker geworden . Wat is je juiste doel? In fotografie ben ik echte perfectionist, bij elke shoot wil ik altijd allen de beste resultaat halen door dat veel tijd voor kleine detail geven, bij de Photoshop fotomanipulatie is altijd belangrijk om foto zo echt mogelijk, real maken. Meestal werk ik met vrouwelijke modelen,en probeer zoveel mogelijk schoonheid in de foto brengen en rond het model een leuke, aparte compositie door de fotomanipulatie te creĂŤren. Wat betekent fotografie voor jou? Dat is uitweg van oil schilderen, voor mij is veel makkelijker digital met behulp van Photoshop tekenen. Fotografie blijft voor mij een uitdaging, elke keer probeer ik beeld maken met verhaal. .
Model: Laura Roskam - 262 -
Waarin vind je dat jouw werk zich van anderen onderscheid? Als art fotograaf ik geef veel aandacht aan details, bijvoorbeeld ik probeer een dipte te creëren niet met de kleuren maar met licht en niet alleen in de studio maar ook met photoshop. Ik inverteer kleurige beeld naar zwart wit zo kan ik controleeren of dipte in de foto- beeld zit. Kleuren, compositie maken en diepte creëren daar ben ik sterk in. Waar haal je inspiratie vandaan? Natuur- ik maak veel foto’s van die kan ik later in compositie gebruiken Op de internet verzamel ik alle ideeën op mijn Pinterest account. Musea, filmen, exposite Rijzen, bezoeken oude steden met mooie oude architectuur. Bedenk je van te voren wat je op de foto wilt hebben? Zeker, ik werk met zelfgemaakte schetsen een moodboard. Met de hulp van moodboard verzamel ik alle ideeën die ik wil in de shoot gebruiken. Op de moodboard komen alle details van make-up, kapsel, assessoren.
Model: Jana Vassina - MUA: Maria Afanasyeva - Hair Couture: Nataliya-Alexandra Makhortova - Dress: Real Water
Bewerk je je foto’s en wat doe je eraan? Elke foto die naar de klant gaat meer of minder bewerk ik. Bij fotocollages en fotomanipulatie soms zit ik meer dan een mand om een uiteindelijk beeld te krijgen.
Wat is het belangrijkste wat je de afgelopen jaren geleerd hebt? Als fotograaf werk ik met verschillende mensen, om beste eindresultaat krijgen is heel belangrijk communicatie met elkaar.
Naar waar gaat je voorkeur, Locatie of studio? Meest werk ik in studio, door dat later is makkelijk in de Photoshop objecten, modellen vrij van de achtergrond maken. Maar studio kan ik ook makkelijk op de lo-catie creëren.
Wat zijn je toekomstplannen of wat kunnen we binnenkort van je verwachten? Laatste twee jaar ben ik met een project bezig die verzameld moeders met kinderen van verschillende nationaliteiten
Wat voor locaties of onderwerpen spreken je het meest aan? Mijn liefste locatie zijn historische plekken. Venetië is mijn livering. Wat of waar wil je absoluut nog eens een keer fotograferen? Venetië.
Wat zoek je in de modellen waar je met samen werkt? Verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel, doorzettingsvermogen, expressie Wat vind je van ons nieuwe magazine? Leuke mooie tijdschrift, met veel diversiteit, ik nog een extra plek voor mijn inspiratie gevonden
http://www.se-fotografie.nl https://www.facebook.com/spokhodilo - https://www.instagram.com/se_fotografie_nl/ Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model: Sofiko Nachkebiya MUA: Angela Popova Fashion designer: Larisa Radchenko
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Model: Sofiko Nachkebiya MUA: Angela Popova Fashion designer: Larisa Radchenko
Model: Aleksandra Pakula Inspired by "Antelope canyon" images, i used a human body curve to create my own canyon picture Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model: Aleksandra Sobstyl MUA: Jana Vassina Hair Couture: Nataliya-Alexandra Makhortova Studio34X
Models: Victoria Romanova, Jana Vassina, Thomas van Ee and Bert Tuymans Make Up: Maria Afanasyeva
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Model: Mechteld Karlien Haute couture: Anna Grigorian MUA: Angela Popova
Model: Anastasia Gontar Slava Gutman However, we must not forget that spare parts for humans do not exist, so please be careful when riding or driving
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model: Alexandra Sobstyl MUA: Jana Vassina Headpieces design: Anna Psy Studio 34X
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Model: Dominique kahkeshan MUA: Maria Afanasyeva Hair Couture: Nataliya-Alexandra Makhortova Dress: Real Water
Workflow Vase Model: Alexandra Sobstyl MUA: Jana Vassina Headpieces design: Anna Psy Studio 34X
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
sketch for ICE Queen
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Model: Aleksandra Pakula MUA: Aleksandra Pakula
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Model Martina Passarello
Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Martina Passarello, I am 26 years old, I was born in Sicily but I live in Parma. I have a passion for landscape and nature photography, a passion transmitted by my father. MASSIMILIANO ZETTI
How did you start modeling? My modeling career was born for fun. I started modeling about 5 years ago when a photographer friend of mine asked me to pose for him for the first time. From that moment several photographers contacted me for photo shoots, I also participated in a beauty contest two years ago. Now, besides being a passion, it is also becoming a job. What do you think of the work as a model? When I pose for a photographer it is important for me to be myself and convey my passion and sensuality through my image, this is what distinguishes me from others. My favorite photography genres are fashion, street, urban, portrait. I never turned to fashion agencies because they demand rigid body measurements and because I like to be free and decide myself. What are your plans for the future? I have no clear plans for the future, I live the present. I love traveling and my dream is to travel the world and do photo shoots in every country I visit. I really like organizing workshops and modelsharing because I compare myself with many people from whom I can learn something new. What do you think of the magazine? I met this magaine thanks to Luca Radici, author of some photos published in the July magazine. I think it's a great magazine because it highlights aspiring photographers and non-profit models. I'm glad to have been contacted to release this interview and to publish some of my photos.
Facebook profile: Martina Passarello https://www.facebook.com/martina.passarello.169 Instagram profile: @martinapassarelloph https://www.instagram.com/martinapassarelloph/ - 272 -
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
MASIMILIANO MANCINI Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
ELISABETH Joss Peix Foto
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
LARA Joss Peix Foto
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
SARA Joss Peix Foto
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Issue 54 - December 2019 - Modellenland Magazine
MODELLENLAND MAGAZINE Creative Director and Editor in Chief: Van Poucke Peter Website: http//modellenland.com Email: info@modellenland.com
http://facebook.com/modellenland https://www.instagram.com/modellenland/ http://modellenlandmagazine.blogspot.be http://pinterest.com/modellenl https://issuu.com/modellenlandmagazine https://www.yumpu.com/user/modellenland