3 minute read
Model: Sofia Forte
Model Sofia Forte (Russia)
Can you tell us a little about you? I was born in a small town in Russia. I finished m usic school and played the piano. My childhood was full of art, ballet and studies. When I was 17, I moved alone to the Perm and studied at two facili ties at the university at the same time and graduated with honors. I received a degree in f inancial management and jurisprudence and worked after in a large financial company for s ome years. I then understood that office work is not for me- it "suffocates me". Sometime l ater I moved to Moscow and after to Milan for modeling. Now I have created my own cloth ing brand and am constantly learning all the time.
If you could change any thing about yourself, what w ould it be? If we are talking about my appearance – I wouldn’t change any thing as I love m yself and am happy with who I am, but I work with my body and face ever y day. I’m exercisin g constantly and use good cosmetics and ser vices of cosmetologists. Proper nutrition is ver y important to me. I also develop mentally and spiritually constantly and I believe that we c an always become better than we are. Remaining true to yourself, changing for the better , and working on improvement is a cons-tant process.
How did you start modelling? When I worked for a finance company, I needed port raits. A friend recommended me a good photographer. He made many photographs with me and invited me to work as a model for a motorcycle adve rtisement. As it turned out, he is a mo-del photographer, a photographer of the Playboy mag azine (Russia) and, in fact, became my teacher in photography. I started appearing in maga zines and later studied at a modeling school.
What do you think of the work as a model? This is a lifestyle. A beautiful style that always fascinates and beckons. But you should always do so mething in tandem and create your own empire. For example-your own clothing brand, your p ersonal brand, your blog etc. It is much better to diversif y your activities and talents as much as possible and at the same time delegate as much as possible and not be scattered.
What is your beauty regimen? The main thing for me is good sleep, proper nutrit ion and exercise ever y day for keeping my body in a top sha pe. Also I constantly get body massages and do a face massage myself ever y day. I clean my skin ever y morning and evening as well as put some skincare product masks.
What are your plans for the future? They are ver y big! But I prefer to not to specif y too much and not to talk about it often. I will create one more brand of clothes (I have one now) and several information products later. I have som ething to give to people and I am sure that my life begins only now.
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling? Check all the information about the agencies and people because unfortunately our world is not heaven and there are ver y many lies. Do not take ever y thing to heart, an d sometimes allow composure. This is a whole art that must be mastered when you allow your self to be less vulnerable and more confident. You just allow it. It's just that many o f us are used to being nice, forgetting about our dark side, which knows how to say no, and respo nd calmly and coldly, be a bad girl who lives the way she wants. Also I would recommend not to focus only on modelling and improve your other skills.
What do you think of the magazine? I think this is a surprisingly creative magazine and an interesting opportunity to see ver y talented and be autiful people from all over the world. Thank you for contacting me.
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Issue 74 - August 2021- Modellenland Magazine
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Issue 74 - August 2021- Modellenland Magazine