3 minute read
Model: Germaine Zhu
Photographer: Mady Kanz Makeup: Laura Gevorgyan
Photographer: PeonyParkPhotography Hair&Makeup: Michelle Lin Accessories: Clare Lloyd Bridal
Dresses: Millia.london - 42 -

Model Germaine Zhu (Germany)
Can you tell us a little about you? I am originally from Germany where I started my modeling career at a young age. After studying p erforming arts in college, I pursued modeling full time, touring in Paris, Athen s, New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong , Seoul, Milan, and Moscow. Nowadays, I live in Los Angeles and am actively modeling for commercials, films, and magazines.
If you could change any thing about yourself, what w ould it be? I’m a worrier, and I’d be a lot happier if I could just let go and go with the flow!
How did you start modeling? I was scouted by an agent for my first model agency while shopping at the mall.
What do you think of the work as a model? I love the variety of it. It ’s quite simi-lar to acting , as ever y time I undergo a wardrobe c hange, I assume a new role.
What is your beauty regimen? It ’s quite simple, really. I cleanse my face twice daily with CeraVe facial cleanser. Then I follow up with my Biossance Squalane Omega Repair cream and finish with the Biossance Sq ualane Vitamin C Rose Oil. I also put Aquaphor lip balm on my lips. Finally, I a pply mineral sunscreen and am good to go.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? At work I am professional, follow directions, and don’t cause drama.
What are your plans for the future? I hope to be able to continue to live my dream as a model/actress for as long as possible.
What are some of your favorite experiences so far? I loved swimming with huge manta rays in the Maldives and wild dolphins in Haw aii.
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Tr y to be reliable and always on time for jobs. Be nice to the other models. It is important to sup-port each other as it helps ever yone get the jobs t hey are most suited for.
What do you think of the magazine? I love the magazine. i really enjoy seeing the pictures from different artists and of all the beautiful models.
Photographer: Mady Kanz (www.mady.photography)

Photographer: Mady Kanz ( www.mady.photography)

Photographer: Mady Kanz ( www.mady.photography)

Photographer: Markussonphoto Hair&Makeup: Edgar Saenz
Photographer: Markussonphoto Hair&Makeup: Edgar Saenz

Magazine: Salyse Magazine Photographer and Creative director: MADY KANZ (www.mady.photography) Styling: Tamila Zima Styling Assistant: Antonia te Stylist Makeup: K. STARKEY

Magazine: Salyse Magazine Photographer and Creative director: MADY KANZ (www.mady.photography) Styling: Tamila Zima Styling Assistant: Antonia te Stylist Makeup: K. STARKEY

Magazine: Salyse Magazine Photographer and Creative director: MADY KANZ (www.mady.photography) Styling: Tamila Zima Styling Assistant: Antonia te Stylist Makeup: K. STARKEY

Magazine: Salyse Magazine Photographer and Creative director: MADY KANZ (www .mady.photography) Styling: Tamila Zima - Styling Assistant: Antonia te Stylist Makeup: K. STARKEY

Photographer: PeonyParkPhotography Hair&Makeup: Michelle Lin Accessories: Clare Lloyd Bridal Accessories Dresses: Millia.london

Photographer: Mady Kanz (www.mady.photography) Makeup: Laura Gevorgyan

Photographer: Mady Kanz (www.mady.photography) Makeup: Laura Gevorgyan