Modern Aquarium

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MAY 2001 volume VIII number 5

Greater City Aquarium Society - New York


by ALEXANDER A. PRIEST pposite this page is Joe Ferdenzi's "President's Message." Read it first, then come back here for my "rebuttal." ....Back so soon? Joe writes: "it is good for the hobby to see awards spread around" (referring to Modern Aquarium's loss to the Brooklyn Aquarium Society's Aquatica in the year 2000 NEC Publication Awards for "Best Publication"). Sure, and I can get him a great deal on a bridge in Aquatica's back yard. Before anyone thinks I'm going to knock either Aquatica, or the Brooklyn Aquarium Society, let me say this now: I was a member of the Brooklyn A.S. before I knew Greater City existed. I am still a member, even though I am no longer able to go to their meetings. A large part of the reason why I am still a member is Aquatica, which I enjoy reading, and which I fully agree is a quality publication. But, as for our loss being "good for the hobby," well I'm not a member of "the hobby" (whatever that may be). But I am a member of GCAS. One of my best contributors felt that the reason we did not win "Best Publication" was a failing on that person's part. Our members believing things like this is good for the hobby? If an NEC judge decided, on the basis of merit only, that Aquatica was the best of all NEC society publications, Modern Aquarium included, then all I can say to that judge is two words: "brussels sprouts." I can't understand why anyone would choose to eat brussels sprouts, but there's no accounting for taste. While I agree that Aquatica's editor, John Todaro, does a great job, I think Modern Aquarium's staff does a better one — in my highly biased opinion. So, if we lost to Aquatica based on a judge's honest opinion that it was a better publication, then all I'll say is "brussels


sprouts." But, if we lost just because some judge agreed with Joe that "It is just not healthy to have one club dominate all the time" then I have two rather different words for that judge, and the NEC. Anyone care to guess what those other two words might be? Putting all that aside; I'm now going to continue my mini-tutorials on writing articles. This month, if you give a one or two sentence answer to each question below, you'll write a "traveling aquarist" article (not to be confused with a "collecting" article, which I'll deal with another time). This is an article you would write to describe a show (like the one just about a year from now that Greater City will be having), or a visit to a public aquarium or museum, or your experience "whale watching," or a visit to a meeting of another aquarium society, or even a visit to the fish room of another aquarist, etc. • Briefly describe how you came to be at the location you are writing about (business trip, vacation, sightseeing, school trip, as a speaker or exhibitor, you were invited, etc.) • Why should aquarium society members be interested in where you went (it's a fish farm, the fish room of a very skilled breeder, an opportunity to see unique or endangered species, a famous public aquarium or tourist attraction featuring aquatic life, the meeting of another society, a fish show and/or auction, etc.)? • Exactly where is this place (in relation to New York City or the nearest major city)? • How big was it (number of tanks and/or exhibits, number of miles or acres, approximate number of other visitors, etc.)? • How much did it cost you to gain admission (if a show or public aquarium or exhibit)? • Describe your participation (just watched, entered fish in a show, took a tour, engaged in one or more activities, etc). • Was this your first trip there? If so, would you go again? If not, why did you go this time and how, if at all, was it different from the last time you were there? • What, if anything, did you learn or discover, and/or were surprised to see? • Is this something a younger aquarist or novice in the hobby would enjoy or get some benefit from (and the reasons for your answer)? That's it. Take the pages with your answers to these questions, add any pictures, brochures, photos, or literature you got while there, and give it all to me.

May 2001

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

President's Message


ow long can a good streak last? Well, it can't last forever. Even the magnificent New York Yankees are going to lose the World Series one day. The same has to be true for Modern Aquarium. We began publishing Series III of Modern Aquarium in January of 1994. Since that year, we have published ten issues every year. Few club publications can match that output in recent times — much less at the magazine level (as contrasted to simpler newsletters). This consistency of publication alone places Modern Aquarium in the top ranks of hobby publications. But, on top of that, its quality has also been consistent. As most of you know, Greater City is a member of the North East Council of Aquarium Societies. Each year, the NEC has an awards banquet and presents, among other prizes, awards for publications and writers. Beginning with 1995, Modern Aquarium was judged the best publication of all the member societies for the years of 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999 — five straight years. One can comfortably say that Modern Aquarium was the NEC publication of the decade.


Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

That streak was broken last year. For the year 2000, the award for Best Publication was given to Aquatica, the bimonthly magazine of the Brooklyn Aquarium Society (they also publish a monthly newsletter). Under the able and long-time editorship of John Todaro, it is unquestionably one of the finest publications in the United States. We take special pride in noting that they, like us, hail from New York City. It is a credit to the hobbyists of the Big Apple that our respective clubs (the only two general aquarium societies in NYC) have now garnered the NEC publication award for Best Publication six years in a row. I also think that it is good for the hobby to see the awards spread around. I would certainly agree that when the Brooklyn Dodgers won their one and only World Series in 1955 (defeating that perennial winner, the New York Yankees) that all of baseball was the beneficiary. (Now, please, I'm, not suggesting that Aquatica won't win the prize in some future year as well — they certainly might, judging from their continued excellence.) After all, without some diversity in the winners' circle, you would soon hear calls of "Break up Modern Aquarium!" It is just not healthy to have one club dominate all the time. We only wish that more clubs would rise to the challenge as did Brooklyn. Incidentally, I judged from the applause that accompanied the presentation of the NEC awards at our April meeting (and that accompanied the general tribute to the work of the entire editorial staff) that the membership of Greater City truly appreciates all the effort that goes into producing Modem Aquarium every month, and that they are proud of its achievements. Winning one less award has not changed anything — we are still rightfully jubilant.

May 2001

My Favorite Tank: A Series Part 5 - Tank #70 by JOSEPH FERDENZI nlike the carefully decorated tank described in the prior installment of this series, this aquarium is more of a throwback to nature — wild and untamed. Peering into it evokes the beauty and mystery of deep green jungles. For me, this tank epitomizes why I enjoy aquariums: exotic nature in microcosm in my home. The elements that compose this aquarium are relatively simple. Once these elements are assembled, the charm of this tank will be evident. However, the passage of time will bring its beauty to a zenith. Therefore, to really enjoy this aquarium, the hobbyist must add patience — perhaps the most important element of all — to those elements that are placed in the tank. This patience will be amply rewarded. Before describing what makes this aquarium special, allow that this tank has all the normal accouterments of most of my tanks. It has a background: a black plastic garbage bag (although this is one of the few tanks that could, for reasons that will become clearer, do without one). It has gravel: number three size granules in brown (but any neutral color, such as grey or black, will do). There is filtration: one box filter in each back corner (each filter is filled with a layer of filter floss over a layer of doiomitic gravel). There is a heater: 75W (enough wattage to keep the temperature between 72° and 78° F.). The tank has a glass canopy with a fluorescent strip light of 15 watts. The tank was to be the home of one of my favorite killifish, Aphyosemion australe. This killie, with its distinctive lyretail, comes in several color morphs: chocolate, golden, and orange. I prefer the orange ones — their color is the most vivid. If you use Gro-Lux lighting, the orange takes on a very vivid red overcast — you won't see many more colorful freshwater fish than a male Orange Lyretail Killie (alas, the females, as is the case with almost all Aphyosemion females, are a plain beige or brown). This beautiful fish is diminutive (males average 2 inches, females are slightly smaller), and therefore makes an ideal aquarium resident for even small tanks such as a 5l/2 gallon. However, inasmuch as I wanted to breed it in a natural way, I chose a larger aquarium, a 20


Long. This size tank is long enough (30 inches) to provide plenty of ground space for the fish, but not so tall (only 12 inches high) that there is wasted height — australe are small fish that prefer the lower reaches of the water column, and their cylindrical body shape does not require the same height as say, quite obviously, an angelfish. Before putting the fish into the aquarium, you must, of course, prepare it for them. For keeping and breeding australe, this is quite simple. Water pH is not critical. While they prefer it on the slightly acid side, anything between 6.5 (acid) and 7.4 (alkaline) will do. New York City tap water usually starts out at 7.0 (neutral), and that works very well. You can add a teaspoon of ordinary salt per gallon, if you like (its like they say about chicken soup, it won't cure what ails you, what bad can it do?). The first thing to place in the tank is a medium sized (8 to 10 inches) piece of driftwood that sinks (so-called Malaysian wood is ideal — it can be purchased in many aquarium stores). Place it roughly in the center. It serves a decorative purpose, but it also becomes a hiding place, and, most significantly, a growing platform for the most important element (next to the fish) in the tank: Java Moss (Vesicularia dubyand). Without Java Moss, the concept behind this tank will not work. The Java Moss serves numerous vital purposes. It is a breeding platform; the australe lay their adhesive eggs in it. It is a survival chamber; it hides the eggs and young from predation (regrettably, killifish are not good parents). Adult fish — both tired females and bullied males — can seek sanctuary in its crevices as well. Of course, it also performs all of the functions of plants in general: water purifier, host for microscopic food organisms, and backdrop of beauty. Java Moss is easy to grow. It is tolerant of a wide parameter of water chemistry, and does well in low light. The 15 watt fluorescent light over my 20 Long (kept on by a timer for 14 hours a day) is more than ample. You only need a handful of Java Moss to start out with. It is a true moss, and has no roots. Therefore, you can just "plop" it on top of your driftwood or on the gravel bed itself. Watch it grow. Given enough time, it will fill

May 2001

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

your whole tank. For breeding australe, that is just what you want — end to end Java Moss. Don't worry, the australe are not shy, and you will often see them come to the front of the tank, especially at feeding time. While you can obtain Java Moss from commercial sources, be aware that sometimes they will supply you with a terrestrial form that does not do well under water. Of course, a reliable source for Java Moss is other hobbyists. (If you need some, just ask me — I'll have you swimming in the stuff by the next club meeting.) In fact, it grows so well that some aquarists consider it a nuisance if it gets into their tanks. But, for natural killifish breeding there is no adequate substitute. For a little variety, I added some floating water sprite (Coratopteris thalictroides). This plant gets placed on top of the Java Moss. Its leaves grow on the surface (providing more hiding places), up towards the light, and sends its roots downwards (more places to lay eggs). This combination of Java Moss and water sprite is quite beautiful, and really imparts a jungle-like or tropical rainforest look to the aquarium. Water sprite is easy to grow as long as your water is not too alkaline (which, in this case, is not a problem since the australe also like it neutral or slightly acidic), and you keep the tank covered (thereby producing a humid atmosphere above the water leaves). I have never found it necessary to add fertilizers. The plants have been doing well for some five years with just regular, partial water changes. Feeding the killifish is easy. They will eat just about anything. However, I do advise that you feed them newly hatched brine shrimp at least once a week. This is why: the baby brine shrimp that escape being eaten by the adults swim into all the little nooks and crannies where baby fish are hiding. This helps your fry survive and grow.

Incidentally, you may be asking, where does one get these killies? Once in a great while, you see them in a pet shop (they were the emblem fish of the Aquarium Stock Company, once the most famous American store, which was located in Manhattan, a few blocks from City Hall). Most likely, however, you would need to know a killifish breeder or join the American Killifish Association (see the address at the end of this article). These fish have been in the hobby a long time, cannot be confused with any other killie, and are commonly bred by killifish aficionados. They are not expensive (most killie breeders sell them for about $5 a pair), so I suggest that you start out with at least three pairs. The more the better if you really want to see results in the fry department. A 20 gallon Long could easily sustain a dozen or more pairs. (Just remember to make regular partial water changes — more fish require more frequent water changes). If you give this kind of aquarium a try, you will be rewarded for years to come. You will enjoy natural beauty, and you will have exotic fish to share with others. Even the extra Java Moss will provide a surprising bounty, for it will undoubtedly harbor killifish eggs that will eventually hatch in the recipient's tank. I always make sure to tell this to people to whom I give some moss so that when fry appear, they won't be perplexed at the appearance of these "mystery" fish.

A one year membership to the A.K.A. is $24, which can be sent to: Gary Bartell AKA Membership Committee 280 Cold Springs Dr. Manchester, PA 17345-1243 Or sign up on the A.K.A. website at:

Thank You! This is to extend a very special Thank You to the Hartz Mountain company for their recent very generous donation to Greater City of a selection of Wardley fish foods.

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

May 2001



The Mbuna of Lake Malawi will never forget my introduction to these fish. It was pretty much about the time that I started keeping fish, and was in that stage where I had to visit every pet shop in any town I visited (not that I still don't feel that way, I just have less time to do so). I was visiting my in-laws who were, at that time, living in Ohio.


into a tank containing the mbuna. As soon as the goldfish were released, they were attacked, torn apart and eaten with apparent relish and gusto. I had often seen goldfish fed to large fish such as Oscars, but had never seen such vicious attacks on feeders. I actually gasped upon seeing this. To this day, I still can't imagine what possessed

Lake Malawi mbuna

drawing by Bernard Harrigan

Scanning through the phone book, my wife and I located a store not too distant from where her parents lived, and off we went. The store had about 30 tanks, mostly the bread and butter type with a few interesting exceptions. One or two tanks, however, were marked "African Cichlids," and contained what I now know to be Lake Malawi zebras. What happened while I was there horrified me, as much now as then, but for very different reasons. One of the people who worked in the store was placing small goldfish

the people at that store to feed the mbuna that way, or why the mbuna reacted so violently. They must have been starving. Truth be told, the mbuna are almost the ideal African cichlid to start with. They stay relatively small, have simple dietary requirements, come in just about any color you could imagine, even combinations thereof, breed easily and readily, and, proper tank maintenance provided, can be crowded together in the manner most new fish keepers seem to gravitate towards.

May 2001

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

Let's start with the basics. Mbuna, the Chitonga word for "rock fish" are mouth brooding rift lake cichlids. (In case Regis ever asks you, Chitonga is the language spoken in Malawi, and yes, that is my final answer.) They are originally from Lake Malawi in Africa. These days, however, most of the fish for sale have been commercially bred. New species appear all the time, but the reasonably priced ones that I recommend to start with are a product of the vast commercial fish farms, located both domestically and abroad. Diet-wise, you probably cannot find a less demanding fish. I fed mine flake and pellets. Mbuna do require green matter in their diet. I recommend spirulina, in either of the above forms. Avoid at all costs meaty foods, such as tubifex and black worms. Not counting the inherent danger of feeding these worms, that often are collected in sewer water, their high protein content would be disastrous to the mbuna. A diet high in such matter has been linked to "Malawi bloat," about the only major disease that seems to plague these fish — thus, my earlier comment about feeding goldfish. As far as housing is concerned, within reason, more is better. Being territorial and somewhat aggressive, two or three fish alone in a tank will most likely soon be one dominant fish and the others dead. By stocking on the heavy side, a domineering aggressor will spread his attention among all of the other tank mates, minimizing the damage done to any one fish. Of course, you could always have a tank with one male and three or four females as well. With this set-up, the male will focus his attention on the females, and not have to fight another male for territory. Personally, I find the territorial interactions more interesting, as long as the skirmishes are distributed among several fish in the tank. Landscaping the tank is simple. I like to use the layered approach, placing flat pieces of a rock that do not affect water chemistry, such as shale, upon each other. I used to silicone each piece together to avoid pieces falling and possibly breaking the tank glass, as well as injuring fish. Lately, I find that as long as the rocks are reasonably flat, and the layers not too high, the silicone is not necessary. Since most of these fish do not grow exceptionally large, several layers placed one upon each other should be safe. If you are not sure, or confident, be safe and silicone them together. For a substrate, I use crushed coral, as dark as possible. The crushed coral helps both harden the water and keep the

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

pH high (8 and above) in the tank. Add the appropriate heater and filter, and you are ready to go. Apply proper feeding and water change procedures, and you should have fish-keeping success. One of the main reasons people like to keep cichlids is their reproductive behavior. Mbuna are great fish to keep and breed because they are mouth brooders and easy to spawn. In addition, there is almost no work involved in raising fry. They are very prolific. Typically, the female will hold the fertilized eggs in her buccal cavity for about 15 days. It is quite easy to spot a female that is holding fry, as her lower mouth bulges visibly. The fry that are released are almost exact miniature versions of their parents, and are capable of eating crushed flake food immediately. This alone makes them an ideal first fish to gain breeding experience with. In my experience, most fry released in a tank containing other fish have a reduced chance of survival. Their chances increase with the amount of small hiding spaces available. The best bet, to raise more than a few fry, is to remove the female that is holding fry to a separate tank. Once the fry are released, it is a good idea to keep the female isolated from the other adults so that she can rest for a few days. If that's not possible, a good solution is to keep the female in the tank with the fry, in a container that allows the fry to swim away, but holds the female in. Floating this container in the tank will keep the fry safe from any possible predation by the female. This method also makes it much easier to remove the female when the time comes. Since the purpose of these articles is to talk about "fun" fish, I have not discussed facts such as species and genus. Originally, these fish were all defined as Pseudotropheus. In the past few years, most have been renamed Metraclima. No matter what you call them, or, see them referred to, they are still tremendous fun to keep. If you want to get your feet wet (no pun intended) with African Cichlids, these are great fish to start with.

The drawing on the opposite page was created, and hand colored, by Bernie Harrigan

May 2001

Photos and captions of our April "Silent Auction" meeting by Claudia Dickinson Arms full and hopes high, our "Renaissance" Editor, Al Priest, is brimming with plans for his new canister filter, acquired at the GCAS Silent Auction

"Fishing Buddies" ~ a Norman Rockwell Classic ~ with Jason Kerner and President Joe Ferdenzi.

This cheerful greeting from GCAS Treasurer, Rosie Sileo, makes it a pleasure to submit our payments for Silent Auction Purchases!

Brad Dickinson spotted a Silent Auction treasure of two notched clay pots for Claudia's cave spawning cichlids. Author's note: Now you know what the Easter Bunny brings to Ivy Rose Cottage! When asked how he could part with such a generous donation as the beautiful set of bound first edition TFH magazines, Bernie Harrigan perfectly stated, without hesitation -"It's for the Club!"


Pete D'Orio and Lenny Ramroop hamming (fishing?) it up in the kitchen. Lenny's wonderful smile beams right through that bag of fish! 12

May 2001

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

Charles Loweth has found some special treats to bring home to his spectacular Bettas!

With that marvelous smile, you know that GCAS Killi expert, Bill Adams, must be thinking about his Aphyosemiom gardneri

GCAS shining couple, Susan and Pat Coushaine, found the perfect decorations to add to their fabulous living room aquarium.

Another great GCAS supporter, Frank Laudato, arranged for the donation of a huge box of filter media.

After an evening of friendship, fun, and fish tales, Artie Friedman, Steve Chen, and Marty Silverstein say their parting farewells until next month.

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

May 2001

A Tale of Three Filters by ALEXANDER A. PRIEST am writing this in the hopes that it will help others avoid some of the problems I encountered in setting up and running canister filters. This is a 100% true story, even though it sounds like something our "Undergravel Reporter" might make up. This story actually starts back in 1992, with the first canister filter my wife, Susan, and I set up for our 90 gallon community aquarium. The store where we purchased the tank and custom made wood base recommended a Fluval 403 filter, so that's what we purchased. The 403 has three internal chambers for filter media. We put the Fluval foam insert in one chamber for coarse mechanical filtering (that first foam insert, incidentally, lasted until the day we took our 403 out of action — over eight years), one chamber had ceramic "noodles" (which are supposed to provide a home for beneficial bacteria, for biological filtration), and the third chamber had a combination of Chemi-Pure filter bags and filter floss (for a combination of chemical and fine mechanical filtration). It also came with a short length of spraybar for water return. (We purchased more sections, to extend the spraybar across the entire length of the tank.) Ours was probably a "first generation" 403, which meant that it came with hose valves that I had to use a pipe wrench to loosen and to tighten (trying to be careful to not crack the plastic). Fluval later improved the valves for the 403, but even those required a fair amount of effort to use. The 403 was also plagued with flimsy retaining clips holding the motor housing onto the body that easily broke or fell off, and with an O-ring that slipped out of its groove unless you pressed the motor housing down exactly right, with absolutely even pressure, onto the base. Finally, there was no way to prime the filter, so the only way to start it up again after shutting it off and replacing the filter media was to suck on the water outflow tube (and, invariably, get a mouthful of tank water). After reading this, you probably think that we were unhappy with this filter. Well, that was not the case at all. While disassembling and reassembling it for periodic cleaning was a chore, it was very efficient, quiet, and easily provided a very powerful stream of water along the entire length of the extended spraybar, and it did its job very well for more than eight years of continuous service.



One day we awoke to find our living room carpet more than slightly damp, as the ground fault interrupter into which the filter was plugged "triggered," shutting off the power and then resetting itself. When the power shut off, the water backed up and flowed out of the tank. When the power was restored, the water level of the tank had dropped two thirds and, since the 403 is not self-priming, the motor was running while the filter was not pumping water. While the flood, loss of water (and unfortunate loss of some fish that required a high aeration that the spraybar supplied) was not the fault of the 403, my wife and I felt that it was time to replace it. For one thing, it was over eight years old. For another thing, it was running "dry" for an undetermined period of time, possibly damaging the motor (replacement of which costs as much as a whole new filter). We went to the nearest store selling aquarium filters, hoping to buy a new Fluval 403. We were to discover that the Fluval 403 was replaced by the Fluval 404. Since the store had no new 403s, we read the description of the Fluval 404 on its box. Based on what we read, the 404 seemed to have corrected all the things we didn't like about the 403. The 404's O-ring stays in place. Its filter valves open and close with an easy-to-use lever action, which also disconnects and reconnects the intake and outflow hoses. There is a priming pump built into the top of the filter. There are four filter compartments, and a separate sponge filter. Finally, the flimsy clips were replaced by large built-in side flaps that push down, firmly locking the motor housing to the base. So, we bought the 404. Once we got it home, we discovered that the 404 did not come with a spraybar (one of the features we most liked about the 403). Remember those side locking clamps? Well, they are exactly where you would (and where Fluval should have) put handles or grips. Picking up the 404 was awkward, and you had to be very careful not to lift these clamps when you do. Getting the filter to start was another job and a half. I pulled and pushed the priming pump until my arm went numb. Eventually, the only way we could get it started was, you guessed it, by sucking on the outflow hose. Once the filter was up and running, we replaced the unit given for water intake and return with the water intake tube and spraybar from our 403, and found that they

May 2001

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

worked. (Why anyone would fuse both the water intake and the water outflow into a single unit is beyond my comprehension, as it is far more efficient if these are at opposite ends of the tank.) At the first filter cleaning, I tried filling up the filter with water before connecting it (hoping that I could get it started with only a few strokes of the priming pump). No luck, the only way I could get the filter started was, again, applying mouth to tube and, again, receiving a tank water mouthwash. I also noticed that, while the 403 's spraybar worked on the 404, the water output was noticeably less. So, at least based on this, it also appears that our new 404 is less powerful than the old 403 it replaced. About the time I considered trying to mail order a new Fluval 403 from a catalog I recently received (hoping that the fact they were in the new catalog meant that the company still had them in stock), Greater City's Silent Auction came around. Among the many items available were some brand new Renaissance brand canister filters. (GCAS President Joe Ferdenzi assured me these filters would have to be of the highest quality, as they were made in Italy; to which I responded by asking about using linguine as a filter media.) I bid on, and came home with, the largest of the three Renaissance filters at the auction, a "Renaissance Prime 30," rated at 300 gallons per hour. When it came time to set it up, my wife asked me if I wanted to first disconnect the Fluval 404. Being extra cautious, I decided not to do so yet — one of the few smart choices I made regarding this tank's filtration so far. The "Renaissance Prime 30" was very easy to set up. The filter media containers interlocked, and had a handle at the top. The filter itself had a collapsible handle at the top (a very welcome change from the Fluvals). The filter had a screw-top opening into which you could pour water once the unit was sealed. (This was being called "self-priming," but since the hobbyist has to do all the water carrying and pouring, I think it's a bit of a stretch to call it that — "user primeable" seems to be a more accurate term.) One feature of this new filter was a sliding clear plastic tube on the upper portion of the water intake tube. On this tube was a red rubber band. The instructions were very clear: the top of this tube must be above the water in the tank. The rubber band would then serve as some sort of lo-tech gauge to determine the efficiency of the filter. Aside from the fact that no other information was given as to how to use Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

this rubber band to determine filter efficiency, there was a more pressing problem. As long as the entire tube was totally emersed in water, the filter worked. As soon as the top of the tube was put outside the water, and the sliding tube allowed to drop down and cover the water intake tube, air rushed down the sliding tube and into airholes at the top of the water intake tube. The filter would then draw only air, and stop working. No matter how many times we tried this, and reread the instructions, it became clear that the water intake unit in this filter (illustrated below) could NOT be used according to instructions. Fortunately, all during the several hours we wasted in trying to get the new filter working, the Fluval 404, inefficient as it was, was at least providing some filtration (which is why my decision to keep it running until the other filter was up and running proved prophetic).

red rubber ban-d .... sliding tube airhole to intake of filter

Renaissance Prime 30 filter water intake unit Drawing by Al Priest Anyone who has had to visit me at home will quickly guess that I rarely throw anything out, much to the dismay of my wife. So, I went into my basement and found the discarded combination intake and outflow device that came with the Fluval 404 (remember, I used the intake and spraybar from my 403 instead). As soon as I connected the intake from the 404 to the intake hose of the Renaissance 30, the Renaissance started working exactly as it should. There are several lessons to be learned from this experience. First, buy a battery powered water alarm (I've seen them in some aquarium stores, and they are available by mail order and even on eBay). I now have one. If I had it when my tank overflowed, I'd have saved a lot of work, as well as my original filter.

May 2001


planting and in promoting good root growth. Larger gravel tends to accumulate more detritus, and makes planting certain plants more difficult. I use a 3-inch layer of gravel, and depending on the aquascape, 4-5 inches in the rear of the tank. With plants that do not have extensive root systems such asAnubias, Bolbitis, and Java ferns, the thickness of the gravel is not a critical issue. These plants derive most of their nutrients through their leaves, their roots function primarily as anchors. Most of the plants were purchased over many months from our local pet shops, and club auctions. Others were given in exchange or donated by fellow hobbyists. Resist the temptation to purchase too many plants. You may end up with more than you can handle or use. It is my habit to disinfect all new plants with a 20 minute soak in a dilute aluminum sulfate bath, followed by a week long quarantine in tap water that is changed 2-3 times before the plants are introduced into our tanks. To plant the Bolbitis and Java ferns, I tie them to small rocks with cotton thread, and then place them into the tank. I like the random look, so I simply toss the plants in and let them grow out wherever they land. The Anubias is planted by pushing the roots into the gravel without burying the rhizome. The roots of the Cryptocorynes are buried just below the junction of the roots and the stems to prevent the plant from rotting. The use of a filter in a planted tank is mainly for water movement and not filtration, assuming the bioload isn't too high. I rely on the plants for filtration. The use of carbon is not recommended, since it would compete with the plants for valuable nutrients and minerals. This particular tank does not have an overhead light strip. At one point it was an open top tank, but I recently installed glass covers to minimize water loss due to evaporation and our thirsty cat.

It is important to not over-stock a lowtech planted tank with fish. The fishes contribute just enough nutrients to the water column without overloading the system. Too many fish and too much fish food may overload the system and create an unhealthy environment for the fish, but a wonderful nursery for algae. I recommend purchasing your fish a little at a time to see how your tank responds. Aquascaping is a personal style. I've looked to magazine articles and Amano's books for inspiration and guidance. In the end, it has always been my own design: creating an aquascape, and tearing it down only to create yet another look. I have spent hours trying to place a rock, only to end up not using it in the end. I tear down and rebuild aquascapes when I get bored of the look, or just for the heck of it. This is the fun part of setting such a tank up. Don't be afraid to try something different. Maintenance on a tank like this is minimal. The plants selected are slow growing and do not require trimming or a lot of attention. A healthy, well-balanced tank can safely handle a monthly water change without compromising water quality. However, it is always good practice to do a 30% water change every other week. A simple low light tank is easy to set up, does not require a lot of maintenance, and should not be prone to algae. For these reasons, this is one of my favorite set-ups. I hope that this article will encourage you to try your hand at creating a beautiful, long lasting planted tank. It's easy to do, and it's fun. Reprinted from the August 2000 issue of F A O Hawaii, the publication of the Honolulu Aquarium Society.

Exchange Editors:

Send all mail, including exchange publications, for Modern Aquarium, or for the Greater City Aquarium Society, to: Alexander A. Priest % Greater City A.S. 1558 McDonald Street Bronx, NY 10461-2208 To contact us via e-mail, send your message or inquiries to

Or, leave us a message on our website at You can now also reach the Greater City website at or Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

May 2001


News From:

The Northeast Council Of Aquarium Societies by CLAUDIA DICKINSON

The NEC Celebrates 26 Years in Grande Style! s I pulled up to the curb at the Hartford Marriott in Farmington, Connecticut, I could barely contain my excitement as I jumped out of the car! With a quick glance at the 10 minute parking zone sign, I ran into the lobby, and with a fleeting pause at the front check-in desk, I dashed on by. The hotel clerk had stepped forward with a pleasant smile, that I believe took a quizzical turn as I sailed past. The NEC 26th Annual Convention weekend would be too short, and time had been too long since I had seen some of my most wonderful "fishy" friends (aside, naturally, from all of The Best of the GCAS!). Wonderful hugs, laughter, friends and fun greeted me in the dining room, from people representing the northeast as well as the entire country ~ and beyond! I was so excited, I could barely stand it, and that's why I love these conventions ~ that's what they and our hobby are all about! It's just like a night with the Greater City Aquarium Society that rejuvenates your soul and inspires your mind for weeks and months to come. As you know me so well, you might suspect the time on that 10 minute zone had well slipped away into at least an hour. Thank goodness the Hartford Marriott is notorious for their kindness, and my car awaited me just as I had left it. The Aquatic Gardener's Association meeting began Friday's events, followed by the Killifish Discussion Group, and then Charles Thomas on Aquatic Gardens. Steve Lundblad had barely time to catch his breath, having just stepped off the plane, and he was into his fabulous presentation on the Fishes of Lake Malawi. The vendor room was bustling with the festivities, and it would be here throughout the



weekend that all would convene time and again for friendship and laughter. Lee Finley, with his extensive display of aquatic books, was joined by his lovely wife Aline. I love to visit Lee's booth, and my arms were soon piled high with new additions to my aquatic library. If there is something you have on your "wish list," but don't see, you can be certain that Lee will obtain it for you! Setting my books momentarily aside, so as not to miss out on my traditional big hug from Ray "Kingfish" Lucas, I marveled at his vast array of manufacturers goods. Ray is one of our hobby's greatest spokespersons and we are truly grateful to him for all of his dedication. Many of you know John Maier of JEHMCO from our big May 2000 show and auction. John was on hand with his most pleasant demeanor to tell us all about his many aquarium products. Terri Jones, who attended our May show as well, was there, representing Fancy Publications. I always look forward to Tom Mars of Hydro Logix with his marvelous plants and driftwood. I am certain to run up to my room and unload my arms before I visit Tom, as he brings the most irresistible pieces of moss and ferncovered wood. After all, we must bring home plenty of presents for our fish kids! Upon searching the halls and meeting rooms, I was most delighted to meet with Dr. Uwe Romer from Germany, whom I was scheduled to hostess for the weekend. Uwe is a zoologist, specializing in sociobiology, evolutionary ecology and systematics. To my surprise and delight, he actually refers to his main science as ornithology! My "treasured memory album" of this weekend shall always hold reflections of a group of aquarists, late into the evening, gathered around three tanks. Eyes were intent and discussion

May 2001

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

intense as Uwe dispersed fish that he brought from Germany amongst the tanks. At the convention's end I was so very honored and touched that Uwe imparted a pair ofApistogramma algodon II and a group of young Pelmatochromis thomasi to me. The most charming Chuck Davis took up the microphone and we were on our way, with the tremendous dry goods auction that went well into the evening. As the night slid by I had to pull myself away to get a bit of rest for a very fiill Saturday to come. Saturday awoke to a most fabulous and informative presentation by Karen Randall and Lee Finley on the Amazonian Ecosystems. The "Fish Doctor," Terry Fairfield, then treated us to his expansive knowledge on fish health, and James Gasior told us the secrets of killifish. The afternoon was filled with interesting speakers, including Sally Boggs speaking on loaches, Greg Schiemer on Marine Fish, and Dr. Uwe Romer sharing his vast knowledge on Neotropical Dwarf Cichlids. The Greater City Aquarium Society came north in full force to join in the festivities, and it was wonderful to see Al and Sue Priest, Warren Feuer, Mark Soberman, Tom and Carol Miglio, Harry Boutis, Rob Twible, and Eric Abrams. Tom, Carol, Harry, Rob and Eric were able to enjoy the entire weekend. What a treat to have Sue and Al remain for the day on Saturday, and stay well into the night for the banquet dinner. I was so happy that Warren and Mark were able to come for the day on Saturday! We had a grande time, and shared lots of laughter, checking out all of the fishy items in the vendor room together! Before dinner, Karen Randall was so gracious as to allow me to do my GCAS interview with her, while she still had fish to bag for Sunday's auction. She is a most lovely, kind and interesting lady, and we will surely be in for a treat when she visits the GCAS to share her vast knowledge on aquatic plants with us! I must tell you that I acquired a Java Fern at Sunday's auction from one of Karen's tanks, and when I brought it home to my aquarium, it was as if magic had bloomed within the tank, it is so beautiful! The Hawaiian Luau theme banquet was a most sumptuous affair indeed. I dined with Dr. Uwe Romer, Al and Sue Priest, our speaker on the Amazonian Ecosystem - Scott Dowd, Dr. Ming Libbish Chao and John Maier, among others. The dinner was a most splendid array of delectable delights that overflowed bountifully from buffet tables throughout the banquet hall. Enchanting soups and salads all were seasoned with the Hawaiian flair of coconuts and pineapples, and the bread baskets spilled over with warm crusty rolls. The steam tables groaned with Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

trays of delicious pastas and the most delightful assortment of fresh vegetables, cooked to perfection. The savory aroma of thick slices of London Broil, Fresh Roasted Pork and grilled Mahi Mahi filled the air. The perfect finale was a delicate chocolate tart, surrounded by the most divine Pineapple Coconut Mousse, served with steaming cups of hot coffee and tea. Following our Hawaiian dining experience, we all sat back to relax and enjoy a special presentation by the MC of the evening, Dr. Wayne Leibel. Award time had come and the GCAS shone with pride as our President, Joe Ferdenzi, took first place for the Best Article in the Open Class and Bernie Harrigan took third place for Best Column, "Fun Fish." When the Show Competition Award was announced, the room roared with applause for the first place winner, Tom Miglio. We are so very proud of all of our winners as they put so much into their achievements in the name of the GCAS. It is not only those who won trophies, but all of the GCAS who shines, for as a team, you are all number one! A limbo contest, music and dancing followed as everyone celebrated into the night. I slipped away to my room to steal a few hours of rest for the day to come. Sunday brought on the huge auction and the vast room was filled with a bustle of activity. Coolers were ready and the bidding was hot on the unbelievable assortment offish and aquatic plants. The auctioneers snapped along at a lively pace, and one had to keep their eyes and ears sharp in order not to miss out. As I ran around to all of the wonderful people that I had known and those that I had met, to say our good-byes, it was with bittersweet joy. This day is always very special, and I have learned to breath deeply of every last moment with so many of the dearest people in my life. As my car pulled away, the friendly sounds behind me quietly faded. My thoughts drifted gently between the fish and friends I was leaving behind, and the birds, dogs, sheep, fish, and all of the wonderful creatures of Ivy Rose Cottage that would soon be greeting me. Memories were made, and moments would be treasured, adding to the lush bounty that will enrich life forever. Take Care All!

May 2001


...More News From:

The Northeast Council Of Aquarium Societies Upcoming NEC Calendar of Events: May 6th: Long Island Aquarium Society Auction. May 18th~20th: Aqua-Land Aquarium Society Show & Auction. June 3rd: NEC General Meeting. July 12th~15th: North Jersey Aquarium Society/American Cichlid Association Convention. September 30th: NEC General Meeting. October 5th~7th: Norwalk Aquarium Society Show & Auction. October 7th: New Hampshire Aquarium Society Auction. November 4th: Boston Aquarium Society Auction. Al and Sue Priest, in the spirit of the Hawaiian Theme of the convention, represented the GCAS with style. Mark Soberman enjoyed the socializing and fish talk of the vendor room on Saturday. I believe I even saw Mark with a few new fish books tucked under his arm, to add to his extensive collection.

Eric Abrams and Harry Boutis had their coolers ready to bring home lots of great fish and plants from Sunday's auction.

Super Star, Tom Miglio, was the Champion winner of the NEC Show Competition, with a grande total of 1,371 points. Tom so generously put his efforts in the name of the GCAS H

Now there's the Star Line-up, with Warren Feuer; the invaluable hobbyist spokesman, Ray Lucas; Mark Soberman; and our coming November 2001 Characin speaker, Mike Hellweg. 20

May 2001

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

Future Greater City Events: June 6, 2001 - Speaker: Sal Silvestri Topic: Apistogramma - "The Diminutive Fish Filled With Beauty and Charm" July - August SUMMER VACATION (See our website at for any new developments) September 5, 2001 - Speaker: Dr. Paul Loiselle (NY Aquarium) Topic: "A Journey to Madagascar and Our Role in Preserving Its Future" October 3, 2001 - Speakers: Rose Aynat and Tony Orso Topic: "Fishkeeping in Germany" November 7, 2001 - Speaker: Mike Hellweg Topic: "Characins" December 5, 2001 - Speaker: Horst Gerber Topic: "The Decorated Aquarium" All meetings are 8PM at the Queens Botanical Garden - 43-50 Main Street, Flushing, NY

Future North Jersey A.S. Events: May 17, 2001 - Speaker: Bruce Gebhardt Topic: "Native Fish" June 21, 2001 - Speaker: Kevin Carroll Topic: "Feeding and Breeding the Brutes" & "A Special ACA Presentation" by Chris Borgese July 19, 2001 - "Roundtable Discussions" - hosted by some of NJAS's own experts ALSO a Beer and Pizza Party! (All meetings are 8PM at the American Legion Hall #70 - 45 Franklin Avenue - Nutley, New Jersey) Email: - Telephone Hotline: (732)541-1392 (See page 25 for contact information) website:

Future Long Island A.S. Events: May 6 - ANNUAL AUCTION: Town Hall Annex - Babylon, NY Entries and previews at 10AM; Auction starts at 12 noon. Refreshments available. For information contact Vinny at (516)938-4066 or LIAS by e-mail at May 18 - Speaker: Julian Sprung Topic: "Feeding Marine Animals and Invertebrates" (All meetings are 8PM at Holtsville Park and Zoo, Holtsville, NY See page 25 for contact information) website:

Future Brooklyn A.S. Events: May 11 - Speaker: Bing Seto Topic: "Discus World" June 8 - Speaker: Morgan Lidster Topic: "Reef Aquariums - Surviving and Thriving" July-August - NO MEETINGS (All meetings are 8PM at the NY Aquarium, Brooklyn, NY See Page 25 for contact information) website: We invite local societies to contact us for reciprocal promotions of events in each society's publication, on a space available basis. Modem Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

May 2001


2001 A Cichlid Odyssey ACA Convention Parsippany Hilton, Parsippany NJ ACA 2001: A CICHLID ODYSSEY. The Annual Convention of the American Cichlid Association lands in the NY-NJ Metro Area July 12-15 at the luxurious Parsippany Hilton Hotel. Hosted by the North Jersey Aquarium Society. Open to the general public. The most celebrated, anticipated aquarium event of the New Millennium features a Who's Who of guest speakers: Dick Au, Pam Chin, Rosario LaCorte, Wayne Leibel, Paul Loiselle, Oliver Lucanus, Ole Seehausen, Mike Sheridan, plus presentations by the Discus, Apistogramma, and South American Study Groups! 24-Class Competitive Show featuring hundreds of top cichlids! All-day/night Giant Cichlid Auction! Vendors galore selling hard-to-find livestock, books, and supplies! Manufacturer Expo of the latest products with free samples! Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, South Street Seaport, NY Aquarium tours! Plus our legendary hospitality rooms, Awards Banquet, swimming pool, basketball, tennis. Bring the whole family or come for the day! For more information: call: (877) 903-NJAS or write to: ACA 2001, P.O. Box 591, Nutley, NJ 07110 22

May 2001

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

WET LEAVES A Series On Books For The Hobbyist by SUSAN PRIEST here is an advertisement on TV that goes something like this: "If you lost it, broke it, need it fast, want it cheap, or can't find it anywhere else — try eBay!" It is an ad for the very popular Internet auction site. I'm not sure if the ad includes "when you didn't even know it existed," but this book was purchased by Al off of eBay. He discovered this title rather than searched for it. The emphasis of this book is aquatic plants. Chapters not specifically devoted to plants are about such topics as "tank maintenance for plants," "carbon dioxide in the aquarium," and "plants and fish." You get the idea. Some plant species have their own chapters, such as Cabomba, Cryptocorine, Vallisneria, etc. There is a chapter called "Some Special Aquarium Plants." They are grouped together because, in nature, they live in extremes of climate. Particular attention is paid to several members of the Aponogeton species, which grow from bulbs and need a yearly dormant period. The chapter on "Ferns and Mosses in the Aquarium" describes aquatic plants which do not flower. A favorite plant with which we are all familiar, Java Moss (Vesicularia dubyand), falls into this category. There is a trouble-shooting chart, as well as a "Summary Care Table" of 50 popular aquatic plants. The information presented includes the scientific name, origin of each plant, as well as light and temperature requirements. Comments as to care of each plant are also offered. Here is an example of an entry from this chart: Egeria densa, Argentina, light - high, temperature - 14-22°C or 48-70°F., comments: "an enduring cold water plant which should be planted in bunches."


Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

The final one-third of this book has the most to offer. It describes in detail an aquascaping plan for each of several "biotope" aquariums. Goldfish, livebearers, hard and soft water communities; these are a few of the categories. I will describe in some detail the "Tank for Mbuna Cichlids." [Also see Fun Fish elsewhere in this issue.] • Basic equipment — a 200 gallon tank, and slabs of sandstone glued together with silicone. • Water temperature — 24-26°C • pH — neutral to slightly alkaline • 44 fish of several species, including four different types of Pseudotropheus, are recommended. Why these fish? When many mbuna species of about the same size are housed together, disputes will be threats rather than fights. • Care — One-third water change each week, carefully removing detritus and decaying plant matter. • What Plants? Cryptocoryne balansae, Microsorium pteropus and Vallisneria gigantea. • Power filter with spraybar and five fluorescent tubes of 40-65 watts. There are drawings, as well as color photos, of the fish and tank layout as described. This book has a flow to it that keeps you moving. It has good quality color photos. It would benefit greatly by the addition of an index. Also, you may need a second book on plants to guide you through the Latin, as common names are not supplied. As if this book doesn't have enough to recommend it, Dr. Andrews offers us a few words of wisdom to live by: "Do not let yourself be limited by what you read in books — be prepared to experiment. After all, that is what fishkeeping is all about." Al is the on-line shopper in the family. I am more of a "hands-on" girl, myself. However you seek out your "wet leaves," don't overlook this one. Speaking of words of wisdom, here is quote from Aline Finely at the most recent NEC Convention: "You can't repair a wet book "

May 2001





THE PET FRANKLIN SQUARE'S COMPLETE PET CENTER 212 FRANKLIN AVE FRANKLIN SQUARE, NY 11010 Come see our large Aquarium Plant display and receive | ONE FREE cultivated plant, just for stopping by!


CORAL AQUARIUM 75-05 Roosevelt Ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372 718-429-3934 Open Mon.-Fri. 10AM-8:OOPM Sat. 10AM - 7:OOPM Sun. 12PM - 6:OOPM LIVE CORALS


















All Major Credit Cards Accepted


May 2001

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

Welcome to My Virtual World! A series by "The Undergravel Reporter"

iiiiiii ^ id you know that there is a computer program that simulates an aquarium? It comes complete with some "starter" fish, which "live," grow old and "die," (how long they live being partially dependent on the virtual "care" you provide). Of course, you can get more virtual fish to replace those you lost for an additional, quite real (as opposed to virtual), cost. At least this program might help a novice learn something about fish-keeping. But, this program is certainly no adequate replacement for the "real thing." (Remember the thrill of your very first taste of tank water when you were learning how to start a syphon, or the refreshing feeling of dampness you got when you last spilled an entire bucket of water on yourself?) While that computer program might have some use, what about the video tape recording of aquariums that you can purchase? After one or two viewings, what good are they? You certainly won't see any "new" behavior with repeated viewings (such as spawning rituals, fry development, habitat modifications, etc.). Rather than being a participant in the life cycle of aquatic life, the program and videos I mentioned turn the purchaser into a "virtual voyeur." But, at least you can somewhat affect the outcome of the computer program (depending on the level of "care" you provide), and you can even fast-forward, reverse, and pause a video. How, then, can one explain the popularity of "fish cams" on the Internet? You have people using hundreds (and, in some cases, thousands) of dollars of high-tech equipment (not to mention wasting a lot of time) just to look at blurry, jumping, small images of someone else's fish.


Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

A "fish cam," for those of you still unfamiliar with "web cams," is a video camera usually operating 24 hours a day, whose images are broadcast over the Internet. The very first web cam is believed to be an inexpensive coffee pot sitting in the corner of Cambridge University's computer laboratory, whose live image was first shown on the fledgling World Wide Web in 1993, and has kept broadcasting until March of this year. Quentin Stafford-Fraser, one of the scientists behind the "Trojan Room coffee pot project," originally hooked up a camera pointed at the coffee pot because he was sick of traipsing down several flights of stairs for coffee, only to find the pot was often empty. There are a considerable number of web cams devoted to aquariums (as well as to almost any other living thing you can think of, including insects and even plants). Any good Internet search engine will find them for you. I've seen a few fish cams, and in my opinion, they pale in sheer excitement to what you can find at (where a camera takes you inside the world's first "MotionDetected Web Cam inside a Beer Fridge"), or the fascinating action centered around an ashtray in Toronto, Canada (at, or even watching a Chia Cow grow in Edmonton, Canada (at As William Shatner once said (when referring to some "Trekkies"): "Get a life!" As I type this, I hear the gentle sounds of water flowing. No, I didn't go out and pay over 50 dollars for a desk-top "fountain" composed of an artificial rock and a water pump, the sole function of which is to create the sounds of running water. The sound I hear is from the water flowing in one of my nearby fish tanks. When I turn to look in the direction of the sound, I don't see a repeat of a video I saw the day before, nor do I see a small blurry and jumpy image of someone else's fish tank, or some preprogrammed actions taking place somewhere in cyberspace. Instead, I can look at the tranquil scene of my own fish going about their business, sometimes providing me with surprises (both good and sometimes not so good), but always giving me enjoyment that's real, not "virtual."

May 2001


TROPICAL FISH AQUARIUM Specializing in Tropical Fish and Aquarium Supplies Large Selection of Aquatic Plants Knowledgeable Staff Same Location Since 1947. 11 5-23 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418

(718) 849-6678

Marine Biologist On Staff Custom Tank Builders for the NY Aquarium Manufacturers of Aquarium & Filter Systems Custom Cabinetry & Lighting Largest Selection of Marine & Freshwater Livestock in NY New York's Largest Custom Aquarium Showroom See Working Systems on Display 2015 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11234 (718)258-0653

Open Saturdays and Sundays Amex, Discover, MasterCard, Visa 2 miles off exit 11N of the Belt Parkway


May 2001

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

G.C.A.S. HAPPENINGS Welcome, New and Renewing Members: Steven Berman Bowl Show winners last month: NONE (Silent Auction Meeting - no bowl show) September 2000 - June 2001 Season unofficial totals to date: 1) Pat Coushaine - 21 points 2) Eric Abrjp§?:,.Jge Ferdenzi, Diane Wirth (tie) - 5 points 3) Al & Sue Priest - 4 points 4) Q^:::Wuest - 3 jpSmtSx:::,,,..... 5) Doug Curtin - 2 points ,,,,:::::::x:::6) Charles Loweth - 1 point %:::,, April's Door Pri^e': A Comrafonsinle GuideWFisBP:Jfealtii*v Jf|fy E| was vyjfa. by B^|nie llarrigan x': June's DoojFl-JPrizeliijj^ilaerican Cichlids I Dwarf Cichlids by Horst LjgiJ^ & br^;;^||>lfgang S|aeck m£||ing. times and locations of aquarium sqeti&^^

New York



Nex|i|5>leeting: June 6 . .sgff SpeaKeW Sal Silvestri j/^™ To|jip;*!ApistogrammasM ,:.^!^ ......... ." 8pm: Queens Botanical Ga|jdte;n ||*;X | Cjgiatact: Mr. Joseph Telephone: (718) 767-2691

May 11 l ing Seto ' T^!!iiliscus World" 8pi|;||§||fcation Hall, N.Y. Aquariul£: ^

lwww. GC A§,::

, NY ;i:S:ix::::x-x

837-4455 ^^1 i:pokly naquariumsociet . Q^,m events on page 21) "w



1 8:00 P.M?'- 3rd jIur||if':W:;|ach at the Queens ^oliil Mr. Don^;Curfitf:ii (7.1:8|

Thursday of each Garden Baudier


County ,,


Meets: "8^^P.M.WH^^^Fr^y of month at Mi|syille Plill||ii:: Zoo, ill Buckley Rd. Hl^ille, NY Iff Contact: Mr. Telephone: (516) (Also see LIAS events listed on page

jkeets: :|i|)0 g.^||plrid Tuesdglpf each sttionth at'lli^lfiiarn M. G?gi§t:Post 3211 :::||^plfiiir'l07, Hiclgple, NY Contact: Mr. Ken S^pf

North Jersey Aquarium Society

Norwalk Aquarium Society

Meets: 8PM - 3rd Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall, Nutley, NJ (exit 151 Garden State Pkwy., near Rt. 3) Contact: NJAS Hotline at (201) 332-4415 or e-mail: tcoletti@obius May 17: Bruce Gebhardt on "Native Fish" (See other NJAS events listed on p. 21 & NJAS sponsored AC A convention on p. 22)

Meets: 8:00 P.M. - 3rd Thursday of each month at the Nature Center for Environmental Activities, Westport, CT Contact: Mrs. Anne Stone Broadmeyer Telephone: (203) 834-2253

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

May 2001


Fin Fun Tangled Roots See if you can "untangle" the names of these common aquatic plants: 1) RAWTE ISTREP






_ [_] _

10) ARIH SASRG Finally, untangle the bracketed letters above to spell the name of a very special visitor to this month's meeting:

Solution to last month's puzzle: h is for April 1

Scientific Name

Common Name

A. aureum

Aurora Killie

A. exiguum

Jewel Killie

A. exigoideum A. fallax A. bivittatum A. sjoestedti

False Jewel Killie Mystery Killie Two-striped Killie Blue Gularis

\ alexanderi

Large Mouth Killie

\ australe

Lyretail Killie A. bitaeniatum

\ volcanum

Twin-band Killie Volcano Killie

P.S.: The "April Fool" fish was A. alexanderi, not a Killie at all, just a humble Editor! 28

May 2001

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

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