AQUARIUM ON THE COVER On the coyer this month is a Neolamprologus multifesciatus, a dwarf shell dwelling cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. Learn more about this fish in the article by Claudia Dickinson: "The D i mi n ut i v e N e o I am p r o I p g us Multifasciatus" in this issue. Photo by Alexander Priest GREATER CITY AQUARIUM SOCIETY Board Members President .. v . . . . . . J o s e p h Ferdenzi Vice-President . . . . . . Mark Soberman Treasurer . . . , . . . . . . . . . Rosie Sileo Corres. Secretary . . . . . Warren Feuer Recording Secretary . . . Vincent Sileo ' Members At Large ; ; ::; gjg Steve Chen Pete D'Orip Carlotti DeJager Claudia Dickinson Jason Kerner Bernard Harrigan Greg VVuest Committee Chairs Warren Eeuer and Breeder Award ... Ma Leonard Ramroop Early Arrivals v . . . F.A.A.S. Delegate .Alexander Priest Claudia Dickinson Members/Programs N.E.G. Delegate . . Claudia Dickinson MODERN AQUARIUM Editor in Chief , . . Alexander A. Priest Technical Editor . . . . . . Position OPEN Editorial Assistant . . Claudia Dickinson Photo/Layout Editor . . ; Jason Kerner Production Director . .Bernard Harrigan Advertising M g r . . . p> M ark Soberman Executive Editor . . ,.Joseph Ferdenzi
Series III
Vol. IX. No. 1
January, 2002
FEATURES Editor's Babblenest
President's Message
The Diminutive Neolamprologus Multifasciatus
The Snail Snatchers Greater City's Awards Presentations Past and Current Award Winners
Looking Through The Lens Photos from our December Meeting
2001 Modern Aquarium Article Index
InterFish Net
NEC Delegate's Report
Home Sweet Home
Author Award Program
Take The Ethics Test
G.C.A.S. Happenings
Fin Fun (Puzzle Page)
Printing By Postal Press
Articles submitted for consideration in MODERN AQUARIUM must be received no later than the 10th day of the month, three months prior to the month of publication. Copyright 2002 by the Greater City Aquarium Society Inc., a not-for-profit New York State corporation. All rights reserved. Not-for-profit aquarium societies are hereby granted permission to reproduce articles and illustrations from this publication, unless the article indicates that the copyrights have been retained by the author, and provided reprints indicate source and two copies of the publication are sent to the Exchange Editor of this magazine. Any other reproduction or commercial use of the material in this publication is prohibited without express written prior permission. The Greater City Aquarium Society meets every month, except during July and August. Meetings are the first Wednesday of the month and begin at 8:00 P.M. Meetings are held at the Queens Botanical Gardens. For more information, contact: Joe Ferdenzi (718)767-2691. You can also leave us a message at our Internet Home Page at: http: //ourworld. CompuServe. com/homepages/greatercity
"Through the Eyes of a Hobbyist"
The Diminutive Neolamprologus Multifasciatus by CLAUDIA DICKINSON s I go about my morning rounds at Ivy Rose Cottage of gently waking all of its creatures, great and small, I pause for a moment in front of one of the tanks on the kitchen counter. It is here that a colony of diminutive animals begins to stir. Realizing my presence, each one takes its stance on his or her claimed real estate, hovering between an adopted shell and the opportunity to snatch a breakfast treat. Upon stricter observation, I note groupings of fry of all ages flitting about. They dart up and down the mounds of sand, the older ones boldly ascending into the midwater column in eager anticipation of the forthcoming meal. The Neolamprologus multifasciatus is a determined little shell dweller, endemic to Lake Tanganyika of eastern Africa. Located exclusively in the southwestern portion of the lake, N. multifasciatus is found living in large colonies in the Zambian waters of the Luvu Bay, the Sumbu Bay, andNiamkolo Bay. Drifts of snail shells from the typical genus Neothauma, resting at 1 0 - 2 5 metres in depth, are the common site for these peaceful cichlids that average 2.5 cm for females and 4 cm for males. A soft taupe body coloration is highlighted, as the name multifasciatus (or "multistriped") implies, by beige to golden lines running vertically from just behind the gill cover along the entire length of the body, through the caudal peduncle and into the beginning portions of the caudal fin. As the fish are well fed and brought into spawning condition, beautiful, albeit quite subtle, tones of teal and gold will appear below the midlateral band across the belly region, and a blush of lavender glows from the operculum. The female's belly will grow round and become flushed with hues of rose. A most outstanding feature is the striking baby blue eyes that shimmer in direct contrast to the overall refined shades of this charming creature.
In its natural habitat, N. multifasciatus basically feeds on zooplankton, which billows in clouds through the water, and is made up of over one hundred species of invertebrates. These invertebrates include many different species of daphnia, copepods, and shrimp. This knowledge of the natural feeding habits provides us with a sound basis for providing a diet that is most appropriate for N. multifasciatus to prosper in our home aquariums. Several months before, having had shell dwellers planned for the future, I returned from the Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies Annual Convention, quite enamored by the N. multifasciatus. Rather than the usual roundabout search for my newest dream fish, I immediately picked up the phone. If anyone knew of home-raised fry, it would be the notable hobbyist held in the most highest of respect for his aquatic expertise, Joe Ferdenzi. Well of course, Joe just happened to know of some N. multifasciatus fry, and they were right in his fishroom! Without skipping a beat (not to say that my heart didn't!) Joe, in his typically generous fashion, informed me that the next Greater City Aquarium Society meeting would hold a treasured surprise for me! Getting all the details on the pH, temperature, filtration, substrate, and general water conditions that Joe's fish were being kept in, and reading all the information I could locate, I scurried off to organize my new charges' abode. The kitchen counter would definitely be the prime location as this is where new specimens, as well as fry, receive the closest observation. Squeezing a ten-gallon tank onto the last available spot of the kitchen counter, I stood back and realized that it would not be realistic for me to attempt to prepare dinner on the minuscule amount of counter space remaining. Placing the importance of the stability of my husband, Brad's, eternal patience first (and I would have to remove the Ps. demasoni brooding
January 2002
Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)
5nail Snatchers by CARLOTTI DeJAGER ere it is, another weekend. One of the pleasures I enjoy is going to Cameo Pet Shop in Jamaica, Queens. I look forward to going there. When, for some reason, I can't get there on a weekend, I feel something is missing. I get my live foods there from Steve. He has the cleanest tubifex worms in the City of New York. So, I enter his store and the whole world of madness and rushing ends. There are sooo many beautiful fish to look at. The tanks themselves are beautifully decorated. Sometimes you see fish you've only seen in books; and sometimes not even in the books. I was talking to Steve, the owner, about the problem I have of too many snails in some of my tanks. I feed some of them to my Black Belt Cichlid. To him it is a treat he can chew, and spit out, and chew again. I guess he likes to play with his food or make feeding an adventure. So, Steve told me he had Paradise Fish in a tank which holds the new arrival of plants. This way, if they have any snails, the Paradise Fish will eat them. I bought a pair of them. I always like pairs of fish. Just in case they decide to breed, I get some more breeder's points. Although the male was a Blue Paradise Fish, the female was an Albino. (Steve didn't have a Blue female.) I brought the fish home and acclimated them to the tank water temperature by floating the bag in the fish tank (the one with all the snails). I opened the bag , and I used a clothes pin to hold it in place at the rim of the tank. Then, little by little, I added water from the tank into the bag. I use a food baster to do this. I added a breeding mop to the tank to give some more protection for the female. The snails had eaten all the plants that once were in the tank. I also had some flowerpots (and parts of them) in the tank. I released the fish to their new home and they looked very happy. They must have thought they were jn Paradise — sooo many snails for them! A few days passed, and sure enough, they were perfect "snail snatchers." Then, to my delight, I saw that the male was making a bubblenest in the corner, and was trying to impress the female. A few more days passed, and all I saw was the male chasing the female, or the female hiding in the mop. This chase and hide-and-seek game ended with the female dead. I went to Petland Discounts where I get waxworms for my lizards. I noticed Paradise Fish in one of their tanks, and they had the Blue Paradise Fish and Albino types — males and
Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)
females! I joyfully picked out a Blue female. I took her home to my lonely male Paradise Fish, and it was love at first sight. The next day there were eggs galore in the nest. I thought that Paradise Fish might be similar in their behavior to Betta splendens, so I removed the female. I few days later, I took the male out as well, once the fry were free-swimming. I was looking around for a tank in which to put the male now. I checked the pH in the tank where they lived, and checked the pH in some of my other tanks. One tank matched perfectly, and only had a pair of Bristlenose Plecos. I added the female as well, but I placed her in a floating basket. This way, she could recuperate, and rest awhile. I fed them with tubifex worms and different flake foods. In a month, I'll put her with him again, and have some more fry. At least that was my plan. The male had another idea. After looking at his mate through the plastic for about five days, he jumped into the basket with her! Where there is a will, there is a way. Luckily, I caught this action soon after it happened. Because she had no place to hide, he was making her a very abused spouse. I put them both in the tank, and this way there was room to play the mating game. Again, I \vas given the treat of watching the beautifully choreographed dance that these fish perform. A graceful ballet. The Paradise Fish, Macropodus opercularis, is a bubblenest building fish from Southeast Asia. There is also the Black Paradise Fish, Macropodus concolor. M. concolor is mainly black, with red pectoral fins. The Macropudus opercularis was first discovered in 1758. The male will get to be 11 cm. and the female 8cm. They are found in Eastern China, all the way down to the Ryukyus Islands. They were first introduced in 1869 into France. All in all, this is a fish with personality, and is a joy to watch in your aquarium. References Bettas, Gouramis, and Other Anabantoids, Labyrinth Fishes of the World by J6rg Vierke, TFH Publications 1988 Aquarium Fish Breeding by Ines Scheurmann, Barons 1990 Gouramis and Other Anabantoids by Hans-Joachim Richter, TFH Publications 1988
January 2002
GCAS ast &toar& dinner* JOSEPH FERDENZI ROLL OF HONOR Gene Baiocco Charles Elzer Warren Feuer Joe Bugeia Joe Ferdenzi Herb Fogal Mary Ann Bugeia Ben Haus Paul Hahnel Dan Carson Emma Haus Jack Oliva
Herman Rabenau Marcia Repanes Nick Repanes Don Sanford
DON SANFQRD BREEDER OF THE YEAR (Since 1981) 1981-82; 1982-83 ...... Ginny & Charlie Eckstein 1983-84; 1984-85 ...... Rich Sorensen 1985-86 ..... ........ Yezid Guttierez 1986-87 ............. Joe Ferdenzi 1987-88 ............. Patricia Piccione 1988-89 ............. Joe Ferdenzi 1989-90 ............ . Francis Lee 1990-91 ............. Eddie Szablewicz 1991-92 ............. Dominic Isla
1992-93 ...... 1993-94 ...... 1994-95 ...... 1995-96 . ..... 1996-97 ...... 1997-98 ...... 1998-99 ...... 1999-00 ......
GENE BAIOCCO AOUARIST OF THE YEAR (Since 1990-91) 1990-91 ...... Diane & Harold Gottlieb 1995-96 ...... 1991-92 ...... Doug Curtin & Don Curtin 1996-97 ...... 1992-93 . . ____ Mark Soberman 1997-98 ...... 1993-94 ...... Warren Feuer 1998-99 ...... 1994-95 ...... Steve Sagona 1999-00 ...... WALTER HUBEL BOWL SHOW CHAMPIONS (Since 1983-84) 1983-84 ...... Tom Lawless 1989-90 . . Eddie Szablewicz 1984-85 ...... Tom Lawless 1990-91 . . Eddie Szablewicz 1985-86 ...... Joe Ferdenzi 1991-92 . . ____ Steve Sagona 1986-87 ...... Joe Ferdenzi 1992-93 ...... Steve Sagona 1987-88 (tie) . Mark Soberman 1993-94 ...... Steve Sagona and Mary Ann & Joe Bugeia 1994-95 ____ Carlotti DeJager 1988-89 ........ Jason Ryan 1995-96 ..... Mary Eve Brill
Mark Soberman
Steve Sagona Joe Ferdenzi Steve Sagona Tom Miglio Mark Soberman Jeff George Tom Miglio Tom Miglio
Alexander & Susan Priest Joe Ferdenzi Claudia Dickinson Vincent & Rosie Sileo Pete D'Orio 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00
...... Steve Sagona ...... Steve Sagona ....... Tom Miglio ....... Tom Miglio
VICTOR BECKER MEMORIAL AWARD For most outstanding species bred (1st awarded 1994-95) 1994-95 ........... Thomas Bohme (Serrasalmus nattereri) 1995-96 ........... John Moran (Synodontis multipunctatus) 1996-97 ........... Carlotti DeJager (Betta simplex) & Mark Soberman (Corydoras duplicareus) 1997-98 . . . ........ Greg Wuest (Nothobranchius foerschi) & Joe Ferdenzi (Corydoras adolfoi) 1998-99 ........... Tom Miglio (Rasbora heteramorphd) 1999-00 ........... Charley Sabatino (Spathodus erythrodori) PINO BARBARISI HORTICULTURAL AWARD 1993-94 ...... Don Curtin & Doug Curtin 1994-95 ...... Steve Gruebel
1995-96 1996-97
...... ......
Vincent & Rosie Sileo Joe Ferdenzi
GCAS PRESIDENTS (Post 1945 — number in parenthesis = consecutive terms) 1946-49 Elliott Whiteway (4) 1968-70 Walter Hubel (2) 1981-84 Brian Kelly (3) 1950-5 1 Robert Greene (2) 1970-72 Dave Williams (2) 1984-86 Jack Oliva (2) 1952-53 Robert Maybeck (2) 1972-73 Dan Carson (1) 1986-97 Joe Ferdenzi (1 1) 1954-55 Leonard Meyer (2) 1973-75 Herb Fogal (2) 1997-99 Vincent Sileo (2) 1956-57 SamEstro(2) 1975-76 Richard Hoey(l) 1999-00 Jeff George (1) 1958 Leonard Meyer (1) 1976-77 Ted Tura(l) 2000-02 Joe Ferdenzi (11+2) 1959-64 Gene Baiocco (6) 1977-78 Gene Baiocco (6+1) 1965 Andrew Fazio (1) 1978-79 Louis Kromm (1) 1966-68 Charles Elzer (2) 1979-81 Don Sanford (2)
January 2002
Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)
Photos and captions of our December 2001 meeting Copy of Modern Aquarium in hand, | our *Star* speaker, Horst Gerber, is ready to begin his presentation.
Mark Soberman and Horst Gerber share a lighthearted moment as the meeting convenes.
It was a full house at the GCAS as Horst Gerber held his audience in rapt attention.
Beginning with a brief overview, Horst went into full swing with a spectacular hands-on program, demonstrating various techniques to create "The Natural Aquarium. "
Horst shares his fabulous collection of petrified woods with us, some as old as 65 million years!
The evening was complete when we spirited our superlative GCAS President, Joe Ferdenzi, away from his office holiday party, to lead the meeting and join in our GCAS Holiday Cheer!
January 2002
Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)
by Claudia Dickinson Bright smiles from Sue Priest and Steve Chen greet GCAS members as they pick up their issue of Modern Aquarium and sign in.
Mike Nelson autographs the poster with congratulatory wishes on a job well done for speaker Horst Gerber.
Al Grusell, Davera Banks, Laurie Flynn-Redmond, and Tom Miglio share in the enthusiasm of Horst's Modern Aquarium program. columnist, Sue Priest, lights up the room with her cheerful smile and sporty red beret! Joe Graffagnino is ready to try out some petrified woods!
There is nothing equal to the sharing of the great warmth and camaraderie of long-time "fishy friends," as exhibited by Warren Feuer and Horst Gerber and Mark Soberman and Warren Feuer
Tom Miglio tells the GCAS of his Venison Pies, that are a renowned traditional fare at the Brooklyn Aquarium Society's Annual Holiday Party.
Our talented Editor, Al Priest, looks over the latest issue of Modern Aquarium, which sports a fabulous photo of a Kissing Gourami to accompany the lead article, "How About a Kiss? " Both article and photo were created by Al. Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)
January 2002
A warm welcome to new member, Dora Dong!
GCAS Treasurer Rosie Sileo will be taking home lots of new ideas on tank decorations.
2001 Modern Aquarium Article Index ANABANTOIDS "A Delicate Chocolate Treat" (Chocolate Gourami) by Alexander A. Priest 2/01 "A New Generation ofBetta enisae" by Susan Priest 10/01 "How About A Kiss?" Kissing Gourami (Helostoma temminicki) by Alexander Priest . 12/01
BOOK REVIEWS: "WET LEAVES" Column-Susan Priest Understanding Tropical Fish by Gina Sandford North American Fishes for the Home Aquarium by David M. Schleser Hobbyist Guide to the Natural Aquarium by Dr. Chris Andrews Dictionary of Aquarium Terms by John H. Tullock Tropical Fish Lopedia by Mary Bailey and Dr. Peter Burgess The World's Most Beautiful Seashells by Leonard Hill Aquarium Plant Paradise by Takashi Amano
2/01 4/01 5/01 6/01 9/01 11/01 12/01
CATFISH "The Red Lizard Cat" (Fun Fish article by Warren Feuer) "Iridescent Shark" (Fun Fish article by Warren Feuer)
3/01 11/01
CICHLIDS "Pelvicachromis taeniatus Dehane" by Claudia Dickinson "Mbuna of Lake Malawi" (Fun Fish article by Warren Feuer) "Spawing Pseudocrenilabrus nicholosr by Charley Sabatino
5/01 5/01 12/01
CYPRINIDS "Tinfoil Barb" (Fun Fish article by Warren Feuer) "Tiger Barbs" (Fun Fish article by Warren Feuer) "Bala Shark" (Fun Fish article by Warren Feuer)
4/01 6/01 9/01
FUN FISH - Warren Feuer, Author - Bernard Harrigan, Illustrator "The Red Lizard Cat" "Tinfoil Barb" "Mbuna of Lake Malawi" "Tiger Barbs" "Bala Shark" "Iridescent Shark"
3/01 4/01 5/01 6/01 9/01 11/01
GCAS Society Issues Past and Current GCAS Award Winners for 2000 "Author Award Program Report" for 2000 Year 2000 Modern Aquarium Article Index NEC Award Winners-Year 2000 "GCAS Breeders Award Program 2000-2001" "What Do You Get The Man That Has Everything?" by Warren Feuer "The Joseph Ferdenzi Roll of Honor Award" by Claudia Dickinson "Author Award Program Report January-June 2001" 12
January 2002
1/01 1/01 1/01 4/01 9/01 9/01 9/01 9/01
Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)
NEC and FAAS NEWS/EVENTS - cont'd North East Council report by Claudia Dickinson FAASinations - FAAS Report by Alexander Priest FAASinations - FAAS Report by Alexander Priest FAASinations - FAAS Report by Alexander Priest FAASinations - FAAS Report by Alexander Priest FAASinations - FAAS Report by Alexander Priest "Report on 26th Annual NEC Convention" by Claudia Dickinson "Year 2000 FAAS Publications Award Winners"
12/01 2/01 6/01 9/01 10/01 11/01 5/01 6/01
OPINION AND/OR HUMOR "UNDERGRAVEL REPORTER" Column "Excuses, Excuses!" "Of Shrimp and Snails" "Labels as Literature" "Smile, You're On Undy's Camera" "Welcome To My Virtual World" "Is That Your FINAL Answer?" "The Frugal Aquarist - Part I" "The Frugal Aquarist - Part II" "The Law of Contrary Outcome" "Caught In The Net"
1/01 2/01 3/01 4/01 5/01 6/01 9/01 10/01 11/01 12/01
Product Reviews "Marineland Eclipse System Six" review by Stephen Sica "Brine Alive" review by Alexander Priest
6/01 12/01
PLANTS "Vesicularia dubyana" by Doug Curtin "The Lucky Plant" by Charley Sabatino
4/01 10/01
PUZZLE: "FIN FUN" Page "Odd Lang Syne" - Fish with "odd" numbers or "odd" in their common name "Assistant to the Collector" - Put the fish in the correct "bucket" "Global Warming" - Fish/Plants with names relating to geographic areas "A is for April" - Aphyosemion Killifish "Tangled Roots" - Scrambled names of aquatic plants "It Pays To Enrich Your Aquarium Word Power" - Vocabulary questions "No Calculator Needed" - Tallying Breeders' Points "Bet You Can't Eat Just One" - Unscramble names of live foods "To 'B' or Not To 'B'?" Spelling "Actions Speak Louder than Words" - Fish with names describing an action
1/01 2/01 3/01 4/01 5/01 6/01 9/01 10/01 11/01 12/01
Second Sight — Article Reprints -selected by Alexander Priest "The Breeding of Melanotania splendida splendidd' (Pioneer Valley A.S.) 1/01 "Pretty As A Peacock" (Bermuda A.S.) 3/01 "Bristlenose Catfish - Spawning Report" (Youngstown A.S.) 4/01 Review: North American Native Fishes for the Home Aquairum (Potamic Valley A.S.) . 4/01 "A Beautiful Planted aquarium Made Easy" (Honolulu A.S.) 5/01 "Breeding Your First Mouthbrooders" (Anabantoid Association of Great Britain) . . . . 10/01 "Spawing Tubastrea coccinecT by Joseph Yaiullo 11/01 "The Red Whiptail Catfish" (Calgary A.S.) 12/01
January 2002
Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)
a transaction required reporting for tax purposes. (To my knowledge, this is still a "grey" area, a technological and legal "don't ask, don't tell" situation.) Fortunately, my ISP ("Internet Service Provider"), CompuServe, provided free webspace, without banner ads, so I decided to take them up on this offer. The next question was the content and format of the website. Regardless of any other consideration, I wanted to be sure that anyone capable of accessing the Internet would be able to benefit from our website. This meant that I wanted a website that could be accessed by any "browser" (a computer program that allows someone with an Internet connection to view the contents of websites). You often see "this page best viewed by 'Browser X'." I did not want to exclude anyone. Some programs that create websites (most notably a certain program from the largest software company in the world) do so in such a way that the site will not properly display (if at all) in browsers other than the one this software company makes. I also wanted the pages of our website to load fast, even on "slow" computers. Without getting into discussions of "bandwidth," "Java apps," XML, STML, frames, etc., it all boils down to the fact that, if you want a very compatible and fast loading website, you have to avoid using fancy graphics, sounds, animations, etc. While Greater City's website at http:/fourworid.compuserve.comfhomepagesfgreatercity| may not win a design award. I'm willing to bet it is among the fastest loading and most compatible full-fledged aquarium society sites (as opposed to a "site" consisting of a single page of meeting information). The next question was what to include on the website, in addition to the obvious (information about where and when we meet). A website can either contain information on the site itself, or it can "link" to a site where information can be found. There are advantages and disadvantages to each. Having the information on your site means that you don't need to worry about "dead" links, or links whose content changed without your knowledge (that link to breeding a Chocolate Cichlid is now an article on breeding a Chocolate Gourami). Information on your own website loads almost immediately. Finally, when everything is on your website, people who land there are likely to stay there. Unfortunately, there is a limit to the size of most websites, and it probably is not possible to have all the content you want without exceeding that limit.
Our initial content consisted of links to NEC member societies (those that had websites), links to organizations (FAAS, NEC, the ACA, etc,), and an "Award Winning Article of the Month" (a Modern Aquarium article that won an NEC or FAAS publications award). The existence of the website was made known to several of our more technologically-minded members in March of 1996. This was the first testing and "shake-down" phase of the site. Three month's later, those members astute enough to spot it would see, at the bottom of the Contents page of the June 1996 Modern Aquarium, the first written reference to our website. The formal announcement of our website was made by Modern Aquarium's then Editor, Warren Feuer, in November of that same year, in his "From The Editor's Desk" message. Greater City's website has been in continuous operation for nearly five years. The "Award Winning Article of the Month" is no longer being posted — not that we don't have enough articles, but because there seemed to be little demand for it (if I forgot to update it for a week or so, no one ever complained). I've recently put the rules for our 2002 show there, and created links to the websites of every aquarium society in the United States with an active website. The reason for the latter is because I got tired of all the e-mails from other societies, begging me to link to their website. There is a misconception that, once you create a website, all the "search engines" (websites that will display links to sites that match search criteria that you specify) will immediately find your site, so anyone searching for it can find it right away. The fact is, if a website stays active long enough, the search engines will find it. In Internet terms, five years is a long time. This is why, if you use a popular search engine, such as "Google" ( or "Yahoo" (, and type in "Greater City" or even just "aquarium society," the GCAS website is likely to be among the top ten "hits." Now that I've given you background on our own website, future articles in this column will explain how to use our website to do research (such as to find out how to care for a fish you just acquired). I will also tell you how to use search engines to increase the likelihood of getting relevant responses. I'll never forget the time I typed in "blue eye" when researching Pseudomugil furcatus (an Austrailian Rainbowfish "blue-eye" species) — you wouldn't believe how many websites are devoted to Frank Sinatra!
January 2002
Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)
by SUSAN N. PRIEST A s conscientious aquarists, we are 7\y striving to make our fish feel JL JLat home. We shop for substrate materials that will simulate what our fish are used to in nature. We buy test kits and try to assure that we give our fish the same chemistry as the waters they call home. We build rock work with crevices, or offer them wide, flat surfaces of slate; whichever they would prefer. These are just a few examples of many sincere attempts on our part to make our charges feel at home. There is, however, another side to this domestic design. It is true that our fish didn't choose to come live with us; we chose them and brought them to our home. But, in all honesty, they are making out pretty well under our care. They have a carefully controlled environment with no storms or extremes of temperature, no worries about what they will have to eat, or where it will come from; no fear of predators, either those endemic to their home waters, or "introduced beneficial species." If we are doing a good job, our fish will probably have a longer, more troublefree life with us than they would in nature. So, taking all of this into consideration, it doesn't seem like too much to ask of our fish that they make one small concession. When it comes to a choice of decoration for the background and vicinity of their tank, they could keep in mind that they are living in our home. We should be able to decorate in a way that we enjoy. In lieu of those"background scenes" sold in aquarium stores that are sometimes unrealistic, and make your tank look exactly like anyone else's who bought the same scene, and as an alternative to yet another black plastic garbage bag taped to the back of your tank, I would like to suggest a variety of decorating techniques and themes. The following techniques should enable you to display virtually any item of appropriate size and weight on the back of your tank. 4 Plastic suction cups, clear or colored + Plastic food wrap, clear or colored 4 Foam poster board — these are a bit pricey, but they are lightweight and you can reuse them when you want to create a new theme. And, they can also be moved from one tank to another. Also, here are a few pointers to keep in mind which will help you achieve success. 4 Paint with nail polish — it's not just RED any more.
Stay away from things that may attract bugs. Examples: pretzels, dog treats, or dolphin-shaped fruit snacks. Think waterproof!
What follows is a list of 50 ideas. If there is nothing here that stirs your imagination, maybe it will get you started looking around your own home with a keen eye and an open mind. 1. A mirror. 2. Feathers. 3. Glow-in-the-dark stars. 4. Travel posters. 5. Maps. 6. Flags. 7. Anything lace, such as scarves, doilies, placemats, etc. 8. Fish food labels. 9. Leaves and/or seeds. 10. Seed packets. 11. Transparent "clings," available for almost every season and/or holiday. You can put them on the sides or front of the tank as well. 12. Seashells (Do not put saltwater shells inside a freshwater aquarium; they will "dissolve.") 13. Anything you would hang on a Christmas tree: garland, ornaments (flat would be best), tinsel, etc. Maybe even "outdoor" lights. 14. Grandma's costume jewelry. 15. Pictures of your favorite vacation. 16. Pictures of your "dream" vacation. 17. Plastic tablecloth cut to fit. 18. Shower curtain cut to fit. 19. Drip on melted candle wax (you will have to put the empty tank on its side to do this before filling it with water). 20. Spray-painted macaroni. 21. Jig saw puzzle pieces (use the puzzle with the missing piece — if they're not connected, who will know ? 22. Game board (Monopoly, Clue, etc.). 23. Playing cards. 24. Baseball cards. 25. Greeting cards. 26. Postcards. 27. Easter basket grass wrapped in food wrap 28. Styro popcorn sprayed with paint, glitter, etc. (Don't use real popcorn: remember the bugs!)
January 2002
Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)
y^warcf ^program
The GCAS -Trust as the GCAS Breeders Award Program has I modified its rules over the years (including the %/ addition of new levels), so, too, the Author Award Program has had to make some changes. Here are the new rules, effective immediately: Overview The GCAS AAP provides points, evidenced by a certificate, awarded for certain contributions to Modern Aquarium. Persons acquiring a certain number of points will receive additional recognition for having reached a designated "Accomplishment Level." Those Accomplishment Levels are: Author, Correspondent, Writer, Essayist, Journalist, Columnist, Reporter, Laureate, Senior Laureate, Master Laureate, Grand Master Laureate, and Editor Emeritus The person awarded the most AAP points in a calendar year (excluding Modern Aquarium staff members), will receive a certificate designating that person as "Author Of The Year" for that calendar year. Each person, other than a Modern Aquarium staff member, making a specified contribution to Modern Aquarium will receive one or more chances for one or more prizes in a Prize Drawing to be held at or before the Annual Holiday Party. Eligibility Any member of Greater City may participate in the GCAS AAP. However, Editorial Staff members of Modern Aquarium (defined as those persons listed on the Contents page of Modern Aquarium as Staff Members) are not eligible for chances for the AAP Prize Drawing or for the designation of "Author Of The Year." Points Five points will be awarded for an original article of 500 words or less. Ten points will be awarded for an original article of 501 words and over. Five additional points will be awarded for an original drawing or illustration submitted with and as part of an original article. Ten points will be awarded for an original color photograph which, in the sole opinion of the Modern Aquarium Art or Photo Director, is suitable for use as front cover. (Note, a color photograph need not be accompanied by a related article.) All photographs must be the work of the member submitting them and must not previously have been published, or submitted for publication, in any commercial or amateur publication. 20
Two or more related photographs or illustrations, not part of an article, but submitted with captions and occupying one page or more will be counted as two illustrations (total of 10 points) and as an article of over 500 words (10 more points) for a total of 20 points (For example, a photo spread with captions). Photos or illustrations accompanying articles will also be limited to 10 points, regardless of the number of photos, plus points based on the size of the article. Five points will be awarded for an original puzzle which, in the sole opinion of the Editor, is suitable for use on the "Fin Fun" page of Modern Aquarium. Modern Aquarium staff members are ineligible for points for "Fin Fun" puzzles. For the purposes of the GCAS AAP, an "original article," drawing, puzzle, or photograph is the sole property and creation of the author, and was never printed in any other publication. If submitted to another publication, it mustfirst have been submitted to Modern Aquarium. Points are awarded only once for an article, drawing, puzzle, or photograph. No points are awarded for subsequent reprints, regardless of whether the original article was awarded points in the AAP previously. However, if an article previously published in Modern Aquarium is significantly revised by its author (as a result of new information or developments), and if such revision is first submitted to Modern Aquarium, it will be treated as a new article. Points are awarded when the article is printed. Acceptance of an article and the awarding of points is no guarantee an article will be published. An article deemed unacceptable by the Editorial Staff of Modern Aquarium for reasons of appropriateness of topic, suitability, or possible violations of copyright or libel laws, will be ineligible for participation in the GCAS AAP. Decisions of the Staff are final. Points credited to an author may not be carried over or credited to subsequent calendar years for the purposes of raffle prize chances or "Author Of The Year" designation, regardless of the calendar year in which an article is actually published. Bonus Points If, in the year following its publication in Modern Aquarium, an article is given any award (1 st, 2nd or 3rd, but excluding Honorable Mention) by the North East Council of Aquarium Societies (the "NEC") or by the Federation of American
January 2002
Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)