Modern Aquarium

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• NOVEMBER 1997 volume IV number 9




From the Editor's Desk

his is my favorite time of the year. The weather is just beyond comparison, in my opinion, and every one seems to be getting back into the swing of things and out of the Summer "laid back" mode of operation. By this time, things are really beginning to happen at the club and, in general, the Summer doldrums that are typically associated with our hobby are gone. For example, the stock of fish at the local pet shops seems to be back to a normal level. Did you ever notice that in the Summer the stores seem to have less of the "interesting" fish, and even less of everything, in general? Indeed, over the past several weeks I have noticed more of the "wish I had room for" fish than I had seen for quite a while. I was almost convinced that I had every fish I wanted! But, of course, that is not so, and in the recent past I found myself planning and scheming to find a way to add some fish that were available that I had been looking for. In the end, I made space for the new fish by emptying a tank of its inhabitants and trading them for the fish I wanted. The original occupants were bought as a pair, and in fact, were not a pair. They spent the entire time they were at my house at opposite ends of their tank. If I had the room, I would have kept them, as they were rather attractive, but the new fish were definitely more desirable and interesting. As I was writing this, I suddenly realized that I had the beginnings of an article for Modem Aquarium in the making. You see how easy it can be to write? Just relating a tale of a fish trading or purchasing experience can be a fascinating article. Now, where was I? Oh yes, the change in seasons, and its impact on our hobby. As I said, there seem to be more and better fish around. Suddenly, there seems to be energy to tackle that project that was put off all summer. Maybe now you will get around to re-decorating that tank you've gotten tired of. Maybe some


sorely needed maintenance is creeping up on your conscience. With the weather getting cooler and cooler, it seems easier to spend more time inside and around your fish. Have you got a new facet of the hobby that you would like to try? Maybe a brackish water tank? Or a palludarium? Ever thought of starting a marine tank? Now is a great time to start reading up on the subject and getting ready for those long winter days inside working on the new addition. And now, on to another front. As you know, we are always looking for volunteers to help out at GCAS. Recently, a volunteer has stepped forward that puts all the rest of us to shame. I am not going to reveal this person's name, nor even the gender of this person, but I want to say that this tremendously self sacrificing soul travels a far distance to make each Greater City meeting, staying over night at a hotel at his/her own expense and absolutely gushes with enthusiasm. After volunteering to fill one empty role, I was contacted by this same person who has now volunteered to wear another hat at our meetings. And this wonderful person only hopes that he/she can do a good enough job! I think the rest of you should think again about sparing some of your time and helping out. On another note, I have been noticing several people who come to each meeting, yet are not members, or have not renewed their membership. If you know one of these people, encourage them to join (or re-join). Becoming a member is one way to show support for Greater City, and the $15 a year that it costs to become a member is usually more than made up by the coffee and cake consumed, not to mention the bargains available at our auctions. If it were my decision, anyone who has been to more than three Greater City meetings in one year, or was a member and has not renewed, would not be allowed to bid in our auctions, or buy tickets to our raffles. So now you know why I am not President of Greater City. Warren Feuer



ordtails are part of the backbone of the tropical fish hobby. Is there any aquarist that has not kept any swordtails? What makes them so great? How about the dozens of color varieties, from the common green swordtail to the exciting pineapple swordtail? How about the numerous finnage configurations available — like hi-fin, top-sail, single spike, dual sword and hi-fin lyretail? Swords are common in such combinations. They are the perfect compliment to any aquarium.


Xiphophorus helleri

As pictured, my favorite is the hi-fin, lyretail, tuxedo swordtail. I often reminisce about the best swordtail breeder of our time — John Kirschman. John raised his prize swordtails in a very deep pond/vat in his yard. Just before a show, he would retrieve a couple of pairs from the yard and condition them in his basement aquariums. They were not only the most colorful, but at an unbelievable 7-8 inches, they stole the show. He never lost, but he always encouraged others to reach for his goals. Every fish he entered in a show was put into that club's auction on Sunday, bringing a good buck, I might add. Although originally from Mexico and Guatemala, most swordtails available to the hobbyist are commercially raised or home bred.

Since it is a livebearer, breeding is common to the group and needs no explanation. Raising the fry is best accomplished in long, low tanks or vats. They are hardy, not fussy eaters, and require only the basic aquaristic techniques. I'm not casting out the common varieties of swordtails, like red-brick, montezuma, or green, but my preferences are for the added black markings — as with the tuxedos and wagtail varieties. Though I must admit, a healthy red-velvet sword is a beautiful sight.

One fish that has definitely benefited from the change has been my Royal pleco. Where the fish previously hid all the time, only coming out at night, it is now front and center, hanging on a piece of drift wood right in the front of the tank, and constantly on the hunt for more food. Any time food is introduced into the tank, whether the lights are on or off, there is the Royal, munching away. Clearly, in the rearranging of hierarchy in the tank, this fish has come out at, or near, the top.

To me, the new set up of my tank resembles a coral reef, only for fresh water inhabitants. Although I had second thoughts about my decision when the tank briefly turned into a toxic waste site, these self-doubts were short lived, as the tank quickly cleared up, and no fish were lost. Does this mean that I plan to remove the under gravel filter from that last remaining tank? Not unless I absolutely have to! One experience such as the above was enough for me, thanks. By the way, is anyone interested in an undergravel filter for a 75 gallon tank?

Logo Contest Rules for the NEC's 23rd Annual Convention 1) Artist must be a member of an NEC club. [Greater City is an NEC member] 2) Entry must be an original drawing. (Never used before) 3) Entry must be submitted by the artist. Please send two copies of each entry, one signed and one not signed. 4) The design should be submitted in black and white. We also recommend the artist submit a copy of the entry using four colors in the design. (Black outlining, if used, counts as one color) 5) The winning logo, as decided at the December NEC meeting, will appear on the cover of the Annual Convention program and on the AC T-shirts, and may be used in all 23rd AC publicity. 6) The winner will receive a free T-shirt and free registration for the 23rd Annual Convention. 7) The deadline is December 1, 1997. All entries must be in the hands of an AC Committee member by this time. You may mail your entry(s) to Janine Banks / RR 3 Box 1548 / Hinesburg, VT 05461. There is no theme for this year's convention or banquet. There is a focus on catfish for the convention. There is a slogan, "The NEC's Cat's Meow, the 23rd Annual Convention."

The 1997 Norwalk Show JOSEPH FERDENZI


he Norwalk Aquarium Society held its 32nd Annual Show on the weekend of October 4-5, 1997, at the Westport Nature Center. Three members of Greater City had entries in the show. They were quite successful. With eight entries between them, they garnered nine awards.

Francis Lee had two fish in the show. The Westport Nature Center is a lovely One was awarded third place in the Betta Female setting for a show. It is situated in the Class. Mark Soberman picturesque New also had two fish in the England countryside. It .•*• is especially beautiful in show. One,a Autumn. From my Corydoras seussi, placed third in the very home in Whitestone competitive Corydoras (Queens), it is only a Catfish Class, and the traffic-free 45 minute car ride to the Center. other, an Iriatherina Moreover, the werneri, took third place Norwalk club that hosts in the Rainbowfish Class. Joe Ferdenzi had the show has many f r i e n d l y and four entries. Each took knowledgeable first place in its hobbyists in its ranks. respective class: a rare The show presents a Nematocharax venustus wonderful opportunity in the Characin Class; a d some ,easant South American annual, Francis Lee and Joe Ferdenzi displaying some tQ of Joe's awards from the 1997 Norwalk Show hours chMi and Cynolebias magnificus, photo by Dean Angelo Ferdenzi (age 9) sharing mutua, interests. in the Killifish Class; a In addition, you get to see some unusual and five year old Anubias nana in the Plant Class; top-notch fish, as well as an opportunity to and a Corydoras sckwartzi in the Corydoras purchase some of them at the Sunday auction. Class. This last fish also won a plaque as the I highly recommend participating in this International Catfish Champion for being the best show. catfish in the show, and, even more spectacularly, it was judged to be the Reserve of Show (i.e., the second best fish in the entire show), for which it was awarded a beautiful silver plated bowl.

Greater City Wins 12 FAAS Awards! he results of the judging of the 1996 publications by the Federation of American Aquarium Societies (FAAS) are in! Modern Aquarium first participated in this award program with articles written in 1994, our inaugural year. We won 10 awards. The following year, our 1995 issues won 11 awards. For our 1996 issues, we increased our award total again, this time winning 12 awards! We hope to be able to give you the results of ALL the societies next month.


FIRST PLACE: Joseph Ferdenzi - (Best Spawning Article Over 1000 words); Mark Soberman (Best Article on a Family of Fish); and Charlie Harrigan (Best Article by a Junior Member) SECOND PLACE: Vincent Sileo (Best Marine Article); Vincent Sileo (Best Horticulture Article); Bernard Harrigan (Best How To Article); Joseph Ferdenzi (Best Show/Judging Article); Joseph Ferdenzi (Best Article on Live Foods); and Ellen Halligan (Best Article Not In Another Class) THIRD PLACE: John Moran (Best Spawning Article Over 1000 words); Alexander A. Priest (Best Article on Society Management); Joseph Ferdenzi (Best Article on the Traveling Aquarist)


Creature Cfjest According to our most recent member survey, Cichlids and New World Catfish rank as the most popular fish among Greater City members. As our "Treasure Chest" series winds to a close in this, our Diamond Anniversary year, we bring you this gem about a New World Cichlid. This article is from the December 1970 issue of Modern Aquarium. We hope you enjoy . . .

By Ronald Perrine, GCAS During the late spring of 1970, I purchased a trio of the most exciting Cichlids I had ever seen. These fish are one of the most rugged and unusual of the Cichlid family tree and are called "Guapote Tigre" or C. managuense. They are found in the country of Nicaragua, Central America, in Lake Managua. The area is a vast tropical rain forest...filled with many strange and exotic animals and beautiful plants. Many miles of jungle occur between civilization and this large lake. This fish lives in majestic harmony with such beauties as the Red Labiatum and the recently discovered C. dovii. Not many collectors visit this area due to the inaccessibility of the lakes; and therefore the species is seldom, if ever, seen in this country. What imports do get here are only seen in large public aquariums or in private collections. So attractive is this fish, that the Nicaraguan government has placed its image on their postage stamps!


Professor Quamstrom studied this species for the American Cichlid Association and recently wrote a paper covering their habits and breeding.(*) He saved my life when the article appeared, as I had no idea what was to come. I had been seeking the C. dovii and was delighted to leam that both fish are native and have exact breeding habits. However, the C. managuense is nowhere near as aggressive as the C. dovii. I had also read that the ancient Indians used the fish for a good food long before Columbus discovered America. Their ancient ruined city is located not far from the lake. My contact had direct access to these fish, and that's how I came to know them and buy them. I rushed them home into a 30-gallon long tank with a natural setting. Lush planting of tropical plants, as well as the plastic types, shale, driftwood and natural gravel, completed the picture. Gro-Lux lighting was utilized on an 18-hour a day basis and the temperature was about 80°F to 85°F. At first I kept the fish with other aggressive Nyasa fish; but when they began to show signs of pairing off, I removed the odd female and the several Auratus and Zebra to other tanks. This left the tank completely to the C. managuense, and they began to think in terms of setting up a family and spawning. At first the pair hid themselves in the rocky caves and shrubs. Their color was very pale and dull. I decided to introduce a timid cichlid — the Rainbow — in order to induce the pair to come out and eat. This worked well and soon the pair were active and chasing the Rainbow around the tank in playful tag games. This type of fun and games went on for several weeks. Then I noted a marked change occurring in their color. The female had hidden herself in the plants and the male was digging up a storm. I called my friend and was happy to learn a few more hints on urging the spawning and on care of the eggs. He gave me many helpful hints on the process, and several days later the blessed event took place. I set up a watching post near the tank and observed the male in his pre-spawning actions. The male began to dig a large pit and moved some of the smaller shale out of the way. He worked for hours at his task. The female kept out of sight and only once in a while put in an appearance. When the male saw her, he would get very nervous and twitch and shake his large gill covers, biting at the glass front and stirring up the sand in the bottom of the pit. He was very beautiful now in full mating colors. The female also was well decked out and

resplendent in a rich gold and iridescent blue cover. Only her pale white belly was free from decoration. Both fish show marvelous design in the body and dorsal fins. They truly rival the Green Discus in beauty. A g a i n consulting with my friend on the correct method of breeding these fish, we put our heads together and worried about

the spawning. He was concerned about the rough handling that the male might give the female. I assured him I would be on guard when and if they spawned. How wrong I was. They spawned when I was fast asleep — a very small batch of eggs, but they yielded 150 eager, hungry fry. This happening took place on August 19, and was I shook up! The fish seemed quite pleased with the whole thing and were not ruffled at all. I removed the eggs to hatch in a separate container and discovered a fungusing of about 40%. The second spawning took place on September 9, 1970, and this time I hit the cichlid jackpot. I'm sure I have over 10,000,000,000 young this time. [1997 ed: we're sure this was a slight exaggeration] I think the female should hear about the "Pill". I was not prepared for this large family. I had to run out and get two 10-gallon tanks to rear up the young to a size that could be seen. Later I placed Spawn #1 into a 30-gallon long, to get size. I divided Spawn #2 into the 10-gallon setups, and, as of this writing, they are doing fine. I was happy with all my hard work and good results, and with the fact that I could be considered one of the few breeders in America 11

that had spawned the C. managuense. Upon further inquiry from A.C.A., I was informed that the fish could spawn every 2 months if they like the setup. Could they be wrong? I clocked them at every 22 days so far. Soon the 30th of September will be coming around and my male is coloring up again. These Latin lovers are always on time. Spawn #2 is doing fine now and coming along very nicely. I must recommend these fish to one and all members of our fish society who love the larger, more intelligent, and beautiful cichlid, and who are always looking for the unusual. Perhaps soon my Latin beauties will be available for all to share. The milling school of fry present a desirable and beautiful sight to all my visitors to the fish room. I intend to visit their native Lake Managua soon and bring home a few wild "Guapote Tigre" and C. dovii of my own. The lush blue waters of this mysterious country abound with many cichlids yet unseen by hobbyists anywhere in the world....and other exotic cichlid types are there just for the net dipping. Yes, C. managuense is truly the leader of the pack and the fish of the 70's. Africa has nothing on them

(*) A.C.A. Buntbarsche Bulletin

"The Rest Of Tlie Stoi-v:

The 1932 Carl Kaplan Medal JOSEPH FERDENZI ow many things do you possess that were made as far back as 1932? More specifically, how many aquarium objects do you possess from those days? This year, GCAS was fortunate enough to become the custodian of one such object — a golden medallion commissioned by the Society and awarded to a distinguished aquarist at its 1932 show. How did the recovery of this precious object come about after a passage of some 65 (!) years? Within the answer to that question lies a trail of events and coincidences almost too outlandish to be believed. Yet, they are to be believed because they really happened. The bizarre chronicle begins in the late 1960's. I was a young aquarist who could not afford subscriptions to aquarium magazines. But, on my periodic visits to area pet shops, I would buy the current magazines whenever I could afford them. There were two popular periodicals at the time: The Aquarium (started by William Innes) and Tropical Fish Hobbyist (started by Herbert Axelrod). Well, The Aquarium began running a series of articles entitled "A History of the Aquarium Hobby in America," by Albert Klee. The series fascinated me. I was awed by the accomplishments and tribulations of our pioneering aquarists. The years pass. In 1986, I am honored to be elected President of the Society. It was


founded in 1922. It is one of the oldest aquarium societies in America. But, its history is largely unrecorded. Klee's history has no mention of it. Why? What mystery enshrouds it? I am determined to reveal it, and, so, I begin my study. The result of my study is that, in February of 1990, the first version of "An Abbreviated History of the Greater City Aquarium Society" is published in the Society's newsletter, Network. Mary Ann and Joe Bugeia are members of the Society. They pass the article along to their daughter, Terri Lombardi, who had been Network's original Editor. She sends me material that includes some back issues of Network. One of these is the Nov/Dec 1982 edition, which featured an article about the return of the 1933 C. H. Peters medal to the Society. That discovery eventually led me to research the story behind the C.H. Peters medal. That story was published in the February, 1997 issue of Modern Aquarium. At about the same time that this article was being published, there occurred the fantastic coincidence that the famous hobbyist Ross Socolof was publishing his memoirs, Confessions of A Tropical Fish Addict (Socolof Enterprises, 1996). Of course, I purchased the book. Upon reading the early pages, I came across a Socolof memory that galvanized me. Here is the passage in its entirety:

What happened in 1931 affected my life more than anything else ever did. Cousin Carl Kaplan came to live with us. His mother was my mother's sister (Aunt Beatrice). She needed help. My parents took Carl home. He stayed for years. Cousin Carl became the older brother I never had. He lived with us until sometime before World War Two. I not only got an older brother, but got a brother obsessed with Tropical Fish. I loved my cousin Carl (still do) . I now vividly remember hours and hours spent in our magic basement (in Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn, New York. City) "doing" Tropical Fish. I immediately bonded to Carl and to Tropical Fish. In the next years the two of us spent uncounted hours in the fish room. Carl was a patient teacher. I can still taste foul water choking me while trying to learn how to siphon. I learned how to siphon. In those years you siphoned with a thick rubber hose. It was all I could do to get my mouth open wide enough to siphon. Carl's most prized possession was a double piston Marco air pump. I can still hear the never ending chuga, chuga, chuga. It pumped air into thirty or forty refrigerator liners, bathtubs, and aquariums via spaghetti like rubber tubing that connected all with many brass valves. It took a delicate touch to adjust them to provide air to all the


Mr. Kaplan's letters are also part of my treasure trove. They are full of kind words and wonderful reminiscences (excerpts of which were published in the 1997 Souvenir Show Journal). The 1932 show at which Mr. Kaplan won this medal is one of the most famous in Society history. In the November 1932 issue of The Home Aquarium Bulletin, it was reported that some 12,000 (!) visitors came to see this show, which was held at the Highland Park YMCA on Jamaica Avenue (that "Y" is still there). Needless to say, the show was very competitive. The November 1932 issue of Aquatic Life (another leading hobby magazine of its day) had a very complete report on the show, including a list of the major winners. There, under the heading "Awarding" a 3rd Place plaque for the best collection of fishes in the "Advanced Fancier" division of the show, is the name "C. Kaplan." First and Second Place medals were also awarded for individual fish in that division (notice that there were no Third Place or "bronze" medals). To have won a third place plaque for an entire collection of fish in such a magnificant show speaks a great deal about Mr. Kaplan's standing as one of the premier aquarists of that day. Every time I look at Mr. Kaplan's medal, I am reminded of the fantastic events that, linked end on end, lead to our possession of this precious

relic of our early history. A love for the study of the past led to the creation of a wonderful present and the expectation of a future enriched by the knowledge of Carl Kaplan. "There is a history in all men's lives." Shakespeare (from Henry IV. Part Two). Postscript to the story on the C. H. Peters medal

In the article on that medal, I wondered how C. H. Peters came to have a 1933 Show Judge's medal when the contemporary report on that show (in the November, 1933 issue of Aquatic Life) does not mention him as one of the judges. I speculated that, perhaps, he was scheduled to be a judge, but that, for some unknown reason, was unable to perform that role. I now have verification of the theory that he was scheduled to be one of the judges. Recently, I acquired a copy of our Society's 1933 Show Journal from the collection of the late Jare Sausaman (see the obituary in the March, 1997 issue of Modern Aquarium). This rare surviving copy (it is the only one I have ever seen; nor have I ever seen one offered for sale before) names all the scheduled judges. Indeed, there were four: the three mentioned in the Aquatic Life report and our missing Mr. Peters.

i JL

The lights were turned off, but I swear the one second from the left was the one who shot his mouth off at Goldie." 14


By the term "working," Mr. Dawes means a species tank which is kept for study rather than display. The owners (that's us) may want to observe behavior, nutritional requirements, susceptibility to diseases, etc. Nursery tanks would fall into this category. It seems to me that A Series On Books For The Hobbyist quarantine tanks would also fit this category, SUSAN PRIEST although the author didn't mention them. I learned that the author's favorite fish remember my first fish tank like it was is the Anableps anableps, or Four Eyed fish. yesterday. The gravel was washed, the Don't misunderstand me; he didn't come right water was aged, and I was almost as green out and say it was his favorite. In Part I he as the plastic Madagascar Lace Plant. The first offers us a detailed description of the eyes of fishes were a pair of Swordtails. Sometime these fish (of which there are only two), and how during the wee small hours of their first night at they are able to see simultaneously above and our house, the female gave birth to a couple of below the water. This, in combination with his dozen fry. I'll never forget my excitement when lovingly-designed tank setup for these same I discovered them. Reading "Fancy is Better" fishes, as described in Part II, has led me to by Chuck Davis brought these memories to the draw this conclusion. I have to admit that I surface. It also sent me to my bookshelf. couldn't help but be fascinated by them myself. The subtitle of Part III is the Livebearing Fipifes this book reads: A catalogue of selected guide to their I>ai wes • species and varieties. [livebearers] aquarium 1995 Some well-known care, biology and livebearers, along with "relatively uncommon classification. In the preface, Mr. Dawes alludes species that are likely to become more readily to some "less known and more surprising" available in the foreseeable future," make up the members of this group of fishes. For example, author's selections. Up until this point, the book that great great grandmother of them all (my has been sparsely illustrated. The emphasis now words, not his), the Coelacanth, is actually a switches to approximately 75% photos with 25% livebearer. text. Each fish listed has information on range, In Part I, which is made up of several overall size (for both males and females), water chapters devoted to biology, the author wrestles requirements, preferred diet, and breeding. The with the question "what is a livebearer?" He is notes at the end of every listing make you feel as confounded at every turn by an exception to each if the author has kept each of these fish, and can attempted rule. We breathe a sigh of relief when therefore offer a personal observation. he settles on "degrees of livebearing." Here he This book does not offer a glossary or turns to descriptions of specific reproductive a bibliography. However, at the end of each "strategies." He ultimately offers us a working chapter there is a list of suggested further definition, which he still can't resist qualifying as readings. The index is doubly useful because it less than foolproof: is cross-referenced. For example: the listing for the Butterfly Goodeid tells you to "see Ameca "A livebearer is a splendens." (I was stunned by the beauty of the freshwater aquarium fish that one that took First Place in the Livebearer Class employs internal fertilization of at our Show last May.) eggs followed by either their From Coelacanth to Celebes Halfbeak, deposition after a shorter or this book has something to interest every longer period of time or their hobbyist. This is the stuff memories are made retention within the body of the of. female until the moment of birth." finis columti is open to Sn^oiie irt Of particular interest and usefulness to who wants to review any book, magazine, aquarists is Part II: Aquarium Care. We are or other published material related to the j warned of the unsuitability of community aquarium bobby. aquariums as a home for livebearers. Choice of aquarium layout depends on your purpose; is it to be a decorative, working, or breeding tank?






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Visit "LUCILLE", Our Pond& Falls In Our Backyard! You Can Build A Pond Too.


G.C.A.S. HAPPENINGS \A/elCOnriG« Let's extend a warm welcome to our newest members: Ben Blank and Blasine & Evangelista Rodriguez


Last meeting's BOWL SHOW Winners; 1st: Steve Sagpna* 2nd: J^en Hooper - Red Guppy Hooper - Pasp| Gu|p| Sept*W—Jitihe '98 JBowl Show Standings to date: 13 points: Steve SagOnafll .,*;;* x*::::-%:,, 5 points: Ken Hooper :,;Jp :;;S: 1 point: Ellen Halligan:; rfCIf

F1!sla Slxows airdl Auctions EAST COAST GUPPY ASSOCIATION


i|||l GUPPY & TRpPlt^ FI§B pUCTION ||| December 13 - Queens Botanical £&rdeh> 43-|p Main Street, Flushing, ^intersection of Dahlia a^iiviain streets). $}jow-q|iality guppies, dry goods||ajll ;other species of tropjeal fish will be auctioned. T|e auction starts at Noon, wj||| preview viewing of jfi^h siting at 11AM. "^ * For information call: l|||;Qe(llge (718)428-7191 or;<}enBaud||f:: (516)345-6399 Here are meeting times and locations of aquarium societies in the Metropolitan New York area: GREATC|JtCITYiA9trARIUMSO<|i[ETY

Brooklyn Aquarium Society

^ember 3 |: vl. - 1st Wednesday of each: Imonih atJ^iejQueens Botanical Garden 1|3 JSCtmtaet:;::::iv!|i. Vincent Sileo II : Telephone: Illg) 846-6984

NSxt Meetihgi; November 14 Aquarium *!lf|;:: Wildlife :?C-pservation,

East Coast Guppy Association |||)?:|>:.M. - 1st ,jpi^^::;:g month at thei Queens Botanical Garden Contacts: Jeff George /Gen Baudier TeleJtene: (718l4ii||l:iO / (516)341-6399

"Brooklyn, NY*


^Siact: BAS Events Hjtiline-f: ssP ^ Telephone: ( 7 1 8 ) ' 1^3

Big Ajpple Guppy Club

:;!Meetsi 8:00 P.M. -:3r monjlii:i;;at the Queens Contgdt! Mr, jj^iMfiild Curtin Telephone;; :jj If 63 1 -0538

Long Island Aquarium Society

Nassau County Aquarium Society

Meets: 8:00 P.M. - 3rd Ffday of each month at Holtsville IP'ajf and 2;8b; 24? Buckley Rd. Holtsville, NY 11801 Contact: Mr. Vinny Kreyling Telephone: (516) 938-4066

Meets: 8:00;;JfeSJP 2nd Tuesday of each rnqntli at the Merrick Park Golf Course, Merrick, NY Contact: Mr. Ken Smith Telephone: (516) 589-5844

North Jersey Aquarium Society

Norwalk Aquarium Society

Meets: 8:00 P.M. - 3rd Thursday of each month at the American Legion Post Hall, Nutley, NJ Contact: Mr. Dore Carlo Telephone: (201) 332-4415

Meets: 8:00 P.M. - 3rd Thursday of each month at the Nature Center for Environmental Activities, Westport, CT Contact: Mrs. Anne Stone Broadmeyer Telephone: (203) 834-2253




Mexico, our neighbor to the South, is home to many of our favorite livebearng fishes. Your task, if you choose to accept it, is to indicate on this chart which of these livebearers are native to Mexico. Buena Suerte!

Scientific Name

Mexican Native YES NO

Common Name

Corynopoma riisei

Swordtail Characin

Dermogenys pusillus

Wrestling Halfbeak

Poecilia velifera

Sailfm Molly

Limia nigrofasciata

Humpbacked Limia

Allot oca dugesi

Golden Bumblebee Goodeid

Xiphophorus montezumae

Montezuma Swordtail

Jenysia lineata

One-Sided Livebearer

Xiphophorus maculatus


Gambusia episcopi

Bishop Fish

Anableps anableps

Four-Eyed Fish

Answers to last month's puzzle,









(Peruvian Characin) (Cichlid from Ecuador) (A Mexican Platy)


(Killifish from Venezula)



(Southern U.S.A. Goby)



(Catfish from Equador)








(Characin from Paraguay) (Cichlid from Nicaragua) (Catfish from Brazil)



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