Modern Aquarium

Page 1



Series III

Vol. VI, No. 1

January, 1999


The S word tali, X^>/)o/>/7oraS: -hel/en,: is an: .attractive fish that is easy to keep, and breecf; It is :weff-suiteel f0r the beginner and, as noted in 'Aquarist of our Golden E r 3" i n thj s issue . i t was: the first fish I kept : :by £ari • •Kaplan,: •a";;; member^ :: of;:. Greater City; in the 1930s,

Editor's Babblenest


President's Message


I l l l l l l

15 Easy Points


The Amusing Aquarium


The Aquarist's Sketchpad


. Secretary 1 1 | | , . :; 8reg; Wuest Secretary | , . i>Rat

GCAS Past Award Winners


^embers At Lame ||| Btigei a |i • | | | || 4oe ; Bug eia Pete D'Qncr Garlotti DeJager Claudia Dickinson ' " Jeff George

GCAS 1997-1998 Awards


photo : by aason Keener

President . . . . . .;//,,:, "VincentStleo,

Cornmlttee Chairs Breeder Award v .:;^.'. €|||| ; ;: Greg -Wuest ; Early AnwaJs || . ; « , Leonard Rarnroop llftlfS, Deflate;, v,;.Alexander;:priast; |||||||y/B.G.. Liason . j Ben/Emma Haus Members/Programs , Claudia Dickinson N.E.C; Delegate ||| ; Ciaudta

|i||| in Chief I , . Alexander A; ^Priest Technical Editor 1 1|| | .:;Wafren Feuer ; |||||§Layaot Editor 1 1 . ^ason ;: |p|i||i ||i^|||c;tion Director . Bernard Harrigan Advertising :Mgr. . .,. Mark Sobernaan A ssista nt ;, : , :: | . -.^x^at; '; .^Gtiion^ • ;: Editor ; . V Joseph Ferdenzi

1998 Modern Aquarium Article Index


February Events


FAASinations - FAAS Delegate Report


NEC Delegate Report


Carl Kaplan: Aquarist of our Golden Era . . . . 17 When Rare means Well Done



G.C.A.S. Happenings


Fin Fun (Puzzle Page)


Printing By Postal Press

Articles submitted for consideration in MODERN AQUARIUM must be received no later than the 10th day of the month, three months prior to the month of publication. Copyright 1999 by the Greater City Aquarium Society Inc., a not-for-profit New York State corporation. All rights reserved. Not-for-profit aquarium societies are hereby granted permission to reproduce articles and illustrations from this publication, unless the article indicates that the copyrights have been retained by the author, and provided reprints indicate source and two copies of the publication are sent to the Exchange Editor of this magazine. Any other reproduction or commercial use of the material in this publication is prohibited without express written prior permission. The Greater City Aquarium Society meets every month, except during July and August. Meetings are the first Wednesday of the month and begin at 8:00 P.M. Meetings are held at the Queens Botanical Gardens. For more information, contact Vincent Sileo (718) 846-6984. You can also leave us a message at our Internet Home Page at: http: //ourworld. CompuServe. com/homepages/greatercity


by ALEXANDER A. PRIEST his issue of Modern Aquarium marks the beginning of our sixth year of publishing Series III. I hope to introduce several changes and improvements during 1999. Starting this month, we have a new regular feature — the "Aquarist's Sketchpad." This will showcase our resident artist, Bernie Harrigan. Bernie has been responsible for our monthly cartoon, "The Amusing Aquarium," but we have not made full use of his talents. This new feature will not only make our magazine more attractive, but it will also provide useful information not readily available elsewhere all in one place (such as a fish's point value in our Breeders Award Program, when it was last bred in our BAP, and any article or articles written about it in Modern Aquarium). Don't worry, we have no plans to discontinue "The Amusing Aquarium," the best regular cartoon feature in any amateur publication. You will soon get a Readership Survey. I want your honest opinions, because this magazine must, first and foremost, be responsive to the needs and expectations of our members. I know we had a membership survey in 1996 (which was reported in the January 1997 issue of Modern Aquarium). But that was nearly three years ago. Members change and members' interests also change. (By 1996, I had not kept Blue Eyes or Rainbowfish, now I have two species of Blue Eyes and they are among my favorites.) Also, while a member survey will tell us what fish people keep, this may not be the same as what fish they want to read about. I was also concerned about a "President's Message" last year which implied that members had approached our President to say that Modern Aquarium was not doing the kind of job that they wanted. Because Vince did not come to me


directly, I assume he was told this in confidence. While I respect this, and would not ask WHO said what, I'm upset that anyone in our society would hold this opinion and not mention it to someone on our Editorial Staff. This Readership Survey will be a way for whoever approached Vince, and anyone else with similar feelings, to express their opinions directly to me, as Editor. I received a comment about last month's Modern Aquarium from a GCAS member. He said that he liked that issue because it had a lot of information on fish. What was clearly implied was that some issues of Modern Aquarium do not have a lot of fish information. Unfortunately, I must agree; but in defense I have to point out that I only print what I get. If you want more articles of a certain type, write them yourself or, if you know some GCAS member who is knowledgeable in your area of interest, suggest to that person that he or she write an article for Modern Aquarium. Our new Author Award Program is now in operation: collect points, reach designated achievement levels, receive awards, and be eligible for a contributors' only raffle at the end of the year. If you have other ideas for getting more members to write, or for additions to our Author Award Program, please share them with me. I'm willing to listen to new ideas (but understand that budget, time, technology, or manpower restraints may make an otherwise excellent idea impractical for Modern Aquarium at the present time). I know some of you are members of other societies (so am I). If you see something in another society's publication that you'd like to see in Modern Aquarium, let me know. In most cases, whatever our sister societies can do, so can we, and we might even add a few improvements or innovations (again, within those restraints of our budget, time, technology, and manpower). Nearly every year we make changes to Modern Aquarium — some changes being more obvious than others. Last year we changed the outside of Modern Aquarium to resemble a bound book, put page numbers on the outer edge of each page, and adjusted the margins. This year we have the "Aquarist's Sketchpad," regular FAAS and NEC columns (started on a trial basis last year), and we are putting information on the bottom of each page to identify the source if a Modern Aquarium page is photocopied. Other suggestions for changes will be given serious consideration.

January 1999

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

President's Message VINCENT SILEO hope that everyone's Holiday was enjoyable. Furthermore, I hope that you have been able to join us at our Holiday Party and have picked up this issue of Modern Aquarium there! As with any organization and event there were many different ideas and opinions about what we should and should not do at the Holiday Party. Someone brings up an idea and the board discusses it and thinks it over. We try to anticipate how the idea will effect everyone involved and, of course, we make sure that the idea is within our budget. We play with different versions of the original idea and either mold it into the best that it can be, or we scrap it altogether. The most important part of this process is to keep a win - win attitude. Even though you might think that the idea up for discussion is not a good one, you should try to see the positive side of the idea and build upon it — try to come up with a final solution that will make everyone happy. Usually no one person has all of the answers, and what might appear to be a ridiculous idea at first often ends up being terrific. It's somewhat like the ugly duckling blossoming into a beautiful swan. Still, other times there just isn't enough to work with, but you won't know that for sure until you've looked at it from all sides and from everyone's point of view. Many people refuse to speak up when they have an idea because they fear that it will be immediately rejected. Unfortunately, many opportunities have been missed because of this. When people share their ideas, they are making themselves vulnerable to rejection. They are putting their worth and ego out where everyone can judge them. I don't recall any ideas that have been brought up for discussion by the board of governors that was merely for personal gain. All ideas have been for the benefit of the Society. At the very least, each idea deserves to be carefully considered and explored before being judged.


Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

We are now working towards our Fish Frolic on May 22, 1999 at the Queens County Farm Museum. Many ideas are already in the works; but new ideas are always welcome and will be given careful consideration. And while it may appear to be early to be working on our next Fish Show in the year 2000, the clock is quickly ticking; so now is the time to bring up any ideas for this event as well. Of course, there are many people who don't want to be burdened with all of the planning and problem solving that goes along with these events. Some of you may just want to be a spectator in these events, and you are more than welcome to do so! Ideas are great but they don't amount to much if they aren't acted upon. The board of governors, editorial board, and a number active members handle most of the day to day operations of the Society. However, we are always happy when other members can donate their time and skills. This helps to spread the work around so that everyone has less responsibilities and can concentrate on the task at hand, allowing us to do the best job possible. The need to spread the workload is magnified when we are putting on a special event. This is when everyone takes on added duties and responsibilities. These special events put us in the spotlight, in a public facility, during the middle of the day. Hopefully, there will be a lot of prospective new members taking a look at us for the first time. This is when we want to look our best, and we can if everyone pitches in and lends a hand. Who is the Greater City Aquarium Society and what do they do? You are the GCAS and you can create the image that you want the Society to project. As usual, just contact me or any of the board members listed in the front of this magazine.

January 1999

Points by JEFF GEORGE he Redhump Eartheater is a wonderful fish presently identified as "Geophagus " steindachneri. The genus Geophagus is in the middle of revision by the Swedish ichthyologist, Sven Kullander, and he has yet to address the Redhump and its near relatives. We put the generic name, Geophagus, in quotes, to remind us not to get too attached to it—Kullander plans to move these fish into their own genus in the near future.


Related Species Two other species will no doubt move into the new genus along w i t h "G. " steindachneri. They are "G. " pellegrini and "G." crassilabris. Whether these species have actually appeared in the hobby, I am not sure. What I do know is that "G " steindachneri often appears in stores and on wholesaler lists under the name "G " pellegrini. Unless you are very certain of the reliability of the identification, figure that a fish offered as pellegrini is really steindachneri. Geophagus hondae and G magdalenae are both both synonyms of "G " steindachneri which occasionally appear in literature or in the trade. Despite a l l t h i s c o n f u s i o n , "G." steindachneri and pellegrini can be told apart. "G. " steindachneri is generally greener, while pellegrini tends more toward yellow or brown. More significantly, while the pattern of black blotches and green spangles is fairly random on steindachneri, the markings of pellegrini are more "organized." "G. " pellegrini always has a black blotch on the caudal peduncle, and shows a pattern of five black vertical bars, which appear and fade according to mood. The third of these bars continues into the dorsal, marking that fin at the last few spines, but before the soft rays. "G." pellegrini is also a larger fish, with males capable of exceeding 8" standard length, while "G" steindachneri tops out at about 6" SL (standard length). The photos I have seen of "G. " crassilabris show a plainer fish than either of its cousins, with few if any green or blue spangles. An even better method of identifying crassilabris is by collection location — found in Panama, it is the northernmost member of the Geophagine tribe. "G." steindachneri and

pellegrini both come from the northern countries of mainland South America. Description and husbandry As you might imagine, the Redhump Eartheater is distinguished by a large, reddish bulge on the forehead of mature males. As with many cichlid species sporting this type of adornment, the color intensity and size of the hump varies with the mood and condition of the fish. Otherwise, the Redhump is designed along familiar eartheater lines — a long snout with a down-turned mouth, used to sift through the substrate for the invertebrates that make up the majority of its diet. Both sexes have a green or gray-green base color, with irregular black splotches and metallic green or blue spangles splashed across the sides. Unlike most Geophagines—but similar to the maternal mouthbrooders of Lake Malawi — the male is much more colorful than his mate. Color pattern is extremely variable, though commercial stocks tend to be much less impressive than wild fish and their immediate progeny. While the Redhump Eartheater can grow over 6 inches long, it is capable of breeding at less than half that size. A small group of 3-4" specimens will get along well and spawn happily in a 20-long or 30-gallon aquarium provided with strong filtration and plenty of cover. As the fish approach their full size — a process that takes several years—they should be moved to at least a 55 gallon aquarium. Though they hail from the rivers of Columbia and Venezuela, Redhumps are not at all picky about water chemistry. I have kept and bred them in water ranging from neutral to very alkaline, with no obvious difference in productivity. Even my original, wild-caught fish were perfectly happy in the same water I used to spawn Malawian and Tanganyikan species. What is important, however, is that the water be clean. This is not as difficult as with similar-sized Central American species. Geophagine cichlids are lighter eaters, and considerably less prone to making a mess of their aquarium. The Redhump is anything but fussy about food. I have spawned them on nothing more than cichlid pellets and spirulina flakes,

January 1999

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

though they appreciate some blackworms or frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms. I also feed them homemade frozen foods, based either on beefheart or catfood(I), when I have them available. Like most eartheaters, Redhumps prefer to eat from the substrate, though they can be trained to feed from the surface. In a species tank, however, they are more likely to wait for floating foods to sink to the bottom before dining. Because of their preference for bottomfeeding, I break my usual practice of keeping bare-bottomed breeding tanks for Redhumps. I find they are happier and more at ease when they have an inch or so of fine sand (not gravel) to sift through. You don't need to worry about the sand fouling or going anaerobic, because the Redhumps will move it all around the tank in their search for buried snacks.

easily identified, however, by their shy behavior and bulging throats. The female Redhump assumes sole responsiblity for eggs and fry, holding them for roughly two weeks before releasing them for the first time to feed. At this point, the fry are over a quarter-inch in length, and are amazingly numerous, especially if you are used to African mouthbrooders. At just three inches, my females typically produced about 60 fry; I can only imagine the number that would be produced by a 6-inch female. I am sure it would be at least a couple hundred. Unlike their distant African cousins, Redhumps make model mothers. I leave the female in the breeding colony for about a week, to get used to holding, then move her to a separate five-gallon tank to release her brood. I leave her there until I see her release the fry, at which point I begin feeding both mother and

Breeding The Redhump Eartheater is a willing and prolific breeder. As an advanced maternal mouthbrooder, it should be set up for spawning in a manner similar to Rift Lake mouthbrooders. Ideally, a single male should be kept with several mature females. Given adequate food, clean water anywhere between pH 6.0 and 8.0, and a temperature at or near 80째 F, spawning is not only likely, it is almost unavoidable. The spawning tank should include more hiding places than fish, especially if there is more than one male in the tank. Usually, any aggression by the male is spread over several females, and none are singled out for severe harassment. I have never witnessed a spawn, so I can't describe the process. Brooding females are

children. For the next few days, she will continue to gather up the fry when I approach the tank. I still squirt some baby brine shrimp into the tank anyway, knowing she will release the fry to feed as soon as she's settled down again. At the same time, I'll give her a small pinch of flakes or cichlid pellets to help her recover her strength. When the mother loses interest in picking up the fry, I move her back to the breeding colony tank. At this point, she's been eating for a few days, and is ready to go back into the community. I have never had a female devour her own brood, even after she stops accepting them into her mouth. Her mate and sisters are not so trustworthy, though. I've never seen a single fry survive from a brood released in the breeding colony.

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

January 1999

Bernard Harrigan, Artist;

Warren Feuer, Research

Scientific Name: Neolamprologus multifasciatis Common Name: Many-banded shell dweller Adult Size: 13/4n <J - 11/2" 9 Native Habitat: Lake Tanganyika (Africa) Water Conditions: pH 8.2+ (moderately alkaline); medium to hard Degree of difficulty to keep: 2 (easy) Degree of difficulty to breed: 2 (easy - shell spawner) GCAS Breeders1 Point Value: 15 Last Bred in GCAS (month/year): June 1993 Last article about this fish in Modern Aquarium: "Keeping and Breeding Neolamprologus multifasciatis" by Steve Sagona, April 1994

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

GCAS a*t &toarij Winmvs ROLL OF HONOR (Up to the 1995-96 Award Year) Gene Baiocco Charles Elzer Herb Fogal Joe Bugeia Joe Ferdenzi Paul Hahnel Mary Ann Bugeia Ben Haus Jack Oliva Dan Carson Emma Haus Herman Rabenau BREEDER OF THE YEAR (Since 1981) 1981-82 . . . . Ginny & Charlie Eckstein 1982-83 . . . . Ginny & Charlie Eckstein 1983-84 . . . . Rich Sorensen 1984-85 . . . . Rich Sorensen 1985-86 . . . . Yezid Guttierez 1986-87 . . . . Joe Ferdenzi 1987-88 . . . . Patricia Piccione 1988-89 . . . . Joe Ferdenzi

1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

Marcia Repanes Nick Repanes Don Sanford Mark Soberman Francis Lee Eddie Szablewicz Dominic Isla Steve Sagona Joe Ferdenzi Steve Sagona Tom Miglio Mark Soberman

ALL - TIME BREEDER AWARD STANDINGS (As of June 1998) Joe Ferdenzi - 790 John lannone - 485 Francis Lee - 390 Steve Sagona - 655 Ginny & Charlie Gerald Gorycki - 370 John Stora - 540 Eckstein - 455 Marcia & Nick Repanes - 355 Jose Aranda - 505 Richard Sorensen - 420 Jack Oliva - 345 AOUARIST OF THE YEAR (Since 1990-91) 1990-91 . . . . Diane & Harold Gottlieb 1991-92 . . . . Doug Curtin & Don Curtin 1992-93 . . . . Mark Soberman 1993-94 . . . . Warren Feuer

1994-95 1995-96 1996-97

BOWL SHOW CHAMPIONS (Since 1983-84) 1983-84 . . . . Tom Lawless 1984-85 . . . . Tom Lawless 1985-86 . . . . Joe Ferdenzi 1986-87 . . . . Joe Ferdenzi 1987-88 . . . . (tie) Mark Soberman and Mary Ann & Joe Bugeia 1988-89 . . . . Jason Ryan 1989-90 . . . . Eddie Szablewicz

..... ..... .....

Harold Ketterer The Lombardis Don Sanford Mark Soberman

- 335 - 325 - 310 - 305

Steve Sagona Alexander & Susan Priest Joe Ferdenzi

1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97

.... .... .... .... .... .... ....

Eddie Szablewicz Steve Sagona Steve Sagona Steve Sagona Carlotti DeJager Mary Eve Brill Steve Sagona

VICTOR BECKER MEMORIAL AWARD For most outstanding species bred (1st awarded 1994-95) 1994-95 ......... Thomas Bohme (Serrasalmus nattereri) 1995-96 ......... John Moran (Synodontis multipunctatus) 1996-97 ......... Carlotti DeJager (Betta simplex) Mark Soberman (Corydoras duplicareus) PINO BARBARISI HORTICULTURAL 1993-94 ......... 1994-95 ......... 1995-96 ......... 1996-97 ......... GCAS PRESIDENTS (Post 1945 1946-49 Elliott Whiteway (4) 1950-51 Robert Greene (2) 1952-53 Robert Maybeck (2) 1954-55 Leonard Meyer (2) 1956-57 SamEstro(2) 1958 Leonard Meyer (1) 1959-64 Gene Baiocco (6) 1965 Andrew Fazio (1) 8

AWARD Don Curtin & Doug Curtin Steve Gruebel Vincent & Rosie Sileo Joe Ferdenzi

— number in parenthesis = consecutive terms) 1966-68 Charles Elzer (2) 1978-79 Louis Kromm (1) 1968-70 Walter Hubel (2) 1979-81 Don Sanford (2) 1970-72 Dave Williams (2) 1981-84 Brian Kelly (3) 1972-73 Dan Carson (1) 1984-86 Jack Oliva (2) 1973-75 Herb Fogal (2) 1986-97 Joe Ferdenzi (11) 1975-76 Richard Hoey (1) 1997-99 Vincent Sileo (2) 1976-77 Ted Tura (1) 1977-78 Gene Baiocco (1) January 1999

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

Greater City Aquarium Society 1997 - 1998 Awarded January 6, 1999






GREG WUEST [breeding Nothobranchius foerschi} JOE FERDENZI [breeding Corydoras adolfoi]


Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

January 1999

1998 Modern Aquarium Article Index ANABANTOIDS Siamese Fighting Foods - Alexander A. Priest An African Bubblenester - Alexander A. Priest Imbellis, Indeed! - Alexander A. Priest A Gourami Family Album - Alexander A. Priest

2/98 3/98 4/98 5/98

BOOK REVIEWS "WET LEAVES" Column — Susan Priest Aquarium Fish of the World (Petrovicky) Aquarium Fish of the World (Sakurai, Sakamoto, Mori) Bettas, Gouramis and Other Anabantoids (Vierke) Labyrinth Fish (Pinter) Colored Atlas of Miniature Catfish (Burgess) Nature Aquarium World 2 & 3 (Amamo) Official Guide to Goldfish (Goldfish Society of America) Freshwater Angelfishes (Axelrod & Burgess) Angelfish (Walker) Aquarist's Library (column by Lee Finley) The Biotope Aquarium (Stawikowski)

2/98 2/98 4/98 4/98 5/98 6/98 9/98 10/98 10/98 11/98 12/98

Other Book Reviews The Dragon Murder Case (Van Dine) - reviewed by Joseph Ferdenzi


CHARACINS (TETRAS) Black Butterflies in the Aquarium - Joseph Ferdenzi Rummy-Nose Tetras - Joseph Ferdenzi

6/98 4/98

CARTOONS: "THE AMUSING AQUARIUM" — Bernard Harrigan "Sexing Fish" "Galaxy's Tropical Fish" "Duck WEED" "Cycle Your Tank" "Fish Wits" "Glyptosternon garfieldi" "Mouth Brooders" "Big Fish, Little Pond" "Turkey Fish" "Celestial Goldfish"

1/98 2/98 3/98 4/98 5/98 6/98 9/98 10/98 11/98 12/98

CATFISH Breeding Corydoras duplicareus - Mark Soberman Five Days in the Life of Corydoras adolfoi - Joseph Ferdenzi Corydoras Catfish - Mark Soberman

5/98 11/98 12/98

CICHLIDS Best Laid Plans (Neolamprogus sp. "daffodil") - Warren Feuer Friday The 13th (Angelfish) - Susan Priest The Original Classic Scalare (Angelfish) - Joesph Ferdenzi Breeding Angelfish - Jason Kerner How To Prepare For New Fish (Altolamprologus calvus) - Warren Feuer I Guess No One Told Them The Rules (N. meleagris) - Warren Feuer Nanochromis transvestitus - Charley Sabatino Pseudotropheus demasoni - Claudia Dickinson


January 1999

6/98 10/98 10/98 10/98 11/98 12/98 12/98 12/98

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

OPINION AND/OR HUMOR "UNDERGRAVEL REPORTER" Column - continued Read This Before It Expires Visit My Website; Buy My T-Shirt! Have You Ever

10/98 11/98 12/98

Other Opinion and/or Humor Success At Last - Susan Priest The New GCAS Breeders Award Program - A Modest Proposal How To Reverse Petrification - Susan Priest The Coffee Complaint - Jeff George Goldfish in a Bowl? - Joseph Ferdenzi

4/98 4/98 6/98 9/98 9/98

PHOTOS (Front Cover) Aphyasemion gardneri - courtesy: Italian Killifish Assn Betta splendens - photo by Alexander A. Priest Ctenopoma ansorgei - photo by Alexander A. Priest Betta imbellis - photo by Alexander A. Priest Colisa Mia - photo by Alexander A. Priest Poecilocharax weitzmani - photo by Joseph Ferdenzi Xenotoca eiseni - photo by Jeff George Pterophyllum scalare - photo by Joseph Ferdenzi Corydoras adolfoi - photo by Joseph Ferdenzi International Stamp Collage by Alexander A. Priest

1/98 2/98 3/98 4/98 5/98 6/98 9/98 10/98 11/98 12/98

PLANTS Maintenance and the Planted Tank - Warren Feuer Mad Lace (Madagascar Lace Plant) - Vincent Sileo

2/98 12/98

Puzzle ("FIN FUN") Picture This [identify fish from original sketches] Thumb: Both Wet & Green [is the plant flowering or not?] Double Take [fish with the same genus and species name] Anabantoid Hunt [word search for labyrinth fishes] Geography 201: South America [about our southern neighbors] Triple Header [the 3 major U.S. hobby magazines] One Goodeid Deserves Another [identify Goodeids] Angelic Fin [Angelfish maze puzzle] Cory Dory Scramble [unscramble names of various corys] Continental Drift [match fish with their continent]

1/98 2/98 3/98 4/98 5/98 6/98 9/98 10/98 11/98 12/98

Other Puzzles: Scramble Aquarium - Chuck Davis


SPAWNING/BREEDING Fish Breeding for Dummies - Joseph Ferdenzi Breeding Corydoras duplicareus - Mark Soberman Breeding Angelfish - Jason Kerner Five Days in the Life of Corydoras adolfoi - Joesph Ferdenzi

1/98 5/98 10/98 11/98

SPEAKER PROFILES - by Claudia Dickinson Charlie Murphy Lee Finley Mike Sheridan . . . . . . . . . . .


11/98 11/98 12/98



January 1999

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

February Events . 7 - NToiniiraJjbL A«^ri;ai-i

Tropical Fish and Aquarium Equipment Auction The Nature Center: 10 Woodside Lane; Westport, CT Auction begins 12:30pm For information, call: Anne & Mark Broadmeyer (203) 834-2228 Basil Holubis (914) 669-5030 Ed Katauska (203) 375-4479 Feb. 14 - P±oraee


Aquarist Day '99 The Knights of Columbus Flail: Washington Road; Enfield, Ct 1-860-745-8825 (hall #) Auction: Noon Call: Linda Parciak (860)745-0785 e-mail: Feb. 2O - Tx*ojploal JRisl* Sooleiry of

Buck-A-Bag Auction St. Joseph's Parish Center: 1303 Mendon Road; Cumberland, RI Doors open: Sam; Auction starts 11am E-mail:




a6e, (Ou Modem Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

January 1999


The Federation of American Aquarium Societies by ALEXANDER A. PRIEST

still have nothing to report on the FAAS logo contest. According to the FAAS rules, without a majority no one entry won. Then, the committee chairman stepped aside and no one else has volunteered to carry this program through. It appears that the contest will be reopened with the logos submitted to date added to any new entries received. Since Greater City has two entries, I will continue to monitor and report on this. The new rules for the FAAS publication awards were mailed in December (we were promised them for November), retroactive to January of last year (meaning that they apply to our 1998 articles). The rules are about as clear as the sludge I syphon from some of my tanks. In the "What Were They Thinking About?" department we find:


The most heavily entered category (Articles Not In Any Other Class) is gone, without a replacement. There are not enough new categories to take up the slack and some excellent articles may not be submitted for lack of an appropriate category. "Marine," one of the least entered categories (often with too few entries to award a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place) is now two separate categories, each with a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. The new categories are: Marine-Fish and Marine-Invertebrates. The Junior category, which was inexplicably turned into three sub-categories last year after the submissions had been sent, is now officially three subcategories. (Would you consider an article by an 18 year old to be by a "Junior" member?) •

Best Changing cover is now two categories: "Best Changing Cover-Original Art and "Best Changing Cover-Non-Original Art" Modern Aquarium, uses original photographs. Are member photographs "Original Art" or not? Who knows? Before this year, there was a limit of six issues that could be submitted in the "Best Editor/Publication" category. This is not mentioned any more — but no specific mention was made of the fact that this restriction has been lifted.

Also, before this year, no article could be submitted in more than one category (except for the now defunct category of "Best Author"). The rules no longer mention this restriction, but it is not clear if an individual article can now be submitted in more than one category, or submitted both by itself and as part of a column.

What is lacking in FAAS is member society input — asking questions at the yearly convention is too little, too late. If a draft of these rules had been circulated, I for one would have commented. I doubt anyone who ever prepared a publication award submission was consulted on these rule changes. The new categories are: 1. Best Editor/Publication, more than six issues; 2. Best Editor/Publication, six or fewer issues; 3. Best Non-Changing Cover; 4A Best Changing Cover-Original Art; 4B Best Changing Cover, Non-Original Art; 5. Best FAAS-Related Article; 6. Best Exchange Column; 7. Best Review Column; 8. Best Spawning Article, under 500 words; 9. Best Spawning Article, 500-1000 words; 10. Best Spawning Article, more than 1000 words; 11. Best Article on a Genus of Fish; 12. Best Article on a species of Fish; 13. Best Marine Article-Fish; 14. Best Marine Article-Invertebrates; 15. Best Continuous FAAS Column; 16. Best Article on Aquascaping/Design; 17. Best Article on Plant Maintenance/Cultivation/Reproduction; 18. Best Show Article; 19. Best Judging Article; 20. Best Do-It-Yourself Article; 21. Best General Article on Society Management; 22. Best Article on Live Food; 23. Best Collecting Article; 24. Best Humorous Article; 25. Best Artist, Original Works; 26. Best Cartoonist; and 27. Best Continuing Column, Single Author.


January 1999

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

News From:

The Northeast Council Of Aquarium Societies by CLAUDIA DICKINSON

write this to you from a gently rolling ferry under a moonlit sky, as we pass along a shoreline of delicately twinkling white lights reflecting off of the water. I am northward bound to Connecticut for the NEC general meeting. The car is brimming with posters and flyers as the days draw near and the excitement mounts for the upcoming annual convention! I'm sure I will return filled with ideas and more news to share with you for next month!



The 24th Annual Convention on April 9-11 is rapidly approaching with only 83 days left to go! More speakers have been added to an already incredible line-up with TFH's newest columnist, Randy Carey, joining us from Minnesota to share the world of Characins! Scott Michael of AFM fame will treat us in person to his spectacular slideshow and expertise on marine fish! Larry Jackson will travel from Texas to show us his successful techniques used in setting up a Reef Aquarium! The renowned Dr. Wayne Leibel will lead us on an intriguing journey through 19th century Aquaria! When these names are added to the dynamic Chuck Davis on a Mystery Topic, Lee Finley on Loricariids, Oliver Lucanus on Discus, Mike Hellweg on plants, Thorney Pattenaude on Anabantoids, Gary Elson on Apistogramma, and Ray Lucas as our banquet MC, it is sure to be a most fabulous weekend! For those of you who may never have attended an NEC convention, enough couldn't be said for how much fun and excitement you will have! There are so many activities going on at once with speakers, demonstrations, vendors, raffles, prizes, a HUGE dry goods auction, awards banquet and a Giant Fish Auction that can't be beat! The hotel is beautiful and always more than pleasant and accommodating! The food is delicious and they welcome NEC attendees with a very special low rate! Convention booklets will be coming our way in the near future, so please take a close look and remember - the deadline for registration will be March 17th! So let's ALL make a grande representation of the GCAS ! Come On, join in the Fun and "Tie One On"!


Photo Contest! All those great prints and slides of your fish that you have stacks of, or maybe even have framed on your wall, could be in the winner's circle at the NEC Photo Contest! The contest has classes for underwater slides as well as prints. There is an advanced as well as an open division. There is also a category for "people pictures" from past NEC events. You may mail in your pictures, so you need not be present to be a winner! Details for the photo contest will be found on your seat at the meeting. Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions that you may have! Can't wait to see you when I return! Warmest wishes for a wonderful New Year!

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

January 1999





THE PET BARlti FRANKLIN SQUARE'S COMPLETE PET CENTER 212 FRANKLIN AVE FRANKLIN SQUARE, NY 11010 Come see our large Aquarium Plant display and receive J ONE FREE cultivated plant, just for stopping by! EXOTIC FRESHWATER FISH




CORAL AQUARIUM 75-05 Roosevelt Ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372 718-429-3934 Open Mon.-Fri. 10AM-8:OOPM Sat. 10AM - 7:OOPM Sun. 12PM - 6:OOPM • SALTWATER FISH


















All Major Credit Cards Accepted


January 1999

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

or ^Jwi by JOSEPH FERDENZI iscovering the past is very exciting. Recently, a gentleman from California called me with news about just such a discovery. He had been at a large antiques fair in Massachusetts when he spotted a beautiful silver water pitcher. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that there was affixed to it a brass medallion embossed with a fish and the legend: "The Aquarium Society - New York." Engraved on the pitcher below this medallion was the following: Best Collection of Tropical Fish Class B - 1934. Even though this gentleman is not an aquarist, he purchased the trophy. He then wanted to learn some of its history, and, after one thing led to another, he contacted me. I did some quick research for him, and, indeed, The Aquarium Society of New York (see my article about this now extinct club in the April 1998 issue of Modern Aquarium) had held a show in 1934 at the American Museum of Natural History. It was a great pleasure to know that this trophy, steeped in aquarium history, was still around. Well, if you think I was pleased about that, then just imagine how excited I was back in 1997 when I discovered a living trophy from Greater City's own fabled past. I am, of course, referring to Mr. Carl Kaplan, an aquarist who participated in our 1932 show (and who, coincidentally, was also awarded a prize for the Best Collection of Tropical Fish). I have already introduced Mr. Kaplan to readers of Modern Aquarium in our November 1997 issue. Fortunately for us, Mr. Kaplan lives right here in New York City, and, unlike an unfeeling antique, he is vibrant and generous. Most recently, I pestered him (although he is too gracious to say that — I say it) for memories of those early Greater City shows. Without delay, he sent me a letter containing some vivid recollections — details of our history that would otherwise be lost to future generations of Greater City members and aquarists from allover. Mr. Kaplan was fourteen years old when he began his pursuit of the aquarium hobby. He had entered a tropical fish store on Broadway in Brooklyn, and was enthralled by the colors and the variety of fish on display. He became especially fascinated when the owner explained that some of the fish gave birth to live babies.


Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

Eventually, he met a young hobbyist there who instructed him in some of the finer points of conditioning and breeding the fish. The young man spoke with a German accent, and kept livebearers including the Swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri). (Of course, German aquarists played a leading role in the early days of the aquarium hobby in America.) Mr. Kaplan purchased some Swordtails from his German friend, and so began his own breeding program. Like his mentor, Mr. Kaplan fed his fish exclusively on live food. This dietary regimen was believed to be the key to the proper conditioning of fish. Mr. Kaplan made himself a fine mesh net, and would venture down to a pond in Brooklyn (which is now the site of Tilden High School) where he would collect Daphnia two to three times a week. He also kept a box filled with humus in which he would culture white worms. Now having bred and grown some beautiful fish, Mr. Kaplan began to participate in the Greater City fish shows, which were then held in Brooklyn (near the Jamaica, Queens border). Mr. Kaplan modestly recalls that he did "quite well" at theses shows. Indeed, he won many prizes, and was an outstanding show exhibitor. Mr. Kaplan remembers that the shows had numerous entries and were well attended (a contemporary report of the 1932 show noted that there were some 12,000 visitors to the event!). He recalls that contestants brought their own fish tanks and water. (Today, at most aquarium shows, it is no longer necessary to bring your own tanks, unless you have a very large fish, or your own water, although most "experts" believe your fish will show better in your own water.) Interestingly, he mentioned that the show awards were presented to the winners at a beer garden that was located near the club's meeting place on Jamaica Avenue (the Highland Park YMCA). (A beer garden — gee, that's an idea I'd love to revive!) Mr. Kaplan was active in the hobby during its heyday in the 1930s — an exciting time in the development of the aquarium hobby — in that regard, I envy him. However, through him, I have had the pleasure of experiencing some part of that golden era. As an English poet once wrote: "Remembered joys are never past." (James Montgomery, "The Little Cloud").

January 1999


PETS TROPICAL FISH AQUARIUM Specializing in Tropical Fish and Aquarium Supplies Large Selection of Aquatic Plants Knowledgeable Staff Same Location Since 1947. 115-23 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418

(718) 849-6678











Visit "LUCILLE",

Our Pond& Falls In Our Backyard! You Can Build A Pond Too.

2890 Nostrand Avenue Bet Kings Hwy & Avenue P Brooklyn, NY 11229




January 1999

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

When Rare Means Well Done A series by "The Undergravel Reporter"

ow many times have you made a New Year's resolution to take better care of your fish (more frequent water changes, start live food cultures, less time between filter media replacement, etc.)? To be totally honest, I've done just that more than once. Usually, I follow through until at least the end of January, until old habits reappear and I'm back to changing water not on schedule, but whenever the tank becomes too unsightly. Fortunately, most of my fish are of the hardy and relatively inexpensive variety, and they seem to survive (if not actually thrive) on my form of benign neglect. The fish I get at our monthly auctions are, for the most part, exceptionally hardy (partly because they were raised in water whose chemistry is similar to my own, and I guess partly because they are used to somewhat similar benign neglect from other club members). However, I do have some fish which are relatively hard to come by, which are rarely seen in pet shops. It should come as no surprise that those tanks are on a much more regular maintenance schedule. It's not that I like my common and easily replaced fish any less — I like all my fish. However, I realize that some varieties would be nearly impossible to replace. Those fish are singled out by me for special handling. So, my New Year's resolution this year is somewhat different — it's to treat my prize rare fish the same way I treat all my other fish. This means that I will not do a water change on those tanks of "special" fish until after I have done a water change on all my other tanks. I'm hoping that, if I am able to see this resolution through, I'll do more frequent water changes in all my tanks in order to keep pampering my rare species.


Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

This leads me into thinking about other New Year's resolutions we aquarists and fellow society members might consider. What about a resolution to make a real effort to recruit one new member to our society? The magazine you're now holding is an excellent recruiting tool. Show it around, but stress that it is not available by subscription, only by membership. Another resolution might be to approach a local pet store (other than our current advertisers) and ask them if they might be interested in taking out an ad in our publication, or in donations to our society in exchange for a mention in our publication. Our advertising manager cannot be everywhere and if you, as a regular customer, approach a store, you might find them to be receptive. Resolve to visit all of our advertisers at least once this year, and mention you appreciate their support of our society. Have you ever seen someone wander into one of our meetings who is obviously there for the first time? Resolve to walk over to that person, smile, welcome her/him and volunteer to answer questions she/he may have about our society. As is the case with our advertising manager, our membership chairperson cannot be everywhere and is often busy at the membership table accepting renewals. Our auctions are great. But, I would guess that less than a quarter of our membership regularly donate items to our auction. If you are breeding fish for BAP points, resolve to donate the fry to the auction. If you are thinning out plants, resolve to bring healthy rooted cuttings to the auction. If you successfully bid on a bag of fish in our auction, or in an auction of one of our sister societies, and there are more fish than you really need (either for breeding or based on the available tank space you have), resolve to donate those "extra" fish at the next auction. Going back to the original premise of this article, that we tend to (and probably should) give special care to those things which are hard or impossible to replace, consider that this society is something that fills several unique needs. It would be extremely difficult to replace if it stopped functioning. That means we, as members, need to give it special attention. And, don't forget our publication. Why not resolve to write an article this year? Just think about how much you look forward to each issue, and look around to see how much other members enjoy it. An amateur publication of this quality is another rare thing, and that means it also needs special care.

January 1999


Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies

"Tie he in" Annual Convention April 9th-llth Hartford Marriott Hotel, Farmington, CT Exit 37 off 1-84, Farm Springs Park Manufacturer's representative, noted speaker and judge, Ray Lucas, will be the Banquet MC. The following speakers are already scheduled: Randy Carey — Characins Gary Elson — Apistogrammas Lee Finley — Loricariids Mike Helhveg — Plants Larry Jackson — Setting up a Reef Aquarium Dr. Wayne Leibel — 19th century Aquaria Oliver Lucanus — Discus Scott Michael — Marine Fish Thorney Pattenaude — Anabantoids And the renowned hobbyist and columnist Chuck Davis will speak on a "Mystery Topic"! There will also be a fish store tour, Dry Goods Auction, and the famous Giant Fish Auction. For information, call David and Janine Banks at 802-372-8716 or ask our NEC Delegate, Claudia Dickinson, at any meeting.


January 1999

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

G.C.A.S. HAPPENINGS Last Month's Bowl Show Results: 1) Leonard Ramroop - Betta splendens 2) Tom Miglio - Aphyosemion australe 3) Tom Miglio - V2 Black/Red Guppy Sept '98 — June '99 Bowl Show Standings to date: 1) Tom Miglio - 11 points 2) Howard Berdach - 9 points ...,.,,,,^:<<<:,.,,.... 3) (tie) Leonard Ramroop ancLBffB::Wranovics 4) (tie) Pat Piccione ^d: J^ George - 3 points

The fbllowingi:GC4S:;:^el|bers renewed their membership last meeting Howard B£i8|ph, Tom Bohme, and Roderick Mosley ....,.<<m The fgllSwing is a new member, please make him feel we|$|||e::;;'.-^llP •jtf* Petijifeiazza i^^K^'^^

|Here are nieeting times and locations

Metropolitan New Aquarium Society

Next Meeting: February 3 1g|| :|: Eiiijagd Doug Curtin speakin|s|ii plants in the 1940s Dutch metho||| 8||i|:|3ueens Botanical Contact: Mr.

|Quary 8




Mls-bn demonstratpps Hall, Aquarium """for:'; (N.Y. Events Hotline 837-4455

e-mail: Eaii|;:::Coiist Guppy Association

feets: fSpnth



Big Apple Guppy .

Thursday of each Garden


8:00 P.M. ^

the f l 8) Nassau

Long Island Aquarium::pociety

^li:^ - 2nd::;:piiay of each liili;W:the William ylGrouse Post 3211 V.F.W., Rte. lO^lpisville, NY

Meets: 8:00':%|1. month at HoltHllg Park and Buckley Rd. Bobi Contact: Mr. Vinny Telephone: (516) 938-4066

(516) 589-0913

North Jersey Aquarium Society

Norwalk Aquarium Society

Meets: 8PM - 3rd Thursday of the month at the American Legion Hall, Nutley, NJ (exit 151 Garden State Pkwy., near Rt. 3) Contact: NJAS Hotline at (201) 332-4415 ore-mail:

Meets: 8:00 P.M. - 3rd Thursday of each month at the Nature Center for Environmental Activities, Westport, CT Contact: Mrs. Anne Stone Broadmeyer Telephone: (203) 834-2253

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

January 1999


Fin Fun Snack Time It sometimes seems as though the people who give "common" names to fish and plants do so on an empty stomach because so many common names are related to food or drink. Below are two columns. Draw a line from one column to the other, connecting the food-related word on the left with an aquarium resident on the right whose common name includes that word.





















Solution to Last Month's Puzzle: COFITI[1f HTfll North America




Rummy Nose Tetra


Sun Loach


Clown Knifefish


Golden Galaxias

^ /

Upsidedown Catfish


Flag Cichlid


Butterfly Fish


Desert Goby


Jewel Cichlid


Archer Fish Forktail Rainbowfish

^ /

Rosy Barb Peacock Sunfish




Bristlenose Catfish

Desert Pupfish

South America


January 1999

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

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