u County L*m Socfefy Greater City Aquarium Society Long Island Aquarium Society Brooklyn Aquarfurn Society
November 7—9, 2008 Holiday Inn—Islip Airport 3845 Veterans Memorial Highway Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
631-585-9564 Room Rate $89 per night! Reservations must be made directly with the hotel. Mention you are attending the APISH Convention to receive this discounted room rate. Reservations must be made prior to October 7,2008. Complimentary shuffle from Macarthur Airport and the Ronkontoma URR station provided by the Holiday Inn.
Guest Speakers to include
Vendors to include.
Dick Au—Discus Sally Boggs Breeding Synod on tis. Eels and Loaches
Kingfish Services
David Boruchowitz— Editor-in-Chief Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine
Ken's Fish (.COM)
Andre Carf etto—Kiiiifish
Ro's Glass World
Chuck Davis—Featured Banquet Speaker
Finley Aquatic Books
Pat Donston The Immune System of Fishes in our Aquariums
Frank's Aquarium (.COM)
RitForcier Uvebearers
Kimme Koi—Ed Champigny
Gary Lange—Rainbcwfish Richard Levy—AFISH Room Challenge! Rosario LaCorte & Alan Fletcher History of the Aquarium Hobby
Tropical Fish Auction—Sunday, November 9, 2008 Fish—Plants—Dry Goods * Appearances subject to change.
May 2008
Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)