Full inaugural partner guide

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for Coaches

WBECS recommends

We are honoured to have you as an Inaugural Partner for Conversational Intelligence速 for Coaches Judith E. Glaser


Table of contents

Table of contents Overview of Judith Glaser Overview of the Vision of CIQ for Coaches Why are we inviting Inaugural Partners to join our mission? What is required to become an Inaugural Partner? What do you get for being an Inaugural Partner? Overview of Complimentary 90-Minute Session Commission Structure Overview of the 2016 CIQ for Coaches Program Timeline Examples of the invitations Sample Banners Testimonials

Conversational Intelligence速 for Coaches

Overview of Judith Glaser


Judith E. Glaser Judith E. Glaser is an Organizational Anthropologist. She is one of the most pioneering and innovative change agents, consultants, and executive coaches in the coaching industry.She is also the world’s leading authority on Conversational Intelligence®, Neuro-innovation, and WE-centric Leadership. She is a best-selling author of seven business books, including her newest best seller Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results. Through applying “the neuroscience of we” to business challenges, Judith shows CEOs and their teams how to elevate levels of engagement, collaboration, and innovation to positively impact the bottom line. Judith is the founder and CEO of Benchmark Communications, Inc., and the Chairman of The CreatingWE Institute. Her transformational approaches use neuroscience and anthropology to enable

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches

leaders to raise their Conversational Intelligence® and establish WE-centric cultures to build agile and higher performing individuals and teams poised to impact the bottom line and top line results in their organizations.

In 2004, Judith was awarded Woman of the Year in New York City. Since 2006, she has been listed in as one of the top 10 consultants globally in the Excellence Top 100 Consultants and is considered one of the Top 100 Thought Leaders in the world on the subject of leadership.


Overview of Judith Glaser

In 2006, Judith was inducted into the Temple University Gallery of Success, and in 2011, she was awarded the Drexel University Distinguished Alumni Award. She is a Founding Fellow of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital, a Harvard Medical School affiliate. She has spoken about WE-centric Leadership and Cultural Transformation on CBS Morning News with Charlie Rose & Gayle King, NBC’s Today Show, ABC World News, The Fox News Channel, The Martha Stewart Show, and the Family Network. She is frequently quoted on her revolutionary workplace approaches in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Crain’s, Harvard Business Review, The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, AMA World and is a contributing Editor for Executive Excellence Magazine. Judith was awarded a Research Fellowship from Drexel University where she earned a Master’s Degree in Human Behavior and Development, with additional work at the Bales School of Social Research at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Temple University and received her Master’s Certificate in Corporate and Political Communications from Fairfield University. Judith lives in Connecticut and New York City. Judith has also served as an Adjunct Professor at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, a visiting guest speaker at Harvard School of Business, the Keynote Speaker at MIT’s Innovation

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches

Conference, and a guest speaker at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. She has spoken at many universities, including (but not limited to)Loyola University, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, NYU, IIT, University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, Etisalat Academy in Dubai, and Tsinghua University in China and others. She is a frequent speaker for Vistage and TEC in the US and Canada. Judith is currently on the boards of The We Are Family Foundation and Expeditionary Learning. Judith’s best-selling books include: Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results, Creating WE: Change I-Thinking to WE-Thinking and Create a Healthy Thriving Organization; The DNA of Leadership, and 42 Rules for Creating WE. She is also the author of The Leadership Secret of Gregory Goose and its animated video, as well as a companion book about Gregory called Ultimate Power.

Overview of the Vision: Conversational Intelligence® Certification for Coaches


Overview of the Vision: Conversational Intelligence® Certification for Coaches Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches is going to have a profound impact on the coaching industry as a whole. In the way that Emotional Intelligence offered a new lens for exploring and elevating research about the role of emotions in strengthening our relationships with others – Conversational Intelligence for coaches will open up a new lens for understanding and redefining what conversations are. Understanding the neuroscience of conversations provides a new handle on elevating this hardwired capacity in all human beings around the globe.


Most of you know that neuroscience has become a household term. Whether you are talking about your children, your clients, or yourself, we are at a time when we have to understand what’s common amongst human beings. Neuroscience illustrates and interprets the connecting points that enable us to move through the complexity what it really means to be a human, to actually activating what it means to be human with each other. From beginner coaches to the most seasoned veterans of the industry, the ground covered in this program will enable new insights to emerge. Collectively we will tie together wisdom that has been in the back of our minds and the front of our eyes in ways that will energize more imaginative, powerful and profoundly impactful coaching tools. The resulting methods and practices are evergreen and core to the work called “coaching.”

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches

Overview of the Vision: Conversational Intelligence® Certification for Coaches

It is structured in a way that makes it easy to understand. We’ve organized this work into buckets and categories and frameworks with a goal of simplicity. As a result, coaches have at their hands tools available that are just as applicable working with clients in business as they are working with individuals, teams, or organizations in engagements. They will have a deeper understanding of what is the catalytic factor, as well as what activates interaction dynamics that are healthy – and those that are not healthy. That is really the core of all this.

After certification, coaches can enter organizations equipped with the wisdom of Conversational Intelligence.

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches


The certified coach can act as a barometer to help identify, in companies, where conversational makeovers are important, how to coach using conversational intelligence, how to activate the third eye. The “third eye” is a place in the brain where people can step back to see what’s going on from a wider perspective. They can actually watch themselves in action and make decisions and choices as leaders about how to most effectively impact the people that they are working with every day. When they do this, it activates a higher level of sensitivity that is hard-wired. Their consciousness opens up to profound transformation, and the impact is dramatic, to say the least. The chemistry of the company changes so radically that their ability to achieve success together grows exponentially. We call this the co-creating quotient, which is different from collaboration. Collaboration is defined as “cohorting with the enemy.” And as we look at the world and how it is shifting we must embrace the idea of moving to a WE-centric world. The changes are unfolding in front of all of us, and we need new terms – the most profound of which is “co-creation”.


Why are we inviting inaugural partners to join our mission?

Conversational ÂŽ Intelligence for Coaches Why are we inviting inaugural partners to join our mission?

We understand the importance of referrals and recommendations in our industry. There are so many programs, courses, training, books and learning resources that can lead coaches to becoming completely overwhelmed.

We see recommendations as the most important qualifier, and as you have a good understanding of the quality WBECS stands for, you can be confident in recommending your colleagues that are coaches to our incredible program.

Because of this, it is critical that coaches have trusted advisors in their network. Advisors can guide them to resources that have a profound impact on their success as a coach and support them in their coaching journey.

Whether you have 2 or 2000 coaches in your network, you have the ability to create a profound shift in the way in which they coach—whether they are a seasoned veteran coach of 30 years or a brand new coach who has only recently completed training.

We have approached you because we see you as a trusted advisor and someone that can support the coaches in your network. Introducing them to the program will have a great impact on the way they coach moving forward.

Conversational IntelligenceÂŽ for Coaches

As an advisor to your colleagues, you can direct your network to a resource that will truly impact and support them.


What is required to become an inaugural partner?

Conversational ÂŽ Intelligence for WhatCoaches is required to become an inaugural partner?

Becoming an inaugural partner could not be easier and will take you as much or as little time as you would like to commit— as little as 5 minutes.

They will have the opportunity to sign up to the Full C-IQ for Coaches Program that begins January 2016.

You will be helping us create a global shift through inviting the coaches in your network to begin their learning journey and attend the incredible free training we have planned.

Just as with WBECS, we will make this very easy for you so it only takes a few minutes to forward on an pre-written invitation to your network. We are happy to provide you with some ready to post social media posts also if that would be useful.

Whether you are able to invite 5 coaches or 5000, our plan is to have enough coaches involved to create a true evolution in how we think about coaching. You can invite coaches through email, social media, or through personal recommendation at events. At the end of the complimentary session, there will be coaches that the material really resonates with and who would like to extend and deepen their learning.

Conversational IntelligenceÂŽ for Coaches


What do you get for being an inaugural partner?

Conversational ® Intelligence for WhatCoaches do you get for being an inaugural partner? BENEFIT 1

The most important benefit of being an inaugural partner is that you will get to invite your network to enjoy an incredible immersive training session at no cost to you. Overview of complimentary 90 minute session

The Heart of Conversational Intelligence® According to my research, a new insight has emerged about conversations: Nine out of 10 conversations fail to hit the mark – yet we don’t do anything about it. Instead we get frustrated with people, and fall into patterns that no longer support great relationships like the ‘Tell-Sell-Yell’ Syndrome or the ‘Addicted to Being Right Syndrome’. Our patterns protect us from feeling stupid, making us right and others wrong, we label people and judge them – we divorce them from our lives – and start over.

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches

The complimentary session will break old myths, shine a light on patterns of engagement that are no longer working in a ‘WE-centric’ world, where we engage more, we collaborate more, and we share more with others than any other time in history. This session will open coaches eyes to WHY Quality Conversations are so important for coaches to focus on – and what the newest research is suggesting about the importance of “resetting our navigational systems” for a whole new shift in how to elevate conversations in our lives, our partnerships, and our business. We’ll focus on 3 key themes.

What do you get for being an inaugural partner?

First is the Epigenetics of Conversations – and will immerse, without overwhelming, coaches in an understanding of what we mean by Epigenetic Changes. Conversations are how we transcribe new mind-opening, or mind-closing patterns and pathways in our brains – and we’ll talk about how Coaches can use this new framework to expand their conversations and work with clients. This is a game-changer for coaches – and will elevate their skill to a whole new level. Secondly, we will focus on the Neurochemistry of Conversations. This part of the program will provide the most groundbreaking aspect of the 50 years of research I’ve been doing on the neurochemistry of engagement. This is going to give coaches a new doorway to walk through in how they think about conversations and their coaching practice. With the newest insights about how our brain makes sense of every interaction, and translating this into habit patterns – that either serve to protect us from others or enable us to partner with others – coaches will be armed to see every conversation through a new lens of coaching insight.

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches


The third part of the program is Making the Invisible Visible. This will focus on offering coaches a palette of insights about how to translate science into practical applications for elevating coaching to another level. We’ll talk about up and down regulation; and various case studies where using Conversational Intelligence reshaped the future of teams and companies. We’ll talk about how to use this work to elevate business results. From vision to reality – from protection to partnership – from I to WE: Conversational Intelligence is what leaders need to do differently to elevate personal and business success.


Benefit 2


Exclusive invitation to a LEVEL III conversation session with Judith that will be only for inaugural partners. This is a very rare opportunity to learn with an intimate group of other leading coaches. LEVEL III Conversations are Transformational Conversations – and are the most WE-centric of all conversations that are orchestrated between and among human beings. This means that the focus of Level III is not to confirm what you know, or to defend what you believe. Instead, it’s to create a conversational space which enables all parties to ‘think together’ without judgment – to listen to connect – and to be open to influence. Below are illustrations of Level III in action. LEVEL III is the only one of the three levels that creates energy of activation. This level of thinking involves the whole body, mind, heart and spirit and only comes into play when people feel they can trust others to be open to their new thoughts – thoughts they experience in the moment – new thoughts they have not thought before; this is where innovation emerges and where ideas transform and are birthed. As coaches and executives learn to live in Level III more often with each other, transformation emerges and innovation is a natural outgrowth.

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches

For our LEVEL III Conversations with Coaches, we will shape the conversational space for Level III to emerge. There will be pre-work, a C-IQ Pre-Assessment, and a topic, which we will all work on together – to think about the shape of the Coaching Industry in the future. This will be an incredibly transformative session that is inclusively for Inaugural Partners. The following drawings were illustrated for Judith in 1986 by Peter Cutler – at the age of 16. He was diagnosed as autistic – and I found him to be an intuitive artist who could see things others could not see – the energy of the universe as it was evolving. He went on to college and became an illustrator of comic books.


Benefit 2

1. Aspire

2. Connect

3. Engage

4. Transcribe

Conversational Intelligence速 for Coaches


Benefit 2

5. Co-create

Conversational Intelligence速 for Coaches

6. Evolve


Benefit 3



The main reason for supporting this exciting project is to help coaches in your network to access a methodology – including coaching frameworks, tools and specific techniques – that will have a profound impact on their success and contribute towards raising the global level of coaching standards worldwide. We do, however, believe that it is important to reward our partners in a number of ways to show our appreciation and to further build long term relationships that span years and will likely transcend program partnerships to working together in other capacities.

As such we would like to also offer a thank you cheque for each and every coach that signs up to any of the paid programs. If they sign up for multiple programs we offer a payment for each and every one.

Commission structure LEVEL I - Initial C-IQ for Coaches program sales $1000 - 30% on all programs purchased through your link LEVEL II - C-IQ for Coaches Level II program sales $500- 20% on all Level II programs purchased through your personal link LEVEL III - C-IQ for coaches Level III program sales $3000-$10,000- 20% on all Level III programs purchased through your personal link

Commissions will be tracked using robust Infusionsoft tracking links. You will be given a link that is unique to you that you can use for all invitations and posts. Every coach that clicks the link and registers for the complimentary session will be assigned to you. If they then go on to purchase any of the programs, you will be awarded a commission. If they go on to purchase additional C-IQ programs you will also gain commissions for these too. You will be able to track your commissions through a personal partner center you will be given access to.

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches


Benefit 4



As you will see, the launch of Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches will be a significant one and it will be something you will be very proud to be associated with. It will act to build your own personal brand and that of your company. As such you will also have the ability to inform your network, clients, and partners that you are an inaugural partner through a banner on your site. You can see some examples of these below Here is an example banner

Additional benefits

You can see some examples of these below in the marketing examples

- Your own personal inaugural partner center to track number of coaches that register and sales that come through - Access to Judith’s exclusive content (articles, research studies, blogs, videos, audio, etc) to be able to share with your network - Access to promotional banners and a range of emails and posts ready to be sent - Become part of the Conversational Intelligence Inaugural partners Community of thought leaders changing the direction of the coaching industry forever

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches


Conversational Intelligence速 for Coaches


Level 1

Level 1 Conversational Intelligence® at Work ( $1,000 ) 7 monthly sessions delivered live, each approx 2 hours in length. An additional hour of accompanying tools, frameworks, exercises and high value templates will be sent at the end of each session. Transcripts and professional notes of all sessions will be offered with full audio recordings. Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches takes seasoned coaches as well as those launching into an Executive Coaching career, into the new world of the Neuroscience of Conversations. Never before has there been a program that translates the complexity of the science and reshapes it into an easy to grasp and use methodology for use with leaders, teams and organizations. Regardless of the size of the group you will work with, the type of business they are in, the level in the organization – Conversational Intelligence for Coaches will strike a cord of insight and wisdom that will resonate not just with your primary client, but also with other colleagues they work with.

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches

What’s New in Conversational Intelligence?

• Making the Invisible Visible • Neurochemistry of Conversations • 3 Levels of Conversation: Conversational Agility • Trust and the Power of Co-regulation • Up and Down Regulation • Conversations are our tool for Epigenetic Changes • How to become Masters of Conversational Dynamics & Change


Overview of Judith Glaser


Each of the 7 modules is part of the systematic approach for creating changes in the DNA of an organization. C-IQ enables leaders and their teams to learn how to Level Set their Conversations, which activates the brain's capacity for advanced and higher level processing of complex, difficult situations, with high levels of uncertainty. Instead of people getting stuck in positional conversations, or transactional conversations, or fear of conflict, these processes and frameworks create the ability for people to speak with each other with candor and caring, to be open for influence instead of stuck in their own positions and biases.

Individuals, teams, and organizations are able to move into transformational and co-creational conversations – they are able to make decisions faster, with higher levels of wisdom and insight – and they move through and co-create changes that fundamentally transform the future.

The 7 Sessions are: C

C-IQ Framework – what it is, why it’s so different, how it has the power to transform individuals, teams and organizations: Linking Intention and Impact to elevate self-awareness (Tool: 3rd Eye)


Neurochemistry of Conversations – change the game by changing the Interaction Dynamics (chemistry of interaction) (Tool: Conversational Dashboard)


3 Levels of Conversation & How to use them to Elevate Success (Tool: C-IQ Matrix)


Priming for Trust (Tool: TRUST)


Conversational Agility (Tool: Agility Tools; Discovery & Innovation Questions)


Shaping the Space – How to transform individuals, teams and organizations through Up and Down Regulating (Tool: Up & Down regulating)


How to create Shared Success (Tool: Shared Success Exercise)

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches


Level 2

Level 2 Conversational Intelligence® with Catalyst Tools ($500) 7 monthly sessions delivered live, each approx 30-40 minutes in length with additional tools, frameworks, exercises and high value templates sent to the coach after the session. Transcripts and professional notes of all sessions will be sent along with full audio recordings. The Catalyst Tools are focused on creating higher levels of engagement and to activate more Oxytocin

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches Session 2, contains additional tools we call Conversational Catalysts Tools to use with clients. Conversational Catalyst Tools give people a way to see their patterns of engagement, and also see the levels of Cortisol and Oxytocin that they activate when they are in conversations. The Catalyst Tools are a one of a kind tool that are less about assessing someone and more about providing insight into the power and impact of their engagement during conversations.

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches

Each of the tools listed below enhance the primary session they are connected with. These additional hour long sessions give Coaches tools they can use with their clients – at the individual, team, and organizational level – to bring awareness, new insights, and to create a language for giving and receiving feedback about how we impact each other. The feedback from clients is that the Conversational Catalyst Tools enable people to transform difficult conversations into transformational experiences.

Overview of Judith Glaser

For those people who pay an additional $500 They get the first 7 Modules plus the sessions in “BLUE”


C-IQ Framework – what it is, why it’s so different, how it has the power to transform individuals, teams, and organizations: Linking Intention and Impact to elevate self-awareness (Tool: 3rd Eye); One-Pager: I-centric and WE-centric Leadership Assessment


Neurochemistry of Conversations – change the game by changing the Interaction Dynamics (chemistry of interaction) (Tool: Conversational Dashboard) C-IQ Conversational Catalyst Tool – measuring Cortisol and Oxytocin – coaching client on how to understand your own neurochemistry of change.


3 Levels of Conversation & How to use them to Elevate Success (Tool: C-IQ Matrix) C-IQ Conversational Catalyst 360 Tool – using the tool to identify which level a person is in – Level I, II or III – and how to debrief with them on the tool


Priming for Trust (Tool: TRUST) TRUST Catalyst Tool – measuring an individual's patterns of trust


Conversational Agility (Tool: Agility Tools; Discovery & Innovation Questions) TRUST Catalyst Tool for Team – measuring a team's patterns of trust – how to use and debrief with this Catalyst tool


Shaping the Space – How to transform individuals, teams and organizations through Up and Down Regulating (Tool: Up & Down regulating) CreatingWE DNA Index Catalyst Tool – accessing the DNA imprint of an organization’s levels of Cortisol and Oxytocin across all 7 Dimensions


How to create Shared Success (Tool: Shared Success Exercise) Two Pager: How Leaders Succeed and How they Fail

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches



Level 3

Level 3: AFTER 6 MONTHS Conversational Intelligence® Certification for Coaches Working in Organizational Transformation For those people who pay $3,000 to $10,000 – they get a Certification in bringing Conversational Intelligence® into organizations to create major transformations in the culture. This session elevates their skills to be equipped to be a Conversational Intelligence Coach who can work on Team Projects as well as Organizational Transformations. They will be able to help Certify client organizations and support change efforts. Conversational Makeovers, Conversational Coaching

Conversational Consulting

This level of Certification enables coaches to learn how to introduce and use Conversational Rituals for Change by learning how to ‘graft’ these rituals into an organization’s everyday life. In addition, they will be able to be part of transformational teams inside of organizations to be Catalysts for Change and Transformation.

In addition to learning how to work as both Coach and Consultant during a Conversational Makeovers, or Consulting with Clients on how to re-architect Conversational space, this level of Executive Coach will work on how to shape engagements, how to move from a team project to larger projects and how to measure success with clients.

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches


Level 3

WEIQ Digital Platform


Coaches who enter the Level III Program will become certified in using WEIQ, our digital platform that gives the coach incredible tools for working with teams in a sustainable way. There has never been a tool like this. It has the power to elevate an organization into Level III Conversational Rituals with profound speed and elevated performance results. Co-creation becomes a way of life, and trust emerges across an organization.

After taking this program coaches will be able to work inside of companies to certify others in C–IQ Frameworks, Tools, and Platforms and will work as consultants and coaches to certify others in the organization. They will be certified in using WEIQ and introducing WEIQ to their clients.

Coaches will learn how to architect a Transformational Journey Map for Individual, Team and Organizational Success. CreatingWE, Judiths partner organization, would Consult with the Coaches throughout the program to enable them to understand how to architect Conversational Transformation: where we are going, how we can work together to co-create, and we will unveil ongoing success stories and best practices to help the organization experience a lift in Oxytocin and mutual success. Along with understanding how to use the technology, Coaches will learn how to customize the WEIQ Platform for the client through Conversational Consulting – giving the client the ability to shift an organization into higher levels of Conversational Intelligence for creating Changes and mutual success.

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches


Level 3

Timeline October 24, 2015 Deadline to confirm joining as an inaugural partner (earlier is better) October 26, 2015 You will receive sample email invitations and other promotional material to send out to your networks November 2, 2015 Send out first invitation to your networks to join our complimentary webinar. TIme to begin posting on social media and creating a buzz. You can add the inaugural banner to your website or blog at this point.

November 9, 2015 Send out second invitation to your networks to join our complimenary webinar. Social media posts can continue at this time.

November 17, 2015 Webinar one is held (10am EDT) and two is held (8pm EDT) November 18, 2015 Webinar three is held (5pm EDT)

November 16, 2015 Final 48 hours to register emails of anyone interested November 17, 2015 Webinars begin today

If sessions sell out (as we expect them to do) we will offer three additional complimentary webinars December 2, 2015 Webinar four is held (10am EDT) and five is held (8pm EDT) December 3, 2015 Webinar six is held (5pm EDT)

Conversational Intelligence速 for Coaches

December 4, 2015 Recording of session will be made available

January 15, 2016 Program begins



Samples of Email Invitations We have created a series of emails that range in size and tone, depending on your preference.We have a copywriting team on standby; if you have any email ideas that you would like created we are happy to do so or if you would like to make edits you are welcome to as you wish.

Subject Line: A Training That Will Transform Your Business or I Personally Recommend This or Hi NAME! Each year WBECS (the world’s largest online summit for business and executive coaches) is sharing some of the best content and most transformative trainings for coaches and I’ve personally received tons of value from them - time and time again. For the last two years, Judith Glaser has been ranked their top thought leader and number one speaker - and now they’ve partnered to share her groundbreaking content, her best coaching frameworks and most cutting-edge methodologies with coaches all across the globe. Including you, NAME! Judith is the leading expert in Conversational Intelligence, one of the world’s most innovative and successful executive coaches, best-selling author of 7 business books and she has worked with several Fortune 50 companies such as Apple, Burberry, Target and Pfizer. With more than 34 years of experience as a high level coach, Judith is one of the most gifted teachers I’ve ever come across and attending the trainings she’s done with WBECS in the past took my business to the next level and positively impacted my clients’ lives as well. So today I want to share with you an incredible opportunity to learn how to master your conversational skills, impact your clients on a much deeper level and rapidly grow your own business as a result.

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches



Judith is doing a live training on Conversational Intelligence for Coaches and in this session you’ll learn: • The neurochemistry behind conversations which enables you and your clients to quickly establish an environment of trust, innovation and connection in any setting • Techniques for activating the parts of the brain that trigger high engagement, trust and innovation - including specific tools and frameworks to share with your clients so they can create sustaining and healthy conversations as well • The 3 levels of conversations and why it is crucial for you and your clients not to get stuck in levels 1 and 2 if you want to be effective and impactful in your communication ...And much more! [LINK] Click here to get all the details on the training and secure your spot! I highly recommend that you join this complimentary live session with Judith E. Glaser and benefit from her genius like I have! Just sign up for the training and you’ll see for yourself. All the best, SIGNATURE

PS: Even if you can’t attend the live session, I still recommend that you sign up now - you’ll receive the recording and you can still learn from Judith and implement her valuable teachings with your clients!

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches



Subject Line: A Training That Will Transform Your Business or I Personally Recommend This Hi NAME! (I Personally Recommend This) I’m writing to you today because I want to share a program with you that I know you will get a ton of value from. You probably know that I’ve been attending WBECS (the world’s largest online event for business and executive coaches) each year and I really loved what they’re doing. I got incredible results from all their sessions and trainings and it absolutely helped me to take my business to the next level. And now they’re doing a live session with their top rated speaker and thought leader Judith E. Glaser. She’s going to be teaching Conversational Intelligence for Coaches which is a groundbreaking, science-based coaching framework that truly has the power to change the way we coach and interact as human beings. Judith’s research shows that 9 out of 10 conversations fail to hit the mark and as a result we get frustrated and fall into patterns (like being addicted to being right or the tell-sell-yell syndrome) that don’t serve anyone. Her content really blew my mind and I know it will have a profound impact on your business and personal life as well! In the free session, Judith is going to share with us: • Why the quality of conversations is crucial for coaches to focus on – and the newest research on how to elevate conversations in your life, your partnerships and your business • The Epigenetics of Conversations and how we ‘transcribe new mind-opening, or mind-closing patterns and pathways in our brains – including the coaching framework you can use right away to expand your conversations and work with clients • How the Neurochemistry of Conversations will help you to understand and impact the way our brain makes sense of every interaction, and translates this into habit patterns that either serve to protect us from others or enable us to partner with others • How to make the invisible visible to go from vision to reality with your clients including practical applications for elevating coaching to another level

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches



...And I know she will have plenty more in store for us. I highly recommend that you join the live session with Judith - her tools and frameworks are the future of the coaching profession and I’d hate for you to miss out on this unique opportunity! [LINK] Click here to get all the details on the training and secure your spot! I’ll see you on the training! SIGNATURE

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches



Subject Line: A Training That Will Transform Your Business or I Personally Recommend This Hi NAME! I trust you are well. I thought you might want to know about a training that's happening in 2 weeks delivered by Judith Glaser on Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches . I understand it is a great session. Here is an overview of what will be covered in the session: • Why the quality of conversations is crucial for coaches to focus on – and the newest research on how to elevate conversations in your life, your partnerships and your business • The Epigenetics of Conversations and how we ‘transcribe new mind-opening, or mind-closing patterns and pathways in our brains – including the coaching framework you can use right away to expand your conversations and work with clients • How the Neurochemistry of Conversations will help you to understand and impact the way our brain makes sense of every interaction, and translates this into habit patterns that either serve to protect us from others or enable us to partner with others • How to make the invisible visible to go from vision to reality with your clients including practical applications for elevating coaching to another level [LINK] Click here to join if you are interested! All my best SIGNATURE

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches


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Testimonials “Leadership council was a dream come true. The feedback has been even better than expected.” Angela Ahrendts Chief Executive Officer, Burberry "Many companies say they customize programs, but they really don’t. They try to fit the client's off-the-shelf material. Benchmark works with the artistry of a true designer to fit and shape a program that is truly unique and right for us!" Terry Dockins; Managing Director, Boehringer Ingelheim "Every evolving new business has ‘defining moments’ that serve to enhance future success. Our time with you was certainly such a moment, and I hope that we will be able to use all of our new insights to achieve more exciting goals. Your approach to our group was just what was needed and you were able to gain trust and confidence quickly which provided the foundation for an important experience." Ward K. Mooney President; GBFC, BankBoston "On behalf of the entire Dreyer’s and Edy’s Foodservice organization, we want to thank you for developing and executing an ‘outstanding’ sales development program. It was obvious to all of us that Benchmark Communications is truly a professional organization, one which will definitely play in our long range plans. The extra time and effort by you to learn our organization and customize everything to fit our needs and opportunities certainly positions you above all other companies. We are looking forward to putting our new skills in place, and inculcating the new ‘can-do’ attitude within Dreyer’s. Thanks again for an excellent hard hitting program." Martin C. Wehr; Managing Director, Dreyer’s & Edy’s “Thank you for developing the new Sales Training System for us. They are truly outstanding and I look forward to the results. Please extend my congratulations to your team. These types of efforts will compliment our Partners in quality program for the future.” Blaine. R. Hess; President/Chief Executive Officer, Lipton “You accomplished in weeks what other consultants could not deliver in months. Your approach to solving organizational problems and helping us to focus on corporate goals is unique- no one works as you do. The way that you structured our two-day offsite meeting gave us tremendous focus, inspiration, and guidance. We were able to accomplish a number of major tasks toward future company strategies, and we did this together, as a management team. We feel that most managers came out of these sessions with a better understanding of what needs to be done overall (big picture) and their specific role within it. Many associate were able to ‘let go’ of their past feelings and inhibitions, in order to move toward a better future. Thanks again for the enlightening experience.” Mary Wang; CEO/President, DKNY

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches



“We at Ferragamo thank you for the support you provided to one of our high performing leaders at the time of his promotion. It seems to have really helped him to achieve great success in the Vice President of Sales role. He has built a strong team, is an extremely powerful leader and his division is currently experiencing huge double-digit increases over last year and over plan. In addition, we've begun discussions about future opportunities for him within the organization and his long-term career path with Ferragamo. We thank you for helping him be so successful and look forward to working with you again on future endeavors. As always, I personally appreciate your thoughts and insights …” Amy Zuckerman; EVP Human Resources, Ferragamo Inc. USA “The sessions we had in Florida were fantastic! The results were better than we could have hoped for! The ‘glow’ continues… What more can I say? All parties are working together in a spirit of cooperation, sharing and caring for each other beautifully. People are saying that they can’t believe how their counterparts from ‘the other organization’ have accepted them and tried to make them welcome. The anecdotes are too numerous to recount, particularly those from the one-on-one’s. The energy levels are way up, the cooperation and teamwork is high and the progress we're making is excellent. Our challenge now is how to follow-up and continue to build from this great start. I look forward to working with you to that end.” Steve Lovino CEO/President; Education First, Chase Manhattan Bank “Judith, Your presentation to our leadership team was dynamic, relevant, inspirational and the delivery engaging. Many of the participants stopped by or emailed me comments such as ‘inspirational’; ‘golden nuggets of information I can use’; ‘relevant’; ‘practical tips on the science of communicating’; I love knowing the science behind the why; and I wish I had this much support delivering vital conversations every day! I personally believe we forged a bond and a connection. What deeply inspiring, unforgettable stories you have and how fortunate we all were to experience them. Thank you for that. Best Wishes.” Yolanda Bailey; VPHR, Russell Investments

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches

Keynote & Leadership Journey Testimonials


Keynote & Leadership Journey Testimonials “I wanted to thank you for speaking today at American Express. I have spoken to Kinjal and several others who attended and the feedback has been very positive. People enjoyed your insights and found it relevant to their own leadership situations. Those who attended also appreciated the novel focus on understanding the science behind leadership. Several commented that it gave them new things to think about.” Valerie VP, Global Leadership Development, American Express “Thank you. You were the HIGHEST RATED speaker at CFO Rising. You absolutely rocked their worlds. It was obvious to me at the time. But here are the raw numbers indicating how much they loved you and the verbatims. I am in total awe. Thank you.” Lori Calabro, Editorial Director, Conferences, CFO Publishing "Your approach is new, different and inspiring." BNP Paribas “Your speech was extraordinary! Professional, enlightened and so knowledgeable. You impressed every one of us with your thinking. Thank you so much for joining us and sharing your great thinking. It was a special joy having you among us. With my warmest appreciation, Your great fan,” Carole Hyatt, Hyatt Associates, Inc. “Judith, you are the highlight of my week. I can't wait to get both of your books. I have told everyone about you; my neighbors, clients, coffee friends etc. Thank you for sharing so generously. Your personable style, rich content and interactive connection really makes a difference.” Catherine Marsh, COO FOR AUCTION; Committee of 200 “Judith, Thank you for making the HBA conference so worthwhile! The powerful communication strategy you imparted on the audience was ‘cutting edge.’ Most of us do not use our common sense enough in leadership!” Mary Beth Borgwing, SVP, NY Life Sciences Practice Leader, Willis Group “Thank you very much for your informative, stimulating and engaging workshop. I was on the edge of my seat and ready for more at 8:05 pm after a long day of teaching. Your message was full of hope and possibility and your vision of our work in these next fifty years gave me a sense of my place in evolution. I feel energized by the learning and looking forward to reading your books. I am very curious about the link between your work and the MBTI that we did not get to last night. There is more to be explored.With gratitude and appreciation for your generous presentation.” Jane Maloney, Board Member of the New York Chapter of the Association for Psychological Type; Director, Interaction, Inc. Coaching, Training and Team Building

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches

Keynote & Leadership Journey Testimonials


“Dear Judith: On behalf of the Healthcare Businesswomen's Association, we would like to personally thank you for your support of the 2006 HBA Annual Leadership Conference - Master the New Standard. Your participation in our conference helped contribute to a record-breaking attendance of over 400 healthcare professionals. You helped the HBA create a grand slam for attendees. Your plenary presentation, Creating WE: The DNA of Leadership was incredibly well-received, and although we're still in the process of analyzing the evaluation forms, an initial review gives your presentation exceptional feedback!Our evaluations asked ‘How would you rate the overall 2006 Leadership Conference experience?’ Over 90% gave the conference the highest mark possible - excellent! - which is a tribute to your contribution. Again, the 2006 HBA Leadership Conference was a resounding success and would not have been possible without your contribution to the program.” Debra Newton, Mary-Margaret Armstrong, Deborah Coogan-Seltzer, Eve Dryer “Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart for being a part of the ‘Remarkable Woman’ radio program. It was so exciting having you on the show. Your professional achievements are inspirational. You are truly a remarkable woman! You have helped us achieve our goal to inspire others to be the best that they can be. You were fabulous! I hope that you enjoyed the show as much as I did! Thank you for being an exceptional role model.” Florine Mark, President, Weight Watchers

Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches

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