_MPM Volume II, Issue IV lr

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Volume II, Issue IV

your resource for

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“In the end, children succeed because somewhere along the way, a parent or teacher instills in them the belief that they can. That they’re able to. That they’re worth it.” -Pres. Barack Obama

6 Responding Appropriately

14 Dr. Deborah Jewell-Sherman Harvard University Graduate School of Education

17 Modern Parents MagazineUnited States Department of Education PARENT POWER Forum

22 Finance Guru, Suze Orman

P R E G N A N C Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Promoting a Healthy Pregnancy I N FA N T / T O D D L E R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Responding to Your Child in an Appropriate Manner HO M E - S C H O O L R E L AT I O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Developing a Successful Family-School Relationship PRESCHOOL Milestones


E L E M E N TA RY S C H O O L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Fun-Matics



Musical Icon, Yolanda Adams

Bridging the Great Homework Divide

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

H I G H S C H O O L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 My Space, My Time: How to Study C O L L E G E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Seven Keys to Better Grades 13 Parental Rights

S P E C I A L N E E D S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Do You Agree with Your Child’s IEP M O D E R N E D U C AT O R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Dr. Debra Jewell-Sherman PA R E N T T O O L K I T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Learning Styles Chart E N E S PA ñ O L


El poder los padres para trazar el camino E D U C AT O R S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 Five Key Behaviors of Effective Teaching M O D E R N PA R E N T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 Ms. Yolanda Adams modern parents magazine



Carol Alexander-Lewis ADVISORY BOARD

Florence Townsend, Ph.D Belinda Alexander, MD Myrna Nickens, MD Tammie Causey-Konate, Ph.D Adele London, JD Anthony White EDITOR


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Jennifer Davis

The mission of MODERN PARENTS Magazine is to connect home & school and to build parent capacity and efficacy.




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SPECIAL THANKS TO: God United States Department of Education Harvard University, Graduate School of Education Southern University at New Orleans David Lewis

MODERN PARENTS welcomes letters, articles, artwork and photographs from our readers and the community. MODERN PARENTS is not responsible for the return of unsolicited materials. MODERN PARENTS Magazine is published quarterly by the National Family Development Institute. 2536 Delta Pointe’ Drive, Marrero, LA 70072. Copyright 2010. Due to audit regulations, any requests for a change of address must be submitted in writing. Other subscription-related inquiries may use the same address, or telephone 504.339.5310/1.866.994.4242. Subscription rates: $24.95 for one year; single copies $6.95. Pre-payment required for single copy orders. Address all single-copy requests and sample inquiries to the above address. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a self addressed envelope and return postage. Publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts of art. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.

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MODERN PARENTS provides a fresh, relevant connection between the academic world and the parenting world by providing innovative, research-based parenting strategies and techniques. In addition, we serve as a valuable resource for educators by showcasing Best Practices and the most effective instructional strategies and techniques. Exposing parents to effective instructional strategies not only broadens parenting strategies, but also provides the tools needed to ensure their children are receiving quality educational experiences. MODERN PARENTS Magazine is dedicated to increasing global literacy and enhancing the quality of life for families in our society. Readers gain access to information from expert practitioners and associations. From school to home and all that lies between, MODERN PARENTS is your source for the most innovative parenting and instructional strategies and techniques. MODERN PARENTS Magazine voices the most pertinent issues and concerns of today’s parents. By providing trusted information to our audience, and featuring content that is driven by our readers, MODERN PARENTS is the premier resource and choice for today’s parent. We help parents make better decisions about their most valuable investment ...

their children.

Parenting, in today’s economy, has caused many of us to become more reflective as it relates to family financial decisions. For some, the impact has effected family grocery decisions; for others, vacation plans; for countless others, education choices. It has become necessary for many to re-evaluate previous choices and plans for the future. Who better to provide insight on this matter than the guru of finance, Ms. Suze Orman.

Bountiful Blessings and Happy Parenting!

Carol Alexander-Lewis Publisher clewis@modernparentsmagazine.com

modern parents magazine



& Toddler s

Responding to Your Child in an Appropriate Manner

The example below will give you a better idea of what it means to respond to your child in an appropriate manner. As you read, think about these questions: * Is the parent in the story reacting or responding? *Is her response appropriate to the child’s age? *Is her response appropriate to the situation? *How might you respond to your child in the same situation?

Caroline and Abby (Age 1 1/2 ) What’s the Story? Abby spends the day at a day care center while Caroline is at work; Caroline drops her off at 7:30am and returns for her at 5:30pm. When they get home in the evening, Caroline gets dinner ready while Abby sits in her high

Caroline says: That time with Abby, while I’m cooking is really important to me. I can connect with her, get to know her better. I look forward to it, even after a full day at work. It has helped me to learn what she likes and what she doesn’t.

chair. Caroline keeps the chair turned so that Abby is facing

What’s the Point? Caroline is right about the importance of her dinnertime contact with Abby. Research shows that children need to spend positive, engaging, playful time with their parents each day. This “special” time allows parents to bond with children, to learn what makes them smile or laugh, what kinds of noises they respond to, how they respond, and what feelings their toddlers’ “words” convey. Early and consistent communication between parent and child is essential

her while she cooks, so that they can watch, smile at, and talk to each other. It takes Caroline a little longer to make dinner because she often stops to play peek-a-boo or bends down to talk to Abby at her eye level. They have their own conversations, in which Abby “talks” and Caroline “answers.” If Abby is cranky or upset, Caroline uses this time to calm her down and figure out why she’s being fussy. Caroline has found many ways to keep Abby calm as a result of this dinnertime contact, that are also helpful when the two are out of the house running errands.

to forming attachments, as well as to building better emotional, intellectual, and social development. Setting aside this kind of time every day also lets kids learn about their parents. They can tune in to facial expression, body language, and tone-of-voice to know their caretakers better. (con’t on p. 16) U. S. Department of Health & Human Services National Institute of Child Health & Human Development http://www.nichd.nih.gov

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hoMe-sChool relaTions

Developing a Successful Family-School Relationship In this issue we continue our series on guidelines for successful home-school relations.

Guideline 8: Make sure s u g gestions are provided to increase your child's growth.

Guideline 6: Display a positive attitude during the conference.

If your child is doing well, find out what you can do to ensure continued success and progress. If he/she has difficulties, make sure the teacher goes beyond merely pointing out a problem. The teacher needs to provide ideas for eliminating or reducing the difficulty. Many parents become discouraged or aggravated if a teacher points out problems, but does not provide solutions. Do not allow this situation to occur. If immediate suggestions can not be provided, then a follow-up conference is needed.

Be aware that not only what you say reflects your attitude, but also your tone of voice, facial expression, and body language. A loud voice may imply dominance. Rigid posture may suggest anger or disapproval. Always listen attentively and show your enthusiasm. Guideline 7: Remain open and supportive throughout the conference. Try not to become defensive or confronting; otherwise the outcome of the conference may be unfruitful. Strive for cooperation with your child's teacher. Even if the teacher presents a negative side of your child's behavior or informs you of other problems, try to remain objective. This can be difficult when it is your child, but he may experience as many or more difficulties if you and the teacher do not try to find a way to work together to solve these problems.

Guideline 9: Ask for examples of daily work to better understand your child's strengths and weaknesses. By reviewing your child's work, you will learn if progress has been made since the last conference. Have any weaknesses become more severe? If improvement has not been made, are other methods or materials an option? Inquire what you can do at home with your child. Join us as we continue this series in our next issue.

Test-taking Tips 1. Reassure your child that he or she does not have to answer all the questions correctly to pass. It is not expected that students answer every question correctly. 2. Tell your child to attempt to answer all of the questions and not to leave any blanks. There is no penalty for guessing, and students can get partial credit on the open-ended items. 3. Remind your child that the test is important. 4. Explain to your child the importance of using time wisely. If your child gets stuck on a question, encourage him or her to make the best guess or place a mark in the test booklet by that item and go back to it after finishing that section of the test. 5. Make certain your child gets a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast before taking the test. 6. Try to make the morning of the test a pleasant one. Do not add to your child’s stress. 7. Get your child to school on time the day of the test. 8. Remind your child to listen carefully to the instructions from the teacher and to read the directions and each question carefully. 9. Encourage your child to stay focused on the test, even if other students finish early. 10. Remind your child that it is okay to mark in the test booklet as a help in taking the test -- i.e., underlining important words, etc. -- but to mark all answers on the answer sheet. LA Department of Education

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Three Years •Builds tower of 4-5 blocks •Walks up steps, alternating feet • Turns pages in a book one at a time •Pays attention for about three minutes •Remembers what happened yesterday •Knows some numbers, but not always in the right order •Looks through a book alone •Likes to be read to •Counts 2-3 objects •Follows simple one-step commands •Uses 3-5 word sentences •Asks short questions •Names at least one color correctly •Knows first and last name •Recognizes & understands most common objects & pictures Four Years Old •Starts copying letters •Tries to write name •Builds tower of 7-9 blocks •Puts together simple 4-12 piece puzzle •Walks downstairs using handrail and alternating feet •Knows some basic colors •Sorts by shape and color •Counts up to 5 objects

8 modernparentsmagazine.com

•Follows three instructions given all at once •Has large vocabulary •Wants to know “why” and “how” •Knows own age and name of hometown •Asks direct questions •Speaks well enough for strangers to understand •Has large vocabulary •Uses sentences of 5 or more words Five Years Old •Uses knife and fork well •Walks downstairs without a handrail, alternating feet •Balances on one foot for five seconds •Prints some letters •Copies shapes and patterns •Knows most basic colors •Wants to know what words mean •Recites own address and phone number •Copies own name •Identifies some letters of the alphabet •Counts up to 10 objects •Interested in cause and effect •Uses 6 words in a sentence •Uses “and,” “but,” and “then” to make longer sentences •Invents make believe games with simple rules

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eleMenTary sChool



Mathematics is such a part of our everyday lives that adults sometimes forget that numbers can be a mystery to children. It is important that your child begins early to feel comfortable with numbers. You can demonstrate the importance of math and help develop math concepts as you and your child perform everyday tasks. Try to slip activities like these into your daily routines to transform mathematics to funmatics.

time. When your child masters the old facts, tape up a new set of facts.

v When you and your child go shopping together, give your child the job of selecting the number of items of a particular kind that you need. Make up addition problems about the kinds of food you selected. For example, say, “We have 5 plums and bananas. How many pieces of fruit do we have?”

u Write addition, subtraction, multiplication or

division facts on construction paper or an index w Make up your own stories about things that card. Tape it in a high traffic area, such as the mir- happen around you. For example, “There are 10 ror above the bathroom sink; or wall near the bed. riders on the bus. If 5 people get off at the next stop, Encourage your child to review the facts on the card how many will be left?” during daily routines, like toothbrushing, or at bedmodern parents magazine


Middle sChool

Bridging the Great Homework Divide It is important for parents and teachers to work as a team when it comes to students' completing homework and receiving a quality education and life-long learning experiences. Ensuring students' success is a shared responsibility. We have compiled some tips to help ease the challenges of the homework transition for middle school students: 1. Be prepared • Assume your child will have studying to do every night. Even if they do not have a specific assignment to complete, establish and maintain regular homework time. If students do not have any homework on a particular night, suggest that they study for upcoming tests, do background research for long term assignments, review notes from class, or read a book. • Set up a comfortable location for doing homework. Students need a distraction-free place to do homework. The kitchen table, provided there is proper lighting, a clean work surface, and a supportive chair, can be an ideal place. If other family members are using this common area, setting up a desk in your child's room may be the answer. You and your child can pick out lighting, a seat cushion, and other accessories together. • Make sure your child has the necessary supplies. Many middle school teachers require specific tools, such as red pens, highlighters, graph paper, calculators, and three-hole punches. They may also expect students to have access to a computer and the Internet, which most school and public libraries make available for everyone's use. • Work with your child’s outside activity schedule and preferences when setting up a regular homework time. Many middle school students have an assortment of outside activities that may leave them few opportunities for doing homework. Try to make it easier by establishing a routine homework time. Some children have a better attention span in the afternoon or evening and can order their priorities based on their family schedules. • Help your child get organized. It is a good idea—and often a teacher's requirement—for your child to keep a schedule planner. Encourage your child to write down all assignments daily and even use the planner to maintain a longer-term "todo" list. Students may enjoy checking off assignments as they are completed, allowing them to easily see the progress made over time in keeping up with their work. 2. Understand teachers' policies and expectations • Ensure that your child knows each teacher's homework policy. Most middle school teachers either hand out a

printed summary of homework expectations or post it on the class Web site at the beginning of the school year or new semester. Review the expectations together and have your child keep the summary in a personal binder or in a safe place at home that is easily accessible. • Encourage your child to ask questions. Some middle school students are nervous about asking their teachers about assignments or instructions they don't understand. Reinforce the notion that teachers want students to ask questions before leaving the classroom or school for the day so that they have the information they need to complete assignments properly. • Remind your child to visit teachers if needed. Teachers often make a point to be in the classroom before school, at lunch, or after school. If students are still having trouble understanding homework assignments, encourage them to take a few minutes to discuss homework questions with the teacher when they can talk one-on-one. 3. Be available and teach by example • Make yourself available during homework time. While you've probably had a long day, just like your child, and may want to watch a TV show or run errands, it can benefit you both if you are nearby while they do homework. You may consider using this time to read, pay bills, or do paperwork that you can easily set aside if your child needs assistance with homework. Once everyone's work is done, maybe that walk outside or favorite family activity can be a treat for you all to share. • Stop by and check in while your child does homework, offering your support and advice. Teachers believe parents are the best source of motivation for students. You may serve as a sounding board as your child works through interesting ideas or challenging problems. • Show interest in your child's schoolwork and discuss what your child is learning. Although they might not admit it, middle school students still like to know that their parents are interested in what they do. Ask questions about school that day, new homework assignments, or what your child likes or does not like about a particular lesson, class, or subject. • Watch for signs of failure or frustration. If you sense that your child is getting frustrated or discouraged, try to provide guidance without necessarily providing answers. Sometimes suggesting that your child take a short break can be the best advice you can give. Offer to talk through the problem following the break. Your positive attitude about working through frustrations also can be part of the learning process. You will be helping your child to develop a healthy ability to stick with problems until they can be solved.

National Education Association

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high sChool

My Space, My Time: How to Study

Here are a few tips for your high school student to follow at home. Build your space Although studying can be a challenge, it must be done if you want to achieve academic success. Studying improves your grades, makes attending class more pleasant, and can even help you make new friends. The first thing to consider is setting up your own study space. Make it a place devoted only to studying, used only for that purpose. It can be the corner of your bedroom, a place in the den, or another location. Beyond the basics (a chair, a hard surface to place your working materials on, and proper lighting), include items that help you stay focused. Some things you want to eliminate from your study space include: the telephone, television, chairs or sofas that are too comfy (can't study when you're napping), video games, and other distracting items.

Make a schedule ed.gov

Depending on whether you use it or waste it, time can be your best friend or your biggest enemy in studying. Avoid the temptation to procrastinate. When you plan your study schedule, set up a specific time and stick to it. It should be a time when you're energetic but not fidgety, when you can concentrate but are not bored or sleepy. Some people work more effectively early in the morning, others in the evening. Do what works best for you, but do it consistently. Study only as long as you have to, and take some quick breaks to keep yourself mentally alert (usually 5-minute breaks every 30 minutes is a good rule to follow). Finally, don't forget about your social life. No one can dive into their studies and keep their grades up if they fail to spend quality time with friends and family. Don't burn yourself out. Set your limits, and work within those boundaries. AIE

modern parents magazine



Seven Keys to Better Grades

It would be outstanding if you could mix a few chemicals and make a potion that would help your college student to get better grades. Fortunately, there are some best practices that can help. Share the following tips with your college student.

was covered in class. Jot down in the back of your notebook anything covered that you think might make a good essay question. Spend a little time during the semester so you won't need to spend a lot of time at the end.

Make these seven keys your new semester goals and you'll have a better grade point average at the end of the semester.

G Leave some breathing room -- When putting together your course schedule, keep from getting swamped by limiting yourself to only one or two tough courses per semester. Better yet, if you have any that you expect to be killer (like pre-calculus was for me) try to take it by itself during the summer. Face it, you only have so many hours in the day -- you don't want to plan on overloading yourself before you've even attended the first class.

G Show up -- You'd be amazed at how much credit you can get just for showing up to each class, and how much you can lose for skipping. (I had an 8am class in my freshman year; I lost a full letter grade just because I skipped a few classes and showed up late for the rest.) Showing up tells your instructor that you're at least willing to make some effort in the class, and that counts. G Listen -- This is 'Part B' of the first key. While you're in the class every day, listen to what's going on. Again, when taking a test, you'd be surprised what you'll recall from some lecture. G Participate -- Say you have five friends and only two doughnuts left. Assuming you've had your fill, you'll typically give doughnuts to the two friends that you like best, right? Well, it's sort of the same thing with teachers. They generally want to give out good grades and are often willing to give you a break, and letting them know who you are makes that easier. Ask questions in class, volunteer answers, and offer comments. If the teacher knows who you are, chances are you'll get a break when you need one. (Just don't set anything on fire...) G Pace yourself -- Spend a little time after each class organizing your notes, reading the materials, or otherwise reviewing what

G Be the Boss -- Attending school is like running your own business, so treat it as such. There's always room for socializing and making life-long friends, but once in a while you need to roll up your sleeves a get to work. How well your business performs will be dictated by how seriously you take your courses, so it's your choice -- do you want to be an Apple or an Enron? G Have Fun -- Two great 1980’s teen movies sum this up quite nicely. As Ferris Bueller said, "Life moves too fast. If you don't slow down you might miss it." On the flip side, don't end up like Anthony Michael Hall's character on the Breakfast Club. He contemplated suicide because his 'perfect' grades were threatened by shop class. The bottom line is, work hard but remember to have fun. Your college years may seem tough, but they can be the most enjoyable experience of your lives. By itself, no trick or technique is going to be a magic bullet. Still, following these seven keys will get you better grades next semester. www.college-cram.com

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sPeCial needs

What recourse is available to parents who consent to the initial provision of special education and related services but who disagree with a particular service or services in their child’s IEP? In situations where a parent agrees with the majority of services in his/her child’s IEP, but disagrees with the provision of a particular service or services, such as physical therapy or occupational therapy, the public agency should work with the parent informally to achieve agreement. While the parent and public agency are attempting to resolve their differences, the agency should provide the service or services that are not in dispute. In situations where a parent disagrees with the provision of a particular special education or related service, and the parent and public agency later agree that the child would be provided with FAPE if the child did not receive that service, the public agency could decide not to provide the service with which the

parent disagrees. If, however, the parent and the public agency disagree about whether the child would be provided with FAPE if the child did not receive a particular special education or related service with which the parent disagrees, and the parent and public agency cannot resolve their differences informally, the parent may use the procedures in subpart E of the IDEA regulations to pursue the issue of whether the service with which the parent disagrees is not appropriate for their child. This includes the mediation procedures in 34 CFR §300.506 or the due process procedures in 34 CFR §§300.507 through 300.516. For more detailed information on these regulations and IDEA, please visit www.ed.gov. U.S.Department of Education

modern parents magazine


Modern eduCaTor

Dr. Deborah Jewell-Sherman Harvard University, Graduate School of Education

Today we continue our informative conversation with Dr. Deborah Jewell-Sherman of the Harvard U n i v e r s i t y , G r a d u a t e S c h o o l of Education.

Modern Parents: Let’s move along to innovative strategies shall we. Dr. Jewell-Sherman: Innovative strategies. Ok, I have thought of a few. I know in our district we used Parent Link, a type of software that enables schools to send messages to a parent contact number. With Parent Link, if there was an upcoming event we could have that information sent out via phone calls to homes. If a child is absent for more than a day or even if a child doesn’t get in on that day Parent Link enables the attendance clerk to input that information, phone calls go home to parents not just during the day when children can be home to pick up the phone and make sure that the parent never gets it, but also in the evening and of course that’s not something that school personnel would be able to do. Those kinds of technologies allow us to get information to parents and also to reach out to parents with information that they need to know. Online, we can place curriculum so that parents know what students are learning, what the objectives are or what the essential learning is, and whether there are engagement strategies that they might use to supplement their children’s learning. For every objective that we want to teach we can post those online as well. For example, if it’s probability and statistics being taught to second graders (and we do, that strand goes all the way up to high school) then there are activities that we in Richmond have access to that a parent could do with their child as they shop or as they are doing their bills, anything to engage children in how things work. Sports events. What is the probability that the Red Soxs are going to beat the Yankees? I hope zero, because I’m a Yankees fan, but at any rate, you can use technology to help parents understand the curriculum instead of trying to keep it a secret. Homework hotlines are just as advantageous to parents as they are to children. Sometimes what we’re asking children to do, parents are intimidated by and they don’t want to show what they don’t know. But if there’s a homework hotline and a parent encourages his/her child to access it, they don’t even

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have to demonstrate that they don’t know. They’re showing their support of education by ensuring that their children use the service. The last one that I thought of just off the top of my head was email. Email is a wonderful innovation. I would only use it for good news. Often parents don’t get the good news about their children. I believe that for every one time you have to tell a parent what his or her child is not doing well or right, there should be 3 or 4 or even 5 communications that point out the success of the child. And so, email allows you to do that more easily. For problems, I would only use email to say, “I’m concerned about Carol’s math. Would you email me and tell me when it would be convenient for you to come in?” I think that problems should be discussed face to face, if at all possible or at least by telephone. The human voice or the human face can soften the impact or communicate caring in a way that an email might not. I don’t know that technology is ever going to take the place of that.

Modern Parents: Wow, those were great and quite practical, which is right on target when you’re speaking about and to parents. Sherman: Right. Well, I’m glad you think so. I was the associate superintendent for community engagement for the first three years I was in Richmond, and worked extensively with involving not just the business community, and communities of faith, and of course our internal stakeholders, but very, very importantly our parents. I always felt that parents were an integral part of the success we were going to see with children. We only have them for a year as a teacher or for a short period of time as a principal. In the same district a child might move in and out of the district, but a parent who becomes an advocate for his or her child is his or her best teacher and will be there for life. The degree to which we can empower parents to see themselves in that role is the degree to which we’re going to exponentially improve public education. We cannot do it without parents. Join us as we continue our conversation with Dr. Sherman in the next issue.

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ParenT ToolkiT

This chart helps to determine your learning style; read the word in the left column and then answer the questions in the successive three columns to see how you respond to each situation. Your answers may fall into all three columns, but one column will likely contain the most answers. The dominant column indicates your primary learning style. Have fun using this chart to help determine the learning style of your child and yourself. When you..





Do something new

Put something together


Do you try to see the word?


Do you sound out the word or use a phonetic approach?

Do you dislike listening for Do you enjoy listening? too long? Do you prefer words Do you favor words such as hear, tune, and such as see, picture, think? and imagine?

Do you become distracted by untidiness or movement?

Do you become distracted by sounds or noises?

Do you like Do you enjoy dialog and descriptive scenes or conversation or hear the characters talk? pause to imagine the actions? Do you like to see demonstrations, diagrams, slides, or posters? Do you look at the directions and the picture?

Do you prefer verbal instructions or talking about it with someone else?

Kinesthetic & Tactile

Do you write the word down to find if it feels right?

Do you gesture and use expressive movements? Do you prefer words such as feel, touch, and hold?

Do you become distracted by activity around you?

Do you prefer action stories or are not a keen reader?

Do you prefer to jump right in and try it?

Do you ignore the directions and figure it out as you go along? modern parents magazine



Promoting a Healthy Pregnancy What can a woman do to promote a healthy pregnancy? Many health care providers recommend that a woman who is thinking about becoming pregnant see a health care provider to ensure she is in good preconception health. There are steps a woman can take to reduce the risk of certain problems during pregnancy: 1. Folic acid – The U.S. Public Health Service recommends that women of childbearing age get at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day, through food and/or supplements. Many health care providers recommend supplementing the diet with folic acid for 3 months before getting pregnant and at least the first 3 months of pregnancy. 2. Proper immunizations for the mother – Women who are thinking about getting pregnant should make sure they have been properly vaccinated for certain diseases that could harm a developing fetus (such as chicken pox or rubella). It is important to get these vaccinations before becoming pregnant because they can harm a developing fetus. 3. Healthy behaviors – Having a healthy weight and diet and getting regular physical activity can help both the mother and fetus during pregnancy. Avoiding smoking, alcohol, or drug use is also important. In addition, certain medications and exposures in the environment can be harmful to the fetus and it is important to avoid them during pregnancy. -National Institute of Child Health & Human Development National Institutes of Health

Responding to Your Child in an Appropriate Manner Infant-Toddler (con’t) I would love to do this with my child, but... ... my child just won’t sit still that long ... I don’t have time to cook, so we eat out most of the time ... my kitchen is too small for everyone to fit ... my child eats dinner with another caretaker ... I sometimes work the afternoon and evening shift and am not always home for dinner ... I have to drive my other children to their after-school activities ...I don’t get home from work until late in the evening In a perfect world, you could spend all day every day with your child, never missing a meal or a moment of togetherness. In the real world, however, this is often not the case. Regardless of how you manage it, you should try to make time for this kind of interaction with your child every day. The specifics of where, how, or when you spend time with your child aren’t as important as the actual time you spend with your child. If your child won’t sit in a highchair for very long, put some toys on the floor and let him/her play there while 16 m o d e r n p a r e n t s m a g a z i n e . c o m

you’re in the kitchen. If you’re driving here and there, talk to your child as you drive, pointing out things you see or singing songs. If you see your child in the mornings, get into a routine for getting dressed together so that you can interact with him/her. You can also include the other people in your family in this time together, so that your child becomes more comfortable in the family setting. The important part is getting to know your child and letting your child get to know you.

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The U.S. Department of Education present:

The 2012 PARENT POWER Forum

What is the PARENT POWER Forum? The PARENT POWER Forum is a day of workshops presented by national speakers and experts, as well as state and local experts. Workshops will address educational, financial and health issues as they relate to students and parents.

ment and looking for ways to transform schools into parent-friendly professional learning communities. How will schools benefit from sending a parent?

WHEN: March 3, 2012

Parents, parent advisors or liaisons, and educators who atWHERE: tend the workshops will learn Southern University strategies that they can use to at New Orleans increase parental involve6400 Press Drive, ment at their schools, engage New Orleans, LA What are the benefits of other parents in attending attending? school meetings and activiTIME: ties, and train parents to lead 9:00 a.m. Attendees will get to see real school-based capacity buildprofessionals in action, learn ing parental involvement activities. The skills acquired at how to present their own parthe conference will help to ent workshops, become familiar with current issues and best practices in form a strong foundation for attendees’ knowledge parent involvement, become aware of available re- base and get them fired up to return to schools and sources to assist parents in becoming parent lead- the community to become informed catalysts for ers, get ideas to share with other parents, network helping to improve parental involvement and famwith individuals who share a like-minded passion ily engagement. For further information, for parent involvement, and get a chance to interact email nfdi@live.org or visit www.nfdinstitute.org with people who are excited about parent involvemodernparentsmagazine


Questa Independent Schools Questa, New Mexico Albert Martinez, Superintendent


February 17, 2012: No School - Staff & Students

Audience: Juniors and Seniors

February 20, 2012: No School - Staff & Students

Posted by: Questa Schools

March 5-9, 2012: No School - Staff & Students

Registration Deadline: March 9, 2012

March 23, 2012: Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


April 6, 2012: No School - Staff & Students

Audience: Juniors and Seniors

April 9, 2012: No School - Staff & Students

Posted by: Questa Schools

April 20, 2012: Staff Only Full Day

Registration Deadline: May 4, 2012

May 4, 2012: Staff Only Full Day May 18, 2012: Last Day of School for Students

New Mexico Public Education Department

Tips for Taking the ACT Carefully read the instructions on the cover of the test booklet. Read the directions for each test carefully. Read each question carefully. Pace yourself—don't spend too much time on a single passage or question. Pay attention to the announcement of five minutes remaining on each test. Use a soft lead No. 2 pencil with a good eraser. Do not use a mechanical pencil as they are not usually No. 2 lead; if you do, your answer document cannot be scored accurately. Answer the easy questions first, then go back and answer the more diffi18 modern parents magazine

cult ones if you have time remaining on that test. On difficult questions, eliminate as many incorrect answers as you can, then make an educated guess among those remaining. Answer every question. Your scores on the multiple-choice tests are based on the number of questions you answer correctly. There is no penalty for guessing. If you complete a test before time is called, recheck your work on that test. Mark your answers properly. Erase any mark completely and cleanly without smudging. Do not mark or alter any ovals on a test or continue writing the essay after time has been called. If you do, you will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored.

en esPañol

El poder de los padres Para trazar el camino hacia el éxito Padres, no podemos exigir a nuestros hijos que se desempeñen bien en la escuela si no les damos apoyo cuando llegan a casa. La crianza de los hijos no puede ser delegada por contrato. Para que nuestros hijos se superen, tenemos que aceptar nuestra responsabilidad de ayudarlos a aprender. Eso significa apagar el Xbox y procurar que nuestros hijos se acuesten a una hora razonable. Significa asistir esas conferencias entre padres y maestros y leerles a nuestros hijos, y ayudarlos con sus tareas escolares.

Como padre o madre, tutor o encargado del cuidado, usted puede ayudar a su hijo al establecer una conexión con su escuela, para enterarse de lo que necesita para asegurar el éxito y saber qué puede hacer para ayudarlo a alcanzar esa meta. Los estudios sobre las escuelas exitosas informan que la particpación de los padres es un factor muy importante en sus buenos resultados, que incluye la reducción de las desigualdades entre los grupos diferentes de estudiantes. ¿Cómo puede lograr esto? Al adoptar los siguientes principios y tomar las medidas señaladas para cada grupo etario, podrá ayudar a su hijo a aprender en cada paso del trayecto y así asegurar su éxito en la escuela y en la vida. Sea responsable. Acepte su papel de padre o madre y haga que la educación sea una prioridad en su hogar. Comprométase. Una vez que comience a trabajar con su hijo, continúe haciéndolo durante todo el año. Sea positivo. Los elogios surten un gran efecto en los niños, especialmente en aquéllos que experimentan dificultades en la escuela. Haga comentarios positivos. Tenga paciencia. Muéstrele a su hijo que se preocupa por él, a través de su dedicación y aliento.

—Presidente Barack Obama

Preste atención. Intervenga inmediatamente cuando se presente algún mal comportamiento. Muéstrele qué hacer y déle la oportunidad de hacerlo correctamente. La disciplina debe ser adecuada y consistente. Sea preciso. Provea instrucciones claras y directas. Preste atención a los errores. Lleve cuenta del desempeño de su hijo. Verifique todo el trabajo que su hijo lleve a casa de la escuela y guárdelo en un archivo. Ayúdelo a corregir los errores. Concéntrese en los logros. Obtenga información del desempeño escolar de su hijo. Guarde apuntes sobre conferencias con los maestros, solicite informes de progreso y lea detenidamente los informes con las calificaciones y los resultados de las pruebas de logros. Haga preguntas sobre esos resultados. Sea diligente. Trabaje con su hijo y maestro desde el principio hasta el final del año. Sea innovador. Mantenga la enseñanza animada y dinámica. ESTÉ PRESENTE. Simplemente esté presente para responder a las preguntas, escuchar, dar consejos, alentar y hablar de manera positiva sobre la vida de su hijo o hija. Esté presente para dar apoyo cuando sea necesario. Source: Infoplease Homework

U. S. Department of Education

modern parents magazine



Five Key Behaviors of Effective Teaching Approximately ten teacher behaviors show promising relationships to describable student performance, primarily as measured by achievement on classroom and standardized tests. Another five have had some support and appear logically related to effective teaching. The first of the five we will call “key behaviors” because they are considered essential for effective teaching. The second five we will call “helping behaviors” that can be used in combinations to implement the key behaviors. The five key behaviors are: 1. Lesson Clarity 2. Instructional Variety 3. Task Orientation 4. Engagement in the Learning Process 5. Student Success Lesson Clarity This key behavior refers to how clear and interpretable a presentation is to the class. Assume for the moment that you are the teacher and ask yourself: Are your points understandable? Are you able to explain concepts clearly so your students are able to follow in a logical step-by-step order? Is your oral delivery to the class clear, audible, intelligible, and free of distracting mannerisms? Instructional Delivery This key behavior refers to the variability or flexibility of delivery during the presentation of a lesson. Research indicates increased student achievement from the use of variety in instructional materials and techniques, the frequency and variety of reinforcements used, and the types of feedback given to students. One of the most popular and effective ways of creating variety during instruction is to ask questions. Another aspect of variety in teaching is perhaps the most obvious: the use of learning materials, equipment, displays, and space in your classroom. The physical texture and visual variety of your classroom can actually encourage student involvement with lesson content. The display of reading materials, use of audio and visual devices, demonstration materials, and the organization of reference materials and learning resources can all contribute to instructional

variety. Task Orientation The key behavior refers to how much classroom time the teacher devotes to the task of teaching an academic subject. The more time dedicated to the task of teaching a specific topic, the greater the opportunity students have to learn. Some task-related questions a teacher must answer are: (1) How much time do I spend lecturing, asking questions, and encouraging students to inquire or think independently? (2) How much time do I spend organizing for teaching and getting my students ready to learn? Engagement in the Learning Process This key behavior refers to the amount of learning time devoted to an academic subject. Engagement rate is the percentage of time devoted to learning when the student is actually on-task, engaged with the instructional materials and benefiting from the activities being presented. Student Success This key behavior refers to the rate at which students understand and correctly complete exercises. A crucial aspect of the research on task orientation and student engagement has been the level of difficulty of the material presented. In these studies, level of difficulty was measured by the rate at which students understood and correctly completed exercises. Three levels of difficulty are: high success, in which the student under stands the task and makes only occasional careless errors; moderate success, in which the student has partial understanding but makes some substantive errors, or low success, in which the student does not understand the task at all. Findings indicate that task orientation and student engagement are closely related to level of difficulty, as measured by success rate. Consistently, instruction that produces a moderate-to-high success rate results in increased achievement, because more content is covered at the learner’s current level of understanding.

Source: Effective Teaching Methods by Gary Borich

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iMPorTanCe oF ParenTal inVolVeMenT

Dr. Constance Collins, Superintendent The Round Lake Area District 116 school district is located in Round Lake, IL. Round Lake Area District 116 is currently led by Dr. Constance Collins. Superintendent Collins speaks with us today about the importance of parental involvement. Modern Parents: Thank you for speaking with us today, Dr. Collins. Can you talk to us about your view of parental involvement? Dr. Collins: I believe that parental involvement is a very important component of student and school success. The definition of parental involvement has changed over the years and an involved parent is not always one who is able to volunteer in the schools every day. Instead, in most instances, successful students come from homes which emphasize the importance of education and learning in all environments. I believe parental involvement is critical to children being successful in school.

Modern Parents: What advice would you give parents to help improve their child’s performance in school? Dr. Collins: Partner with your child’s school, teachers and administration to create a positive learning environment for your child. As a parent, you should hold high expectations and communicate these expectations regarding achievement to both your child and the school. You should immediately seek help for your child when there are signs of struggle and do all that you can to create a positive learning environment within and outside of school. Support the school and its efforts to move your child toward higher levels of achievement. Communicate the importance of a high quality education to your child and make this evident through your actions within the home and school. Speak positively about the school, its leadership and the adults within the classroom. We will continue our conversation with Dr. Collins in the next issue.

modern parents magazine


Finance Expert SUZE ORMAN

feeding yourself. It’s more important than putting away money for your retirement. It’s more important than having a house you can have. It’s more important than that car you can drive, more important than you having money when you get sick. I have to say, giving where the economy is going, you put a fortune into a child’s education so that they then graduate and get what? What job, at what cost, at what pay scale. What is wrong with Modern community colleges? What is wrong today with Parents: What advice would you give parents regarding sending your child there to get an education. They don’t have to go to an expensive school. establishing a college fund for their kids. These private schools are getting absurd. Why not stress a little bit of self sufficiency, where we take care of ourselves. You graduate from high Suzy Orman: Today, economic times have changed. They have school and if that means you have to go out and changed people and it’s not going to get any bet- work until you save enough money to then go to ter for quite awhile. So when you are setting up college, then consider the wait. We can no longer money to take care of a child’s college education, be a debtor society. With a debtor society you what you are in essence saying is that the college are in prison, nobody has the keys anymore to let education for that child is more important than us out. That’s what I think about it. In these tough economic times, the advice of finance experts can be quite valuable to most households. We are fortunate to bring you words of wisdom from the consummate finance expert of our day, Ms. Suze Orman. The host of CNBC, The Suze Orman Show speaks with us today about planning for college.

22 modernparentsmagazine.com

PARENT POWER Forum Registration $25.00

Phone Registration: Call 504.339.5310. Visa, MasterCard are accepted. Mail-in Registration: Send the registration form—with credit card information, check or money order payable to the National Family Development Institute—to 2536 Delta Pointe Dr., Marrero, LA 70072. Fax Registration: Fax the registration form with payment/credit card information to 504.522.7948. Online Registration: www.nfdinstitute.org. Click PARENT POWER Forum. Regular Registration- Deadline February 20, 2012. Early Registration - $20.00. Must be received by February 1, 2012. • Our workshops are open to the public. • Limited space available on a first-paid, first-served basis. Call 504.339.5310 to confirm space availability. Payment is required to reserve a seat in the Forum. • Accommodations for people with disabilities will be provided if requested at least one week prior to Forum. • Questions? Call 504.339.5310/ 1.866.994.4242, or email info@modernparentsmagazine.com Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: _________________ Phone: ____________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________ Please check one: ____Parent ____Parent Liaison ____Educator ____Administrator ____Community Member _____Institution _____Organization _____Other_______________________ School/Institution/Organization: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Title: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Number/Expiration Date: _______________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Name:________________________________________Signature: ______________________ Purchase Order Number: ____________________________________________________________________ Total Enclosed: $_______________________ Check_______ Money order______ Credit card ________

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Modern ParenT

Yolanda Adams Yolanda and daughter, Taylor

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•Focus on one article at a time. Create a parent

your suggestions to MPM for possible publicainteraction system that allows parents to re- tion. Imagine having your school featured in a spond to the most helpful components of the national publication. magazine. •Use MPM to nurture, develop or support par•Designate one article as the topic of discussion ent writers; include teachers and students, as at your parent meetings. well. Submit for possible publication. Be sure to indicate your school. •Create a parent quiz based on articles. •Log the topics/articles that garner the greatest •Have students share how MPM strategies are response. Document the greatest area of growth used, and/or the differences they are making, at in your parents. home. •Use MPM content during Family Night activi•Name one parent an “Expert” in a designated ties. The use of MPM in your school sends the topic after she/he reads and creates a parent ac- message that your school supports its parents tivity revolving around an MPM strategy or tech- and is dedicated to developing well-informed nique. parents. •MPM is a must for all parent rooms and PTO/PTA’s.

•Use MPM to highlight exceptional parents and special events or achievements.

•Designate a section in your school to reflect how •Display a Parent Enlightenment or Parent MPM strategies are used at home, thus show- Growth Chart in your school to showcase areas casing active home-school interaction. of parental growth or enlightenment. •Place a copy of MPM on the office counter and

•List MPM in your School Improvement Plan. It

in the teacher’s lounge.

meets parent/family involvement requirements.

•Cite MPM data in school newsletters and correspondences.

Contact us for additional uses for MODERN PARENTS Magazine

•Have a Parent Quiz Bowl or MPM-related ac-

tivity at your next PTO meeting for a refreshing change of pace. •Compile parent and/or teacher suggestions on

innovative ways to use the publication. Submit

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Read each problem. Cross out the number sentence that does not fit the problem. Solve the correct number sentence.

a. Jasmine picks 9 flowers. She puts 4 flowers in a vase. How many flowers are left in her hand? 9-4=________ 9+4=________

b. There are 3 pups on the chair. There are 8 more pups on the floor. How many pups are there in all? 3-8=________ 8+3=________

c. Ariel finds 7 starfish . She gives 2 to Flounder. How many starfish does Ariel have left? 7-2=________ 7+2=________



Answers: a) 9-4=5, b) 8+3=11, c) 7-2=5

iMPorTanCe oF ParenTal inVolVeMenT

Dr. James Meza, Superintendent Jefferson Parish Public Schools

Today we speak with the leader of the largest school district in the state of Louisiana. Dr. James Meza is the Acting Superintendent of Jefferson Parish Public Schools. Dr. Meza speaks with us about the state’s largest school district and parental involvement. Modern Parents: Thank you for speaking with us today, Dr. Meza. How are you? Dr. Meza: I’m doing fine, Carol. Modern Parents: So can you tell us a little bit about Jefferson Parish Public Schools? What’s on the horizon, your view of parental involvement overall and for the district? Dr. Meza: Well, the Jefferson Parish School System is the largest public school system in the state of Louisiana. We have 89 schools, ranging from Early Childhood to High School. We have several alternative schools and two charter schools, currently. We have a budget of $520 million. In essence, we are one of the largest corporations in the state when you compare us to business. We have 7,000 employees and 46,000 students, so we’re a major organization. Also, when you look at our system, it’s changed over the last 20 years. We’ve moved from a predominately white system to a predominately minority system, particularly serving many children whose families have low incomes. Almost 75% of our district serves those who are considered free & reduced lunch students, so we serve many families that are in financial need. Modern Parents: Interesting. Do you think the needs of those students differ from your traditional students in the past? Dr. Meza: Well, first of all there is no difference in their potential. Their strengths are unique. The real challenge is that many times they have less resources and their level of readiness is behind. Therefore, my objective is that we have to push for more funding, support and resources to families and children early on in the educational process; starting with 4 year olds, 5 year olds, 6 year olds. We want every child to be able to read by third grade. Currently, we have some major problems. They stem from the dropout Join us on Facebook.com/modern.parents and Twitter.com/Mod_Parents_Mag

rate, overaged children, and high retention rates. If we get all children to read by third grade, we will see an immediate reduction in retention. If we were able to focus on the child early on hopefully we will have children to stay in school much longer. Currently, only one out of three of our students who enter high school graduate. We have to do much better than that. Modern Parents: Do you see the family playing a role in that? Dr. Meza: Family is just so critical. It’s a leg of our triangle. We call it the education triangle-the school, the parent, and, of course, the child. We cannot be totally successful without parents being directly involved in their child’s education. We know our parents. There are two things we know about our parents-they love their children, regardless of what kind of parent they are; and secondly, they want their child to be successful. But schools can only do so much. We need to have that support. A child’s waking hours are outside of the classroom. They are only in school for a certain portion of the day. It’s what’s happening in the home environment, in the community and the time that they are not in school that is so very important. So we need that level of continuity and support. Many times our parents unfortunately were not successful in school, so they don’t look at school as a friendly place. So it’s hard for them sometimes to return to a place where some of them sometimes may have had negative experiences. So we really have to do more parent education. And I think your publication can help us do that. School has to be open to parents and reach out to parents. We can’t just expect parents to come in. Schools have to assume a level of responsibility for reaching out and saying whatever you need to help educate the whole child, we will support you; whether it’s medical, whether it’s dental, whether it’s support services, or special needs. Some of our parents don’t know how to navigate the bureaucracies to support their child. We need to do a much better job of communicating to them, inviting them in. These are their schools. We want them to be part of the solution. We look forward to continuing our conversation with Dr. Meza in the next issue.

modern parents magazine


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