progress Modesto Chamber of Commerce
December 2010 Vol. 31 Issue 12
Legend of Modesto: Suzy Powell New Members Cover Photo by Studio Warner
Work In Progress
Ribbon Cuttings
Co ver Sto ry
Legend of Modesto: Suzy Powell
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Kathy Halsey, AT&T
Chairman Elect Ralph Curtis, Curtis Legal Group
Co m m u ni ty D evel o pm en t
Immediate Past Chairman Gary McKinsey, Corporate College
Vice Chairman Finance Dennis Wann, Tim Colbert & Associates, Inc.
Vice Chairman of External Operations David Gianelli, Gianelli & Associates
Vice Chairman of Internal Operations Eric Benson, JS West & Company
Directors Patricia Gillum, Patricia A. Gillum, CPA
Doug Johnson, Reach Business Solutions
Announcements Leadership Modesto Awards and Achievements
12 19 13
Neal Khatri, Best Western Khatri Properties Sharon Likely, Kaiser Permanente Bill Moreno, Fire2Wire
Ron Owen, Bank of the West
Eco n o m i c D evel o pm en t
Karna Harrigfeld Petrulakis, Herum\Crabtree Jeremiah Williams, Oak Crafts by Jeremiah
Ex-Officio Bill Bassitt, The Alliance
George Boodrookas, Modesto Junior College
Keith Boggs, Stanislaus County Chief Executive Office
Chamber Staff Joy Madison, President/CEO
Minnie Dodge, Administrative Manager
Sharon Novotny, Accountant
Nita Gruendeman, Membership Sales Manager
New Member Profiles People On the Move Work In Progress
8 14 17
Land of Opportunity
Elizabeth Facanha, Special Events Manager
Meagan Lopez, Administrative Assistant
N e tw o r ki n g A nd R e fe r r a l s
About Progress... Postmaster: Send address changes to: PROGRESS, P.O. Box
844, Modesto, CA 95353. Editorial opinions are not necessarily those
of the Board of Directors or members of the Modesto Chamber of Commerce. Chamber members may submit news by contacting: Progress Editor, email, P.O. Box 844, Modesto, CA
95353, (209) 577-5757, fax (209) 577-2673. Inquiries about ad rates,
please contact Kristin Bowker at (209) 526-9136. Deadline is the 10th of each month for news and advertisements for the following month’s publication (news published at the discretion of the Editor on a first come, first served, space available basis).
Ribbon Cuttings Business Before and After Hours New Chamber Members Chamber Calendar
18 18 20 22
Publisher Modesto Chamber of Commerce
(209) 577-5757 •
Graphic Design Never Boring Design Associates
(209) 526-9136 •
Printer Parks Printing
(209) 576-2568 •
c ha mb er w orks f or y ou
Distribution Parks Printing
Warden’s Office Products Center (Office Supplies & Office Furniture) has been a
(209) 576-2568
proud member of the Modesto Chamber of Commerce since 1966 - just one year
Advertising Sales Kristin Bowker
after opening our doors in 1965! What was true then is still true today - some 45
Never Boring Design Associates
(209) 526-9136 •
years later....people working with people....local businesses working with fellow
local businesses....and Chamber members working with fellow Chamber members.
Modesto Chamber of Commerce Mission Statement To promote the region’s economic strengths and vitality; identify and
promote services that are valuable to our members; advocate for public
policy that is advantageous to the business community; and fully participate and partner in activities to improve quality of life.
On the cover Olympian Suzy Powell
Photo by Studio Warner
Jerry Warden
The Leadership Modesto program has been particularly beneficial to our business,
with a sponsorship of an individual employee each and every year for the last 10
years! Hosting the November “Holiday”Chamber mixer or ‘Business After Hours’ has become one the
the annual events many look forward to - including our entire staff. I wish everyone a safe Holiday Season and a prosperous 2011!
PROGRESS MAGAZINE 1114 J Street • Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 577-5757 • (209) 571-6480 • Fax (209) 577-2673 •
Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 12.2010
L e ader s hi p
C ha i rma n’ s C or n er City of Modesto Utility Users Tax The city of Modesto’s Utility Users Tax is collected on telephone, water, gas and electric services at a rate of 6% and cable television services at 3%. The maximum tax utility users have to pay for each service is $1500. With a tax rate of 6%, this means a user will reach the maximum tax when they have paid $25,000 in any given calendar year for a utility service. If you have paid tax on charges in excess of $25,000 for a utility service during a calendar year, you may be entitled to a refund from the city. A “utility service” refers to each individual utility location with a separate meter and separate billing. For telephone customers, the tax is calculated on each basic telephone number, including extensions to the basic number. The Modesto Municipal Code currently provides for refunds of overpayments made within 12 months from the receipt of the refund request. To request a refund, please provide the city with a written request and copies of your utility bills which verify you overpaid. Request for refunds should be mailed to:
City of Modesto Finance Department
P. O. Box 642; Modesto, CA 95353
Attn: Utility Tax Desk
You may elect to prepay the utility users tax maximum if you believe you will exceed the cap. The city would then notify each utility that payment has been made and they will cease collection of the tax for the calendar year. If you have any questions, please contact the Utility Tax personnel at (209)577-5381.
I recently read some articles by Joel Kotkin, an executive editor of and who writes the weekly New Geographer column for Forbes, and I found myself intrigued and disturb by some of his comments. Particularly, one he made in “Who Killed California’s Economy?” stating “Right now California’s economy is moribund, and Kathy Halsey the prospects for a quick turnaround are not good.” He goes on to say “This insanity has been enabled by a lack of strong opposition to it. One potential source--California’s business leadership-has become progressively more feeble over the past generation. Some members of the business elite, like those who work in Hollywood and Silicon Valley, tend to be too self-referential and complacent to care about the bigger issues. Others have either given up or are afraid to oppose the dominant forces of the environmental activists and the public sector.” I can tell you this, in Modesto, we have not given up. In fact, recognizing the need to be more resilient at helping our businesses, the Chamber has been rapidly taking steps to become an even stronger advocate and promoter for the business community. We all know there is strength in numbers, so with that thought, beginning in 2011, we added six new positions on the Chamber’s Board of Directors, bringing in a mixture of seasoned, established strong business advocates, and young, vibrant up-and-coming business leaders who will be the future leaders of this community. We’ve spent the last 12 months strengthening the relationship between the Chamber and the city; always recognizing that while some times we may not agree on policies, a strong bond is needed so that we can work through business impacting issues and that business needs are heard and addressed. Next year we’re adding more opportunities for businesses to promote their products and services and to network with other business leaders and elected and appointed officials. And in early 2011, the new expanded board will strategically look at all aspects of the Chamber and develop a long term strategic vision that drives local business. Needless to say, it’s been a challenging time to manage a business for profitability, and all indicators show that this downturn is still going strong and will be with us awhile. There is lots of energy, however, focused on making our community a better place to live and a better place to do business. As my year closes as Chairman of the Chamber Board, I’m optimistic that we are moving in the right direction; that the C hamber, its staff, and its Board are keenly focused on strengthening our businesses, which we believe will overall strengthen our community. As we shift into this holiday season, don’t forget to buy local, support your local businesses, and remember that Modesto means business. Happy holidays to you and your family, and I wish you a healthy and prosperous new year.
Progress 12.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce
economic development
F rom t he C EO While businesses in the Bay Area were boarding up
Differences of opinion and strong personalities permeate the Chamber
incidents – the San Francisco Giants winning the World
of issues. Yet, it’s not done in a mean spirited or nasty way. Questions and
windows in anticipation of the results of two diverse
Series and the sentencing from a controversial criminal
trial, Modesto was doing something very different and Joy Madison
in a very different way.
The Modesto Nuts Professional Baseball Club, although not eligible to compete for the World Series, did win the California League’s Organization of
the Year. Congratulations to Mike Gorrasi and everyone whose outstanding
world. Chamber Committees often ask tough questions and delve the heart
issues are decided by voting. Once the issue has been decided, everyone (even those not on the prevailing side) moves forward. Sure, there can be
lingering dissatisfaction by some. The Chamber is a 98 year-old institution and memories are long. But in the big picture most everyone understands that the Chamber is an advocate for business and makes its collective decisions with that in mind.
efforts earned the franchise the distinguished honor. Go Nuts!
The Chamber is built upon relationships. It’s like a small town. The
We just went though an election that produced mixed results for the business
the Chamber strives to provide a valuable service at a reasonable cost in a
community. The Chamber’s recommendations on local and legislative races were good; on state races not as favorable; federal races we had a big win; and, break-even on the propositions. Modestans showed up at the polls, made
choices in a peaceful manner and accepted the outcome with equanimity.
The change in government didn’t incite violence here. (Although, I admit there were a couple election results where I dropped to my knees and howled a bit. But I was at home and it made Bill laugh and my dogs bark.)
Likewise, we had a change in Council position at the City. Councilmember Kristin Olsen resigned her seat to fill her position in the State Assembly. That left the Council to fill the vacant position in District 5. Covered well in
the news media, the process was civil, informative and (for the applicants) intense.
Here’s a little Chamber inside info. Of the 13 candidates that
applied, 9 were somehow connected to the Chamber by membership or
connection to Leadership Modesto, 3 were graduates of LEMO (including
reputation of the Chamber is at stake every day. Much like your business, trustworthy manner. It’s one of the things I reflect upon every time we host
a new member orientation. Welcoming new businesses to the Chamber is a lot of responsibility. Ambassadors, staff and vendors that work closely with the Chamber offer help and assistance at the orientation.
The Chamber believes it has to work hard to earn your trust. Delivery of
programs and services has to benefit our customers. The Ambassadors are in touch with members of the Chamber all the time. Ambassador
reports are read – and in many cases – acted on. Event survey results dictate whether or not and how the next event is produced. The Chamber Board reviews and discusses every member that chooses not to retain its membership in the Chamber. However, unlike many other Chambers, we
never publish a “drop list.” The Chamber always will work to reconnect with a lapsed member, not ostracize one.
one from my class), 2 are Committee Chairmen, and 1 is a Board
So, as the fiscal year comes to a close, thank you for your patronage.
would be refreshing if all races had this much talent interested in elected
represent your interests.
Member. Business had a strong presence in the application process. It office.
Congratulations to Stephanie Burnside for her appointment.
It is honored and respected. We will always work harder, smarter and P
Congratulations to all of the applicants who showed interest and pursued the appointment. Congratulations to the Modesto City Council for undertaking a daunting task and doing it so professionally.
Joy Madison, President and CEO
Minnie’s News Bites
That’s what separates us from Bay Area mayhem. We did all this controversial
stuff without anyone running rampant in the streets, smashing windows,
The season may be over for the MJC Pirates
trashing parked cars or committing other acts of vandalism. No one boarded
Baseball Club, but the need is not. Did you know
up establishments. The worst were some nasty blogs. The hard part will be
that 95% of the team is made up of local kids from
remembering to combine assertiveness and civility as we move forward in lingering economic woe and political change.
The Stanislaus County Office of Education officially launched its Civility Initiative. In tough economic times, emotions can run high. The gentle
reminder to act in a civil, respectful manner is something that costs nothing, yet reaps much.
In fact, your Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
eagerly and unanimously passed a resolution to do just that.
the surrounding high schools? Last season they
Minnie Dodge
had a 100% transfer rate with 9 kids receiving athletic scholarships to four-year schools. Unlike
some larger schools, the team operates on a very small budget. It’s the
goal of Head Coach, Chris Rodriguez to raise an extra $15,000 each year to buy new uniforms and equipment. He can’t do it alone. They
need your support! As you’re making your holiday lists, remember the MJC Pirates Baseball Team and help them continue the great tradition
of producing both athletic talent and enhancing these young athletes education. Contact Coach Rodriguez at 575-6274,
Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 12.2010
Legend of Modesto: Suzy Powell Written by Matthew Andrews Photos by Studio Warner
hen looking for Legends of Modesto, there is
played in a variety of sports, with Powell embracing soccer,
striving for success in their business endeavors
upbringing,” she says, “It was what we did.”
no shortage of people who “go for the gold” by
and community service. But whereas most of these individuals
simply embody the spirit of the expression, there is one Modestan
The most influential moment in Powell’s childhood came at the
obtaining a gold medal – Suzy Powell. The 34-year-old athlete is
and field event – the discus throw. “I felt insulted,” she said of
who literally spends her time training and working towards
a distinguished discus-thrower that owns several national records
and has competed in three Olympic Games. While she is known around the world for her talent, her achievements are especially inspiring in her hometown, where her dedication to excellence on the field and in her community has made her a local legend.
Powell was born and raised in Modesto as the youngest of six children in a family in which athleticism was rampant. Powell’s father, a former football player, encouraged his children to participate in athletic events. As a result, Powell and her siblings
basketball and track and field. “[Athleticism] was a part of our
Progress 11.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce
age of 10, when Powell’s father encouraged her to try a new track
her initial experience, “I thought of the discus as an event for people who couldn’t do anything else.”
But Powell soon discovered that she possessed an innate gift for the discus. By the age of 11, Powell had broken a national
record for distance in her age group. Two years later, she did it again. By the age of 14, when most competitors pick up a discus
for the first time, Powell had already laid the groundwork for what would eventually become her career. She continued to excel throughout junior high and high school, culminating in 1994 when
C ov e r S t ory
Powell, at the age of 18, won a bronze medal at the World Junior
Two of the most memorable moments in Powell’s career involve
High School Athlete of the Year” by Track and Field News.
Powell recorded a distance of 227 feet, which shattered the previous
Championships in Lisbon, and was awarded the honor of “Female
Powell recalls this time period as one marked by hard work and dedication. Often choosing training and conditioning over the kinds
of recreational activities that dominate the lives of teenagers, Powell,
with the help of her father, learned the importance of a good work ethic at a young age. “My dad was good at educating me on the idea
that if you want something you will have to make sacrifices in the short term that will equal a bigger reward in the long term,” she says, “And what a valuable lesson to learn at that age.”
“My dad was good at educating me on the idea that if you want something you will have to make sacrifices in the short term that will equal a bigger reward in the long term, and what a valuable lesson to learn at that age.” — Suzy Powell As Powell continued to train and make sacrifices, the rewards kept getting bigger and bigger. Powell competed at University of California, Los Angeles, and in 1996, at the age of 19, Powell became the youngest athlete on the United States Olympic
Track and Field team. Powell, who placed 33rd in Atlanta that year, recalls the experience as the first time that she realized
that the discus could become a career and not just a sport. “I
her battle to break the national discus record for distance. In 2002, record of 216 feet. However, the record was not ratified due to
technical issues regarding the slope of the field on which Powell made her throw, and the previous record remained in place. Dejected, but not disheartened, Powell continued to work and in 2007 she set a new national record of 222 feet on a slope-free field in Maui. “That was a sort of vindication for me,” she explains, “To prove that it was me who broke the record and not a sloping field.”
At 34, Powell is at an age that means retirement for many athletes.
But because of the unique requirements of discus-throwing,
athletes remain competitive and reach their peaks at older ages than other sports. “The average age of a gold medalist is 32,” says Powell, “I consider myself to be in my physical
prime.” With this in mind, Powell is working toward the goal of competing in the 2012 Olympic Games in London.
While making a name for herself in the world of international
sports, Powell has also been working to have an impact on her home community.
Within the last several years, Powell has
become more involved in various local organizations dedicated to improving Modesto including Rotary, Commonwealth Modesto and the Chamber of Commerce. Powell has also conducted numerous athletic camps for athletes of various age groups in
order to pass on her years of experience to a new generation of
competitors. Powell cites her parents as the source of this desire to give back to her community. “It was part of my upbringing,”
she says, “My parents encouraged us to get involved in the community and to try to do something good.”
got a chance to talk with different athletes from around the
Powell knows that not everyone can grow up to be a world-class athlete,
was possible.”
can inspire others in her community to seek excellence in their chosen
world,” she says, “And I was able to witness first hand that it
Once Powell realized she could dedicate herself to discusthrowing, that’s exactly what she did. Powell continued to train and condition herself to perform at the highest level and at the
2000 Olympic Games in Sydney she placed 15th in her best Olympic
performance to date. Though she missed the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens due to a hamstring injury, she recovered and clinched
but she hopes that her story’s mixture of ambition and determination
field. Everyone, she explains, can find something they’re good at and then go for the gold with the necessary degree of hard work and
sacrifice. “Find something that inspires you and latch onto it,” she says, “But [the pursuit of dreams] needs to be tempered with reality.
Do the research to find out what it really means to be a professional in your field.”
the first place spot at the USA Outdoor Championships in 2007.
Powell also was on the team representing the United States at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, where she placed 26th.
Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 11.2010
economic Development
N e w M emb er P rofiles Absolutely Gorgeous Jewelry and Gift BoutiqueI am so excited to be one of the newest members of the Modesto Chamber of Commerce. Much of my jewelry and gifts are handmade
and “Absolutely Gorgeous.” My store is located in a remodeled section
private and institutional sectors, local communities and our planet. Visit 809 Sylvan Avenue, Suite 101; call (209) 575-1384; or go to
of my home. The walls are a must see; special art work! Jewelry for
Raylene & The Radio Show “That mean old rooster pecks our
almost all of your Christmas shopping here. By appointment only, call Helen
Like It Here, a true song about an old almond ranch. Moody Country best
children and many gifts to choose from. I’ve been told you could do Sturdivan at (209) 521-9483 or email: or Facebook.
At Access Dental Centers, we care about your dental health, your smile
and your satisfaction. Our family-friendly offices offer a wide range of dental services, including Invisalign, oral surgery and many other preventative and
corrective procedures. We also have a wide array of financing options and
bedroom window, almost like he’s lived inside before”; lines from We
describes our line-up of up-beat originals and carefully selected “vintage” tunes.
Our four piece band has repeatedly performed outdoors for
(Chamber Member) English Oaks Convalescent; however, we’re happy to squeeze into small corners as well. For booking, please contact me, Raylene Kemp or my cell (925)642-7514.
discounts and we accept most dental insurance plans. Call or email us today for
The Promotional Group Since 1988, The Promotional Group has been
2000. 2605 Coffee Road, #200, Modesto, (209) 521-0100. Corporate number, (916)
valley. Employee recognition? Marketing event? Special Occasion? Apparel or
our next available appointment. 1440 E. Hatch Road, #102, Modesto, (209) 537679-7068. We want to keep you smiling for generations!
DLR Group WWCOT is an integrated design firm providing architecture, engineering, planning and interior design from offices coast-to-coast and in China.
Our promise is to elevate the human experience through design. This promise
inspires sustainable design for a diverse group of client partners in the public,
Progress 12.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce
providing cutting-edge ideas and above-average customer service to the promotional item? We can do it all! Always looking for fresh new ways to promote
your company or organization is our specialty. Rush orders? Not a problem with The Promotional Group. Call us at (209) 848-4320, visit us on the web at www. or drop us an email at
community Development
97th Annual A w a r ds D i n ner Janua r y 2 8 , 2 0 1 1
S ave t he D ate S t at e of th e C ity
New Years may have passed, but we will just be getting started
here at the Modesto Chamber of Commerce. Mark your calendars and get ready to celebrate the 97th Annual Awards Dinner where we recognize the service of the outgoing Chairman of the Board,
welcome the newly appointed Chairman and install the incoming Board of Directors.
The Annual Dinner, sponsored by Gianelli and Associates and Kaiser Permanente, features exemplary businesses in Modesto and the surrounding areas through its prestigious awards, i.e. Chamber Member of the Year, Distinguished Service and the Robert J. Cardoza
When: February 17, 2011
Award to name a few. If you haven’t submitted your nomination,
Where: DoubleTree Hotel Modesto
email or fax. The deadline is December 12, 2010.
Mark your calendars and get ready for the Mayor ’s second Annual
Sponsorships are available but going fast. To be part of this long
for 2011 and other regional economic issues.
or for sponsorship, tickets or table
State of the City Sponsorships are now available, for more
please do so SOON! Nomination forms are available online, via
standing event call or email Elizabeth Facanha at (209) 577-5757 reservation information.
State of the City address along with the updates on the city’s plan
information, contact Elizabeth Facanha at (209) 577-5757 or
Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 12.2010
Economic Development
S tate of the R egion What Will Drive our Economy Forward?
The second successful meeting between government officials and local businesses took place on Thursday, October 21, 2010 with more than 260 in attendance. We graciously thank our sponsors for their generous support and contributions.
The Chamber respectfully thanks its honored guest speakers; The
Honorable Bill O’Brien, Stanislaus County Supervisor, District 1, The
Honorable Vito Chiesa, Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors,
District 2, The Honorable John Lazar, Mayor of Turlock, The Honorable Virginia Madueno, Mayor of Riverbank, Mr. Dan Miller, Vice President
SMART Refrigeration Transport and Mr. Matt Swanson, President Associated Feeds.
Committee Chair George Petrulakis, drove the discussion regarding
regional issues concerning the local business community. Several questions presented by the audience, directing numerous action points
for business in our community emerged, as did the need to continue with events that involve our community leaders and business professionals.
We sincerely thank each and every member who sponsored a table at
this significant event. The conversation was thought-provoking and
signaled that our members are looking forward to future opportunities to meet and discuss issues with our community leaders.
Special Thanks To: Venue Sponsors:
Event Sponsors:
California State University,
Bank of the West
American Medical Response Stanislaus
Printing Sponsor:
Petrulakis, Jensen & Friedrich, LLP Audio Visual Sponsor:
Table Sponsors:
Stanislaus Surgical Center
ATV Video Center, Inc
US Bank
Bank of the West
Valley First Credit Union
Doctors Medical Center
Winton-Ireland Strom & Green
Silver Level
JS West
American Medical Response Applegate Johnston, Inc. AT&T
Insurance Agency
Rabobank Table Sponsors
California State University,
Burnside Body Shop
F&M Bank
George Reed, Inc.
Prime Shine Express
MJC Workforce Training Center
Great Valley Center
Progress 12.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce
Great Valley Center
Doctors Medical Center
Diamond Level
DMC Foundation
Kemper CPA Group, LLP
Petrulakis Jensen & Friedrich, LLP
Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 12.2010
Community Development
A nnouncemen ts ITSolutions | Currie and Howard Training Center SAVE THE DATE. ITSolutions |Currie invites you to go ‘All In’ with Howard Training Center for
the first ever Texas Hold’em Tournament on Saturday, January 22, 2011. Registration between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Tournament starts at 6 p.m. and will be hosted
at Witmer Hall, 1424 Stonum Road, Modesto. Enjoy
delicious food, beverages and lots of PRIZES. All proceeds will go to Howard Training Center. For more information, call HTC at (209) 593-5618 or visit us online at
Dale Commons Independent & Assisted Living Community invites the public to its Fifth Annual Victorian Christmas Open House from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, December 11th. The event includes
a boutique full of unique gift items for sale, Christmas carolers, and
complimentary appetizers, desserts and hot cider. Get into the spirit
with a memorable photo taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus! Staff dressed in period costumes will be on hand and tours will be available. R.S.V.P. by calling (209) 526-2053. Dale Commons is located at 3900 Dale Road in Modesto.
Modesto Community Concert Association presents Harry James Orchestra, Sunday, January 9, 2:30 pm. Harry James is “Still Swingin.” The distinctive sound of this group Harry James Orchestra
will take you on a nostalgic journey.
lead trumpet, Fred Radke, leads the orchestra with humor and versatility. You will hear strains
of the golden trumpet enjoyed by millions over the years including “It’s Been a Long, Long Time.” Harry James Orchestra’s music is vibrant and undeniably enjoyable.
Systems , a professional printing and
promotional products provider based in Bakersfield, CA, has been named by Inc. Magazine as one of America’s fastest-growing private companies. With a 33 percent increase in growth the local business debuted at #3995 of the 5000 businesses named to the list. Multi Business Systems is also ranked as number 62 in sales in the nation within its industry by the Print Services Distribution Association (PSDA).
Modesto Chamber of Commerce
Help your business make PROGRESS The Number One Business Publication in Stanislaus County For advertising information please call Progress Magazine at 209.526.9136
Progress 12.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce
comm unity Development
A wards And A chievements Benedict V. and Angela Cipponeri were
Cindy Yoder, Realtor/Broker, Coldwell Banker
Facilities (CAHF) with a Lifetime Membership Award.
other Associates across the United States and
Vinson Chase, has been invited with twenty
honored by the California Association of Health
Canada to serve on the Coldwell Banker Sales
The CAHF Lifetime Membership Award recognizes
Associate Advisory Council (SAAC). This group
those who have provided outstanding or exemplary Benedict V. and Angela Cipponeri
service to the association through involvement at the chapter and state level, as well as outstanding
Cindy Yoder
was selected out of 100,000 Coldwell Banker Sales Associates. The Council will provide input
community service. Evergreen Nursing & Rehabilitation Care Center and
from a sales professional perspective, as well as insights on local and
award is a credit to the level of businesses operating in our area.
to help colleagues increase productivity and profitability. For more
the Cipponeri’s have been in business in Modesto for 50 years and this
Fred Miller, Coldwell Banker Vinson Chase, was
information, contact Vinson Chase at (209) 577-2121.
named Realtor of the Year for 2009 by the Central
Warden’s Office Products Center marked its 45th
on CVAR’s Board of Directors and is Past-President.
his sister Rochelle and her husband Don Sise. Warden’s started in a
Valley Association of Realtors (CVAR). Fred has served Fred gives back to his community—for the last eight Fred Miller
national issues. The Council will focus on proper systems and tools
years, he promoted the Realtor Musical Review, a
concert featuring community members. This year’s
celebration was at the Community Housing & Shelter Services. This
program helps get people into homes that could not otherwise do so. For more information, call Fred Miller at (209) 606-9752.
Anniversary in August 2010 - Founded in 1965 by Jerry Warden,
very small space on Burney Avenue in Modesto and has become the largest, independently-owned, office products dealership in the Central Valley serving Stanislaus, San Joaquin, Calaveras, Tuolumne and Merced counties. For more information visit
Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 12.2010
Community Development Economic Development
P e op le On T he M ove B-V Insurance Services is pleased to welcome
Prudential California Realty (PCR) is pleased to announce
established Personal Lines Department of B-V
Development and Training and the Manteca Team Leader. PCR is also
Mark Rossi to their team. Mark will lead the newly Insurance Services. Mark comes to B-V Insurance Services with over 20 years of client customer Mark Rossi
relations, along with three years of agent experience.
B-V Insurance will continue to serve businesses with
commercial insurance, workers comp and employee benefits. You can
find Mark at 1301 L Street, Suite I and reach him at (209) 529-6000 or
Glenn M. Race has been newly appointed as the Director of Career
pleased to welcome Jude Harrison, newly appointed Stockton Team
Leader to the organization. Craig C. Lewis, President/CEO of PCR made the announcement at the Stockton Sales Meeting on September 29, 2010.
For more information, call Glenn M. Race at (209) 249-8813, Jude Harrison at (209) 444-6602 or visit
Priest Amistadi Creedon CPAs introduces Stefan Edh to its staff and clients. Stefan will utilize
Pastenieks, Bucheli and Falasco, LLP, is
his business experience to assist clients in taxes,
pleased to welcome Natalya Galindo, CPA to the firm.
business and budgeting. Stefan earned his CPA with
She has over four years of experience preparing compiled,
Ernst and Young and has spent most of his career with
reviewed and audited financial statements, including audits of employee benefit plans. Natalya’s experience Nataya Galindo
includes tax services for individuals, businesses and notfor profits. Natalya is an active member of the community,
currently serving as an officer of the Modesto Sunrise Rotary club and treasurer for McHenry Mansion Foundation. For more information, please contact her at 209-529-5515 or visit our website at
Progress 12.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce
Stefan Edh
local agricultural manufacturing companies, including
Sensient and Sunnyside Farms as both a Controller
and Plant Manager. Priest Amistadi Creedon encourages you to contact Stefan or any of us when you are looking for an accounting firm to truly understand your business. 544-7090,
Economic Development
p resident’s c lub C ircle Of I nfluence Diamond Level
Bank of the West Capax-Giddings, Corby, Hynes, Inc. Doctors Behavioral Health Center-DMC Doctors Medical Center-DMC Frito-Lay Company Inc. Kaiser Permanente Pacific Southwest Container Physician Referral Service-DMC Romo & Associates Save Mart Supermarkets Walmart
Gold Level
Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Inc. Costco Wholesale Evergreen Nursing and Rehabilitation Care Center Foster Farms Dairy J C Penney Company Memorial Medical Center The Modesto Bee Modesto Irrigation District Modesto Nuts Professional Baseball Post Foods, LLC RACOR, Division of Parker Hannifin Corp. Sysco Food Services Taco Bell
Silver Level
5.11 Tactical Inc. AAA AAA Locating, Inc. AT&T Acme Construction Company, Inc. Ambeck Mortgage Associates American Chevrolet American Medical Response Applegate Johnston, Inc. Aramark Uniform Services Atherton & Associates BBVA Compass BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse Basic Resources, Inc. Brandman University Part of Chapman University Brown, Fink, Boyce & Astle, LLP Bunge Oils California State University, Stanislaus Candlewood Suites Central Valley Chrysler Jeep Dodge Central Valley Medical Group Central Valley Nissan Central Valley Volkswagen Hyundai Children’s Hospital Central California Children’s Hospital & Research Center-Oakland Chukchansi Gold Resort & Casino Citibank Clark Pest Control Comcast Construction Management Corp. Courtyard by Marriott Covenant Village of Turlock Curtis Legal Group
Progress 12.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce
Damrell, Nelson, Schrimp, Pallios, Pacher & Silva Del Monte Plant #1 Delta Sierra Beverage DirectLine Technologies, Inc. DoubleTree Hotel English Oaks Nursing & Rehabilitation Hospital External Resources Inc. F & M Bank Galletto Ristorante Georgia-Pacific Gianelli & Associates Gilton Solid Waste Management, Inc. Great Valley Center Grimbleby Coleman CPAs, Inc. Grover Landscape Services, Inc. Harris Moran Seed Company Heald College I.J. Larsen Pumps, Inc. ITT Technical Institute Infiniti of Modesto Institute of Technology International Paper Company J S West & Company Kaplan College McHenry Medical Group, Inc. Magnum Boots USA Mercer Foods Mocse Credit Union Modesto Commerce Bank Modesto Toyota Mraz, Amerine & Associates Nestle USA Oak Valley Community Bank O’Brien’s Market, Inc. OLAM Spices & Vegetables, Inc. Oldcastle Glass Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Panelized Structures, Inc. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Group Prime Shine Express Rabobank Raley’s Rizo-Lopez Foods Inc. San Joaquin Valley College Seven Up Bottling Corp. Solecon Industrial Contractors Solid Networks, Inc. SpringHill Suites by Marriott Stanislaus Food Products Co. Stanislaus Surgical Hospital Stantec Consulting, Inc. Storer Coachways Sutter Gould Medical Foundation Turlock Irrigation District US Bank Valley Bio Energy, LLC Valley First Credit Union Valley Lexus-BMW-Infiniti Versa Cold Logistics Services W.H. Breshears, Inc. Warden’s Office Products Center Wells Fargo Bank Winton, Ireland, Strom & Green Insurance Agency Yosemite Meat Co., Inc.
Work In Progress Modesto Chamber of Commerce
a series spotlighting some of our area’s most innovative and successful companies
A t Its o l u ti o ns | C urri e, E x p e r i e n c e d oes M at t er
Service when you need it (Courtesy of Never Boring Design Associates) User Friendly Technology • A website doesn’t have to be the most complicated part of your life. With a well designed website and a
In today’s world, small businesses are more
substantial experience in different areas.” Dempsey
dependent on technology than ever before.
explains that the sheer number of employees
and manage online content that represents you and
at the company virtually guarantees that there
your company without the hassle of a middle man.
connectivity, and wireless and mobile data devices have become essential in helping businesses
is someone with significant experience in a particular task or service.
Having just
advances also bring about a
doesn’t work...
however, is not the result of
new level of liability, as they
almost all of
simple probability; IT Solutions |
crimes. As a result, many business owners have turned to
Solutions | Currie to
productivity without having to compromise security.
our employees have broad experiences that
The Chamber stands by this statement. We practice it on a daily basis. As an organization, we
experience. “Having just one
‘count on you’ to practice using Chamber Members to
draw from.
Dempsey, “We have guys with
IT Solutions | Currie, which was
use Chamber Members exclusively. We hope we can
specialty doesn’t work,” says
degrees of specialties and
they can
-James Dempsey Vice Pesident
customers. Social media tools are easily accessible connect content to your website.
one specialty
theft, and variety of other
and develop brand loyalty with current and potential and integrate well with each other; and most easily
However, these technological
create new avenues for fraud,
• Social media is a great way to communicate
meet all of your business needs. You can find new and current members online at, or through our 2010 directory at
core skill sets, but almost all
of our employees have broad
Progress Magazine is the voice of the Modesto
Chamber of Commerce, and the leading business
draw from.”
publication in Stanislaus County. For more information or advertising info call (209) 526-9136
Currie Computers in 2009, provides a number of
This diversity is an asset for a company that provides
services to a vast array of area business, including
technological solutions to meet the needs of a
the sale and repair of computer hardware and the
variety of different industries. IT Solutions | Currie
installation and maintenance of computer networks.
has clients ranging from retail establishments to
“We are the biggest company of our kind in the
health care providers, and with a large, diverse,
Central Valley,” says Vice President James Dempsey,
and experienced staff of employees, they are well
“And as a result, we have a lot of employees with
equipped to work with each one.
© Never Boring Design
formed out of a merger between IT Solutions and
proper content management system, you can create
This story can also be found at
Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 12.2010
N e tw ork i ng And Referrals
R i bbon C ut t i ng s
American Asset & Wealth Management
City Finance, Inc.
N Touch Bodywork and Wellness
3202 Atchison Street, Riverbank, CA 95367 (209) 869-8200
1608 Tully Road, Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 988-2630
2020 Coffee Road, Suite D-3, Modesto, CA 95355 (209) 525-9133
Peterson King Contract Glass, Inc.
MassMutual Financial Group, CLU Chfc
4812 Stratos Way #3, Modesto, CA 95356 (209)527-8309
1111 J Street, Suite M-109, Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 613-7210
T3 Direct Merchants and financial services 4660 Spyres Way, Bldg #1 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 552-2382
B u s i n ess B efore and A f t er H ours november business before hours
november business after hours
Hosted by: Standiford Place Gracious Retirement Living
Hosted by: Warden’s Office Products Center
Wine Provided By:
Coffee Provided By:
Standiford Place Gracious Retirement Living staff
Standiford Place Gracious Retirement Living is a charming retirement
Warden’s is the largest independent office supply, office furniture
that make life so carefree and satisfying.
Stockton and Sonora area.
community, offering many wonderful services and several amenities
and used office furniture dealer in the Modesto, Merced, Turlock,
Standiford Place Gracious Retirement Living
Warden’s Office Products Center
(209) 521-7000
(209) 529-6321
3420 Shawnee Drive, Modesto CA 95350
Warden’s Office Products Center staff
Progress 12.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce
1415 J Street, Modesto CA 95354
Community Development
L e ad e r s h i p M o d e s to Leadership Modesto classes learn about various facets of our
community, typically dealing with crucial matters such as local government, education & healthcare. The classes also educate students on the many cultural aspects of the community. These aspects showcase great traditions & diversity in Modesto.
The cultural scene in Modesto is truly abundant. The class spent much of their time downtown on Arts, Culture & Community
day, October 8, 2010. At the State Theatre, the class learned and held discussions about local music/musicians, poetry and other art. Education on Modesto’s history was attained through a tour
of the McHenry Mansion and the McHenry Museum. Also this year, the leadership class experienced a self-guided architecture tour and a walk to the Gallo Center for the Arts.
Kate Trompetter, Center for Human Services said, “I was so excited
to be the Day Chair for Art, Culture and Community Day! The
Lemo Class of 2010/2011 is delightful and I trust they ended the day with a broader understanding and greater appreciation of all the fabulous art and culture our Modesto has to offer.”
Thanks to former Lemo Classmate from 2009/2010, Lani Dickenson,
who sponsored lunch at Tresetti’s World Caffé. The Leadership
Modesto program requires sponsors like Tresetti’s World Caffé
and contributors who give their time and resources. These are just some of them: Randy Siefkin, Matt Sai, Sam Pierstorff, Doug
Holcomb, Wayne Mathis, Grace Lieberman, Jennifer Mullen, Mark
Rossi, the State Theatre, McHenry Mansion, McHenry Museum & The Gallo Center for the Arts. Leadership Modesto continues to
flourish, surely due to the collaboration and participation from the Chamber and its community members.
Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 12.2010
N e tw or k i ng And Referrals
N e w C hamber M emb ers Allen Mortuary
DJ’s Locker
Michael Allen 247 N. Broadway Turlock, CA 95380 (209) 634-5829 ph (209) 634-0662 fax
Edward Jones 1824 California Modesto, CA 95358 (209) 204-2086 ph (209) 846-9493 fax
Funeral Directors
Tom Ciccarelli 1625 I street Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 238-9597 ph Community Service Organizations
Best Buy Mobile
Plus IT Inc.
Adam Erickson 3401 Dale Road, Suite 180 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 578-5703 ph
Becky Jones 1509 K Street Ste 133 Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 948-4276 ph (209) 465-4695 fax
Don Bradley 821 Oates Court, Suite 300 Modesto, CA 95358 (209) 538-6086 ph (209) 538-6087 fax
Computer – Repair & Services
Movers & Full Service Storage
Central Valley Community Bank Ramina Ushana 300 Banner Court #2 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 576-1402 ph (209) 576-1828 fax Banks
Progress 12.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce
The Last Resort Melissa Muncrief 218 E. Orangeburg Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 523-6900 ph (209) 523-6909 fax Drug & Alcohol Treatment Programs
Storage Mobility Pods Modesto
Cellular Telephones
Stanislaus Family Justice Center
Wayne T. Yee, D.D.S. Cristy Divird 3125 Coffee Rd., Suite 1 Modesto, CA 95355 (209) 529-2726 ph (209) 529-7323 fax Dentists
N etw o r k i n g A n d R e f e rra l s
Susan Johnston Owner Bonnie J Please give me a brief overview about your company’s history, for example. I opened Bonnie J in early 2008 at 1020 J Street, where we are today. It was my belief – and still is – that Modesto was in need of a fashionable Susan Johnston boutique for women to shop for shoes, jewelry, clothing and handbags in a comfortable, friendly environment for a reasonable price. Because we are a small, independent operation, I am able to meet and get to know most of my customers; if I can’t remember your name, I am almost sure to remember what shoes you bought during your last visit. Bonnie J was named after my late mother, Bonnie J. Brocco. My mother loved fashion and inspired me to want to own a fashion boutique. Interestingly enough, when she was younger she worked at the pharmacy on the corner of 11th and J streets – in the location where Tresetti’s is now located and in the building where Bonnie J is located. Tell me about your career and professional life. What have you done in the past that has led you to where you are now? Prior to opening Bonnie J, I worked as an executive for a variety of organizations including US Bank, 3Com and CSU Stanislaus. While most of those roles were in a financial or management capacity, I have always had a love of fashion and the retail industry. It was only after a great deal of research that I decided it was the right time to open my own boutique. Are you originally from this area and if so where were you born? If not, where are you from? I was born and raised in the Modesto-area, and have been fortunate to raise my family here. When you were younger what goals did you set for yourself and why? When I was younger both my father and mother worked very hard and instilled in me a strong work ethic. Seeing them inspired me to earn my college degree and develop a career that afforded me things that are important to me – professional satisfaction and time with my family. Would you share with me some background that has contributed to helping you achieve your goals? Throughout my career I have always been a hard worker and treated every job as if I was an owner. Focus, drive and passion are key elements in achieving your goals. Of course having a plan and sticking to it is a good idea as well.
What challenges have you had to overcome in your professional life and how did you achieve that? Without a doubt the most significant professional challenges I have faced relate to building a career while raising my two daughters Brittany and Morgan. As a single mom for many years, it took a great deal of effort to not only fulfill my work responsibilities, but to also be a good mom. What are some of the accomplishments of which you are particularly proud? First and foremost, I am incredibly proud of my two wonderful daughters. Brittany is serving our country in the US Navy and Morgan is a first year student at CSU Chico. Both are independent, intelligent women that are sure to do wonderful things in their lives. Beyond that, I am very proud that we were able to start Bonnie J – and have it survive – during the worst economic downturn since the great depression. Many have asked why we would have started when we did – I would rather start at the bottom and grow the business than start at the peak and ride it down. You’re very much an entrepreneur. What about you do you think makes you such a success? Gauging success is relative. I consider the fact that we celebrated the start of our third year in business a huge success, and much of that goes to the support of my family, friends, the great customer base we have developed and the assistance of my neighboring downtown businesses. There is a great vibe among downtown stores and restaurants and I hope it only gets better. Do you participate in any community outreach efforts or clubs? I have been a member and have served as President of the Central Valley Professional Exchange for seven years. I am also a member of the Advisory Board of the local chapter of the Make a Wish Foundation. What are your plans for the future? An easy answer would be to grow into a larger space, carry more inventory or open more stores. There is something special, however, about our small boutique – personal and comfortable. Ideally, I would love to see our customer list continue to grow and downtown Modesto continue to flourish. What advice do you have for business people when it comes to achieving their goals? Starting a new business is all about flexibility. The business plan I put together before opening changed about five minutes after we opened the doors. But we have learned to adapt, learned to cope and learned to take advantages of opportunities as they present themselves. As an example, we started doing private ‘shoe parties’ after opening at the request of a customer. We served wine, some cheese and invited lots of girlfriends – those have been great fun and introduced many new customers to our store.
Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 12.2010
N e tw o r ki n g A nd R e fe rra l s
C ha mb er C alen da r December 2010 2
Business Before Hours: I.J. Larsen Pumps/Bank of the West Location: 3600 McHenry Avenue Time: 7:30 am – 8:30 am
Business After Hours: Direct Appliance Location: 2424 McHenry Ave Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
January 2011 12
Chamber U Seminar-Team Realignment Facilitated by Terry Barnhart, The Corporate College Location: Chamber Conference Room Time: 8:15 am – 9:15 am
Business Before Hours: Kemper CPA Group, LLP Location: 1700 Standiford Avenue, Suite 200, 2nd Floor Time: 7:30 am – 8:30 am
Chamber U Seminar- Employment Law Update Facilitated by Daniel C. Ravens, Littler Mendelson Location: Chamber Conference Room Time: 8:15 am – 10:00 am
Business After Hours: Evergreen Nursing and Rehabilitation Care Center Location: 2030 Evergreen Avenue Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Annual Awards Dinner Location: SOS Club 819 Sunset Avenue, Modesto Time: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Progress 12.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce
Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 12.2010