Progress Magazine August 2010

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progress Modesto Chamber of Commerce

August 2010 Vol. 31 Issue 8

The Future of Energy Leadership

Work In Progress

Ribbon Cuttings

Co ver S t ory


The Future of Energy 6

Chairman Kathy Halsey, AT&T

Chairman Elect Ralph Curtis, Curtis Legal Group

Co m m u ni ty D evel o p m e n t

Immediate Past Chairman Gary McKinsey, Corporate College

Vice Chairman Finance Dennis Wann, Tim Colbert & Associates, Inc.

Vice Chairman of External Operations David Gianelli, Gianelli & Associates

Vice Chairman of Internal Operations Eric Benson, JS West & Company

Directors Patricia Gillum, Patricia A. Gillum, CPA

Leadership Modesto Announcements Awards and Achievements

8 12 15

Doug Johnson, Reach Business Solutions

Neal Khatri, Best Western Khatri Properties Sharon Likely, Kaiser Permanente Bill Moreno, Fire2Wire

Ron Owen, Bank of the West

Eco n o m i c D evel o p m e n t

Karna Harrigfeld Petrulakis, Herum\Crabtree Jeremiah Williams, Oak Crafts by Jeremiah

Ex-Officio Bill Bassitt, The Alliance

George Boodrookas, Modesto Junior College

Keith Boggs, Stanislaus County Chief Executive Office

Chamber Staff Joy Madison, President/CEO

Minnie Dodge, Administrative Manager

Sharon Novotny, Accountant

Nita Gruendeman, Membership Sales Manager

Guest Column People On the Move New Member Profiles Work In Progress Land of Opportunity

10 12 14 17 22

Agnes Amerine, Retention Manager

Elizabeth Facanha, Special Events Manager

N etw o r ki n g A nd R e fe rra l s

Melanie Smith, Administrative Assistant

About Progress... Postmaster: Send address changes to: PROGRESS, P.O. Box

844, Modesto, CA 95353. Editorial opinions are not necessarily those

of the Board of Directors or members of the Modesto Chamber of Commerce. Chamber members may submit news by contacting: Progress Editor, email, P.O. Box 844, Modesto, CA

95353, (209) 577-5757, fax (209) 577-2673. Inquiries about ad rates,

please contact Kristin Bowker at (209) 526-9136. Deadline is the 10th of each month for news and advertisements for the following month’s

Ribbon Cuttings Business Before and After Hours New Chamber Members Chamber Calendar

18 19 20 26

publication (news published at the discretion of the Editor on a first come, first served, space available basis).

Publisher Modesto Chamber of Commerce

(209) 577-5757 •

Graphic Design Never Boring Design Associates

(209) 526-9136 •

Photography Cory Warner, Studio Warner

C hambe r W or ks Fo r Y o u

(209) 544-6511 •

Empowered Success and Carl Stange are both promoters and facilitators of

Printer Parks Printing

empowerment and the belief that, “Anything IS Possible!” More possibilities can

(209) 576-2568 •

include increased involvement in Modesto Chamber of Commerce activities. Be

Distribution Parks Printing

sure to attend the monthly Coffee Hours and the Mixers as a start. Next, consider

(209) 576-2568

giving back by volunteering on the Welcome Team. Be aware that as you are seen

Advertising Sales Kristin Bowker

Never Boring Design Associates

(209) 526-9136 •

Modesto Chamber of Commerce Mission Statement

Carl Stange

and heard, you may get the opportunity to be a Membership Drive Captain. Saying “yes” to these examples and others has accumulative effects: Leadership Modesto,

To promote the region’s economic strengths and vitality; identify and

class of 2010-2011. How do you give back to the Modesto Chamber of Commerce, knowing “Anything IS

policy that is advantageous to the business community; and fully partici-

Possible!” Carl F. Stange, Empowered Success, (209) 534-5408

promote services that are valuable to our members; advocate for public pate and partner in activities to improve quality of life.


PROGRESS MAGAZINE 1114 J Street • Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 577-5757 • (209) 571-6480 • Fax (209) 577-2673 •

Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 8.2010


L e ader s hi p

C ha i rma n’s C or n er Modesto….until you live here, you’ll never understand. Sometimes I wonder if that should be Modesto’s slogan.

When I talk to people who live here, whether it has been for their lifetime or they are transplanted from another area, they seem to endearingly love Modesto. Kathy Halsey

I remember the first time I heard former Mayor Richard

Lang give his annual State of the City address. I can still

hear him say. “I love Modesto! I love the beautiful trees that line the streets. I love the people who greet each other with a warm, friendly smile. I love this

city and everything it has to offer.” If I hadn’t already loved Modesto, I did after hearing him speak that day.

So what is it about Modesto? It seems that every time we turn around we find ourselves on another list that says Modesto is a bad place to live. These

lists, I’m sure, are probably compiled by people who have never lived or even spent time here, because for those that have, it is a different story. I was recently in a leadership program and one of our facilitators commented about his fascination with our sense of community. He said unlike other areas he’s

been in throughout the United States, we don’t just talk about the sense of community; we live it and breathe it.

I’d like you to stop for a moment and think about what it is about Modesto Teddi Lowry Branch Manager Brenda Rodrigues Customer Service Supervisor

that you love. Is it the trees, the people, the sense of community? Is it the

location, because you can hop in the car and be in the beautiful city of San

Francisco, the majestic Sierra Nevadas, or the cool ocean breezes of Santa Cruz

or Monterey within less than 2 hours? Is it that you get to enjoy top-notch,

diverse entertainment at our own Gallo Center for the Arts, summer concerts at Graceada Park, or the rhythms of X Fest? What is it that you love?

For me, one thing is the agriculture. When you can drive just a couple of miles

to a local fruit stand, pick out a freshly picked peach, and later savor the sweet

flavors as the juices gush down the sides of your chin when you sink your

Safe, Sound and Secure Rabobank. For a secure future.

teeth into the succulent fruit, now that is something I love! I always tell people there is no place on earth where you can get the variety and quality of freshly produce that we are so lucky to enjoy.

It is time that we stop talking about what is bad about Modesto, and instead

start talking about what is good, what we love, and what we want others to know about what makes Modesto great. So this is my challenge: the next time you’re asked, “Where do you live?” I want you to step forward and proudly say, “I live in Modesto and let me tell you about this awesome community.”

MODESTO BRANCHES 1400 Standiford Avenue 576-2599 1407 I Street 557-8888 Rabobank, N.A. Member FDIC


Progress 8.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce

political action

F r om The C e o On







encouraged entrepreneurship. Stanislaus County Supervisor Jeff Grover

renamed its Free Enterprise Center the Kirk

economic development since the 1970’s. Grover was assisted in his

Development and Workforce Alliance officially Lindsey Free Enterprise Center in memory of its past Chairman. Joy Madison

The dedication ceremony was

held at 10th Street Plaza.

Honoring Kirk were

Bill Bassitt, President and CEO of the Alliance,

who discussed the launching of a unique merger of private economic development and the Workforce Investment Bureau. Kirk’s vision to combine the two has proven successful. Paul Van Konynenburg, Past-

highlighted the many successes of Kirk as a champion and leader for

“true contender” speech by Kirk’s year-old grandson, Brennan Suesens, who sat in front of the podium enchanting an appreciative audience.

Alliance Chairman of the Board Sean Carroll presented to Kirk’s widow Cyndi, and daughters Shannon, Whitney and Tiffany, a replica of the

brass sign adorning the Lindsey Center. We were all moved by Cyndi’s words of thanks and, too, hoped that Kirk was smiling at us that day.

Chairman of the Board of the Alliance, talked about Kirk’s dedication to protecting the free enterprise system and how he promoted and

Joy Madison, President and CEO

Paul Van Konynenburg, Alliance Past Chairman talks about Kirk’s devotion to entrepreneurship.

Whitney Lindsey, Shannon Suesens, Tiffany Lindsey and Cyndi Lindsey in front of the Kirk Lindsey Free Enterprise Center.

Alliance CEO Bill Bassitt addresses the crowd. Looking on are Supervisor Jeff Grover and Alliance Chairman Sean Carroll.

Supervisor Jeff Grover delivers his contender speech about Kirk’s

legacy for the community and economic development. Lindseys in

the background. Brennan Suesens, Kirks Grandson, steals the spotlight.

Plaza crowd looks on

Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 8.2010


The F u t u r e of E ne r g y Written by Matthew Andrews


or many utility and energy companies, the road leading into the future will be a challenging one. With looming issues related to increased population and climate change, these companies are being pushed more than ever to find cleaner and more efficient energy sources in a way that’s economically viable. It’s a challenge that isn’t taken lightly by any of the energy providers in the Central Valley. Both Modesto Irrigation District (MID) and Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) are taking the challenge head on by pursuing renewable resources and maintaining a balanced energy portfolio. At the same time, both companies are encouraging businesses to utilize the energy saving tools now at their disposal in order to increase the overall efficiency of the energy supply. Embracing New Sources MID’s official venture into the use of renewable resources came in the year 2006, when they began importing energy from wind farm projects in Solano County in California and the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon


Progress 8.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce

and Washington. Today, only four years after being established, these wind farms already account for 14 percent of the company’s total energy production; by next year, this number will jump to 26 percent, accounting for almost one-third of the overall output. MID is proposing to increase their overall percentage of renewable sources to 35 percent by the year 2020 with two proposals. The Valley Bio-Energy Biomass Project, which draws clean energy from the burning of chipped wood byproduct from local agricultural lands, and the McHenry Solar Project, which will utilize a new solar farm on McHenry Avenue. These changes have come about due to increased regulations from the government, as well as public demand, and a desire to lower emission levels, but Regulatory Planning & Development Manager Greg Salyer cautions against being overly optimistic about the prevalence of green energy. “We’re never going to completely get away from carbon,” he says, noting that MID will continue to use more traditional sources of energy, such as coal and natural gas, for a long time to come.

C ov e r S t ory

The reason, Salyer explains, is because renewable sources are often inconsistent. Wind, for example, is only effective when it’s windy, and as a result most windmills work at maximum capacity only about 30 percent of the time. Likewise, solar is an extremely useful source of energy in the Valley summers, but at 6 p.m., the peak time of energy use in the summer, the sun is beginning to set, and the amount of energy available from the sun begins to decrease rapidly. “We work in the one commodity that’s instantaneous. We have to have enough generation to meet demand at any given time,” explains Salyer. Relying solely on clean, yet inconsistent, energy sources would not allow MID to meet customer needs. Inconsistency with renewable resources is a problem for PG&E as well, and while the company looks to balance renewable energy with more traditional sources, they’re also working to spread the risk out among a wide variety of renewable resources. “Our strategy is to tap as many

“Our strategy is to tap as many different resources as we can. No one fuel will be the answer.” — Katie Romans different resources as we can,” says Spokesperson Katie Romans, “No one fuel will be the answer.” In 2008, PG&E drew 14 percent of its energy from renewable resources, and today they’re under contract for 20 percent. Among the sources of energy utilized by PG&E are wind and solar, as well as biomass, geothermal, and small hydroelectric facilities. Both companies recognize that there are other sources of power in development, such as wave power, in which energy from ocean waves are harnessed, and biogas, in which the agricultural byproduct of manure is burned. However, these methods are currently impeded by inefficient technological developments and high capital costs. “There are a lot of ideas in development that we can’t quite implement on a large scale,” says MID’s Regulatory Administrator Joy Warren, “There are environmental and financial hurdles that need to be resolved before they can be viable.” Salyer and Romans both note that developments in the immediate future will likely focus on complementing renewable energy sources with the ability to store and transfer energy more efficiently. Projects under development include battery technology to store generated electricity for later use, thereby reducing the need to generate immediate electricity, and improving the transmission cables by which energy is transmitted so that less energy is lost.

Energy Conservation in the Workplace While technology has allowed utility companies to develop cleaner sources of energy, it has also allowed electronic consumers to contribute to overall energy efficiency by embracing conservation. Today’s business owners, no matter their industry, have numerous tools at their disposal in order to decrease their overall energy usage. In order to connect consumers to the various options in the marketplace – from strategic building remodels to efficient electronic appliances – PG&E offers its customers a free energy audit. This process allows business owners to see where their energy is being used, as well as where and how they can save energy. “One of our most valuable services is the benefit of our expertise through our energy audits,” says Roman, “It sets the stage so that they can take the next step.” For Bob Hondeville, Energy Services Supervisor at MID, there have been many worthwhile developments in energy conservation, but the most significant is the use of computers to synchronize and control every aspect of a business. Factories can use this system to control every component of their assembly line in order to precisely time equipment and reduce leaks and lost energy. Hondeville also notes that many companies, especially in the warehouse industry, are using buildings designed to harvest daylight in combination with efficient artificial lights and motion-detecting sensors to decrease the overall electricity usage. Businesses will also continue to embrace using their own renewable resources, most notably solar panels, to offset their reliance on the grid. “[These methods] also work to attract customers and clients, and to project a certain image to the customer,” he says, “It’s not just about money savings.” One of the most exciting developments on the horizon at MID is the idea of a “smart grid.” Currently, electricity meters are set up to send electricity usage data to MID in order to track demand and usage, but in the future, the meters will be able to transmit data back to the unit. This will allow customers to be able to track their energy usage and make decisions about their consumption based on current grid conditions. As the technology advances, consumers may be able to program certain appliances and systems to run only when the grid reaches certain levels. As the world continues its forward march into the future, the need for clean and economical sources of energy, and more efficient use of this energy, will become more and more urgent. However, because of their willingness to embrace new technological developments, both in the area of production and consumption, and their desire to diversify among numerous innovative sources, utility providers in the Central Valley will be able to tackle the challenges ahead and come out stronger than ever.


Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 8.2010


Communi ty Development

L ead e r ship M ode sto Pride was the sentiment of class members after participating in both the

Department who participated in the hands-on shooting trailer [and

member went away with a deeper awareness of the professionalism of the

Stanislaus County Dispatch Center.”

Public Safety and Business, Commerce & Agriculture days. Each class Fire and Law Enforcement officers and the breadth of the products grown and made in Stanislaus County and their effect on the community.

Day Chair Tim Harms, Prime Shine Car Wash, planned the program for

Ride-alongs were scheduled with the Fire Department and the Modesto

an entrepreneur in today’s economy from Evan Porges, and toured 5.11

Police Department or Stanislaus County Sheriff officer. Cory Warner, Studio Warner, was impressed with the fact, “An officer has to be able to switch

gears mentally—at a moments notice—their life and the lives of others depend on it!” Mark Rossi, Sons of Italy, shared Cory’s sentiment and remarked, “It was amazing to see first hand the wide range of situations

officers are confronted with each shift.” As a long-time employee with the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department, Vicki Maldonado is familiar

with the day-to-day activities of the Sheriff’s deputies, “Public Safety Day demonstrated the experience, commitment and dedication of our law enforcement staff.”

Day Chair Lt. Jolene Gonzales, Modesto Police Department, coordinated the program thanking, “The Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department

for the tour of the jail and providing a great lunch…the Modesto Police


presenters] Crime Stoppers, Neighborhood watch, Junior Cadets, and the

Progress 8.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce

Business, Commerce & Agriculture Day. The class learned about being Tactical, Duarte Nursery and Alpine Nut. Christy Almen, Stanislaus

County Chief Executive Office, finished the day with an annual perspective on the local economy. Drew Kyler, City Signs, stated, “Seeing a few Ag

operations in town reminded me of how proud I am (and we should all be) that we live in a place that produces many of the crops that feed the entire world. These business owners work hard at their craft and produce amazing products.”

Tim Harms expressed his gratitude to Kris Helton, Denton Incorporated,

for buying breakfast. Leadership Modesto depends on the cooperation of both public and private organizations to coordinate comprehensive programs; it also depends on the support and donations of Chamber members—thank you to all who supported the Class of 2009-2010.


Economic Development

hether in the field or in the office, our people are the foundation of our business… experienced, efficient, loyal, quality-oriented individuals committed to bringing you the very best product — on budget and on time. It’s not every year you consider a new building or expansion project, especially in a tight economy. But when you do, we hope you’ll think of us… and our people.


G ue st C o lumn North County Corridor

By William O’Brien, Stanislaus County Supervisor, District 1

The long line of cars at the intersection at Claribel and Coffee roads during

five o’clock traffic offers an indisputable illustration of our failure to

anticipate and act upon our community’s growth in past years. We must plan for the future now more than ever. The North County Corridor offers a visionary approach to meet our traffic needs for the next 20 years.

Some residents have, understandably, expressed great concern over the project. The North County Corridor will undoubtedly affect people’s

homes, businesses, history, and livelihoods. However, their sacrifices are

We’re in this together. And we’ll be here when you need us.

vital for the greater good of the community. Because of them, the North

County Corridor will bring thousands of local drivers quicker and safer travel. Other residents reason that this project is long overdue. Our county’s

population is expected to double over the next 40 years, but the corridor offers a solution that will provide for reduced congestion and the efficient transit of people and goods.

No project is without cost, but we can rely on citizen input to help us make this challenging decision. We are studying one route on Kiernan and

another north of it. An expanded Kiernan might seem most practical, but it will also drastically affect businesses. A route north of Kiernan would

successfully avoid those businesses, but would result in lost agricultural

land that is so much a part of our community. Your voice has the potential to define the outcome.






Candid and diverse resident input is invaluable to making the North County Corridor a success. We hear criticism from those who oppose the

project, but they only offer one perspective. We also need to hear from those

who support the project. In the absence of support, we only hear dissent. Your support is vital to help the North County Corridor progress and create the best future for the community.

Hardwood flooring installation, refinish & repair. Tile, granite & laminate sales & installation. Showroom located at 823 N. Emerald Ave, Modesto, Ca. 95351 Phone (209) 571-8583 10% Chamber Discount *max value $500.00

Financing Available


Progress 8.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce


Minnie’s News Bites

August marks the end of summer vacations, kids back in school, budget preparation and thinking about the Holidays…Yes – Already! It also is time for the Chamber to gear up for another busy season. Be sure to save the dates and join us for Harvest Lunch, September 10, Oktoberfest, October 1 and State of the Region, October Minnie Dodge 21. These annual events are exceptional ways to get your company’s name in front of fellow members and the community through various levels of sponsorship. Wanna help?? The Chamber is always looking for volunteers to serve on committees or to help with an event. Make your membership work for you…get involved!



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Ec onomic Development

COMMUNITY Development

P eop l e o n T he M ov e Omega



A nnoun cemen ts Save Mart Supermarkets, President Steve


Emmanuel Bruno to its staff. Previously, Emmanuel

Junqueiro has been elected a new member of Food

contracting business, where he managed all the safety

CEO Leslie G. Sarasin stated “These new leaders

Marketing Institute’s (FMI) Board of Directors. FMI

was the Safety Manager for his family’s farm labor

bring to FMI great vision, talent, creativity and utmost

protocols and compliance with OSHA for several Emmanuel Bruno

hundred employees. Besides commercial insurance,

home & auto insurance, he specializes in the Spanish-

Steve Junqueiro

dedication to the industry. They exemplify the many ways we serve our customers, communities and,

speaking markets-not only for farm policies but farm labor contractors as

ultimately, America. They make FMI’s leadership more diverse, running

Suite B, (209) 338-5500,

and many of their businesses are family-owned.” For more information,

well. Omega Pacific welcomes Emmanuel to its team. 1165 Scenic Drive, P

companies large, midsized and small, including retailers and wholesalers, contact Alicia Rockwell,

Modesto Chamber of Commerce

Help your business make PROGRESS The Number One Business Public ation in Stanisl aus County For advertising information please call Progress Magazine at 209.526.9136

Prudential California Realty recognized five of its realtors for earning

their SFR designation – Judy Loosli, Lydia Martinez-Linares, Mary Prieto, Deni Royer and Kimberly Walton, all sales professionals with Prudential

California Realty’s Modesto office, recently earned the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Short Sale and Foreclosure Resource (SFR) designation.

These professionals are now certified to help both buyers and sellers navigate through complicated foreclosure and short sale transactions. (209) 526-4040, 1101 Sylvan Avenue, Suite A-7,

Covenant Village of Turlock joined the Chamber

in October of last year. Bill DeHart has been so busy

Oak Valley COmmunity Bank

with his residential community, he just now was able to

We mean business

meet the Chamber’s Board of Directors and receive his

President’s Club plaque from Chairman Kathy Halsey. Bill DeHart

Covenant Village is a Silver Level President’s Club

Circle of Influence member, and the Board was pleased

to meet Mr. DeHart and welcome Covenant Village to the Modesto Chamber. For more information, contact Bill DeHart at (209) 216-5693.

Dr. Joan E. Smith was selected by the Yosemite Community

Amanda and Brent Bell, DDS, with Elisa Luna, Oakdale Branch Manager, 209.343.7632






Trustees to be the YCCD Interim Chancellor effective approximately August 1, 2010. “It is an honor

and privilege to have been selected as the Interim

Experience business banking the way “Oak Valley got our it should be – the perfect blend of business 9 years ago old-fashioned personal service and modern when they helped us technology to meet your every need. finance our building. They’ve been there for Let us make your business, our business. all of our business needs. It’s nice to work with a bank that is invested in the community and that treats you like family.” Deep Roots ~ Strong Branches

– Brent Bell, DDS, Bell Family Dentistry, Riverbank


Progress 8.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce Oakdale • Sonora • Modesto • Turlock Patterson • Ripon • Escalon • Stockton

Dr. Joan E. Smith

Chancellor. I look forward to serving YCCD, students, faculty and staff, and the community we serve,” said

Dr. Smith, Columbia College’s President. Smith replaces retiring Chancellor

Roe Darnell. She becomes the seventh YCCD top administrator since 1968. For more information, contact Nick Stavrianoudakis at (209) 575-6959.


community Development

W i ll kom m e n t o O kt o b e r f est 2 0 1 0 Mark your calendars now and get ready for the 27th Annual Oktoberfest, set for Friday, October 1st, 2010, at John Thurman Field. This exciting event will feature live music, abundant beer and wine tasting, a Midway and exhibit booths. Unlike any other event in the valley, this 21 and over festival is one that people return to year after year. If that’s not enough to get you to reserve the date perhaps knowing that the reasonable price of $25 per ticket gets you all you can eat, drink and enjoy for the whole night! The Chamber would like to thank the following “Early Bird” sponsors: Save Mart Supermarkets and Johnsonville who are providing an authentic German dinner of bratwurst, potato salad and sauerkraut as well as numerous volunteers. Direct donors Cencal Beverage Company and Delta Sierra Beverage will pour tastings of a variety of beers for our guests. 7-Up Bottling Corporation, Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Inc., and Pepsi Bottling Group will also be present with non-alcoholic beverages to enjoy. “Early Bird” breweries and wineries already on board are Anderson Valley Brewing, Barsetti Vineyards, Bodega Del Sur Winery, Brew Bakers, Classic Wines, E2 Family Winery, Fossil Fuels Brewing Company and Lost Coast Brewery. We anticipate many more breweries and wineries and the addition of cheese and nut companies serving delicious products for tasting.

D el M onte F oods P r e s e nts

the 49th a nnual h arvest l unch

Tickets are now available for the 49th annual Harvest Lunch, presented by Del Monte Foods. This sell-out event benefiting Modesto Junior College

Ag students will be held at 11:30 a.m. September 10 at Graceada Park in Modesto. The luncheon spotlights Stanislaus County’s agriculture industry and assures that the ag tradition continues by benefiting a new generation of community Ag Leaders.

Karen Ross, Chief of Staff for Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack is this year’s keynote

speaker. Ms. Ross joins a distinguished list of past Harvest Luncheon speakers, including former California Governor and U.S. President Ronald Reagan, Pete Wilson, Modesto’s own Bill Lyons, Jr., Ann Veneman, A G Kawamura, California State Senator David Cogdill and California State Senator Jeff Denham.

This event annually raises $20,000 in scholarship funds specifically for MJC Ag students. Many scholarship recipients complete their studies and return to the area to put their education to work and lend their support for the next generation.

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us. Table sponsorships are available for $350 for a table of 8. Individual tickets are $25; seniors and children under 12 may attend for $10. For more information, call the

A gracious thank you to our Printing Sponsor, AlphaGraphics #481; Stein Sponsor, Rock 96.7 and B92.9; Wine Glass Sponsor, Diablo Grande Golf & Country Club; Midway Sponsor, Turlock Irrigation District; Water Bottle Sponsors, Kelly Services and Mocse Credit Union; Banner Sponsors, Bertolotti Disposal and DoubleTree Hotel; Valley First Credit Union for ticket sales; and AAA for providing Tipsy Tow service.

Chamber at 577-5757.

Listen for more news of Oktoberfest on the Citadel Broadcasting radio network: KAT Country 103; 104.1 – The Hawk; khop@95.1; and AM 970 – ESPN Radio; and the Clear Channel stations: Rock 96.7 and B92.9. This will be an exciting year for Oktoberfest.

CSU Stanislaus Ag Department

Sponsorships for this event are now on sale and going fast. Contact Elizabeth Facanha at the Chamber, (209) 577-5757, to find out how you can get your company’s advertising dollars to work for you. With promotion that will reach across the entire Central Valley, this event is a sure bet to give your company affordable, high-profile exposure.

Grimbleby Coleman CPAs, Inc.

Until the fun arrives, Seien sie vorsichtig! (“Take Care.”)

The Chamber would like to thank the following businesses who have already confirmed their table sponsorships and direct donations. Table Sponsors

Atherton & Associates, LLC

Modesto Commerce Bank

California Milk Advisory Board

Veterinary Service, Inc.

California Poultry Federation Dave Wilson Nursery

Del Monte Foods, Inc. MJC Ag Staff

Modesto City Schools


Stanislaus County Farm Bureau Wells Fargo Bank

Yosemite Community College District Yosemite Farm Credit Direct Donors

GCA Financial Services


48th Annual Harvest Luncheon

Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 8.2010


Ec onomic Development

N e w M e m be r P r of il es Affordable Transport 24/7 is a one of a kind transportation service

JKB Energy Longtime home developer James Brenda entered the solar

that provides quick and discreet transportation to any destination within

energy business to capitalize on strengths developed over three decades of

airport, medical appointments, special events, or simply around town

and four years ago founded JKB Energy. “It’s development and contracting,

the Central Valley. We are a transport company that will drive you to the in style and comfort. We run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and offer reasonable rates. You can reach Affordable Transport 24/7 by calling (209) 606-5607 or visit our website at

The Trade Secrets is a full-service marketing firm that specializes

building new homes. Brenda recognized the new housing industry slowing and that’s what we do,” he said. “I also recognized it as a growing industry.”

JKB Energy, named “Solar Innovator of the Year” by PV Powered, custom designs, engineers and installs every photovoltaic system to each client’s specific needs and objectives. For more information:

in wedding industry advertising, web design, event planning and

Athenacom – Mobile HR. Times are changing, and so are your

bridal shows that have been produced in Modesto for over 15 years

bringing a new model to business – a mobile, sole practitioner of Human

tradeshows. Our wedding division includes the Party & Wedding Faire and are now moving to a new location at Vintage Faire Mall beginning

Sept 19, 2010. We own and operate a bridal magazine, Sacramento

Weddings, and Online Bridal Shows including and Find information at or call (209) 532-8100.

HR needs. With 20+ years of HR experience, Dmae Shannon, SPHR, is Resources to small- and medium-sized business in the Central Valley and Sierra Foothill region. Delivering big business HR support services

on a small business budget. From HR Generalist duties, to regulatory compliance, to strategic planning and recruitment, Athenacom provides

support for a day, a project, or long-term partnership. (209) 632-7796,,

Coleman Insurance and Financial Services - Lana Coleman utilizes her expertise and team dynamics to assist community members, business associates, neighbors and friends with a profound portfolio of

insurance products including, auto, home, life and commercial services. She brings over 10 years of service and dedication to each client focusing on their immediate needs as well as their future financial requirements.

For more information, contact Lana at 2220 Patterson Road, Riverbank, CA 95367, (209) 869-1100,

Brewer Family Dentistry - Believing that everything we do positively impacts people’s lives, we care for our patients with integrity and compassion in a fun and friendly environment. Delivering exceptional

dental care is our priority. We achieve our goals as an open, honest team who genuinely cares about each other and our patients. We welcome individuals and families whom we look forward to calling our committed patients and our friends. Please call us at (209) 578-0707 and check us out online at

Shawn Phillips, State Farm Agent As an Agent, I bring over 20

years experience in various aspects of the Financial Market. A unique feature of my agency is that all members are licensed to serve you in

your personal insurance and financial needs. We are able to provide you

insurance coverage, discuss financial services, or just be there as a friendly

voice when needed. We consider it a privilege to help meet your needs. Bilingual services available, 3400 Tully Road, Suite B, (209) 527-5567;


Progress 8.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce


Community Development

A wa r ds A nd A c hi e v e me nt s Community


recognizes Dedicated

Supporters - Two local residents were recently

recognized for their contributions to Community Hospice at the annual Community Hospice Foundation gala: Westra Ingalls was awarded the John and June Westra Ingalls

Rogers Philanthropic Award. Ingalls embodies the

giving heart of hospice and has contributed significant

personal resources to assure the mission of Community Hospice continues. The Julio and Aileen Gallo Leadership Award was given to Clive Grimbleby, CPA,

for his steadfast wisdom and service to Community

Hospice. Grimbleby has served on the Board of Directors for Community Hospice since 2002, helping Clive Grimbleby

to open the Alexander Cohen Hospice House and the Haig and Isabel Berberian Patient Services Center.

Oak Valley Community Bank has received the 2010 award for

“Outstanding Community Support” from Habitat for Humanity, Stanislaus County. The award, which was presented on May 20, 2010 at the Annual Habitat for Humanity Awards Dinner, is in recognition of the Bank’s efforts

to make a significant contribution to Habitat for Humanity and the cause of affordable housing. For more information, call (866) 844-7500 or visit us online at

The Modesto Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors commend Ramina Ushana for being the Ambassador of the Month

for May. Ramina was the Ambassador of the Year for

2008 and 2009—who will it be this year? Along with Ramina Ushana

Experienced Bankers When you bank with us, you bank with experience and strength.


volunteering at the many Chamber events, Ramina interviewed Chamber members to see how the

Chamber works for them. If you are interested in working to be Ambassador of the Month, Quarter or Year, call Agnes Amerine at (209) 577-5757.

AlphaGraphics of Modesto recognizes its parent company as it

commemorates its 40th Anniversary. According to Art Batchelder of the

local center, “We have grown from simply providing printing services to becoming a franchise corporation that provides overall marketing and

communications solutions.” Vice President of Global Development Art Coley stated, “AlphaGraphics has achieved a lot of ‘firsts’ over the last 40

years. We have really grown as a company, and we have franchisees and

employees like Art to thank for that growth.” Contact: Art Batchelder, (209) 577-2222,


MODESTO COMMERCE BANK TURLOCK COMMERCE BANK MODESTO 1302 J Street • 209.521.4100 4204 Dale Road • 209.522.7286

TURLOCK 134 S. Golden State Blvd. 209.669.2777

Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 8.2010


Economic Development

p res i d e nt’s c l ub C i rc le O f I nfl ue n ce Diamond Level

Bank of the West Capax-Giddings, Corby, Hynes, Inc. Doctors Behavioral Health Center-DMC Doctors Medical Center-DMC Frito-Lay Company Inc. Kaiser Permanente Pacific Southwest Container Physician Referral Service-DMC Romo & Associates Save Mart Supermarkets Walmart

Gold Level

Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Inc. Costco Wholesale Evergreen Rehabilitation Care Center Foster Farms Dairy J C Penney Company Memorial Medical Center The Modesto Bee Modesto Irrigation District Modesto Nuts Professional Baseball Post Foods, LLC RACOR, Division of Parker Hannifin Corp. Sysco Food Services Taco Bell

Silver Level

5.11 Tactical Inc. AAA AAA Locating, Inc. AT&T Acme Construction Company, Inc. Ambeck Mortgage Associates American Chevrolet American Medical Response Applegate Johnston, Inc. Aramark Uniform Services Atherton & Associates BBVA Compass BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse Basic Resources, Inc. Brandman University Part of Chapman University Brown, Fink, Boyce & Astle, LLP Bunge Oils California State University, Stanislaus Candlewood Suites Central Valley Chrysler Jeep Dodge Central Valley Medical Group Central Valley Nissan Central Valley Volkswagen Hyundai Children’s Hospital Central California Children’s Hospital & Research Center-Oakland Chukchansi Gold Resort & Casino Citibank Clark Pest Control Comcast ConAgra Foods Construction Management Corp. Courtyard by Marriott Covenant Village of Turlock


Progress 8.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce

Curtis Legal Group Damrell, Nelson, Schrimp, Pallios, Pacher & Silva Del Monte Plant #1 Delta Sierra Beverage DirectLine Technologies, Inc. DoubleTree Hotel English Oaks Nursing & Rehabilitation Hospital External Resources Inc. F & M Bank Galletto Ristorante Georgia-Pacific Gianelli & Associates Gilton Solid Waste Management, Inc. Great Valley Center Grimbleby Coleman CPAs, Inc. Grover Landscape Services, Inc. Harris Moran Seed Company Hi-Tec Sports USA Inc. I.J. Larsen Pumps, Inc. ITT Technical Institute Infiniti of Modesto Institute of Technology International Paper Company J S West & Company Kaplan College McHenry Medical Group, Inc. Mercer Foods Mocse Credit Union Modesto Commerce Bank Modesto Toyota Mraz, Amerine & Associates Nestle USA Oak Valley Community Bank O’Brien’s Market, Inc. Oldcastle Glass Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Panelized Structures, Inc. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Group Prime Shine Express Rabobank Raley’s Rizo-Lopez Foods Inc. San Joaquin Valley College Seven Up Bottling Corp. Solecon Industrial Contractors Solid Networks, Inc. SpringHill Suites by Marriott Stanislaus Food Products Co. Stanislaus Surgical Hospital Stantec Consulting, Inc. Storer Coachways Sutter Gould Medical Foundation Turlock Irrigation District US Bank Valley Bio Energy, LLC Valley First Credit Union Valley Lexus-BMW-Infiniti Versa Cold Logistics Services W.H. Breshears, Inc. Warden’s Office Products Center Wells Fargo Bank Winton, Ireland, Strom & Green Insurance Agency Yosemite Meat Co., Inc.

Modesto Chamber of Commerce

Work In Progress a series spotlighting some of our area’s most innovative and successful companies

Huff focuses on “Relationship-Based” Construction 1971,



clients, Huff began providing restoration

Construction has made a name for itself

services, and this business is now thriving.

as one of the area’s top commercial

“If an area’s underserved, we want to

construction companies.

While the

serve it,” says President Brad Ardis, “The

quality of their work has much to do

restoration division grew from the needs

with this reputation, another large part

of our clients.”

Huff calls “relationshipbased” construction. “Our ultimate hope is that when a job is done we’ve







owner so that if they need other construction needs, they won’t think of

“ If an area’s

underserved, we want to serve it.”

- Brad Ardis

As a way of cementing their






offering a Signature Series design build in 2003. In this process, the needs and desires of the client’s facilities are scrutinized, and Huff employees with the assistance of industry



technicians, and through


close collaboration with



• Never Boring Design offers one-stop shopping for your Graphic Design, Web Design, Marketing, Film & Commercial Sign needs. • For free creative advice, email us at marketing tactics, contact Never Boring Design Associates today at 526-9136.

relationships with their

anyone else,” he explains. thinking

• With a growing staff of 15 creative employees Never Boring Design can supply service when you need it most

For more information, or ideas on advertising and

of their success has to do with what CEO Gary

(Courtesy of Never Boring Design Associates)



the client - design a building that is highly

created a business model whereby 75 to

customized to meet those needs and

80 percent of their business comes from

desires. “The Signature Series is really

repeat customers, which is well above

an extension of the idea that we want

average for their industry.

to understand our customer’s needs,”




MODESTO MEANs BUSINESS Get Involved with Your Chamber, Join a Committee From the Annual Awards Dinner to Land Use & Transportation, we want our members to be involved with our special events and our public policy committees. We need your expertise, and you will receive more from your Chamber membership. Call the Chamber for details 577-5757. Progress Magazine is the voice of the Modesto Chamber of Commerce, and the leading business publication in Stanislaus County. For more information or advertising info call (209) 526-9136

© Never Boring Design

relationships with their clients, Huff has



Service when you need it

says Huff, “We want to be successful at It has also allowed the company to create

accomplishing what our owner wants, and

new services to meet the changing needs

to be a good steward for them.”

of the client over time.

In 2006, after

This story can also be found at

years of receiving requests from their

Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 8.2010


Netw orking And Referral s

R ibbon C ut t ings

Velvet Grill & Creamery

Oodles Frozen Yogurt, Inc.

Arata, Swingle, Sodhi & Van Egmond

3250 Dale Road Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 527-2662

3430 Tully Road, #42 Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 324-2077

912 11th Street Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 522-2211

Farmers Insurance – Michael Dowdall, Agent 1900 Standiford Avenue Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 613-5741

Brewer Family Dentistry

Candlewood Suites 1000 Powers Court Turlock, CA 95380 (209) 250-1501

1213 Coffee Road, Suite H Modesto, CA 95355 (209) 578-0707

David C. Johnston

Anthony D. Johnston

Business Restructuring Commercial Litigation Real Estate

Business & Estate Planning Probate Trust Litigation

Adjunct Professor of Bankruptcy Law, Humphreys Law School

Adjunct Professor of Contract Law, Humphreys Law School

Quiet Confidence | Proven Excellence 1014 16th Street • Modesto, CA 95354 • (209) 521-6260



Progress 8.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce

N e twork i n g A n d R e f e rra l s

B us i ne ss B e f or e and A ft e r H our s july coffee hour

july business after hours

Hosted by: Streaks

Hosted by: DoubleTree Hotel

Wine Provided By:

Coffee Provided By:

Streaks staff

DoubleTree staff

Relax in the stylized and welcoming atmosphere of Streaks, a full-service salon.

From small, intimate luncheons to large parties, the DoubleTree will fit your needs.


DoubleTree Hotel

(209) 523-9800

(209) 526-6000

1421 Standiford Avenue, Suite A, Modesto, CA 95350

1150 9th Street, Modesto, CA 95354

Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 8.2010


Netw or king And Referrals

N e w C ham be r M e m bers American Asset & Wealth Management

Central Valley Volkswagen Hyundai

Jerry Van Houten 3202 Atchison Street Riverbank, CA 95367 (209) 869-8200 ph Financial Planners & Services

John McSherry 4620 McHenry Avenue Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 524-6811 ph (209) 526-2761 fax Automobile Dealers – New & Used


RM Automotive

Erika Diaz 2300 Hoover Avenue Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 522-1248 ph (209) 522-8834 fax Meat Wholesale

Randy Martin 336 Motor City Court Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 342-9080 ph (209) 342-0280 fax Automobile Repairing & Service

Lorese Vandemark, DDS

Reflexology – Firstline Therapy Educator

Darlamae Shannon, SPHR 1834 Empress Lane Turlock, CA 95382 (209) 632-7796 ph (866) 562-9538 fax Human Resources

City Finance, Inc. Diego Castillo 1608 Tully Road Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 988-2630 ph (888) 584-1717 fax Real Estate Investments

Heidi Vandemark 3340 Tully Road, Suite D-6 Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 526-0913 ph (209) 526-6038 fax Dentists

Carlito’s Way

Farmers Insurance Michael Dowdall, Agent

MassMutual Financial Group

Michael Dowdall 1900 Standiford Avenue Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 613-5741 ph (209) 253-0184 fax Insurance

Michael Zeiter CLU, ChFC 1111 J Street, Suite M-109 Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 613-7210 ph (209) 566-1372 fax Insurance – Life & Disability

Carlos Lonbrana 1123 K Street Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 534-4553 ph Barbers

Central Sanitary Supply Co. Dave Martini 416 N. 9th Street Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 523-3002 ph (209) 523-1923 fax Janitorial Supplies

Central Valley Automotive John Gardner 4460 McHenry Avenue Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 526-3300 ph (209) 526-1277 fax Automobile Dealers – New & Used

Central Valley Chrysler, Jeep Dodge John McSherry 4460 McHenry Avenue Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 526-3300 ph (209) 526-2761 fax Automobile Dealers – New & Used

Central Valley Nissan John McSherry 4530 McHenry Avenue Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 526-3300 ph (209) 526-2761 fax Automobile Dealers – New & Used


J&M Wholesale Meat

Progress 8.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce

Gabriel Garcia, CPA Gabriel Garcia 2857 Geer Road, Suite B Turlock, CA 95382 (209) 566-0938 ph (209) 632-8816 fax Accountants – Certified Public

Haley Farms Kim Haley 1030 Ladd Road Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 545-1439 ph (209) 545-2371 fax Farms

Harmon Pest Control Mariana R. Harmon 4459 Spyres Lane, Suite D Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 522-1475 ph (209) 524-8137 fax Pest Control Services

Hi-Tec Sports USA, Inc. Teresa Morris 4801 Stoddard Road Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 545-1111 ph Footwear & Apparel

Infiniti of Modesto John McSherry 4320 McHenry Avenue Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 557-9997 ph (209) 557-2903 fax Automobile Dealers – New & Used

N Touch Bodywork and Wellness Beth Stanton 2020 Coffee Road, Suite D-3 Modesto, CA 95355 (209) 525-9133 ph (209) 575-3788 fax Massage Therapy

Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning Ralph Carrasco 4120 Dale Road, Suite J8 #113 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 253-8054 ph Carpet, Rug & Upholstery Cleaners

Peterson King Contract Glass, Inc. Phil Peterson 4812 Stratos Way #3 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 527-8309 ph (209) 527-7964 fax Glass Contractors – Glazing Contractors

The Promotional Group Pam Shorman 802 E. F Street Oakdale, CA 95361 (209) 848-4320 ph (209) 848-4324 fax Advertising Specialties/Promotions

Kathy Bryant 3507 Tully Road, Suite 310 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 525-8740 ph (209) 525-3776 fax Reflexology

Rossini’s Formalwear Joe Rossini 3224 McHenry Avenue Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 529-6860 ph (209) 529-1908 fax Formal Wear – Rental & Sales

Shawn Phillips, State Farm Agency Shawn Phillips 3400 Tully Road, Suite B Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 527-5567 ph (209) 526-7819 fax Insurance

Sparkles Auto & Pet Wash Renee Ellis 3941 Coffee Road Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 524-9111 ph Car & Pet Wash

Sparkles Auto & Pet Wash Renee Ellis 2400 McHenry Avenue Escalon, CA 95320 (209) 524-9111 ph Car & Pet Wash

Twigs & Stems Reg Merritt & Rebecca Jones 429 McHenry Avenue Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 521-8944 ph Florists - Retail

N etwork i n g A n d R e f e rra l s

G r o wi ng C ham be r M e mbersh i p The Modesto Chamber of Commerce recruited 18 new Chamber members

during a two-day campaign on June 22 and 23. These new members along with 10 additional members recruited by Chamber Membership Manager

Nita Gruendeman are listed on page 20. Please help us make them welcome, and be sure to include them as you remember to shop local!

“The Chamber very much appreciates the efforts of our chairmen, team

captains and volunteers who made this event successful." said Joy Madison, Chamber President and CEO.

The Chamber wants to recognize the following individuals for their support of the membership event. Team Chairmen Winning Team

Winning Chairman Doug Johnson

Doug Johnson, Reach Business Solutions

Team Members (continued)

David Gianelli, Gianelli & Associates - A Professional Law Corp.

Dan Guerra, Community Business College

1st Runner-up

Gary McKinsey, Corporate College

Jeremiah Williams, Oak Crafts by Jeremiah Team Captains

Winning Team Captain, most personal sales Carl Stange, Empowered Success Jason Gordo, Valley Wealth, Inc.

Loren Kuntz, Atherton & Associates Tom Oliveira, Oliveira Wealth

John Pavia, Gianelli & Associates - A Professional Law Corp. Chris Ricci, Chris Ricci Presents, Inc. Team Members

Rich Applegate, Applegate Johnston, Inc. Denise Arrollo, Mosce Credit Union

George Boodrookas, Modesto Junior College

Keric J. Cushing, Gianelli & Associates - A Professional Law Corp. Tony Diaz, Anthony Diaz Insurance Services

Jeremy C. Dunn, Principal Financial Group Aaron Kellums, C.A. Reding Co. Inc. Christi Maloy, Atherton & Associates

Julia Bolton Mensinger, MassMutual Financial Group Cassidy Merrick, Atherton & Associates

Joe Muratore, Sentinel Rock Realty Trust Mike Nash, Mo-Cal Office Solutions

Luis Perez, Gianelli & Associates - A Professional Law Corp. Ronna Porges, Prime Shine Car Wash Suzy Powell

Craig Schaurer, Atherton & Associates

Roxane Shocky, Atherton & Associates Amanda Silva, Atherton & Associates

Aaron Struck, Struck Employee Benefits Insurance Agency Terri Tillman, The Etiquette & Soft Skills Institute Dennis Wann, Tim Colbert & Associates

Emily Wirowek, Gianelli & Associates - A Professional Law Corp. Chad Yates, Gianelli & Associates - A Professional Law Corp. Michael Zeiter, MassMutual Financial Group

Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 8.2010


Prime Shine Express presents:

LAND OF OPPORTUNITY ...a series spotlighting entrepreneurial achievement

Dale Boyett President Boyett Petroleum

Please give me a brief overview about your company’s history. We currently operate 36 gas stations and 10 Dale Boyett stores under the Boyett Petroleum, Cruisers, Kwik Serv, and Valero brands. We sell wholesale fuel to 400 customers under several different brands throughout California and Nevada. Our newest offering is a universal fleet fueling card called the “CRUISE AMERICARD.” We have about 150 employees. Tell me about your career and professional life. What have you done in the past that has led you to where you are now? I have always been passionate about the family business and the petroleum industry. Like most companies we learn and evolve by trying different things to see what works. By not being afraid to try new things we can see what does and doesn’t work. Then we just try to run with the things that can be more successful. Would you share with me some background that has contributed to helping you achieve your goals? We are always thinking of new and better ways to run Boyett Petroleum. We have learned to hire great people and give them the tools to be successful. We think that our employees and company culture is essential to our success. What challenges have you had to overcome in your professional life and how did you achieve that? While we have always been a strong gasoline retailer we had always struggled with stores. Setting out to invent our “Cruisers” store concept was a monumental challenge for our team. We traveled the country looking at other retailers’ concepts and strategies. It took a ton of work, but it turned out great. The customers really enjoy the stores we have converted to “Cruisers.” The customer is the ultimate judge of a brand’s success.

What are some of the accomplishments of which you are particularly proud? I am proud to be a part a company that has a good reputation with employees, customers, suppliers, and within the community. You’re very much an entrepreneur. What about you do you think makes you such a success? I come from a family that has always been entrepreneurs. We always have ideas for new products, sites, or services. The key is picking the good ideas and being able to execute them. Do you participate in any community outreach efforts or clubs? Boyett Petroleum is involved in many community organizations and has recently started the Boyett Petroleum “Making Dreams Real” foundation (more information on web site). What are your plans for the future? Continue to expand the company. We have a great team and several great products and services. Our newest product the “CRUISE AMERICARD” fleet card is good at over 230,000 locations in the country. What advice do you have for business people when it comes to achieving their goals? Do a strategic plan. Even if it is not formal, set up a list of goals and action items, then hold yourself accountable to them. What do you like about doing business in the Modesto community and why do you think this is the Land of Opportunity? The Modesto business community is always willing to share the story of their business and successes with each other. You can learn so much from listening to other business people. That is an invaluable tool in the Land of Opportunity.

Prime Shine Express is proud to present The Land of Opportunity. Each month this series provides a forum in which to showcase the entrepreneurial achievements of a Stanislaus County business owner. Prime Shine Express is proud to recognize the entrepreneur’s ability to overcome obstacles and to honor their successes in their industry and in the community.


Progress 8.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce

Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 8.2010


Community Development

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August 24, 2010

8:45 am – Registration

9:00 am – 11:00 am - Seminar Location

Modesto Chamber of Commerce 1114 J Street



$30 for Chamber Members $40 for potential members Seating is limited!

We hope you will join us for the 24th Annual Edible Extravaganza Thursday, September 2nd from 6-9PM at the Modesto Centre Plaza.

Edible Extravaganza is a Fantastic Food and Beverage Gala Presented by Center for Human Services, Prime Shine Express and Save Mart Supermarkets with the help of the Central Valley’s own Talented Chefs, Caterers, Bakers, Growers, and Vintners.

Call the Chamber at (209) 577-5757 to register


Retail Shopping Centers . Senior Housing . Medical Offices . Industrial Facilities Office Buildings . Private Schools . Churches . Restaurants . Hospitality

Tickets are $40 in advance.

If you would like more information or to purchase tickets, please call 209.526.1476 or go to our website: Proudly Sponsored By:


Progress 8.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce

Underwriting Media Sponsors: Citadel Broadcasting Clear Channel Communications



4917 Stoddard Road, Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 545-7505



E. & J. Gallo Winery Honored with the Dale Carnegie Leadership Award. ABOUT E & J GALLO WINERY Established in 1933 in Modesto, California, E. & J. Gallo Winery has become the world's foremost winery in the art of grape growing and winemaking; and in the distribution and marketing of wines worldwide. With seven wineries strategically located in various parts of California and access to grapes from vineyards in all of the premier grape-growing areas of California, Gallo produces wines in every category, to suit every taste. Gallo also imports wines from nine wine growing countries in the world. Gallo’s wine portfolio totals over 60 unique brands including Gallo Family Vineyards, Barefoot, Turning Leaf, Redwood Creek, Black Swan, Ecco Domani, Red Bicyclette, Whitehaven, Clarendon Hills, Martín Códax, Don Miguel Gascón, Louis M. Martini, MacMurray Ranch, Mirassou, and Rancho Zabaco.

From left: Frank Marcus - General Manager, Executive Development for E & J Gallo Winery, Peter Handal, Steve Sprinkle - National Sales Vice President for E & J Gallo Winery, Victor Delgado, Rebecca Collier.

The Dale Carnegie Training® Leadership Award is presented to companies dedicated to the philosophy that their people are as important to the overall success of their organization as any technology, patent or business strategy. These businesses are committed to improving their organizational performance by developing their people. The award criteria includes recognition as an industry leader or benchmark entity, having a strategic plan that includes driving performance via professional development, and sustaining that commitment for a minimum of 5 years. Established in 1985, this prestigious award has been presented to approximately 300 organizations worldwide. Past recipients have included The Ford Motor Company, Coca Cola, Adidas, Boeing, Four Seasons Hotels, Daimler-

Chrysler and SAS Scandinavian Airlines. E. & J. Gallo Winery, one of the world’s largest wine producers is the first organization in its category to receive the Dale Carnegie Training® Leadership Award. The recognition was awarded to Gallo as an industry leader committed to the development of their employees. Accepting the award on behalf of Joseph E. Gallo, Co-Chairman, President and CEO for E. & J. Gallo Winery was Steve Sprinkle, National Sales Vice President. The award was presented by Peter Handal, Chairman, President and CEO of Dale Carnegie Training® during Gallo’s annual conference hosted at La Costa Resort & Spa in Carlsbad, California.

ADVERTISEMENT Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 8.2010


N e tw o r ki n g A nd R e f e rra l s

If your server crashes… We know it before you do!

C hamber C alendar A ugust 2010

Did you call the computer people? No, they called us!


Coffee Hour: Grimbleby Coleman CPAs, Inc. Location: 200 W. Roseburg Avenue Time: 7:30 am – 8:30 am


Land Use & Transportation Location: Modesto City-County Airport Time: 7:30 am – 8:30 am


Mixer: Institute of Technology Location: 5601 Stoddard Road Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm


Government Relations Council Location: Chamber Conference Room Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm


Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Facilitated by: Katherine Boyd, Curtis Legal Group Location: Chamber Conference Room Time: 9:00 am – 11:00 am; 8:45 am registration $30 for members, $40 for potential members

Call us at 338-3562 with additional questions

ITSolutions|Currie Priority Network Monitoring We constantly monitor all critical aspects of your computer network, and can often identify and resolve issues before you realize there was a problem!

Call Melissa Barry @ 209.338.3562 for more information

S eptember 2010 Taking Care of Good Employers


Coffee Hour: Umpqua Bank Location: 2525 McHenry Avenue Time: 7:30 am – 8:30 am


Harvest Lunch Location: Graceada Park, 401 Needham Street Time: 11:45 am – 1:00 pm Table Sponsorships Available – Contact Minnie Dodge at (209) 577-5757 for more information


Land Use & Transportation Location: Chamber Conference Room Time: 7:30 am – 8:30 am


Mixer: AT&T Location: 1600 McHenry Avenue, Suite A Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Just Ask. Group Health

Workers Comp


Home Owners


Business Insurance

Giddings, Corby, Hynes


Progress 8.2010 Modesto Chamber of Commerce

Lic. # 0144783

Modesto Chamber of Commerce Progress 8.2010



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