Modesto ChaMber oF CoMMerCe VoL. 43 | IssUe 09 | septeMber 2022 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS WESt MOdEStO COMMUNIty COllaBOratIvE GErBO dESIGNS GrIMBlEBy COlEMaN CPaS

Since 1867, we have been providing the highest level of service and innovation for our customers. From business loans to expand a growing venture, to real estate loans to help you buy your rst home, we’re here for all your banking needs. We are grateful for the relationships we have built and are committed to providing you with the tools, convenience and service to help families and businesses grow, succeed and ourish throughout the many communities we have the pleasure of serving. Visit a branch near you or check us out online and let us add you to our list of happy customers! IN MODESTO 1302 J St. & 4204 Dale Rd.
Celebr ating
August 1867 to 2022
executive coMMittee
board of directors

Mission stateMent

Chairman - Michael Gaffney, PG&E Past Chairman - Steve Rank, Rank Investigations and Protection, Inc. Vice Chair, External Operations - Michael Moradian Jr. - Peace of Mind Pest Control Vice Chair, Internal Operations, Treasurer - Patricia Gillum Pat Gillum CPA Chairperson Elect - Kirstie Boyett Zacharias, Executive Director at American Leadership ForumGreat Valley Chapter
Garrett Ardis- Huff Construction Company Inc. Dennis Bettencourt - Blue Diamond Growers Brad Blakeley, Edward Jones Investments David Halvorson Jr. Debra Hendricks - Debra Hendricks Consulting Amy Jefferies - Gianelli Nielsen Warren Kirk, Doctors Medical Center Rachell Le Viege - Lift-A-Hand Home Care Agency Eric Mangal, Grimbleby Coleman CPAS Inc. Brian KymberMcDermottMiller-Sysco Central California Inc. Peggy O'Donnell, Mid-Valley Productions Edgar Perez - F&M Bank Jason Pineda, Freshpoint Inc. Bill Robinson, Principal Financial Group Kari Santos - I.J. Larsen Pumps DeJeune Shelton- Modesto Junior College Madhu Singh, Bank of Stockton John Villines- Modesto Gospel Mission President & CEO Trish ModestoChristensenChamber of tchristensen@modchamber.orgCommerce Publisher: Modesto Chamber of Commerce 209.577.5757 • Graphic design: 209 Magazine 209.634.9141 • Printer: 209 Magazine 209.634.9141 • distribution: 209 Magazine 209.634.9141 advertising sales © of Commerce. Some parts of this magazine may be reproduced or reprinted, however, we require that permission be obtained in 209.577.5757, staff Administrative: Assistant, Hope Gyorfi Sustainability Coordinator, Jolene Camarena Events Coordinator, Felicia Lopez Membership Coordinator, Sabrinna Gonzales-Fewell Staff Accountant, Jaime Lastra sePteMber 2022 | CONTENTS disclaiMer: The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Modesto Chamber of Commerce. ProGress MaGaZine 1114 J Street • Modesto, CA 95354 209. 577.5757 • Fax 209. 577.2673 • coMMunitY 7 Announcements 9 Confidence in Security 10 Family Wellness Festival 11 Women in Business advocacY 12 California Climate Action Corps 13 California Green Business Network 15 Stanislaus Green Team 16 Candidate Forum relationsHiPs 17 Ribbon Cutting State Farm 18 Ribbon Cutting Adrian’s Bail Bonds 21 Members Mix and Mingle 23 Milestones 24 President’s Circle education 28 Is Your Website SEO Recession Ready? service 29 Financial Focus 14SErOTONiN sePteMber 2022 19mEmbE highlighT 26lEadErShip mOdESTO grimblEby COlEmaN CpaS 2520WEST mOdESTO COmmuNiTy COllabOraTivE
The Modesto Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to serving the greater Modesto Area, regional businesses and community prosperity through advocacy, collaboration, access to leaders, economic development, connectivity and business education.

build on their talent pool, the success of these organizations is thriving. An example that stuck with me recently came when I attended the Golden Valley Health Center’s National Health Week celebration at their new Central Valley Pace Center. They took an abandoned space and completely reinvented how it is used. They expanded their team with some familiar faces
The chamber team was thrilled to be invited to lead not a ribbon cutting for a new member, but their groundbreaking ceremony in late August! There is a fun and engaging new company and service coming to our greater community. Quick Quack Car Wash hopes to open for business in early 2023 at Mitchell and Service Roads in Ceres. They are an ever-growing company with a deep commitment to the communities they serve. Their team was a very warm group of individuals, and they have one of the cutest mascots around. More to come when they are ready for their formal ribbon cutting.
you wishes for much prosperity. Withregards,warmTrish
September is bringing us the full return of the Chamber’s 60th Annual Harvest Luncheon, a scholarship funder benefitting MJC Ag Students. We will also be co-hosting with Opportunity Stanislaus on a candidate forum and networking breakfast. Early October will bring our inaugural Family Cycling and Wellness Day. We have an array of other fun and exciting projects in the works that we are anxious to share once we have each fully ready to launch.Sending
What a great time to focus on these two interconnected topics. Things have been booming around us in so many ways. We all see and feel the energy in full eateries and wine and beer lounges. We see occasional lines in markets, stores, and retailers. We see the bypass progress coming together, the rail and bus station renovation work in motion, and we see shopping centers and store fronts getting refreshed looks and at times new faces launching new businesses
from previous affiliations. They hired a well-rounded team providing a long list of services, and they now offer an incredibly comprehensive, caring, and enriching place for our 55 and older population to spend time and access services and support. Take a minute to look through their website if you are not familiar:
most common concerns I am still hearing is the need for workers. This remains true at all levels: entry level to executive, blue collar to professional. Although it seems that trend is also seeing improvement as the months go along. With this common need, there are many great job opportunities to be found. I have spoken with numerous people who have taken their skill set and experience and moved to quite different lines of work, to very different companies/organizations, and to completely different titles and roles. Those types of fresh starts can be great for the soul and happiness for individuals. It is also wonderful for those companies and organizations that have new hires coming on board who are excited, passionate, and Asenergized.allindustries
Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I ModChaMber.org4
By Trish Christensen Business and economics
A Message From The President & CEO

C - Community
S - Service
The Modesto Chamber of Commerce values education and offers members the opportunity to stay on the leading edge with new and emerging information and training that will set your business apart from the rest. In partnership with Modesto Junior College, the Chamber is pleased to offer an assortment of trainings applicable to any business or industry for credited completion through our Chamber University platform. Our Chamber also works with members to provide a platform to speak to their own industry expertise and invite other members to learn from those leading our local industries.
The Modesto Chamber of Commerce specializes in building relationships and serving as the nexus to businesses, nonprofit organizations, and governmental agencies. With over a dozen Committees, Programs, and Events in which our members can participate, the Chamber offers ample opportunity to meet and connect with other business owners in our community. As a relational organization, the Chamber works with its members to ensure the opportunity to connect and grow in every niche and industry to help build and cultivate long-lasting relationships among business owners and community partners alike.
E - Education
A - Advocacy
At its heart, the Modesto Chamber is a community of like-minded business owners who share the vision for enjoying a thriving economy and creating and maintaining our community as a vibrant place to live, work and play. With over 100 years of history and experience in the Greater Modesto Area, we understand what it means to be a business owner and customer in our community, with featured events such as local and regional forums, Ag Aware, Harvest Luncheon, and Family Day. Chamber members get the opportunity to actively engage in and influence the community they live and work in.
Each member of the Chamber is important, no matter the size of business. We desire for local businesses and organizations to succeed and thrive. To reach this goal we provide exposure, opportunities to engage with Regional Electeds and community partners, as well as networking with businesses and organizations across industries. We work to better our community by providing up-to-date education and training, certifying qualifying businesses as Green, and providing advocacy on City, State, and Federal levels. The Chamber is a family of dedicated professionals striving to make a difference in their business and way of life. Whatever your business needs are, we invite you to join us.
The Modesto Chamber of Commerce offers its members a wide range of opportunities to promote and engage their business across industry and community lines. The Chamber Weekly E-Blast, Website, and our Progress Magazine provide opportunities to advertise and promote your business, keep up to date with articles about local businesses in our community, and stay in the loop about up-and-coming Chamber and community events. Our Chamber also offers indemand materials, such as Member contact list, Federal and State compliance posters, export document services, and so much more. Chamber members can also personalize their business profile within our website and have access to our Member-Only Information Center, where members can connect with other members, boost their social media presence, promote job postings, public events, and member-to-member discounts.
The Modesto Chamber supports local businesses and is an active advocate for the common interest of its members. The Chamber has an Economic Development Committee and a Government Relations Council. These advocacy committees are dedicated and proactive in representing our members and community. They work to address business initiatives and relieve the regulatory burdens businesses face may face. The Chamber is also honored to certify local businesses and organizations through our California Green Business Network Stanislaus Program. Through this we create more conscientious and sustainable ways of life while lowering the cost of doing business for our community and future generations.
To execute our adopted mission we have developed an acronym that helps keep us focused. That acronym is “CARES: Community, Advocacy, Relationships, Education and Service.”
R - Relationships
20 memBer's mix anD minGle - WarDens 4101 Technology Dr, Modesto, CA 95356 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
The Double Tree Hilton - 1150 9th St, Modesto, CA 95354
Co-Hosted with Central Valley Hispanic Chamber 1118 Kansas Ave, Modesto, CA 95351
21 Government relations council meetinG
3:30 PM – 6:00 PM
economic Development committee-tBD
7 economic Development committee
*Register11:30PM-12:30PMonwebsite, $16 per person lunch included
13 tech connect
MJC Ag Pavilion , 11:30AM-1:00PM
*Register on website, in person & Zoom 11:30 A.M
*Register on website, $16 per person appetizers included
*In person & Zoom 11:30 A.M. Register on website
*In person & Zoom 8:00 A.M
*In person & Zoom 8:00 A.M
Location TBD
North Blue Diamond Growers
*In person & Zoom 12:00 P.M.
609 G St, Modesto, CA 95354
riBBon cuttinG anD mixer - paciFic Bay equipment
4215 Bangs Ave, Modesto, CA 95356
*Register on website, $16 per person appetizers included
*Register on website, $16 per person lunch included
21 amBassaDor & Welcome team meetinG
Please note that calendar events and details are subject to change.
Boomer of Modesto
5:00PM - 6:30PM
*See website for more detail.
1220 H St, Modesto, California 95354
Find Zoom Registry links and more at
1705 Coffee Rd. Suite 3 Modesto CA 95355
riBBon cuttinG - aDrian's Bail BonDs
clean air Family riDe anD Festival
risinG proFessionals
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
*Register on website, $16 per person lunch included
Women in Business lunch & learn
5:00PM - 6:30PM
16 Government relations council
laBor Day- oFFice closeD
18 Women in Business mixer
1114 J St, Modesto, CA 95354
6 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I CHAMBERModChaMber.orgCALENDAR community
*InCALSTARTperson& Zoom 12:00 P.M. Register on website
9 harvest luncheon
Ben Goudie, Director of Member Relations
*In person & Zoom 11:30 A.M. Register on website
canDiDates Forum
amBassaDor & Welcome team meetinG
Location TBD
memBer's mix anD minGle - valley BuilDers exchanGe
stanislaus Green team meetinG
Valerie Thorsen- San Joaquin Valley Program Manager
20 stanislaus Green team meetinG
9:00AM – 1:00PM
Modesto Chamber of Commerce
1114 J St, Modesto, CA 95354, 12:00PM-1:00PM
Lunch & Learn, 12:00PM-1:00PM
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Modesto Chamber of Commerce
riBBon cuttinG - state Farm Francois Farhat
Register on website
6 risinG proFessionals
*Register on website, in person & Zoom 11:30 A.M.
8:00AM -9:00AM
*In person – Location TBD
a patient account biller, front office supervisor, site administrator, center manager, and for the past seven years, as a Director of Operations, she is well-positioned to fill this executive role and looks forward to the challenge ahead. Her personal mission has always been to help the underserved population in our community and advocate for community health centers, promoting access to quality health care with no barriers.
Alisa Bettis HIGHER EDUCATION WITHIN REACH Humphreys University is a nonprofit university accredited by WASC with campuses in Modesto and Stockton. We have been in continuous service to our community since 1896. We offer certificate, associate, bachelor’s, master’s, teaching credential, and juris doctor degree programs. CourtCommunityBusinessAccountingAdministrationStudiesReporting OUR PROGRAMS 5172 Kiernan Court Ste. D Salida, CA 95368 (209) 543-9411 Legal ParalegalMulti.LiberalStudiesStudiesSubjectCredentialStudiesCriminal Justice Early Childhood Education LawEducation Modesto Campus

“We welcome Alisa to the Community Hospice family,” shared Susan Donker, Community Hospice Board of Directors Chair. “Her background in clinical operations, quality and planning and compliance, along with her compassionate character, will play a pivotal role as we extend our excellent care to more families in need.”
Community Hospice, Inc., the Central Valley’s oldest and largest nonprofit hospice and community-based palliative care provider, is pleased to announce the appointment of Alisa Bettis as the organization’s President and Chief Executive Officer effective Sept. 6, Bettis2022.replaces

New President/

C. DeSha McLeod, Community Hospice’s President/CEO, who resigned after eight years in October of 2021, and John E. Renner, Director of Logistics and Operations who has served as the Interim President/CEO.
Prior to her position with the county, Bettis worked in leadership roles at both Bloss Memorial Healthcare District/Castle Family Health Centers and Kaiser Permanente.
Melinda Marshall was Havingreceptionist.asCenterherMarshallHealthGoldenOfficerChiefPresidentpositionpromotedrecentlytotheofViceandOperationsofValleyCenters.begancareeratthein1987,afrontofficeservedas
Bettis has been employed the past six years as the Associate Director for the Stanislaus County Health Services Agency. In her current role, she managed a $60 million annual budget, 500 employees, 55,000 patient visits a year, clinical operations for family medicine, multispecialty, physical rehabilitation, and urgent care clinics.

on the move
Community Hospice Announces Chief Executive Officer Alisa Bettis
Melinda Marshall
Health care should be hassle-free. At Kaiser Permanente, it is. With connected teams and flexible ways to access care, it’s easy to get the support you need to stay healthy — when and where you need it.
8 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I
Health care should be hassle-free. At Kaiser Permanente, it is. With connected teams and flexible ways to access care, it’s easy to get the support you need to stay healthy — when and where you need it. YOU NEED, THE WAY YOU WANT IT.THE CARE YOU NEED, THE WAY YOU WANT IT.

First, we educate. We will explain how to protect not just your data, but your equipment and workforce, too! By way of presentations and seminars, we will be sharing our knowledge throughout our Central Valley, and all presentations are at no cost.
Confidence In security

Secondly, we protect! In addition to the educational programs, we offer assessments of the technology in your environment. These assessments will test your network for vulnerabilities and provide you a report with actionable recommendations, so that you can make adjustments, immediately.
We are on a mission to educate and protect! Visit our website for upcoming presentations and seminars or schedule a private one where we can talk specifically about your organization and the industry’s security measures.
Mid Valley IT is on a mission to educate and help protect our local businesses and organizations from these predatory cyber-threats!
We will tell you, during a cyber insurance review, so that you can understand your current or potential policy.

9 community september 2022
FEBRUARY/MARCH 31 $4.95 Cover-84P.indd $18JustBRUNCH LET’S DO APRIL/MAY2019 ISSUE per year HolesSwimming MY KETO TEQUILAJourney JUNE/JULY2019 ISSUE $4.95 SECRET KEEP CALM anddrink $4.95US SUBSCRIBE

You can do that by scanning the QR code, calling, or sending me an email. All of that information is Now, can be confident in your security!
More than 50% of all cyber-attacks are against small-to-medium-sized businesses because they are the least protected. Many of our local businesses and organizations don’t have the knowledge, or believe that “high-tech security” is unaffordable, so they and become low-hanging targets for cyberattacks. Even worse, due to the cost of remediation, more than 60% of those targeted organizations go out of business within 6 months after an attack. The damage and the dangers are very high!

OCOTBER 8TH 9:00AM-1:00PM2022 FAMILY WELLNESS FESTIVALFAMILY WELLNESS FESTIVAL The Family Wellness Festival is a family friendly event for anyone who enjoys bicycling, being outdoors and helping promote clean air. Folks of all ages can share in the excitement and community camaraderie as they enjoy a scenic ride through our city. Join us after your ride and partake in: CLEAN AIR DAY TRAIL RIDECLEAN AIR DAY TRAIL RIDE For more information or to register to be a vendor please visit or contact COMING SOON!COMING SOON! Health/Wellness booths Community informational booths Food vendors Kids Zone Trail Moreridedetails to come! 10 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I community
11september 2022 community SEPTEMBER 20TH,2022 12:00PM - 1:00PM $16 registration - Lunch to be included WOMEN IN BUSINESS MEETING Register women-in-business-lunch-learn-9188 LUNCH & LEARN 1114 J ST, MODESTO, CA 95354 LUNCH & LEARN

12 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I advocacy

Marketing Benefits
13september 2022 advocacy

Conserve Resources Pollution
CAGBN-S is a program of the Modesto Chamber of Commerce with the goal of leading our County in the direction of Sustainability.
We are focused on spreading the word of this program to the business community in an effort to build enhanced community partnerships and developing awareness of the program. CAGBN-S is FREE to businesses, Chamber member or not. Once you register on the platform, we walk with you down the path of becoming green certified.

The California Green Business Network leads the state and nation in working with small to medium sized businesses to create a vibrant green economy. Led by a coalition of cities and counties, we contribute by helping to make our communities healthier and more livable while also conserving resources and saving money, right here in Stanislaus County. name
We have a checklist available for all sectors of business types and sizes. W e can certify any business from an at home office to a large manufacturing facility. Once you register your business, you will be provided a checklist according to your sector category. Simply fill out the checklist online and submit it, From there our Coordinator will go over it with you in person.
ADVANTAGES Register at:
in the Statewide green Business GreenwebsiteRibbon cutting ChamberCeremonyrecognition in magazine, social media, eblasts and more
in your Conservefacility water, energy, and air quality Save money yearly with conservation Future Benefits
Here’s a few ways we can help: Branding, Visual Identity, Logo Development, Color theory, Typography, Voice & Tone, Digital/ Physical Collateral, Master Brand Guidelines, Strategy, Market Research, Competitive Analysis, Audience Personas, Brand/ Market Positioning, Product Architecture, Messaging Frameworks, Analytics and Optimization, Content, Social Media, Photography, Videography, Blog Content, Copywriting, Web Design, Illustration, and Animation.
We work with companies to help find ways to redefine goals, missions, and communications that evolve out of authentic purpose. We aim to help fundamentally refocus your efforts on sustainability by helping you develop a triple bottom line business model, which not only prioritizes profits but also people and the planet.

We look to empower forwardthinking brands, and organizations to create their best and most createscommunicationeffectivewhichmeaningfulandlastingconnectionswiththeiraudience.Formoreinformationvisitserotonincreative.comorcontactCaseyHogueat(510)
serotonin is a Creative brand-building, Content Creation, and social Impact Consultancy

At Serotonin we build and amplify the impact of purpose-driven brands and organizations in the public and private sectors. We specialize in sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Why sustainability and CSR?
BY Casey Hogue, Serotonin Creative Consultancy Founder/Executive Creative Director
Companies today not only need to do good; they also need to tell stories about the good that they’re doing. One of the greatest benefits of telling these stories is that doing so will not only help your company’s bottom line—it’ll encourage and empower your audience to take meaningful action.
“71% of Consumers want to buy from companies that share their values,” explained Paul Hawken of Project Drawdown.
14 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I
Serotonin Creative works with businesses, thought leaders, content creators, government organizations, educational institutions, nonprofits, and NGOs of all sizes to help them tell their stories and connect with their audiences.
Our talented team of art directors, writers, photographers, videographers, designers, directors, and producers have come together over the years to pursue a singular mission— crafting industry-leading content for some of the most influential and brightest brands in the world.
15september 2022 advocacy

16 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I advocacy

About State Farm® a good neighbor on to help them face uncertainties. They trust for the all the different ways we strive to

guidance with insurance needs, financial planning, and strengthening
community. Check out
17september 2022 relationships Join us for networking, and fun!
help. PLEASE JOIN US IN CELEBRATION RIBBON CUTTING FOR FRANCOIS FARHAT STATE FARM AGENT! September 21st, 2022 11:30 PM - 1:30 PM 1705 Coffee Rd. Suite 3 Modesto CA 95355 For more information please contact info@modchamber.orgINSURANCEPRODUCTS OFFERED Auto, Homeowners, Condo, Renters, Personal Articles, Business, Life, Health, Pet OTHER PRODUCTS OFFERED Banking, Mutual Funds

Customers and communities rely

18 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I relationships Join us for networking, and fun! ABOUT US We are your friendly, honest, and professional one stop shop for all of your: Bail Bond, Notary, and Process Service needs. Adrian's Bail Bonds has a background in Law Enforcement, working in the jail and court facilities for a combined total of 16 years which helps you understand and get through the process much easier. We make it swift and discrete keeping your privacy our priority in any situation. Our process is simple, smooth, and straightforward. PLEASE JOIN US IN CELEBRATION RIBBON CUTTING FOR SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2022 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 1220 H St, Modesto, California 95354 For more information please contactBailinfo@modchamber.orgBondsAffordableNationwideQuickPayment Plans Stress Free Available 24 HOURS Process Service SameDivorceClaimsDayDeliveryRoutineServiceCourtFilingsSubpoenas Mobile Notary Stanislaus County San Joaquin County Merced County

By Grant Armstrong
Please feel free to visit my website or give me a call at (209) 232-5733 for a free consultation and discussion about your situation. I can be as involved as you prefer - whether that means providing a single supplemental service or taking on more of the accounting work to free up your time and relieve the stress of bookkeeping. I also have several referrals available upon request.
My name is Grant Armstrong and it is my mission to offer affordable accounting and consulting services to business owners in my community. With over 10 years in the accounting industry, I strive to offer services to business owners who find larger CPA firms too expensive, but still need accounting help. The pandemic has also put many business owners in a situation to take on a more proactive approach to their bookkeeping as employees leave for another job or have difficulty coming back into the office.

I look forward to learning more about you and your business, and can't wait to hear from you!
Budget Development and Implementation, Process Streamlining, Payroll Preparation and Tax Reporting, Audit/Tax Return Prep Work, Staff Training, Process Documentation, 1099 & W2 Preparation, Accounting Software Conversions, Accounts Payable Assistance, Business Reporting and Metrics, and more.
I feel my best when I am assisting my clients by doing anything from handling their accounting work for them to empowering them with the training to manage the books on their own. I take every step I can to help ensure you and your business are set up for success. I offer both remote and on-site work to make things as convenient as possible.
My specialties include: Quickbooks Desktop, Quickbooks Online, Sage Peachtree, Catch-up Accounting, Financial Statement Preparation, Cash Management and Projections,
191919september 2022
Grant’s Corporate Consulting member hiGhliGht
• Vaccine Equity Grant
West Modesto Community Collaborative is a non-profit organization based in West Modesto in the King-Kennedy Memorial Center. It was established and founded in the year 1991. Our mission is to uplift our Modesto communities by providing outreach services focused on Health, Safety, and Education for all individuals through community engagement and advocacy. Through this we provide a variety of different resources and programs to our community. Our program includes the following:
Not only do we provide resources to our community but we are constantly discovering new fun ways to get the community engaged with our organization as well as with each other! We have done events such as Cinco de Mayo, Community Yard Sales, Family Movie Nights, Youth days, Community Builders Meetings and Outreach events. Through these events we are able to better connect with members of the community as well as give them the opportunity to come together and unite as one!
• Mental/Behavioral Health Programs at our Zephyr Clarke Wellness Center
• ORALE Project
• Mark Twain Wellness Program
West Modesto Community Collaborative

• Lightning Bug Program
• Girl Scouts
MeMber highlight relationships
• The Navigation Project
• Community Builders
Our programs each focus on a type of service such as mental health support, Worker Rights information, Navigation Services, Family and Children resources, Covid-19 vaccination and rapid testing, food assistance, etc. All of these efforts are to help better the Modesto community and provide opportunities for families/ and or individuals who need assistance, no matter their background.
To learn more about West Modesto Community Collaborative and the programs we offer or to make a donation, you can visit our website at Facebook:WestModestoCollaborative;;WestModestoKingKennedyNeighborhood Collaborative.
20 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I
• California Workers Outreach Project

• PlanetBaby!

21september 2022 relationships

Clients come to us unsure of how to structure effective social media campaigns or where to start with digital advertising. As a brand communications firm we’re thrilled to create collaborative strategies that resonate with a target audience and communicate the benefits of your products and services.
By Sally Gerbo, Owner, Designer, Gerbo Designs
For the Image: left to right, Kate - Marketing Strategy, Sally - Branding and Marketing, Shannon - Brand Communications, Peyton - Brand Communications, Shelly - Promotional Marketing, Andres- Digital Marketing (not pictured)

50% of bUsINesses doN't haVe
We celebrate Gerbo Designs for seven years of membership with the Modesto Chamber of Commerce, cheers to many more years! a MarKetINg strategY

TO OUR NEW MEMBERS! Aero,California95357ScreenImage(650)491-4074Modesto,CA95351

We are now accepting new clients. Get in touch with us at or on social media @GerboDesigns
We’re in the business of promoting your business. Our new services now include Digital Marketing, Digital Ad Consultation, Social Media Management, Promotional Products, Web Design, and Logo & Branding. We’re a woman owned and operated “one-stop-shop” combining business, marketing, communications, and design thinking to develop meaningful, differentiated, authentic, consistent and cohesive brands.
22 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I Relationships
Whether you need a logo, new marketing strategy, swag, or a full rebrand – we’re on it! We’re a team of dedicated creative thinkers, here to make your brand great. Specializing in brand management with meticulous attention to detail, Gerbo Designs has been developing unique, distinctive business identities, marketing materials, promotional items and apparel for businesses since 2007. Founded by branding expert Sally Gerbo, the team continues to grow! In addition to branding and graphic design, Gerbo Designs now offers full service marketing for mid-sized businesses.
Americ A n Ag c redit d octors m edic A l c enter- dmc + years
60 + years
s tA nisl A us c ount Y Free l ibr A rY Precision Automoti V e m odesto Junk c o., i nc. r obert hA l F m odesto rA diologic A l m edic A l g rou P, i nc. lAw oFF ices o F l eslie Jensen g oldenl A nd s eed c o, i nc.
Pegbo A rd Yosemite FA rm c redit Vision FA ire oP tometrY Princi PA l Fin A nci A l g rou P s tA nisl A us c ount Y s heri FF 's d e PA rtment
c entr A l cA li F orni A Art Associ Ation/ m istlin gA llerY mo V e s tA nisl A us t r A ns P ortAtion e rin m il A n sA lon & sPA c ommerci A l Architecture, i nc. g erbo d esigns
Yosemite Foods i nc. Fresh i de A s Flower c o. mA rie b k ellY & Assoc. PA nelized s tructures i nc.
20 + years
Visu A llY i m PA ired Persons s u PP ort h e d s eed Productions, i nc. Ph Y sici A n r e F err A l s erV ice- dmc b ertolotti d is P os A l d irect Flooring & h ome
1 + years
Congratulations to this month ' s milestone membershi P s

sA nders c onstruction c o. + years
l os Amigos t ire Pros ih e A rt m edi A Audi m odesto V i P mA n A gement, i nc. s ous A i nsur A nce s erV ices, llc r ose b ouquet t he FA rm A c Y n ine3 o ne cAtholic c h A rities d iocese o F s tockton t he u P s s tore g 3 e nter P rises, i nc. J A ni t ek c le A ning s olutions bAY VA lle Y t ech w ells P ring Anglic A n c hurch Pel A nd A le d entA l cA re cA li F orni A m entor d ebr A h endricks c onsulting w ild F ire Public h ouse
5 + years
10 + years
Central Valley Volkswagen Hyundai
E & J Gallo Winery
Doctors Behavioral Health Center-DMC
Mgmt, Inc.
Opportunity Stanislaus
Panelized Structures Inc.
PMZ Real ResidenceEstateInnby
The Century
Modesto OakO'Brien'sNine3OneToyotaMarketValleyCommunity Bank
Kaiser Permanente
Doctors Medical Center-DMC
IHeart ModestoMediaIrrigation District
English Oaks Nursing & Rehabilitation
American Chevrolet
Crystal DoubletreeCreamerybyHilton
Food GiltonGianelliFreshPointMaxxNielsenSolidWaste
Fiscalini Cheese Company
Care One Home Health and Hospice, Inc.
Rose Bouquet
Mister Car Wash
Golden Valley Health Centers
Audi Modesto Bank of CaliforniaStocktonStateUniversity, Stanislaus
JS West & Companies
Stanislaus Food Products Co.
Sutter Gould Medical Foundation
Grover Landscape Services, Inc.
The Farmacy
The Modesto Bee
Frito-Lay Co., Inc.
Turlock Irrigation District
Capax-Giddings, Corby, Hynes, Inc., a HUB
Sysco Central California Inc.
Chukchansi Gold Resort & Casino Clark Pest Control COIT Services Inc.
Alpine Protective Solutions
TSM Insurance & Financial Services
American Medical Response
Modesto Nuts Professional Baseball
Valley VintageLexusFaire
US ValleyValleyBankBMWChildren's Healthcare Valley First Credit Union
International Company
Blue Diamond Growers
Sutter Health Valley Area
Pacific Southwest Container, Inc.
Seven-Up Bottling Co. of Modesto/Varni Brothers Corporation
San Joaquin Valley College
Astound Business Solutions Powered by AthertonWave & Associates, LLP
Save Mart Supermarkets
Solecon Industrial Contractors
Beard Land and Investment Co.
pResident’s club CirCle Of influenCe
Collins DelComcastElectricalMontePlant #1
Mall/Macerich Company
Maxx Value Foods
ContaCt the Chamber to learn more about our president's Club level benefits
Elit E
Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I ModChaMber.org24 Relationships
Pepsi Bottling Group
Storer Coachways
K E yston E
Infiniti of InternationalModestoPaper Co.
Stifel Investment Services
Union Bank
E nthusiast
Central Valley Nissan
ExceedHospitalGPR & Locating, LLC
Office Products Center
Wells Fargo Winton-Ireland,BankStrom & Green Insurance
EMOE, Division of Parker Hannifin Corp.
The Parks Group
Central Valley Automotive
Physician Referral Service-DMC
Stockton Heat
Central Valley Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Rizo-Lopez Foods, Inc.
YosemiteAgency Foods Inc.
FlowersBankBaking Co. of Modesto, LLC
Mocse Credit Union
Marriott Modesto North
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Grimbleby Coleman CpAs is Accounting for the Future
The Grimbleby Coleman team has always embraced change, and with it, the chance to increase efficiency, grow the team and utilize innovative technology to offer the best service. With our 50th anniversary approaching, exciting new developments are coming. We wouldn’t miss the opportunity to make our 50th year one worth celebrating!

Look for more news about our upcoming anniversary and future plans in the coming months.
By Ian Grimbleby, CPA,Managing Partner/CEO
Our partnership with HUB International has made it possible to offer our clients more than ever before. The combination of our local knowledge and expertise along with the resources of one of the nation’s premier insurance companies allows us to bring you creative and cost-effective solutions that can make a world of difference to you and your business. Call us today and find out what we can do for you.

25september 2022 education
Since 1973, families and businesses in the Central Valley have trusted Grimbleby Coleman CPAs to tackle every challenge with deep skill, insight, and experience. Clive Grimbleby purchased his father Roy’s bookkeeping and tax practice in 1981, forming Clive Grimbleby CPA and setting the business on a new path. Jeff Coleman joined in 1989, becoming Principal by 1992 and giving Grimbleby Coleman CPAs its namesake. Then in 2021, Clive’s son, Ian Grimbleby, transitioned into the Managing Partner role, bringing fresh perspectives and renewed energy to our firm while working alongside our other 13 Principals.
Whether we are presented with questions about current business value, tactics for increasing value, or plans to sell a business, our advisory team has the skill and patience to handle concerns big and small. With expertise in Agriculture, Construction and Real Estate, Estate and Trust planning, and Business Advisory services, our seasoned team has the tools to help businesses build solid foundations and farmers weather any economic climate.
Keeping an advisory mindset allows us to be the best partner to our clients. When businesses come to us looking for our help, we welcome the opportunity to begin a partnership. The advisory team is often asked questions like, “I heard that businesses sell for five times their earnings. Is that true?” or “I’m worried about estate taxes. Is there a way of reducing my estate by transferring part of my business to my kids?”
Our team’s collective expertise has propelled our expansion over the years, growing the firm to almost 100 people in the process. Throughout the growth, we never lost sight of our mission, vision, and core values. We have remained deeply committed to our people during the expansion and evolution of our company and to our enduring client relationships.
Modesto’s Economic Development, a division focused on attracting and growing business in Modesto, will tell you that it is the perfect central location for business, visitors and residents. Located within 90 minutes from Sacramento, the Bay Area, Fresno and Yosemite, offering big city amenities, dining and shopping with a hometown feel. Modesto prides itself on being pro-business. The city offers low total cost structure, ideal location access to markets and partners, great infrastructure for all types of businesses and workforce development.
Over 11,000 companies call Modesto home employing more than 108,000 people. The largest employers are those in the healthcare, accommodation and food services and public administration sectors. Although, the majority of businesses to call Modesto home have fewer than 20 employees, statistics which are actively tracked and made available through the Workforce Development, Stanislaus County Office of CompaniesEducation.ofall

sizes rely on advertising and marketing to sustain and grow their business. Local media company, Never Boring started in 1983 as a local sign shop and grew into a full-service marketing agency providing creative solutions to help grow business. Proof positive that businesses find fertile ground here in Modesto. Servicing clients from a multitude of industries including, but not limited, to auto restoration, construction, staffing and education. It is a company focused on helping businesses succeed in today’s
26 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I

A climate that is not only business friendly but visitor and family-friendly as well.
Continue to page 27 education
Business is thriving in the Central Valley and more specifically Modesto. That was never more evident than during Leadership Modesto’s Business Day. A day spent learning about the business community, employment programs, opportunities and challenges facing businesses today. Leaning into businesses of varying sizes to better understand how they thrive; their operating model and what challenges lay ahead. We had the honor of spending time with Workforce Development, Graceada Partners, Never Boring, Bay Valley Tech, O’Brien’s Market, Availability Professional Staffing and Stanislaus Equity Partners Community Development Corporation.
27september 2022 education
Independent commercial real estate brokerage and property management firm, Graceada Partners will tell you business is all about the people. In order to have a competitive advantage you need to create a working environment that fosters creativity and supports employees “making their best call.” Graceada Partners started in 2008 with 2.2 million square feet under management and now boasts over $500 million in assets under management and over 50 team members.
Through community collaboration and partnerships and despite the challenges the past two years have presented, business is thriving in Modesto.

The program is made possible through generous partnerships with educational, government, non-profit and corporate partners.
competitive environment. Their creative solutions have earned over 350 awards.
Along with Workforce Development, there are many businesses making a difference here in the Valley, working to educate and provide training to help job seekers access higher paying jobs. One such company is Bay Valley Tech which provides a tuition free training program to help people transition to digital based careers. The company has flourished this past year. Starting with just 25 students in its first year, through partnerships with the county and local companies they are now training 1,000+ students a year and providing paid internships.
modesto Is A pro-business Community
(Continued from page 26
Ad Importance
Is SEO Recession Ready?
Among the first things impacted by a bear economy is your marketing budget. Recession-ready business owners know the best time to prepare is before things get worse.

Review SEO Best Practices
When times get tough, you cut back on your advertising budget. However, once you stop paying for them, your ranking score plummets.
Use Metrics Efficiently

At a minimum, a site must operate how it will with potential users. Other problems will soon arise with your pages when it already has structural issues.
Device sources allow you to see where you connect with customers best. Time on Page also shows how long you keep users' interest before they leave. These are all things an SEO strategy looks at, and there’s no better time than to start.
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That’s why a solid SEO strategy for organic ranking is so crucial- with solid SEO and good ranking you can make it through a recession without ads.
Many factors contribute to your ranking, meaning best practices must get followed. Bounce rates, slow loading times, and missing objects on the page work against you.
Yet many owners react after the fact, making it tougher to catch up. Instead, here are some helpful tips for keeping your website recession ready. And the best way to do that is making sure your website's SEO is recession ready.
Sure, ads may reach new customers, but they also stop running when you stop paying. If your ads are your primary marketing strategy, you may want to consider beefing up your websites on-page SEO.
Sure, you want to see your overall traffic improve, but it isn't the only metric. Understanding where to improve your site helps you to increase your rankings.
28 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I Oakdale • Modesto • Escalon • Sonora • Turlock • Ripon Patterson • Stockton • Manteca • Tracy • Sacramento Lending in Your Community At Oak Valley Community Bank we’re committed to supporting the borrowing needs of the communities we serve. Here are a few examples of projects we’ve recently financed for clients. LineContractorofCredit Commercial Industrial & Equipment 504SBALoan Asset ManufacturingBasedLineofCredit Ag Real AcquisitionEstate CommercialRealEstate $1.0M $4.5M $900K $3.7M$16M$ Lynnette BranchCesarCommercialFletcherLending844.7552CamarilloManager-12th&I343.7611Jeff ManagerLauraCommercialHushawLending844.7544WeaverArea&Branch-McHenry343.7633 Victoria BranchPamelaCommercialGaffneyLending343.7601SwiftManager-DaleRoad758.8020
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Shoppers and crawlers alike prefer clean, organized pages with relevant information. Making text sections simple to read can also improve your search ranking score.
Bounce rate is the users who visit your site that then leave. Higher rates mean users don't want to stay on your pages, choosing competing ones instead.
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It might not feel pleasant to see the current value of your bonds drop. But if you’re not selling them before they mature, and you take advantage of the opportunities afforded by higher yields, you’ll find that owning bonds can still be a valuable part of your investment strategy.
• Diversification – As you’ve probably heard, diversification is a key to successful investing. If you only owned one type of asset, such as growth stocks, and the stock market went into a decline, as has happened this year, your portfolio likely would have taken a big hit — even bigger than the one you may have experienced.
• Income – No matter what happens to the value of your bonds, they will continue to provide you with income, in the form of interest payments, until they mature, provided the issuer doesn’t default — and defaults are generally unlikely with investment-grade bonds (those rated BBB or higher). Your interest payments will remain the same throughout the life of your bond, which can help you plan for your cash flow and spending.
29september 2022

And yet, despite this possible drop in their value, the bonds you own can still help you make progress toward your financial goals. Consider these benefits of bond ownership:
But bond prices don’t always move in the same direction as stocks, so the presence of bonds in your portfolio — along with other investments, such as government securities and certificates of deposit — can help reduce the impact of volatility on your holdings. (Keep in mind, though, that by itself, diversification can’t guarantee profits or protect against all losses in a declining market.)
• Reinvestment opportunities – As mentioned above, rising interest rates and higher yields may reduce the value of your current bonds, but this same development may also offer you some favorable reinvestment opportunities. If you own bonds of varying durations — short-, intermediate- and long-term — you should regularly have some bonds maturing. And in an environment such as the current one, you can reinvest the proceeds of your expiring short-term bonds into new ones issued at potentially higher interest rates. By doing so, you can potentially provide yourself with more income. Also, by owning a mix of bonds, you’ll still have the longer-term ones working for you, and these bonds typically (but not always) pay a higher interest rate than the shorter-term ones.
FINANCIAL FOCUs: should You Own bonds When Interest rates rise?
As you know, the stock market has attracted a lot of attention – and for good reason, as we’ve seen considerable volatility almost from the beginning of the year. But if you own bonds, or bond-based mutual funds, you might also have some concerns. However, it’s important to understand why bonds should continue to be an important part of your portfolio.

To begin with, let’s look at what’s happened with bond prices recently. Inflation has heated up, leading the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates to help “cool off” the economy. And rising interest rates typically raise bond yields — the total annual income that investors get from their “coupon” (interest) payments. Rising yields can cause a drop in the value of your existing bonds, because investors will want to buy the newly issued bonds that offer higher yields than yours.
BY Brad Blakeley, Edward Jones Investments Financial Advisor
30 Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I Visit to learn more about how the future of your local newspaper is being threatened. LOCAL NEWSPAPERS KEEP OUR COMMUNITIES INFORMED IN CHALLENGING TIMES.

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has various programs that can help your business unplug to conserve energy and plug-in to sustainability.

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