1 minute read
Watchful Waiting
from ModestoView May 2023
by Modestoview
By Mary Layton
There’s an energy about spring that makes me want to spring into action. The faster the better, I got so much on my to-dolist! For me spring is a time of change and renewal, out of the old and into the new! It’s exciting, exhilarating! The surge of new energy however, makes me impatient. I don’t want to wait in line or sit in traffic. My rushing from one thing to the next makes me more clumsy. I make mistakes. I forget where I put something. I rush into action, talk too fast, make the wrong decisions. Sounds familiar?
Sometimes when I wear myself out like this I go and read one of my wise books. Here’s a quote from the ancient wise book from China, the I Ching, the Book of Changes. The 5th hexagram, titled “Watchful Waiting” says: “Stop, look and listen before you take action. Do one thing at a time or there is real danger. When faced with confusion, maintain control. When faced with a complex situation, realize it cannot be solved quickly or with one simple solution. Forget this and you slip into indecision, inviting your enemies to move in. Adapt to reality, stand by your convictions, but do not be unreasonable or antagonistic. Confusion is not constant. Use your peaceful moments to compose yourself so your goal remains clearly in sight. No situation is hopeless. Be sensitive to help, accept it gratefully, and your situation improves.”
Amazing how wise they were in the old days.
Wishing you a successful and lovely spring! For more info you can go to taichi4modesto.com or call (209) 572-4518