Use cloud to transform inspection Also in this issue: • Engineering Leaders Under 40 • Robots do boiler inspections • Reline furnace refractories
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• Filters with 40 micron filter element (5 micron option) in sizes from 1/8” to 1” NPT port sizes • Regulators with adjustment from 20-130 PSI and 4-57 PSI • Combination filter/regulators available with same options in one unit • Lubricators in 1/8” to 1” port sizes • Total air prep units that combine all air preparation functions in one compact unit
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COVER STORY 23 | Use cloud to transform inspection processes Manage increasing data volumes that follow from connected inspection in-service monitoring
SOLUTIONS 26 | Apply discipline to Lean daily management
Cover image courtesy: Olympus
Editor’s Insight 5 | A copious mandate is plant engineering
Research 7 | PdM in small- to mid-sized facilities
INSIGHTS 9 | Keep workers safe, costs low Why Ameren Missouri is leveraging the power of robotics
ENGINEERING LEADERS 13 | Manufacturing, automation leaders inspire, mentor Achievements in manufacturing and communities inspire mentors and younger engineers seeking to create greater efficiency, optimism and a brighter future
Like soccer, a Lean daily management plan on a manufacturing floor requires team discipline
28 | Maintain secondary equipment via IIoT Non-production equipment like dust collectors compete for maintenance attention; IIoT can help identify issues before they become larger problems
31 | Safeguard refractory installation Take these 12 vital steps to ensure a successful refractory installation and a flawless dry out
INNOVATIONS 35 | New Products For Engineers
INSIDE: IIoT FOR ENGINEERS 3 | Welcome to the video age 4 | Control system connectivity update 10 | Leverage SCADA data in maintenance workflows 14 | Expert advice given on edge, fog and cloud 16 | Industrial controller cybersecurity best practices
PLANT ENGINEERING (ISSN 0032-082X, Vol. 73, No. 7, GST #123397457) is published 10x per year, monthly except in January and July, by CFE Media, LLC, 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite #325, Downers Grove, IL 60515. Jim Langhenry, Group Publisher /Co-Founder; Steve Rourke CEO/COO/Co-Founder. PLANT ENGINEERING copyright 2019 by CFE Media, LLC. All rights reserved. PLANT ENGINEERING is a registered trademark of CFE Media, LLC used under license. Periodicals postage paid at Downers Grove, IL 60515 and additional mailing offices. Circulation records are maintained at CFE Media, LLC, 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite #325, Downers Grove, IL 60515. E-mail: Postmaster: send address changes to PLANT ENGINEERING, 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite #325, Downers Grove, IL 60515. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40685520. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite #325, Downers Grove, IL 60515. Email: Rates for nonqualified subscriptions, including all issues: USA, $165/yr; Canada, $200/yr (includes 7% GST, GST#123397457); Mexico, $200/yr; International air delivery $350/yr. Except for special issues where price changes are indicated, single copies are available for $30.00 US and $35.00 foreign. Please address all subscription mail to PLANT ENGINEERING, 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite #325, Downers Grove, IL 60515. Printed in the USA. CFE Media, LLC does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in the material contained herein, regardless of whether such errors result from negligence, accident or any other cause whatsoever.
September 2019
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Š2019 Fluke Corporation. 6012692a-en 3010 Highland Parkway Suite 325 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Ph. 630-571-4070, Fax 630-214-4504
CONTENT SPECIALISTS/EDITORIAL KEVIN PARKER, Editor JACK SMITH, Managing Editor AMANDA PELLICCIONE, Director of Research 860-432-4767, CHRIS VAVRA, Production Editor SUSIE BAK, Production Coordinator
EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD H. LANDIS “LANNY” FLOYD, IEEE Life Fellow JOHN GLENSKI, President, Automation Plus SHON ISENHOUR, Partner, Eruditio LLC DR. SHI-WAN LIN, CEO and co-founder, Thingswise, LLC Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) board member JOHN MALINOWSKI, Senior manager of industry affairs (retired), Baldor Electric Company DAVID SKELTON, Vice president and general manager Phoenix Contact Development and Manufacturing BILLY RAY TAYLOR, Director of commercial and off-highway manufacturing The Goodyear Tire & Rubber LARRY TURNER, President and CEO, Hannover Fairs USA MARK WATSON, Senior director, manufacturing technology, IHS Markit
Content For Engineers. That’s what CFE Media stands for, and what CFE Media is all about—engineers sharing with their peers. We welcome content submissions for all interested parties in engineering. We will use those materials online, on our Website, in print and in newsletters to keep engineers informed about the products, solutions, and industry trends. * explains how to submit press releases, products, images and graphics, bylined feature articles, case studies, white papers, and other media. * Content should focus on helping engineers solve problems. Articles that are commercial in nature or that are critical of other products or organizations will be rejected. (Technology discussions and comparative tables may be accepted if non-promotional and if contributor corroborates information with sources cited.) * If the content meets criteria noted in guidelines, expect to see it first on our websites. Content for our enewsletters comes from content already available on our Websites. All content for print also will be online. All content that appears in our print magazines will appear as space permits, and we will indicate in print if more content from that article is available online. * Deadlines for feature articles intended for the print magazines are at least two months in advance of the publication date. Again, it is best to discuss all feature articles with the content manager prior to submission.
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By Kevin Parker, Editor
A copious mandate is plant engineering The role of the plant engineer is to manage information and lead people, says the third edition of the Plant Engineering Standard Handbook, published by McGraw Hill. We are all knowledge workers now. Entering the third decade of the 21st century, how is plant engineering changing and how does that influence the editorial direction of Plant Engineering magazine? Being a plant engineer or participating in plant engineering today as a role has a scale and scope that some other engineering roles lack. All engineering roles, however, are increasingly driven by near-constant interaction with information and operations technologies that didn’t exist 30 years ago. The consequences of IT-based plant connectivity is more sensors, more data aggregation and more analytics. It turns out adoption of Deming’s statistical process control methods that became so popular in the 1990s was only a precursor for widespread use of statistical-based analytics applications in real-time, transactional and decision-support systems.
Why we’re here
The Plant Engineering magazine brand’s role is to ensure you’re familiar with emergent technologies, best practices and vocabularies. Industrial trade magazines are a phenomena of the post-World War II era. Control Engineering, sister publication to Plant Engineering, this year celebrates its 65th anniversary. No longer is this just a matter of a monthly magazine. Electronic newsletters, podcasts, eBooks, and education modules all play a role. Webcasts, especially, are becoming an increasingly important platform, as they now incorporate video and software demos. Stop by the Plant Engineering website to get a peek at the increasing variety of technology briefings available in the next several months. But don’t downplay the print magazine’s continuing value. Under its new editorial regime, starting now and extending into
year 2020, the magazine will publish more detailed editorial features covering a wider range of technologies and best practices. The vast scope and scale of the oil & gas industries has led to the introduction several years ago or Oil & Gas Engineering, which many subscribers receive along with Plant Engineering, as well as IIoT for Engineers, covering emerging developments related to cloud and edge technologies.
Beyond maintenance
To this editor, Plant Engineering’s core is reliability-centered maintenance: the application of time-based, scheduled preventive maintenance procedures and of predictive maintenance technologies applied to applications that allow equipment life optimization. Technologies associated with predictive maintenance include vibration analysis, motor circuit analysis, infrared imaging, ultrasound, oil analyses, and ferrography. Beyond that, we’re looking at the entire range of the means of production, from electrical systems to mechanical equipment. It’s not possible here to list the entire range of facilities, machines and functions involved. In recent years, safety, lubricants and lighting have been this magazine’s more important topics. That will continue. What also can be said is that we intend to cover the relevant story lines associated with the full range of technologies outlined in the Plant Engineering Handbook, from boilers to rotating equipment. Joining me on the editorial staff of Plant Engineering is Jack Smith, who acted as managing editor of Plant Engineering in past years and has agreed to do so again. We thank him for it. Incidentally, Leo Spector, a former editor of the publication, also contributed to and was on the board of advisers to the Plant Engineering Standard Handbook’s first edition in 1983. PE
September 2019
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PdM in small- to mid-sized facilities Twenty-three percent of facilities shutdown their materials handling equipment once or twice a year for scheduled maintenance. Source: Plant Engineering 2019 Maintenance Study
alf of respondents to the Plant Engineering 2018 Predictive Maintenance Study work in a facility that is less than 250,000 sq ft. Below are five predictive maintenance (PdM) findings as they relate to these facilities:
1. Assets maintained with PdM: PdM
8 in 10 plant engineers/
2. Other strategies in use: In addition
of facilities conduct weekly meetings to review safety procedures. Source: Plant Engineering 2017 Safety Study
maintenance professionals consider manufacturing to be a secure career. Source: Plant Engineering 2018 Salary Survey
strategies or technologies are most commonly employed on electrical equipment (76%), mechanical equipment (76%) and process equipment (48%) at small- to midsized facilities.
to PdM, 75% of small- to mid-sized facilities apply preventive maintenance strategies and 37% use runto-failure practices.
3. PdM practicess: The top PdM
practices being used in small- to mid-sized manufacturing facilities are oil analysis (65%), infrared thermal imaging (65%), vibration testing (59%) and motor testing (53%).
4. Conducting PdM: The majority
(96%) of these facilities execute PdM practices with manual technician visual or predictive testing rounds using test instruments; 33% use a wireless condition-based monitoring strategy with sensors.
Condition monitoring: In smallto mid-sized manufacturing facilities, an average of 29% of assets use condition monitoring technology. PE
Amanda Pelliccione is the research director at CFE Media.
1 2 of facilities have conveying equipment to maintain, yet only 26% employ a predictive maintenance strategy on these assets. Source: Plant Engineering 2018 Predictive Maintenance Study
M More RESEARCH All reports are available at
Maintenance costs, uptime and risk reduction are among the top means of measuring return on investment (ROI) of technology adoption at facilities of less than 250,000 sq ft. Source: Plant Engineering PLANT ENGINEERING
September 2019
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By Kristi Martindale
Keep workers safe, costs low Why Ameren Missouri is leveraging the power of robotics
I Snake-like robots have been around for more than a decade and were initially used for search-and-rescue operations in challenging terrains. Their use is being evaluated for a range of industrial operations, including gaining access to confined spaces. Image courtesy: Sarcos Robotics
nspecting critical assets such as boilers is complicated, especially those located in difficultto-reach or confined spaces that often require permits for entry. Accessing these spaces puts workers in uncomfortable and potentially hazardous situations. However, industrial robots are available so that plant managers can make tasks like boiler inspections efficient and safe for workers. Midwest utility company Ameren Missouri is well aware of the complications associated with boiler inspections. During any outage, Ameren Missouri’s inspection crew conducts a full first-look inspection of its boilers, examining components for high-pressure steam leaks and gauging the extent of slag and material buildup before any work begins. Complicating the process is how difficult it is to see slag buildup on assets like super heaters, unless a worker is suspended 200 feet in the air in a skyclimber or floating platform. If unchecked, falling slag can damage expensive ash removal systems below and pose worker safety risk. Other issues, such as uncertainty related to maintenance and time resources required to fix tube leaks and the safety of workers crawling through confined spaces during lower mud drum inspections, contribute to the need for sound maintenance planning. Ameren Missouri recently approached Sarcos Robotics – a global producer of robots that augment humans to enhance productivity and safety – to simplify the boiler inspection process, and create a safer environment.
Calling all guards
Sarcos Robotics’ Guardian S robot augments human-based inspections by operating in challenging environments and removing workers from potentially hazardous situations or tight, confined spaces. Ameren Missouri wanted to capture highquality visual data from the robot platform to derive accurate assessment of boiler conditions, streamlining the scope of maintenance and reducing boiler downtime. Sarcos provided Ameren Missouri with a magnetic version of the robot platform, which collects visual and sensor data while operating in confined spaces, climbing vertically on walls to access systems high up in the boiler. The Sarcos and Ameren Missouri teams completed a first-look inspection of the boiler’s superheaters and waterwall tubes, determining slag buildup, leak location and extent of repairs needed. The robot also inspected lower water wall heaters and was inserted into the mud drum to visually assess tube penetrations.
Impact safety and bottom line
Ameren Missouri reaped myriad benefits. Using the robot for first-look boiler inspection meant employees need not enter its mud drums. Ameren Missouri estimates time required to complete mud drum inspections was reduced 16 to 32 man-hours. For outages caused by boiler tube leaks, the robot completed a full inspection in one day versus the typical three to five days workers required. In the future, robot-gathered data will enable betterinformed decisions and enhanced maintenance plans. It also will likely shorten overall time the boiler units are out of service and reduce inspection costs. “As early adopters of the Guardian S, we’re learning about it collaboratively, and Sarcos is working with us to experiment and identify new use cases in our facilities,” said Bill Henning, manager of boiler and coal mill services, Ameren Missouri.
Use cases on the horizon
After the boiler inspection was completed, Ameren Missouri worked with Sarcos to successfully test the robot on a first-look penstock inspection in its pump storage facility. Other potential opportunities
September 2019
INSIGHTS IIoT-equipped mobile robot exhibits snake-like dexterity Most robots are ability-specific. They do something - repeatedly - and they do it well. A mobile IIoT robot, on the other hand, is more of a generalist. It can be compared profitably to an unmanned automated vehicle (UAV) or even thought of as a kind of terrestrial drone. What makes it especially intriguing, in the instance here under discussion, is that the robot’s form factor resembles that of a snake. Snake-like robots, "have been around for about a decade and were initially used for search-and-rescue operations in challenging terrains, which might include where slurry conditions prevail or in dealing with mine cave-ins," said Ben Wolff, Sarcos Robotics chairman and CEO. The Guardian S robotic mobile internet-of-things (IoT) platform is a dexterous, tele-operated robot for use in unpredictable and unstructured environments. Sarcos Robotics investors include Microsoft, GE Ventures, Caterpillar, and Schlumberger. The company says the Guardian S is the first of its kind, representing a new class of robotic solution, and that it delivers extended run times and longrange wireless operations, while remaining portable and cost-effective.
include testing the robot’s applicability in other Ameren Missouri facilities. By implementing the robotic platform over time to capture high-definition video and imagery, Ameren Missouri expects it will be able to move toward a more condition-based maintenance planning, whereby they will only schedule maintenance when needed, rather than relying on a time-based maintenance plan. This will allow Ameren Missouri to reduce downtime costs, including worker resources, parts, tools, infrastructure and the need to procure alternative energy sources for customers during these periods. “I am a firm believer in this type of technology,” said Henning. “The maneuverability of the robot is a big plus. And, any time we can allow non-humans to do something for us, that’s always a positive. Ameren Missouri will continue to look at new ways for the Guardian S to assist our workers, beyond boiler inspections, in order to keep them safe. Ultimately, reducing maintenance costs and improving efficiencies saves our customers money.” PE Kristi Martindale is an executive vice president with Sarcos Robotics.
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Manufacturing, automation leaders inspire, mentor Achievements in manufacturing and communities inspire mentors and younger engineers seeking to create greater efficiency, optimization and a brighter future. By McKenzie Burns, Production Coordinator; Amanda Pelliccione, Research Director; and Mark T. Hoske, Content Manager
he 2019 CFE Media and Technology Engineering Leaders Under 40 made significant contributions to the success of their companies and to the control and/or plant engineering professions. In a time when manufacturers seek to recruit, develop, inspire, and retain the next generation of diverse manufacturing professionals, these Engineering Leaders Under 40 Class of 2019 advance their professions, communities, and global efforts to promote engineering and improve the world.
Christopher Blackburn, 30 Senior Plant Engineer Henkel Aerospace Bay Point, Calif. BS Mechanical Engineering, San Francisco State University
ven at a young age, Chris’ critical-thinking skills and enjoyment of solving problems and working in manufacturing plants sets him apart. Chris has progressed from designing work platforms to complete work centers, collaborating with process engineering, R&D, quality and production. He also has tackled several difficult permitting processes. Chris is an avid San Jose Sharks fan and season-ticket holder. Outside of hockey, his other pastime is attending beer-tasting festivals. FUN FACT: Chris is involved with the volunteer group, Engineers Without Borders. • See more details in images and profiles at
Highlights from the 30 winners range from Engineers Without Borders to glassmaking optimization, with significant amounts of engineering volunteer work, sports, mentoring, music, design, controls, restoration, communication, fermentation, and other fun in between.
Learn more below and read about past leaders at
Austin Butcher, 37 Engineering & Environmental Manager CertainTeed/Saint-Gobain Corp. McPherson, Kan. BS Engineering Technology (Plastics Engineering Technology), Pittsburg State University
ustin holds the ability to deliver outstanding results in several areas while connecting with all levels of an organization. He recently worked with a building product’s quality department to scope out and implement a mobile industrial robot solution, developing and delivering the training, and working through employee fears to gain buy in. Austin led efforts to complete a 38,000-sq-ft. plant expansion as well as install two new 3,500-ton injection molding machines to accommodate the business needs for the manufacturing plant. Austin and his plant-based team have focused on reducing the environmental footprint for the facility and won the State of Kansas Pollution Prevention Award for their efforts. FUN FACT: Austin is an assistant coach for his son’s baseball team. PLANT ENGINEERING
September 2019
Baron Carleton, 30
Ethan Copitch, 30
Chief Operations Officer (COO)
Sub-System Engineer
Avalon International Aluminum Inc. Tualatin, Ore. MS Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
mmediately upon graduation from Georgia Tech, Baron began working in the family aluminum business. He recognized several engineering and design flaws in the products the company had been using and set about correcting them. In the process, he recognized the deficiency in the industry related to non-standard wall thicknesses — no one had a way to offer flush glazing in those circumstances. Baron developed, engineered and produced a solution he also patented, receiving wide acclaim for the product and the company. FUN FACT: Baron became an Eagle Scout at 12 years old.
Adam Cozat, 37 Operations Leader, Process Automation
Peraton Monrovia, Calif. BS Mechatronics Engineering, California State University Chico
than originally intended to major in nanomaterials in college, but changed his major when he saw limitations in the field. Despite his age, in four years he has not only become an expert in the controls field, but he has coordinated the interface between other fields in the facilities department at the NASA Deep Space Network. Ethan also has become knowledgeable of other disciplines and his guidance has led to significant department improvements. FUN FACT: In his free time, Ethan partakes in Amtgard LARPing, or live action roleplaying. This requires him to design and create medieval inspired garments including knight armor.
Keerthi Duraikkannan, 28 Albany Site Manager
Dow Midland, Mich.
Panacea Technologies Inc. East Greenbush, N.Y.
BS Electrical Engineering, Central Michigan
MS Electrical Engineering, Drexel University
dam is a very strong technical leader thanks to his background. Combining these technical abilities with his excellent interpersonal skills, Adam seems likely to build on engineering advances. In 2017, the company’s engineering leadership rewarded Adam’s technical acumen and leadership abilities by naming him process automation operation leader. This team is responsible for addressing many changing technologies under Adam’s leadership. FUN FACT: Adam has a passion for gardening and loves seeing his family enjoy the fresh vegetables he harvests.
September 2019
eerthi is the type of leader that when the going gets tough he rolls up his sleeves and works right alongside his team. He has led and developed the youngest recruiting class at the system integration firm where he works and helped push them several years past age-related experiences. Keerthi has reverse engineered a coolant system without documentation and un-commented code by studying the mechanical system functionality, creating design specifications, and coding a new system that matched the original functionality with optimizations. FUN FACT: Keerthi was mocked in college for considering the idea of dancing, so he decided to compete in all the college dancing contests. While he didn’t win any competitions, he convinced quite a few of his dancing skills.
Tyler Gaerke, 34
William Gallacher, 37
Consulting Product Engineer
Production Manager
Siemens Large Drives Applications Norwood, Ohio
Mestek Inc. Westfield, Ma. AS Electronics Technology, Coastline Community College
BS Electrical Engineering, Wright State University
BS Business Administration, American International University
MBA, University of Massachusetts
yler’s patented ideas on technologies for improving manufacturing processes along with optimizing machine airflow to realize increased machine efficiencies and ultimately help to reduce carbon emissions. Not only has he advanced engineering technology, but is a strong advocate of engineering through local and global technical communities like NEMA and IEC. In addition, he has published more than eight technical papers at global technical conferences such as IEEE-PCIC and PPFIC.
FUN FACT: Tyler enjoys the process of preparing a special meal and studying the foods of other cultures.
FUN FACT: Will served 10 years in the Navy and has a passion for military personnel and the United States.
Shawn Hakim, 33
Haytham Hamad, 35
Control Systems Engineer
Field Service Engineer
BYK USA Inc. Gonzales, Texas
Advanced Technology Services Peoria, Ill.
BS Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington
AS Industrial Electronics, Ramallah Men’s College
lways looking for control challenges and passionate about the combination of science and technology, Shawn decided to pursue a career in engineering. Among many other contributions he has made, Shawn has successfully implemented a distributed control system (DCS) by migrating existing programmable logic controllers (PLCs) to this new control system environment. His proficiency and experience have made a visible impact in this organization.
BS Electrical Engineering, University of New Orleans
FUN FACT: Shawn enjoys traveling and looking for real estate business opportunities.
ill took control of a failing electronics manufacturing facility in 2010 and has turned it into a successful and modern manufacturing facility through Lean manufacturing practices. He is only the sixth person at his company to earn a 6 Sigma Green Belt, and he has worked with in house software engineers to build a manufacturing execution system (MES) that tracks live production, making the shop transparent to the firm and its customers.
s an automation control engineer, Haytham has been consistently recognized inside and outside the company for his excellence, versatility, hands-on approach and love of helping people. In 2019, Haytham was recognized by his 3,000+ colleagues with the company’s MVP Award. This award is given to the employee who exemplifies superior performance while working with customers, managers, and team members in all aspects of their job responsibilities and position. FUN FACT: Haytham enjoys carpentry and designs, builds, and finishes homemade furniture for his family’s home.
September 2019
David Hostetter, 34
Christopher Jansen, 32
Regional RMC Manager
Product Manager
SCS Engineers Denver, Pa.
Worley North Sydney, NSW, Australia
BS Engineering, Mechanical Concentration, Messiah College
ave develops and implements technologies for use in environmental control systems. These systems, such as cloud-based supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, help private industry and municipalities achieve their environmental goals, protect workers and help minimize operational costs. Dave is a leader in applied technology for the waste industry — he listens to his clients’ concerns and goals to keep his solutions focused on their needs. Well respected by his clients, peers and executives, he delivers sustainable solutions that balance the need to deliver services and products while protecting our environment. Dave dedicates energy to developing young engineers into future leaders like himself.
BE (Chemical), BCom, University of Sydney
hris had progressive goals that led him to study engineering and commerce. Since his career began, Chris has become the inventor and product manager of CAROL, the world’s first catalyst removal robot. Upon joining Worley in 2015, he won seed funding to develop his idea of robotic catalyst unloading. He now heads up robotic catalyst unloading with robots and teams located in Australia, the U.S. and Canada. FUN FACT: Chris plays soccer two times a week during his lunch break with people from different energy industry companies in the heart of the Brisbane central business district.
FUN FACT: Dave loves creating, whether it’s a garden with his family, “inventions” with his daughter, or brewing his own beer.
Toni Kristo, 28
Dan Krohnemann, 27
Application Engineer
Lead Engineer
Bachmann Electronic Corp. Charlestown, Ma.
Panacea Technologies Inc. Montgomeryville, Pa.
MS Solar Photovoltaic Energy, Technical University of Madrid (UPM) — Solar Energy Institute (IES)
BS Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
oni has managed to leverage his knowledge on solar renewable energy he gained in graduate school to become an effective and proficient expert in the field of wind turbine operations. Toni works with seasoned veterans in controls for wind turbines, absorbing critical knowledge gained from their years of experience. He has improved on these concepts and functions by incorporating his knowledge and experience gained from a combination of international and domestic college degrees and study that is coupled with work experience. FUN FACT: Toni attended the Munich Summer School of Applied Sciences in Munich, Germany, in summer 2012.
September 2019
an has led almost every one of Panacea’s automation boot camps and continues to stay in touch with engineers he trains to make sure they are developing their skills post-training. Dan often leads the charge on some of the most innovative projects and technical applications. His contributions have been the subject of technical whitepapers, podcasts, and have led to new products in use by many life science companies.
FUN FACT: Dan is obsessed with haunted houses and buildings and, every Halloween, visits a different set of haunted places.
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Connie LeMarbe, 28
Anand Makhija, 38
Controls Engineer
Technical Director
Patti Engineering Inc. Auburn Hills, Mich.
PAS Global Houston, Texas
BS Mathematics, Oakland University
BS Chemical Engineering, Mumbai University
hile Connie is an analytical thinker with great technical talent, it is her communication and teaching skills that truly make her stand out as a leader and an invaluable member of the team. Whether it’s interfacing with customers, helping other engineers, teaching a seminar or mentoring female students to pursue STEM careers, Connie does so with passion, confidence and enthusiasm. Among her peers, Connie is recognized as a hard-working team player with the ability to “think outside the box” by looking at engineering challenges with a unique perspective and finding creative solutions others may miss. FUN FACT: Connie taught high school math for two years before changing careers to be an engineer.
MBA, University of Texas
nand has been instrumental in improving the safety culture in organizations by leading the way in process safety and cybersecurity. He leads business development and technical solutions consulting team in the Asia Pacific region, working with oil and gas industry clients such as BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, INPEX, Origin Energy, Petronas, PetroChina, PTT, Shell, Sinopec, Thai Oil and Woodside. Anand likes to speak at conferences to raise awareness on safety and security topics. He also likes to mentor engineers on their career development and life goals. FUN FACT: Anand is a certified tennis coach.
Jason Markesino, 37
Brett Mernin, 32
Engineering Manager
Technical Services Manager
Applied Manufacturing Technologies Orion, Mich.
Control Techniques Eden Prairie, Minn.
BS Mechanical Engineering with Robotics and Automation Emphasis, Michigan Technological University
hether he is parachuting in to support a customer and save a project or mentoring recent grads, Jason can always be counted on to give 110%. He is proficient at all of the technologies involved in automation including controls, mechanical design, simulation and robot programming. In 2013, Jason became the lead electrical mentor of Team RUSH, a FIRST Robotics Team, where he inspires young students to embrace new technologies. FUN FACT: Jason is a wine enthusiast and makes his own wine.
BS Mechanical Engineering, University of Saint Thomas MBA, Capella University
orking at the distribution and factory level in the automation industry, Brett has frequently been elevated into team leadership positions, and he often presents and speaks at engineering and sales conferences regarding the latest technology in drives and motors being produced and used. Brett also has held roles driving product and software quality control along with leading front-line technical support teams and remote teams of field service engineers. FUN FACT: Brett can play the guitar, piano and drums.
September 2019
Karen Mootrey, 37
Andrew Morgan, 38
Senior Manager, Automation Engineering
Director of Process Engineering
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Rensselaer, N.Y.
TM Process & Controls Inc. Elk Grove, Calif.
BS Chemical Engineering, Tufts University
BS Chemical Engineering, UC Davis
aren works to impart her knowledge of process control systems and pharmaceutical manufacturing coupled with insight into navigating the complex world of large corporations on her team. In just seven years, she was promoted to senior manager of automation engineering at a pharmaceutical company. Karen focuses on team building and the development of her people. She especially loves the transition from being an individual contributor to a contributor of other’s successes.
ndrew started working for a food and beverage design company after graduation from UC Davis. Fifteen years later, he is well known by food and beverage (F&B) plants and design firms all over the United States. In such a small industry, his work ethic and innovative ideas spread fast. In 2015, Andrew co-founded a system integration and design engineering firm focusing on process controls and obtained his professional engineer license in chemical engineering the following year. In 2019, the company had 12 employees and 3 offices.
FUN FACT: Karen is a black belt national level competitor in Tae Kwon Do.
FUN FACT: Andrew, an Eagle Scout, loves the outdoors.
Kurt Niehaus, 38 Senior Control Engineer
Dileepa Prabhakar, 39
Applied Control Engineering Inc. Newark, Del.
Senior Manager, Technology Engineering
BS Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
Fluke Corp. Everett, Wash.
urt has been an integral part of the plan to update sales organization and sales tools in the control system integration firm where he works. In addition to being part of a team defining job descriptions, working on customer relationship management (CRM) modernization, and improving sales process, Kurt leads the inside sales support staff and identifies changes to internal sales tools. He does all this while managing and executing projects for end users.
BS Electronics and Communication, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering
FUN FACT: Kurt and his family live on the farmstead where Thomas McKean, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, was born.
September 2019
ileepa has been a key contributor toward product development and technology exploration. He started as a software engineer working on digital multimeters (DMMs) and process tools. Over the years, Dileepa has taken on additional responsibilities and challenges such as establishing a software design center in Bangalore to scale up software offerings. He now leads the global technology development team out of his company’s global headquarters, working on new technologies to simplify troubleshooting for engineers and technicians. FUN FACT: Last year was a new and exciting experience with the birth of Dileepa’s first child.
Alicia Ramirez, 34
Keith Riegel, 34
Automation & Control Manager
Process Automation Consultant
Sucroliq Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico
Corteva Agriscience Wilmington, Del.
BS Mechatronics Engineering, Universidad del Valle de Mexico
BS Chemical Engineering, Rowan University
licia is the first engineer in the world to have fully automated and operated plate filters. She is also the first one to have implemented Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions in Mexico. In 2015 she was an essential part of the construction of a new sweetener production plant in Irapuato, Guanajuato. In the last few months, she has successfully dedicated her efforts to installing Industry 4.0 technologies, which have proved to be beneficial to the company. FUN FACT: Alicia is a marathon runner and a Rubik’s cube lover.
eith has supported multiple businesses through assignments in site and corporate roles. His primary activities have been in dynamic modeling, advanced process control (APC) and training. Keith is a professional engineer and co-leads his agriculturals science company’s LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group MidAtlantic chapter and also has co-presented talks at the Out & Equal Workplace Summit and Society for Women Engineers Conference focused on the importance of being out at work and the impact of LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace. FUN FACT: Keith is a trumpet player and member of the board of the Philadelphia Freedom Band, which is a 501c3 nonprofit LGBTQ+ founded concert and marching band.
Kristen Sheriff, 33
Niniv Tamimi, 34
Team Leader
Director of Controls Engineering
Applied Control Engineering Inc. Windsor Mill, Md. BS Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware
rom an early age, Kristen enjoyed puzzles and working on solving them. After college, Kristen started working for a major automation and power technology company developing simulations for oil and gas pipelines and became a senior simulation engineer. After 6 years, Kristen joined a control system integration firm and began working on automation projects. She also added the additional responsibility of project manager for several critical projects including ones for chiller controls upgrades where she has managed engineers, equipment suppliers and subcontractors. FUN FACT: Kristen recently completed her first 5K run.
TM Process & Controls Inc. Turlock, Calif. BS Chemical Engineering & Materials Science & Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
rom a young age, Niniv appeared destined to become a controls engineer. He not only mastered computer coding at a young age but also dismantled everything in sight and put it back together. After graduating, he returned to work in his native Central Valley in the hopes of bringing more engineering jobs to the agricultural-based Valley. In less than 5 years, Niniv went from intern to cofounder of an engineering firm. FUN FACT: Niniv grew up on a small almond orchard.
September 2019
Ian Visintine, 37
Justin Waldrop, 31
Sr. Project Engineer
Project Engineer-Electrical
MartinCSI Plain City, Ohio
Paulo St. Louis, Mo.
AS Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Columbus State Community College
BS Electrical Engineering, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
an, who served honorably in the United States Navy for more than 10 years, found his passion for working with electrical systems and mentoring junior personnel and earned a degree in electrical engineering after leaving the Navy. Ian is grateful for his mentors in the Navy and is dedicated to helping others succeed by guiding younger engineers and developing in-depth employee training programs at a control system integration company. Ian took the initiative to gain training in machine safety and machine vision, enabling the company to expand its services and become industry leaders. Ian earned TUV Functional Safety Engineer Certification in 2018 and led the charge to build a state-of-the-art in house proof-of-concept vision lab.
fter starting in pharmacy school, Justin wanted a path that was more challenging and less mundane, so he switched to electrical engineering. Justin is a quick learner, willing to accept new challenges and is focused on achieving the best possible result. Justin has completed control system projects using software from more than six automation and control providers. He also was instrumental in the successful startup of his company’s first international location in 2018. FUN FACT: Justin is an avid St. Louis Cardinals and Blues fan.
FUN FACT: Ian is afraid of heights, but loves flying in small aircraft and dreams of being a pilot and owning a plane someday.
Evan Westra, 30
Bradley Willson, 29
Lead Project Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Interstates Sioux Center, Iowa
AGC Glass Company North America Church Hill, Tenn.
BS Engineering with Computer Emphasis, Dordt University
ith 12 years of experience, Evan continues to grow his technical expertise and is currently working as a lead project engineer. Evan has worked on projects in many industries such as flour and feed milling, oil seed processing, meat processing, grain elevators, and ethanol. He is able to teach and coach his team of young engineers and interns, enabling them to grow their knowledge and deliver desired results for customers. FUN FACT: Evan enjoys listening to podcasts ranging from reformed theology, personal finance, history and everything in between.
September 2019
BS Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
rad was always interested in engineering since he was a child. He has always had a knack for being able to think critically and solve problems. Brad is dedicated, hardworking, loyal and enjoys a challenge. He was the controls lead for a major glass tempering project, which resulted in a $40/hour profit. Brad also procured, designed, developed the software code, commissioned and supervised the installation of the controls, drives and human-machine interface (HMI) systems for the glass-making process line. FUN FACT: Brad has been working with his father on restoring a 1968 Oldsmobile Cutlass.
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input #11 at
By Calvin Jory
Use cloud to transform inspection processes Manage the increasing data volumes that follow from connected inspection, in-service monitoring
nspection service companies employ many different tools and technologies. That doesn’t mean a job involving multiple inspectors has to be complicated. For example, inspectors commonly perform routine nondestructive testing (NDT) on piping, vessels, tanks and other equipment. Ultrasonic thickness gages monitor for corrosion and erosion of in-service equipment. Ultrasonic flaw detectors check for cracking and inspect structural welds for defects that can cause costly equipment failures. Service companies also inspect piping, valves, welds, components and pressure vessels using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) for material compliance and positive material identification (PMI) applications. Larger jobs can require a whole team of inspectors, each responsible for recording measurements from different facility areas. Typically, field technicians relay the data they collect to a remote office for analysis. Wireless data transfer and cloud connectivity can simplify the task.
Conventional data collection
For large inspection jobs, a supervisor or data analyst usually assigns a portion of the work to each inspector. For example, ultrasonic thickness data typically is collected in one of two ways: Digital ultrasonic thickness gage with datalogger: Inspection survey files are created with thickness measurement locations (TMLs) that correspond to the assets and locations to be inspected. The inspector transfers the completed survey files using a USB or RS-232 connection. From here, the data is manually imported into asset management software. Write down results by hand: Each inspector has a sheet of inspection locations corresponding to assets needed to be measured and manually records on paper each thickness reading. Sometimes inspectors work in teams. Inspectors hand the paper to the manager or data analyst, who then inputs the values into a spreadsheet or asset management software. In some cases, inspectors will bring a tablet or PC into the field and manually enter thickness readings into their asset management program.
These processes can be slow, inefficient and have the potential for inaccurate data due to human error. However, they remain relatively unchanged since the advent of digital ultrasonic thickness gages. Digital technologies can simplify this process further to make managing results more efficient.
Embrace the digital present
What if all the devices talked to each other? This idea has been around for decades, but technology advance makes it a reality. Manufacturers and inspection companies are taking advantage. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) enables smart connected devices to communicate and share information. IIoT and cloud functionality are increasingly important for industrial inspection. When inspection equipment inter-connects and also connects to the cloud, it opens up new possibilities that can transform the inspection process. Whenever decisions are made using the most relevant information, it’s an advantage. The flow of data from connected devices about machines, materials, operations and environment entails information having strategic value. Properly analyzed, manufacturers can use this data to recognize problems sooner, minimizing downtime and improving quality control. IIoT also can improve efficiency by helping organize the supply chain and the flow of components into and throughout the factory. Even small improvements in efficiency reduce cost. Manufacturing is reaping the benefits of IIoT. In a modern smart factory, the life cycle of a product can be planned out digitally. As new products are manufactured and come online, they need to undergo rigorous testing to ensure quality. In a smart factory, each instrument can talk to the factory and provide information from a variety of sensors, including instrument health. If there’s a fault in a newly manufactured component, the factory is immediately notified, so the fault can be corrected before going through testing, helping streamline the process.
September 2019
How the cloud will change industrial inspection
Smart inspection equipment enables easy transfer of information to analysts or management. The inclusion of sophisticated reporting tools reduces the chance of human errors. Image courtesy: Olympus
Just like a smart factory, smart inspection is changing the industry. Smart inspection equipment enables easy transfer of information to the manager or data analyst in charge. The question is, what’s done with the information? This is where the cloud comes in. The cloud refers to software and services that run on the Internet. In the consumer space, there are already many uses of cloud, including the ability to stream movies and TV shows. Cloud also is affecting industry. A study from McKinsey estimates that the IoT could have a yearly economic impact of between $3.9 trillion to $11.1 trillion a year by 2025. For inspectors, the cloud has the potential to provide many advantages, but some of the most useful are data storage and integrity, job management and collaboration, software updates and calibrations and health monitoring and service. Data storage and integrity: Modern inspection and analysis equipment feature sophisticated onboard reporting tools, reducing the chance of human error during manual data entry. However, the onboard data storage space of some inspection equipment may be limited. Inspections that require saving a large number of image files can be data-intensive and running out of storage space in the field can lead to costly delays. Cloud storage means that you don’t need to keep a large backlog of data files on your instrument or worry about running out of space. Wireless LAN-enabled inspection devices can automatically upload data to your cloud service. Once in the cloud, the data is immediately accessible. Wireless data transfer adds additional convenience since users don’t have to physically plug their instrument into the computer and use an interface program to transfer files. Because cloud platforms use remote data centers, data storage is inexpensive and scalable. Cloud platforms
• September 2019
will seamlessly adjust to meet your data storage needs without the expense of managing onsite servers. Job management and collaboration: Accessible data facilitates collaboration. The cloud gives users tremendous flexibility in what they do with their data and makes it immediately available to more people. Sharing data with colleagues back in the office helps facilitate discussion and decision making. Cloud-connected devices enable inspection companies to manage large projects in real time. Large projects can be divided into jobs with individual tasks that correlate to specific inspection areas. Managers can build survey files within a cloud project management tool and wirelessly deploy the survey files to instruments in the field. For thickness gaging applications, once a survey file has been completed, the inspector can upload the file directly from their connected gage to the cloud. This enables the inspector to get the data back to the supervisor or data analyst quickly, so they can review the data sooner and make critical decisions faster. The cloud can enable real-time collaboration with screen sharing for certain types of inspection equipment. Some modern handheld XRF analyzers, for example, can share their screen over a wireless LAN connection so that field technicians can get immediate feedback from experts in the home office. This facilitates cost savings and efficient collaboration, as it enables someone with technical expertise to provide support for a whole team of inspectors in the field. Managers can also create and store setup files for a variety of inspection equipment in the cloud and deploy the files to inspectors in the field. This ensures that each inspector’s equipment is properly configured for the job at hand. If the inspector is not within a wireless LAN network, they can even use their mobile phone as a hotspot to connect their gage to the cloud. Managers can remotely monitor job progress across their entire fleet and allocate new tasks to inspectors as previous tasks are completed, efficiently managing their resources in the field. This functionality enables managers to expedite tasks remotely without having to bring inspectors in from the field, helping minimize downtime and ensuring that resources are being used effectively. Up-to-date instrument software and calibrations: Another advantage of the cloud is wireless software updates. Many digital equipment manufacturers provide regular software updates to add improvements and fix bugs. Rather than having to physically plug an instrument into a computer, users download the update and port it over to the instrument. The cloud makes it simple to wirelessly download software updates as soon as they’re available, just like on a smartphone. Managers can view current instrument software information from a cloud dashboard, so they can ensure that their instruments in the field are running the latest version.
Periodic factory calibrations are recommended for certain types of industrial inspection equipment. Depending on the industry, inspectors may be required to provide a calibration certificate in case of an audit. For inspection service companies with a large number of instruments deployed across multiple job sites, keeping track of recommended calibration dates and physical calibration certificates can be an administrative challenge. Instrument calibration certificates, manuals and instructional material can be stored in a central location on the cloud, so that inspectors can always have the required documentation on hand in case they need it. Health monitoring and service: Sensors in testing equipment can monitor the health of an instrument, such as the number of power cycles, active time, temperature, error logs and drops. With this information, users can track how much each piece of equipment has been used, when it needs to be serviced and when it was last calibrated. By monitoring instrument health data, managers can distribute the workload across their fleet of instruments. For GPS-enabled devices, including some XRF analyzers, the cloud enables managers to track the physical location of their instruments. Managers can efficiently track and allocate resources as needed from a central
location. Technicians can also geo-tag test results for improved traceability and mapping of test information in the field. Instrument health information also helps inspectors avoid surprises due to lags in servicing and calibration. When you do send your equipment in for service, each component can be tracked in the service center, so service technicians know which component needs to be serviced and you get your device back faster.
Looking forward
These features are just a small portion of the potential that the cloud offers NDT and XRF inspectors. As the related technologies that make up the smart factory and cloud continue to advance, new cloud-based tools will become available that will make inspectors’ jobs easier. The volume of data provided by connected inspection, in-service monitoring and manufacturing equipment is increasing, and cloud services are the most efficient way to use that data to your advantage. PE Calvin Jory is a senior product marketing specialist for ultrasonic flaw detectors at Olympus Scientific Solutions Americas.
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input #12 at
By Antonio (Tony) Rodriguez, CMC and Mike Beauregard
Apply discipline to your Lean daily management Like soccer, a Lean daily management plan on a manufacturing floor requires team discipline to ensure success
n a world of rapidly changing customer demands, an organization’s Lean daily management activities and the game of soccer have much in common. That’s the word from those with experience in both arenas. According to author Peter Loge (Soccer Thinking for Management Success: Lessons for Organizations from the World’s Game and www.SoccerThinking. com), concepts for soccer apply to companies and vice versa. It can be a valuable exercise to compare soccer to any system where everyone is part of a single unit and the parts are not interchangeable.
Defining Lean daily management
Whether the goal is to boost productivity on a product line, reduce service delays, efficiently fill custom orders or keep the ball in your team’s possession during a match, how we manage daily activities across our organizations is critical. Lean daily management is the system and structure that companies develop to manage daily work. A daily
management system must take into account customer demand, best practices and standards, equipment and the workplace, improvement and people. In short, Lean daily management helps your team do what is important better. Similar to play on the soccer pitch, Lean daily management gives ownership to team members who are closest to the work and ongoing events. On the field (or on the floor) team players can take a 360-degree view of the situation. By empowering work teams to respond quickly to changing conditions, managers create an environment where continuous learning is accepted. Everyone knows they play an important role in the company’s progress. The work teams who contribute to their company’s Lean daily management system first need to know what “good” looks like. They must set and measure efforts against key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter. Key performance indicators such as safety, quality, delivery time, productivity and cost must be quantifiable. They must reflect critical success factors. They need to link to organizational goals. They must be agreed to beforehand. And they must be measured over time.
Who should do Lean daily?
Everyone in the organization should do Lean daily management. Just as in a soccer match, in Lean daily management there is no waiting. Actions, information flow, measurements and improvements occur in in the moment. While management sets the team's overall goals and objectives in a match or on the plant floor, it’s the team that manages daily work. The team facilitator may be the team leader or the supervisor. But the team also can choose the facilitator, often a worker or coordinator. They become the information link and spokesperson. Many companies look at work teams organized in tiers. In a small company, the tiers may look like this: • Tier 1: Work team and team leader • Tier 2: Team leaders and value stream manager
A problemsolving flowchart can help team members stay on track. Graphic courtesy: Daniel Penn Associates
• September 2019
• Tier 3: Value stream managers, support managers and site manager. In a large company, the tiers may look like this: • Tier 1: Work team and team leader • Tier 2: Team leaders and supervisor • Tier 3: Supervisors, support staff and value stream manager • Tier 4: Value stream managers, support managers and site manager.
the source provides focus and clarity on expectations, balances safety, quality, delivery, cost and morale; aligns goals; creates a problem-solving culture. 10. Leadership: Walking the talk. Positioning people to play to their strengths. Balancing the team’s talents and skills. PE
Antonio (Tony) Rodriguez, CMC, is president of Daniel Penn Associates. Mike Beauregard is an international consultant with Daniel Penn Associates. Daniel Penn Associates is a CFE Media content partner.
10 elements of a daily management system
1. Kaizen: literally “change for the better,” is a cornerstone of Lean. Its philosophy and methodology helps organizations achieve sustainable growth through continuous improvement. 2. Visual management and displays: The tools that help show equipment status, show when help is needed or show the need for materials or supplies. 3. Daily meetings (stand-up huddles): What is off track? How do we correct it? What can we do ourselves and what do we need to escalate? 4. Standardized work: Doing the right things correctly and consistently to keep the team efficient and on the same play. Documenting what is to be done, how and why. 5. KPIs: Measuring (and improving on) the moves and actions that matter. 6. Problem solving: Managers and team members ask for, receive, evaluate and provide feedback from other team members. How are we doing against our standards? What’s needed (skills, equipment, time and so on) to get back on track? 7. Organize and standardize the work environment. Keep only what the team needs in the work area and know where it is. 8. Coaching: Building qualities in managers and team members that help them identify challenges, propose and implement solutions. On the soccer field and in companies, coaches assess readiness, give guidance and define next steps. In the process, they learn and grow as a coach. 9. Gemba Walks: Whether it’s the production floor or the field, going to September 2019
input #13 at
By Brent Nelson
Maintain secondary equipment via IIoT Nonproduction equipment like dust collectors compete for maintenance attention; IIoT can help identify issues before they become larger problems
he Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) can enable widespread changes, but it’s not always clear where plants should begin adoption. Where can connectivity bring value? On what equipment will IIoT make the biggest difference? An area of strong potential for IIoT is secondary equipment – devices essential for plant operation, but that do not directly generate revenue. These assets are good IIoT candidates for two reasons: They’re typically not connected to a plant’s existing control network; and maintenance teams – often challenged with labor or experience gaps – may be more focused on the production line. Dust and fume collectors fall into this category (see Figure 1). While most facilities need to filter and ven-
Figure 1: Dust collection equipment often functions in the background and faces constraints when it comes to care and attention. All images courtesy: Donaldson Company Inc.
• September 2019
tilate various air streams, dust collection equipment often functions in the background and may compete for attention. However, issues such as clogged filters or worn valves can impact efficiency and could escalate into equipment failure without timely intervention. In a recent independent survey by Plant Engineering magazine, sponsored by Donaldson Co., 38% of plant engineers said when their dust collector fails, their operation has to shut down. However, nearly half admitted the equipment hadn’t been evaluated in the past three years – or they were unsure when the last evaluation had been.
Real-world case studies
The benefits of monitoring nonproduction equipment with on-line connectivity are becoming evident. In late 2018, Donaldson Co. introduced technology that monitors certain aspects of dust and fume collectors remotely and is launching a subscription service that provides this capability. Using cloud connectivity, the connected solution gathers sensor data from operating equipment, applies filtration analytics and sends meaningful information back to the owner via a web-based dashboard, email alerts and weekly status reports (see Figure 2). Between pilot- and early-adopter customers, more than nine facilities have used the solution, representing a range of industries from grain milling to metal fabrication. Multiple early users have reported positive results in three main categories: • Reduced downtime for dust collection equipment • Lower maintenance costs, including filter replacement costs • Better management of dust-related risks and tasks. Operations with multiple dust collectors have experienced the greatest benefits, but even smaller manufacturers have reduced the total costs of owning and maintaining this essential equipment. Two examples follow.
Feed processor. An animal feed processor in Minnesota generated high volumes of dust grinding and mixing grain with additives. The dust’s sticky properties posed a challenge for the dust collection equipment. During humid seasons, the material congealed and plugged the collector hopper, causing the particulate to back up in the dust collector. A standard pressure gauge on the equipment measures differential pressure across the filters but was not meant to detect a hopper issue. So, the first sign of trouble was dust backing up into plant air. Maintenance crews had to shut down the collector, remove a large dust accumulation from the hopper and clean dirty surfaces throughout the plant. This unplanned maintenance took two hours per incident and, during one peak month, racked up 14 hours in additional plant cleaning time and costs. With good reason, then, the plant manager was receptive to connected technology. Donaldson customized the IIoT installation for this facility by placing a sensor at the lowest point in the hopper. Now, that sensor detects early signs of plugging (see Figure 3). The system alerts the maintenance manager through a dashboard and email alerts on his smartphone. Personnel can quickly remedy the issue before it escalates. Early detection reduced the corrective action to just 15 minutes and prevents dust backup into plant air. In this example, a relatively simple improvement – earlier alerts – was a game-changer for the maintenance team. The cost of the IIoT installation was recouped in the first incident and has continued saving many hours of costly labor time each month. Metal fabricator. In the metal fabrication industry, dust and fume control is important not only for hazard control, but also because airborne particulates can damage adjacent, expensive
ery such as laser cutters. When dust collection is interrupted for unplanned maintenance, production shuts down. Unfortunately, this was a frequent occurrence at a metal fabrication shop in the Midwest. The plant had a cartridge-style dust collector with a self-cleaning feature designed to clean the filters with pulses of compressed air. However, the filters were prematurely plugging anyway. Elements designed to last one year under the plant’s demands were clogged and required changing in just six weeks, triggering additional downtime and filter replacement costs. The standard differential pressure gauge on the collector indicated the filters were quickly fouling, but could not pinpoint a cause. Donaldson installed its IIoT technology, including a sensor on the compressed air lines entering the dust collector and company technicians subsequently reviewed the data. For the first time, the cause of filter wear became apparent: There was inadequate compressed air pressure to clean the filters during times of high dust-loading. Although the problem was intermittent, it damaged filters enough that a normal pulse could not effectively regenerate them. The key IIoT benefit in this example was not just a sensor in a new location. It was the capability of tracking and viewing compressed air pressure over time. Pressure changes are a valuable clue in isolating equipment problems. With this new information, the plant manager was able to make adjustments in the compressed air system that helped restore expected filter life. The major benefit was that filter life was extended from six weeks to one year, reducing production downtime and filter replacement costs.
Figure 2: An IIoT subscription service monitors industrial dust and fume collectors and provides owners with access to realtime information and maintenance alerts.
Added benefit: Efficient use of time
Even when filters last a normal life span, changing them can be disruptive for many plants. If filters PLANT ENGINEERING
September 2019
SOLUTIONS IIoT FOR MAINTENANCE Figure 3: Real-time monitoring of the feed processor’s dust collector. Spikes in pressure indicated early hopper plugging, which triggered an alert to the maintenance team. Earlier intervention reduced equipment downtime.
reach terminal pressure drop before the replacement is on hand, the wait can mean a day or more of unplanned downtime. But with sensors and an Internet connection, maintenance personnel can track differential pressure and anticipate a filter change in advance. The change-out can then be scheduled during planned downtime. Not reported in these scenarios was the time maintenance supervisors saved by not having to monitor the dust collectors manually. Walking around with a
clipboard and visually observing equipment is inconvenient and not as reliable. With a connected solution, detailed equipment status is accessible almost anywhere, which curbs time and travel costs. This is especially valuable for managers in charge of multiple dust collectors across many locations.
Looking ahead Early experience with connected dust collectors suggests that secondary equipment management is a promising application of IIoT. So far, the solution from Donaldson has supported filter life, helped improve production uptime and contributed to reduced labor costs. Plants in a wide range of industries have seen a drop in total cost of equipment ownership and time freed up for personnel to focus on higher-value production tasks. Connectivity holds significant promise. Machines typically getting less attention, like industrial dust collectors, may be the best place to start. PE
"Class Zero Oil-Free Air" All models meet ISO 8573-1 Class 0 for oil aerosol, liquid, vapor and silicone.
Brent Nelson is business development manager of IIoT and Connected Solutions for Donaldson Company Inc. based in Minneapolis, Minn. He is a specialist in wireless communication products for machine-to-machine and IoT applications. Nelson joined Donaldson in 2018 after six years at Digi International, where he was product manager for emerging IoT products. Prior to that, Nelson worked for 10 years as an electrical design engineer in the defense and commercial markets. He has a BSEE from the University of Minnesota.
input #14 at
September 2019
By Norm Phelps
Safeguard refractory installation Take these 12 vital steps to ensure a successful refractory installation and a flawless dry out
nstalling new refractory materials is a necessary part of periodic furnace maintenance. But extended downtime and installation errors can be a major financial and operational headache.
Furnace refractory basics
Figure 1: At 700 F, steam can exert 3,000 psi pressure. All images courtesy: Plibrico Company
During initial dry out, the powerful effects of superheated steam can cause explosive, devastating consequences to freshly cured refractory material. Removing moisture from castables and precast shapes is a critical part of the installation. Pressures on the production department to minimize downtime can lead to rushed dry-out procedures. Usually, these ill-advised shortcuts have the opposite effect and quickly compound delays by causing thermal damage to refractory linings, sometimes leading to injuries. Dry outs fail due to imprecise management of water extraction from refractory linings. At the boiling point of water, the pressure of steam is less than 1 psi. However, at 700 F, saturated steam reaches
3,000 psi, and possesses enough energy to destroy the most resilient refractories (see Figure 1). Too much heat, rapid ramp-ups, vapor lock, poor curing and surplus water can contribute to potentially hazardous situations. Here are 12 preventive factors to manage for dry-out safety and success:
1. Hot spots and flame impingement
Ensure that your burner flame is centered accurately. The direction of flame in the vessel must promote equal heating of all the refractory surfaces. A flame that impinges on a single area of surface will quickly create a hot spot forcing an accelerated expansion of water vapor in that area, resulting in thermal spalling.
Temperature spikes are destructive
Insulation of the hot face is ill-advised. Attempting to cover green castable with an insulating blanket can lead to temperature spiking when the blanket is removed, breaks or falls off. At a hot face, temperature of only 550 F, insulation removal exposes the lining surface to an extreme temperature increase that will result in dangerous steam pressure.
Thermocouple placement and monitoring
Pay attention to the locations and readings of your thermocouples. Watching only the coldest location will allow the hottest area of your vessel to heat too quickly in the dry-out schedule. Conversely, monitoring only the hottest area will allow the colder area to retain too much water (see Figure 2).
Air temperature versus surface temperature
Thermocouples should report surface temperature. Air temperatures typically are 50 F to 100 F hotter,
September 2019
furnace shell. Field dry outs are faster schedules than precast dry outs, where the pieces are heated from all sides simultaneously. During precast dry outs, water migrates to the center of the piece and takes longer to escape. Field dry-out schedules should never be used for drying precast shapes, since this can lead to spalling, even at temperatures of 550 F or less.
6. Venting and air circulation
Proper venting is required to allow the escape of water vapor from the furnace during dry out. Without vents, and free air circulation, humidity inside the furnace rapidly reaches 100%, making it difficult to remove additional water from the lining at the expected rate. As temperatures continue to rise and excess water remains in the lining, steam spalling becomes increasingly likely. Figure 2: Thermocouples need to be monitored at both hot and cold areas to measure temperature consistency.
and are not appropriate for guiding a dry-out schedule. The initial hold period typically is designed to allow burnout fibers to melt and create the necessary permeability. If the actual surface temperature is lower than specified during the initial hold, permeability is not created, leading to increased steam pressure in the next ramp-up period.
7. Avoid surface coating
An impermeable coating on the refractory surface will prevent the stage one escape of water from the lining, and pressure will increase as superheated steam builds up behind the impermeable layer. Often the net result is a surface spall that damages or destroys the hot face layer.
5. Field versus precast dry-out
8. Weep holes
A field dry-out schedule is normally specified for single-sided heating. This type of dry-out leads to water migration that takes place in two stages. In stage one, most of the water in the lining moves toward the heat, since this is the path of least resistance. During stage two, most of the water moves away from the heat, and toward the
9. Cold weather curing is risky
As stage two water migration occurs, weep holes are necessary to allow the water to pass through the furnace shell. It is critical to check that all weep holes are cleared of obstructions to allow clear paths for the water to exit the furnace and provide a release valve for buildup of steam pressure. During the room-temperature curing process, simple hydrates form a needle-like morphology. These structures promote permeability, allowing water and steam to more easily migrate through the refractory to escape (see Figure 4). Curing in low temperatures (below 59 F) allows the formation of hydrates, which are not needle-like. Instead, these low temperature hydrates are more like a low-permeability gel, which tends to prevent water from passing through (see Figure 5). Without the ability to move through the material as expected, water vapor can quickly build up and create localized areas of dangerous pressure, even when carefully following a recommended dry out schedule. Figure 3: Precast refractory requires longer bake-out schedules to release all water vapor.
• September 2019
Figure 4: Normal hydrate structures create permeability.
furnace dry out. Nobody likes nonproductive downtime, but close adherence to installation instructions, cure times and dry-out schedules is the best way to avoid multiplying downtimes with an explosion during dry out. PE
Cure time is critical
Every dry out is a battle between the steam pressure produced within the lining and the strength of the lining to resist that pressure. If the pressure within the lining exceeds the strength of the lining, an explosive spall will result. Recommended dry-out schedules assume a 24-hour equivalent curing time at room temperature. If cure time is reduced, expect strength to be reduced, and explosive spalling to become more likely.
Norm Phelps is a vice president with Plibrico Company LLC. He has more than 18 years of experience in the refractory industry where he has held sales and marketing positions of increasing scope in the U.S. and Europe. Mr. Phelps holds a degree in materials science and engineering from Penn State, and is a graduate of the Executive Development Program at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
Figure 5: Cold weather curing distorts hydrates, preventing permeability.
Water removal is time and material dependent
An important goal during stage one of the dry out is to create permeability in the refractory at lower temperatures to enable water to escape. By quickly ramping up dry-out temperatures in an attempt to save downtime, permeability is diminished, and at higher temperatures, (more than 500 F), steam pressure rises more quickly (see Figure 6). Again, refractory composition drives curing and dry-out schedules, and as a rule, the faster temperatures rise beyond specification, the higher the risk of failure.
Refractory strength is a function of water addition
A simple 1% excess of water beyond the recommended water addition will reduce refractory strength by as much as 20%. Exceeding the recommended water addition by 1.5% cuts strength 25% to 40%. This drastically reduces the ability of the refractory to withstand the steam pressures generated during dry out.
Looking ahead
Figure 6: Precast shapes spall at 550 F.
Careful attention to detail during refractory installation is the key to a successful
September 2019
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INNOVATIONS Rolling stairs and maintenance platforms These rolling stairs and maintenance platforms are designed for OSHA compliant access in assembly and maintenance applications, with effortless positioning, tight gap tolerances, adjustable heights and cantilevered access. Units have the highest safety standards and can be customized for even the most challenging environments. SafeRack Input #200 at
Cold-weather grease
Compact sectional machine Built to cut through the toughest roots with a ¾ HP motor and cable that can spin up to 700 RPM, the K-5208 Sectional Machine is designed for drains 2” to 8” in diameter and features a toolless clutch adjustment to quickly switch between 7/8” to 1 ¼” cable sizes. It comes with a new decoupling tool for disconnecting cables efficiently and cable feeder with guide tube for easy loading and unloading into an enclosed cable carrier. RIDGID Input #201 at
880 Crown & Chassis Extreme is designed for consumers looking for an NLGI #2 grease that can be relied upon in both sub-freezing and high ambient temperature conditions. 880 Crown & Chassis Extreme offers grease lubricant consumers the protection and the pumpability they need in sub-freezing temperatures without compromising viscosity and equipment protection. Texas Refinery Corp Input #202 at
Alignment tool A bright and color touchscreen computer combined with powerful functionality makes alignment tasks easy. OPTALIGN touch is a device for simple, fast and daily alignment jobs for a variety of rotating machinery, including pumps, motors, gearboxes and compressors. PRÜFTECHNIK Dieter Busch AG Input #203 at
September 2019
INNOVATIONS Surface condenser tube cleaning system The unit comes fully equipped with a 10 HP (7.5 kW) or 15HP motor, a triplex plunger two-gun, alternate shot pump, Goodyear T water inlet and outlet hoses, all on a heavy-duty, custom fabricated cart. Simply add the correct gun and when the trigger is squeezed, pressurized water propels a Super Scrubber, Coil Tube Brush or other projectiles through a tube 5/8”-1” (15.9-31.8mm) O.D. Goodway Technologies Input #204 at
Interactive IoT system With Prophecy IoT, vast amounts of important machine and operational data are collected every second, minute, hour or day. The data is received and melded with manufacturing ERP data and the use of statistical analytics. Prophecy IoT then presents meaningful information in easy-to-understand real-time charts, graphs and alerting, allowing for fast and accurate decision making. Godlan Inc Input #205 at
Industrial workforce management platform With Digital STO, managers gain real-time visibility, dramatically improved manageability and enhanced decision-making capabilities. Workers receive optimized access to essential data, ensuring maximum productivity, quality, safety and compliance. The Industrial Workforce Management platform primarily provides benefits in four areas: business process efficiency and standardization, improved work manageability, improved quality and compliance, and as a catalyst for business innovation. Mobideo Technologies Input #206 at
IoT interface This IoT interface can either be mounted on a top hat rail or directly on a cooling unit or chiller. The communication options available through the new IoT interfaces make it possible to integrate the climate control solutions into IoT applications. With all data available at all times, the level of energy efficiency is increased, which in turn helps reduce costs. Rittal Input #207 at
• September 2019
Predictive maintenance vibration and temperature node
Multiple mounting options ensure quick deployment across applications in any industry. The GraceSense Panel-Mount/CloudGate collects data wirelessly from the nodes and transmits to the remote cloud using either an LTE or plant WiFi connection. In addition to the wireless nodes, GraceSense also offers a complementary non-conductive temperature monitoring device called the Hot Spot Monitor (HSM). Grace Engineered Products Input #208 at
3D print service Small series and even individual high-performance plastics can be produced using 3D industrial printers within a matter of hours. The 3D printing process requires uploading a CAD model of the part to the igus website, choosing a printing material, and placing the order. The part is shipped usually within 24 hours. Igus Input #209 at
IoT gateway The IoT Gateway makes it easy to connect to Industry 4.0 environments without intervening with the automation logic. By overlaying IoT enabled hardware, the IoT Gateway collects valuable data from nondata-enabled machines and processes. Configuration and handling is web-based, free from programming and performed logically in three simple steps. Bosch Rexroth Input #210 at
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September 2019
input #15 at
Leveraging IOT For Condition-Based Maintenance Des-Case Corporation In the last decade, we’ve seen a rapid increase of IoT-enabled solutions into the industrial world. Traditionally, machine condition monitoring has relied as much on an employee as on technology. However, better and cheaper sensors, broader connectivity, more sophisticated analytics, less expensive storage and multi-cloud technology is eliminating the need to perform manual time-based tests to monitor your machine’s health. The IoT is automating and adding intelligence to machine condition monitoring and allows more time for operational optimization. By connecting equipment, organizations can capture massive volumes of data from sensors and other connected devices, so they can not only cut unplanned downtime and its associated costs, but also create new operational efficiencies, exploit new opportunities in supply chain optimization, and accelerate their overall digital transformation strategies. Download the paper at: •
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input #16 at
IIoT Series: Part 3: Edge, Fog and Cloud CFE Edu introduces “lloT Series: Part 3: Edge, Fog and Cloud,” an on-demand course that is accessible 24/7 with a computer, tablet or smartphone. In this course, our instructors will discuss edge-fog computing is an increasingly viable means of achieving enhanced monitoring and control of industrial processes, what’s different about Cloud and edge-fog computing and what role the two technologies will increasingly play in process control and automation. This course is FREE and students can earn one (1) Professional Development Hour (PDH) after receiving a passing grade for the final exam and finishing the exit poll. To register, go to “IIoT Series: Part 3: Edge, Fog and Cloud. “ You can also register for the lloT Series: Part 1 and Part 2.
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Learning objectives:
• Why edge-fog computing is an increasingly viable
means of achieving enhanced monitoring and control of industrial processes. • What’s different about Cloud and edge-fog computing and what role do they play in process control and automation. • What types of application technologies will emerge on the basis of fog and Cloud, including analytics and machine learning. • How edge-fog and Cloud impact data management.
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September 2019
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input #17 at
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To ensure uptime and safe food production, don’t let bearings be the weak link in your process. Dodge® Food Safe bearings are the first to achieve IP69 for water protection rating without the use of an end cover and be warranted against failure due to water ingress; making them ideal in environments where equipment must be aggressively cleaned. Dodge Food Safe bearings improve reliability of clean-in-place procedures and provide you, and your customers, with the safe production you expect. Improved cleanability. Extended life. Reduced maintenance. Dodge Food Safe bearings input #18 at
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