Thisreportcoverstheoutcomesofoureffortstocollectandmanage wastefromtheFezaRiverinAugust2024.Atotalof145kilogramsof waste was successfully captured and prevented from reaching the ocean.
Themostsignificantportionofthiswastewasplastic,amaterialthat posessevereenvironmentalrisks.Thisinitiativeisatestamenttothe effectiveness of the floating barrier funded by Eco, demonstrating tangibleresultsinthefightagainstpollution.
Thedatapresentedinthisreporthighlightsthetypesofwastebeing generatedandcollectedbyTheRecycler;andemphasizestheneed forcontinuouseffortstomitigatepollutioninTanzania'srivers.
In August 2024, the floating barrier on the Feza River captured 145 kilograms of waste. This table breaks down the types of waste collected,sheddinglightonthemostcommonpollutants:
Again, we notice that PET bottles form a large part of the collectedwaste,nearly50kg.17kgofplainPETbottlesand 32 kg coloured PET bottles. These bottles are widely used for beverages, and their presence in the river indicates a highconsumptionofpackageddrinksinthelocalarea.
Wealsorecollected19Kgofglassbottlesshowingthat a lot of the collected waste emerges from the bad managementofwastepractices.
Residual waste (41kg) remains an essential component of the data. This consists of everyday wastesuchasfoodwaste.
Other impressive data is the amount of fabric and clothesrelateddatathathasbeenfound.Wecollected 13KgofFabricand9kgofsandalsandshoes.
related to the use of drinkning bottles (glass and PET). This again shows the importance of providing alternatives to people and making sure waste can also serve as a new resource.
These efforts further show the need to instore robust sound waste management practices. Companies should be more involved in the recollection of their products, notably though EPR schemes.
Moreover, it also shows that education remains an essential component of changing consumer habits and avoid creating illegal waste collection points. The data shows that a significant portion of the waste collected is recyclable, which speaks to the potential for more robust recycling initiatives in the future.
The range of products found in the trash catcher shows that a better and more unified approach to waste management must be undertaken. One that involves local communities, recycling facilities, companies and public authorities to develop a robust and comprehensive approach to waste management in Dar es Salaam
ECO’s involvement in this project supports not only waste collection but also the broader conversation on corporate accountability and environmental stewardship.