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Guidelines for the Safe Operations of Schools Signs and Symptoms of COVID
Guidelines for the Safe Operations of Schools
The Purpose of The Document
This document aims to establish a framework for the operation of all educational institutions in the Commonwealth of Dominica to achieve awareness and safety through the dissemination of protocols, requirements and precautionary measures which all schools must follow in order to achieve a safe, healthy and learning environment when schools are operating during the COVID-
19 Pandemic.
This document may be subject to change as directed by the relevant authorities at any time, depending on developments.
Document Scope
The scope of this document covers all schools in the Commonwealth of Dominica including public and private schools and training institutions.
Each educational institution shall consider the General Framework for the Safe Operation of schools in Commonwealth of Dominica during the Pandemic applying all of the protocols and precautionary measures set out in the framework.
Main Risks To Be Considered When Reopening
The following are some of the main general risks to be considered when reopening a school:
1. The spread of the virus among students in the classroom and in common areas
2. The spread of the virus to large crowds in confined spaces including classrooms, entrance and exit points and break areas.
3. The spread of the virus among workers in rooms that are shared for long periods of time
4. Teachers and students at high risk, such as those with chronic medical conditions.
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the education system in the Commonwealth of Dominica. The pandemic has disrupted the normal school calendar and has impacted teaching, learning and student assessment.
The Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training and National Excellence in its continued efforts to be responsive and flexible, has solicited the input of principals, teachers, other school staff, parents, students, Dominica Association of Teachers, Public Service Union and other stakeholders, to determine the most appropriate modality for continued engagement of students. Consequently, the Ministry has resorted to a blended approach to the delivery of education. This approach utilizes varied modalities to ensure that students continue to access high quality learning in safe and comfortable spaces.
The Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training and National Excellence has developed this document for the effective and safe operations of schools. It is formulated based on the following;
UNICEF, UNESCO, CARICOM Guidelines WHO, PAHO, CARPHA Protocols and Guidelines related to Public Health measures in the context of COVID-19 Barbados and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Frameworks for the reopening of schools Guidelines and Protocols for Reopening of Schools 2020, Dominica
This guide should be used by the students, teachers and other staff in establishing a safe and secure environment for teaching and learning
Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19
The Corona Virus (COVID 19)- affects individuals differently. Persons who have been infected by the virus have demonstrated a wide range of symptoms and illness may range from mild to severe. Symptoms may become evident within 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.
Persons who exhibit these symptoms may have COVID-19:
Fever or chills Coughing Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Fatigue Headache Loss of taste or smell, appetite Sore throat Congestion or runny nose Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea Abdominal pain Other flu like symptoms
Persons with symptoms of COVID-19 should call the Ministry of Education at any of these numbers 266 5514, or 266-5591, or 266-3256 or 266-5573 or Ministry of Health hotline at 448-2151/2153/2156/4325 and explain the situation or contact a medical doctor or Health and Wellness Centre.