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Role and Responsibility

Parents’ Role and Responsibility

Parents are to be encouraged to attend all parent sessions and PTA meetings to keep updated on school policy. Parents must provide current contact information and email addresses to the teacher or principal especially to ensure traceability in case of infection. Parents must respond to calls/communication from the school in the event of any symptoms in the children during the school day and to collect their children /charges in a timely manner. They should ensure that they inform the school of children who suffer any chronic disease, immunity deficiency and provide medical reports. Parents must communicate with the school and provide medical documentation in cases of infection, suspicion of contact with an infected individual while ensuring that the child is kept at home acquire and submit a certificate of medical clearance for the student as needed.


Parents are to ensure and always verify that students always have personal protective equipment ( a

clean mask in their possession and a personal supply of hand sanitizer/ alcohol), if possible before leaving


Parents must inform students of health protocols and guidelines from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health.

Educate and train children on the procedures for personal hygiene and the importance of taking precautionary measures as laid down.

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