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Moey Shawash
What has been taking up my time if I’ve not been busy creating stuff? Well, the list is endless from trying to run a startup design studio through to writing specifications etc. Personally, the bit of the job that I get a kick out of gets left to the end. I like solving problems, I like producing a solid, well-crafted solution to a client. But the bit I really get a kick out of is when I’m ‘in the zone’ creating something beautiful. That is why I’m a designer. No, what designers wanted then and want now, more than anything else, is respect. Respect from clients. Respect from the general public. Respect from — let’s go right to the cliché — our moms. We want to be seen as more than mere stylists, we want to set the agenda, to be involved earlier in the strategic process, to be granted a place at the table. In short, I want to be taken seriously.