Black Moguls Magazine Spring 2015

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Mind Hustle Improve Your Personal Swag

Some people become entrepreneurs for many different reasons, some to do what they love, others to help serve people, and others, just to pay their bills. Whatever their motivation is for starting their own businesses, the most successful entrepreneurs are really Artists. These people are the ones who create, develop and execute their craft. As the Hip- Hop Chef my vision is to create and sculpture masterpieces that people will enjoy. I believe it takes a true Artist to see and make something out of nothing; and an even greater Artist to begin the process to sculpt the situation to match that which they envision. Sometimes no one can see what you see and sometimes people may even tell you that you are “different” for thinking you can see some kind of opportunity. Several years ago, I was looking for a way to break into the Hip-Hop and Entertainment Industry without being a Rapper. I chose cooking as my option. When the Hip-Hop Chef brand was created, cooking and being a Chef


wasn’t popular like it is today. I wanted to be a Celebrity Chef who worked with celebrities that ranged from Hip-Hop to Pop and beyond. Now look at my life today. I put my “mind” to it and I’m doing just that. But I was hungry and determined to be a part of this great Hip-Hop culture. I studied the people I wanted to cook for; and eventually have as clients. Next, I developed a blue print. The most important aspect of my endeavour was that, I believed in “ME”. See, we have to stop making excuses for our unwillingness to do what’s necessary and step out on FAITH! The price of freedom (financial freedom or otherwise) is the unwavering desire to THINK something different. Dr. King was different. Gandhi was amazingly brilliant yet, different. Mind Hustle is a recipe not found on your everyday menu. It is a proven recipe for those who need a rapid solution to a lifelong condition. And that condition is thinking small. Swan Simpson provides healthy resolutions on life, wealth, happiness and prosperity. As an expert in the field of human potential, she shares her experiences as well as the experiences of ordinary people, who like myself, are doing extraordinary things. All because we made up our MINDS to do so and you can too.- The Original Hip Hop Chef

Invite Swan Simpson To Speak To Your Group, Office, Luncheon or Organization. Visionary Entrepreneur and Global Business Leader. She’s excelled as a Million Dollar Producer in the Payments Industry, an Independent TV & Music Producer, Award Winning Writer and Author of the Bestselling book, Mind Hustle. She is the CEO of Swan Simpson Media Group of Companies and the Publisher of Moguls Magazine. A long time Pioneer of Black & Latino media inclusion, she founded Fusion Network TV a few years back. A Business Leader who’s been consistently recognized by Who’s Who as an International Executive whose run Global Organizations like Ziami, Inc. In 2006, she received Special Congressional Recognition by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney for her work in International Relations. And she presently serves as the Chairperson of RAM Technology, the Nation’s only Minority owned Tablet & Mobile Technology Manufacturing Company.

For Complete Booking Information Contact: Swan Simpson Media Group at 770-369-2649






Personal Power Embracing You This issue’s article is really dear to me because like many Entrepreneurs and people in the Entertainment Industry, I deal with ongoing struggles of low self-esteem. While working as an independent Television Producer for the Award-winning broadcast, College Talk, I had everything I could imagine. Even after I earned my fourth college degree, I still didn’t believe I was all that smart! Despite having so much success, I used to look in the mirror and feel that I deserved so little. In past articles, I wrote about those Power Plays that helped individuals gain financial wealth. Well this issue, I would like to discuss a power play that helped me to gain life’s greatest treasure, self love. The truth is, there are so many people who are afraid of the person that lives within themselves. This human characteristic doesn’t change just because one accumulates wealth. If you have low self6

esteem as a poor person, you will have low-self esteem as a rich person. As I embark on a new year, I continue my resolution of embracing the beauty within myself. This means, I embrace my hurt, I embrace my pain, and most importantly, I embrace my insecurities. Those things are not my roadblocks, they are detours that lead me to the road of greatness. Looking back over my life, I now realize that my low selfesteem displayed itself in my choices of friends, the house I chose to live in, the car I chose to drive, and even the clothes I chose to wear. Back then, I never felt that I was worthy of the best. Anytime I had something nice, I always felt the need to give it away! I was even afraid to embrace the beauty in my smile. When I chose to define myself based on my internal happiness, the Universe began placing amazing people in my life to help me walk in my destiny. Now my mantra is, “I am made exactly how the Universe wanted me to be”. In my thirties, I now understand that everything that I perceived as a flaw, is truly the gift that the Universe gave me to ensure that I could leave a unique mark in this world that could never be erased. What does self love look like? Despite popular belief, selflove doesn’t isn’t arrogant or obnoxious. It doesn’t mean that I have to go out and buy all of the designer clothes to dress up my exterior or buy a fancy car to boost my selfesteem. True self-love simply means, I choose to define my happiness based on what gives me peace within the universe. Andre Thomas is an Entertainment Blogger and Award Winning Producer. You can follow his blog at

Punta Cana, Dominican Republic is one of the most visited places in the Caribbean. This beautiful island is visited by singles, couples and families.

Smart Business Travel

-Punta Cana

According to US news magazine, Punta Cana isnumber # 1 for most affordable Caribbean destinations http://travel.usnews. com/Rankings/Best_Affordable_Caribbean_Destinations/ .Punta Cana is a great place for those with a budget and those comfortable with money.

Here are top 5 All-inclusive resorts for everyone to enjoy. 1. Adults Only. All inclusive Barcel贸Bavaro Beach is one of the top adults only hotels in Punta Cana. This resort has Blue Star award for clean water and great quality sand. Its sister property, Palace Deluxe, has a 24/7 casino plus great nightly entertainment.Most of their roomshave oceanfront view. 2. Well-off travelers. All inclusive, 5 star luxury resort, The Reserve at the Paradisus Punta Cana Resort. This is paradise. It has amazing 132 totally new luxury suites which include a mindblowing One Bedroom Master Suites with hydro-massage tub for two. 3. Family Friendly. Dreams Punta Cana. This resort is great for families with kids under 18. They have two clubs. The explorer club which is professionally supervised by CPR trained staff with great adventures for the kids. The core zone for teens has sports, entertainment and games to have fun but in a safe and responsible setting. 4. Singles. Excellence Punta Cana. This all inclusive, luxury resort includes fun filled activities including horseback riding and dancing lessons. 5. Budget travelers- RIU Naiboa. This all inclusive, art deco resort is newly renovated with contemporary d茅cor. With great cuisine and exchange privileges with nearby RIU resorts, you will enjoy the good life for an affordable price. Rosi Corney is a Certified Travel Consultant and the CEO of Awesome Adventures. Book your travel with her at . Buen Viaje! (Enjoy trip!)


Personal Power 30 Day Mental Fast

Unbelievably Ridiculous (Yet Amazingly Simple) Strategy To Create Automatic Success Would you believe me if I told you that people who create success in their life and business do it automatically? What if I took it a step further and boldly stated that those who create amazing levels of success also do it AUTOMATICALLY? 8

Here’s what I mean... As I was being interviewed in front of an audience of over 1 Million people from across the globe the other day, I shared with the audience that if they truly want to create success in business and life, there’s two types of work that’s required. #1. The obvious work, is the external work. This includes marketing, sales, relationship building etc. #2. Which is the most important, yet the most overlooked is the internal work. My mentor told me a long time ago, “Marquel, if you could have everything you wanted in life using your current way of thinking, wouldn’t you have it already?” At that point I began to realize that there’s an Inner Game of Success that I had to master.

Here’s the reality... As you’re reading this article, some of this is stuff you’ve heard before and some of it may be new. Either way, you can easily agree that you have your “current reality” and you have a “desired reality.” The only thing standing between your current reality and your desired reality is this thing we call, “The Transformation Gap.” So how do we close this “Transformation Gap” in order to create Automatic Success at a Rapid Pace?

Are you seriously ready for the answer? The answer is: “Shift your Internal Communication!” Studies have shown that humans have 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts per day and the majority of them are negative, because if we aren’t “thinking about what we’re thinking about” and being conscious of what we say to ourselves we automatically default to negative because these 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts are typically the same thoughts from the day before.

So how do we shift our Internal Communication? I could write a book on this (and actually I just might), but I’m going to keep it simple for the sake of time. The #1 thing we have to do is be very picky of the voices we allow to get into our consciousness and make sure they are voices of empowerment instead of voices of disempowerment.

I teach my clients a very simple strategy that has changed their lives radically and I want to share it with you as well. If you don’t mind? The strategy is called, “The 30 Day Mental Fast!” Here’s how it goes…

For the next 30 days, commit to… #1. Reading at least 30 minutes(or 10 pages) per day of some kind of empowering book. #2. Listening to at least 30 minutes of some empowering audio. You can do this while driving, getting ready in the morning, or working out, which leads us to… #3. Work out at least 20-30 minutes per day. This will take your energy to a whole nother level and listening to your audio while doing this will radically change your life. #4. Turn off the news for the next 30 days. YES, I can ensure you that if anything happens that requires your attention, you will hear about it. This shift creates a force field of empowerment around you that keeps all the negativity out. After these 30 days you will find yourself not even wanting to watch the news anymore. #5. Avoid negative conversations for the next 30 days. This could be gossip etc. If you can do this for 30 days, just do it for 4 weeks. It will change your life. Trust me.  I know this may mean spending a little less time with some of your friends, but if we can’t change our friends, sometimes we have to change our friends (or spend less time with them). I know that was intense, but if you want to live the type of lifestyle that 99% of the world will never live, you have to be willing to do the things that 99% of the world will never do and this is a great start. If you’d like a complimentary strategy session on how to turn your passion into real profit so you never haveto worry about having your life, family, dreams and finances at the mercy of any external individual or circumstance, text “Mogul Mag” to 404-447-5919. ~Marquel Russell Marquel Russell is a World Renowned Rapid Business Growth Strategist and is irrationally passionate about helping individuals across the globe turn the passion into profits so they never haveto worry about having their life, family, dreams and finances at the mercy of any external individual or circumstance.


Mogul Destinations


Dubai is one of the seven Emirates of the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East. Dubai, also known as the City of Gold,has become one of the top destinations amongst the rich and famous. But what makes Dubai such a hot destination for the wealthy Mogul? Perhaps it’s their 7 Star Resort,Burj Al Arab or maybe it is the luxurious fleet of cars used to transport hotel guests around the city. Or maybe it’s the Ferrari fleeted Police Department that keeps the city safe. Either way, Dubai is a definitive Mogul Destination. Here are 5 things you should know about Dubai: 1. Burj Al Arab: This is world’s tallest hotel and the world’s only 7 star resort up until 2008. It also has its own fleet of 10 chauffeur driven Rolls-Royces. 2. Best time to visit: The best time to visit is after Christmas to March, then again October to November. The hot months are June to September. Please avoid at the time of Ramadan, a religious holiday, due to strict fast regulations. 3. Visit Ferrari World Theme Park: This is world’s largest indoor theme park. It consists of over twenty (20) rides and attractions including the world’s fastest roller coaster. 4. Shopping: Dubai is the shopping capital of the Middle East. Dubai has over twenty (20) premium shopping malls including the Dubai Mall. This mall is the world’s largest mall. It includes over 1200 stores, an aquarium, a zoo, an ice rink and much more. Plus, the best place to buy gold and tax free items. 5. Abu Dhabi: This is the capital of the United Arab Emirates. While in Dubai, you can take a day trip to Abu Dhabi. This city is also known as the Arabian Jewel. You can visit the Presidential Place or the Grand Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the world. Want to book your luxurious business or personal vacation to Mogul drenched Dubai? Contact Rosi Corney, Certified Travel Consultant and CEO of Awesome Adventures at Safe Travels! 10


The Movement Will Be Tweeted. So, What About Your Brand? #BlackLivesMatter I am reminded of a conversation I once had at the Medu Bookstore when I went to secure a hard copy of Moguls Magazine, the inaugural issue. Curiosity mounted as others noticed my high levels of anticipation and soon an organic dialogue emerged. I was shocked to learn that there are still some who doubt the power of harnessing social networks. In order to illustrate social media’s relevance, let’s examine its use in a case study of current events. As a business owner, your deepest desire is to garnish support by those who are completely oblivious to your brand. Learn how to make your brand viral as highlighted from the evidence found in recent social activism activity. For those still struggling to understand social media the past few moments must have been a blur. The anti-social media stance is rooted in several phobias. The storm that has loomed over the turmoil and devastation cited at local and national levels can teach us important lessons in the social media realm. It exposes the fear of leveraging social media as a way to liberate the marginalized. From Nigeria to Ferguson events have gone viral, and it is evident that social media is more than just a platform for opinions. As business professionals there are many lessons we can learn from the spike of activity across the social networking stratosphere.

The trend

Mike Brown Trends can affect your brand positively or negatively which is another reason why you should monitor the subject matter relating to your brand. Building your brand is a benefit of social media; however, you have to actively manage your brand and direct the conversation. The early post that arose attributed to Mike Brown’s character tarnished his brand as many posts painted him as a thug. One of the most disheartening was an alleged picture of him with a wad of money in his mouth and plenty of scenery in the background that left the imagination to paint a drastically altered portrayal. As mangers of brands it is our duty to take immediate corrective action at first sight of a potential problem or grievance especially when the information is fictitious. Unfortunately, one of the saddest realizations was that Mike Brown could not defend himself against the initial bashing in social media.

The Viral Effects of Social Media is Revolutionary

When asking about the trend the mind no longer naturally gravitates toward fashion but current events. Twitter’s trending feature highlights the most talked about topics and enables you to focus on a geographically area whether it be globally or in your city. Twitter is not the only platform that has embraced this concept; Facebook also has a trend implementation. While there was national unrest as people mobilized in Ferguson and abroad, the trend discussed everything from police brutality to racism. From a business standpoint and as a socially conscious individual it is important to keep a pulse on the trends as you set out on the ambitious endeavor for your brand to create the trend.

Correcting brand perception -

However, many Americans were prepared to find the facts and sources of valid information. Reclaiming the narrative is an art that one learns by repetitive execution. A film called “Fruitvale Station” is a perfect instance of these efforts. The movie was created to bring attention to similar injustices faced by Oscar Grant. Finally there would be media thatspoke to Oscar Grant’s virtue instead of the negative persona the media focused on referencing what some would call a checkered past. In February of 2012, the night fell cold as a 17-year-old African American male was fatally shot. Carrying only Skittles and tea the narrative that directed accusations of Trayvon Martin being a thug was simply due to his wardrobe. The common accessory that brings warmth “the hoodie” was used against the brand


of Trayvon and in the case of Mike Brown his character attack was based on a biased assumption of the person people taught he was. Armed accurate information waves were made on social media telling the story of who Mike Brown was.As brand manager many took part in various hashtags as well as using the image to identify Joda Cain who was purposefully mistaken for Mike Brown. For those unfamiliar with Joda Cain,he faces charges for the killing of his great-grandmother in Cedar Mill, Oregon.The denial was worse than an identity theft by those who looked for reason to excuse Officer Darren Wilson’s role in the Homicide of Brown.

More than a hashtag As a result, it wasn’t only supporters of Wilson but popular Media also had to retract. Hashtags were at the center of controversy as opposing sides composed and shared their messages on #Ferguson and #MikeBrown. The Social Media Listening Center


at Clemson University cited many of the popular hashtags as it relates to this cause with having the highest response to any event that has been noted in their research. Activism has taught us that hashtags tend to be the catalyst for trends. The hashtags #MikeBrown, #TrayvonMartin, and #EricGarner have been used to memorialize and immortalize the deaths of those gone too soon. When devising your hashtag you should be weary of it being overshadowed by your opposition. Cleverly created upon the notices of the continuous atrocities was the hashtag Black Lives Matter. It is eloquent in the fact that it is concise but strong enough that the definition is self-evident. That did not change the micro-aggression that attempted to derail the voice of protesters. All Lives Matter was the dismissive hashtag that resulted as a response. This is another case of brand perception that had to be corrected. Those who resonated with the theme All Lives Matter were subject to public chastisement.

Inherently, if one believes black lives matter they believe it because a black life classifies and should be captured in the word “ALL”. Describing the illogical rationale behind these accretions, Colleen Mitchell of St. Francis Emmaus Center created a well written post entitled, “Things I Don’t Mean When I Say #BlackLivesMatter”. In her post she clarifies the meaning of black lives matters; “Life matters. All life matters. I am discussing a particular aspect of that position and so I am saying that specifically in addressing racial injustice, I want to acknowledge that black lives matter.” Thisinclusion wasorchestrated by others as a reason to exclude the validity of the hashtag Black Lives Matter.Arthur Chu’s fervor replies to all lives matter went viral; one tweet stated, “What is the impulse behind changing #BlackLivesMatter to #AllLivesMatter? Do you crash strangers’ funerals shouting, I TOO HAVE FELT LOSS!”

Your following The use of hashtags such as #HandsUpDontShoot, #IcantBreathe and #IndictAmerica help broadcast messages not just concerning the events that happened but also to organize actions that exist outside of the Internet. The actions that you want your following to take are vitally important. As a brand manager you want to invoke positive responses. Your following will show their support and your ideals will be well received. On a large scale, organizers around America and worldwide used social media to broadcast and amplify messages that created communication resulting in call to actions. The ability to mobilize a larger population could be observed in some of the 3.5 million tweets worldwide after the decision not to indict Officer Wilson was made. Many of the calls to actions were protest and demonstrations. I was able to participate as a direct result of the messages disseminated on social media. On August 18, 2014 #ITSBIGGERTHANYOU campaign held a rally that drew an estimated 5,000 individuals, according to the local Fox News affiliate. Posting live at events such as these exponentially increases the reach of a post to people at the event and millions of miles away. Websites and blogs along with other social media continue to contribute to the conversation that is prevalent on the hearts and the minds of all affected. In a different effort, undoubtedly motivated by the same events Greek fraternities and sororities, the Divine 9 organize their own actions.On December 6, 2014 a peaceful protest,”die in” demonstration was held in Atlanta on the 17th Street Bridge with members of these organizations as well as supporters of the efforts. Social media has attracted mainstream

media and made it more likely that they would cover an event cited at the Die In by the numerous news teams that were there.

Money talks At the commencement of tragedy dollars flew across the Internet as social media helped garner support for Officer Wilson. Multiple funds were built for his defense and after the non-indictment he continued to gain income as media sources paid for interviews with him. Crowd-funding helped people raise money fast and while the supporters of Wilson pooled their money grassroots forces were sparked in the African American community. These fueled funding that supported protests and other causes to bring awareness to the area. Websites and blogs sprouted as a way to organize and drive information to the crowds of people who took interest in the events. Funding was use to help organize events as well as feed and appeal formomentum in other causes. Also with the devastation brought to the area Crowd-funding was used to raise money for those businesses destroyed by looting and burnings. While the monies raised helped many in our community the gravity of our economic power hasn’t been fully embraced. I would encourage that participation in the #Not One Dime movement as we focus on spreading wealth among black owned businesses and those businesses that have a direct interest in our communities. The brilliance of social media is that everyone can be a critic, they can have an opinion and they can unite with others to create a voice that will be heard. Through the hashtags, retweets, likes, shares, comments and re-blogging activist solidify their right to voice the concern in any issue of their choosing. The frustration of those who fail to see the importance of change through this medium will always miss the connection of how their brand can “go viral”. Likewise they don’t comprehend why those who choose to follow them aren’t brand ambassadors but can be described as “slacktivists”. My next article will shed more light on how your social media presence can combat slacktivism and drive the attraction of brand ambassadors. Evan McCullough is a graduate of Morehouse College. He is the CEO of MSM Strategies LLC. Equipped with Media Sales Certifications and a Business Marketing Degree; he tactfully employs the knowledge gained from these various disciplines when creating and executing strategies as a Consultant.


Mogul Style $1990

Introducing the Louis Vuitton Trailblazer Sneaker Boot

Swan Simpson

This cutting-edge hi-top sneaker comes in a luxurious combination of watersnake and tejus (lizard) leather. It features a technical two-tone outsole for a graphic, street-inspired look.


This cutting-edge hi-top sneaker comes in an innovative patchwork of materials: mesh, perforated nubuck and calf leather. It features a neon-bright lining and technical two-tone outsole for a graphic, street-inspired look.



My old Business Manager, Tracey King, told me over a decade ago, that I should view my brand like LV does theirs. Rugged, timeless, classic…. I’ve been a lifetime fan of the LV Brand. My mother gave me my first piece of LV when I was a teenager. Since that time, I have casually taken for granted the sexy, androgyny of Louis Vuitton and decided that I needed to pay attention and begin to rebuild my collection. LV is rolling out these sexy new sneaks for 2015 in real Mogul style. These sexy babies are made for walking, playing and showcasing your swag. A must have for any Mogul or Trailblazer (hence the name), they may be acquired for an investment of $995 a pair (depending on how much swag you choose). Don’t flinch at the price. With a little focus, vision,and Entrepreneurial drive, you can be the envy of the VIP Section at the Lakers and the Hawks games. These sexy twins can be ordered at the LV Webstore

Dear Dr. Garcia: I have tried to start my own business several times, but each time I fail. I know that I am not the smartest business person and that I make a lot of mistakes, but I really want to be successful. What do you think I’m doing wrong?-Nadia G. Dear Nadia .... Successful people have one thing in common. They find that creating their own thriving businesses requires them to finely balance every aspect of their daily lives. As their success grows they are then pulled in multiple directions in their business dealings, relationships, and are challenged with their own personal growth and development.

Mind, Body, & Spirit Ask Dr.G

In my own personal experiences with success, I have found that the foundation and key to your Health, Wealth, & Success are intimately entwined and inseparable from the balance you create in your Mind, Body, & Spirit. I am not familiar with your spinal health or your spiritual health, but from the way you have posed your question, I am certain that you are out of balance. Your problem may be helped by simply training your Mind for success. The Mind, most agree, is housed in the solitude and protection of the skull, deep within the grey matter of the brain. Millions of synapses and connections firing, creating electrical impulses, that coordinate memory, speech, and every function of the body. But I know the Mind is much more. It is our identity and our thoughts. I think, I am - a simple, yet profound assertion. The Mind makes our decisions and therefore has powerful influences in the directions of our successes and sometimes can lead us to utter failure. Allowing thoughts that you aren’t the “smartest business person” and that you “make a lot of mistakes” might be moving your Mind further from the success that you seek. Caring for your Mind through the use of mind exercises and forced positive thinking can help you achieve your own success. Try the following exercise for yourself! Count backwards from 10, but after each number make a positive assertion about yourself. For example, “10 - I am strong; 9- I am intelligent; 8 - I am attractive.. and so on..” at the end of the exercise you feel and become transformed into each of those assertions. Repeating your list of assertions daily will propel yourself closer to greater success. Dr. Garcia, DC is a Health & Wellness expert with offices in Clarkston, Decatur, and Jonesboro, Georgia. He has years of experience actively treating and training patients in a patientcentered holistic healthcare model that integrates Mind-Body principles furthering their personal success in Health, Wealth, & Success. If you have a question for Dr. Garcia, remember to ASK DR. G by sending email to!


Mobility Boost Your Productivity in 2015 With These Top 5 Apps Every Mogul and Entrepreneur needs to find a way to get things done faster and more efficiently. We have researched apps across the two major platforms (Android, iOS) and uncovered these super high productivity based jewels. Let us know what you think by dropping us a tweet @BlackMogulsMagazine 1. Hangouts (Google) Everyone is invited.Don’t worry about what kinds of computers and phones your friends use. Hangouts works across computers and on Android phones and tablets, iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. So you can connect with everyone, and no one gets left out. Video chat, message, email, share, collaborate. Also, hangouts allows for on air live stream and broadcast right from your device and upload instantly to YouTube. A single app replaces many.

Spanish, or that you have 7 mutual friends on Facebook, or that one of you has a birthday in 5 days. 3. Evernote ( for note-taking) Create a collaborative hub for team brainstorming, organize your notes, or save snippets from webpages with Evernote. Evernote offers a single workspace that can be accessed from any location at any time. By keeping all documents, presentations and photos close at hand, the app makes it easy for people to work remotely, give presentations that were created elsewhere, and collaborate with their teams. 4. Google Drive (cloud storage) Keep your files handy from any computer or mobile device with the Google Drive app. Moguls can store their documents and presentations in the Google cloud, which can serve as a backup. This app also allows users to collaborate with peers on documents, and executives can invite co-workers to view, edit or leave comments on any files or folders that are stored in Google Drive. Google Drive users start with 15 GB of free Google storage, so Entrepreneurs receive plenty of complimentary storage space for documents, files, folders and so much more.

2. Refresh

5. Things (task management and to do lists)

Refresh is a terrific relationship-builder: By syncing seamlessly with services such as Gmail, Facebook, and LinkedIn, it helps you go into your meetings prepared and informed. Refresh gives you the ability to review past interactions with the people with whom you’ll be meeting or to learn new information about them. Using Refresh, you might discover that you and a contact both speak

Things enables business professionals to brainstorm on the go, as it features a Quick Entry window that they can use to record new ideas instantly and add tasks without interrupting their work.Things stores all of a Mogul’s to-dos and updates them regularly. With this app, Entrepreneurs can take a step-by-step approach to completing their daily tasks.


“ You have to believe that you are the one who creates your success, you are the one who creates your mediocrity and you are the one creating your struggle around money. Consciously or unconsciously, it’s still you.” - T. Harv Eker Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get what they want in life while others always seem to struggle? Or put another way; do you know why most people don’t get what they want? The hard truth is that it’s because they don’t know what they want. But clarity can give you so much power.

Let’s get clear. The Millionaire Mind Intensive is a weekend seminar that is based on the simple premise that success is a learnable skill. But, you still need a plan and the right tools. At the Millionaire Mind Intensive you’ll: • Learn five Freedom Factors. • Win the “money game” and get on the path to financial freedom. • Master the world’s easiest and most effective money management method. • Make money while you sleep with massive, passive income. • Master money and relationships with spouses, business associates and kids. • Recondition yourself for automatic success. Once you know where you’re going, you’ll be able to develop a plan to get there. And you’ll create that plan, right there, on the spot at the Millionaire Mind Intensive.

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Where Money IS The NEW BLACKPublisher’s Words Say what you want about Sub-Sahara Africa, but it seems to be the place ripe with opportunity. The majority of Mogul Magazine’s Billionaires hail from the forgotten portion of a Continent that most media outlets will lead you to believe is all third world and completely a lost cause. While so called African-Americans (a term I loathe), are busy on the grind and playing kiss-ass to get ahead, the “bush men” and “bush women” often called the less initiated by our Tribe here in America, are getting paid. I remember when Atlanta had an African invasion. Many young, well-educated (largely Nigerians and Ethiopians) were driving cabs and putting up with labels and stereotypes given by the self-aggrandized so-called smart Blacks here in America. It seems these brothers and sisters put their educations to better use and went back to the Motherland and got superbly rich. Of the Super Rich Black folks to make this impressive list, only one is an American. I would posture that somehow when you think about it….we’ve been had, bamboozled, hood-winked, run-a-muck, lead astray yet again. The crumbs we march and beg for, these men and women are using to wipe their asses. Hopefully, this list will give us some inspiration to do more, build more and own more than the latest gadget or designer purse. Introducing the Mogul 9: The Richest Black People on the Planet:


Black Billionaires Club 9

Mohammed Ibrahim — Net Worth: $1.1 billion


Abdulsamad Rabiu — Net Worth: $1.2 billion


Folorunsho Alakija — Net Worth: $2.5 billion


Oprah Winfrey — Net Worth: $2.9 billion


Patrice Motsepe — Net Worth: $2.9 billion

Founder of Celtel. Celtel acts as a mobile phone provider across Africa. In 2005 (after seven years in business), Mohammed sold Celtel for a whopping $3.4 billion. Two years later, Ibrahim set up a foundation in his name to assist governance in Africa. He has also created what is called the “Mo Ibrahim Index”. This index helps evaluate a nation’s performance in various sectors (economics, government, etc).

Founder of Bua International Limited. Bua imported rice, flour, and even iron and steel. He commissioned the second-largest sugar refinery in the heartland of Africa. He has set up the Bua Foundation and loves giving back to the community, including the construction of the Centre for Islamic Studies at Bayero University Kano.

Originally scoring a position as executive secretary at Sijuade Enterprises in Nigeria, she actually switched jobs to work at First National Bank of Chicago. As she worked at the bank, Folorunsho also started a fashion company called Supreme Stitches. The company had a meteoric rise to fame and power, and Alakjia again branched out. This time, she focused on the oil game. Securing an oil prospecting license (OPL), she got to explore a 617,000 acre-block of land off the coast of Nigeria. Combine all of these lucrative endeavors, and you get one rich woman. Like the previous billionaires listed above, Alakija loves to give back to the community.

Host of The Oprah Winfrey Show andFounder of OWNa cable tv network in the US. She publishes O: The Oprah Magazine, and has co-authored five books. She has given a lot of her money away, including $400 million for educational purposes.

Ocusing on the mining of materials such as platinum, nickel, and chrome, African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) is Motsepe’s company and main venture in life. Early in his life, he worked for a law firm, and began his mining business by hiring people to clean the gold dust out of mines. Soon, he seized an opportunity to buy up many mine shafts (gold prices were extremely low at the time, so mine shafts were cheap).


Isabel Dos Santos — Net Worth: $3.7 billion Dos Santos is Africa’s youngest Billionaire. She has quickly and systematically garnered significant stakes in Angola’s strategic industries–banking, cement, diamonds and telecom–making her the most influential businessperson in her homeland. More than half of her assets are held in publicly traded Portuguese companies, adding international credibility.


Mike Adenuga — Net Worth: $4.6 billion


Mohammed Al-Amoudi — Net Worth: $15.3 billion

Before his foray into the telecom industry, Mike struck it big in the oil industry. He received his first drilling license in 1990. Shortly thereafter, he struck oil in the Southwestern Ondo State. Besides striking a lot of oil, Mike’s oil company was the first indigenous (non-white) company to strike oil of that magnitude in the state. Mike became richer and richer through his oil gains. This wealth gave him the opportunity to create another company. This time, it was a telecommunications company. Globacom launched and instantly attracted many subscribers. Today, that number of subscribers is over 24 million.

Owns several businesses in the fields of oil, hotels, operations, and finance. His construction company, Mohammed International Development Research and Organization Companies (MIDROC) actually built an underground oil storage complex for Saudi Arabia in 1988. Along with his heavy investment into Ethiopia, he also owns oil refineries in Sweden and Morocco. Not only does Al-Amoudi focus on oil, he has also prodded around in energy development. He even has a line of hotels called Addis Ababa Sheraton, and owns 70% of National Oil Ethiopia. Currently, he is helping develop Saudi Arabia’s first car, the Gazal-1.


Aliko Dangote — Net Worth: $25 billion Investments in commodities such as sugar and cement are a lucrative business. It’s especially lucrative if you then sell the sugar you have to places such as soft drink companies, breweries, and confectioneries. Dangote’s company, the Dangote Group, owns many smaller sub-division companies, including Dangote Cement, Dangote Sugar Refinery, and Dangote Flour. One of his companies is creating fiber optic cables to supply all of Nigeria.

B I L L I O N A I R E s


Who Is Black In Technology

The Most Important Black People In Technology

Some would lead you to believe that Silicon Valley isn’t that colorful of a place. This column is all about debunking that myth. People of color are making moves around the globe and getting rich in the process. There’s this notion that Black men and Black women are mere imbeciles and not that useful from the neck up. Well the proof is in the performance. Learn about the Players and the Power Moves being made that others may not consider newsworthy. Tweet me @swansimpson

Don Charlton

Tristan Walker

Heather Hiles

Don Charlton has pioneer the way high level hiring gets done online. During the 2012 Presidential Election, both President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney used The Resumator to handle all of their job applicants. Before founding The Resumator, Charlton established himself as an award-winning interactive designer.The Resumator has taken $2.98 million in funding and has 44 employees.

Tristan is the former Director of Business Development at Foursquare. During his tenure, he built partnerships between Foursquare and huge brands such as Bravo, MTV, CNN, New York Times, NBA and Starbucks.

As an Education Tech Founder, it’s not always easy to get schools and institutions to buy in; mostly due to Government bureaucracy. This is why Pathbrite Founder Heather Hiles is a power player in the game. Pathbrite raised $4 million led by scholastic testing giant ACT, with participation from Rethink Education for its e-portfolio product for students.

CEO, The Resumator


Founder, Walker and Company

Recently he launched his own start-up Walker and Company, in December 2013 to better serve the African-American community. The company’s first brand, Bevel, sells premium razors and shaving cream geared toward black men. Walker has already snagged $2.4 and employs five people.

Founder, Pathbrite

As of March 2013, Pathbrite was in more than 100 universities and school districts. Stanford University,purchased 1,000 licenses for students in its Design, Education, and Engineering Schools. At last report, more than 400 schools have used Pathbrite’s new learning platform.Pathbrite has raised $8 million in total to date and employs 16 people.

StartUp Wings N Things 2Go! Words by The Publisher

Chef J Scott grew up in the mean streets of Philadelphia and used cooking as his ticket out of the madness. He was inspired to become a Chef by his Mentor in High School, renowned Chef and Educator Wilma Stephenson.He attended the Art Institute of Atlanta on a full scholarship. Chef J Scott used to be the Executive Chef at the upscale Museum Bar in Atlanta. People would come to the restaurant just to get a taste of his popular cuisine. No question, he is a highly recognized Master of his craft. First, he is Atlanta’s youngest Celebrity Chef. He is Authoring his first cookbook. He is the subject of a feature film. Lastly, he is in production working on his Reality TV Cooking Show. I met Chef J Scott last year and we discussed his latest venture. Not quite the pomp and circumstance of an upscale restaurant, but certainly reflective of his culinary and business genius. Chef J Scott decided it was time to give the people what they wanted; simple, delicious and flavorful food. Wings N Things 2Go is all about the sauce, the wings and all of the things we love that goes right along with them. From Wings, Chicken and Seafood to accompanying sides, the Decatur take out spot is always bustling with a flow of hungry customers trying to get their eat on. Chef J Scott knew he had a winner winner chicken dinner. We talked about his vision for franchising his concept and his sauces and all the moving parts that make for a successful quick serve business model. The Restaurant business is a highly competitive industry with small owners constantly trying to pay the bills and turn a profit. Chef J Scott has developed a blue print for starting, running and owning a restaurant concept in a questionable economy. His success speaks to his creativity and his willingness to take a risk on living his dreams.




Must Attend Conferences & Events for Urban Entrepreneurs

1 2


Millionaire Mind Intensive

Over 1 Million lives have been changed by this system, and the Millionaire Mind Intensive is going to show you exactly how to put it into action. Comes to cities around the country.

World Domination Summit The World Domination Summit (WDS) is a gathering of creative, interesting people from all over the world. Every summer, thousands of people travel to Portland, Oregon for an immersive experience in life, work, and travel.

Experts Academy FREE online event



Inc Women’s Summit New York


Small Business Expo PhillyChicago-Dallas-LA-AtlantaSan Francisco-Seattle-New York-Miami-Boston conference is all about Women Founders and Owners. The Nation’s largest trade show, networking and conference dedicated to business owners and business professionals. Online Registration is FREE. Travels to Major cities around the country.Incredible time for learning and building on ideas to perfect your success.


16738 VIA LA COSTA, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 (MLS # 15821559)


This fabulous home or second is situated in Palisades Highlands behind the gates of the prestigious Enclave Estates lies a home that blends warmth with distinctive elegance. With ocean views during the day and twinkling stars at night, the serene nature of this location brings the word vacation to mind. At the end of the day you are away from it all. A grand entry hall, dark wood floors, dramatically high ceilings and a sweeping staircase set the stage. Entertain with pride in your formal dining room and gracious living room. Or, enjoy a more casual atmosphere in the great kitchen and informal dining area across the island. All open to the adjacent family room. On warm evenings, cook in your outdoor kitchen and dine under the gazebo. Five ensuite bedrooms, w/ 4 upstairs and 1 downstairs. A 6th en-suite room that could be a bedroom, gameroom or an office. The master suite spans wide with French doors presenting breathtaking views from the bedroom through to the bath. Top this off w/ an in-home sauna and a sumptuous dressing room.

You can contact Black Moguls Magazine for more information and showing of this property.


Mogul Lifestyles Food

- Swan Simpson


I absolutely love Indian food. So, on a recent visit to our Nation’s Capitol, I had to locate what some would consider the best place to satisfy my cravings while on business in DC. With this in mind, I had the pleasure of dining at the very sexy, very hot Rasika. Rasika is located in Penn Quarter, a Historic section of DC known for its trendy finds, conspicuous consumption and Black American Express Cards. It is one of President Obama’s dining spots, so I definitely had to give it a try for myself. Rasika, the name which is derived from Sanskrit and means “flavors,” is the award-winning modern Indian restaurant brainchild of Ashok Bajaj. Bajaj was recently named by both Washingtonian and Washington City Paper as “Restaurateur of the Year” and nationally, he is a three-time James Beard Foundation nominee for “Restaurateur of the Year”. Rasika is known for its “modern” take on Indian cuisine which you will immediately recognize upon walking in the door. This is definitely a place suitable for those who want to dine in upscale yet unpretentious style. Rasika’s sophisticated ambiance is enhanced by beautiful pieces of art created by well known Indian artists, which include oil and canvas paintings by Arunabha Karmakar and sculptures by Vineet Kacker. On this day the restaurant was packed with the Who’s Who of Capitol Hill and brimming with young Executives exuding the Mogul lifestyle. The Service was prompt and attentive and my Server was very accommodating towards my selective vegetarian palette. I ordered one of the house specialties the “fried spinach”. It was beyond amazing! I enjoyed it as my entree with garlic naan and basmati rice. The dish came as a recommendation from another diner sitting close by. She was right!! It was soaddicting and delicious that I ordered two. Everything was fresh, flavorful and tantalizing to the five senses. The menu boasts a number of vegetarian and certainly nonvegetarian selections so that everyone in your party will have ample to choose. There is a full bar, complete availability of appetizers and some incredible desserts. This was by far one of the most satisfying meals of the past year. Amazing food, sexy atmosphere, rich friends and powerful people all in one lovely setting of a restaurant. Next time you are in the DC Metro area, be sure to show your face in the place and tell the Staff and Executive Chef that Black Moguls Magazine gave them our highest recommendation. Rasika 633 D Street, NW Washington, DC 20004 (202)637-1222 Reservations are highly appropriate



-Daymond John Words by Swan Simpson There’s a lot to be said about Black Mogul Daymond John. He’s the CEO of FUBU and worth over $250 million dollars at last count. He’s made a name for himself in both business and fashion. He’s a celebrated Author, Speaker and Philanthropist. And he’s the co-star of NBC’s Shark Tank.


I met Daymond John back in the 90’s when he was on the Vibe Magazine Tour that made its way to Atlanta. At the time he was still very approachable, and openly shared his battle scars and story about how he started many other ventures that fizzled out before making his huge win with FUBU.

Full-time Job/Part-time Fortune Some may not know that as a young black man growing up in Hollis-Queens, John hustled clothes out of his mom’s basement while working and waiting tables at Red Lobster. Yep, he kept his “day job” while building his dream. Daymond John’s life reads like that of a poster child for achieving the American Dream. He grew up an only child. His mother helped him build his business using their family home

The pay-off was not immediate, but wouldn’t you say it was definitely worth the risk? Most folks would have been happy to pay off their houses and live and die the American way….65, house paid and so called retired. But a mother that saw something in her child and believed in his vision, went all in and rolled the dice on what is commonly most people’s major asset, their home. And in this case, to the victor goes the spoils. John was all about the Mind Hustle and knew that he could build something bigger and even more incredible if he had successful Rappers wearing his gear. Thanks to childhood friend, Rapper LL Cool J, FUBU got its first celebrity endorsement and the rest as they say is history.

The Rest Of The Story Since the rise and sell of FUBU, Daymond John has continued to build his own personal brand. Initially he turned down Mark Burnett’s offer to be on the Shark Tank. But after talking to his friends, The Kardashians, he decided he would appear on the show. Shark Tank has propelled John to the height of the Angel Investor game. He now sniffs out opportunities that he feels he can sink his teeth into; and uses his own capital to leverage control over newer companies wanting his money, his brand and his expertise.

as leverage. In fact, how many Black folks do you know with families that would let you stay with them for 6 months, let alone mortgage away their home to believe in you? That is not the life I know personally, but it is by far the life that the community should begin to embrace. Cooperative economics is all about winning together. A mother takes a gamble, mortgages their home for $100,000 giving her son enough capital to adequately build a business. His friends join the venture and they all move in and live under one roof cutting down on expenses. All while still working and maintaining their day jobs in the process. That’s a dedication and a work ethic that only passion can fuel.

The Art of Mind Hustle Daymond and friends hustled FUBU (For Us By Us) clothing on the streets making money and putting it all back into the growth of their enterprise. Daymond used the money from the 2nd mortgage of their home to build a factory in the basement.


Daymond’s Millionaire Lessons are all centered around The Brand Within (the name of his latest book). He believes we brand ourselves from birth to the boardroom. Success is all about process and not the quantum leap. You take all of those little steps in the right direction and over time, those steps have a compounding effect on our lives good or bad. That’s how you build your personal brand. However, Mega-brands become more about movements and impacting millions of others. Like that of “Brand O” or Brand Obama. Mega-brands take time and involve other people gravitating towards what your brand means to them. FUBU is a Mega-brand that revolutionized Hip Hop and Fashion by becoming one of the fastest growing American owned clothing brands in the world. A Partnership with Samsung in 1995 helped to expand the brand into International markets. In 2015, FUBU Co-Founder & Executive Vice President J. Alexander Martin,is once again expanding the FUBU brand with FUBU TV. FUBU TV will stream fashion and lifestyle entertainment across Verizon FIOs Networks and Dish Satellite around the world. Swan Simpson is the CEO of Swan Simpson Media Group,, and the Publisher of Black Moguls Brand of Urban Magazines.

Mogul BluePrint

- Dare To Dream

Networking Marketing certainly has been credited for creating numerous Urban Millionaires. It is an industry where everyday people with no business background or considerable investment and regardless of any socio-economic factors can excel to Millionaire status and experience the joys of the “good life” A few years ago, I went to a meeting at the home of a former Executive at Ruff Ryders Entertainment, where I met and was introduced to OrGano Gold by the CEO of Evander Holyfield, Inc. I was very impressed with the types of heavy-hitters that were joining this company in droves. The 1st meeting guest list read like a celebrity VIP invite more than a traditional so called opportunity meeting. And although I personally chose not to get involved with the company, I absolutely love the OG Billionaire Mindset.

“Facts Don’t Count When You Have A Dream” - David Imonitie

David Imonitie is the poster child for the OG Billionaire Mindset. His story reads like a fairy tale. From college drop-out, to business failure, to meteoric rise and now he’s at top of his game. David Imonitie started his first Network Marketing business at the age of 21. By the age of 29, he became a Top 5 Income Earner in OrGano Gold and one of the Top 30 Income Earners in the Network Marketing Industry Worldwide.

Dare To Be Diamond David’s determination and continued belief that his dreams were possible, eventually lead him to a company and two Mentors that would ultimately help him find his mojo.


This young Mogul has risen to personal and industry success in spite of critics, haters and incredible trials. He credits his ability to stay focused in a world of noise and naysayers to his guiding principles.

around the world into actualizing their dreams. His passion to help others be successful has fueled his own personal success.

1. Embrace Wealth Principals- Finding the right Mentor(s). David’s Mentors, Holton & Earlene Buggs, are the World’s #1 Income Earners in the Network Marketing Industry. Learning from Masters will help you to become one.

3. Definiteness of Purpose- David has a mission to help others. He has a new CD Coaching System called, “Conceive, Believe, and Achieve Your Way to the Next Level” which is designed to create six and seven figure income earners in both the industry as well as in life.

2. Have A Passionate Quest- Zig Ziglar was known for saying if you help enough people get what they want, you can get what you want. David has Coached thousands of people

David spends his time traveling the world and living the life of his dreams. Follow him on facebook @ https://www.facebook. com/davidimonitie


Order a copy of Mind Hustle from Amazon TODAY. “Essential Resource to learn the Artistry of Entrepreneurship” -Waliyy “Main Event” Dixon 28

Retail Mogul

-Sip & Savor Chicago

The historic Hyde-Park neighborhood of Chicago has gotten a facelift over the past several years, with the restoration of older buildings and the influx of Professionals making it home. The neighborhood is one of upscale and affluence and is home to many of Chicago’s prominent Black Politicians including Former Chicago Mayor (posthumous) Harold Washington. Our Nation’s First Black Female U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun. And of course U.S. President Barack Obama has called Hyde Park home for more than twenty years. On any given day in Hyde Park, you will find people packed into this great little coffee spot, getting their lattes and their coffee drinks on. Sip and Savor is a community based enterprise started by Trez V. Pugh III. This spot is all about the people and preserving the planet. Sip & Savor tags itself as “globally locally”. That’s because the menu offers coffees and teas from around the globe. All served with a side of complimenting pastries from local bakeries. All of their coffees are fair trade, and in some cases certified organic and shade grown. Shade grown means biodiversity and helps reduce global warming. There are two Chicago neighborhood locations to serve you: Hyde Park at 5301 S. Hyde Park and Bronzeville at 528 E. 43rd Street. Visit them on the web at


From The Publisher “If it ain’t about the money, you can miss me with it”-TI It’s 2015 and Black Moguls Magazine decided that it was time to step up our swag. Our goal is to be Black America’s first choice in digital destinations. In order to accomplish this goal, we must deliver the goods. We know building our brand is a process to be improved upon over time. This is the same for you and your endeavors. The excuses that have held us back from our ultimate personal success, must be eradicated. This issue is proof positive that we are only limited by our unwillingness to believe in our dreams and take decisive, consistent action. On these pages, you will experience ordinary people regardless of education, upbringing, skin color, sexuality, gender or other stigmas and biases, who are living their dreams. Sometimes we have to leave those old associations behind. People, habits and situations that longer serve us all have to be released and let go. Many times we have to reinvent ourselves and re-engineer our lives and our businesses. Separate the old us from the newer us and build upon the newer foundation. Nothing keeps you down if you don’t allow it. That doesn’t mean you won’t have trials and setbacks. It’s how you respond that makes the difference. If you are going to grind anyway, you may as well be grinding for you. Work your fulltime job, but build your part-time fortune. Visit for a free personality assessment that will show you who you truly are and why certain jobs, situations, relationships may or may not work for you. It’s time to know what you want and how to get it. This free gift is our way of helping you get there. Thank you for supporting 100% Black Owned Media that supports you! Please follow @swansimpson and @BlackMogulsMag and tell us what you think!


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