Mohak Pandey Architectural Portfolio

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Our contemporary world is a world that is fueled by the term called “Development”. Governments all around the world. humankind is facing mass urbanization and change in living standards, and hence a lot of work is being done to accommodate this shift.

Our systems need to be efficient, this is not a choice anymore!

Hence, it the responsibility of professionals that development is Sustainable. Sustainability is a “wicked problem”. it is the responsibility of professionals to be equipped with the best knowledge and skills available to make the decisions that will ultimately effect the fate of people and environment.

I aim for a career to that contributes to the “Sustainable Development” of the world.

Hard Skills


HUDSON ARCADIA. Hudson Lane, GTB Nagar, Punjab, India
THE Oakwood Estate Jantwal Village, Uttrakhand, India
THE Baya Tabo Bargos, Siargaon, Philipines
North Coast Park Senoko, Singapore
TSREDCO Hydrabad , Telangana India
Raffles Hospital Development Rocher, Singapore 1.b


Academic Project in NUS


Bargos, Siargaon, Philipines

Project Area: 1,000,000 m²

14 August 2023-24 November 2023


Proposal for URA

Group Project


Asst. Prof. Nirmal Krishnani National University of Singapore

Prof. Wong Mann Sum Principal, WOHA

Shehfali Lall Architect, WOHA


Mohak Pandey Architect, India

Song Kechang Landscape Architect, China
Cheng Being, Architect,China
Zhuang Lingyi Machenical Engineer, China
The North Coast masterplan (Graphic by Song Kechang)
The Entry Plaza (Graphic by Song Kechang)
Warehouse Housing (Graphic by Mohak Pandey)
coast park from
with a Solar
Senoko Power plant is Decomissioned,
Gas Tank Hospitality+Art District (Graphic bycheng Being)
Retrofit Waste to Energy plant and Aqua Culture (Graphic by Zhuang Lingyi)

To connect the Multi-modal mobility, energy , food systems to the North Coast park-A grand public space is provided at the current proposed end of North-South Corridor. The space will act as a spot for hosting events and festivals for the community around it.

The plaza is covered solar conopy which is an extention to the solar canopy of NSC.


and commercial

Welcome Plaza (Graphic by Mohak Pandey,cheng Being,Song Kechang)
this once mono-use Industrial area , is transforned to a Vibrant mixed use discrict by retrofitting the existing industrial buildings. Housing is introduced to the site in the form of wharehouse housing and
activities for livelihood of the community.
Wharehouse Housing District (Graphic by Mohak Pandey,cheng Being)
The System maps (Graphic by Zhuang Lingyi) (GRAPHIC BY MOHAK PANDEY)

Gas tank Sports Facilities

Some gas Tanks and the sorrounding landscapes are transformed into sports facilities for the residents of the new development and Visitors.


Waste to energy Power plant

The waste to energy power plant is retrofitted into a Mixed used research institute with food producing capabilities


With Senoko powerplant opened up as a park, the site becomes a canvas for art installations

Old Senoko power plant building is

into a mix used development with offices and shopping areas,

To achieve a high level of energy autonomy, the main axis of the project is coverted with a solar canopy, which is an extention of solar PV proposed in Viaduct

Mangrove Plantation
Prior to human Intervention, the coastline was a mangroove forest. So the North Coast park will re-introduce the mangrooves to the coast line.
Solar Canopy over every building
Senoko Art District
Solar Canopy throught the Axis
The Food Tunnel
Senoko power plant’s main building is Retrofitted into a mic used art + commercial + office building.
of North South Corridor
Currently, Site is in the Northern food belt of Singapore. The studio proposed food producing centers Along North South corridor, the food tunnel acts as a highway for transporting this produce to food procesing centers in north

Warehouse Housing District

To connect the Multi-modal


The Entry Plaza this once mono-use Industrial area , is transforned to a Vibrant mixed use discrict by retrofitting the existing industrial buildings. The whole district is Autonomous in terms of Energy!

energy , food


This is a deiction of what is possible once Singapore starts reaching its net zero targets and Senoko power plant is decomissioned or moved to Tuas in the west Singapore. A new North Coast park is created as a result, with old structures of Senoko power plant acting as a mixed use, art district to pump up some Vibrancy in the coast. The Gas tanks of Senoko power plant are Retrofitted to Gas tank hotels to maintain a resident population in the area

The Art Carnival (Graphic by Cheng Being,Song Kechang)
Waste to energy plant is in close viscinity of a Fishery and a secndary forest. Area between the Strait of Johar, Fishary, and Waste to energy plant and forest is created into a Aqua culture pond to produce food for the eateries in the whole area.
The waste to energy power plant is retrofitted into a Mixed used research institute with Commercial activities overlooking the Strait of Johar.
Welcome Plaza (Graphic by Cheng Being,Song Kechang)
Spaces Office Gas Tank Hotels
Old Senoko power plant building is retrofitted into a mix used development with offices and shopping areas,
Once, Senoko Power plant is Decomissioned, the existing tank structure are converted into a Hospitality and Art district
the North Coast park.A grand
space is provided with event spaces. The North coast park introduces 0.67 Ha of public space to a place with no public space.

Raffles Hospital Development

Academic Project in NUS


Bargos, Siargaon, Philipines

Project Area: 1,000,000 m²

14 August 2023-24 November 2023


Proposal for URA

Group Project


Asst. Prof. Nirmal Krishnani National University of Singapore

Prof. Wong Mann Sum Principal, WOHA

Shehfali Lall Architect, WOHA


Mohak Pandey Architect, India

Akshay Sonawane Architect, India

Zhāng jìn xiáng, Landscape Architect,China

At present, the site between Ophir Road and Rocher Road is a construction site for North South Ecotone. In the masterplan exercise of NSE, The site was envisioned as a high density, mixed used development near kampong Glam, Bugis and Little India. To have a High-density, junction between Bugis and Rocher Canal around 25 of massing iterations were done, and with so much experimentation, following strategies were adopted:-

The Ophir-Rocher masterplan (Graphic by Song Kechang [top]) (Sketches by Mohak Pandey [bottom])
Projected Carbon Trajactory
Carbon Strategies (Graphic by Akshay Sonawane)

Bugis-Rocher Commercial link 1

(Graphic by


The view of the 1st commercial street from the top of roof garden. with a mic of commercial and public utilitu at the both sides.

The view 2nd commercial link from the podium park. the link is the continuation of the street life of Bugis.

Akshay Sonawane & Zhāng jìn xiáng
View of the wind valley from the corridors of the HDB. By using Bi-facial PVs, porosity is being achieved at the solar canopy.
Bugis-Rocher Commercial link 2
(Graphic by Akshay Sonawane & Zhāng jìn xiáng )
View from HDB Corridors
(Graphic by Akshay Sonawane & Zhāng jìn xiáng )
Section B-B’ (Graphic by Mohak Pandey)
Section A-A’ (Graphic by Zhāng jìn xiáng and Mohak Pandey)
(Graphic by Mohak Pandey)



On December 16, Super Typhoon Rai, locally known as Typhoon Odette, made landfall in the Philippines.

The storm first made landfall in Siargao, an island known as a world’s surf capital, and touched down nine more times as it swept west through the Philippines.

Prior to Typhoon, Communities of the island had a community building locally known as a “Tabo”. Typhoon, Had destroyed the Tabos in the island.

In a rebuilding effort, a competition was organised to propose a design for a new tabo at Bargos community in the island. Following project is the proposal for the same

A solitary space for reading and personal activities for prople of community

A storage for articles to be used by common area.

A multi purpose, community area for workshops and community activities

An accommodation for important visitors and training personals

A refuge space for feeding people at the time of crisis and a meetup spot at good times

A spot to sell articles produced by the community.


A interactive space for promoting interactions among people of community and those outside

A casual spot for interaction among farmers and fisherman and shop

Tin sheets are common roofing material in the island because of its availability and speed of installation.


To collect rain water from roof and to make it slow along a directed route, Instead of using pipes, Dripping ropes are used in a fashion showed in adjacent diagram

To transfer roof water, safely into a RWH pond, present below the lotus pond present at kerenderiya window, A wooden albatross is hanged at the end of dripping rope. however, article being hanged can be customized by community.

Blowout of connection between roof joists and bracing rope.

To firmly hold roof at the time of a hurricane, An elaborate, yet simple roof bracing system has been employed in the design. Instead of making bracing a norm when hurricane is about to arrive, Project integrates aesthetically it into Design itself.

Site water is collected in a shallow open drain around structure and supplied to RWH tank underneath the RWH pit.

Traditional material used in the island as a roofing
Shop square
Rope Bracing
Albatross Drip
Site Water Drain
Roof Drain Collector
Visitor’s Studio Attic Storage
Nepa Leaves
Tin Sheet
Mini Library
Common Area
Karinderiya Int. Sitouts
Karinderiya Ext. Sitouts

Tabo is supposed to be the go to place for anyone coming to the community.

• Outdoor spaces can provide a sense of proximity to visitor and a sense of privacy for community.

• Apart from casual interaction, A well designed outdoor space is a good spot to host events.

• And good food and drinks is a good Starters for a conversation.

So, to accommodate Food, Interaction and Privacy, A seat-out is provided outside Kerenderiya

A deck is provided towards the road side, to welcome a friendly conversation between the one passing by and the ones sitting inside.


Tabo is by the community and for community. The shop provided in the design is a place for barter and sharing articles within the community.

It is the go to place for Farmers and fishermen of the community to share their produce.

Apart from inner community trading, Its a good spot for travelers to by souvenirs made by the community.

Doors and windows of the design are made out of coco lumber that was left over by the disaster caused by the typhoon.

Door and windows of the design are made such that they resemble the previous Tabo as a token of nostalgia.

To achieve as much cross ventilation as possible, Doors of the design are designed such that the upper portion can be used as a window.

Due to vast amount of uprooted coconut trees which were left after the Typhoon. A large stockpile of cocolumber was left to be savaged from the surroundings. And hence majority of furniture in design is made out of coco lumber

Its a spot where people in and outside the community are fed the local produce. Its a spot where one can enjoy a wholesome meal after a tiring morning in the fields or in the seas.


Continuing the tradition of previous TABO of painting on the walls, Blank walls are left out, as a plain canvas to be used by community to express itself.

Previous TABO had a RCC frame structure at Ground level and a wooden structure at 1str floor level.

To give a firm facade, RCC frame structure is used to give strength till roof of the structure.

But, Using Conventional RCC frame involves a lot of Steel which increase embodied

energy of the project and cost as well. So to achieve economy, A technique called Confined masonry is used, where Masonry walls act as foam work for RCC frame which enables walls to bear some load of the frame, which in turn reduce the amount of steel required in the frame.

Most common and cheap material for masonry available locally is hollow core concrete block. And hence, It is used as masonry unit in the project to achieve economy.

Confined Masonry
Hollow Core Cement Block
Road side seating
The Kerinderiya

TABO is a place where community comes together to learn and do activities together. For that purpose, a flexible space is needed, which can be adapted according to the need of the activity.

Tabo is also the place where a local body called “Local lab” conducts workshops and sessions for local population

It is a locally available, traditional roofing material of the island, It is used to give a traditional appeal and to reduce the noise of rain falling on the tin roof in the ceiling

A space is provided at the attic of the roof in the form of a mini library, which can be used by the members of community to sharpen their skills, Or simply relax in a secluded and cozy environment with a view from a dormer window!

Since Tabo is a place where visiting people come to teach the community, A space is provided for their accommodation.

Mini Library

Fail Faster!

A mantra for Creative Thinkers

“No one creates a perfect game, book, or project on their first try. Don’t waste time trying to polish your idea: put yourself out there, create something, and learn quickly to improve upon your failures.”

So instead of limiting yourself to just your own studio, why not reach out to your audience more. Why not reach the market for creativity rather than target audience reaching the market and hence this project proposes an alternative approach towards development of Multimedia Market.

Instead of providing a separate learning and development institution away from audience, this project integrates all the processes in market itself, literally and figuratively with the following ideas:

. What if games and animation are developed in a populated market where players (users) are kept involved in the development process during strolling while enjoying sip of coffee?

What if the players and viewers are not limited to just few interested people, how about letting anyone peek at the development and genre of multimedia development.


2D zoning

Market is a linear stretch of commercial land surrounded by residential plots.

Traffic Analysis

Being a cafe hub and a bitwix place between a metro station and a university, market is dominated by pedestrian traffic and 2 wheeler traffic.

Activity Mapping.

Market is filled with cafe’s and lounges. Market stretch opposite the site has large jewelery shops and some clothing shops.

Project is aimed to create a constructive environment for the multimedia industry in India by providing a testing ground for new ideas to be tested before polishing the finished work.

Project is situated in a gray, yet very high potential area of the market.

Site, being a youth cafe destination,site has a constant flux of young people. And presence of GTB nagar metro station makes it a bitwix place for the flow of people.

Constant flux makes it a good spot to display and test out conceptual ideas of multimedia for multimedia development.

A Feedback loop can promote close coordination between the consumer and the one who is creating.

About the Project and my Involvement

TSREDCO Net zero Office building is a Pilot project in hydrabad. It aims to set a standard of high energy performance in the region.

The firm Ashok B Lall Architect was given the contract of Architectural works of the building and interior design of the office of TSREDCO at level 4 and 5. The project was a valuable learning experience for me for

100 % Solar Coverage on Roof the project is generating energy required for its operation by having 100 % roof coverage as Solar PV. The courtyard in the middle is covered with transparent BIVP to enable enough daylight for Occupant’s wellbeing.

Highly Insulated composite wall envalope. The outer envelope of the building is constructed as a composite wall with Areated cement concrete blocks at two ends and EPS insulation in the middle.

wall overhangs beyond the slab to thermally decouple the RCC slab and outside environment.

Chilled Shab for low cost cooling. The slabs embid in them a chilled water coil which carries water just above the dew point of Hyderabad.

This method of cooling is vastly superior in terms of energy effeciency than conventional air cooling.

Interior Layout Lvl 4

Interior Layout Lvl 5

Exhibition Area

To display the works of the organization

Discussion Room

A personal space for meetings during any exhibitions


Mohali is a Satellite city of Chandighar, a Capital city of 2 Indian states, Punjab and Harayana. as of 2021, Mohali has adopted a new masterplan and is planning to expand its urban sprawl. With adoption of a new masterplan, Mohali has witnessed marking of thousands of new plots that are to be developed into plotted houses. These plots are segregated into various sizes according to income level of its citizen. Plots of high income residents being the largest. So, client (who is a developer in Mohali) with discussion with Mr. Ashok B Lall,(owner of the firm Ashok B Lall Architects). came up with an Idea.

What if the plots that are ment for high income individuals in high income neighbourhood developed into a low rise, multiple affordable flats.

By doing so, affordable houses can be provided in otherwise an exclusive environment of relatively wealthy individuals, and hence providing a better social mix in the city.

So a prototype is designed ,That has good thermal performance and is energy neutral and can be replicated in multiple plots that are large in size .


Building is designed in Building information modeling software Revit. Which enabled pre-planning of Machenical services with better effecience than a traditional planning flow.

By pre-planning machenical services in 3D, better effeciency was achieved in plumbing, which ultimately saves on material cost and energy.

BIM also allowed for quick review of material quantities and estimation, assisting in achieving better efficiency in planning.

A 3rd party Project management consultancy is also consulted for the project which made use of BIM model for its management service.

Cane Wire Mesh

Steel bars for holding mesh to frame

40x40 mm BOX Steel Section (painted green)


Giving a trbute to classic cane furniture of chandighar, Shading device use locally acailable cane wire mesh for shading screens installed on balcony of the project. Porpose of the jaali is to provide a filter and diffused

light on interiors of the rooms.

Cane wire mesh and green painted frame complements the color scheme of the project and provides a simple and earthy feel to the facade


Project uses timber doors and windows as Chandighar lies near terai region of North India, which is rich in timber plantations and hence easier to transport which reduces energy in transportation of wood for construction.

In order to prevent excess heating from daylight in the houses, Large windows are not provided in the facade of the building. Doors, with openable upper panels are employed in the project instead as shown on the left.

In order to provide corss ventilation in the rooms, Interior doors (D3) is provided with a openable shutter at the top.

Coaping on parapit sloped inwards to collect water towards center of plan to divert to soak pit

RWH Soak pit

Fly ash blocks for walls at


In order to achieve better effeciency and economy in the partition and envelope of the peoject, Hrights of sills and floor are kept according to commercially available Areated Cement Concrete blocks (ACC blocks). By doing so, wastage is reduced significantly in the masonry of the project. In the process of

construction, masonry is done before the shuttering of beams as AAC walls can act as lower shutter for beams. By using ACC blocks as lower shutter for beams, Walls also bear some load of the beam, which enables one to reduce the amount of steel in the RCC structure which is a major contributer of embodied energy of the project.

Rain Water Harvesting Soak Pit

To maintain a good water table in the soil, a Rainwater harvesting soak pit is provided at the road side of the site, By providing soak pit towards the road side, it gets easier to divert excess water from pit to flow down into city’s main drainage. A soak pit as a form of rain water harvesting solution is devoid of any stagnating water that might act as a breading ground for mosquitoes


The Oakwood Estate is located at a beautiful valley in Nainital district of Uttrakhand, near Sattal This C shaped site looks into the valley with lush oak and pine trees.

Far north end of the site looks into the Nainital.

Project is divided into phases that ultimately aims to construct 6 cottages, including that of owner of the site “ Mr. Devesh Rai” that is to act as a getaway place from cities into green hills of Uttrakhand.

Client aims to make it into a community where professionals can work from home from comfort of their own houses away from crowd of city.

Project also involves a community center at center of the site that can act as a gathering and event space for the whole community. It shall also act as a training center for nearby villages for it services.

To provide a space for a family of 4-6, Or more (if you gave guests). project has 3 cottages in its master plan, to accomodate a mid size, large family.

From this perspective, Site splits into 2 paths. One is a motorable path that leads directly towards the cottages. And other is the pedestrian path towards the left which climbs down to a garden in a terrace and then further climbs down into a lake that also acts as a rain water harvesting pond for the site. A pond is situated at the lowest point of the site. The pond is designed to act as a performance space for small gatherings as well as a calm place for some solitary activity.

MR. Devesh Rai is the owner of the land. And has reserved the last plot to himself. This particular house is surrounded by tall cedar trees and looks directly into the Sattal valley.
View From parking towards center of the site

Residence 1 is located at a steep hill slide. so house is made as if it sits back keeping its back to the hill side and looks towards the valley. in order to access sunlight, among tall trees and hill side, house has a tall massing with an accessible terrace at its top. House is accessed from the mid floor. Ground floor links the house with the pedestrian pathways along the lower portion of the site.

Residence 2 is located at a steep hill slide. and similar to residence 2, it too is made as if it sits back keeping its back to the hill side and looks towards the valley.

Unlike Residence 1, Residence 2 is situated in genteler slopes. House is accessed from the mid floor. Ground floor links the house with the pedestrian pathways along the lower portion of the site. view from house is framed by 2 oak trees.


Residence 3 is a 3 BR house has a C shaped massing wich is accessed from a corridor which eventually leads to the Jantwal Village. Residence looks towards the valley at the one side and a cluster of trees at left side of the plan. Roof is shaped in such a manner that is catches the morning sun.


Residence 4 is a 3 BR house has a C shaped massing wich is accessed from a corridor which eventually leads to the Jantwal Village.

Residence looks towards the valley at the one side and a cluster of trees at a Garden at one side.

Similar to residence 3, roof is shaped in such a manner that is catches the morning sun.


Residence 5 is massed around a sacret tree to the locals called “Gethi” by locals. It has cornered bay windows to provide a panoramic view of the valley from inside. similar to residence 3 and residence 2

Residence 5 is also a 3 Bedroom arrangement


Residence 6, Also called The rai residence is the Residence of the owner of the site. Is is designed in such a manner that it seperates the private space of the client from rest of the house.

House is accessed from lower terrace into a foyer room. which guides the person to main gathering spaces of the house via narrow staircase to generate a transending experince.



3rd Prize winner

LIK 2019

Group Project: 16 members

Location: Jharda Village, Barkot District, Uttrakhand, India

Documentation of Katkuni Architecture in Jaroda Village

Group Members

Group Participation: Mohak Pandey Aayush Bansal and Jitesh Chand Chadha

House is an evidence of shifting of architecture style in the village ,adding infuence of British Rule, Depicting how social heirarchy effects architecture of a place

Jitesh C. Chadaa Aayush Bansal Mohak Pandey


Free lance work Preparation of product mock ups in Blender for publishing in e-commerce website

Conceptual City Scape Scketches
2D Animations
Character toons
Coffee jar
Beauty serum

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