1 minute read
Fractal S, M, L, XL
AS 2588 CATIA and Inteligent Digital Systems
Spring 2023
Kerenza Harris
The core concept that drove our work in CATIA revolved around the intricate beauty of fractals. We were fascinated by the idea of starting with a small fractal and scaling it up to integrate it into a larger system while still maintaining its individual functionality. To achieve this, we used the power copy feature to create a squarebased pyramid with triangular windows on four sides, which was parametrically controlled to ensure flexibility in scaling. We then repeated this fractal onto the surface using XGEN to create infill panels for each instance. The end result was a stunning and adaptable free-standing structure that could function as a standalone pavilion or as part of a larger system such as an airport terminal roof. Our approach allowed for a high level of programmatic flexibility and ensured the structure’s relevance in an ever-changing world, making it a true embodiment of the beauty and practicality of fractals.