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Mohamed-Osama El-Moghany

Alexandria, Egypt

--NoThInG is ImPoSsIbLe.......... To Be or TrYinG To Be --Nothing is gonna stop your progress if you have the intent to do something (goal) , determination and insistence whatever stand in your way ! While SOMEBODY was walking someday, He was thinking of his VISION(MESSAGE) in this life, After Determining the whole picture, HE was thinking of His TARGET(GOAL) He's walking to it. There was Infinite number of Roads, He have entered one of them he have Chosen and finally after days and nights found it BLOCKED; One after another each one was blocked at the end of the road, But He didn't Lose Hope So Allah let his reach the road he was planning to, since he deserves it As he was working for it HARDLY with his maximum ENERGY Days & Nights and Didn't Lose HOPE Believing that one day before his death will ADD something to the WORLD even if it was an ATOM!
