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‫‪Vo l u m e 2 2 nd M a r c h - M a y 2 0 1 5‬‬


‫‪Not For Sale - New Vision‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬ ‫اإلستثمارات البترولية‬ ‫تتـدفـق على مصر‬

‫‪w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / P e t r o l e u m To d a y M a g a z i n e‬‬

‫ألول مـرة‬ ‫هيئة البترول توقع اتفاق شراكة‬ ‫للبحث عن البترول فى العراق‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫أول بوابة الكرتونية‬ ‫شاملة لقطاع‬ ‫البرتول‬

‫‪Ó‬‬ ‫‪Ó‬‬ ‫‪Ó‬‬ ‫‪Ó‬‬

‫متابعة اخبارية يومية لقطاع البرتول احمللى والعاملى‬ ‫مقاالت علمية‬ ‫احدث املنتجات وتطبيقتها فى قطاع البرتول‬ ‫حورارت وحتقيقات وتقارير صحفية‬

‫‪Ó‬‬ ‫‪Ó‬‬ ‫‪Ó‬‬ ‫‪Ó‬‬

‫احصائيات ومؤشرات اقتصادية‬ ‫دليل شامل لشركات البرتول‬ ‫تصفح وحتميل اجمللة جمانا‬ ‫معلومات تهمك‬

‫‪International Drilling Material‬‬ ‫‪Manufacturing Co. S.A.E‬‬

‫الشركـــــة العامليـــــة‬ ‫لتصنيـــــع مهمــــات احلفــــــر‬ ‫اس��ت��م��رار ل���دور الشركة ضمن املنظومة املتكاملة للتصنيع احمللى‬ ‫باإلسرتاتيجية الطموحة لقطاع البرتول املصري التي تسعى بها إىل حتقيق‬ ‫وتوفري أدوات ومهمات إنتاج صناعة البرتول والغاز وتطويرها لتحقيق التكامل لهذه‬ ‫الصناعة ‪ ،‬فقد استمرت الشركة يف قبول حتدياتها يف عامها اخلامس على التواىل‬ ‫منذ بدء التشغيل واالنتاج رغم ما تواجهه من انخفاض السوق و انخفاض أعمال احلفر لآلبار‬ ‫بالشركات اإلنتاجية ‪ ،‬فبعدما استطاعت الشركة يف األعوام السابقة من كسب ثقة عمالؤها‪،‬‬ ‫ووض��ع أسمها ضمن املصنعني واملوردين للشركات ‪ ،Casing‬ومتكنت من حتقي�ق تعاقدات‬ ‫وص�لت إل�ى أكث�ر من ‪ 154‬مليون دوالر حتى تاريخه‪.‬‬ ‫واستمرارنا للنجاح متكنت الشركة من الفوز ببعض البنود فى املناقصات الكربى لشركات‬ ‫قارون و برتوبل و الوسطاين و برج العرب و برتوسنان وذلك باإلضافة اىل ما تبقى من أوامر‬ ‫توريد لشركة بدر الدين و عجيبة و قارون وعمالء أخرين بلغت قيمتها االجمالية حواىل‬ ‫‪ 23‬مليون دوالر سيتم تنفيذها خالل العام احلاىل ‪ 2015‬طبقًا الجتياحات العمالء‬ ‫وبرامج و مواعيد التوريدات‪.‬‬ ‫قامت إدارة الشركة يف البدء يف تنفيذ و استكمال امل��ش��روع و‬ ‫إنشاء املرحلة الثانية خلط املعاجلة احلرارية بإستثمارات تصل‬ ‫ايل ‪ 40‬مليون دوالر بعد زي��ادة رأس امل��ال املرخص للشركة‬ ‫اىل ‪ 50‬مليون دوالر لتدعيم موقف الشركة وأيضًا قامت‬ ‫إدارة الشركة بفتح اسواق جديدة إلنتاجها بالسعي‬ ‫للمشاركة يف توريد املواسري ألبار املياه ضمن‬ ‫املشروع القومي للدولة الستصالح مليون‬ ‫ف��دان (‪ 5000‬بئر) وأيضا تسعى الشركة‬ ‫للمشاركة يف توريد احتياجات ملواسري‬ ‫حفر ‪ 240‬بئر طبقًا التفاقية وزارة‬ ‫الري مع هيئة البرتول لفتح‬ ‫اف��اق جديدة لعمل‬ ‫الشركة‪.‬‬

‫‪Cairo Office: 6/10 El-Sefarat District In Front‬‬ ‫‪of Free Zone, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt‬‬ ‫‪Phone: +202 23524941 Fax: +202 23524934‬‬

‫‪Head Office & Plant: Suez, Sokhna Road,‬‬ ‫‪Kilo 41 - Industrial Area‬‬ ‫‪Phone: 062 3710206 Fax: 062 3710207‬‬





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Petroleum PetroleumToday Today

Contents Contents 911 22 18 26 24 30 38 42 54

Sea Gas NewMediterranean Egyptian Experience New Products New Products Vice President of CATEC: Assessment Saturation Monitoring We have of lotsReservoir of Competitive Advantages andinplans Newly Developed Carbonate Reservoirs to expand in the Middle East and North Africa! The Fracture Characterization and Fracture Optimizing Drilling FluidCarbonate PropertiesReservoir: and Flow Rates Modeling of a Tight for The Effective HoleSargelu Cleaning at HighAngle and Part (2) Najmah of West Kuwait Horizontal Wells Drilling HPHT Offshore Well Using Managed Pressure Drilling Technology a field Potential Environmental Impactsthroughout in Petroleum case study Industry

‫اإلستثمارات البترولية تتـدفـق على مصر‬

70 48

Industry At A Glance


Industry At A Glance

‫ اتفاقي���ة جدي���دة ف���ى مرحل���ة اإلج���راءات تبل���غ‬20 ‫ مليار دوالر‬10.2 ‫استثماراتها‬ ‫ألول م����رة‬ ‫أك��ثر م��ن‬ ‫اتف���اقإل�ى‬ ‫إنت���اجها‬ ‫ترف���ع‬ ‫للب�ترول‬ ‫عجي��بة‬ ‫عن‬69 ‫للبحث‬ ‫ش���راكة‬ ‫توق���ع‬ ‫البت���رول‬ ‫هيئ���ة‬ ‫يومي��ًا‬ ‫برمي��ل‬ ‫ألفالبترول فى العراق‬



34 8 5 10 12

‫ حقول نفطية إلضافة‬3 ‫أرامكو تش���رع في تطوير‬ ‫ف���ى بئر قد يكون‬ ‫لطاقتهاللغاز‬ ‫يوميًاكش���ف‬ ‫تعلن عن‬ ‫بي‬.‫بي‬ ‫اإلنتاجية‬ ‫برميل‬ ‫ ألف‬500 ‫األعمق فى مصر‬ ‫ عام���ًا عل���ى اكتش���اف أول حقل غ�����از مص�ري‬45 ‫عالمية جديدة للبحث ع���ن البترول والغاز‬ ‫مزاي���دة‬ ‫المتوسط‬ ‫بالبحر‬ ‫بالبحر المتوسط‬ ‫لتوفير االحتياجات وتعظيم القيمة المضافة‬ ... ‫البترولية‬ ‫المحلي‬ ‫التصنيع‬ ‫تعميق‬ ‫للمعداتللعديد من معارض‬ ‫شريك إعالمي‬ ‫توداي‬ ‫بتروليم‬ ‫المصري‬ ‫البترول‬ ‫لقطاع‬ ‫نجاح‬ ‫شهادة‬ ‫ومؤتمرات البترول والطاقة‬

‫تقديـر‬ ‫شـكر وو تقديـر‬ ‫شـكر‬ ‫‪ Petroleum Today‬تتقدم بخالص الشكر والتقدير اىل السادة التايل أسمائهم ملا قدموه وما زالو يقدموه‬ ‫من إسهامات قيمة للمجلة منذ خروجها للنور عرب كتابة املقاالت العلمية وطرح الرؤى الفنية اخلاصة بتطوير‬ ‫وحتديث قطاع البرتول املصري كما يسعدنا إستقبال املزيد من املقاالت والرؤى اخلاصة بقطاع البرتول‪.‬‬

‫الرئيس الشرفى للمجلة املهندس‪ /‬أسامة كمال وزير البرتول األسبق‬ ‫املهندس‬


‫طــاهر عبد الرحـيم‬

‫ماهر مصباح‬

‫رئيس شركة برتوسيلة‬

‫رئيس جامعة قناة السويس‬



‫مصطفى البحر‬

‫أحمد الصباغ‬

‫الرئيس السابق لشركة عجبية للبرتول‬

‫رئيس معهد بحوث البرتول‬



‫حممد بيضون‬

‫عطية حممد عطية‬

‫رئيس جملس إدارة السويس للزيت (سوكو)‬

‫رئيس قسم البرتول اجلامعة الربيطانية‬



‫حممد حامد اجلوهري‬

‫عادل سامل‬

‫رئيس الشركة العاملية لتصنيع مهمات احلفر‬

‫أستاذ البرتول باجلامعة االمريكية‬



‫حممد ابراهيم‬

‫جمال القليوبى‬

‫رئيس شركة غازتك‬

‫أستاذ البرتول باجلامعة االمريكية‬



‫خــالد عبــود‬

‫إسماعيل عياد‬

‫مدير تطوير األعمال العاملية (‪)MCS‬‬

‫معهد بحوث البرتول‬



‫شريف حسب اهلل‬

‫إسماعيل حمجوب‬

‫مدير العمليات رشيد للبرتول‬

‫الرئيس االسبق لشركة عجيبة للبرتول‬



‫هانــى حــافظ‬

‫أحمد رضوان‬

‫الرئيس السابق ملبيعات شل مصر‬

‫رئيس شركة يوكس للخدمات البرتولية‬



‫مصطفى قدرى‬

‫حممد ندى‬

‫رئيس جملس إدارة شركة مالتى ديلنج‬

‫رئيس جملس إدارة شركة (باسكو)‬



‫أحمـد هاشــم‬

‫عالء الدين القباري‬

‫رئيس جملس إدارة شركة بروسريف‬

‫خبري الطاقة والبيئة‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫أول بوابة الكرتونية شاملة لقطاع البرتول‬

‫احدث املنتجات‬ ‫وتطبيقتها فى‬ ‫قطاع البرتول‬

‫حورارت وحتقيقات‬ ‫وتقارير صحفية‬

‫متابعة اخبارية يومية‬ ‫لقطاع البرتول‬ ‫احمللى والعاملى‬

‫مقاالت‬ ‫علمية‬

‫تصفح وحتميل‬ ‫اجمللة جمانا‬

‫دليل شامل‬ ‫لشركات البرتول‬

‫احصائيات‬ ‫ومؤشرات‬ ‫اقتصادية‬

Petroleum Today Chairman Mohamed Bendary Vice-Chairman Mohamed Hamdy

New Egyptian Experience


Executive Editor-in-Chief Magdy Bendary General Manager Hany Ibrahim Article Scientific Adviser Consultant /Ahmed Shehab Scientific Secretary Ali Ibrahim

new and A good step towards Egypt’s future step started from the Economic Conference which was held in Sharm El-Sheikh in the presence of leaders and heads of state and thousands of investors, and major international companies representatives who came to Egypt to look for investment

opportunities in the largest Arab country and the largest market in the region. Egypt the Future Conference was not just an Economic Conference to attract investment only for Egypt but extended its influence to become the biggest proof of Egypt’s standing in the world and its ability to overcome the difficulties and its serious attempt to build a modern and strong Country owns a diversified Economy and huge projects. During the Conference, Egypt attracted investments worth billions of dollars in many areas, Petroleum Sector had the biggest share of these investments which was signed by Egypt, where it had major deals, especially in the field of gas, which was highlighted by BP convention which is considered the largest investment deal in Egypt’s history worth $12 billion to develop five trillion cubic feet of gas resources and 55 million barrels of condensate in the west of the Nile Delta region. And now Egypt stands in front of a big challenge we must work day and night .. no time to rest. «The whole world must know soon what is the Egyptian Experience». Thus, Engineer Ibrahim Mahlab Prime Minister of Egypt said at the end of the Conference, and we join our voice that Egypt has an opportunity to prove its existence and its ability to implement mega-projects. Egypt is now ready for the process of construction but we must know that we do not have in front of us anything but to work and sweat to achieve the desired Egyptian Experience. And In the end, we salute you all and wish for Egypt pride and dignity.

Editing Staff Shaimaa Eid Hany Khaled Mohamed Mousa Marketing Magdy Ahmed Mohamed Moussa Mohamed Attia Financial Management Omnia Alaa Art Director Walid Fathy Distribution Mahmoud Mabrouk Art Direction Mohamed Bendary Production Mohamed Salah Scientific Staff Dr. Attia M. Attia Dr. Adel Salem Dr. Ahmed Z. Nouh Dr. Ismail Aiad Dr. Gamal Gouda Eng. Mahmoud A. Gobran Eng. Mohamed nada Eng. Taher Abd El Rahim Eng. Mohamed Bydoun Eng.Samir Abady Dr. Lubna Abbas Saleh Special thanks to all the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Mr. Hany Hafez Eng. Mohamed Abdel Sattar Publisher The Egyptian Company For Marketing th 29 Abd El - Aziz Gawesh st. - Lebaono Sq. , Mohandeseen Giza - Egypt Tel: +202 42191195 01006596350 - 01116251134 01000533201 E-mail: E-mail:info@ Copyright Reserved

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Egypt News Amendment The Agreement of The Great Project To produce Gas From Deep Water In Egypt Engineer Sherif Ismail, Minister of Petroleum, signed amendment the two petroleum agreements for the development of Alexandria North Gas field and West Mediterranean Sea from deep water between the Egyptian General Petroleum Authority and British Petroleum (BP) and R.W.E Dia Germany. After signing conventions, Minister of Petroleum stressed in press comments that this project is the largest in Petroleum and Gas Industry and it will contribute a major role in increasing production and securing needs from Natural Gas where the project will produce about 1- 1.2 billion cubic feet daily, representing 25% of Egypt’s current production from Natural Gas and it will reduce the gap between local production and local consumption from Natural Gas and there will be a surplus for Al Borollos Company and Rasheed Petroleum Company which will achieve added value for the Petroleum Sector assets. The two agreements were signed by Engineer Tarek Al-Mullah Executive President of petroleum Authority and Engineer Hisham Mekkawy Regional President of BP Company in North Africa and Dr. Hans Herman Director of Dia Egypt Company. Engineer Tarek Al- Mullah said that the project investments are $9 Billions, and he added that project reserves are estimated about 5 trillion cubic feet pointing that first stage production will be in Al Borollos Company and Rasheed Petroleum Company facilities while BP Company will upgrade and increase Rosetta Station to receive additional quantities from production.

Egypt Aims To finish Payments Due for Foreign Petroleum Companies by Mid. Of 2016 Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum said that Egypt aims to full repayment for owed debt for Petroleum and Gas Companies amounting to $3.1 billion by Mid. Of 2016 Ministry said in a statement that all current operational payments will be in time and heading to pay all arrears the remaining before Mid. Of 2016. It explained that after paying about Five Billion Dollar for November and December of arrears right now about 3.1 billion Dollars. Egypt was forced to postponement pay dues for petroleum and gas companies because of Economic trouble for the last three years from instability and revolutions which toppled by virtue of Hosni Mubarak.

12 Petroleum Today

- March 2015

Signing contract for the first with floating vessel for receiving Egypt the signsfinal Petrochemical agreements Kuwaiti Companies $6.8 billion and storing LNG shipments Engineer Sherif Ismail, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, and Tor Wennesland Ambassador of Norway and Consul General in Cairo witnessed the signature of the final contract for the first floating vessel for the reception and storage of liquefied natural gas shipments and return it to its gaseous state again and send it to the national network of natural gas, between the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding (EGAS) and Hogg Norwegian suppliers ship for a period of 5 years to provide quantities of natural gas in excess of 500 million cubic feet per day to fill part of the additional requirements for power plants. Engineer Khalid Abd Al Badi head of the Egyptian Holding Company for Natural Gas signed with Mr. Svaenning Stola Prime Hogg Company in the presence of Dr. SherifSuse, First Undersecretary of the Ministry for gas and Tarek Al Mulla, Chief Executive of the EGPC Egyptian Government said that it signed memoir understanding with Kuwaiti Companies to establish Petrochemicals projects by $6.8 billion. The Government said in a statement that Head Minister Ibrahim Mahaleb has witnessed the signature of memoir understanding with Kuwaiti Companies for Projects within three to five years. Shortage Gas Supply to deceleration Petrochemicals projects in Egypt which suffer from Energy Crisis. In the past year, the Government said it plans to invest $14.5 billion in development of Refining and Petrochemicals Sectors in the next five years. Memoir Understanding were signed by some companies including the Kuwaiti Egyptian Holding Company and Kuwait Gate Holding Company and Boubyan Petrochemicals Kuwaiti Company.

Sector for Gas Organization within Six Months New Steps to regulate Natural Gas Market Gas in Egypt

Three Conditions for theforpurchase of gas from Companies in gas through build up Sector Gas Organization to allow fields operating in the Eastern Mediterranean local producers and consumers market to sale and buy

Gas directly using Official availablespokesman Gas facilities through HamdyAbd El Aziz, of the Ministry of Petroleum, specified transportation means, Engineer Ismail commenting on the report published by newsSheriff agencies around the signing of a Petroleum Minister Petroleum decided to create new memorandum of understanding between the partners in the gas field Tamar and management in Holding (EGAS)Company Company Dolfinios Egyptian for to the hold exportNatural of natural surplus gas from Gas activities organization until the sector Gasin Egypt for a period Israel to clients satellites belonging to the private for sector finishes within six from months. of organization 7 years, the memo was merely being a letter of intent between the two This step like which applicable in all Countries allow Union Fenosawith companies, theisletter of intent were signed will by Spanish availability approval for any party wishes to import American Nobel company and its partners in the Tamar field and British BG with Gas from whether for his part or sell it for other partners in theabroad field of Levathian. private sector companies and allow using imported Gas of the companies to He stressed that the position of the Ministry of Petroleum it through cross lines nationaland network with working in the gas buyand gastransfer from the American Nobel company its partners an agreed tariff with profit for both parties as economic long as water, which was fields in the eastern Mediterranean in the Israeli it will notclearly affect by Egyptian Nationalissafety and this announced the consistent that there willstep not be any agreements will release Egyptian Gas market in the future. between the parties without the consent of the competent Egyptian authorities, Petroleum Minister assignedinterest Engineer Almazny including achieve the national of Amira Egypt and achieve high added value Head ENPPI and Company to work Vice Head to Associate the Egyptian economy come up with as solutions to outstanding issues of to Egyptian Gas Holding Company for Natural Gas of Petroleum any commercial arbitration, and so far has not reached the Ministry activities affairs. formal lettersorganization in this regard.

New International Amendment Gas Bidding for Petroleum and Gas Agreements in Egypt tosearch in Mediterranean Sea encourage foreign partners to develop fields Petroleum Sector raises an international new bid for 2015 for the Egyptian Holding Company for Natural Gas (EGAS) which includes 8 sectors in Mediterranean Sea area with total about 11.849 KM, these sectors are 1- West Arish Sector 2- Eastern sector Port Said , 3- Northern Romanna Sector , 4- Northern Head Nest Sector 5- WestChief Al Temsah Sector Tarek Al-Mulla, Executive 6Southern Dragon Sector, of EGPC revealed the 7Northern Al Hammadpurchase Sector , 8continuing adjustment West MarineofSector. price ofAlexandria the discoverer some Engineer Sherif Minister foreign partners gasIsmail procedures, Petroleumextracted said thatfrom international especially deep bids which was posed by Petroleum and non-traditional water in the Sector and EGAS for thenew new geological structures, discoveries with contribute in actions initiated by tags the petroleum insurance needs sector since local 2006,consumption and explained petroleum thatgrowing he is from currently takingproducts the and Natural gases. procedures necessary to modify new gas agreements in most agreements. He pointed out that it was finally modify the new gas prices in some of the conventions of American Apache Company, ENI of Italy, SHELL non conventional gas in the new geological Company, RIO of German, and EDISON of Italy. He said that there are currently negotiations with British Gas Company in this direction, pointing out that these procedures to the petroleum sector aimed at achieving a balance between production costs and purchase prices of foreign partners, in order to motivate them to speed development of discovered fields and intensify research and increase domestic production rates.

Petroleum Today

- March 2015


Arab News Iraq Owes Oil Companies Twenty Billion Dollars Australian newspaper said in a report that the leaders of the twentieth seek to lay the foundations for a new global system to trade energy to help ensure open markets and prevent the use of oil and gas supplies as instruments of foreign policy summit of the Group. It said the report did not attributing to sources, the essential part of the plan - which has the support of Saudi Arabia and Russia - will create the highest institution Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and the International Energy Agency . The newspaper said that talks on energy security for m over have yet been affected by the growing debate on climate change. Haaretz said that the Group of Twenty agreement is expected to include commitments concerning the security of energy supplies and transparency on pricing. It is likely that the agreement also includes restrictions on the use of energy and support commitments on energy efficiency.

Kuwait Invests more than 4 Billion Dollars In «Heavy Oil» One of Great Oil Projects Kuwait implemented to increase its Energy yield from crude Petroleum to put Kuwait officially in the Giant Oil projects in region, where Kuwait Oil Company signed contracts for Heavy Oil with PETROFAC British Company with 1.2 Billion Kuwaiti Dinars equivalent to $4 Billions. Contracts were signed at Kuwaiti Oil Company in Al-Ahmady in the presence of representatives of two parties, This Giant project which started implementation aims to produce 60.000 barrel/ day within first phase by 2020 and then begin development operations to increase production to approximately 270.000 barrel/day from heavy oil after 2030. Kuwait as a member of OPEC plans to lift ability yield to 4.000.000 barrel/day in 2020 from 3.250.000 barrel/day currently and there will be a part for Heavy Oil. Most Kuwait Petroleum production from few old fields including Berqan in south where Kuwait Oil Company’s share is about 3.000.000 barrel/ day from total ability yield of the country.

14 Petroleum Today

- March 2015

Algeria Is Seeking To drill First Oil Well And Increase Energy Refining Algerian Minister of Energy Youssef Youssfi said that his country plans to drill the first oil well by end of 2015, after the annual refining capacity increased to 31 million tons at the end of last year . Total refinery production 25 million tons when Algeria began development work in the main refineries in 2012. Youssfi said at a forum organized by Algerian radio that production is up with the end of that business by six million tons in 2014 . He added stressing that there will be five new refineries to double its production capacity by 2020. Algeria exports a number of refined oil products but also importing gasoline and diesel due to growing domestic demand . Youssfi said that Algeria continues to develop its production capacity to meet the needs of citizens . Zubaydah Ben Mowafaq Director of the Department of refining SONATRACH Company, said that the production of diesel and gasoline will double to nine million tons and eight million tons respectively in 2018 . Algeria seeks to increase the power output to boost exports, which the government is heavily dependent upon the implementation of social programs and financing plans for economic development revenue .

International News America Stores 696 million barrels of Oil out of Sight United States of America has a stockpile of crude oil under the name of «Washington›s Strategic Reserve» in an emergency, here a number of facts about this reserve : - It is related to U.S.A. Government and Oil containing raw form, the primary objective of this reserve lies in the provision of Oil reserves of the country in the event of any disruption to supply America›s Oil sold commercially . - The crude Oil is stored in salt caverns located under a government compound in the states of Texas and Louisiana Gulf off the coast, and salt formations is one of the best ways to keep crude oil a manner that preserves the - Crude oil can reach the market after 13 days from the environment . approval of the US president to use it, and that can only - A treasury reserves to accommodate about 727 million be applied in three: lack in quantity of oil to the point of barrels of oil, and they contain 490 million barrels in 1985, «critical», or drop a few cases at a rate of hidden oil, which an amount was insufficient America for a period of 118 can lead to a major crisis in the future, or experience the days, but now the Treasury contain 696 million barrels of sale of oil or replaced provided that exceed the amount in crude oil, and can be replaced by the amount of imported oil for about 94 days . this case five million barrels .

European Union Seeks To diversify Energy Resources Apart from Russia European Commission has drafted a new strategy aimed at establishing a European Union Energy is working to «face of dependency and to ensure security of supply, sustainability and provide the competitiveness of European Organizations». According to the paper to ensure security of supply imposes diversify

sources obtained and the multiplicity of suppliers and methods of import. It means to reduce dependence on Russian supplies. Russia and the EU countries provide more than a third of its gas and oil. European Union depends on the import of what can maneuver on 35%of its needs. Norway, Algeria and Libya (during the

reign of Gaddafi) are considers of the biggest exporters of energy to Europe after Russia. Perhaps the intensification of Germans and Europeans to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) official visits recently a European trend indicators toward stronger reliance on Arab sources of energy.

Iran Intends to Increase Its Petroleum Sales if Sanctions were lifted Iranian responsible said that Petroleum prices will not rise above $60 per barrel until 2016 and that will increase its exports from crude oil if western sanctions which are imposed on its Nuclear program. An Iranian Agency quoted from Mohsen Komssary Director of International Affairs in National Iranian Petroleum Company saying agency About Improver Qmbar Director

16 Petroleum Today

- March 2015

Affairs International In Company Petroleum National Iranian Saying «We do not expect that oil prices will exceed $60 (per barrel) until 2016 and what will happen after that is unclear». He added, «At sanctions lifted it is our legal right to increase our Oil sales in order to acquisitions to have great share in market».

Corporation News BP Announces Detection Second Gas In A Well May Be Innermost In Egypt Egypt BP Company announced today about new significant Gas detection in North Damietta in East Delta Nile in Mediterranean Sea. The drilling in well exploration water eep «Atul -1» currently using digger «Maersk Disekforr « one of the VI generation drilling devices a depth of 6400 meters under sea surface , breaking rocks layers high quality in Alolijusyn bearer Gas thickness of 50 meters, It is expected that this one deeper well in Egypt. This drilling will be continued for a distance of other 1 km to penetrate related reservoir containing Gas which has been excavated in the big discovery «Salamat» which was achieved by BP Egypt Company in 2013, 15 km Southward. «Bob Dudley» Executive Chief of BP Egypt Company : «The success which was achieved by the company in «Atul» increases our confidence in Delta Nile quality to a global level and this is the second great discovery after «Salamat». Estimated total reserve is 5 trillion cubic foot from Gas , and right now we have pointed positive beginning for great project after our project in West Delta Nile which is implemented by BP Company in Egypt «. «Hisham Mekawy» Provincial President of BP Company in North Africa: «»Atoll» discovery is an excellent result and it is the second well for the Company in its exploration program in East Delta Nile. It explains our ongoing to contribute in

fulfilling Egypt needs from energy by exploration more potential energy resources in Delta Nile. And we are proud by our commitment disclose possibilities and energy resources in Egypt which needs huge investments and the use of latest drilling technologies and Seismic survey. «Atoll» was explored by drilling in bottom sea at a depth of 923 meters under sea surface, to a distance of 80 km north Damietta, the distance is 15 kilometers from North «Salamat» and a distance of 45 km North West «Altemsah» facilities. And BP Company owns this detection 100%.

«Saudi ARAMCO» Discovers 8 New Oil and Gas Fields Through 2014

Figures: «Saudi ARAMCO» President and Head Executive Administrators Professor Khaled Ben Abd Al-Aziz Al-Faleh revealed that exploration

18 Petroleum Today

- March 2015

department discovered eight new Oil and Gas fields through 2014. Al-Faleh said that 2014 witnessed a record in non accompanying Gas production in the company in addition to completion process between Villa and Albahary Companies, as well as Saudi ARAMCO obsession of additional stocks in S-Oil Company. Al-Faleh speech came through meeting committee of Saudi ARAMCO Executive Council Management which discuss numerous points including responsibility report for the end of the year, Executives Committee reviewed chemicals strategy and ratified to some plans, and seen the strategy report for electrical network and future expectations for the Kingdom in 2040.

New Petroleum Detection In South Egypt Reserve of 9.6 million Barrel South Valley Petroleum Holding Company achieved new Petroleum detection «Malak» in south Egypt in the franchise area of west navigation for British Amniek Company 30 km from Hurghada which is considered the fourth Petroleum detection in south Egypt, tests showed production flow at a rate of 430 barrels/day from high quality light crude oil API 40 degree and estimated reserves about 9.6 million barrels, It is planned to start up commercial production from this new detection through second quarter from current year and works to increase

production rates where the plan carries out development of new detection through digging 7 new wells. That came in the report which was received by Engineer Sherif Ismail Petroleum Minister from Geological Abu Bakar Ibrahim Head of South Valley Petroleum Holding Company. The Head of South Valley Petroleum Holding Company showed that he already Company South Holding Petroleum that it was already achieved 3Petroleum discoveries in south Egypt includes Albaraka and west Albaraka

detections in Kom Ombo and «WEEME» detection in development extenisions area in west navigation area which contribute fifty-fifty the two Companies Tharwa Egypt and Locke Oil of Russia.

Le Passage Cairo gets three ISO Certificates Le Passage Cairo succeeded in getting

Le passage General Manager assured that

three ISO certificates 9001, 14001 and

hotel’s management strives to achieve the

18001 as a result of the hotel’s permanent

highest level of customer service quality

keening to achieve the highest degree of

and maintaining clean environment and

excellence in customer service.


For her part, Mona Abd Al-Kader, General

safety in order to work on promoting

Manager of Le Passage Hotel explained that

Egyptian tourism to reach out the highest

getting ISO certificates was the culmination

degree of excellence and return back to its

of the efforts of the integrated management

former glory.

team headed by Nadia Al-Hadidy, Quality

ISO certificates are awarded to the hotels

Manager of performance development and

which always seeks to comply with

its seeking to work on hotel’s organization

environmental rules on the part of workers

optimum use of water and energy through

and development and provide excellent

as well as raise environmental awareness

a comprehensive plan of action besides the

services for customers and guests.

among guests including staff training and

best way to get rid of waste.




close monitoring of the implementation of environmental programs in addition to

Kuwait Oil Plans To Roll out Tender In 2015 for Services Agreements in Oil Fields Executive President of Kuwait Oil Company

This Plan is a part from efforts aims to achieve

Hashim Hashim said that the company plans

Country’s goal which is a member of OPEC

to roll out tender this year to World Petroleum

with four million barrels/day production by

Companies for services agreements enhanced

2020 and Kuwait is currently producing three

Oil fields.

million barrels/day and exports about two-

Hashim said in press comments that

thirds of this quantity.


Hashim said that Kuwait Energy yield is about

Companies shown attention to such

3.2 million barrels/day and the country’s plan


to increase production is on track despite

Kuwait Oil Company is seeking to promote

Petroleum price reduction since Mid-2014.

Petroleum Production and development of

He added that Petroleum price reduction

some Oil fields includes Burqan second

command temporary.

greater Oil field in the world.

Kuwait aims to increase drilling researcher

platforms number for Gas and Oil by 50% next year about 120 platforms. Hashim said that all these 120 platforms are on land while Kuwait Oil Company plans exploration in sea by 2016.

Petroleum Today

- March 2015


New Products Casing-Annulus Packer TAM International introduced its 22-in. casing-annulus packer, LongCAP. The new LongCAP follows TAM’s recent design and qualification of a 22-in. port collar. Together, the LongCAP and port collar offer operators improved cement integrity to meet higher well-safety standards. TAM designed the 22-in. system for an international operator’s offshore project as a fit-for-purpose solution. LongCAP uses high-strength stainless-steel slats to reinforce the full length of the inflatable element from 3 to 10 ft (Fig. 1). The 22-in. LongCAP is International Organization for Standardization 14310 V6 qualified. The rigorous testing program involved Fig. 1—TAM International’s LongCAP casing-annulus packer. multiple cycles of differential-pressure reversals from above and below the LongCAP packer set inside a 33-in. test fixture. The LongCAP element met or exceeded all test requirements. Ó For additional information, visit

Dry Emulsifier Georgia-Pacific Chemicals introduced the new XPLOR line of dry emulsifiers that combine performance with operational benefits in terms of efficiency and total use costs. The emulsifiers have demonstrated performance in diesel-, ¬mineral-oil-, or synthetic-based drilling fluids. They are compatible with a variety of solvents, thus reducing the need to purchase multiple types of emulsifiers. Shipped in 25-lbm bags, the product is also easier to pour than traditional liquids in barrels, allowing for more-precise dosing. Use of XPLOR dry emulsifiers eliminates drum-transportation, cleaning, and disposal costs. Typical ¬liquid emulsifiers may contain approximately 50% base oil, but XPLOR dry emulsifiers have a higher activity level. As a result, less emulsifier is required to treat a drilling fluid than with a ¬liquid emulsifier. XPLOR dry emulsifiers have minimal resistance to flow, even at temperatures below freezing, so they are easier to work with in cold climates than conventional liquid emulsifiers that need to be hot-boxed, steamed, or jacketed in order to pour in frigid conditions. Ó For additional information, visit

20 Petroleum Today

- March 2015

Volumetric-Measurement System Composite Fracture Plug Halliburton introduced the Core-Vault system, solution A new plug from Weatherford enables faster arun times, improved anchoring and sealing, and more-efficient millouts than thattraditional providesplugs a more-accurate volumetric picture of Manufactured with a proprietary blend of 97% composite material, in plug-and-¬perforation completions. the the amount of oil and gas trapped in unconventional TruFrac composite fracture plug achieves run-in speeds of up to 500 ft/min (Fig. 2). Once in position, the composite reservoir rocks. The system allows operators contain lower slips provide the necessary anchoring to force and the molded element system forms a strong seal. The plug is rated andforbring to surface the reservoir fluids within rock (149°C) and pressures up to 10,000 psi (69 MPa). The composite use in environments with temperatures up to 300°F samples, allowing measurement the plug volume material providesfor additional benefits:ofEach can of be milled out in 10 to 15 minutes or less, and the small, lightweight hydrocarbons in place (Fig. 2). Traditional coring toolsplugs can be used to stimulate multiple zones in vertical, deviated, cuttings help achieve a clean wellbore. These versatile allowed 50 to or 70% of the hydrocarbons to escape from in two sizes and with two ball-deployment options. horizontal, multilateral wells. The plugs are available the rock as the samples depressurized on their way to the surface. Building a model of the volume of oil Ó For additional information, visit and gas in a reservoir therefore required operators to estimate this fluid loss rather than measure the fluids in place, and the estimates were often inaccurate. By preserving 100% of the fluids within the core sample, the CoreVault system allows for an improved understanding of potential production within the reservoir. The CoreVault system, when combined with Fig. to (2)—The TruFrac fracture plug from Weatherford. a rotary sidewall-coring tool, allows up 10 cores to composite be sealed at reservoir conditions in a single wireline run, saving time when compared with full-hole coring and Progressing-Cavity Pumps Unconventional-Well Rejuvenation System allowing more targeted samples to be taken. Fig (2) Halliburton’s CoreVault volumetric-measurement system preserves Ó For additional information, visit 100% introduced of the fluids withinits the core sample. Moyno’s high-performance 2000 Series pumps Baker Hughes NextWave productionoffer a combination of low maintenance, rejuvenation solution, which helps operators boost Rigless Technology minimal downtime, and long service life. Their production, improve sustainable cash flow, and increase proprietary 2000require Series systems gear-typethat universal-joint Offshore platforms can safely and booked reserves in existing unconventional wells. When design minimizes wear and accommodates bothlate- unconventional wells are not performing to expectations, efficiently conduct critical well abandonment and radial and thrust loads with ease. This allows stage intervention operations to revitalize wells and operators often try to meet production targets by continuing the productivity. pumps to handle abrasive recently materialsintroduced with to produce at low rates, drilling more wells, or refracturing extend Weather¬ford than351000/ 80% solids, while still maintaining a the existing wells. Operators need a more-economic and the more Rig-Free Light-Duty Pulling and Jacking steady and consistent flow. The 2000 Series also Unit, a cost-effective alternative to rigs and snubbing units -consistent method of improving recovery. The NextWave performance capabilities to 4,500 gal/ 4F solution is based on a four-step stage-gate process that (Fig.offers 3). This unit meets American Petroleum Institute min, with pressure to 1,500 psi. Both cast-iron specifications and is ideal for conductor removal. The comprises ¬candidate-well screening and selection, well models are a diagnostics, program design, and wellsite execution. First, unit and usesstainless-steel a range of technologies andavailable, resources with to address choice of materials and coatings for rotors and operational challenges. With its small footprint, light the Baker Hughes team analyzes field production data, well stators suit individual applications. 2000 histories, and decline curves, and ranks wells according to weight, andtomodular design, the unit is easyThe to transport Series pumps also have a low-running-speed and is suited for platforms with space and structural limits, rejuvenation risks and economic potential. Second, the team that extends both the maintenance and capability for downgraded, damaged, or nonexistent derricks. performs comprehensive well diagnostics, including review intervals and the overall working life. This paysmast of original completions and stimulation design, assessment of The unit has a hydraulically powered telescoping particular dividends for ¬abrasive-pumped-media that sits directly above the well center and an integrated the wellbore’s structural condition and mechanical integrity, applications. Thepower pumps will stand transfer at no and evaluation of reservoir quality and producing intervals. jacking system and swivel that mud require volumes up totime. 1,000 gal/min, handling pressures additional rig-up With a self-clamping system, the The third step is designing the appropriate rejuvenation of 200 psi. Other pumps in the Moyno range to program, which can include wellbore cleanout, installation unit can skid from well to well, providing flexibility offer proven solutions for many other oil and gas of artificial lift, and recompletion or stimulation through a accommodate changes in well conditions. A blowout applications, such as multi¬phase-fluid transfer, preventer (BOP) is placed under the unit, making it fully targeted refracturing program. During the fourth step, the lease with ¬automatic custody transfer,When crude-oil compliant regulatory requirements. skidding Baker Hughes team designs a detailed operational plan, transfer, and produced-water-handling duties. between wells, the BOP can be disconnected and moved manages the wellsite activities, and monitors the treatment with the unit for mobilization efficiency and cost savings. and collects data on its effectiveness. Fig (3) Weatherford’s Rig-Free Light-Duty Pulling and Jacking Unit pulls Ó additional For additional information, visit Ó For additional 35,000 information, visit Ó For information, visit lbm and jacks 1,000,000 lbm.

Petroleum Today

- March 2015


Drilling-Platform Light-Emitting-Diode System Eaton introduced its Pauluhn DLL Series linear light-emitting-diode (LED) system that combines reliability, flexibility, and energy efficiency for land-based and offshore drilling platforms. The new fixture features a rugged and durable design and flexible mounting options for high-vibration, high-impact, and hosedown conditions found in drilling environments (Fig. Fig. 3—The Pauluhn DLL Series linear LED is designed for durability and effectiveness in a wide range of ambient operating temperatures. 3). The Pauluhn DLL linear LED, with a system efficiency of up to 130 lm/W, is specifically designed to replace fluorescent T12, T8, and T5HO lighting in land-based drilling and on offshore rigs. The fixture can also be retro¬fitted easily into the mounts of existing Pauluhn DuraPro and MagnaPro fixtures, as well as Rig-A-Lite or Snelson fluorescent fixtures. The Pauluhn DLL linear LED fixture features a low-profile design under 3 in., a copper-free aluminum housing with epoxy-powder coating, and a polycarbonate or glass lens. The fixture will perform reliably in ambient operating temperatures of -40°C to +65°C. The DLL LED is also able to withstand 2,000 psi of hose pressure and high-vibration applications. The fixture comes with seven mounting options: ceiling, swivel, wall, flush, pole, back, and pendant. For added safety, the fixture is available with an optional emergency-battery 90-minute back-up and surge protection up to 10 kV. Ó For additional information, visit

Infrared Sensor LumaSense Technologies introduced its petrochemical infrared sensor, the Pulsar 4. Oil and gas operations are heavily dependent on combustion-based processes in supplying the world’s growing energy needs. The Pulsar 4 is intended for monitoring the refractory and gas temperatures inside sulfurrecovery units, sulfur burners, and the thermal oxidizer furnaces frequently found at these facilities. The Pulsar 4 is an explosion-proof infrared thermometer (pyrometer) with the ability to see through flames and simultaneously deliver refractory and gas temperature

with precision to 0.3°C and a range of 350 to 2000°C (Fig. 4). The Pulsar 4 Advanced features LumaSense’s proprietary Smart Flame Measurement Algorithm, which accounts for flame transparency that can affect the temperature readings for a more-precise view of activity inside these vessels. LumaSense’s updated InfraWin software interprets the data from the Pulsar 4 for analysis inside the control room. Customers with Pulsar II and III can leverage their existing infrastructure to upgrade these units to the new ¬Pulsar 4 and its advanced capabilities.

Fig. 4—The Pulsar 4 petrochemical infrared sensor from LumaSense can make refractory- and gas-temperature measurements, with readings unaffected by flames.

Ó For additional information, visit

Differential-Pressure Transmitter The SOR Controls Group 815DT, a loop-powered, microprocessor-based differential-pressure transmitter, offers a configurable single-pole, single-throw, normally open, solid-state relay. The configurable solid-state relay provides a discrete output signal that can be used for signaling, control, and emergency-shutdown functions. The 815DT includes powerful communications capabilities with HART7 communication protocol and Modbus remote-terminal-unit serial communications protocol. The 815DT is compact, lightweight, rugged, and explosion-proof-rated and thus is suitable for hazardous locations and hostile environments. With the 815DT, operators can improve asset management and increase process uptime because of its low cost. Ranges available include the following: 0–138 in. H2O, 0–415 in. H2O, 0–50 psid, 0–100 psid, 0–300 psid, and 0–500 psid. All products in the 800 series are configured, built, calibrated, and tested per customer specifications. Ó For additional information, visit

22 Petroleum Today

- March 2015

Assessment of Reservoir Saturation Monitoring in Newly Developed Carbonate Reservoirs By

Fatima H. Alkaba, Saudi Aramco



Determining water saturation accurately is the most critical factor in reservoir monitoring projects. Both Pulsed Neutron (PN) and resistivity logs have been extensively used in Saudi Arabia fields on a routine basis to monitor saturation changes and dynamics of reservoir performance. This critical evaluation has been evident in conventional resistivity that is run in every well drilled. The estimation of formation fluid saturation from conventional resistivity logs requires the sufficient knowledge of porosity, Archie exponents and formation water salinity. Resistivity logs read about 10 times deeper than PN logs; making them possibly more representative of reservoir conditions where measurements are taken in the undisturbed zone. With the onset of low salinity water injection and uncertainties of rock electrical properties, resistivity logs lose accuracy. Recent advances in spectroscopic nuclear techniques have improved accuracy of formation quantification from Carbon/Oxygen ratio (C/O)

26 Petroleum Today

- March 2015

measurements. This paper examines how C/O log provides better estimation of water saturation when the near wellbore reservoir is free of borehole fluid re-invasion. The ratio responds to the volumes of carbon and oxygen found in formation and borehole, making the evaluation independent of formation salinity, unlike resistivity logs. This paper presents a study conducted in a giant carbonate field in Saudi Arabia to examine and compare the different techniques of PN logs [inelastic C/O and capture sigma] to quantify water saturation in several observation wells. It was found that: ● C/O saturation led to better representation of saturation. ● Sigma is difficult for quantifying saturation. Additionally, this paper provides recommendations and operational notes for the pre-job planning stage of this PN technology

Introduction At the “birth” of a well, i.e., once the well is drilled and before it is completed, open hole (OH) logs are run to determine formation porosity,

lithology, saturation and permeability (hence productivity). As an essential part of the OH logging suite, resistivity tools are run to determine the true formation resistivity (Rt) and thus evaluate water saturation using Archie type empirical formula. The equation relates true formation resistivity, typically from the tool’s deepest curve reading past the invaded zone, and porosity obtained from other logs, such as density, neutron, and/or NMR, to water saturation when formation water resistivity (Rw) is known. This relationship is given in Equation 1.

Where Archie’s electrical properties a, m, and n are lithology factor, cementation exponent, and saturation exponent respectively. Archie’s electrical properties are determined from core lab measurements at simulated reservoir conditions. Formation water resistivity is determined as a function of total dissolved solids (TDS), obtained from water samples or other measurement such as pulsed neutron capture spectroscopy (Ma et al., 2005). An accurate determination of formation water salinity is required since resistivity tool will not work

well well in fresh in fresh water water environments, environments, or in or in mixed mixed salinity salinity environment environment if the if the mixed mixed salinity salinity profile profile is is unknown. unknown. In-depth In-depth knowledge knowledge of of thethe electrical electrical properties properties such suchas asthethesaturation saturationexponent exponentof of ) drand ) and imbibition imbibition (nimb (n)imbis) is drainage drainage (ndr(n a key a key requirement requirement for for thethe swept swept zone zone saturation saturation monitoring monitoring if resistivity if resistivity tooltool is used. is used.

distinctive distinctive energies. energies. These Theseenergies energies areare characteristic characteristic of of thethe abundance abundance of of thethe following following elements elements found found in in thethe formation: formation: C, C, O, O, Si, Si, Ca,Ca, Fe,Fe, S, S, andand MgMg (shown (shown in in Fig.Fig. 1). 1). Carbon Carbon andandoxygen oxygenrelative relativeconcentrations concentrations in in thethe formation formation areare calculated calculated by by determining determining thethe contribution contribution of of each each element element to to thethe total total spectrum. spectrum. This This Pulsed Neutron Neutron Spectroscopy Spectroscopy (PNS) (PNS) After After thethe well well is completed, is completed, cased cased hole hole Pulsed inelasticneutron neutronscattering scatteringis is logslogs areare runrun in in a regular a regular time time frame. frame. of ofinelastic known known as the as the “C/O “C/O Mode.” Mode.” TheThe target target well well to to be be monitored monitored cancan be becompleted completedeither eithercased casedhole holeor or After After multiple multiple collisions, collisions, thethe neutrons neutrons open open hole. hole. Using Using thethe “Time-Lapse” “Time-Lapse” travel travel further further intointo thethe formation formation with with approach, approach, cased cased hole hole logslogs areare compared compared lower lower energy energy until until they they getget captured captured to to OHOH logslogs to to monitor monitor thethe change change by by formation formation nuclei. nuclei. As As a result a result of of in in formation formation fluid fluid saturation saturation andand thethe capturing capturing thethe thermal thermal neutrons, neutrons, thethe movement movementof offluid fluidcontacts. contacts.TheThe nuclei nucleiemit emitgamma gammarays raysthatthatgetget selection selection of of thethe saturation saturation monitoring monitoring detected detectedwithin within1000 1000microseconds microseconds tools, tools, such such as the as the pulsed pulsed neutron neutron tools tools in in of ofthetheneutron neutronburst. burst.TheTheraterateof of thisthis study, study, depends depends on on multiple multiple factors, factors, gamma gamma rayray decay decay with with time time is used is used to to butbut willwill be be limited limited to four to four main main factors factors determine determine thethe capture capture cross cross section. section. here: here:porosity, porosity,formation formationsalinity, salinity, This This Pulsed Pulsed Neutron Neutron Capture Capture (PNC) (PNC) of of cement cement quality, quality, andand thethe near near wellbore wellbore thermal thermal neutrons neutrons is known is known as as “Sigma “Sigma environment environment(borehole (boreholefluid, fluid,washwash- Mode.” Mode.” Chlorine Chlorine is ais major a major element element out,out, andand borehole borehole fluid fluid invasion invasion to near to near thatthat slows slows thethe thermal thermal neutron neutron down down wellbore wellbore formation, formation, so so thatthat thethe near near to be to be captured. captured. In In addition, addition, a capture a capture wellbore wellbore saturation saturation is not is not representative representative spectrum spectrum cancan alsoalso be be produced produced andand of the of the reservoir reservoir saturation). saturation). used used forfor mainly mainly reservoir reservoir mineralogy mineralogy characterization. characterization. H, H, Cl,Cl, Si, Si, Ca,Ca, S, Fe, S, Fe, Gd Gd and and Ti are Ti are the the major major elements elements that that Description Descriptionand and Applications Applications contribute contribute to the to the capture. capture. of of PNPN Logging Logging TheThe pulsed pulsed neutron neutron hashas twotwo measurements: measurements: spectrum spectrum of of gamma gamma rays rays (gamma (gamma rayray signals signals as aasfunction a function of of energy) energy) emitted emitted through through inelastic inelastic interactions interactions andand capture capture of the of the gamma gamma rays rays (gamma (gamma rayray signals signals as aasfunction a function of oftime) time)produced producedby byadsorption adsorption of ofthermal thermalneutron. neutron.PNPNsource source continuously continuously emits emits a burst a burst of of high high energy energy neutrons neutrons thatthat interact interact with with thethe nuclei nuclei in the in the borehole borehole andand formation. formation. Within Within thethe firstfirst 10 10 microseconds microseconds of of thethe neutron neutron burst, burst, inelastic inelastic collisions collisions between betweenthethehigh highspeed speedneutrons neutrons andand thethe nuclei nuclei take take place place where where thethe neutrons neutronswillwillslow slowdown downby bythethe collisions. collisions. As As a result a result of of thethe inelastic inelastic collisions, collisions,a aspectrum spectrumof ofinelastic inelastic gamma gamma rays rays is emitted is emitted consisting consisting of of

TheThe standard standard spectral spectral of these of these elements elements is shown is shown in Fig. in Fig. 2. 2.

is developed is developed andand presented presented to evaluate to evaluate thethereservoir reservoirsaturation saturationby byusing using pulsed pulsed neutron neutron methodologies methodologies [C/O [C/O andand Sigma] Sigma] throughout throughout thethe lifelife of of thethe subject subject field field thatthat is is undergoing undergoing waterflooding. waterflooding.

Pulsed PulsedNeutron NeutronMerits Meritsand and Limitations Limitations TheThe pulsed pulsed neutron neutron tools tools cancan be be runrun in in both both C/OC/O mode mode with with a roughly a roughly 6-inch 6-inch depth depth of investigation of investigation (DOI), (DOI), andand Sigma Sigma mode mode with with a deeper a deeper reading reading of of about about 12 12 inches inches intointo thethe formation. formation. Readings Readings of pulsed of pulsed neutron neutron logslogs areare very very shallow shallow compared compared to to resistivity resistivity logslogs thatthat read read about about 10 10 times times deeper deeper than than pulsed pulsed neutron. neutron. Resistivity Resistivity readings readings may may be be more more descriptive descriptive of the of the virgin virgin zone zone of of thethe formation. formation. TheThe readings readings areare very very much muchdependent dependenton onwater watersalinity, salinity, especially especiallyif ifwater watersalinity salinityis islessless than than about about 100100 ppk. ppk. Sigma, Sigma, likewise, likewise, is sensitive is sensitive to water to water salinity salinity andand may may notnot work work in in fresh fresh water water environment environment (<50 (<50ppk). ppk).Problems Problemsalsoalsoarise arisein in sigma sigma when when used used in low in low porosity porosity rocks rocks (<10%) (<10%) where where measurements measurements start start to to loselose accuracy. accuracy. C/O C/Oyield yieldcarbon carbonandandoxygen oxygen concentrations concentrations in formation, in formation, therefore, therefore, quantifying quantifying forfor hydrocarbon hydrocarbon reserves reserves independent independentof offormation formationsalinity. salinity. Problems Problems arise arise in in C/O C/O when when used used in in lowlowporosity porosityrocks rocks(<15%) (<15%)where where it itloses losesaccuracy. accuracy.TheTheshallower shallower measurement measurement of of C/O C/O is also is also a major a major limitation limitationof ofthethetechnique techniquewhere where borehole borehole andand near near wellbore wellbore conditions conditions have have larger larger effects effects on on loglog quality quality andand cancan decrease decrease thethe statistical statistical precision precision andand accuracy accuracy of of thethe data. data. Even Even forfor thetheideal idealborehole boreholescenario, scenario,thethe interpretation interpretation of the of the measurement measurement cancan stillstill be be difficult difficult (Dodman (Dodman et al., et al., 2010). 2010).

TheThe inelastic inelastic spectrum spectrum is is analyzed analyzed forfor their their elemental elemental concentrations concentrations in in thethe total total volume volume thatthat contributed contributed in in emitting emittingthethecharacteristic characteristicgamma gamma rays. rays. Therefore, Therefore, thethe inelastic inelastic spectrum spectrum cancan be be used used to determine to determine carbon carbon andand oxygen oxygenamount, amount,i.e.,i.e.,hydrocarbon hydrocarbon andand water water irrespective irrespective of of formation formation water water salinity. salinity. TheThe raterate of of capture capture spectrum, spectrum, however, however, is is mainly mainly used used to to determine determine chlorine chlorine concentration, concentration, which which describes describes thethe saturation saturation of of saltsalt water water and, and, therefore, therefore, cancan differentiate differentiate Field Background Background Information Information between between saltsaltwater water andand hydrocarbon. hydrocarbon. Field study study in this in this paper paper waswas conducted conducted In this In this paper, paper, wewe willwill neither neither discuss discuss thethe TheThe newlydeveloped developedcarbonate carbonate design design nornor interpretation interpretation methodology methodology in intwotwonewly reservoirs (Reservoirs (Reservoirs A and A and B, B, with with of the of the PNPN tools. tools. Rather, Rather, an an assessment assessment reservoirs

Petroleum Today

- March 2015


A on top of B) in Saudi Arabia that are undergoing waterflooding with injection water salinity of about 60 ppk. In the field’s first phase of production, rate tests provided no production of water (0% W.C.), while the geochemical water analyses of water samples from formation tester in multiple wells gave an average formation water salinity of about 238 ppk for Reservoir-A and 222 ppk for Reservoir-B.

Reservoir Characteristics Reservoir-A is composed of a fairly homogeneous clean carbonate matrix deposited in a shallow-marine setting. A low permeability zone of 40 feet thick is located 40 feet from the top of the reservoir. The average reservoir thickness is on the order of 240 feet. Reservoir-B is the secondary target carbonate reservoir with an average thickness of 90 feet.

bond log (CBL) was run. Two years later, a PN log was run with brine in the wellbore while logging. As shown in Fig. 3, in ReservoirA, C/O water saturation overlaps with the original OH Formation Analysis Log (FAL) saturation, while water saturation from sigma was much lower. C/O in this case provided a better estimation of formation saturation, thus a reference log for future time-lapse saturation monitoring, while sigma provided poor results.

Formation Water Salinity Determination from PNC Variable sigma values of water can be used to produce water (Σw) saturation from the following equation:

More than 10 observation wells have been assessed, only three representative wells were chosen in this paper, to demonstrate the use of PN logging methodologies and their potential for time-lapse saturation monitoring. The main focus of this analysis is to compare the saturation from each methodology and to determine which one is representative of the formation with the onset of injection. The PN jobs in the three observation wells were logged under shut-in conditions. Issues related to saturation monitoring in shut-in wells will also be discussed.

The variable water sigma values to be used in Eq. 1 can be obtained from charts that relate water salinity to sigma values of formation water; the charts are provided by wireline service company interpretation chart books (Wireline Services Log Interpretation Chart Book, Weatherford, 2009). Hence, current formation water salinity can be estimated by comparing the synthetic water saturation created from Eq. 1 to Sw from C/O, if C/O derived saturation is believed accurate. The porosity values to be used in the equation are obtained from OH log interpretation assuming that formation porosity changes little with production. Sigma values of matrix, hydrocarbon and water are shown below for the target field in Table 1:

Presentation of Data and Results

Table 1: Input values for Sw calculation from PNC

Field Examples

Well.1 Reservoir-A — Formation Water Salinity Effect and Estimation The well was drilled and completed as standing oil evaluation/delineation. After the well was completed, a cement

28 Petroleum Today

- March 2015



Sigma Hydrocarbon (ΣHC)



Sigma Water


58 with 100 ppk

Sigma Matrix (Σma)

Water saturation from PNC was generated using a value of 58 capture

units of sigma water (water salinity of 100 ppk). Sigma derived water saturation, as shown in Fig. 4, is compared to the water saturation from C/O. Knowing that original salinity value used for the OH resistivity interpretation was 205 ppk (TDS) and the current salinity value used for sigma derived water saturation (compare well with Sw from C/O) is 100 ppk, it can be concluded that injected water reached to Reservoir-A in this well, making the water saturation from sigma unrepresentative of formation in this case.

Well.1 Reservoir-B – Effect of Cement Quality In Reservoir-B, as shown in Fig. 5, both C/O and sigma provided unexpectedly higher water saturation than FAL. By examining the CBL in Fig. 6, the high amplitude provided by Variable Density Log (VDL) indicates a poor cement bonding between cement and casing, leaving channeling behind the casing. Therefore, both C/O and sigma were not able to read beyond the channeling into the true formation, due to the shallow depth of investigation.

Well.2 Reservoir-A – Evaluating Water Sweeping This well is an old well that was originally drilled and completed as Reservoir-B oil observation. Reservoir saturation logs were run by the same tool in two different years to trace any water breakthrough. (Location of this well is shown in Fig. 7). During the time of logging, oil was in the wellbore. In reservoir-A, shown in Fig. 8, recent C/O and Sigma water saturation showed no change compared to previous water saturation; indicating the larger Sw change up to -X105’ SSTVD compared to original FAL. To better understand the large increase of water saturation compared to FAL, a nearby well (was drilled

around the time Well.2 was drilled) was examined. FAL of the nearby well was run two years before previous saturation log of Well.2. As shown in Fig. 9, the nearby well had the same water saturation profile. This agrees with the interpretations of C/O and sigma.

Well.2 Reservoir-B In Reservoir-B, OWC in the wellbore was above -X625’ TVDSS. Recent Sigma provided a water saturation that overlays that of a previous year exhibiting unreasonable high water saturation at the top of the reservoir. Gamma ray (as shown in Fig. 10) went off-scale when compared to gamma ray from FAL above -X625’ TVDSS, which is probably due to some radioactive mineral deposits making the sigma readings go very high across that zone. When examining the recent C/O logs, measurements show an increase in water saturation compared to the original FAL. Water saturation from recent C/O is in agreement with water saturation from previous C/O, except for the following zone: [-X638’ to -X650’] TVDSS shows a decrease in recent water saturation compared to previous, which might be due to the position of the tool in the wellbore (across washout zone or clean).

Well.3 Reservoir-A – Effect of Borehole Fluid Re-invasion Recently, Well.3 was drilled with oilbased mud (oil in mud is lighter than formation oil) and logged with a full suite of LWD tools. After the well was cased with 4 ½” liner, a PN logging job was performed in this well 4 days after LWD was run in the borehole. PN saturation is expected to produce a saturation profile similar to that of LWD with a window of 10 saturation units of uncertainty. In Reservoir-A, as shown in Fig.

11, both C/O and Sigma saturation exhibited a similar saturation profile to the original OH saturation, except across the known Low Permeable Zone (LPZ) that is about 40 feet from the top of the reservoir, where PN saturation was lower than LWD. Within the given timeframe, mud filtrate was not given enough time to be dissipated into the formation, making the PN logs read the mud filtrate properties rather than the in-situ formation saturation. Resistivity logs would have offered the invasion profile. At the time of logging while drilling only a very little drilling fluid would invade and as seen in Fig 11; no separation between the three curves, indicating that the logging has probably occurred before the possible extensive invasion. Data should have been acquired in flowing conditions or at least a wellbore clean up should have been performed prior to running PN logs, to avoid any effects of borehole fluid re-invasion on PN saturation results, especially on C/O results due to the relatively shallow depth of investigation. The saturation profile of another lateral of the same well was examined to support the argument of afterdrilling affect rather than uncertainty of petrophysical parameters, such as water saturation and porosity, between the two saturation logs. The other lateral original OH FAL water saturation, as shown in Fig. 12, exhibited the same saturation profile provided by Well.3 in Reservoir-A.

Well.3 Reservoir-B As shown in Fig. 13, in Reservoir-B, both C/O and sigma saturations showed no change in water saturation compared to FAL

Summary and Conclusions In general, logging results from C/O were ideal in monitoring the sweep

efficiency and tracking the injected water breakthrough with the time-lapse technique. The evaluation of the sweep efficiency becomes very critical, since any small variation in the saturation in such a massive field can yield a huge difference in the estimated remaining reserves (Eyvazzadeh et al. 2004). Use of sigma to quantify water saturation changes with time may yield erroneous results, especially in an unknown water salinity environment.

Recommendations The understanding of the limitation and uncertainties associated with each tool in different environments is necessary for designing future logging programs. Optimizing the logging programs and the efficient integration of data from different methodologies would lead to successful assessment of hydrocarbon volumes: 1. 1. For open hole or perforated cased hole completion, a period of flow of the well is recommended to clear any potential borehole fluid reinvasion. Duration of flow back is case-dependent. a. To have consistent results from PN logs, it is preferred to isolate potential communication between wellbore and reservoir, i.e., cased hole completion with no perforation. 2. Good cement is essential for saturation monitoring when using PN logs, thus a CBL is required. 3. PN logs would provide a reliable saturation only after drilling mud filtrate is given time to be dissipated. 4. When it is impossible to log the well in flowing conditions, resistivity and PN tools should be run to evaluate the invasion profile. In this manner, data from shallow readings from PN and deep reading from resistivity are integrated, to characterize the water breakthrough fronts and volumetrically measure and eliminate the fluid invasion or

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- March 2015


borehole effects. 5. Resistivity log (open hole or cased hole) is recommended for qualitatively characterizing by-passed oil or water advancing intervals. 6. Working together with service providers is encouraged to obtain better results. Service providers can also use knowledge of our environment to develop tools to meet our requirements.

Acknowledgement The author thanks colleagues in the reservoir surveillance team for their help and assistance, and management of the Reservoir Description and Simulation Department for their

encouragement and support professional development.

Nomenclatures a

Archie lithology factor


Cement Bond Log


Formation Analysis Log


Low Permeable Zone


Logging While Drilling


Archie cementation exponent


Archie saturation exponent


Open hole


Production Log


Pulsed Neutron


Pulsed Neutron Capture


Pulsed Neutron Spectroscopy


parts per thousand


Formation water resistivity



Reservoir Saturation Monitoring


True formation resistivity


Water saturation


Total Dissolved Solids


True Vertical Depth Subsea


Variable Density Log






Neutron cross-sectional capture, sigma

Subscript dr












REFERENCES 1. Weatherford. 2009. Wireline Services Log Interpretation Chart Book. Page: 136. 2. Dodman, C.A., and Wyatt Jr., D. F. 2010. Carbon/Oxygen Logging in Difficult Conditions in Cabinda Angola. Paper presented at the 51st SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium, Perth, June 19 - 23. 3. Eyvazzadeh, R.Y., Kelder, O., Hajari, A.A., Ma, S.M. and Behair, A.M. 2004. Modern Carbon/Oxygen Logging Methodologies: Comparing Hydrocarbon Saturation Determination Techniques. SPE 90339 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, September 26 - 29, 2004. 4. Ma, S.M., Hajari, A.A., and Berberian, G. 2005. Cased-Hole Reservoir Saturation Monitoring in Mixed-Salinity Environments – A New Integrated Approach. SPE 92426 presented at the 14th SPE Middle East Oil & Gas 5. Conference, Bahrain, March 12 -15, 2005.

Fig.1 - Spectral standard for inelastic gamma ray energy spectrum.

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Fig.2 - Spectral standard for capture gamma ray energy spectrum.

Fig.3 - Well.1 Reservoir-A FAL (year M) and water saturation comparison between Sigma, C/O (M+2years) and FAL.

Fig.4 - Well.1 Reservoir-A formation water salinity determination from PNC.

Fig.5 Well.1 Reservoir-B FAL (year M) and water saturation comparison between Sigma, C/O (M+2years) and FAL.

32 Petroleum Today

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Fig.6 - Well.1 Reservoir-B CBL

Fig.7 - Well.2 location

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Fig.8 - Well.2 Reservoir-A FAL (year N) and water saturation comparison between Sigma (recent and previous), C/O (recent and previous) and FAL.

Fig.9 – Nearby Well to Well.2 Reservoir-A FAL.

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- March 2015

Fig.10 –Well.2: Reservoir-B FAL (year N) and water saturation comparison between Sigma (recent and previous), C/O (recent and previous) and FAL.

Fig.11 –Well.3: Reservoir-A FAL (year P) and water saturation comparison between Sigma, C/O (year P) and FAL.

36 Petroleum Today

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Fig.12 –Another lateral to Well.3 Reservoir-A.

Fig.13 –Well.3 Reservoir-B FAL (year P) and water saturation comparison between Sigma, C/O (year P) and FAL.

Petroleum Today

- March 2015


Optimizing Drilling Fluid Properties and Flow Rates for Effective Hole Cleaning at High- Angle and Horizontal Wells By

Dr. Ahmed Nooh Faculty of Science and Engineering, The American University in Cairo, Egypt. E-mail:



Well bore bottom hole cleaning is an essential problem to be recognized when drilling oil or gas wells. Poor or under designed well hydraulics will lead to poor bottom hole cleaning. Slip velocity correlation›s have been developed in the past fifty years and recommendations of proper annular velocities have been suggested in order to prevent slippage of drill cuttings around drill collars and drill bit which in turn lead to regrinding of these cuttings causing a waste of the limited energy available to the drill bit. An average annular velocity of 80120- ft/ min has been seen in the oil industry to satisfy the criteria of the proper well bore cleaning. The variables required in determining the minimum flow rate are: hole diameter, angle of deviation, plastic fluid viscosity, yield point, mud weight, cutting specific gravity and the rate of penetration. The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of the impact that the various fieldcontrollable parameters have on hole cleaning of deviated, horizontal, and vertical wells along with specific hole cleaning problems which may occur at various hole sizes. Minimizing the cost is the target for hole cleaning, and specifically all the petroleum business

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groups too. While it is important to know that the significance of drilling fluid in terms of its impact on the success or failure of a drilling operation can be compared to the significance of the blood circulating in our bodies. Basically, drilling fluid is a fluid used to drill boreholes into the earth. Often used while drilling oil and natural gas wells and on exploration drilling rigs, drilling fluids are also used for much simpler boreholes, such as water wells. Liquid drilling fluid is often called drilling mud. The three main categories of drilling fluids are water-based muds (which can be dispersed and nondispersed), oil-based mud, and gaseous drilling fluid, in which a wide range of gases can be used. The main functions of drilling fluids include providing hydrostatic pressure to prevent formation fluids from entering into the well bore, keeping the drill bit cool and clean during drilling, carrying out drill cuttings, and suspending the drill cuttings while drilling is paused and when the drilling assembly is brought in and out of the hole. The drilling fluid used for a particular job is selected to avoid formation damage and to limit corrosion. To determine optimum drilling fluid properties and flow rates to minimize cuttings bed height and circulation time in high angle and horizontal wells. The method uses

empirical models relating the cuttings bed height and the bed erosion time to drilling fluid properties and flow rates. Bed erosion tests have been conducted using cuttings transport ability. Cuttings bed height as a function of time has been investigated by using variable flow rates (200 - 400 gpm) and four different drilling fluid compositions. Experimental results were used together with a non-linear failure analysis program to establish a functional relationship among drilling fluid properties, flow rate, cuttings bed height and the time required to circulate the borehole clean. A numerical example is provided to explain the field application of the method. The sequential calculations involved in determining optimum combination of the Power Law viscosity parameters n and K, and the flow rate to minimize the cuttings bed height and circulation time are also given. Field implementation of the proposed empirical correlations and the new method can aid optimization of circulation practices before tripping, and so reduce the associated risk of non-productive time. Introduction With increasing measured depths and horizontal displacements in extendedreach (ERD) wells, good hole cleaning remains a major challenge. It has been recognized for many years that

be removal drilled and of the casedcuttings with 9from 78/’’the wellbore during drilling productive of high-angle casing through the primary wells in poses specialMiocene problems. intervals the middle at anThe cuttings canofsettle force of gravity average depth 17000byTVD. the bottomproducing of the hole. well As the ThealongAtlantis cuttings settle in the 5drilling fluid, completions will utilize ½ ‘’ 13 a bed of solids is formed along chrome tubing. Production rates onthe bottom of may the hole. achieve some wells be Failure tubing to limited hole cleaning cause at sufficient approximately 3545000- can BOPD severe drilling problems including: at first oil. None of the wellbores are excessive over pull on of trips, rotary expected to be in excess 50 high degrees torque, and stuckwillpipe, pack-off, deviation havehole measured excessive ECD (equivalent circulating depth ranging from 17000’ to 23000’. down, slow To density), enhance formation reliability break and minimize of penetration and difficulty therates interventions frac pack completions running casing and logs. The cruelest are the stimulation and sand control of these is sticking of the drill method of choice for Atlantis. string. In be very theThis two condition frac pack can intervals forexpensive zonal to remedy. A single pipe incident isolation in the eventstuck of premature may cost over one million water breakthrough occurs dollars. in the In attempt to isolation avoid such problems lower zone. An assembly drilling operators often include will be run across the upper zone if such it applies as The washing and will reaming, waters out first. well design be wherein to theaccommodate drilling fluiddown is circulated configured hole and the drill string is rotated as the bit flow control at a later date, however is introduced into the wellbore, at this time only injection wells willand backthisreaming, wherein the drilling utilize technology. fluid is circulated and the will drill string The Sand face completion be is rotated as the bit is withdrawn from designed nipple-less to maintain the wellbore. Other operations such the largest possible ID throughout as wiper trips or pumping out of the the completion. This design will hole are often performed to attempt facilitate future thru tubing work-over to control the amount of cuttings accumulated in the wellbore. All these operations require time and can vary significantly add to the cost of drilling a high-angle well. Therefore, there is a strong need to understand how different drilling variables influence cuttings bed erosion behavior which would also lead to development of models for better prediction of circulation time needed to clean the borehole from cuttings. Figure.1 summarizes the major factors influencing cutting transport in relation to their easiness of control in the field. Drill pipe weirdness, wellbore size and inclination, drilling fluid density, cuttings size, cuttings density, drill pipe rotation, drilling rate, drilling

operations and provide fluid rheology and flow maximum rate are all influencing cuttings transport with opportunity to recover reserves from unreliable degrees. use of deeper intervals withoutSensible sidetracking these depleted parameters to control cuttings through zones. In the event however the very(78/’’ much of transport sidetrack is necessary, depending on their controllability casing through the main producing in will the allow field. the Forsetting example, drill pipe pays of a 7’’ liner eccentricity has a intervals. strong influence through the depleted A 5 ½” on thecan cuttings liner then betransport. set acrossHowever, the deeperit is very difficult to control andpack assess intervals and a conventional frac the degree of strangeness preformed. Expandable Sand during screensthe drilling One not be able (ESS) will operation. continue to be may investigated depend on changing for touse in producing wellsweirdness later in to control cuttings transport. Drilling fluid the development as their reliability rheology andInjection flow ratewells are thewill two be main is confirmed. parameters, which would influence cased and Perforated and will utilize cuttings transport strongly while their ESS to prevent sand production during control in the field is relatively easy. shut-ins when cross flow is possible. In other words, to ensure efficient Operational Goals transport of cuttings, one may depend The operational goals for our project on using optimum combination of not only reflect the safety and technical drilling fluid rheological properties and objectives, they also recognize the flow rate. goals and commitment of the members. In an attempt to find the optimum In summary these are: combination of the drilling fluid Ó Alignment with Atlantis Health, rheological properties and flow rate, an Safety and Environmental objectives experimental study has been conducted Ó Zero accidents, cuttings spills and to investigate bed high erosion potential incidents process under variable drilling fluid Ó Leverage lessons learned and rheological properties anddemonstrate flow rates. performance based teamwork The case study presented actually Ó Project execution excellence throughbed provides data on the cuttings quality planning and assurance erosion as well as empirical correlations to estimate the critical flow rates, drilling fluid rheological properties and the corresponding circulation time required to clean the borehole from cuttings. - Test Matrix:

TheBed guiding principles erosion tests were: were conducted by using cuttings transport research Ó Quality facility available. The experimental Ó Integrity facilities, test matrix, drilling fluid and Ó Operability cuttings properties, bed build-up and Ó Schedule bed erosion test procedure that will be Ó Health, Safety and Environmental described. Assurance Performance Experimental Facility: Geological Data & Reserve A flow loop has been designed to Estimation simulate wellbores in full scale and the Current reserve estimates for Atlantis main purpose is to perform research are 475800-620-mmboe. The Sanction on cuttings transport experimentation. case reserves are 560 MMBOE. Current The flow loop is made of an 80ft long estimates suggest the northern flank transparent test loop section, composed can be developed with 46- wells tied of a 4.5» O.D drillpipe and an 8.0» back to existing subsea manifolds. The O.D transparent acrylic outer pipe. The P50 reserves are 70 MMBOE. Atlantis recorded parameters include pressure, consists of six Miocene reservoirs flow rate, drilling fluid weight, cuttings ranging from 16,000’ to 18,000’ TVD. injection tank weight and cuttings Reservoir pressures are approximately collection tank weight, pump pressure, 9,300 psi with temperatures of 180 F. cuttings weight in the entire loop and The two primary productive intervals, drilling fluid temperature. A schematic the M55 and M54 found in the middle view of the test facility is shown below. Miocene have an average of 9002000Test Fluids and Cuttings: md of permeability (perm to oil) 140 Thepay test thickness matrix, including flow ft net and 1.5-range 2 cpofoil rates, drilling fluids and inclination viscosity. Other potential recompletion angles,are is shown below in aand matrix table. intervals the uphole M57 down A total of four drilling fluid systems hole M48 and M40. are used: polymeric solutions, PolyHealth and Safety Anionic Cellulose (PAC) of different Apart from that the key objective for compositions and CMC+XCD based this program is to drill an incident free drilling fluid system. Another table well. To achieve this objective, we shows the rheological parameters of the four different drilling fluids assuming their behavior can be described by the power law model. Crushed sandstone cuttings with an average size of 1 / 8» and a density of 2.56 specific gravity were used for testing purposes.

Flow Rate, Q (gpm)

200, 250, 300, 350, 400

Drilling Fluids (Water-based drilling fluid systems)

PAC Solutions (Fluids A, B, C) CMC+XCD (Fluid D)

Inclinations (angles from the Vertical)

87o, 90o

- Drilling Fluid Rheological Parameters: Drilling Fluid


K (eq . cp = m P a -sn)



0 .5 8















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Test Progress Description: Figure. 3 shows the development of the bed erosion tests is demonstrated right below. The curve shows the variation of the solids amount inside the test section with time. In the first part of the curve, the increasing amount of solids indicates the period of injection and consequently, accumulation of solids in the annulus while drilling in similar conditions. In sequence, after a tall bed is built up, the cuttings injection is cut-off allowing the bed to reach steady state. The drilling fluid flow rate is then increased to the desired value for the bed erosion test. The amount of solids in the annulus starts decreasing until a new steady state is reached, representing the equilibrium solids amount after circulating the well. Figure 5 illustrates the change in cuttings bed height as a function of time during bed erosion tests. The cuttings bed height is calculated mathematically by relating the cuttings content in the loop to its equivalent bed height for the case of the drill string lying at the bottom inside the casing. The values are cross-checked with the average bed perimeter recording taken after every minute during the bed erosion process. Bed height variation in Figure 44 also shows the three distinct phases of the test progress; the cuttings bed build-up, formation of steady state bed height, and then bed erosion. Experimental Results: The experimental data for all the bed erosion tests are shown in a table.1 The effect of drilling fluid flow rate on the bed erosion rate is shown in Figure.5 Results are given for the case where wellbore inclination is 87° and drilling fluid A is used. In a typical bed erosion test, bed height decreases exponentially to a certain residual bed level (or it may go down to zero depending on the drilling fluid properties and flow rate) and it levels off at that value. As it is seen from

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Figure.5: cuttings bed erosion occurs at a faster rate as the drilling fluid flow rate increases. Figure .6 shows bed erosion curves obtained by using four different drilling fluids. Results are given for the case where the wellbore inclination is 90° and the drilling fluid flow rate is 200 gpm. Figure .6 shows that for a given drilling fluid flow rate, cuttings bed can be reduced to a lower level as the n/K ratio increases. Figure.6 shows the effect of wellbore inclination on cuttings bed erosion in case of high angle wells. As it is seen from figure 46 cuttings accumulation and therefore the circulation time increases as the borehole inclination increases. Figure .7 shows the combined effect of flow rate and drilling fluid n/K ratio on the equilibrium bed height. The n/K ratio can be interpreted as an inverse function of the drilling fluid viscosity. In other words, high n/K ratio indicates low drilling fluid viscosity.A combination of high flow rate values and high n/K ratios provide optimum conditions for efficient borehole cleaning. It can also be seen from the Figure .8 that the combination of very high viscosity, represented by low n/K values, and high velocities will give good hole cleaning. Use of a drilling fluid with intermediate viscosity seems to be less effective at all flow rates. The results shown in table.1 indicate that turbulent flow is more efficient in removing the cuttings bed than laminar flow. In the turbulent flow case the shear stress applied onto the cuttings from the flow is larger than in the case with laminar flow. Therefore, enhanced cuttings removal w½as expected for these turbulent flow cases. The turbulent flow cases are predominantly shown for the highest flow rates shown in Figure 7. Furthermore, the good hole cleaning values shown for the low viscosity cases with n/K=0.006

for a pump rate larger than 200 gpm in Figure 8, are also case of efficient hole cleaning by turbulent flow. In a typical bed erosion curve, bed height decreases exponentially to a certain residual bed level (or it may go down to zero depending on the drilling fluid properties and flow rate) and it levels off at that value. Therefore, in this study, an exponential function is preferred to model cuttings bed erosion.The rate of cuttings bed erosion in the annulus with time can be given by the following non-linear exponential model: h= α+ β eγ Where, Ó α= Residual bed height (bed height corresponding to infinite circulation time) Ó β = Initial cuttings bed height Residual bed height Ó γ= Reciprocal of time constant The next step in the regression analysis is to correlate regression coefficients α, β, and γ with flow rate, and drilling fluid properties (in these case n and K values of a Power Law model). Mathematically, α and γ can be related to flow rate by a logarithmic function as follows: α = -λ ln(Q) + (Ψ) - = -σ ln(Q) + (w) α and β are related to each other by the following equation: β= h’ (0)-α Here, h›(0)is the initial bed height which is determined by the drilling conditions (just before the drilling is stopped for tripping operation) past to circulation. Empirical correlations can be used to determine h›(0). The coefficients λ, Ψ, σ, and ω are dependent on drilling fluid rheological parameters and wellbore inclination. The coefficients λ, Ψ, σ, and ω obtained for different polymer drilling fluid systems are related to the inverse viscosity function, κ.It represents the inverse of a special viscosity function,

K0. The special viscosity function K0 is an approximation of the viscosity of the fluid at test conditions. It is not a real viscosity in the sense that its value can be compared with proper viscosity values. However, an increase in K0 (or a decrease in n/K ratio) represents an increase in viscosity. K= Final bed erosion model can be written as follows: h = f (Flow Rate, Drilling Fluid Properties, Time) Once the bed erosion model is developed, it can be used for sensitivity analysis to see the effect of drilling fluid properties and flow rate on the circulation time required to remove the cuttings from test section. Figure 48 shows the combined effect of inverse viscosity function κ, n/K ratio, and the flow rate on the circulation time necessary to clean the test section with 87° inclination. Initially, the bed height was 5 in. Figure 48 shows that for all viscosity values the time to clean the hole is reduced if the pump rate is increased. The increased circulation time for the largest flow rates for the most viscous fluids with the smallest n/K values is anticipated to be a result of extrapolating the model outside its data fundament. This small increase is therefore not correct. It is evident from the data shown in Figure.8 that if a total removal of cuttings can be obtained with a viscous fluid, then this removal will be faster than if the removal should be conducted with a lesser viscous fluid. This can be practically difficult in some cases as the fast removal of cuttings with the highest viscosity fluid may generate excessive pressure loss compared to what is acceptable for the operation. The optimum flow rate for removal of the cuttings is obtained for high viscous fluids as shown in Figure .8. This is not in disagreement to the results shown in Figure .7. The data shown in Figure .7 shows the equilibrium cuttings bed

height obtained by flowing fluids with different viscous properties. To be able to remove cuttings totally, a much larger pump rate may be required. It is the wall shear stress generated by this higher flow rate that is more efficient in controlling the hole cleaning operation. Optimization of Drilling Fluid Rheology and Flow Rate For Minimum Circulation Time: The drilling optimization problem, as formulated in this study, requires finding the optimum values of drilling fluid rheological parameters, in this case, the power law model parameters n and K, and flow rate such that the circulation time will be minimum. This equation h= α+ β eγ presents a unique relationship between the objective function (circulation time) and the operational variables (n, K and flow rate). Although are the estimated circulation time corresponds only to the length of the test section under consideration (90 ft), the model can be used to determine optimum drilling fluid properties and flow rate combination to minimize the circulation time for any practical horizontal wellbore length given the conditions that the annular geometry and the drilling fluid type are the same. It should be noted that the circulation times relate only to bed erosion. In practice additional circulation times will be necessary to transport the cuttings to surface and remove them from the wellbore. The optimization problem is solved for the case where thetest section is completely cleaned out of cuttings (cuttings bed height, h, is equal to zero). Example Problem: The practical application of the bed erosion model for selection of optimum drilling fluid properties and flow rate, given the conditions above, in order to determine the optimum rheologicalproperties (n, K)

and flow rate combination, such that the circulation time is minimum to remove the solids from the test section completely? Drilling Data: 1. Wellbore Diameter: 8.0 in. 2. Drill Pipe OD: 4 ½ in 3. Inclination of the Well : 870 4. Water-Based Drilling Fluid 5. n = 0.652 K= 61.2 eq. cp 6. Flow Rate Q : 250 gpm 7. ROP : 50 ft/hr 8. Initial Cuttings Bed Height, h′(0) = 5 in. Bed erosion model is given by this equation as follows: H(t) = α+ β e-γt In order to find the time required for complete removal of cuttings, coefficients of the α, β, and γ, need to be determined. Case –I: Increase the flow rate up to 400 gpm and circulate using the same drilling fluid as used for drilling. The drilling fluid flow rate is the important factor for hole cleaning in high angle wells. As a conventional move toward one would like to increase the flow rate to a higher value using the same drilling fluid, in this case we suggest 400 gpm. The coefficients need to be calculated in order to determine the cuttings bed erosion curve from which the circulation time can be determined. The results are summarized in below in the results table. The equation describing the bed erosion Curve in Case-I is given as follows: h(t) = -0.445 + 5.405 e-0.0007t In Case-I, 63 minutes of circulation time is needed to remove cuttings completely from the test section. Case –II: Circulate using 400 gpm of viscous pill whose rheological properties optimized to ensure minimum circulation time. The rheological properties of the viscous pill are optimized to provide adequate hole cleaning so that the

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- March 2015


circulation time is minimum. The optimized drilling fluid rheological properties can be obtained using the bed erosion model. The results are summarized below in the results table. The equation describing the bed erosion curve in Case-II is given as follows: h(t) = -0.412 + 5.371 e-0.0033t In Case-II, 13 minutes of circulation time is needed to remove the cuttings bed completely. The optimum n and K values and the coefficients of the bed erosion curve for this case are summarized in the results table. Case –III: Circulate using viscous pill whose rheological properties and flow rate are optimized to ensure minimum circulation time. The rheological properties of the viscous pill and itscirculation rate are optimized to provide adequate hole cleaning so that the circulation time is minimum. The optimized drilling fluid rheological properties, the flowrate and the coefficients of the bed erosion model for the Case-IIIare summarized in also in the results table. The equation describing the bed erosion curve in Case-III isgiven as follows: h(t) = -0.638 + 5.598 e-0.0044t In Case-III, 8 minutes of circulation time is needed to remove cuttings completely from the test section.

The cuttings bed erosion curves for Case-I (conventional practice), Case II (optimized drilling fluid properties) and Case- III (optimized drilling fluid properties and the flow rate)are compared in figure.10. The drillers need to decide from the three circulation practices. It must be highlight that the circulation times above relate only to cuttings bed erosion. In perform additional circulation time will be required to transport the cuttings to the surface and remove them completely from the well bore. In specifying fluid properties and flow rates for optimum hole cleaning, one should remember that factors that assist hole cleaning may have detrimental effect on other well processes. In apply, a compromise is often necessary. The constraints of the optimization problem can be chosen as the maximum allowable equivalent circulating density, pump capacity, maximum allowable flow rate in consideration of borehole wall erosion, and cost of the operation. Conclusions: To conclude, hole cleaning is one of the basic functions of any drilling fluid. Cuttings generated by the bit, plus any caving or sloughing, must be carried to the surface by the mud. Failure to achieve effective hole cleaning can lead to serious problems, including stuck pipe, excessive torque and drag,

annular pack-off, lost circulation, high mud costs and slow drilling rates. Cuttings transport is affected by several consistent mud and drilling parameters. Removing cuttings from below the drill bit is still a critical function of a drilling fluid. The circulatory fluid rising from the bottom of the well bore carries the cuttings toward the surface. Under the influence of gravity, these cuttings tend to fall through the ascending fluid. This is known as slip velocity. The slip velocity will depend upon the viscosity and density of the fluid. The thicker the fluid, the lower the slip velocities will be. The more denser the fluid, the lower the slip velocity. For effective cuttings removal, the fluid velocity must be high enough to overcome the slip velocity of the cuttings. This means that fluid velocity can be lowered in a highly viscous and cuttings still effectively removed from the well bore. To conclude, hole cleaning is one of the basic functions of any drilling fluid. Cuttings generated by the bit, plus any caving or sloughing, must be carried to the surface by the mud. Failure to achieve effective hole cleaning can lead to serious problems, including stuck pipe, excessive torque and drag, annular pack-off, lost circulation, high mud costs and slow drilling rates. Cuttings transport is affected by several

The Results Table: Drilling Variables Drilling Rheology Parameters

Circulation Rate Regression coefficients

Bed Erosion Model Circulation Time

Fluid Flow Behavior Index, n Fluid Consistency Index, K(eq. cp) Inverse Viscosity Function “κ” Q (gpm) α β γ h( t ) =α + β e-γ t T (minutes)

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Case-I 0.65

Case-II 0.5

Case-III 0.5







400 -0.445

400 -0.412

500 0.638

5.405 0.0007 - 0.445+ 5.405 e-0.0007t 63

5.372 0.0033 -0.412+ 5.372 e-0.0033t 13

5.598 0.0044 - 0.638+ 5.598 e-0.0044t 8

consistent mud and drilling parameters. Removing cuttings from below the drill bit is still a critical function of a drilling fluid. The circulatory fluid rising from the bottom of the well bore carries the cuttings toward the surface. Under the influence of gravity, these cuttings tend to fall through the ascending fluid. This is known as slip velocity. The slip velocity will depend upon the viscosity and density of the fluid. The thicker the fluid, the lower the slip velocities will be. The more denser the fluid, the lower the slip velocity. For effective cuttings removal, the fluid velocity must be high enough to overcome the slip velocity of the cuttings. This means that fluid velocity can be lowered in a highly viscous and cuttings still effectively removed from the well bore. The density of a fluid is determined by other factors and is not usually considered a factor in hole cleaning, therefore we limit adjustment of hole cleaning properties to viscosity and velocity adjustments to the drilling fluid. The viscosity desired will depend upon the desired hydraulics and the size of the cuttings contained in the fluid. The velocity will depend on several factors the pump (capacity, speed, efficiency), the drill pipe size and the size of the bore hole.The velocity of a fluid will determine its flow characteristics, or flow profile. There are five stages, for a drilling fluid: (1)transition (2) laminar (3) turbulent The ideal velocity is one that will achieve laminar flow because it provides the maximum cuttings removal without eroding the well bore. On the other hand, turbulent flow resulting from too high a velocity or too low fluid viscosity not only requires more horsepower but can cause excessive hole erosion and undesirable hole enlargement. The proper combination

46 Petroleum Today

- March 2015

of velocity and viscosity is a must for the right hydraulics and efficient hole cleaning. Cuttings will have a tendency to collect at points of low fluid velocity in the well bore annulus. cleaning. Cuttings will have a tendency to collect at points of low fluid velocity in the well bore annulus. These areas are found in washouts and where the drill pipe rests against the wall of the well bore. To that end, it is a good practice to rotate and work (raise and lower ) the drill string while just circulating to clean the hole, as this will help keep the cuttings in the main flow of the fluid and not allow them to gather next to the pipe.Hole angle, annular velocity and mud viscosity are considered to be the most important. Cuttings and particles that must be circulated from the well have three forces working on them: (1) A downward force due to gravity, (2) An upward force due to buoyancy from the fluid (3) A force parallel to the direction of the mud flow due to mud flowing around the particle. The hole-cleaning process must offset gravitational forces acting on cuttings to minimize settling during both dynamic and static periods. Free settling occurs when a single particle falls through a fluid without interference from other particles or container walls. The larger the difference between the density of the cutting and the density of the liquid, the faster the particle will settle. The larger the particle is the faster it settles and the lower the liquid’s viscosity, the faster the settling rate. Caught up settling is more realistic settling mode for near vertical and near horizontal time. At relatively low flow rates, muds flow mainly along the high side and accelerate or enhance the Boycott effect. High flow rates and pipe rotation can dislocate the pattern and improve hole cleaning. If not properly supported, cuttings can accumulate at

the bottom of the hole or on the low side of inclined intervals. Plugs and stuck pipe can be caused by dragging bottom hole tools up through preexisting beds. Cuttings accumulations can be difficult to re-suspend, so mud properties and drilling practices which minimize their formation should be highlighted. Cuttings transport efficiency is largely a function of annular velocity and the annular velocity profile. Increasing annular velocity will always improve hole cleaning, though it still must work with other hole parameters. In fully concentric annulus, flow is evenly distributed around the drill string. Consequently there is an equal distribution of fluid energy for cuttings transport. However, the drill string tends to lay on the low side of the hole in inclined sections, shifting or skewing the velocity profile, the results of which is not conducive to cuttings transport. Cuttings accumulate on the bottom of the hole nearby to the drill pipe where the mud flow is negligible. In this situation, pipe rotation is critical to achieve effective hole cleaning. However, there are times when drilling a directional hole that pipe rotation will not be possible. All is not lost at this point since we can offset the detrimental effects of not rotating with different mud types and changing certain mud properties.Generally speaking, different drilling fluid types provide similar cuttings transport if their down hole properties are similar. Properties of particular interest to hole cleaning include mud weight, viscosity and gel strengths. Mud weight helps maintain cuttings and slow their settling rate but it is really not used to improve hole cleaning. Instead, mud weights should be used to based only on pore pressure, fracture gradient and well bore stability requirements. Mud viscosities helps determine carrying capacity. Yield points historically has been used as the key parameter which

was thought to affect hole cleaning. Gel strengths provide suspension under both static and low shear rate conditions. The ideal situation is for the fluid to have high, easily broken gels that develop quickly and are easily broken. Excessive high, progressive gels, on the other hand, should be avoided as they cause high transient pressures that cause a number of serious drilling problems. Ó Use hole-cleaning techniques to minimize cuttings-bed formation and subsequent fall which can occur

in 30 - 60 degree hole sections. Ó Operate elevated-viscosity fluids from the start because cuttings beds are easy to deposit but difficult to remove. Ó Treat mud to obtain elevated, flat gels for suspension during static and low flow rate periods. Consider using the mud system that will give you excellent values and superior suspension abilities. The system uses an untreated bentonite and a mixed metal hydroxide additive. Ó Schedule periodic wiper trips and pipe rotation intervals for situations where

Low Colloid Oil-Based Drilling Fluid

sliding operations are extensive. Ó Rotate pipe at speeds above about 50 rpm if possible to prevent bed formations and to help remove preexisting beds. Ó Expect little help from viscous sweeps, unless they are accompanied by high flow rates and pipe rotation Drilling Fluid Economics: Typical Composition and Costs - Unweighted Drilling Fluid (Barrels necessary to mix one barrel)

KCl Polymer Drilling Fluid



Cost($) Unit

Cost($) Component


Cost($) Unit

Cost($) Component

Diesel Oil

0.8 bbl



5.0 lbs



Emulsifier/ Wetting Agent

6.0 lbs



1.0 lbs




0.14 bbl



Caustic Soda

0.3 lbs




5.0 lbs



Potassium Chloride

35.0 lbs



Calcium Chloride

5.0 lbs



Polyanionic Cellulose

0.2 bbl




3.0 lbs



Potassium Hydroxide

0.3 bbl



Total Cost (1 bbl)

Component Bentonite (premixed w/ H2O) Chrome Lignosulfonate


Total Cost (1 bbl)


Typical Composition/Costs - 17.5 ppg Drilling Fluid: (Barrels or pounds necessary to mix one barrel) Fresh-Water isolated Drilling Fluid

Low Colloid Oil-Based Drilling Fluid



Cost($) Unit

Cost($) Component



Cost($) Unit

Cost($) Component


25.0 lbs



Diesel Oil

0.55 bbl



Chrome Lignosulfonate

6.0 lbs



Emulsifier/ Wetting Agent

8.0 lbs




4.0 lbs




0.09 bbl



Caustic Soda

3.0 lbs




4.0 lbs




1.0 bbl



Calcium Chloride

15.0 lbs





3.0 lbs




500.0 lbs



Total Cost (1 bbl)

Total Cost (1 bbl)

Petroleum Today


- March 2015


KCl Polymer Drilling Fluid

Fresh-Water isolated Drilling Fluid


Cost($) Unit

Cost($) Component



Cost($) Unit

Cost($) Component

5.0 lbs




20.0 lbs



1.0 lbs



Chrome Lignosulfonate

9.0 lbs



Caustic Soda

0.3 lbs




6.0 lbs



Potassium Chloride

24.0 lbs



Caustic Soda

4.0 lbs



Polyanionic Cellulose

3.0 bbl




450.0 lbs



Modified Starch

5.0 bbl




1.0 bbl



Potassium Hydroxide

0.3 bbl




400.0 bbl



Component Bentonite (premixed w/ H2O) Chrome Lignosulfonate

Total Cost (1 bbl)

Total Cost (1 bbl)


Drilling Fluid Selection Guide: To use this chart: If the well was a high angle well with possible reactive shales and the possibility of differential sticking, drilling fluid choices (in order of preference) are: (1) oil-base, (2) polymer and (3) potassium lime.

I would recommend further studies to the models presented in this thesis, either as a thesis work or a further research work, with a flow loop being used to verify the models apart from

48 Petroleum Today

- March 2015


the use of field data for verification which has been done in this work. The following conclusions can be made which are relevant for the practical drilling operations in

horizontal and high angle wells. 1. Cuttings bed erosion occurs at a faster rate as the drilling fluid flow rate increases. 2. for a given drilling fluid flow rate, lower cuttings bed height is achieved as the n/K ratio increases. This means that cuttings removal is enhanced by reducing the viscosity of the fluid. 3. Cuttings removal was easier with turbulent flow than with laminar flow. 4. Cuttings accumulation in the well and therefore the circulation time required to clean the borehole from cuttings increase as the wellbore inclination increases. 5. More experiments need to be conducted to introduce effect of well bore geometry for instance well bore diameter and length, pipe diameter into the bed erosion model. 6. It is known that pipe rotation influences cuttings bed erosion significantly. Therefore, the model presented here needs to be further developed by including the effect of pipe rotation.

REFERENCES Bradley, W.B., et al., 1991. “Task Force Approach to Reducing Stuck Pipe Costs.” Paper SPE 21999, presented at Amsterdam, 11 - 14. Bradly, H.B., et al., 1987. «Petroleum Engineers Handbook» published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers. By rd, B., M. Zamora, 1988. Fluids are Key in Drilling Highly Deviated Wells. Pet.Eng. Int., February, 24 - 26. Chillingarian, G.V. and P. Vorabutr, 1983. « Drilling and Drilling Fluids» Updated Textbook Edition, published by Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam. Bradley, W.B., et al., 1991. “Task Force Approach to Reducing Stuck Pipe Costs.” Paper SPE 21999, presented at Amsterdam, 11 - 14. Bradly, H.B., et al., 1987. «Petroleum Engineers Handbook» published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers. By rd, B., M. Zamora, 1988. Fluids are Key in Drilling Highly Deviated Wells. Pet.Eng. Int., February, 24 - 26. Chillingarian, G.V. and P. Vorabutr, 1983. « Drilling and Drilling Fluids» Updated Textbook Edition, published by Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam.

Fig. 1: Key Variables Controlling Cuttings Transport. Fig. 4: Variation of cuttings bed height in test section with time.

Fig. 2: Cuttings Transport Facility. Fig. 5: Bed Erosion Curves for Variable flow rates.

Fig. 3: Variations of cuttings content in test section with time.

Fig. 6: Bed Erosion Curves for variable drilling fluid rheology.

Petroleum Today

- March 2015


Fig. 7: Effect of Inclination of well on cuttings bed erosion.

Fig. 10: Bed Erosion Curves for Minimum Circulation.

Table 1: Summary of Bed Erosion Test Data Modeling of Cuttings Bed Erosion in High Angle Wells.

Fig. 8: Effect of flow rate and drilling fluid property n/K, on the equilibrium bed height, experimental data.

Fig. 9: Circulation Time as a Function of Flow Rate and Drilling.

NAME: AHMED ZAKARIA NOAH EDUCATION: Associate.Prof at TheAmerican University in cairo PhD. in Petrophysics.Waseda and Menofia University, 2003. ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: Faculty of Science and Engineering, The AmericanUniversity in Cairo (12010/9/ – Now, full time Ass.Prof of drilling, completion and workover). -Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, The BritishUniversity in Egypt (212010/9/1 – 2008/12/, full time lecturer and Ass. prof), Undergraduate Level: Oil well drilling, Advanced drilling Engineering, Horizontal drilling, Drilling fluids, Principles of Petroleum Geology, Well logging, core analysis, Development Geology, Completion and workover, Reservoir Rock properties, Reservoir Engineering. -Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo (Full time Researcher : (12008/12/-21 2005/12/) Faculty of Science, Menofia University, Egypt : (20032008-), Graduate Level:Method of Prospecting. And Well Logging

50 Petroleum Today

- March 2015

Industry At A Glance by Ali Ibrahim Table (1) World Crude oil Supply.* Supply (million barrels per day)

U.S (50states)


North sea(2)


OPEC (4)


12.88 12.92 12.90 12.99 13.13 13.63 13.59 13.69 14.07 14.16 14.19 14.32 14.57 14.54 14.57

24.71 24.91 24.44 24.62 24.84 25.22 25.05 25.24 25.67 25.73 25.69 25.75 26.2 25.97 25.90

2.86 2.98 2.76 2.85 2.86 2.84 2.78 2.80 2.86 2.71 2.69 2.65 2.68 2.70 2.63

34.80 34.70 35.80 36.35 35.85 35.73 35.80 35.70 35.85 35.93 36.38 36.45 36.57 36.73 36.43

33.10 32.98 34.20 34.70 34.33 34.08 34.15 34.05 34.2 34.3 34.7 34.7 34.82 35.06 34.68

90.26 89.86 90.35 91.10 90.36 91.24 91.52 91.73 92.11 92.61 92.94 93.06 94.08 93.68 92.86

November December Jan.2014 February March April May June July August September October November December Jan.2015 Source EIA

* «Oil Supply» is defined as the production of crude oil (including lease condensate) Natural gas plant liquids, and other liquids, and refinery processing gain. NA = no data available (1) OECD = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. (2) North Sea includes offshore supply from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and the United Kingdom (3) OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries: Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. (4) OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries doesn’t include Angola.

52 Petroleum Today

- March 2015

Table Table (2) (2) World World Proved Proved Crude Crude OilOil Reserves, Reserves, January January 1, 2007 1, 2007 - January - January 1, 2012 1, 2012 Estimates Estimates (Billion (Billion Barrels) Barrels)

Region Region

2007 2007

2008 2008

2009 2009

2010 2010

North North America America

212.534 212.534

211.559 211.559

209.910 209.910

206.3 206.3

208.901 208.901 210.52833 210.52833

102.80 Central Central & South & South America America 102.80

109.86 109.86

122.69 122.69

124.64 124.64

237.11 237.11

238.82 238.82

14.27 14.27

13.66 13.66

13.31 13.31

12.08 12.08

11.88 11.88

Europe Europe

15.80 15.80

2011 2011

2012 2012

Eurasia Eurasia

98.89 98.89

98.89 98.89

98.89 98.89

98.89 98.89

98.89 98.89

98.89 98.89

Middle Middle East East

739.20 739.20

748.29 748.29

746.00 746.00

753.36 753.36

752.92 752.92

799.61 799.61

Africa Africa

114.07 114.07

114.84 114.84

117.06 117.06

119.11 119.11

123.61 123.61

124.21 124.21

Asia Asia & Oceania & Oceania World World Total Total

33.37 33.37 1,316.66 1,316.66

34.35 34.35 1,332.04 1,332.04

34.01 34.01 1,342.21 1,342.21

40.14 40.14 1355.74 1355.74

40.25 40.25 45.36 45.36 1473.76 1473.76 1529.2983 1529.2983

Source Source EIAEIA

Table Table (3) (3) World World crude crude oil oil production. production. ( Million ( Million Barrels Barrels PerPer dayday ) )

Libya Libya Sudan Sudan Nov.2013 Nov.2013 December December Jan.2014 Jan.2014 February February March March April April May May June June July July August August September September October October November November December December Jan.2015 Jan.2015

0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.51 0.51 0.38 0.38 0.23 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.24 0.44 0.44 0.53 0.53 0.79 0.79 0.98 0.98 0.62 0.62 0.50 0.50 0.35 0.35

0.37 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.25

Egypt Egypt OPEC(1) OPEC(1) 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.68 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64

28.98 28.98 28.88 28.88 29.76 29.76 30.04 30.04 29.53 29.53 29.44 29.44 29.51 29.51 29.48 29.48 29.79 29.79 29.93 29.93 30.32 30.32 30.34 30.34 32.27 32.27 32.42 32.42 32.18 32.18

Persian Persian Gulf(2) Gulf(2) 21.38 21.38 21.03 21.03 21.84 21.84 22.09 22.09 21.89 21.89 21.99 21.99 22.03 22.03 21.96 21.96 21.80 21.80 21.74 21.74 21.90 21.90 21.70 21.70 21.63 21.63 21.98 21.98 21.78 21.78

North North Sea(3) Sea(3) 2.86 2.86 2.98 2.98 2.76 2.76 2.85 2.85 2.86 2.86 2.84 2.84 2.78 2.78 2.80 2.80 2.86 2.86 2.71 2.71 2.69 2.69 2.65 2.65 2.68 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.63 2.63

World World 69.2 69.2 68.8 68.8 68.6 68.6 69.1 69.1 69.1 69.1 71.8 71.8 71.4 71.4 71.5 71.5 69.46 69.46 72.22 72.22 72.53 72.53 72.68 72.68 71.76 71.76 74.89 74.89 73.75 73.75

Source Source EIA EIA 1 OPEC: 1 OPEC: Organization Organization of the of the Petroleum Petroleum Exporting Exporting Countries: Countries: Algeria, Algeria, Angola, Angola, Ecuador, Ecuador, Indonesia, Indonesia, Iran, Iran, Iraq, Iraq, Kuwait, Kuwait, Libya, Libya, Nigeria, Nigeria, Qatar, Qatar, Saudi Saudi Arabia, Arabia, the the United United Arab Arab Emirates, Emirates, andand Venezuela. Venezuela. 2 The 2 The Persian Persian Gulf Gulf countries countries are are Bahrain, Bahrain, Iran, Iran, Iraq, Iraq, Kuwait, Kuwait, Qatar, Qatar, Saudi Saudi Arabia, Arabia, andand the the United United Arab Arab Emirates. Emirates. Production Production from from the the Kuwait-Saudi Kuwait-Saudi Arabia Arabia Neutral Neutral Zone Zone is included is included in Persian in Persian Gulf Gulf production. production. 3 North 3 North SeaSea includes includes the the United United Kingdom Kingdom Offshore, Offshore, Norway, Norway, Denmark, Denmark, Netherlands Netherlands Offshore, Offshore, andand Germany Germany Offshore. Offshore.

Petroleum Today

- March 2015


Table (4) International petroleum consumption Million Barrels Per Day

OECD(1) Nov.2013

December Jan.2014 February March April May June July August September October November December Jan.2015

46.56 46.85 45.77 46.53 46.30 45.25 44.95 45.61 46.00 45.95 46.13 46.33 46.48 46.88 46.03

U.S (50 States) 19.19 19.14 18.92 18.54 18.68 18.78 18.78 18.93 19.16 19.28 18.83 19.03 19.21 19.30 19.23




2.43 2.40 2.27 2.32 2.30 2.22 2.28 2.29 2.36 2.39 2.36 2.33 2.39 2.36 2.34

13.37 13.01 13.05 13.81 13.71 13.46 13.26 13.43 13.7 13.42 14.21 14.12 13.55 13.19 13.06

4.68 5.21 4.56 5.07 4.75 4.14 3.98 3.94 4.13 4.14 4.17 4.15 4.48 4.98 4.66

NonOECD 44.89 44.30 44.58 44.53 44.52 45.84 45.92 46.27 46.23 46.09 46.46 45.86 46.72 46.12 45.78


11.10 10.78 10.77 10.57 10.60 11.30 11.16 11.27 11.07 11.00 11.28 11.02 10.94 10.62 10.71

Other Non -OECD 17.17 16.88 17.21 17.29 17.27 17.53 17.84 18.12 18.42 18.48 18.47 17.96 18.32 18.02 18.01


91.45 91.16 90.34 91.06 90.82 91.08 90.88 91.88 92.23 92.04 92.65 92.19 93.20 93.00 91.90

Source EIA (1) OECD = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Table (5) World Natural Gas Plant Liquid Production , Thousand Barrels Per Day

Saudi September.13

October November December January.14 February March April May June July August September October November December January.15

Algeria 348 348 359 354 356 352 355 355 350 354 369 370 378 380 360 369 360

Canada 768 719 726 720 643 620 688 760 712 719 700 691 694 699 630 700 750

Mexico 330 325 324 329 354 328 329 330 320 318 330 335 334 333 335 330 350

Arabia 1,636 1,635 1,640 1,642 1,519 1,601 1,606 1,625 1,620 1,619 1,650 1,661 1,645 1,678 1,601 1,650 1,640

Russia 449 448 450 442 444 439 452 448 445 444 450 455 458 459 480 450 450



States1 2,414 2,409 2,409 2,419 2,038 2,175 2,395 2,388 2,390 2,385 2,410 2,419 2,398 2,401 2,175 2,410 2,409

Gulf 2 OAPEC3 OPEC4 World 2,717 3,044 3,454 8,479 2,719 3,142 3,449 8,478 2,712 3,151 3,455 8,471 2,707 3,157 3,449 8,479 2,544 3,058 3,280 8,326 2,670 3,112 3,275 8,519 2,695 3,249 3,335 8,386 2,696 3,121 3,414 8,395 2,690 3,014 3,420 8,390 2,692 3,111 3,415 8,395 2,700 3,115 3,424 8,402 2,703 3,115 3,428 8,404 2,705 3,120 3,425 8,407 2,701 3,121 3,427 8,408 2,670 3,112 3,275 8,574 2,700 3,115 3,424 8,457 2,712 3,151 3,455 8,526

Source EIA

1 U.S. geographic coverage is the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Excludes fuel ethanol blended into finished motor gasoline. 2 The Persian Gulf countries are Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. 3 OAPEC: Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabi Arabia Syria, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emerates Emirates 4 OPEC: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries: Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.

54 Petroleum Today

- March 2015

Table ( 6 ) International Rotary Rig Count

August 2010 REGION

July 2010

% Change change from prior from month prior month 6 5 2 5 1 6 1 15 1 5 1 33 -------








87 45 2 6 12 2 NA

45 2 12 0 7 0 NA

132 47 14 6 19 2 NA

95 47 2 7 12 3 NA

43 2 14 0 6 0 NA

138 49 16 7 18 3 NA


372 25 0 45 NA 45 54 20 2 100 NA

43 10 2 6 NA 0 0 0 7 19 NA

415 35 2 51 NA 45 54 20 9 119 NA

358 26 0 46 NA 44 54 25 2 96 NA

45 10 2 6 NA 0 0 0 7 19 NA

403 36 0 52 NA 44 54 25 9 115 NA

12 1 0 1 ----0 0 5 0 4 -----

4 3 0 2 ---0 0 20 0 3 ----











83 3 2 11 35

45 0 2 0 2

128 3 4 11 37

97 3 2 15 42

51 0 2 0 2

148 3 4 15 44

20 0 0 4 7

15 0 0 30 20










272 105 20 36 29 57

97 1 27 0 40 7

351 106 47 36 69 64

287 112 17 46 30 51

82 1 25 0 42 9

369 113 42 46 72 60

18 5 5 10 3 4

5 5 12 20 3 8


130 10 0 84 23 3

102 5 33 24 13 12

232 15 33 108 36 15

142 13 0 85 28 4

113 5 36 29 12 10

255 18 36 124 36 14

23 3 3 16 0 1

9 20 9 15 0 6

Source Baker Hughes

Petroleum Today

- March 2015


Source EIA

Fig. ( 1 ) World Crude Oil Prices US $ per BBL Table (7) Egypt Rig Count per Area Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14

Fig. ( 2 ) Natural Gas Prices US $ Per MCF

Source EIA

56 Petroleum Today

10 Gulf of Suez Mediterranean 9 Sea Western 81 Desert Sinai 9 Eastern Desert 6 Delta 3 Total 118













8 6 3 119

8 6 3 116

9 6 3 118

8 6 3 112

Source Petroleum Today

Fig. ( 3 ) Egypt Suez Blend Price (Dollars per Barrel) based on 33O API

- March 2015

A reliable production of quality air For further information please contact : Karim Boghdadi : Regional Business Line Manager, Oil-free Air Division Atlas Copco’s ZD is the alliance of the world renowned ZR screw compressor, which delivers quality dry air at medium pressure, and the highly efficient D booster which brings the air to 40 bar. ZD represents a quantum leap in reciprocating technology. It is a champion in energy saving and its design is revolutionary. You will appreciate its silencing canopy and its concrete baseplate that makes installation so easy. With its numerous versions and versatility, ZD brings tremendous benefits to your bottom line. Customer benefits: Certified 100% oil-free – ZD compressors provide you with 100% pure, clean air that complies with ISO 85731CLASS 0 (2010) certification. CLASS 0 means zero risk of contamination; zero risk of damaged or unsafe products; zero risk of losses from operational downtime; and zero risk of damaging your Company’s hard-won professional reputation. In 2006 Atlas Copco was the first manufacturer in the world to receive such certification on an oil-free compressor. High reliability – The ZD’s reliability is based on several fundamentals. The first compression stages are rotary, which are world renowned for reliability. Air is dried at the outlet of the screw compressor, so only dry air enters the D booster, eliminating problems linked to condensates. The D booster’s horizontal design, with low vibration levels, ensures long life of internal components. Maximum energy savings – Being a 4-stage configuration, the ZD is 7% more efficient in terms of energy than the typical 3-stage configuration. In addition you can further reduce energy costs by adjusting the required discharge pressure between 25 bar (362 psig) and 40 bar (580 psig). ZD is also available in a Variable Speed Drive (VSD) version, enabling 35% energy savings. For blowing machines equipped with air recovery systems, re-injecting the air back to the booster

allows further significant energy savings. Advanced control and monitoring – To maximize efficiency and reliability, the Elektronikon® controls the main drive motor and regulates system pressure within a predefined and narrow pressure band. The Elektronikon® controller can be adapted to your specific needs with extra sensors, digital contacts, fieldbus and SMS communication functions. In combination with the ES multiple compressor controller, the operation of your complete compressor room is optimized. A wide array of solutions for your compressor room – ZD allows you to manage your medium pressure and high pressure networks separately, which optimizes your investment and floor space. Low maintenance – For air-cooled versions, no external cooling system is needed, saving on investment, maintenance and water consumption. Use Your Energy Twice - With the adaptation of an Heat Recovery Control unit, the energy recovered in the cooling water of your water cooled ZD can be used for several uses : boilers, warming of premises, showers, cleaning processes. This saves a lot of energy.

Atlas Copco Equipment Egypt Atlas Copco Equipment Egypt P.O. Box 520 El Obour market Cairo, Egypt

Visitors Adress : Phone: +202 4481 4417 / 4481 4208 El Obour city 1st Ind. zone- part 7 +202 4481 4270 / 4481 4431 block 13024 Cairo, Egypt Fax: +202 4481 4341

Reg. No.: 10411 Reg. Office: Nasr City

Petroleum Today

- March 2015


Potential Environmental Impacts in Petroleum Industry By

Dr Alaa Eldin Kabbarry Energy and environment expert


ecause of the rapid urbanization and development and the use of moderntechnological techniques to make life more luxury for the people, all that needsto energy. The oil industry is one of the most important industries current as a source ofenergy, but it is according to the International Classification of bodies andinstitutions to protect the global environment considered one of the most important sources of environmental pollution, andclassified in level (c), expressed in black. It phases of crude oil exploration, drilling, extraction and the oil industry refining stage, which is where the refining ofcrude oil for various petroleum products for use in multipurpose across many industrial processes, such as cracking,distillation, conversion and treatment and during these processes many are produced by contaminants, whether solid or liquid or gaseous.The governments must take into account the situation in all possible ways and means and pledges to maintain a clean environment and implementation of pollution prevention in petroleum refineries programs Through series of articles will focus

58 Petroleum Today

- March 2015

on potential environmental impacts in petroleum industry, environmental protection measures in petroleum industry and environmental management system in petroleum industry.Let›s start in this article we focus onpotential environmental impacts in petroleum industry. The potential environmental impacts in petroleum industry depending on the stage & size of operation process of the project, nature & sensitivity of the surrounding environment, effectiveness of management commitments, implementation of pollution prevention program and control techniques. The potential environmental impacts in petroleum industry was includes environmental hazard at various levels for water, air, soil and living things specially the humane these hazards resulting from the pollution which is associated with all activities of oil and gas production throughout all stages, from exploratory activities to refining. These pollution including solid waste,wastewaters, gas emissions, and aerosols generated during drilling, production, refining. Other environmental impacts include

intensification of the greenhouse effect, weather climate changing, acid rain, poorer water quality, groundwater contamination, among others. The oil and gas industry may also contribute to biodiversity loss as well as to the destruction of ecosystems that, in some cases, may be unique The primary sources of atmospheric emissions from oil and gas industry arise from: ● Flaring, venting and purging gases; ● Combustion processes such as diesel engines and gas turbines; ● Fugitive gases from loading operations and tankage and losses from process equipment ● Airborne particulates from soil disturbance during construction & from vehicle traffic ● Particulate from other burning sources, such as well testing. The main pollutants from oil and gas industry include ● Carbon dioxide, ● Carbon monoxide, ● Methane, ● Volatile organic carbons

● Nitrogen ● Nitrogen oxides. oxides.

● Nitrite ● Nitrite

● Sulfur ● Sulfur dioxides dioxides

● Nitrate ● Nitrate

● Hydrogen ● Hydrogensulfide sulfide

● Phosphate ● Phosphate

● Hydrocarbon ● Hydrocarbon andand diesel diesel fuel, fuel, particularly particularly

● Sulfide ● Sulfide

● Particulate ● Particulate Matter Matter PM10 PM10andand less less

● Phenols ● Phenols

● Total ● Total heavy heavy metal metal ● Fluorides ● Fluorides

The The primary primary sources sources of of wastewaterfrom wastewaterfrom oiloil and and gasgas industry industry arise arise from: from: ● Produced ● Produced water; water; ● Drilling ● Drillingfluids, fluids,cuttings cuttingsandandwell well treatment treatment chemicals; chemicals; ● Process, ● Process, wash wash andand drainage drainage water; water; ● Sewerage, ● Sewerage,sanitary sanitaryandanddomestic domestic wastes; wastes; ● Spills ● Spills andand leakage; leakage; andand ● Cooling ● Cooling water. water. The The main main pollutants pollutants from from oiloil and and gasgas industry industry include: include: ● Total ● Total suspended suspended solid solid ● Total ● Total volatile volatile solid solid ● Total ● Total dissolved dissolved solid solid

● Cyanide ● Cyanide ● Color ● Color ● Chemical ● Chemical oxygen oxygen demand demand ● Biological ● Biological oxygen oxygen demand demand ● Total ● Total oiloil && grease grease ● pH ● pH ● Total ● Total Bacteria Bacteria account account ● E-coli ● E-coli The The primary primary sources sources of of soilfrom soilfrom oiloil and and gasgas industry industry arise arise from: from: ● Physical ● Physical disturbance disturbance as as a result a result of of construction; construction; ● Contamination ● Contamination resulting resulting from from spillage spillage andand leakage leakage or orsolid solid waste waste disposal; disposal; andand

● Turbidity ● Turbidity

● Indirect ● Indirect impact impact arising arising from from opening opening access access andand social social change. change.

● Ammonia ● Ammonia

According Accordingto tothethepollution pollutionfrom from

petroleum petroleum refineries refineries thethe establishment establishment of ofpollution pollutionprevention preventionprogram programis is very veryimportant, important,because becausethethetarget target of of thisthis program program to to reduce reduce or or prevent prevent thethepollution, pollution,The Theachievement achievementof of thisthistarget targetthrough, through,thetheseveral severalsteps steps which, which,areareprocess processandandequipment equipment modifications, modifications,regeneration regenerationof ofthethe waste waste andand separation separation of of oiloil instead instead of of their their emission emission into into atmosphere. atmosphere. There There is no is no doubt doubt that that thethe source source reduction reduction is is thethe best best pollution pollution prevention prevention measure measure in in every every case. case. When When source source reduction reduction opportunities opportunitieshave havebeen beenexhausted, exhausted, recycling, recycling,treatment, treatment,andanddisposal disposal measures measures should should be be considered. considered. And Andthrough throughimplement implementof ofIndustrial Industrial Pollution Pollution Control Control Policies Policies such such asEnforcement asEnforcement of of compliance, compliance, Cleaner Cleaner production, production, Economic Economic incentives, incentives, Public Publicdisclosure, disclosure,Management Managementof of industrial industrialhothotspots spotsandandguidance guidanceof of industrial industrialdevelopment, development,Continuous Continuous review reviewupdate updateof ofemission emissionstandards, standards, monitoring monitoring andand compliance compliance procedures procedures cancanachieve achieveto tofulfill fulfillthethecontrol controlof of pollution pollutionresulting resultingfrom fromoiloil& &gasgas industry. industry. SeeSee you you in in thethe next next articles articles about about environmental environmental protection protection measures measures in in petroleum petroleum industry industry

Petroleum Today

- March 2015


Egypt oil and gas, plenty more to discover Apache, Egypt Oil & Gas 2015 Summit

The inaugural Egypt Oil & Gas 2015 Summit took place on 18th-19th February at the Four Seasons Nile Plaza Cairo Hotel with the international oil operators in the Speaker Faculty highlighting the importance of the oil and gas industry for the country. The two-day Summit opened with Ganope’s Chairman, Abu Bakr Ibrahim presenting Egypt’s 2015 bidding round. Ganoub El Wadi Petroleum Holding Companycurrently operatesjoint venture and independent consessions in Egypt’s Red Sea’s and upper Egypt, and during his presentation,Abu Bakr Ibrahimreleased the company’s short-term and long-term plans which include a bidding round in Q4 of 2015, and a multi-client project respectively. With the country being an old oil and gas producer, it means that the operations of the international oil companies in Egypt are an important milestone for the economy of the country. Apache’s Egypt Companies, Finance Managing Director, Yasser Tousson, highlighted this in his presentation at the Egypt Oil & Gas Summit, elaborating on the relationship between the NOC and foreign operators in creating a win-win situation. Despite the fact that a lot of Egypt’s oil fields are mature, oil companies still make commercially successful discoveries quite often, and this is very encouraging for their operations. SUCO-RWE’s Development Manager, Jesus Samuel Armacanqui

60 Petroleum Today

- March 2015

mentioned during the Summit that 70% of Egypt’s oil comes from brownfields and holds a significant pull. Egypt’s 6th largest operator, DanaGas, which was represented by Egypt’s General Manager, Mark Fenton, revealed at the Summit that they are planning to continue the aggressive growth in the country by building on the existing portfolio through additional exploration in the licensed blocks. Other insightful presentations that gave an overview of the oil and gas landscape in Egypt came from: Ó SamehSabry, Commercial and Business Development Manager, RWE Ó Mark Fenton, General Manager, Dana Gas, Egypt Ó Ahmed Hagras, Exploration Director, BP North Africa Ó Gabriele Mariotti, Exploration Manager, Vegas Oil & Gas Ó Tarek Shalaby, Commercial & Business Development Manager, Edison spa Ó WaelAttia, General Manager, Vega Petroleum Ó Tarek El-Barkatawy, Chairman & Managing Director, Tanmia Petroleum Company Ó Dr.Mosaad El Leboudy, Exploration General Manager & Board Member, Gabal El Zeit Petroleum Company Ó Dr. Adel M. Salem, Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering, American University in Cairo (AUC) Ó Ahmed Ezz Director, Production, Egyptian LNG Ó RaffiKazazian, General Manager, P&I

AAF International Ó Tim Crome, VP Subsea Mediterranean, North Sea Canada Region, Technip Ó Saad Elkhadem, Regional Executive Vice President – Africa, Future Pipe Industries Ó Ahmed Marzouk, Sales Leader North Africa & Turkey, GE Oil & Gas The Oil & Gas Year’s Country Editor for Egypt, Imran MacMillan, chaired the twoday Summit, enhancing the interaction between presenters and delegation, which included oil leaders such as EGPC, EGAS, Gasco, Gazprom Neft, Edison, Dana Petroleum, Shell Trading, Vegas, Dana Gas, Union Fenosa Gas, Segas, Eni, Kufpec, Tharwa Petroleum Company. The Summit concluded with a panel discussion addressing the impact of the oil price crisis on oil activities. Our panellists focused on the IOC’s investment strategy at the current oil prices and pointed Egypt as the right place to invest under the present economic climate. Technip, Spectrum, Genesis, Dolphin Geophysical and FPI were sponsors of the Egypt Oil & Gas 2015 Summit. Support for the meeting also comes from The Middle East Association, Cedigaz and the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF). More information about the Egypt Oil & Gas 2015 Summit is available on the website and documentation of the platform is available for purchase.

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬ ‫�شريك اإعالمي للعديد من معار�ض وم�ؤمترات البرتول والطاقة‬ ‫اإمي��ان��ا منها باأهمية الإنت�شار يف ك��ل معار�ض وم ��ؤمت��رات بقطاع البرتول‬ ‫واملعار�ض ذات ال�شلة بالقطاع ‪� ,‬شاركت جملة برتوليم ت�داي يف العديد من‬ ‫املعار�ض والحداث املهمة لقطاع البرتول خالل الفرتة املا�شية ‪ ,‬وجاء على‬ ‫راأ���ض هذه الح��داث املعر�ض وامل�ؤمتر ال��دويل ل��دول ح��ض البحر املت��شط‬ ‫«م�ك» الذي اإنعقد يف �شهر دي�شمرب املا�شي حتت �شعار «ك�شف اإمكانات البحر‬ ‫املت��شط من البرتول والغاز واإ�شتمر ملدة ‪ 3‬اأيام مبكتبة الإ�شكندرية‪.‬‬ ‫كانت املجلة راعي اإعالمي للمعر�ض الذي اإفتتحه املهند�ض �شريف اإ�شماعيل‬ ‫وزير البرتول والرثوة املعدنية ‪ ,‬و�شاركت فيه �شركات حملية وعربية وعاملية‬ ‫وعر�شت فيه اأن�شطتها املتعددة يف جمالت �شناعة البرتول والغاز واأحدث‬ ‫التكن�ل�جيات امل�شتخدمة يف هذه ال�شناعة‪.‬‬ ‫ونالت جملة برتوليم ت���داي اإعجاب العاملني يف قطاع البرتول و�شركاته‬ ‫‪ ,‬كما نالت اإع�ج��اب زوار املعر�ض م��ن مهند�شني وفنيني يعمل�ن يف كربى‬ ‫�شركات خدمات البرتول نظرا للملفات وامل�ق��الت العلمية الق�ية التي مت‬ ‫ن�شرها يف عدد املعر�ض اإ�شافة اىل الت�زيع املجاين وا�شع النطاق الذي تتميز‬ ‫به برتوليم ت�داي يف جميع املعار�ض وامل�ؤمترات ‪.‬‬ ‫اأي�شا �شاركت املجلة كراعي اإعالمي يف م�ؤمتر م�شر للزيت والغاز الذي اإنعقد‬ ‫يف فندق "الف�ر �شيزون" برعاية الهيئة العامة للبرتول وح�شره عدد كبري‬ ‫من روؤ�شاء وم�شئ�يل �شركات البرتول امل�شرية والأجنبية العاملة يف قطاع‬ ‫البرتول مب�شر بجانب ممثلني من وزارة البرتول والهيئة العامة للبرتول‬ ‫وناق�ض العديد من الوراق البحثية اخلا�شة مبجالت انتاج الزيت والغاز ‪.‬‬ ‫ومن ناحية اأخرى �شاركت املجلة يف معر�ض ال�شناعات املعدنية الذي ت�شارك‬ ‫فيه كربى �شركات احلديد وال�شلب يف م�شر والدول العربية ويحظى بزيارة‬ ‫ملح�ظة من م�شئ�يل �شركات البرتول والطاقة ‪.‬‬ ‫ك�م��ا ت�ن���ي امل�ج�ل��ة امل���ش��ارك��ة خ��الل ال �ف��رتة املقبلة يف ال�ع��دي��د م��ن امل�ع��ار���ض‬ ‫وامل�ؤمترات العلمية اخلا�شة بقطاع البرتول والطاقة مثل معر�ض وم�ؤمتر‬ ‫ك��اي��رو اإن��رج��ي ال ��ذي ي�ع�ق��د يف �شبتمرب امل �ق �ب��ل مب��رك��ز ال �ق��اه��رة ال ��دويل‬ ‫للم�ؤمترات املقبل واأي�شا ت�شارك املجلة كراعي اإعالمي يف امل�ؤمتر العلمي‬ ‫واملعر�ض الدوىل جلمعية مهند�شى البرتول �شمال اأفريقيا "‪ "NATC‬الذي‬ ‫يناق�ض جديد التقنيات يف �شناعة البرتول ومقرر اإنعقاده يف �شهر �شبتمرب‬ ‫بفندق فريم�نت تاورز هلي�ب�لي�ض القاهرة‬ ‫كذلك �شت�شارك جملة برتوليم ت���داي يف املعر�ض وامل��ؤمت��ر العاملى ال�شابع‬ ‫ل�شناعة النفط والغاز والبرتوكيماويات "‪ "InterGas‬واملقام حتت رعاية‬ ‫وزارة ال �ب��رتول يف �شهر ن�فمرب مب��رك��ز ال�ق��اه��رة ال ��دويل ل�ل�م��ؤمت��رات كما‬ ‫�شت�شارك املجلة يف املعر�ض ال ��دويل للكهرباء وال�ط��اق��ة بال�شرق الأو��ش��ط‬ ‫"اليكرتيك�ض" و�شيتم ت�زيع املجلة جمانا على ال�شركات العار�شة وزوار‬ ‫املعر�ض وهي �شيا�شة املجلة املتبعة يف كل معر�ض ‪.‬‬ ‫‪14‬‬

‫‪- March 2015‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬

‫‪MOC 2014‬‬

‫‪Egypt Oil & Gas 2015 Summit‬‬

‫‪Metal & Steel 2015‬‬

‫بمشاركة اكثر من ‪ 180‬شركة‬

‫الكتريكس فى دورتة الـ ‪ 24‬بداية جديدة بالتعاون مع‬ ‫شركة انفورما البريطانية‬ ‫مت انعقاد الدورة الـ ‪ 24‬ملعر�س اليكرتيك�س ‪2014‬‬ ‫يف الـفــرتة مــن ‪ 7-4‬دي�سمرب ‪ 2014‬حتــت رعاية‬ ‫وبافتتاح الدكتور حممد �ساكر وزيــر الكهرباء‬ ‫وال ـطــاقــة اجل ــدي ــدة مبــركــز ال ـقــاهــرة ال ــدويل‬ ‫للموؤمترات بالقاهرة با�س�سرتاك اكــرت من ‪20‬‬ ‫دولة اجنبية وعربية‪.‬‬ ‫ومــن اجلــديــر بــالــذكــر ان هــذه ال ــدورة جــاءت يف‬ ‫ظــل الـتـعــاون اال�سرتاتيجي مــع �سركة اإنفورما‬ ‫الــربيـطــانـيــة كتمهيد لـلـ�ـســراكــة اجلــديــدة بني‬ ‫الـ�ـســركـتــني وال ـتــي �ـسـتـظـهــر ب ـ� ـســورة كــام ـلــة يف‬ ‫ال ــدورة ال‪ 25‬ملعر�س اليكرتيك�س والـتــي �سيتم‬ ‫انعقادها يف الـفــرتة مــن ‪ 8 – 6‬دي�سمرب ‪.2015‬‬ ‫والتي �سيظهر فيها املعر�س ب�سكل خمتلف هذا‬ ‫العام لكونه االحتفال الف�سي للمعر�س وبداية‬ ‫ال�سراكة الر�سمية مع �سركة اإنفورما الربيطانية‬ ‫الـتــي تـعــد واح ــدة مــن اأك ــرب املـوؤ�ـسـ�ـســات العاملة‬ ‫يف جمــال تنظيم واإعـ ــداد امل ـوؤمتــرات واملـعــار�ــس‬ ‫الــدولـيــة على م�ستوى ال ـعــامل‪� .‬سركة اإنـفــورمــا‬ ‫الربيطانية هي ال�سركة املنظمة ملعر�س ميدل‬ ‫اإي�ست اليكرتي�سيتي بدبي‪.‬‬ ‫�سارك يف الــدورة ال‪ 24‬ملعر�س اليكرتيك�س اكرث‬ ‫من ‪� 180‬سركة متخ�س�سة يف جماالت الكهرباء‬ ‫والـطــاقــة‪ .‬ومــن اجلــديــر بالذكر تــواجــد العديد‬ ‫من ال�سركات االجنبية البارزة يف جمال املولدات‬ ‫للمرة االأوىل بال�سوق امل�سرية‪ .‬وكذلك تواجد‬ ‫العديد من ال�سركات العمالقة يف خمتلفمجاالت‬ ‫الكهرباء والطاقة‪.‬‬ ‫كما �سارك حــوايل ‪� 40‬سركة اجنبية وم�سرية‬ ‫متخ�س�سة يف جمــال لطاقة ال�سم�سية حيث‬ ‫تزامن معر�س �سوالر تك مع اليكرتك�س ‪.2014‬‬ ‫�ـســاعــد تــواجــد الـعــديــد مــن الـ�ـســركــات العاملية‬ ‫مثل‪Megacell, Jinko Solar, Onera,‬‬

‫‪ Cairo Solar‬ع ـلــى طـ ــرح ال ـت ـك ـنــولــوج ـيــا‬ ‫واال�ـسـتـخــدامــات احلــديـثــة للطاقة ال�سم�سية‬ ‫وتواجدها بال�سوق امل�سرية‪.‬‬ ‫وقد مت عقد املوؤمتر الدويل لال�ستثمار واالبتكار‬ ‫للطاقة ال�سم�سية يف الفرتة ‪ 7 ,4‬دي�سمرب‪ .‬وقد‬ ‫�سارك ‪ 28‬حما�سر عاملي باملوؤمتر الــذي افتتحه‬ ‫الدكتور حممد �ساكر املرقبي‪ .‬وقد راأ�س املوؤمتر‬ ‫الدكتور طارق اأمطريه املدير التنفيذي للمركز‬ ‫االقليمي للطاقة املتجددة وكفاءة الطاقة‪ .‬وقد‬ ‫�سارك فيه من اعــالم الطاقة ال�سم�سية بالعامل‬ ‫الدكتور اأيــك ويــرب مدير مركز اأبـحــاث الطاقة‬ ‫مبوؤ�س�سة فــراونـهــوفــر االأملــانـيــة والــدكـتــور هاين‬ ‫النقرا�سي ع�سو املجل�س الرئا�سي لعلماء م�سر‪.‬‬ ‫كــذلــك � ـس ــارك ال ـعــديــد م ــن خـ ــرباء ال ـطــاقــة من‬ ‫موؤ�س�سات عاملية مثل فري�ست �ـســوالر االأمريكية‬ ‫واملهند�س وائل الن�سار رئي�س �سركة اأونريا امل�سرية‪.‬‬ ‫ك ـمــا اأن ـ ــه جــديــر بــالــذكــر اأن املـ ـوؤمت ــر الـ ــدويل‬

‫لــال�ـسـتـثـمــار واالب ـت ـكــار لـلـطــاقــة الـ�ـسـمـ�ـسـيــة مت‬ ‫انعقادة برعاية �سركة فري�ست �سوالر االمريكية‬ ‫ومـوؤ�ـسـ�ـســة فــراونـهــوفــر االأملــان ـيــة و�ـســركــة كــايــرو‬ ‫�سوالر امل�سرية‪.‬‬ ‫وي ـعــد املـ ـوؤمت ــر اأول ح ــدث مــن نــوعــه يف جمــال‬ ‫الطاقة ال�سم�سية يقوم بالقاء ال�سوء على فر�س‬ ‫اال�ستثمار يف جمــال الطاقة ال�سم�سية والعمل‬ ‫على تطوير تلك الفر�س حيث قام املوؤمتر بدور‬ ‫املن�سة التي يتم من خاللها فتح قنوات التوا�سل‬ ‫بــني م�سئويل احلـكــومــة والـ�ـســركــات الــرائــده يف‬ ‫املجال لت�سهيل �سبل التالقي وعقد ال�سفقات‪.‬‬ ‫كـمــا قــامــت الـ�ـســركــة الـقــابـ�ـســة لـكـهــربــاء م�سر‬ ‫بعقد ن ــدوة عـلــى هــامـ�ــس الـ ــدورة ال ‪ 24‬ملعر�س‬ ‫ال ـي ـكــرتي ـك ـ�ــس ل ـل ـت ـعــريــف بــاملــوا� ـس ـفــات الـفـنـيــة‬ ‫للمحطات ال�سم�سية وربطها بال�سبكة القومية‬ ‫املوحدة والتعريف باإ�سرتاطات كود الربط على‬ ‫ال�سبكة وطرق الربط‬ ‫‪- March 2015‬‬

‫‪13 Petroleum Today‬‬

‫دوالر ومن ��ح توقي ��ع ‪ 2‬ملي ��ون دوالر واإجراء م�سح‬ ‫�سيزمى ثالثى االأبعاد وحفر بئرين جديدين فى‬ ‫م�ساحة ‪ 365‬كيلو مر مربع ‪.‬‬ ‫واالتفاقي ��ة الرابع ��ة لل�سرك ��ة امل�سري ��ة القاب�س ��ة‬ ‫للغ ��ازات الطبيعي ��ة ( اإيجا� ��س) م ��ع �سركت ��ى‬ ‫اأدي�س ��ون االإيطالية وبروكلت ��ك اال�سكتلندية فى‬ ‫منطق ��ة �سمال بورفوؤاد البحرية بالبحر املتو�سط‬ ‫با�ستثم ��ارات حده ��ا االأدن ��ى ‪ 100‬ملي ��ون دوالر‬ ‫ومنح ��ة توقي ��ع ‪1‬ر‪ 5‬ملي ��ون دوالر واإج ��راء م�س ��ح‬ ‫�سيزم ��ى ثالث ��ى االأبع ��اد وحف ��ر بئري ��ن جديدين‬ ‫ف ��ى م�ساح ��ة ‪ 3397‬كيل ��و م ��ر مرب ��ع ‪ ،‬واالتفاقية‬ ‫اخلام�س ��ة الإيجا�س م ��ع �سركتى اأي ��وك االإيطالية‬ ‫وبريت�س برولي ��م االجنليزية فى منطقة كروان‬ ‫البحري ��ة بالبح ��ر املتو�س ��ط با�ستثم ��ارات حده ��ا‬ ‫االأدن ��ى ‪ 145‬مليون دوالر ومنح ��ة توقيع ‪ 5‬مليون‬

‫دوالر واإجراء م�س ��ح �سيزمى ثالثى االأبعاد وحفر‬ ‫بئري ��ن جديدي ��ن ف ��ى م�ساح ��ة ‪ 4565‬كيل ��و م ��ر‬ ‫مرب ��ع ‪ ،‬واالتفاقي ��ة ال�ساد�سة الإيجا� ��س مع �سركة‬ ‫اأي ��وك االإيطالية فى منطقة �سم ��ال ليل البحرية‬ ‫بالبح ��ر املتو�س ��ط با�ستثمارات حده ��ا االأدنى ‪130‬‬ ‫ملي ��ون دوالر ومنحة توقي ��ع مليون دوالر واإجراء‬ ‫م�سح �سيزمى ثنائى وثالثى االأبعاد وحفر بئرين‬ ‫جديدين فى م�ساحة ‪ 5105‬كيلو مر مربع ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 6‬اتفاقي ��ات اأخ ��رى اأعلن ��ت عنه ��ا ال ��وزارة يف‬ ‫�سه ��ر يناي ��ر اي�س ��ا للبح ��ث ع ��ن الب ��رول والغ ��از‬ ‫بال�سحراء الغربية وخليج ال�سوي�س‬ ‫و�سمل ��ت االتفاقي ��ات ال�س ��ت اتفاقي ��ة م ��ع �سرك ��ة‬ ‫اأي ��وك االإيطالية فى منطقة جن ��وب غرب مليحة‬ ‫بال�سح ��راء الغربي ��ة با�ستثم ��ارات حده ��ا االأدن ��ى‬ ‫‪ 37‬ملي ��ون دوالر ومنح ��ة توقي ��ع ‪ 20‬ملي ��ون‬

‫دوالر‪ ،‬واالتفاقي ��ة الثاني ��ة م ��ع �سرك ��ة تران� ��س‬ ‫جل ��وب الكندي ��ة ف ��ى منطق ��ة �سم ��ال غ ��رب �سرا‬ ‫بال�سح ��راء الغربي ��ة با�ستثم ��ارات حده ��ا االأدن ��ى‬ ‫‪ 16‬ملي ��ون دوالر ومنح ��ة توقي ��ع ‪ 2‬ملي ��ون دوالر‬ ‫‪ ،‬واالتفاقيت ��ني الثالث ��ة والرابع ��ة م ��ع �سرك ��ة �سل‬ ‫الهولندية فى منطقتى �سرا وبدر‪ 3-‬بال�سحراء‬ ‫الغربي ��ة باإجم ��اىل ا�ستثم ��ارات حده ��ا االأدنى ‪200‬‬ ‫ملي ��ون دوالر ومن ��ح توقي ��ع ‪ 100‬ملي ��ون دوالر ‪،‬‬ ‫واالتفاقي ��ة اخلام�س ��ة م ��ع �سركتى العام ��ة وثروة‬ ‫للب ��رول ف ��ى منطقة امتي ��از حور� ��س بال�سحراء‬ ‫الغربي ��ة با�ستثم ��ارات حده ��ا االأدن ��ى ‪5‬ر‪ 18‬مليون‬ ‫دوالر ‪ ،‬واالتفاقي ��ة ال�ساد�س ��ة تعدي ��ل التفاقي ��ة‬ ‫م ��ع �سرك ��ة بى ب ��ى االجنليزية فى منطق ��ة �سمال‬ ‫اأكتوب ��ر بخلي ��ج ال�سوي� ��س به ��دف ا�ستكم ��ال اإنت ��اج‬ ‫االأحتياطى املتبقى ‪.‬‬

‫‪- March 2015‬‬

‫‪11 Petroleum Today‬‬

‫ثنائى وثالثى االأبعاد وحفر ‪ 5‬اآبار جديدة‪.‬‬ ‫كم ��ا وقع ��ت ال�سركة القاب�س ��ة للغ ��ازات الطبيعية‬ ‫اإيجا� ��س اتفاقي ��ة م ��ع �سرك ��ة توت ��ال الفرن�سي ��ة‬ ‫ف ��ى منطق ��ة �سم ��ال املحل ��ة االأر�سية بدلت ��ا النيل‬ ‫با�ستثمارات حدها االأدنى ‪ 20‬مليون دوالر ومنحة‬ ‫توقي ��ع ‪ 3‬ملي ��ون دوالر واإج ��راء م�س ��ح �سيزم ��ى‬ ‫ثالثى االأبعاد وحفر بئرين جديدين ‪.‬‬ ‫وكان ��ت �سرك ��ة ايجا� ��س يف منت�س ��ف �سه ��ر يناي ��ر‬ ‫ق ��د وقع ��ت اتفاقيت ��ان بروليت ��ان جديدت ��ان‬ ‫با�ستثم ��ارات ‪ 97‬ملي ��ون دوالر م ��ع كال م ��ن �سركة‬ ‫دانا غاز و�سركة بي بي االجنليزية‬ ‫وكان ��ت االتفاقي ��ة االأوىل م ��ع دان ��ا غ ��از ف ��ى‬ ‫منطق ��ة �سم ��ال ال�ساحلي ��ة االأر�سية بدلت ��ا النيل‬ ‫با�ستثمارات حدها االأدنى ‪ 22‬مليون دوالر ومنحة‬ ‫توقي ��ع ‪ 5‬ملي ��ون دوالر واإج ��راء م�س ��ح �سيزم ��ى‬


‫‪- March 2015‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬

‫ثالث ��ى االأبعاد وحف ��ر ‪ 5‬اآبار جدي ��دة ‪ ،‬واالتفاقية‬ ‫الثاني ��ة م ��ع كل م ��ن �سركت ��ى ب ��ى ب ��ى االإجنليزية‬ ‫ودانا غاز االأماراتية فى منطقة املطرية االأر�سية‬ ‫بدلت ��ا النيل با�ستثمارات حده ��ا االأدنى ‪ 75‬مليون‬ ‫دوالر ومنح ��ة توقي ��ع ‪ 15‬ملي ��ون دوالر واإج ��راء‬ ‫م�سح �سيزمى ثالثى االأبعاد وحفر ‪ 3‬اآبار جديدة‪.‬‬ ‫و�سه ��د يناي ��ر اي�س ��ا توقي ��ع ع ��دد م ��ن االتفاقيات‬ ‫اجلدي ��دة للبحث عن الب ��رول والغاز فى مناطق‬ ‫ال�سح ��راء الغربي ��ة وخلي ��ج ال�سوي� ��س والبح ��ر‬ ‫املتو�س ��ط مع �سركات اأدي�سون واأيوك االإيطاليتني‬ ‫واآر دبلي ��و اأى دي ��ا االأملاني ��ة وبريت� ��س برولي ��م‬ ‫االجنليزية وبروكلتك اال�سكتلندية با�ستثمارات‬ ‫حده ��ا االأدن ��ى ح ��واىل ‪ 485‬ملي ��ون دوالر ومن ��ح‬ ‫توقيع‪7‬ر‪ 17‬مليون دوالر حلفر ‪ 16‬بئراً جديدة ‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت االتفاقية االأوىل لهيئة البرول مع �سركة‬

‫اإدي�سون االإيطالية فى منطقة �سمال غرب جندى‬ ‫بال�سحراء الغربي ��ة با�ستثمارات حدها االأدنى ‪20‬‬ ‫ملي ��ون دوالر ومنح ��ة توقي ��ع ‪1‬ر‪ 3‬ملي ��ون دوالر‬ ‫واإج ��راء م�س ��ح �سيزم ��ى ثنائ ��ى وثالث ��ى االأبع ��اد‬ ‫وحف ��ر ‪ 3‬اآبار جديدة ف ��ى م�ساحة ‪ 1866‬كيلو مر‬ ‫مرب ��ع بينم ��ا كانت االتفاقي ��ة الثاني ��ة للهيئة مع‬ ‫�سرك ��ة اآردبلي ��و اأى دي ��ا االأملانية ف ��ى منطقة �سرق‬ ‫راأ� ��س فن ��ار بخلي ��ج ال�سوي� ��س با�ستثم ��ارات حده ��ا‬ ‫االأدنى ‪ 45‬مليون دوالر ومنحة توقيع ‪5‬ر‪ 1‬مليون‬ ‫دوالر واإجراء م�س ��ح �سيزمى ثالثى االأبعاد وحفر‬ ‫‪ 4‬اآب ��ار جدي ��دة ف ��ى م�ساحة ‪ 187‬كيل ��و مر مربع‪،‬‬ ‫واالتفاقي ��ة الثالث ��ة للهيئ ��ة كان ��ت م ��ع �سركت ��ى‬ ‫اإدي�س ��ون االإيطالية واآر دبلي ��و اأى ديا االأملانية معاً‬ ‫ف ��ى منطق ��ة �سمال غ ��رب االأمل بخلي ��ج ال�سوي�س‬ ‫باإجم ��اىل ا�ستثم ��ارات حده ��ا االأدن ��ى ‪ 45‬ملي ��ون‬

‫‪ 2017‬واأن ي�سل اإىل ‪ 1.2‬مليار قدم مكعبة يوميا‬ ‫"مب ��ا يعادل نحو ‪ 25‬باملئ ��ة من االإنتاج احلايل‬ ‫للغ ��از يف م�س ��ر"‪ .‬ومتل ��ك ال�سرك ��ة ‪ 65‬باملئة من‬ ‫امل�سروع امل�سرك‪.‬‬ ‫كم ��ا اك ��د اإ�سماعي ��ل عل ��ى هام� ��س املوؤمت ��ر‬ ‫االقت�س ��ادي اأن م�س ��ر وقعت اتفاقي ��ة مع �سركة‬ ‫اإين ��ي االإيطالي ��ة بقيم ��ة خم�س ��ة ملي ��ارات دوالر‬ ‫الإنت ��اج ‪ 900‬ملي ��ون قدم مكعبة م ��ن الغاز خالل‬ ‫اأرب ��ع �سنوات م�سيف ��ا اأن اال�ستثم ��ارات تركز يف‬ ‫مناط ��ق امتي ��از يف البح ��ر املتو�س ��ط وال�سح ��راء‬ ‫الغربية ودلتا النيل و�سيناء ‪.‬‬ ‫واو�س ��ح الوزي ��ر ان كل االتفاقي ��ات اإيجابية جدا‬ ‫مل�سر وتوؤكد اأن م�سر ت�سري يف الطريق ال�سحيح‬ ‫حل ��ل امل�س ��كالت وتهيئة املن ��اخ اأم ��ام امل�ستثمرين‬ ‫ل�سخ ا�ستثمارات اأكر ‪.‬‬ ‫على ال�سعيد نف�سه قال الرئي�س التنفيذي ل�سركة‬ ‫دان ��ة غاز باتريك اأومل ��ان اإن ال�سركة �ست�ستثمر ‪350‬‬ ‫مليون دوالر جديدة يف م�سر على مدى الثالثني‬ ‫�سه ��را املقبل ��ة واإنه ��ا تتوق ��ع ت�سل ��م املتاأخ ��رات‬ ‫امل�ستحقة لها على احلكومة بنهاية ‪.2016‬‬ ‫واو�س ��ح خ ��الل القم ��ة االقت�سادي ��ة اإن‬ ‫اال�ستثم ��ارات تت�سمن حفر نحو ‪ 40‬بئرا جديدة‬ ‫واأعم ��ال �سيانة لعدد مماثل م ��ن االآبار القائمة‬ ‫وبناء خطوط اأنابيب جديدة واإزالة االختناقات‬ ‫مبحطة قائمة‪.‬‬ ‫يف الوق ��ت نف�س ��ه وخ ��الل القمة اعل ��ن خو�سيه م‪.‬‬ ‫دو ال ك ��روز �سف ��ري ت�سيلي ان �سرك ��ة تابعة ل�سركة‬ ‫النف ��ط احلكومي ��ة اإين ��اب �ست�ستثم ��ر ‪ 30‬ملي ��ون‬ ‫دوالر يف م�س ��روع مل ��د خ ��ط اأنابي ��ب بط ��ول ‪90‬‬ ‫كيلومرا يف ال�سحراء الغربية مب�سر م�سريا اىل‬ ‫اأن خط االأنابيب �سيتيح لل�سركة ا�ستخراج النفط‬ ‫م ��ن ك�سف جديد غربي القاه ��رة وبيعه للحكومة‬ ‫امل�سرية التي تواجه اأزمة يف اإمدادات الطاقة‪.‬‬ ‫وت�سمنت االتفاقيات اي�سا توقيع كل من الهيئة‬ ‫امل�سري ��ة العام ��ة للب ��رول وال�سرك ��ة امل�سري ��ة‬

‫القاب�س ��ة للغ ��ازات الطبيعية (اإيجا� ��س) مذكرة‬ ‫اتفاق م ��ع �سركة بي جي اإيجبت ملوا�سلة تطوير‬ ‫مناطق االإنتاج واال�ستك�ساف بالدلتا با�ستثمارات‬ ‫ت�سل اإىل ‪ 4‬مليار دوالر‪.‬‬ ‫ومبوج ��ب مذك ��رة االتف ��اق تق ��وم ب ��ي ج ��ي اإيجب ��ت‬ ‫مبوا�سل ��ة تطوي ��ر منطق ��ة امتي ��از غ ��رب الدلت ��ا‬ ‫البحري ��ة العميق ��ة اإىل جان ��ب درا�س ��ة امل�ساري ��ع‬ ‫امل�ستقبلي ��ة لدع ��م اال�ستق ��رار امل�ست ��دام مل ��وارد الغ ��از‬ ‫الطبيع ��ي يف م�س ��ر كم ��ا تلت ��زم ب ��ي ج ��ي اإيجب ��ت‬ ‫باال�ستثم ��ار يف اأعم ��ال االإ�س ��الح لثالث ��ة اب ��ار يف‬ ‫منطقة امتياز غرب الدلتا البحرية خالل عام ‪2015‬‬ ‫لتح�سني اإنتاج الغاز من حقول منطقة االمتياز‪.‬‬ ‫وقال ��ت ال�سرك ��ة اأن لديه ��ا خط ��ة طموح ��ة‬ ‫ال�ستثم ��ارات جدي ��دة لتوفري احتياطي ��ات اإ�سافية‬ ‫م ��ن الغ ��از يف منطق ��ة االمتي ��از لزي ��ادة االإنت ��اج يف‬ ‫امل�ستقبل وت�سمل اخلطة بداية االإنتاج من املرحلة‬ ‫‪9‬ب بنف� ��س منطق ��ة االمتي ��از بع ��د االنته ��اء م ��ن‬ ‫الفح� ��س والتقيي ��م التقني واالنته ��اء من املرحلة‬ ‫‪ 9‬اأ و�سيتم ذلك وفقا لبنود االتفاقيات التجارية‬

‫�صهر يناير‬ ‫يف �سه ��ر يناي ��ر وح ��ده اأبرم ��ت م�س ��ر ‪� 15‬سفقة‬ ‫جدي ��دة للتنقي ��ب وعدل ��ت اتفاق ��ني اآخري ��ن‬ ‫واأجن ��زت مناق�س ��ات ك ��ربى ال�ست ��رياد الغ ��از‬ ‫الطبيع ��ي امل�سال م ��ن دول منها اجلزائر ورو�سيا‬ ‫وانفتحت على معايري ت�سعري الطاقة العاملية يف‬ ‫الوق ��ت الذي ت�سعى في ��ه احلكومة الإلغاء الدعم‬ ‫بحلول ‪.2019‬‬ ‫ه ��ذا ال�سه ��ر �سه ��د توقي ��ع ع ��دد م ��ن االتفاقي ��ات‬ ‫البرولي ��ة اجلدي ��دة فق ��د وقع ��ت الهيئ ��ة العام ��ة‬ ‫للبرول اتفاقية مع �سركة ات�س بى ا�س التون�سية‬ ‫ف ��ى منطق ��ة جن ��وب غ ��رب العلم ��ني بال�سح ��راء‬ ‫الغربي ��ة با�ستثم ��ارات حده ��ا االأدن ��ى ‪ 12‬ملي ��ون‬ ‫دوالر ومنح ��ة توقي ��ع ‪ 8‬مليون دوالر واإجراء م�سح‬ ‫�سيزمى ثنائى وثالثى االأبعاد وحفر ‪ 3‬اآبار جديدة‬ ‫كما وقعت الهيئة اتفاقية اخرى مع نف�س ال�سركة‬ ‫ف ��ى منطق ��ة �سم ��ال غ ��زاالت بال�سح ��راء الغربي ��ة‬ ‫با�ستثم ��ارات حدها االأدنى ‪ 15‬مليون دوالر ومنحة‬ ‫توقي ��ع ‪ 12‬ملي ��ون دوالر واإج ��راء م�س ��ح �سيزم ��ى‬

‫‪- March 2015‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬


‫بل ��غ ع ��دد االتفاقي ��ات ‪ 56‬اتفاقي ��ة من ��ذ نوفمرب‬ ‫‪ 2013‬وحت ��ى منت�س ��ف �سه ��ر مار� ��س بح�س ��ب‬ ‫ت�سريح ��ات للمهند� ��س �سري ��ف ا�سماعي ��ل وزي ��ر‬ ‫الب ��رول وال ��روة املعدني ��ة وذل ��ك م ��ن اأج ��ل‬ ‫تعظي ��م اإنت ��اج م�س ��ر م ��ن الزي ��ت والغ ��از و�س ��د‬ ‫اإحتياج ��ات ال�س ��وق امل�س ��ري املتعط� ��س للطاق ��ة‬ ‫وبات ��ت م�سر �سوقا كبرية جدي ��دة للبرول مع‬ ‫�سع ��ى احلكوم ��ة لتخفيف حدة اأ�س ��واأ اأزمة طاقة‬ ‫ت�سهدها منذ عقود‪.‬‬ ‫العدي ��د م ��ن العوام ��ل دفع ��ت �س ��ركات الب ��رول‬ ‫العاملي ��ة اىل �س ��خ اإ�ستثم ��ارات جدي ��دة يف قط ��اع‬ ‫الب ��رول امل�س ��ري ‪ ،‬لع ��ل اأب ��رز تل ��ك العوام ��ل‬ ‫ت�سدي ��د احلكوم ��ة امل�سري ��ة ج ��زء كب ��ري م ��ن‬ ‫م�ستحق ��ات ال�س ��ركاء االجان ��ب بل ��غ اك ��ر م ��ن‬ ‫خم�س ��ة ملي ��ارات دوالر وو�س ��ع خط ��ة لت�سدي ��د‬ ‫بقي ��ة ه ��ذه امل�ستحق ��ات يف منت�س ��ف ع ��ام ‪2016‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬

‫‪- March 2015‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬

‫والتي تقدر ب� ‪ 3‬مليار دوالر‬ ‫�سمل ��ت عوام ��ل جذب ال�س ��ركات االجنبي ��ة اأي�سا‬ ‫قي ��ام قط ��اع البرول بتوقي ��ع اتفاقي ��ات جديدة‬ ‫خا�س ��ة برف ��ع �سع ��ر �س ��راء الغ ��از م ��ن ال�س ��ركاء‬ ‫االجان ��ب حت ��ى يتنا�سب مع تكالي ��ف اال�ستخراج‬ ‫لتحفي ��ز ال�سركات على �س ��خ ا�ستثمارات وتوقيع‬ ‫اتفاقيات للبح ��ث والتنقيب عن الغاز يف مناطق‬ ‫جديدة وح�سب طبيعة كل منطقة ‪.‬‬ ‫بالتاكي ��د تلك االإجراءات واخلطط واالتفاقيات‬ ‫تعك� ��س رغب ��ة قوي ��ة ل ��دى قط ��اع الب ��رول‬ ‫للتخفي ��ف من ح ��دة اأزم ��ات الطاقة الت ��ي عانت‬ ‫منه ��ا م�س ��ر ب�سب ��ب االإ�سطراب ��ات واالح ��داث‬ ‫ال�سيا�سي ��ة الت ��ي تفج ��رت عق ��ب اندالع ث ��ورة ‪25‬‬ ‫يناي ��ر ومتثل ��ت يف اأزم ��ات نق� ��س بنزي ��ن و�سوالر‬ ‫واإنقط ��اع متكرر للتيار الكهربائي واأزمات تتعلق‬ ‫بالنق�س احلاد يف ا�سطوانات غاز البوتاجاز ‪.‬‬

‫موؤمتر م�صر امل�صتقبل‬ ‫اأبرز حمطات قطار توقيع االتفاقيات مع كربى‬ ‫�س ��ركات الب ��رول كان ��ت يف موؤمتر �س ��رم ال�سيخ‬ ‫االقت�سادي حي ��ث وقعت م�سر �سفقات اإ�ستثمار‬ ‫يف قط ��اع الغ ��از باأك ��ر م ��ن ‪ 21‬ملي ��ار دوالر م ��ع‬ ‫�سركات عاملية اأبرزها بي‪.‬بي الربيطانية‬ ‫ويف ه ��ذا ال�سي ��اق ق ��ال وزي ��ر الب ��رول املهند� ��س‬ ‫�سري ��ف اإ�سماعي ��ل ان ��ه مت توقي ��ع اتفاقي ��ة م ��ع‬ ‫�سرك ��ة بي‪.‬ب ��ي الربيطاني ��ة بقيم ��ة ‪ 12‬ملي ��ار‬ ‫دوالر لتطوي ��ر خم�س ��ة تريليون ��ات ق ��دم مكعب ��ة‬ ‫من م ��وارد الغاز و‪ 55‬مليون برميل من املكثفات‬ ‫يف منطق ��ة غرب دلتا الني ��ل وذكر بيان م�سرك‬ ‫ل ��وزارة الب ��رول وبي‪.‬ب ��ي اأن ال�سفق ��ة املوقع ��ة‬ ‫ته ��دف اإىل دفع اإنت ��اج ما يوازي ثالث ��ة مليارات‬ ‫برميل من البرول ‪.‬‬ ‫وتتوق ��ع بي‪.‬ب ��ي اأن يب ��داأ االإنتاج م ��ن امل�سروع يف‬

‫اإلستثمـــارات البتروليـــة تتـــدفـق علــى مصــر‬

‫فيم��ا يعك�س ثقة امل�صتثمرين الجانب يف مناخ الإ�صتثمار امل�صري ب�صفة عامة وقطاع‬ ‫الب��رول ب�صف��ة خا�ص��ة ‪� ،‬صه��د القطاع خ��ال الف��رة املا�صي��ة توقيع الع�ص��رات من‬ ‫التفاقيات مع كربى �صركات البرول العاملية للبحث والتنقيب واإ�صاح بع�س الآبار ‪.‬‬ ‫برولي��م ت��وداي تر�ص��د ع��دد م��ن التفاقي��ات الت��ي وقعها قط��اع الب��رول مع‬ ‫ال�صركات الجنبية‬

Hady Meiser Egypt is an Egyptian German joint venture investment that manufacture bar gratings with high quality and prices than their imported which used in various fields as petroleum companies – Power stations – Cement companies – Fertilizers company , spiral stairs and slitting coils. Hady Meiser grating is acknowledged by trade specialists to be one of the best product of its kind in Europe , It›s a fair assessment , we feel and part of the reason is undoubtedly the committed work of our planning department and our reliable delivery dates. What is the gratings ? Try asking non- experts what a grating is « a grating ?» , most of them will reply « a grating is a kind of floor on which you can stand safely, but when you look down , you get the feeling you›re standing in mid-air. Indeed , more than 80% of any grating does exist of holes, we simply exploit the fact that a strip of metal positioned .

Gratings Specification : our gratings enjoy various specifications they have different sizes of bearing bars starting from 25x 3 mm . up to 50 x 5 mm and fences . and twisted cross bars 5 mm. or 6 mm in addition to the possibility of manufacturing the serrated grating which are specially made for the petroleum companies Slitting coils : In addition that it has been inserted a new production line for rod slitting coils ( black-galvanized – hot – cold ) in thickness starting from 1 m up to 4 mm.

Head office : 2 Asma Fahmy St,Heliopolis, Cairo,Egypt Tele : (+202)24175822 - 22903879 Fax : (+202 ) 26903694 - 22919273 E-mail :

Factory : ElShrouk Industrial Zone ( recommended to contact ) Tele : +2 02 44604273 - 4 Fax : +2 02 44604123 - 44698212 Mobile : 0100172 60 68 – 01276798800 E-mail :

Perpendicularly and anchored securely can carry substantial load.

‫"اأرامكو ال�شعودية" تكت�شف ‪ 8‬حقول جديدة للزيت والغاز خالل عام ‪2014‬‬ ‫ك�سف رئي�س "اأرامكو ال�سعودية" وكبري اإدارييها التنفيذيني خالد بن عبدالعزيز الفالح عن اكت�ساف دائرة‬ ‫التنقيب يف ال�سركة ثمانية حقول جديدة للزيت والغاز خالل عام ‪.2014‬‬ ‫وقال الفالح اإن عام ‪� 2014‬سهد رق ًما قيا�س ًيا يف اإنتاج الغاز غري امل�ساحب يف ال�سركة‪ ،‬اإ�سافة اإىل اإمتام‬ ‫عملية الدمج بني �سركة فيال و�سركة البحري‪ ،‬وكذلك ا�ستحواذ اأرامكو ال�سعودية على اأ�سهم اإ�سافية يف‬ ‫�سركة اإ�س‪-‬اأويل‪.‬‬ ‫وجاءت كلمة الفالح خالل اجتماع اللجنة التنفيذية ملجل�س اإدارة اأرامكو ال�سعودية والذي ناق�س عديدا من‬ ‫النقاط من بينها تقرير امل�سوؤولية لنهاية العام‪ ،‬كما ا�ستعر�ست اللجنة التنفيذية ا�سرتاتيجية الكيميائيات‬ ‫يف ال�سركة و�سادقت على بع�س خططها‪ ،‬كما اطلعت على تقرير حول ا�سرتاتيجية ال�سبكة الكهربائية وعلى‬ ‫التوقعات امل�ستقبلية للمملكة يف عام ‪2040‬م‪.‬‬

‫مزايدة عاملية جديدة للبحث عن البرتول والغاز بالبحر املتو�شط‬ ‫يطرح قطاع البرتول املزايدة العاملية اجلديدة لعام ‪ 2015‬لل�سركة امل�سرية القاب�سة للغازات‬ ‫الطبيعية (اإيجا�س) والتى ت�سم ‪ 8‬قطاعات فى البحر املتو�سط مب�ساحة اإجمالية حواىل ‪11849‬‬ ‫كيلو مرت مربع وهى قطاع ‪ 1-‬غرب العري�س البحرية ‪ ،‬قطاع ‪� 2-‬سرق بور�سعيد البحرية ‪ ،‬قطاع ‪-‬‬ ‫‪� 3‬سمال رمانة البحرية ‪ ،‬قطاع ‪� 4-‬سمال راأ�س الع�س البحرية ‪ ،‬قطاع ‪ 5-‬غرب التم�ساح البحرية‪،‬‬ ‫قطاع ‪ 6-‬جنوب تنني البحرية ‪ ،‬قطاع ‪� 7-‬سمال احلماد البحرية وقطاع ‪� 8-‬سرق الأ�سكندرية‬ ‫البحرية ‪.‬‬ ‫واأ�سار املهند�س �سريف اإ�سماعيل وزير البرتول والرثوة املعدنية اأن املزايدات العاملية التى تطرحها‬ ‫هيئة البرتول و�سركتى اإيجا�س وجنوب تعد حجر الزاوية فى حتقيق اكت�سافات جديدة ت�سهم فى‬ ‫تاأمني احتياجات ال�ستهالك املحلى املتنامى من املنتجات البرتولية والغازات الطبيعية ‪.‬‬

‫فندق لوبا�شاج القاهرة يح�شل على ثالث �شهادات اآيزو‬ ‫جن ��ح فن ��دق لوبا�س ��اج‬ ‫القاه ��رة يف احل�س ��ول على‬ ‫ثالث �سه ��ادات لالآيزو وهى‬ ‫‪ 9001‬و‪ 14001‬و‪18001‬‬ ‫نتيجة ل�سع ��ي الفندق الدائم‬ ‫لتحقيق اأعلى درجات التميز‬ ‫يف خدمة العمالء ‪.‬‬ ‫ومن جانبها اأو�سحت ال�سيدة‬ ‫منى عبد القادر املدير العام‬ ‫لفندق لوبا�س ��اج اأن ح�سول‬ ‫الفن ��دق على �سهادات الآيزو جاء تتويجا جلهود فري ��ق الإدارة املتكاملة بالفندق برئا�سه مدام ناديه احلديدى‬ ‫مدي ��ر اإدارة اجل ��وده لتطوير اأدائه وحر�سه على تنظي ��م وتطوير العمل داخل الفن ��دق وتقدمي خدمات متميزة‬ ‫للعمالء والنزلء ‪.‬‬ ‫واك ��دت مديرعام لوبا�ساج عل ��ى اأن اإدارة الفندق ت�سعى جاهدة اىل حتقيق اأعل ��ى م�ستويات اجلودة فى خدمة‬ ‫العم ��الء واملحافظ ��ة على بيئة نظيفة واي�س ��ا توفري اأق�سى درجات ال�سالمة املهنية وذل ��ك من اأجل العمل على‬ ‫تن�سيط ال�سياحة امل�سرية والو�سول بها لأعلى درجات التميز واإعادتها اىل �سابق عهدها ‪.‬‬ ‫ومتنح �سهادة الآيزو للفنادق التي ت�سعي دوما لاللتزام بالقواعد البيئية من جانب العاملني وكذلك ن�سر الوعي‬ ‫البيئ ��ي ب ��ني النزلء وت�سمل تدري ��ب العاملني واملراقبة الدقيق ��ة لتنفيذ الرامج البيئي ��ة اإيل جانب ال�ستخدام‬ ‫الأمثل للمياه والطاقة من خالل خطة عمل �ساملة بالإ�سافة اإيل الأ�سلوب الأمثل للتخل�س من النفايات‬

‫اأمريكا تخزن ‪ 696‬مليون برميل‬ ‫نفط بعيدا عن الأنظار‬ ‫متلك الوليات املتحدة الأمريكية خمزون ًا من النفط‬ ‫اخلام با�سم "احتياطي وا�سنطن ال�سرتاتيجي"‪،‬‬ ‫وذلك يف حالت الطوارئ‪ ،‬اإليكم عدد ًا من احلقائق‬ ‫حول هذا الحتياطي‪:‬‬ ‫ اإنه تابع للحكومة الأمريكية وحتوي النفط ب�سكله‬‫اخل��ام‪ ،‬وال�ه��دف الأ�سا�سي من ه��ذا الحتياطي‬ ‫يكمن يف توفري احتياطي من النفط للبالد يف حال‬ ‫وقوع اأي خلل بتزويد اأمريكا بالنفط املباع جتاري ًا‪.‬‬ ‫ يتم تخزين النفط اخلام يف كهوف ملحية تقع‬‫حتت جممع حكومي يف وليتي تك�سا�س وقبالة‬ ‫�ساحل خليج لويزيانا‪ ،‬وتعد ت�سكيالت امللح اإحدى‬ ‫اأف�سل الطرق لالحتفاظ بالنفط اخل��ام ب�سكل‬ ‫يحافظ على البيئة‪.‬‬ ‫ وميكن خلزينة الحتياطي اأن تت�سع حلوايل ‪727‬‬‫مليون برميل نفط‪ ،‬وك��ان��ت حت��وي ‪ 490‬مليون‬ ‫برميال عام ‪ 1985‬وهي كمية كانت تكفي اأمريكا‬ ‫ملدة ‪ 118‬يوم ًا‪ ،‬اأما الآن فاإن اخلزينة حتوي ‪696‬‬ ‫مليون برميل نفط خ��ام‪ ،‬وميكنها اأن ت�ستبدل‬ ‫كمية النفط امل�ستورد حلوايل ‪ 94‬يوم ًا‪.‬‬ ‫ ميكن للنفط اخلام اأن يبلغ الأ�سواق بعد ‪ 13‬يوم‬‫من موافقة الرئي�س الأمريكي على ا�ستخدامه‪،‬‬ ‫والتي ل ميكنها اأن تطبق اإل يف حالت ثالث‪ :‬قلة‬ ‫يف كمية النفط لدرجة "حرجة"‪ ،‬اأو انخفا�س‬ ‫قليل مبعدل النفط امل�ستور والذي ميكنه اأن يوؤدي‬ ‫اإىل اأزمة كبرية بامل�ستقبل‪ ،‬اأو جتربة بيع النفط‬ ‫اأو تبديله ب�سرط األ تتعدى الكمية يف هذه احلالة‬ ‫خم�سة ماليني برميل‪.‬‬ ‫‪- March 2015‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬


‫‪ % 100‬ح�شة م�شر من الغاز يف اتفاقيتني مع "بي بي" لتنمية حقول بالبحر املتو�شط‬

‫قالت وزارة البرتول والرثوة املعدنية امل�سرية ‪ ،‬اإن ح�سة م�سر من اتفاقيتني مرمتني مع �سركتي "بريت�س‬ ‫برتيليوم" (بى بى) الريطانية و"اآر دبليو اى" الأملانية لتنمية حقول الغاز فى غرب البحر املتو�سط‪ ،‬و�سمال‬ ‫الإ�سكندرية باملياه العميقة متثل ‪ %100‬من اإنتاج الغاز واملتكثفات الطبيعية‪.‬‬ ‫واأ�سافت الوزارة يف بيان لها ‪":‬ال�سريك الأجنبي ممثال يف "بى بى"‪ ،‬و"ار دبليو اى" الأملانية �سوف يح�سل‬ ‫على فئة (�سعر حمدد)‪ ،‬مقابل تكلفة اإنتاج الغاز ترتبط مبعادلة �سعرية"‪.‬‬ ‫وق ��ال وزي ��ر البرتول والرثوة املعدنية امل�سري املهند�س �سريف اإ�سماعيل‪ ،‬اإن حجم ال�ستثمار ال�سخم الذى‬ ‫اأعلنت ��ه �سركة "بريت�س برتوليوم"‪ ،‬والذى يبلغ حواىل ‪ 12‬مليار دولر‪ ،‬لتنمية حقول الغاز يف غرب املتو�سط‪،‬‬ ‫ميثل حافز ًا قوي ًا لتكثيف اأعمال البحث وال�ستك�ساف يف مناطق املياه العميقة بالبحر املتو�سط‪ ،‬ويفتح اآفاق ًا‬ ‫رحبة ل�ستك�ساف املزيد من احتياطيات الغاز بهذه املنطقة‪ ،‬وذلك وفقا للبيان‪.‬‬

‫العراق مدين لل�شركات النفطية بنحو ع�شرين مليار دولر‬

‫اعلن وزير النفط العراقي عادل عبد املهدي ان بالده مدينة بع�سرين مليار دولر امريكي لل�سركات النفطية‬ ‫العاملة يف البالد‪ ،‬و�سط الرتاجع احلاد يف ا�سعار النفط الذي ي�سكل الغالبية العظمى من موارد البالد‪.‬‬ ‫وقال عبد املهدي "مع ال�سحة املالية التي ح�سلت‪ ،‬هناك بينا وبني ال�سركات النفطية م�ستحقات مالية"‪.‬‬ ‫وا�ساف "نحن �سددنا يف ‪ 2014‬بع�س م�ستحقات ‪ ،2013‬ورحلنا من ‪ 2014‬اىل ‪ 2015‬بع�س م�ستحقات ‪،2014‬‬ ‫ولدينا م�ستحقات ‪ ...2015‬هذه كلها ت�سكل مبالغ كبرية هائلة‪ ،‬تتجاوز ع�سرين مليار دولر"‪.‬‬ ‫و�سدد الوزير على ان الموال يجب ان توفر من م�سدرين‪ ،‬احدهما موازنة الوزارة البالغة ‪ 14‬تريليون دينار‬ ‫عراقي (نحو ‪ 12‬مليار دولر)‪ ،‬والثاين حق الوزارة الطلب من رئي�س الوزراء ووزير املالية "اطالق �سندات خزينة‬ ‫بقيمة ‪ 12‬مليار دولر"‪ ،‬وتابع "بداأنا بالجراءات باملو�سوع لكي نغطي م�ستحقات ال�سركات"‪.‬‬ ‫وتعمل �سركات نفطية كرى على ا�ستخراج النفط من حقول العراق ل �سيما يف اجلنوب‪ ،‬ومنها "توتال" الفرن�سية‬ ‫و"�سل" الهولندية" و"اك�سون موبيل" المريكية و"بي بي" الريطانية‪.‬‬

‫الحتاد الأوروبي ي�شعى لتنويع‬ ‫م�شادر الطاقة بعيد ًا عن رو�شيا‬ ‫اأعدت املفو�سية الأوروبية م�سودة اإ�سرتاتيجية جديدة‬ ‫ته ��دف اإىل اإقام ��ة احت ��اد اأوروب ��ي للطاق ��ة يعمل على‬ ‫"مواجهة التبعية و�سمان اأمن الإمدادات وال�ستدامة‬ ‫وتوفري القدرة التناف�سية للمو�س�سات الأوروبية"‪.‬‬ ‫وج ��اء يف الورق ��ة اأن �سم ��ان اأمن الإم ��دادات يفر�س‬ ‫تنويع م�س ��ادر احل�سول عليها وتعدد املوردين وطرق‬ ‫ال�سترياد‪.‬‬ ‫ومما يعنيه ذلك تقليل العتماد على الإمدادات الرو�سية‪.‬‬ ‫وت ��زود رو�سيا دول الحتاد باأكرث م ��ن ثلث احتياجاتها‬ ‫من الغاز والنفط‪.‬‬ ‫ويعتمد الحتاد على اخلارج يف ا�سترياد ما يزايد على‬ ‫‪ 35‬باملائة من احتياجاته‪.‬‬ ‫وتعد الرنويج واجلزائ ��ر وليبيا (خالل عهد القذايف)‬ ‫من اأهم الدول امل�سدرة للطاقة اإىل اأوروبا بعد رو�سيا‪.‬‬ ‫ولعل تكثيف زي ��ارات امل�سوؤولني الأملان والأوروبيني اإىل‬ ‫دول جمل� ��س التع ��اون اخلليجي موؤخرا اأح ��د موؤ�سرات‬ ‫التوج ��ه الأوروبي نح ��و العتماد على م�س ��ادر الطاقة‬ ‫العربية ب�سكل اأقوى‪.‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬

‫‪- March 2015‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬

‫اجلزائر ت�شعى حلفر اأول بئر نفط بحرية وتزيد طاقة التكرير‬ ‫قال وزير الطاقة واملناجم اجلزائري يو�سف يو�سفي اإن بالده تخطط حلفر اأول بئر نفط بحرية لها بنهاية‬ ‫العام ‪ 2015‬بعدما زادت طاقة التكرير ال�سنوية اإىل ‪ 31‬مليون طن يف نهاية العام املا�سي‪.‬‬ ‫وبلغ انتاج امل�سايف ‪ 25‬مليون طن عندما بداأت الدولة اأعمال تطوير يف م�سافيها الرئي�سية يف العام ‪.2012‬‬ ‫وقال يو�سفي يف منتدى نظمته الإذاعة احلكومية اإن النتاج ارتفع مع انتهاء تلك الأعمال بواقع �ستة ماليني‬ ‫طن يف ‪ ،2014‬واأ�ساف اأنه �سيجري بناء خم�س م�ساف جديدة مل�ساعفة الطاقة النتاجية بحلول العام ‪.2020‬‬ ‫وت�سدر اجلزائر عددا من املنتجات النفطية املكررة لكنها ت�ستورد اأي�سا البنزين والديزل ب�سبب تنامي‬ ‫الطلب املحلي‪ ،‬وقال يو�سفي اإن اجلزائر ما زالت تنمي طاقتها النتاجية لتلبية احتياجات املواطنني‪.‬‬ ‫ك��ان��ت زب�ي��دة ب��ن م��وف��ق م��دي��رة ق�سم التكرير‬ ‫ب�سركة �سوناطراك احلكومية قالت اإن انتاج‬ ‫الديزل والبنزين �سيت�ساعف اإىل ت�سعة ماليني‬ ‫طن وثمانية ماليني طن على الرتتيب يف العام‬ ‫‪ ،2018‬وت�سعى اجلزائر لزيادة انتاج الطاقة‬ ‫لتعزيز اإي��رادات ال�سادرات التي تعتمد عليها‬ ‫احلكومة ب�سدة لتنفيذ برامج اجتماعية ومتويل‬ ‫خطط للتنمية القت�سادية‪.‬‬ ‫ويف اإطار جهود حتقيق هذا ت�س�سعى �سوناطراك‬ ‫حلفر اأول بئر بحرية لها قبل نهاية العام احلايل‪.‬‬ ‫وق��ال يو�سفي اإن الدرا�سات ال�سيزمية اكتملت‬ ‫واإن حقول برية جديدة للنفط وال�غ��از �ستبداأ‬ ‫الإنتاج اأي�سا يف ال�سنوات القليلة القادمة‪.‬‬

‫بي‪.‬بــي تعلــن عــن ك�شــف للغــاز فــى بئــر قــد يكــون الأعمــق فــى م�شــر‬

‫اعلن ��ت �سرك ��ة بي بي م�س ��ر عن ك�سف ه ��ام جديد للغ ��از يف منطقة �سمال‬ ‫دمي ��اط البحرية يف �سرق دلتا النيل بالبح ��ر املتو�سط‪ .‬وقد و�سل احلفر فى‬ ‫بئ ��ر ا�ستك�ساف املي ��اه العميقه "اأت ��ول‪ "1-‬اجلاري حفره حالي� � ًا با�ستخدام‬ ‫احلفار "مري�س ��ك دي�سكفورر" من اجليل ال�ساد�س لأجهزة احلفر البحرية‪،‬‬ ‫اإىل عم ��ق ‪ 6400‬مرت حتت �سط ��ح البحر‪ ،‬خمرتقا طبقه �سخور رمليه عاليه‬ ‫اجل ��وده يف ع�سرالأوليجو�سني حامله للغ ��از �سمكها ‪ 50‬مرت‪ ،‬ومن املتوقع اأن‬

‫يكون هذا اأعمق بئر مت حفره يف م�سر‪ .‬هذا و�سوف ي�ستمر حفر البئر مل�سافه‬ ‫‪ 1‬كيلوم ��رت اأخ ��رى ليخرتق ذات املكامن املحتوية عل ��ى الغاز التي مت حفرها‬ ‫يف الكت�س ��اف الكب ��ري "�سالمات" و الذي حققته �سركة بي بي م�سر يف عام‬ ‫‪ ،2013‬على بعد ‪ 15‬كيلومرت جنوبا‪.‬‬ ‫و�س ��رح "ب ��وب داديل" ‪ ،‬الرئي� ��س التنفي ��ذي ملجموعة �سركات ب ��ي بي‪" :‬اإن‬ ‫النج ��اح الذي حققته ال�سركة يف البئر "اآت ��ول" يزيد من ثقتنا يف جودة دلتا‬ ‫النيل كحو�س غ ��از على م�ستوى عاملي‪ .‬واأن هذا هو الكت�ساف الكبري الثاين‬ ‫يف منطق ��ة الرتخي� ��س بعد ك�سف "�سالم ��ات"‪ .‬ويقدر اإجم ��ايل الحتياطى‬ ‫املحتم ��ل يف املنطقة مب ��ا يزيد على ‪ 5‬تريليون قدم مكع ��ب من الغاز ‪ ،‬ونحن‬ ‫الآن لدينا نقطة بداية اإيجابية للم�سروع الكبري التايل بعد م�سروع غرب دلتا‬ ‫النيل الذي تقوم بتنفيذه �سركة بي بي يف م�سر"‪.‬‬ ‫وق ��د مت ك�سف "اآتول" باحلف ��ر يف قاع البحر بعم ��ق ‪ 923‬مرت حتت �سطح‬ ‫امل ��اء‪ ،‬على م�سافة ‪ 80‬كيلومرت �سمال مدينة دمياط ‪ ،‬وم�سافة ‪ 15‬كيلومرت‬ ‫م ��ن �سم ��ال "�سالم ��ات" ‪ ،‬وم�ساف ��ة ‪ 45‬كيلوم ��رت �سمال غ ��رب ت�سهيالت‬ ‫"التم�ساح" البحرية ‪.‬‬

‫دانة غاز ترفع ا�شتثماراتها يف م�شر ‪ 350‬مليون دولر‬ ‫ق ��ال الرئي�س التنفيذي ل�سركة «دانة غاز»‪ ،‬باتري ��ك اأملان‪ ،‬اإن ال�سركة �ستو�سع‬ ‫ا�ستثماراته ��ا يف م�س ��ر بنحو ‪ 350‬ملي ��ون دولر‪ ،‬م�س ��ريا اإىل اأن ا�ستثماراتها‬ ‫ب ��داأت منذ عام ‪ ،2007‬واأ�ساف اأملان اأن �سركة «دانة غاز» تنتج حاليا نحو ‪40‬‬ ‫األف برميل من النفط املكافئ يف اليوم من ‪ 14‬حقل امتياز يف منطقة دلتا نهر‬ ‫النيل يف م�س ��ر‪ ،‬واأو�سح‪« :‬نحن متفائلون جدا ب�س� �اأن التفاقية التي وقعناها‬ ‫م ��ع م�سر يف العام املا�سي والتي ت�سمح لنا بتو�سي ��ع اأ�سول ا�ستثماراتنا والتي‬ ‫تق ��در بنحو ‪ 350‬مليون دولر من ال�ستثمارات اجلديدة من العام ‪ 2015‬حتى‬ ‫الع ��ام ‪ 2017‬وكنتيجة لذلك �سريتفع اإنتاجنا ‪ 270‬مليون طن مكعب من الغاز‬ ‫يف اليوم»‪ ،‬واأ�سار الرئي�س التنفيذي لل�سركة اإىل اأن «�سوق قطاع الغاز للحكومة‬ ‫امل�سري ��ة ميثل نح ��و ‪ 1.5‬مليار دولر‪ ،‬ولذلك فهي فر�س ��ة جيدة ل�سركة دانة‬ ‫غاز لتطور اأ�سولها والتي ت�سكل عائدات جيدة مل�سر يف هذا القطاع»‪.‬‬ ‫وتاب ��ع‪�« :‬ست�سمح لن ��ا هذه ال�ستثم ��ارات ببيع الغ ��از اإىل الأ�س ��واق اخلارجية‬ ‫بالأ�سعار العاملية‪ ،‬هذا ما �ستح�سل عليه دانة غاز من هذه ال�ستثمارات‪.‬‬

‫م�شر تهدف لالنتهاء من �شداد م�شتحقات �شركات‬ ‫البرتول الأجنبية بحلول منت�شف ‪2016‬‬ ‫قالت وزارة ال�ب��رتول امل�سرية اإن م�سر تهدف اإىل ال�سداد الكامل‬ ‫للديون امل�ستحقة ل�سركات النفط والغاز والبالغة ‪ 3.1‬مليار دولر بحلول‬ ‫منت�سف ‪2016‬‬ ‫قالت ال ��وزارة يف بيان لها كل املدفوعات الت�سغيلية احلالية متت يف‬ ‫موعدها ونتجه اإىل �سداد كل املتاأخرات الباقية قبل منت�سف ‪".2016‬‬ ‫واأو�سحت اأنه بعد �سداد نحو خم�سة مليارات دولر حتى نوفمر ودي�سمر‬ ‫تبلغ املتاأخرات الآن حوايل ‪ 3.1‬مليار دولر‪.‬‬ ‫وا�سطرت م�سر اإىل اإرج��اء �سداد م�ستحقات �سركات البرتول والغاز‬ ‫بفعل املتاعب القت�سادية اإثر نحو ثالث �سنوات من عدم ال�ستقرار عقب‬ ‫النتفا�سة ال�سعبية التي اأطاحت بحكم ح�سني مبارك‪.‬‬ ‫ويرجع بدء تراكم املتاأخرات اإىل ما قبل النتفا�سة لكن تدهور الو�سع املايل‬ ‫للدولة اأدى اإىل ت�ساعد الديون لت�سل اإىل مليارات ال��دولرات بينما عملت‬ ‫احلكومة على ا�ستخدام الغاز املخ�س�س للت�سدير لتلبية الطلب املحلي‪.‬‬ ‫‪- March 2015‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬


‫لأول مــــرة‬ ‫هيئة البرتول توقع اتفاق �شراكة للبحث عن البرتول فى العراق‬ ‫�سهد املهند�س �سريف ا�سماعيل وزير البرتول والرثوة‬ ‫املعدنية والدكتور على العمري وزير النفط الكويتى توقيع‬ ‫اتفاقية �سراكة بني الهيئة امل�سرية العامة للبرتول‬ ‫و �سركة كويت انرجى للبحث عن البرتول والغاز فى‬ ‫منطقة الأمتياز بالقطاع ‪ 9‬فى حمافظة الب�سرة جنوب‬ ‫العراق لتدخل الهيئة مبقت�سى التفاقية �سريك ًا بح�سة‬ ‫ن�سبتها‪ %10‬مع �سركة كويت انرجى و�سركة دراجون‬ ‫اويل القاب�سة‪ .‬وذلك خالل فعاليات موؤمتر دعم وتنمية‬ ‫الإقت�ساد امل�سرى ب�سرم ال�سيخ‬ ‫وقع الإتفاقية املهند�س طارق املال الرئي�س التنفيذى‬ ‫لهيئة البرتول والدكتور من�سور اأبوخم�سني رئي�س‬ ‫�سركة كويت انرجى‬ ‫واأو�سح املهند�س طارق املال الرئي�س التنفيذى لهيئة‬ ‫البرتول اأن التفاق ميثل نقطة انطالق قوية لهيئة‬ ‫ال�ب��رتول لقامة ا�ستثمارات خ��ارج م�سر لأول مرة‬ ‫موؤكدا اأن اأختيار الهيئة العمل بتلك املنطقة بالعراق‬ ‫ج��اء انطالقا م��ن الأحتياطيات البرتولية الكبرية‬ ‫التى متتلكها وحتقيقها لأكت�سافات واعدة موؤخرا مبا‬

‫يجعلها فر�سة متميزة لالأ�ستثمار ‪.‬‬ ‫واأ�سار الدكتور من�سور اأبوخم�سني رئي�س �سركة كويت‬ ‫انرجى اأن التعاون البرتوىل ميثل ج�سر متني لتنمية‬ ‫ال�ع��الق��ات ب��ني ال ��دول ‪ ،‬واأن ه��ذه التفاقية جت�سد‬ ‫التعاون العربى امل�سرتك واملثمر الذى يجمع بني م�سر‬ ‫والكويت وال�ع��راق لتحقيق ه��دف موحد هو التنمية‬

‫الإقت�سادية والإجتماعية للمنطقة ‪.‬‬ ‫جتدر الإ�سارة اإىل اأنه مت حتقيق اأول ك�سف برتوىل‬ ‫فى منطقة اأمتياز القطاع رقم ‪ 9‬بالب�سرة فى �سبتمر‬ ‫‪ 2014‬مبعدل انتاج ح��واىل ‪ 2000‬برميل يوميا ‪ ،‬ثم‬ ‫حتقق ك�سف ث��ان ف��ى دي�سمر ‪ 2014‬مبعدل اإنتاج‬ ‫‪ 8000‬برميل يومي ًا ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 250‬مــلــيــون دولر اإ�ــشــتــثــمــارات �شينية جــديــدة بــقــطــاع الــبــرتول‬ ‫اأو�س ��ح املهند� ��س حمم ��د اجلوهري ممث ��ل �سركة‬ ‫�ست ��ار اويلن ج ��از ال�سيني ��ة ( ‪ ) SOG‬يف م�سر ‪،‬‬ ‫الرئي� ��س ال�سابق لل�سركة العاملي ��ة لت�سنيع مهمات‬ ‫احلف ��ر (‪ )IDM‬وموؤ�س�سه ��ا اأن ثق ��ة امل�ستثمري ��ن‬ ‫ال�سيني ��ني فى قطاع الب ��رتول والروؤي ��ة امل�ستقبلية‬ ‫لالإقت�ساد امل�سري هو ما �سجع احلكومة والبنوك‬ ‫ال�سينيية على �سخ ‪ 250‬مليون دولر لتمويل اإن�ساء‬ ‫املرحلة الثالثة ل�سركة (‪ )IDM‬والتي ت�سارك فيها‬ ‫�سرك ��ة ( ‪ ) SOG‬بن�سب ��ة ‪ 50‬باملئة و�سركات قطاع‬ ‫الب ��رتول بن�سبة ‪ 50‬باملئة ‪ ،‬واأف ��اد بان هذه املرحلة‬ ‫الثالث ��ة تعت ��ر ال�سا�سي ��ة ل�سرك ��ة (‪ )IDM‬لإنتاج‬ ‫املوا�س ��ري ال�سيمل� ��س والت ��ي تع ��د م ��ن ال�سناعات‬ ‫الثقيل ��ة وم ��ن املخطط اأن تكون الطاق ��ة الإنتاجية‬ ‫للم�سنع ‪ 200‬الف طن �سنويا ملقا�سات املوا�سري من‬ ‫‪ 4‬بو�س ��ه حت ��ى ‪ 14‬بو�سة مو�سح ��ا اأن تلك املرحلة‬ ‫‪2‬‬

‫‪- March 2015‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬

‫�ستحق ��ق املنظوم ��ة ال�سناعي ��ة املتكامل ��ة لل�سركة‬ ‫العاملي ��ة لت�سنيع مهمات احلف ��ر ‪ ،‬واأ�سار املهند�س‬ ‫حمم ��د اجلوه ��ري اىل اأن �سرك ��ة (‪� )IDM‬ستوفر‬ ‫املوا�س ��ري جلمي ��ع الأعم ��ال ال�سناعي ��ة مل�سروعات‬ ‫الب ��رتول والتكرير والبرتوكيماوي ��ات وخطوط نقل‬ ‫املنتج ��ات وغريها اإ�ساف ��ة اىل توفري موا�سري حفر‬ ‫اأب ��ار البرتول مل�س ��ر واأفريقيا وال�س ��رق الو�سط ‪،‬‬ ‫واأ�ساف اأن هذا امل�سروع كان حلم لكل مهتم بعملية‬ ‫الت�سني ��ع املحل ��ي بقط ��اع الب ��رتول لنه ��ا �ستكون‬ ‫طف ��رة �سناعية ت�س ��اف لإجنازات قط ��اع البرتول‬ ‫فيم ��ا يتعلق بتعمي ��ق الت�سنيع املحل ��ي والتي بداأها‬ ‫القط ��اع منذ عام ‪ 1991‬وحقق من خاللها طفرات‬ ‫�سناعية‪.‬‬ ‫كان املهند� ��س �سري ��ف اإ�سماعي ��ل وزير البرتول‬ ‫وال ��رثوه املعدني ��ة ق ��د اإ�ستقبل وفدا م ��ن �سركة‬

‫�ستار اأويلن ج ��از (‪ ) SOG‬وعر�س امل�ستثمرون‬ ‫ال�سيني ��ون درا�سة لإن�س ��اء م�سنع جديد لإنتاج‬ ‫املوا�س ��ري ال�سيمل� ��س با�ستثم ��ارات ‪ 250‬ملي ��ون‬ ‫دولر �ستق ��وم البن ��وك واحلكوم ��ة ال�سيني ��ة‬ ‫بتمويلها بالكامل ‪.‬‬

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