April 2013
Photo: Red Agroecológica de Lavapiés
Myths and outright lies about the alleged benefits of genetically engineered crops (GE crops or GMOs) persist only because the multinationals that profit from them have put so much effort into spreading them around. They want you to believe that GMOs will feed the world; that they are more productive; that they will eliminate the use of agrichemicals; that they can coexist with other crops, and that they are perfectly safe for humans and the environment.
Defendiendo las semillas y la biodiversidad
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MYTH: Farmers can decide for themselves. After all, GMOs can peacefully coexist with other crops. M0'%6+&'/4&%)30'$447'01#0'2#,9'>?'544%0&+%'8#,'-$#(8' )454/,3%'=4+-()@'=#+8&+%'04'6%&'>DE%.'560'#';&%7,'$(00$&' =#-0'4='5#%(-'5(4$4@,'(8;$(-#0&%')4)A>?'=#+8&+%'#@#()%0' 01&(+' 2($$9' M03%' -#$$&/' -+4%%A;4$$()#0(4)C' J$#)0%' 4=' 01&' %#8&'%;&-(&%'()0&+5+&&/.'#)/'%44)&+'4+'$#0&+'01&'@&)&%'
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MYTH: GE crops pose no threat to health and the environment. :0'01&'*&+,'$&#%0.'01&'5(4%#=&0,'4='0+#)%@&)(-'-+4;%'(%' #)'4;&)'I6&%0(4)9'^4'2&'+&#$$,'2#)0'04'&)0+6%0'46+'1&#$01' 04'#)'()/6%0+(#$'#@+(-6$06+&'%,%0&8'()'21(-1'>?';6+*&,4+%' DPOUSPM GPPE TFDVSJUZ PGÙDFT BOE EJDUBUF UIFJS PXO TUBOEA #+/%U'M'/4)30'01()7'%49'"44/'%4*&+&(@)0,'+&I6(+&%'01#0'01&' ;&4;$&.' )40' 01&' -48;#)(&%.' 1#*&' -4)0+4$' 4*&+' 21#0' 2&' &#09
/FWFSUIFMFTT PVS QMBUFT BSF OPX ÙMMA ()@' 6;' 2(01' =44/' (0&8%' =+48' ;$#)0%' 2(01' #$0&+&/' ^V:' #)/' 1&#*,' ;&%0(-(/&' $4#/%.' #)/' 2&' #+&' 04$/' 04' %(8;$,' %160' 6;' #)/' &#09'F4)-&+)%'1#*&'5&&)'1&(@10&)&/'5,'#' )685&+'4='-+&/(5$&'+&;4+0%'4)'>DE%'#)/' 01&(+'#00&)/#)0'1&+5(-(/&%C p B1&' :8&+(-#)' :-#/&8,' 4=' ?)*(+4)8&)0#$' D&/(-()&' X::?DY' %0#A UFE JO UIBU HFOFUJDBMMZ FOHJOFFA +&/'=44/%'P;4%&'#'%&+(46%'1&#$01'+(%79Q' F(0()@' *#+(46%' %06/(&%.' (0' -4)-$6/&/' 01#0'P01&+&'(%'84+&'01#)'#'-#%6#$'#%%4A -(#0(4)'5&02&&)'>?'=44/%'#)/'#/*&+%&' 1&#$01' &==&-0%Q' #)/' 01#0' 01&%&' =44/%' P;4%&'#'%&+(46%'1&#$01'+(%7'()'01&'#+&#%' 4=' 04G(-4$4@,.' #$$&+@,' #)/' (886)&' =6)-0(4).' +&;+4A /6-0(*&' 1&#$01.' #)/' 8&0#54$(-.' ;1,%(4$4@(-' #)/' @&)&0(-'1&#$019Q p B1&'$#0&%0'%06/(&%'5,'^+9'>($$&%A_+(-'L`+#$()('X%&&' 01&' #+0(-$&' ()' 01(%' (%%6&Y' $447&/' #0' +#0%' =&/' @$,;14A %#0&A04$&+#)0' >?' 8#(O&' =4+' 024' ,&#+%9' B1&%&' +#0%' %142&/' @+&#0&+' #)/' &#+$(&+' 84+0#$(0,' ()' #//(0(4)' 04' 14+84)#$'&==&-0%.'8#88#+,'0684+%'()'=&8#$&%.'#)/' $(*&+'#)/'7(/)&,'/(%&#%&9 p :' +&-&)0' %06/,' #0' 01&' K)(*&+%(0,' 4=' W&(;O(@' X>&+8#),Y'=46)/'1(@1'-4)-&)0+#0(4)%'4='@$,;14%#0&.' 01&' 8#()' ()@+&/(&)0' ()' a46)/6;.' ()' 6+()&' %#8;$&%' GSPN DJUZ EXFMMFST q GSPN UP UJNFT HSFBUFS UIBO 01&'$(8(0'=4+'/+()7()@'2#0&+9 p J+4=&%%4+' :)/+`%' F#++#%-4' 4=' 01&' FEVMF?BA KN:' D4$&-6$#+' ?85+,4$4@,' W#5' #0' 01&' K)(*&+%(0,' 4=' N6&)4%' :(+&%' 8&/(-#$' %-144$' X:+@&)0()#Y' 1#%'
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Box 1
Genetic engineering: a stalled science: GE crops are in the hands of very few companies. Monsanto most notoriously, along with Dupont, Syngenta, BASF, Bayer and Dow, dominate GE research and patents, corner 60% of the world seed market, and control 76% of the world agrichemical market. Yet all the profitable “science” owned by these companies comes down to two and only two traits: herbicide-tolerance and Bt. In 2012, 59% of the area planted to commercial GE crops consisted of crops resistant to the herbicide glyphosate, a product originally patented by Monsanto, while 26% consisted of insecticidal Bt crops and 15% consisted of crops carrying both traits. Two traits. That’s all these multinationals have to show for twenty years of research and mega-millions of dollars invested. Some revolution! The real measure of what GE technology has produced is to be found in damaged ecosystems, potential health harms, farmer dependency – and big profits for the companies.
FIND OUT MORE V&2'%06/(&%'7&&;'&8&+@()@'4)'01&')&@#0(*&'(8;#-0%'4='>?'=44/%'#)/'-+4;%9'$MJDL UIJT MJOL GPS B MJTU PG TDJFOUJÙD BSUJDMFT QSFTFOUJOH UIJT JOGPSNBUJPO9 E01&+'()=4+8#0(4)'%46+-&%C 2229@+#()94+@ 2229&0-@+46;94+@d(%%6&%d%&&/%A@&)&0(-A/(*&+%(0,'
(3"*/ JT B TNBMM JOUFSOBUJPOBM OPO QSPÃ&#x2122;U PSHBOJTBUJPO UIBU XPSLT UP TVQQPSU %8#$$'=#+8&+%'#)/'%4-(#$'84*&8&)0%'()'01&(+'%0+6@@$&%'=4+'-4886)(0,A-4)A 0+4$$&/'#)/'5(4/(*&+%(0,A5#%&/'=44/'%,%0&8%9'>a:MV';+4/6-&%'%&*&+#$'+&;4+0%' &#-1',&#+9'B1&,'#+&'%65%0#)0(#$'+&%&#+-1'/4-68&)0%.';+4*(/()@'()/&;01'5#-7A @+46)/'()=4+8#0(4)'#)/'#)#$,%(%'4)'#'@(*&'04;(-9' >a:MV'246$/'$(7&'04'01#)7'*#+(46%'=+(&)/%'#)/'-4$$&#@6&%'214'-488&)0&/' 4)'4+'1&$;&/'7)4-7'01(%'+&;4+0'()04'%1#;&9' B1&'-48;$&0&'-4$$&-0(4)'4='>a:MV'+&;4+0%'-#)'5&'=46)/'4)'46+'2&5%(0&'#0C' 100;Cdd2229@+#()94+@d#+0(-$&d-#0&@4+(&%dS\A+&;4+0% >a:MV. (JSPOB QSBM #BSDFMPOB 4QBJO 5FM 'BY ?8#($C'@+#()e@+#()94+@ 2229@+#()94+@