Architecture Portfolio

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Architect Mohamed Rafik

Portfolio 2007 - 2014

Graduation Project Research center H o u s i n g a n d S e rv i c e C e n t e r Rebirth of Emad el Din Street Port Said Waterfront redevelopment P h o t o g ra p h y Alex-Med research center summer training Office building project C u lt u r e c e n t e r P r o j e c t Housing and planning H i s t o ry C o l l a g e s Minaret Project Interior design project Landscape project city seminar research Wo r k i n g D ra w i n g s Beirut Art space Downtown in-between spaces Cinema Wahbi Informal Settlement Research CDP / DEDI Workshop City of Serres Workshop Travels

Graduation Project (2012) Prof Omar Fawzy Hisham Gabr Sameh el Fekki


his site was chosen due to the deteriorated state of its urban fabric and the need for a sustainable approach for its people and heritage, thus this project is proposed as a new research facility in the heart of the area to provide setting for research and development in the urban fields to upgrade slums and squatting settlements, and strategies for new settlements in other areas. This facility can provide two senarios of usage; as a major governmental organisation , or as rental office spaces for NGO’s that work in the field of urban development to coordinate their effort in the most efficent way for this country. As a Historical reference the open spaces will have the same gradient in space context as the ones that were demolished over years of conflict in this site.

Housing Project (2012) Prof Dina K. Shehayeb

Plot Distribution calculations Categories Percentages 2511027 m2

50% newely weds (18- 30 years)

40% Extended family (30-60 years)

10% Seniors (60years)

Area of Plot 61,185 m2 25-30% Services

40% Extended family (30-60 years) 17744 m2

Plot (11x16) Plot (20x20) (78%) (22%) 13840 m2 4000 m2

70-75% plot subdivisions 44360 m2

50% newely weds (18- 30 years) 22180 m2

10% Seniors (60years) 4436 m2

Plot (11x14) Plot (18x18) (75%) (25%) 5545 m2 16635 m2

108 80 10 18 PlotS PlotS PlotS PlotS

Plot (15x20) (100%) 4436 m2

15 PlotS

Primary\Preparatory school That open’s up on the inside of the neighberhood for safety of children

Pedestrian pocket for daily needs shops like grocery and bakery shops that keep an eye out on strangers

Calculation indicate the need of a mosque for the increase of population Medical center that offer clinical services that can be supported by the mosque

Commercial use on this edge help keep a buffer between the open desert area and the S & S untill there in an extension to the project from this side

The craft\secondary school opens up toward the vehicular dominant street to service the craft school and to be somehow isolat it from the Primary school Commercial shops on the Pedestrian dominant street help in providing daily needs and in the mean time help keeping an eye on the street Corner shops can provide a good surveillance on the inner pedestrian streets of the project Transportation hubs that offer services of vehicular repair \ coffee shop food carts for drivers\ prayer space if far from the mosque \ WC maintained by coffeeshop and parking slots for minibuses. Public water source in the middle of the open market


Open market space for weekly shopping, trucks unpack their murchandise in these areas under sheds

shaded gathering spaces

Open spaces in shelter from strangers can be used for playground for children

1 Extended Family

2 Extended Family

3 Extended Family

4 Newly Wed

5 Newly Wed

6 Newly Wed

7 Newly Wed

8 Senior and Work Space

Downtown Cairo Inbetween spaces (2012) Prof Omar Nagati


ollowin the Events Of January 2011, the revolution of the people that overthrew a corrupt government, after 60 years of military rule this part of town gave birth to a new era of Egyptian history. A contextual Model of downtown was built to indicate all the interventions that occured after the revolution and constraining the in-between spaces and the activities that occure within them�


fter the 1950’s Emad el din street turned from “Egypt’s Broadway” to a street full of retail shops selling hardware and high voltage equipment. The shop owners migrated from in-between spaces to main streets, Cinema’s lost their charm, theaters closed down, nightclubs and café’s turned to third degree bars, thus annihilating the street nightlife. In-between spaces lost their purpose. Thesis and Main Concept Revitalizing Emad el din street, in such a way to reintroduce the lost spirit and culture, without the gentrification of current residence, using inbetween spaces as a tool to create social interactions between different levels of intellectualism Design Objectives -Creating a public space for filmmakers of independent movies; Reviews, debates, outdoor auditions, casting, talent show off ’s, street theater, award ceremonies…etc. -Make use of adjacent abundant movie theaters as an expose for these independent movies. -Connecting this in-between space with exciting cultural hubs like Naguib el Rihani Theater, Emad el Din studios thought a network of pedestrian paths to jumpstart the process.

Portsaid Waterfront Redevelopment Workshop (2012)

PORTSAID “The Domestic Denial of a Heroic City” Workshop (MSA - Thessaly - Portsaid)


he issue of providing Port Said with a waterfront representative of the city’s character is hindered by the current presence of high-rise buildings and the elevated promenade. Removing these features though would be impractical and unrealistic; hence, a more flexible approach is chosen. The goal is to connect the inner elements of the study area, the northern blocks of the waterfront in particular, with the canal. This can be achieved by creating a trail or route that interconnects the most important spots of the city blocks with chosen nodes on the promenade.

Photography Samples

Alex Med Research center Library of Alexandria Summer Training 2011


ver the course of two months a group of students from the University of Alexandeia and myself have classified the 42 mosques of the Turkish town in Alexandria according to the geometry, proportion and era in order to detect the concept behing the physical proportion of the mosque in relation to the era when it was built in every mosque we exluded the Geometrical rule, The Modular System, The structure, The Volume module and the Urban context

Office Building (2010) Prof Ahmad Hamid


ocated on the AlexandriaCairo Desert road, an office building that is fuctional flexible and environmently friendly, using a double layered shell to shelter the building from the excessive desert heat as well as a core that act as a sheltered cooler which desipates its air in the office space during nighttime to save energy through passive methodes

Culture center In Al Bahareya Oasis (2010) Prof Adel Fahmy


culture center that is based on the study of bio-geometry and the effect of the physical proportions on the metaphysical nature of the human being, based on the traditional approach toward architecture and urbanism, the way to create happy communities through the study of their social values and shape the environment based on such findings as following the works of Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy

Digwy Housing Project and service center (2011) Prof Al-kordy


ivided into two parts, this project aim to provide social housing in a desert settlement in Greater Cairo region which meets certain standards and requirement, the second part aim to provide a service center with a market, mosque clinics, as well as a primary school and workshops

History and Theories of Architecture Prof Ahmad Hamid


istory and theories of architecture was taught using a visual cognition system to reinforce the theoretics relevant to each era of art and events

History and Theories of Architecture Prof Ahmad Zaki


nspired by islamic scripture this minaret represents the seven layers of heaven in Islamic beleifs, with helix water flow around the structure as well as inscriptions on each level of how would one’s deeds in the world would be rewarded in the after life

Interior Design Project Exhibition Space (2008) Prof Ahmad Zaki


ased on the visual angles of the human eye this exhibition creates the illusion of endless spaces through flase perspectives

Landscape Design course (2011) Prof Mohammed Refaat


andscape project of a resort on the red sea coast providing activities for leisure time for tourists to spend their time in the resort

City Seminar Research Project Prof Omar Nagati

Technical Drawings Course Prof Bromboly


echnical drawings for an office with an unorthodox form, providing a full set of detailed working drawings Plans, sections, elevations, details, partial sections, blow-ups, materials tables ... etc


airo Lab for Urban Studies, Training and Environmental Research aims at establishing a critical space for urban discourse. CLUSTER engages critical theorization while being grounded in professional practice, negotiating the blurred boundaries between formal/institutional regulations and everyday urban informality

Architect (July 2012 - December 2012)

Beirut Art Space Design

Downtown Inbetween spaces documentation


fter Graduating I have worked with my professor on the project we did in the university course to produse a professional document that conveys all the inbetween spaces in downtown area and the issues they represent both on the micro and macro scale

Passageway - C1


Mamar el kebda Extention to 26th of july Documentation Date : 10th Oct. 2012 41

0 10

This in-between space is renouned for smoking related products This in-between space is renouned for smoking related products This in-between space is renouned for smoking related products This in-between space is renouned for smoking related products This inbetween space is renouned for smoking related products This in-between space is renouned for smoking related products

20 30 40




Cinema Wahbi Refurbishment in Old Cairo


his project is a rehabilitating of an old cinema to conert it to a theater for contemporary performance, All the rendered shots and models was done by me

Rehersal Room

Informal settlement research Searching for venacular character in the favelas of Cairo


his is a research project of documenting the character of the vernacular architecture that exsists in the informal settlement of Cairo, all finding were converted into 3D objects to create CAD 3D environment to aid in development projects

CDP Workshop Organisatiom Public review of design schemes April 30th 6-8pm in Kodak Passage


airo Downtown Passages aims to is develop a comprehensive pilot urban design and art in public space project in the northern part of downtown Cairo, highlighting existing and emerging initiatives and activating underutilized public spaces. The intervention proposes to use these two passages as sites to engage multiple stakeholders, such as residents, shop owners, developers, street vendors, women’s right groups, artists and intellectuals, planners and heritage conservation organizations.Cairo Downtown Passages is organized collaboratively by CLUSTER (the Cairo Lab for Urban Studies, Training and Environmental Research) with DEDI (the Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute) and CKU (the Centre for Culture and Development) in Copenhagen. This design workshop, scheduled from April 27-30, will explore art and design interventions in two passageways in Downtown Cairo: the Kodak and Phillips Passageways. These two adjacent and interlinked passageways exemplify two different conditions. The Phillips passage presents a typical commercial/mixed use passage, with the Kodak Passage being a less frequented and relatively well-maintained urban pocket. This workshop will pair 4 Egyptian artists and architects with 4 Danish counterparts to conceptualize and produce a design scheme for intervention in each passage, incorporating input from the local community. The participants are as follows: Kenneth Balfelt (DK), Yasmin Elayat (EG), Jakob Fenger (Superflex) (DK), Anne Marie Galmstrup (DK), Bianca M. Hermansen (DK), Adham Selim (EG), Aya Tarek (EG), Ahmed Zaazaa (Madd Platform) (EG). The outcome of the design workshop will comprise a number of concept ideas for the same space/issues at stake—one of which will be selected for implementation in each passage. The public presentations of these schemes is April 30th 6-8pm in the Kodak Passage, with a juried review. This project contributes to larger issues related to public space and emerging questions around participatory planning, and aims to engage both the private and creative sectors to catalyze the economic and urban development of Downtown Cairo. CLUSTER, led by principals Omar Nagati and Beth Stryker, has been working in the two passages over an extended period, undertaking mapping, interviews and outreach as part of their larger project on Downtown passageways as an alternative framework for development. CLUSTER will act as a partner to the design teams, and will oversee the implementation of selected schemes in the passageways, The project is implemented by CLUSTER (Cairo Lab for Urban Studies, Training and Environmental Research) with the support of DEDI and CKU.

Participation in Publications By CLUSTER


rchiving the City in Flux examines new modes of informal urban interventions in public space in Cairo that have emerged since January 2011. During this time a breakdown of the security apparatus has led to a state of unprecedented fluidity in the city


earning from Cairo, coorganized by CLUSTER and the American University in Cairo, was an international symposium that sought to engage the current political and urban transformation unfolding in Cairo as a critical context for examining relevant international case studies and best practices in areas ranging from housing, transportation, public space and local governance to informality

Public Spaces Workshop The City of Serres Grrece


he countless layers of the city of Serres goes unoticed by many travellers, tourists, and even the residents themselves. The city needs a series of sparks that can have a long term effect on the city and its’ inhabitants toward a better quality of life and a more suitable and inclusive public space without gentrification. Thus a minimilistic approach was adopted that help restore the balance to the river banks of the valley where most of the enjoyable activities take place that has to do with identity, culture and history of the city.


Taksim Square istanbul

Tahrir Square Cairo

Saint Austell UK

The Shard London

Arthur’s Seat Scotland

Willow Tea room Scotland

Vatican City Italy

Florence Italy

Athens Greece

Thessaoniki Greece

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