60487101 list of amals

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List of amals Salam- Plz only post amals here. try not to post dupicate amals. (sorry, I think I lost all my formatting when I did copy-paste) Sihir of clone : 1) the patient may not even have the dream of clone, if the sihir is very strong . Perhaps after they themselves doing tahajud and reciting Surah Yasin, As-Sajda h, al-Mulk, and Al-Waqiah, insyALLAH, they may get a short dream in total darkne ss, as if spending a dark night in a large desert 2) usually, if the sihir is strong, the family member or spouse will get the dre am of patient in house, or sometime in glass coffin, or sometime lying on tree t op all tied up. ALLAH is Most Merciful to the Muslims, and will give us lots of clues, when we are getting problems but of course, we will ignore until it is to o late. 3) the patient will appear to have very submissive behaviour and follow orders t o the letter. He/she will be hesitant to ask ask questions even when he/she know s when something is wrong or even if he/she has much academic qualifications. To put it sharp and short, the patient becomes docile and stupid. 4) the patient will have some reaction when reciting or hearing the verse Surah Az-Zumar verse 42 repeatedly. AMAL FOR 1st 2nd 3rd NIGHT The amal for first 3 tahajud nights is same - Tahajud 2 rakaat, then recite: Istiqfar 3x Fatihah 1x, Darood Ibrahimiyyah 3x Al-Baqarah 17 21x Yasin 17 21x Al-Mukminun 112 21x Qursi 21x Fatihah 21x Yasin 14-17 7x Yunus 81-82 7x Al-Baqarah 125 7x Surah Falaq 3x Surah anNas 3x Surah Ikhlas 3x Darood Ibrahimiyyah 3x ---------------------------------------------------------------Never forget to blow into water when finishing the recitations. Please blow with in 2-5 minutes. The recitations done during tahajud time is more powerful than r ecitation on Friday, or at other times. If we recite in front of Kaabah (Masjidil Haram), it is 100,000x times better co mpared to other places, but if we recite in tahajud time, it is 1,000,000x. After the tahajud for 1st night, 2nd night and 3rd night, try also to do solatul hajat 2 rakaat with niyat for cure from all sihir, jinn, diseases and al so request protection from all calamities, sihir, jinn, and evils of all creatures. ----------------------------------------------------------------AMAL FOR 4TH NIGHT For 4th night, after the tahajud 2 rakaat; recite Surah Yasin 3x. You need to read little bit fast but watch the tajweed. Then recite the following to blow into bottle(s) of water: Istiqfar 3x Fatihah 1x,

Darood Ibrahimiyyah 3x Yasin 17 7x Yasin 75 7x Yasin 81 7x Al-Baqarah 163 7x Al-Baqarah 1-10 7x Qursi 7x Fatihah 7x Yunus 81-82 7x Al-Hasyr 21-24 7x Al-Mukminun 117-118 7x Al-Baqarah 254-255 7x Yasin 12 7x Yasin 10 7x Yasin 27 7x Darood Ibrahimiyyah 3x This may go into morning or fajar prayer, but I believe you will be fresh after the 4th night of this amal. Use the water for bathing yourself on the 5th night, 6th night and 7th night. The best time for bathing for this situation is between maghrib and ishak prayer . So be punctual. But if you are too late, you can still bath after ishak prayer but never allow to pass midnight. ----------------------------------------------------------------GUIDE FOR BATHING USING RECITED WATER: You need to have 1 pail/bucket for each bath per day. Just pour 1 glass of the recited water into a pail filled with regular clean water. Then cut and press the juice of 3x whole pieces of lime. So for each night, you need 3x whole piece of lime. Make sure they are juicy. Make sure the water which we have used does not splash into the unused water in the pail. Either we put the pail somewhere high on a chair/stool/counter, but placed it near the wall so it does not fall. In addition, everyday drink 1 glass of the recited water, plus the juice of 1/4 of fresh lime. But drink this when we have eaten something. This is because lime juice is sharp on empty stomach. ----------------------------------------------------------------On the 6th night, before sleeping recite Surah Yasin 3x. insyALLAH you will be given guidance dream as to your situation. General: Before starting any amal you need to check first‌. Things which block our doa from maqbul http://www.rawatansihir.com/forum/forum ... p?TID=2406 Here are some Amaals and Dhikir in general to keep you, your family and your hom e protected: First (Protecting our bodies from shaitan and jinns) * 4th Kalimah - 100x after fajar prayer, and * 100x after fajar/evening prayer. LA ILAA HA ILLALLAH WAH DAHU LA SYARIKALAH LAHUL MULKu WALAHUL HAMDu WA HUWA 'ALA KULLI SHA IN KADIR Second (House protection) fajar/evening prayer.

* al-Baqarah 1-4 * al-Baqarah 255-257 ( Qursi and the 2 subsequent verses) * al-Baqarah 284-286 Third (General Amal for All Type of Sihir) (night) * Atleast 3-4 days * Istiqfar 3x (the shortest is "Astaqfirullah 'al 'azim") * Fatihah 1x, Qursi 1x, Al-Baqarah 285-286 1x * Salawat/Darood 3x (the shortest is "ALLAH humma sali 'ala Muhammad") * Al-Baqarah ayat 1-17 * Surah Yasin 1x * Surah al-Jin 1x * Salawat/Darood 3x * Ameen Fourth (Daily Recitation)(during the day) Daily recitation * Istiqfar 100x * Salawat/Darood 100x, * Tasbih Fatimah 100x, * zikir LA ILAA HA ILLALLAH 100x ( or more up to 1,000x per day) Fifith: To weaken the Sihir jinns, in the patient's brain and stomach, (during the day) * Recite for the patient every day: * Al-Baqarah 163 100x, or Al-Baqarah 163-164 21x * Surah Yasin verse 10 100x Tasbeeh Yunos for self protection: For cases where the patient is frequently disturbed by jinns at home or at work or when strolling near temples, graves etc one way to protect himself/herself is to recite Tasbih Nabi Yunos (peace be upon him) which is in the last half of Surah al-Anbiya verse 87, 100x morning (for day protection) 100 x evening/night (for night protection) insyALLAH, the disturbances should be reduced or gone completely (1-b) For the long term, to prevent ourselves reacting to magicians renewing the ir sihir on Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year, Halloween,Full Moon night , Bowling day, Independence Day etc, etc Every morning and every evening: o Al-Baqarah 1-4, 255-257, 284-286. o Salawat/Darood 50x o Tasbeeh Yunos 50x SPRITUAL STRENGTH (2-a) Actually this post gives the answer of most frequently asked question like why my situation becomes worse since I started amal‌‌ so we need to make ourselves spiritually strong MINIMUM PERSONAL AMAL (for 40 days): Istiqfar 100x a day shortest is "astaqfirullah 'al 'azeem" Salawat 100x a day shortest is "ALLAH humma sali 'ala Muhammad" Tasbih Fatimah (subhanALLAH, alhamduLILLAH, ALLAH hu Akbar) 100x a day zikir LA ILAA HA ILLALLAH 1,000x a day Recite Manzil once morn and night (2-b) Minimum amal for patients (key amals) http://www.rawatansihir.com/forum/forum ... p?TID=1803 After reading these key amals of protection and spiritually strong a person is r eady to start any suggested specific amal.

Here are some more useful links ‌. Neutralizing Taweez and Disposal http://www.rawatansihir.com/forum/forum ... How we destroy our own amal http://www.rawatansihir.com/forum/forum ... how do we know when we're close to a cure http://www.rawatansihir.com/forum/forum ... Symptoms after Ruqyah like coldness , sweat http://www.rawatansihir.com/forum/forum ... Toppingup bottle containing recited water http://www.rawatansihir.com/forum/forum ... Recited water the dos and donts http://www.rawatansihir.com/forum/forum ... Time forTaking bath http://www.rawatansihir.com/forum/forum ... Guide for bathing using recited water viewtopic.php?f=16&t=8532 http://www.rawatansihir.com/forum/forum ...

p?TID=2333 p?TID=1778 p?TID=1935 etc etc p?TID=1681 p?TID=2260 p?TID=1979 p?TID=2677 p?TID=2583

To go against the magicians by reciting Surah al-Baqarah 1x, Ya-Seen 3x, al-Jinn 3x. Yes, we can do the amal but AFTER the finishing the 4-night tahajud. Jinns who are lying, please recite for them Sura Ya-seen verse 77 21x, insyALLAH that will shut their mouth up Make jinn leave body, recite and blow on water: 2:1-7 2:255 2:284 - till end of baqarah surah yaseen x3 Sura Jinn 3X Black Magic will not work: Recite surah burooj and then surah tariq. when you re cite then blow it in the air as well all around Sura Tariq is good for wounds. So I blew it over water (only 1 time) and put the water on some gauze and put the gauze on wound. Remove sihir items inside our body. Recite: (1) Al-Fatihah (2) Surat at-Tariq (3) Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Blow breath on drinking water. Drink the water every day. Firasat Amal: To be given inspirations on certain matters/causae of our problems, please recit e the following before sleeping: Recite: (1) Istighfar 3x (2) Fatihah 1x (3) Ayat Qursi 1x (4) Al-Imran: 26-27 1x (5) A-Baqarah: 285-286 1x (6) Salawat 21x (7) Al-Jinn: 1-5 21x

(8) Al-Kauthar 11x (9) Salawat 21x (10) Ameen You must recite them everyday constantly for at least 5 consecutive days. Accord ing to brother Polan, normally on the 3rd or 4th day of amal, you will receive g uidance from Allah to see what is the source of your problem. Prevent bad deeds by people with bad hearts. try reciting the following Surahs, every night for their hearts to soften: Surah Yasin 1x Surah (69) al-Haqqah 1x Unhappy Relatives going to “aamil�s: This amal will calm down the person(s) concerned. Here is the amal: Istiqfar 3x - shortest is "Astaq firullah 'al 'azeem" Fatihah 1x, al-Baqarah 285-286 1x zikir LA ILAA HA ILLALLAH 33x Salawat/Darood 3x - shortest is "ALLAH humma sali 'ala Muhammad" niyat - YA ALLAH, YA HAYYU QAYYUM, YA MALIKUL QUDUS, please cure us from all sic kness, jinn and sihir, and please protect us from all future calamities, jinns, and sihir (repeat 3x) Salawat/Darood 21x Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim 21x ALLAH HU AKBAR 33x Qursi 1x, al-Imran 26-27 1x al-Mu'minun 115-118 21x Salawat/Darood 21x Ameen All of the above verses in already in Manzil. Upon completion of recitation, wit hin 2 minutes, take deep breathe and blow into bottle(s) of water. Repeat taking breathe and blow 3x. We can use the recited water for our everybody use such as for drinking (when no t fasting), and spray corners of rooms (except bathroom) in the house Return the effect of sihir to the soccerer, we can do the following amal: Recite, after fajar: (1) Salawat Ibrahimiyah 3x (2) Recite "Auzubillahi minas shaitan nirrajim" (No need to recite "Bismillah"), then read Surah Hud 1x; (3) Salawat Ibrahimiyah 3x; (4) Say dua. For example, "O Allah, I ask You to return the effect of sihr cast on me, my wife, my family and my property to the person who did the sihir and sh ow me that person before my eyes when you return the effect of sihir on him/her" Then blow on yourself and on all corners of your home. Note:Dont talk during recitation Dont continue for more then one week, after one week give break of one or two da ys then start again if needed. If you see that enemies are getting loss alot, then stop this amal.Because it co uld result serious damage to them. Dont share amal to anybody that, what you recite and for WHAT PURPOSE you recite . If you are 100% sure about the person who is enemy then keep him in your mind du ring recitation.

Food suspected of sihir: recite Qursi 1x, Yasin 17 21x, and blow on the food 7x before eating recite silently the Healing Dua 3x or at least 1x before eating the food or drin king the water General Amal for treating Sihir Brother Polan's Method: Recite: Istiqfar 3x Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim 21x ALLAH HU AKBAR 33x Fatihah 1x, Qursi 1x, al-Baqarah 285-286 1x, Salawat/Darood 3x niyat - YA ALLAH YA HAYYU QAYYUM, please cure us completely from sihir and jinns, and please protect us from all future calamities, sickness and sihir (3x) Salawat/Darood 3x Al-Baqarah 1-17 1x surah Yasin 1x Surah al-Jinn 1x Salawat/Darood 3x Ameen PS - If necessary read 3x or 7x to make recited water for purposes of drinking, bathing for the patients. And as well as spraying of the recited water in the ho use. The shorter version: Istiqfar 3x - shortest is "astaq firullah 'al 'azeem" Fatihah 1x, Salawat/Darood 11x - shortest is "ALLAH humma sali 'ala Muhammad" Al-Baqarah 1-10, 17-23, 163, 255-257, 284-286 (all 1x) Surah Yasin 1x Surah al-Jinn 1x Salawat/Darood 11x Ameen Or other version: Recite: (1) Istighfar 3x (2) Fatihah 1x (3) Ayat Qursi 1x (4) Al-Imran: 26-27 1x (5) A-Baqarah: 285-286 1x (6) Salawat 21x (7) Al-Jinn: 1-5 21x (8) Al-Kauthar 11x (9) Salawat 21x (10) Ameen Duas to retrieve stolen or lost objects,: 1. Salatul Haajah and beg Allah to remove the Jinns and give you back your money 2. Read Surah Al-Duha seven times, and every time you read the surah, read the s eventh verse three times. 3. Beg Allah by His name “Aj-Jaami” which means “the Gatherer” or “the One Who Connects, R econciles, or Unites.” Say: “Aj-Jaami please return the jewelry/money I can’t find.”

4. Say: “Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon” over and over again while you look for the lost object. 5. Keep reading Ayatul Kursi over and over again until you find the object. 6 Dua to Find a Lost or Stolen Object: Pray 2 rakat nafil, say tasbeeh, say durood, ask Allah to forgive all your sins and then say this dua:Allahuma rabb al-daula, haadi al-daula Oh Allah, Lord of what is lost, Guard of what is lost! Anta tahadi min al-daula You Guide from the lost Urdut auleya daulletti fa innaha min aatau’ika wa fadlak Return to me what I lost because it is what you gave me and placed me with Now say durood again and ameen. read Surah Tariq (about ten times but can t remember) by the door when our parro t got stolen. Mashallah, a few days later it was recovered alive and well! Not sure what is the type of sihir, please recite the following for 7 nights in a row: Istiqfar 3x - shortest is "astaqfirullah al azeem" Fatihah 1x, Qursi 1x, al-Baqarah 285-286 1x Salawat/Darood 3x - shortest is "ALLAH humma sali ala Muhammad" niyat - YA ALLAH, YA HAYYU QAYYUM YA MALIKul QUDUS YA WAHAB, please cure me and my wife from all existing sickness, jinn and sihir, and please protect us from all future calamities, sihir and jinn (repeat 3x) Salawat/Darood 11x Surah Al-Baqarah verse 1-17 1x Surah Ya-seen 1x Surah al-Jinn 1x Salawat/Darood 11x Ameen Upon completing this amal, within 2 minutes, please blow into bottle(s) of water . Then after the 3rd amal, you can start using the water for drinking, rinsing o f your head, body to get freshness, and also spray corners of room in the house. Usually after the 3rd or 4th night, insyALLAH, there will be a guidance dream To close the “holes” is to give the patient a bath for three days in a row using rec ited water which has been recited Surah Yasin 21x. Of course for each bath, we s queezed in fresh lime (or kaffir lime) juice and crushed in jujube/sidr leaves. To weaken the focus/concentration of sorcerer/magican with protective wall : Yas in verse 18 can be recited In the back of the dua booklet "fortress of the muslim" there is a very powerful and useful dua: "how to foil the devils plots". Memorise this and get into the habit of using this daily. It is a treasure from our prophet SAW. Recite this 3x before you go on the internet as well as reciting the 10 baqara ayats with inte ntion to shield your body. After this you will find the shayateen (including you r qareen) are blinded and uncoordinated. It will be impossible for them to find who you are or where you are. In addition you may want to add yasin v9 3x. This combination will allow you to go into otherwise no go areas especially when cont inually reciting 3rd kalima. This has been tried and tested numerous times to blind magicians when doing amal s to reverse the sihr. The result is total confusion on the part of the sihr mak

er. Open the veil of the sorcerer in stealth mode : Yasin verse 22 can be recited to Jinns stuck inside body: please try this for at least 3 nights/days in a row: Istiqfar 3x Fatihah 1x Salawat/Darood 21x Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim 21x SubhanALLAH 33x ALLAH hu Akbar 33x Qursi 1x Sura (23) al-Mu minun 98 21x Salawat/Darood 21x Ameen After doing the above recitations/amal, immediately blow on our palms and rub th e body, the way we do the amal before sleeping insyALLAH, if the jinns are "removed," there should be some indicative dreams. Destroy “mirror�/surveillance device: From my limited knowledge, Yasin verse 33 21x, insyALLAH is sufficient. The stronger option, in my opinion, is to recite Surah (18) al-Kahfi 1x. Ideally it should be recited Thursday night, and Friday (during day). However for those who are too lazy or insufficient time, sometimes they read, the 1st 3 verses and last 3 verses of Surah al-Kahfi 7x. another is to recite Surah (6) Al-An aam verse 1-3 7x at night, or after fajar prayer. Whatever the ways, if the mirror-device is destroyed, there will be dream on that, insyALLAH moving pain or mysterious movement under skin: Sheikh Wahid Bali Salaam suggeste d we need to recite Lau Anzalna (Sura al-Hashr verse 21-24) repeatedly until it stopped moving.... Jin Removal Amal. Here is the amal: Recite: (1) Istighfar 3x (2) Fatihah 1x, (3) Salawat/Darood 21x (4) Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim 21x (5) Subhanallah 33x (6) Allahu Akbar 33x (7) Ayatul Qursi 1x (8) Sura al-Mukminun: verse 98, 21x (9) Salawat/Darood 21x (10) Ameen There are at least two methods of reciting: Method 1 - As a general amal Recite from (1) to (10), then blow on hands and rub all over our body. Method 2 - Specific when we feel movement on the body Recite (1) to (7). Then put finger on the part of body where we feel the movement and recite (8) 21x or as many as you like. Lift finger, then

continue with (9) to (10). Remove the “lizard,” (dream of lizard): a. recite Yasin verse 45 100x for 7 days in a row. insyALLAH that will stop unwanted “visitors” b. Yasin verse 18 , 200 times Wounded animal in dream (restoration of health of wounded animal): Istiqfar 3x Fatihah 1x, Qursi 1x, Al-Baqarah 285-286 1x Salawat/Darood 21x Lau Anzalna (al-Hashr 21-24) 21x Al-Isra 80-82 21x Salawat/Darood 21x Ameen insyALLAH after this amal, you will dream of the animal again. Dream where we saw our child attacked by animal, this means that we need to do the amal for protection of house. This is to prevent jinn/syaithan from entering our house and making problems. Jinn-Pin pricks at part b: Istiqfar 3x A u zu billah hi minash syaithan nir rajim 17x Fatihah 1x, Salawat/Darood 21x Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim 21x ALLAH HU AKBAR 33x Qursi 1x a) Surah (2) al-Baqarah 244 21x b) Surah (45) al-Jathiyah verse 23 21x c) Surah (109) al-Kafirun 21x Salawat/Darood 21x Ameen and please record your reaction before/during/after reciting (a),(b) and (c). I would also suggest you blow into water and use that to rinse your head and body Please try reciting Sura al-Jathiya verse 23 33x and see if there is any reactio ns. If there are reactions, I will suggest reciting the whole of Sura al-Baqarah eve ryday. If that is not possible, please recite the following parts for the next 7 days: Al-Baqarah 1-33, 163, 174-176, 244-245, 255-257, 284-286 Dream of glass wall: which is an indication of a competent magician, insyALLAH we can remove that through the following amal: zikir tahlil - LA ILAA HA ILLALLAH 1,000x (Note: We do this once only for the whole day, if you have recite it earlier, you can skip this) Istiqfar 3x Fatihah 1x, Qursi 1x, al-Baqarah 285-286 1x, Salawat/Darood 11x niyat - YA ALLAH, YA MALIKUL QUDUS, please neutralize and destroy all sihir, all the sihir walls, and all sihir items which are used against me

(repeat 3x) Salawat/Darood 21x Sura Ya-seen 1-21 21x Qursi 21x Sura Al-Mu minun 117-118 21x Salawat/Darood 21x Ameen This is going to take 1-2 hours, so if you need to break for tea or toilet or rest, blow first into bottle(s) of water. Before continuing, take wudhu, then recite Istiqfar 3x, Fatihah 1x, Salawat/Darood 11x. Patients refusing to get treated: Do general amal for general sihir and the foll owing: weaken the sihir jinns, in the patient s brain and stomach, who are causing the patient/victim to give free money to the suspects, but not giving money to own wife and children, please recite for the patient every day: Al-Baqarah 163 100x, or Al-Baqarah 163-164 21x Surah Yasin verse 10 100x recite a little after each salah/prayer, or recite all in 1 go Treat sihir of separation: 1. recite the following every day, then blow into bottle of water, for drinking: Istiqfar 3x Fatihah 1x, Qursi 1x, al-Baqarah 285-286 1x, Salawat/Durood 1x Al Baqarah 102 - 3x Al Baqarah 163 - 33x Yasin 18 - 33x Al-Isra 81 - 33x Surah al-Ikhlas 3x Surah al-Falaq 3x Surah anNas 3x Salawat 1x Amin 2. To be done after Fajr and Maghrib Salah Darood 11 times Surah Fatiha 3times the four Quls(Kafiroon,Ikhlas,Falaq Naas) 3 times ayatal Kursi 3times(after reading for the third time please repeat the last ayat of ayatal kursi 9 times ie wala yaooduhu hifzuhuma....till azeem) Last ayat of Surat Tauba 3times(from Laqad jaaakum...) ayat Salamun Qalam mir rabbir raheem 7 times Darood Ibrahim(11 times) ---------------------------------------------------------To weaken the focus/concentration of sorcerer/magican with protective wall : Yas in verse 18 can be recited In the back of the dua booklet "fortress of the muslim" there is a very powerful and useful dua: "how to foil the devils plots". Memorise this and get into the habit of using this daily. It is a treasure from our prophet SAW. Recite this 3x before you go on the internet as well as reciting the 10 baqara ayats with inte ntion to shield your body. After this you will find the shayateen (including you r qareen) are blinded and uncoordinated. It will be impossible for them to find who you are or where you are. In addition you may want to add yasin v9 3x. This

combination will allow you to go into otherwise no go areas especially when cont inually reciting 3rd kalima. This has been tried and tested numerous times to blind magicians when doing amal s to reverse the sihr. The result is total confusion on the part of the sihr mak er. ---------------------------------------------------------if we want to confuse and blind magician,jinns and our qareen we should recite a cc to above amal surah yasin v18 dua how to foil devils from fortress of muslim 3x surah baqarah 10 ayats of protection yasin v9 3x what does this mean This combination will allow you to go into otherwise no go a reas especially when continually reciting 3rd kalima. i want to know if i should recite all the above verses for blinding magician? ======================================== AMAL for shields: Re: Breaking the shields (Advanced Topic) wa alaikumussalam, This is an advanced topic and beginners are not expected to grasp this quickly a s these things are not seen, most people does not even know they exist. However when our raqis brothers are stumped for many months, some up to 9 years, these a re indications "shields" may be in use by the jinn/sorcerer. Strong shields commonly used by Asian sorcerers comprised of several layers `mat erials but that should come later. Actually before we attempt to break a shield for say the jinns , it is best to m ake doa to know what is their shield material. IN ADDITION, these amal should NO T be done by the patient but by someone else NOT SICK. So the recommended procedure is to: 1) Identify the type of shield material, and how many layers. Most sorcerers have less than 7 layers, although those who are sorcerers through generations have up to 1000 layers. 2) Decide to break the shield (or select other strategies) 1) IDENTYFING THE SHIELD Make doa, then recite the following set of Qurani verses. insyALLAH you will get some guidance usually through a dream: 1. Al-Baqarah 177 21x 2. Surah Jin [ayat 1-17] dan [Yassin ayat 20, 40] - 21x So when reciting the sequence is al-Jin 1-17, Yasin 20, Yasin 40. Then repeat. 3. Surah Kausar 10x ------------------------------

2) GENERAL METHOD FOR BREAKING THE SHIELD Based on your narration learning the Reiki, Cakra, and other "internal energies" I believed we have the regular common shield which is mix of stone and metal-ba sed. The simplest method is to recite Yasin the whole surah 7x followed by Al-Baqarah 174 21x. We sometime used this method as it is very easy explain to non-raqi vo lunteers (either from tahfiz or mosque congregation) Another method which is more time effective for shields under 7 layers as follow s. If we have say 10 layers, then we do this 2 times. •zikir LA ILAA HA ILLALLAH 1000x •Yasin whole surah (as protection against counter-attack) •Isra 81 21x, Saba 49x 21x - (Historically, these two verses were recited by our P rophet when he took over Mekah and cleared off the 360 idols, please refer tafse er Ibn Kathir, narrated from Ibn Masud: http://www.tafsir.com/default.asp?sid=17 &tid=29529 •Saba 10 - 21x •Qursi 21x •Fatihah 21x •Al-Mukminun 115-118 21x •Al-Kafirun 21x •Salawat, Amin For steel [metal] shield --brother polan gave this: In addition, during day or regular night, do the following amal against "steel e levator" zikir LA ILAA HA ILLALLAH 1000x Sura Yasin 1x Istiqfar 3x Fatihah 1x, Salawat/Darood 21x Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim 21x SubhanALLAH 33x ALLAH HU AKBAR 33x Qursi 1x Isra 81 21x, Saba 49 21x Saba 10 21x Isra 49-50 21x Qursi 21x Fatihah 21x Al-Mukminun 117-118 21x Al-Kafirun 21x Ikhlas 21x Salawat 21x Ameen Please do not forget to blow into your bottle(s) of water. We can use that for d rinking and rinsing of our head, for headaches. Best of course is to take recite d bath as it will refresh us head to toe.

Also see the following link: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=10267&start=40 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:

Patient has been seeing many raqis for many years without much progress. Last dr eam was seeing “a hole in a concrete/stone wall and the jinn hiding in the hole� aft er reciting * Surah Al-Furqan verse 46 21x and * al-Baqarah 137 100x ---------------------ALWAYS MAKE DOA FIRST * Fatihah, Qursi, al-Baqarah 285-286, Salawat * NIYAT - YA ALLAH, I seek your Mercy and I seek the blessings of the Quranic vers es, please destroy all sihir against me (Repeat 3x) * Salawat, Amin -----------------------------BREAKING THE STONE SHIELD: zikir LA ILAA HA ILLALLAH 1000x (to strengthen our amal) * Yasin 1x surah (protection against counter-attack) Qursi [Q1], Fatihah [F1] 21x - repeat reciting Qursi followed by Fatihah 21x * Surah Yasin 3x * Lau Anzalna (alHasyr 21-24) 21x * alFalaq 3x * anNas 3x * Surah al-Ikhlas 3x insyALLAH, PS: if you skip the Yasin you will feel something hot on your forehead similiar to as to when we open a hot oven to see a cake being bake Was salam -----------------For situation, where the patient is straight A-student, but suddenly become not so clever, i am suggesting that you recite the following for 7 nights in a row, and please give feedback. insyALLAH that will give some clues to the problem: Have wudhu when reciting, best time is immediately after night prayer (ishak): Istiqfar 3x - shortest is "Astaqfirullah

al azeem"

Fatiha 1x, Qursi 1x, Al-Baqara 285-286 1x, Sura (112) Ikhlas 3x Salawat/Darood 11x - shortest is "ALLAH humma sali uhammad" Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim 21x ALLAH hu Akbar 33x Qursi 1x Sura (23) al-Mu minoon 112-118 7x Sura (39) Az-Zumar 42 21x Salawat/Darood 11x Aameen

ala Muhammad wa ala aa-li M

After completion of recitations, please blow on your two hands and rub your head , neck, face. From the recitations to sleeping time, there MUST be NO TV or magazines which sh ows un-Islamic pictures of woman man with un-sufficient clothings. And of course there MUST be NO TAWEEZ worn on body or hang in house, otherwise it will be a w aste of time wassalaam -------------------For situation where a) jinn is in body and shaking us during ruqya, or b) jinn is in stomach making rumbling sound like sport-car, or c) we feel something running in our stomach, one way to remove them out of body is to do the following, insyALLAH: Take wudhu, and recite the following, like this: Istiqfar 3x Fatihah 1x, Salawat/Darood 11x - shortest is "ALLAH humma sali ala Muhammad wa ala aa-li M uhammad" Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim 33x ALLAH hu Akbar 33x Qursi 1x, (put your right palm on your belly button) Sura (23) al-Mu minoon verse 97-98 21x (or more until you feel better) (take off right hand) Salawat/Darood 11x Aameen Immediately upon completion of recitations, please blow 3 times into bottle of d rinking water. Get two 5 litre bottle or four 2-litre bottles, so we have plenty of recited wat er to last 2 week . Just take deep breathe blow. We must drink that water 3 glasses a day (morning, afternoon, night) Then also 1) blow on your two hands, and rub your face neck chest 2) blow again and rub your stomach front, stomach back. 3) Blow again and rub your shoulder-arm-hand, legs front, legs back Please remember all blowings must be finished within TWO (2) minutes from end of

recitations. Otherwise we have to recite again. I suggest you do the above recitations for next 2 weeks every day. You can recit e night too, as convenient to your time When drinking recited water, please get fresh lime (not lemon) and squeeze 3-5 d rops into 1 glass of recited water. Make sure we have eaten something, because l ime is sharp on stomach. If you do not have lime juice, use kitchen vinegar or better apple vinegar. Get a plastic/glass spoon to put in 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Do not use metal spoon or metal cup, as the lime or vinegar will react with meta l and give metal poisoning. If you drink, you will have painful stomach-ache. If you recite and drink as suggested every day, insyALLAH, whatever inside your body, insyALLAH, will be removed wassalaam ----------------------I have been asked about amal against cloth veil sihr / cloth removal amal. For t he benefit of new members in this Forum or members who do not realize about this amal in this Forum, I reproduce the amal here under the topic "List of Amals". Amal against cloth veil sihr First, the name of the amal in the original posting is not "Amal against cloth v eil sihr". In the original posting it is called "Amal to remove protective cloth ings from jinns" or "cloth removal amal". This amal was taught by Brother Rawata nsihir. The amal is done for victim who has been casted with sihr that "cover" the head or the mind of the patient. This type of sihr will make the patient cannot think straight and will follow blindly whatever been instructed by the sorcerer. Below is the amal. [Note: Please make correction if someone see any error in my posting] AMAL TO REMOVE PROTECTIVE CLOTHINGS FROM JINNS Istiqfar 3x Fatihah 1x, Qursi 1x, al-Baqarah 286-286 1x Salawat/Darood 21x Bismillah hir Rahmani nir Rahim 21x ALLAH HU AKBAR 33x Qursi 1x Yaseen verse 17 33x Al-Baqarah verse 163 51x Sura (23) Al-Mu minun 100 21x Sura (23) Al-Mu minun 117 21x Salawat/Darood 21x Aameen Method two - Variation of the First Method AMAL TO REMOVE PROTECTIVE CLOTHINGS FROM JINNS (different version) Istiqfar 3x

Fatihah 1x, Qursi 1x, Salawat/Darood 21x Bismillah hir Rahmani ALLAH HU AKBAR 33x Qursi 21x Fatiha 21x Sura (23) Al-Mu minun Sura (23) Al-Mu minun Al-Baqara 256-257 21x Salawat/Darood 21x Aameen

al-Baqarah 286-286 1x nir Rahim 21x

100 21x 117 21x

Note: If you ask for detailed explanation of the amal, I may not be able to answer as I only reproduce the amal here. But I have done the amal especially the First Ve rsion and it is beneficial to me. Wallahu a lam. ---------------------BODY MOVEMENT AMAL For feeling of body movement, please recite the following at least once a day, o r at least once a night: Istiqfar 3x Fatiha 1x, Qursi 1x, Al-Baqarah 285-286 1x Salawat/Darood 7x - shortest one is "ALLAH humma sali ala Muhammad wa aa-li Muh ammad" Sura (17) Al-Isra 79-80 7x Qursi 21x Sura (36) Ya-seen verse 14-17 7x Salawat/Darood 7x Aameen After completing recitations, please blow onto your hands, and rub your head and chest. Do blowing and body rub 3x. Then blow into bottle(s) of water to make recited water for your own drinking. P lease remember for ordinary Muslims like us, all blowings must be finished withi n TWO (2) minutes from end of Quran recitations I think after 2-3 weeks, the movement feeling should be reduced, insyALLAH. And once you are stronger and mind feel is sharper, you should start doing tahajud t o be even stronger, bi iznillah. wassalaam ----------------------Separation/Money Sihir Assalam alaikum A very beneficial Amal prescribed by a famous scholar of India : To be done after Fajr and Maghrib Salah Darood 11 times Surah Fatiha 3times the four Quls(Kafiroon,Ikhlas,Falaq Naas) 3 times ayatal Kursi 3times(after reading for the third time please repeat the last ayat of ayatal kursi 9 times ie wala yaooduhu hifzuhuma....till azeem)

Last ayat of Surat Tauba 3times(from Laqad jaaakum...) ayat Salamun Qalam mir rabbir raheem 7 times Darood Ibrahim(11 times) After reading blow over whole family specially husband in your case. ---------------------I do agree these two Surahs are very powerful. I can tell from own experience. I n the past I read Surah burooj 33 times after Asar prayers for four months and r ead Surah Tariq 11 times every day and I got a dream where the dark spider spots are fading away from my top roof but then I stopped in between due to my headac hes and then I saw in my dream a huge veil type of thing entered in my body. The key point is to be consistent which is very hard because these jinns attack you viciously basically paralyze you to break the recitation pattern. Even thoug h I was so close of defeating them but after becoming sick I could not keep up w ith my recitations. It was like they instilled this feeling of negativity in my brain that I can never defeat them. Besides the headaches and being lazy I experienced after reading these surahs I had a lot of nightmares in the beginning and then with time that reduced. I used to hear doors being slammed and have had many sleepless nights due to the night mares. I am not reading at the moment but I am going to start again INSHALLAH. ______________________ if you get shifa, it will probably be a one time amal. Surah fil-i read in a book,can t remember which one. in the post it said surah buruj and surah tariq 20x each, but with so much amal to do i started off with 3x and work my way up if i need to. these are just are my own recitations,it s not necessary to recite all of them.D o what is easiest for you. was salaam ---------------------Surah Tariq and Surah Burooj :salam2: i d like to mention that a couple of years ago my daughters were restle ss in their sleep and i got up and recited surah tariq on them in the night just once .As i blew on them I sew a jinn(i think).It was the height of a 8 year old child with wings.It flew from between them and disappeared into the air.They sl ept peacefuly after that.I never knew why i saw it but from time to time i see t hese things but i don t really understand. ---------------------I have recited it,though not as described in the amil s site. i get a little bit of reaction. But the amal i am reciting nowadays (a little at a time) is surah Nuh 1000x.Alon gwith surah Fil 1000x and surah Buruj 3x and surah Tariq 3x. i get a lot of reaction reciting surah Nuh and it is very effective. I am not doing it to reverse the sihir or take revenge against anyone (Allah wil l do that for me) but to keep them at bay. ---------------------Collectively reciting the Qur an For those who are not able to connect to this link :

Moulana Sahib s speech says : Some great soul has seen Rasool-Allah S.A.W in his dream (when one sees Rasool-A llah s.a.w. in his or her dream, he/she surely sees Rasool-Allah s.a.w. as satan CANNOT duplicate Rasool-Allah s.a.w. Alhamdulillah). Rasool-Allah s.a.w. has ordered us to recite Sura-Ash-Shamso-WaDuhaha as there a re Azaab-e-illahe that are about to hit our Country, Astaghfirullah. Rasool-Allah s.a.w. want us to recite Sura-Ash-Shamso-WaDuhuha 70,000 times. Moulana says we can all recite this sura as much as we can but collectively it s hould be atleast 70,000 times. So friends, give Haram a break, Astaghfirullah and start reciting this Sura ! -----------------------July 30, 2010 http://artistdata.sonicbids.com/the-others/blogs/power-of-bismillahir-rahmanir-r aheem-jul-30-2010/45134 Power of BismillahirRahmanirRaheem BismillahirRahmanirRaheem So sweet! So powerf ul! If dead person may say, standing up, if ill person saying this, may stand up , if weak person saying this, standing up with power! Power reaching from Heaven s to you, o mankind, but you are also idiot ones, following Shaytan! Leave him! Come and say: “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!” Subhan Allah Sultan Allah! What honour A llah Almighty granted us! Therefore, at least 40 times daily say: Bismillahir Ra hmanir Rahim! If you can do 100 times, it is better. Through 24 hours make a tim e; (it) may take you 5 minutes to say 100 times `Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’, but coming on you such a power, feeding your physical being as well as your soul! Do n’t be heedless, O people! That is the key that granted from Heavens to you, to br ing solution for every problem and also to open to you the doors that [are] shut down. You may say `Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ and Allah Almighty granted to you opening, opening, endless, endless doors. Allah – jalla jalaluhu – Almighty preparin g His servants if they are using, treasures! Not treasures of earth, but heavenl y treasures going to be opened to you! O people, come and listen! Enough your dr inking and going to be drunk ones! No, you must be awakened! You must find a tim e that you can say at least 40 times `Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’. If you like to make it 100 times, it is okay! Some people coming and saying to me that: “O Sheikh , we are running to tariqat, to ways of Heavens, Heavenly Ways, and we are tryin g, but we are not reaching. What do you think on it?” I am saying: “I am giving to y ou something, if you can do, you are going to be prepared for a Heavenly opening !” “What is that?” “After morning praying, till sun rising, make 1000 times `Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’. Continue on it 40 days, then going to appear to you some rays of Nur, Heavenly Lights. For every 40 days that rays going to be more stronger, ti ll you can look and see what is in malakut, heavens!” …When adhan call coming, we ar e saying: “Yet we have time, we may sleep…” Ehhh! sun shining…! I am giving permission! Who can do may do, through 40 days, must appear a ray from Heavens to his heart. If you are keeping along that way, you may reach the fountain. You can reach fo untain of lights. It is not from earth, but it belongs to Heavens. And we are no t in need to take missile to be in it… no no no! You have such a power that you ma y destroy whole missiles in less than one minute, through one second! Safar Prot ection BismillahirRahmanirRaheem It is prescribed to keep to the following pract ices for protection in every day of this month. 1. Shahadatain (3 times). 2. Astaghfirullah (300 times). 3. Give Sadaqah daily for the sake of Allah Almighty with the intention to lift away afflictions and misfortunes. It is a good practice, as done by Grandshaykh ‘A bdullah q.s., to make Qurban on the 27th day of Safar for the sake of Allah Almi ghty. 4. Recite each day Surah Al-Fil (7 times) and Ayat al-Kursi (7 times). On the final Wednesday of Safar, keep to the following Adab:

1. Shahadatain (3 times). 2. Astaghfirullah (300 times). 3. Ayat al-Kursi (7 times). 4. Surah Al-Fil (7 times), reading them all upon oneself and for one’s family. It is most desired to refrain from going out of one’s house on that day. If one shoul d go out, keep to the Adab and make haste to return home when one’s needs are met. Grandshaykh q.s. said: “On the final Wednesday of the month of Safar, 70,000 affl ictions (bala’) befall the world. The one who keeps to this Adab that we mentioned , he will be protected by Allah Almighty.” SOURCE: http://blackturban.wordpress.com/ -------------------------------------------

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