aGHI brochure

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Technology Innovations for Healthcare

Technology Innovations for Healthcare Hospital administrators struggle to improve care and manage costs in an ever more challenging and competitive environment. aGHI™ can help provide the right mix of healthcare technology solutions and services, so you can meet these challenges while fulfilling the promise of your business: healing people. We help link together caregivers and data sources, through our advanced Healthcare Information Technology platform and empower everyone in the healthcare continuum. aGHI™’s Enterprise Hospital Integration Suite (Healthcare Connect™) and comprehensive healthcare Information Management System (HIMS), helps deliver optimized patient flow, create a comprehensive, fully integrated and centralized Electronic Health Record, eliminate medication error and achieve better outcomes Our solutions are for organizations that have a long term focus on initiatives to improve the quality, safety and efficiency of healthcare through information technology.

Nowadays, Patients expect a certain amount of sophistication in your care and delivery system. aGHI™’s fully integrated Online/Electronic Health Record Solution, Laboratory Automation and Management Solution, Electronic Prescription Management, Operating Room and Medication administration alert solutions etc., ensure that the right Patient receives the right treatment at the right time. KEY BENEFITS • Optimize your health system with the next-Gen Healthcare Information Technology • Save on minimal IT hardware infrastructure – Device Independent Solutions • Save on expensive Operating System license fee – OS Independent Solutions • Complete integration of the Laboratory, Pharmacy and point of care - Enterprise-wide • Create a paperless environment to enhance your quality of service • Encrypted and secure • Low impact implementation • Save by generating actionable Clinical, Administrative and Financial Reports • Intelligent, Intuitive and Easy to learn and use • Upgrades and maintenance through the cloud • Improve all clinical processes, audit and outcome by using IT • Support imaging formats like DICOM, PACS etc • International coding and messaging standards HL7, ICD-10-CM*, SNOMED CT®*, LOINC codes for Lab and HIPAA* compliance


aGHI can help you improve the economics of care by reinventing financial processes and bringing in better operational efficiency. Our technology solutions help put in place a more efficient charge capture model throughout your organization. We help connect key healthcare stakeholders: hospitals, insurance companies, financial institutions, physicians and consumers.


Administrative: Patient wise Reports: Registration, Type of patient, Medical billing etc Physician wise Report: Particular doctor Performance Report Company wise Report Insurance Agency wise Report Laboratory Performance Report Pharmacy Performance Report All financial transaction Report Physicians: Individual Patient wise Report Statistical Study: Demography wise, Diagnosis wise, Medicine wise etc.


By providing an up-to-date, comprehensive and fully integrated patient Health record across settings and episodes of care, the clinical team can collaborate over the treatment plan, take timely action, eliminate medication error and achieve better clinical outcomes. The sharing of relevant, real-time information to all authorized, interested parties with particular focus on the need to improve hands-off communications leads to a safer patient care. One Patient One Health Record (MyMedic™), foster collaboration across departments and speeds the delivery of critical information. This allows Physicians to seamlessly interact with other Physicians and care givers, to take well informed decisions. The assessment-driven documentation with Alerts and Reminders helps reduce care variability by reinforcing desired behavior.

Fully Integrated Financial Accounting Module The Financial Accounting Module deals with Cash/Cheque, Receipt/Payments, Vouchers and General Ledger etc. This module generates reports like Trail Balance, Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statement. It enables healthcare centers and pharmacies retain control over cash flow management while providing flexible payment options for all payers. The module supports centralized and decentralized business models and Includes automatic charges, statement generation, alert and full reporting capability. It also gives you the power to expedite the invoicing process, purchase orders and receipts. Above all, the Information is securely stored for fast and easy access to accommodate future audits, inquire and general reference.

Benefits and features • Improved information flow through multi-entity processing and a faster closing process with no or minimal duplicate data entry • Reduces time intense, error prone manual processes and entries • Eliminates payment discrepancies • Maximize vendor discounts • Reference archived reports for data analysis • Eliminate labour cost associated with manual handling • Can electronically capture store and manage documents like purchase order, invoices credit memos, cheques, receipts and other financial reports

ENTERPRISE WIDE SOLUTIONS Healthcare Connect™ Link and integrate health centers and hospitals at multiple locations to a Centralized Data Repository. Hospital chains can share and maintain a centralized Patient index and a centralized Electronic Health Records Repository based in the cloud. This will help reduce the repetitive task of re-registering a patient already registered. Central availability of Electronic Health record will help the treating doctor get up-to-date medical record of the patient, at any of the hospitals of the hospital chain. This can facilitate easier flow of a patient from a satellite medical center to a referral Hospital, leading to a more efficient patient check-in and better overall Patient experience. All critical administrative and financial data can also be synchronized with this cloud based data repository, facilitating the hospital management to monitor and manage financial and administrative inputs from multiple locations through a centralized portal. This can bring in timely corrective measures and better efficiency throughout the enterprise. • • • •

Cloud based Enterprise wide common patient indexing Cloud based Enterprise wide Centralized Electronic Health Records Repository Cloud based Enterprise wide critical Administrative Data Repository. Cloud based Enterprise wide critical Financial Data Repository

MyMedic Patient Health Card


aGHI's HIMS enables your organization to issue MyMedic Patient Health Cards. These cards include Patient Photo, Demographic details, blood group, emergency contact information, insurance provider details and the patient's Unique MRID number. The Unique MRID number contains all required registration details and the "key" to patient health record. As the card is barcode readable, these cards can facilitate easy patient movement across departments and locations of the enterprise hospital chain. The patient can also utilize his MyMedic Patient Health Card for medicine purchase from the in-house pharmacy. During any critical health emergency, the patient's electronic health record can be 'pulled' from the cloud using the unique MRID number on the MyMedic Patient Health Card, saving precious critical seconds and helping the patient get the best possible treatment at the shortest possible time. MyMedic Patient Health cards indirectly helps the organization bring in a seamless patient experience with improved patient loyalty.

Centralized Medical Records Repository

Hospital 1

Referral Centre

Hospital 2


HEALTHCARE INFORMATION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (HIMS) aGHI™’s comprehensive portfolio is designed to satisfy the diverse requirements of the Healthcare Industry. We enable Healthcare setups to streamline clinical, financial and administrative communication across the care setting. Our solutions are backed by a dedicated Technology Company exclusively for the Healthcare Industry. We empower Physicians and Healthcare providers to deliver best in class Patient safety, Clinical outcome and financial results


Independent/Group Physician Practice (Clinics/Polyclinics) Hospitals/Enterprise Hospital chains and health centers Laboratories/Laboratory outreach and reference business Pharmacy/Pharmacy chains


Independent/Group Physician Practice (Clinic/Polyclinic): aGHI™’s technology solution can be modulated for independent medical practices that want a sophisticated, easy to implement and simple to use solution. This system brings together all of the essential elements necessary to run a modern practice.

Transfer Referral Laboratory Pharmacy

Modules for Independent/Group Physician Practice (Clinic/Polyclinic)

Hospitals/Enterprise Hospital Chain: aGHI™ provides the most intuitive, innovative, and comprehensive enterprise solutions for any type of healthcare organization. The all inclusive solutions help integrate and connect each and every department in the healthcare setup. Our enterprise solutions help link and integrate hospitals in multiple locations to a centralized cloud based database. aGHI™ can provide a cloud based centralized Electronic Health Records repository, spanning multiple Healthcare facilities, across locations. We also provide cloud based centralized database for critical administrative and business data, spanning multiple locations and organizations. All with benefits of anywhere anytime accessibility.



Our technology solutions helps your staff with the tools they need to quickly & accurately collect patient information and then communicate this information to departments and providers throughout your organization, thereby Creating a more efficient registration system and a better patient experience. We help automate and streamline Registration, Scheduling and Medical billing, supporting a seamless patient experience with the Organization.

Helps deliver assistance to patients and visitors with accurate information related to common hospital enquiries. The inbuilt advanced search facility helps the helpdesk personnel render quality service.

• Patient Registration, Enquiry and Medical billing can be streamlined more efficiently • Patient issued bar-coded MRID cards (MyMedic Cards) and/or fingerprint ID System* (Biometric) can be used for all further interaction with the hospital. • Identify patients via multiple search levels, including soundex • Assign and manage bed and wards • Option to store a digital photo in the patient’s medical record to provide an additional layer of identity confirmation • The bar-coded patient MyMedic card can simplify patient follow up appointment and re-registration • Appointment fixing, Physician scheduling etc can be managed with greater efficiency • Smart Enquiry Management • Option for Centralized/Decentralized medical billing (consultant, laboratory, pharmacy etc...) • SMS alert/reminder to patients about doctor bookings and follow ups* • Company-wise/Insurance-wise contract Management • Visa medical registration

Search Options include • Admission details • Patient Demographic Details • Bed availability and bed allotment details • Payment and discharge details • Physician availability and consultation charge details

Document Scanning and Archiving Enables your organization to move towards a paperless environment by digitally scanning and storing information normally collected via paper. It enables staff members to quickly scan documents into the system, associate the document with the patient record and incorporate the resulting digital document directly into user workflow. Example: Patient consent form. • Provides an easy solution for your paper document scanning and imaging needs • Provides the staff with all the tools required for creating and maintaining complete and secure medical and legal records to reduce risk of liability due to paper loss thereby enabling the organization to achieve a near paperless environment • Capture patient consent form and signature digitally

2. MyMedic - Electronic/Online Health Record (EHR/OHR) - CPOE


MyMedic is a single, shared Electronic/Online Health Record solution allowing Hospitals and other Healthcare providers to span care settings in a more cost-effective manner. Up-to-date, comprehensive and fully integrated patient Health record allows anytime, anywhere access* to vital patient information from disparate sources, enhancing care delivery.

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The System has been designed by a Physician for Physicians. It is build to work like a Physician thinks—delivering access to information and decision support in an intuitive, relevant, easy to learn and use manner, seamlessly fitting into their workflow to reduce medication errors and improve Patient safety. The Online Health Record is compiled throughout a patient’s lifetime. We also provide an enterprise wide centralized medical records solution for compiling and aggregating patient medical record from any of the hospital of the enterprise. Thereby help create an up to date and exhaustive patient index and medical record for the enterprise. Physicians, clinicians and other care givers can review real time patient information, whether in the hospital or at a remote location*. This ultimately benefits the patient by facilitating a more timely and well informed decision.

MyMedic module can be deployed in:

• Independent/Group Physician Practice: MyMedic standalone module automates registration, encounter documenta tion, diagnostic order entry and electronic prescription • Hospitals: Full integration of all the departments of the Hospital with aGHI™’s HIMS or complement existing IT infrastructure of the Hospital

Process at a glance • • • • • • • •

Patient registers at the hospital. Issued unique Patient ID with MRID # Option for issuing bar-coded (MyMedic) cards The registered Patient details get posted at the point of care (Physician) Physician fills up the CPOE form in MyMedic Diagnostic order entry for investigations (Laboratory) Electronic Prescription entry for the Pharmacy Physician updated Online about Patients medical status & Laboratory Reports Option for Remote* Physician monitoring, diagnosis & ePrescription/refill for the patient

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Comprehensive and Exhaustive Encounter documentation (CPOE) Intelligent, Intuitive, and easy to learn and use interface Eco friendly, saves good amount of Paper, Space and Time Automatic integration of Medical Data from different sources Integrated Diagnostic order entry and auto Results reporting Integrated ePrescription - real-time drug availability check Comprehensive and easy Clinical workflow Management Physicians can seamlessly collaborate with other Physicians for a better Patient care, locally & globally* Customizable per Hospital per Physician Diagnosis data readily available on terminals in the Emergency Room and this allows staff to expedite treatment in case of critical injury Remote* access lets the Physician access Patient Records from outside the office Protect security of patient information through user defined access Clinical messaging/collaboration between different departments of the hospital Attach procedure/surgery notes, images and videos to the patient Electronic Health Record Integrated and centralized Operating Room booking/scheduling Automatic drug allergy alert on every encounter episode case sheet Intelligent Case sheet ‘History’ search In-build patient transfer/referral and ‘medical leave certificate’ Management Add legal, demographic and referral data to the Patient medical record Can easily complement an existing legacy HIMS as a standalone module Physicians can use MyMedic Analytic search for academic Research. Modulate better Treatment options

3. LABORATORY AUTOMATION AND MANAGEMENT SUITE aGHI™’s Laboratory Management suite automates the entire Laboratory process, including Order entry, point-of-care specimen Management, analytic operations, information distribution, billing and business performance Management. The comprehensive, scalable solution seamlessly supports hospitals, reference and hybrid laboratory business models, from single site to multi-facility. It efficiently supports laboratory administrators' need to monitor, manage and improve business performance • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Adaptable expert workflow Efficient charge capture Option for user definable bar-coded collection label Track specimen across multiple sites and facilities Lab master: easy creation of test (single test/group test) Maintain and manage inventory and financial accounts Generate actionable Reports: Clinical, Sales-wise, test-wise, Patient-wise etc. Automated SMS alert to patient when test result ready. The results/reports can be accessed and printed anywhere anytime. Auto Synchronization with MyMedic database through world wide web Laboratory Reagent Management - Quantitative monitoring of chemical and reagent use. Machine/device integration based on client requirement Outreach billing and Web-based Test orders and Results* Web based integration of laboratory with point of care (Physician) through MyMedic Enables laboratories to manage and optimize the financial health of their outreach or reference business Supports International standards and codes LOINC for Laboratories


Pharmacy Chains: Centralized Cloud based Business Data Repository

It is a comprehensive system supporting your entire business process. From Prescription intake to the checkout counter, from inventory control to account Management, thus saving you time and money at every step. aGHI™’s Pharmacy Automation and Management Suite is designed to make your Pharmacy more Profitable and Efficient while simultaneously advancing patient safety. Pharmacy staff can manage medication inventory and update stock levels across multiple facilities from a central portal via the build-in Business Management functionality (for Pharmacy Chains).

Pharmacy chains can benefit from anywhere anytime availability of critical Financial, Administrative and Inventory related data through cloud based online user portal.

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Sales Management: Return item, Cancelled sale etc Medicine movement Management: Central stock to POS, Branch to Branch transfer Classification under Manufacturer, Generic name and Composition Medicine Management: Brand, Generic Link Physician recommendation to Product Automatic/one click generation of vendor purchase orders for products below re-order level Goods receipt notification for Finance department Utilize bar-coding capability to update stock levels & manage inventory Define preferred vendor for a product Reduce medication error through look alike and sound alike alert Tracking of purchase orders, schemes and prices. Integrated FOC and Bonus management Intelligent Re-order/Expiry Management Fully integrated with MyMedic™ Automated Expiry Management alerts and reports Option for IP centralized billing (hospital in-house Pharmacy) Medicine central stock Management and multiple point of sale Management Extensive reports: sales, expired medicine, medicine movement, brand wise report, medicine profit etc Automatic quotation creation for suppliers Automated (Timely) SMS Alert to Chronic patients about Prescription refill – Better Patient Loyalty

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Option for Centralized Purchase Management View critical Financial data from multiple locations through web based portal View critical Inventory data from multiple locations through web based portal Centrally Manage medicine movement from multiple locations with respect to new demands Anytime anywhere viewing of all major report

5. SURGICAL AND OT MANAGEMENT aGHI™’s solutions offer an integrated and comprehensive approach to managing the Operating Room. From the point of scheduling, through all phases of preoperative care and back up to the nursing floor, seamlessly sharing patient data and improving communication among caregivers. Our solutions provide clinicians with all the tools they need to streamline the entire perioperative process from preoperative through post operative stages. • Doctors can schedule Operating Room from the doctor’s Dashboard • Alert to the Anaesthetist. • Patient consent Management: scan and digitally attach to MyMedic EHR • Add procedure/surgery notes to patient case sheet/discharge summary • Schedule all recourses and equipment for surgical case

6. ROOM MANAGEMENT Solution for staff to access all bed Management routine like reserving a room, checking occupancy or discharging a patient, thus allowing hospital staff to perform all bed Management functions, resulting in increased productivity and improved bed turnaround time. • Create all types of rooms • Intelligent and effective bed capacity Management (through color coded display) • Room allotment according to patient status (at risk, stable) • Effective room and other charge capture • Classify and flag patient as V.I.P in order to protect their identity and differentiate them for special treatment.

7. NURSING STATION MANAGEMENT SUITE Our solution helps nurses to prioritize task, quickly access needed information and remain organized throughout their shift. All the nursing and nursing documentation solutions focus on meeting the needs of the frontline nurse through to the Chief Nursing Officer. The automated nursing station Management and documentation solutions, ensures medication safety at each stage where medication error can occur • Automated alerts like medication alert and at-risk patient alert enhances patient safety. • Document care, within the patients comprehensive medical record(MyMedic) • Add doctor visits and Notes • Unique, intuitive and intelligent nursing documentation model • Full integration with MyMedic • Intuitive patient vitals entry into day sheet • Integration with OT

8. EMERGENCY ROOM/CASUALTY Assist clinician and staff with the critical task of managing patient quickly and efficiently, from the moment patient enters the emergency department until discharge. • Quickly receive and triage patient • Register, discharge & transfer patient through a single portal • Simplified Patient registration • Dedicated emergency room registration window with minimal fields • Automatically check and pull in patient information from the “cloud” • Add doctors notes • Easy IP conversion and admission

9. VISA MEDICAL aGHI’s Visa Medical solutions, provides the organization, tools required to issue visa medical certificates. These comprehensive tools incorporate all the required test and physician observation notes, along with the applier’s photo and finger print identification. Visa medical certificate can then be easily printed and issued through a centralized visa medical counter. • Patient registration • All inclusive visa medical certificate printout • One point registration and billing • All relevant associated reports

10. BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT Our solutions automate the management and tracking of the entire blood transfusion cycle and help create a searchable database.

11. INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION As healthcare becomes more complex and multiple caregivers for each patient becomes more common, healthcare organizations struggle to create an integrated and collaborative environment. Especially challenging is the communication and planning of care, across disciplines, care settings and systems. aGHI™’s HIMS and MyMedic are solutions that help facilitate care planning and timely shared communication across all members of the care team. These solutions help reduce the likelihood of miscommunication that could compromise patient safety and lead to medication errors. • In-house collaboration and referral • Global collaboration and referral through Patient MRID Number



Our solutions provide the staff with all the tools required to register and track all the central supply, hospital infrastructure products and inventory of the hospital • Maintain central stock • Register all hospital infrastructure products • Product lifecycle Management with service interval alert • All relevant reports

We are entering the era of cloud computing (or “Software as a Service” as some know it), where application are kept not on just the server/computer, but in a virtual space where users can access what they need from any device with an internet connection.

13. ONLINE MODULE (ANYTIME ANYWHERE ACCESS) Device and location independence, enable users to access systems using a web browser regardless of their location or what device (e.g., PCs, Laptops, iPad®, Tablets, Smartphones) they are using. As information is stored in the cloud and accessed via the Internet, users can connect from anywhere.

Administrative solution: get real-time information about critical business and

administrative data.

Remote patient monitoring for physicians: IPad/Tablet PC can be used both onand off-site, to monitor, diagnose and prescribe treatment immediately at anytime. Doctors can utilize the same program and the same database used in the hospital on their IPad. The configured IPad is simple to use and the high resolution of the screen enables good viewing of X-rays and ultrasounds.

Cloud computing describes how computer programs and data are hosted and operated on the internet. This is the Technology platform of the future. Best examples of cloud computing are Google apps, facebook, twitter, etc. Applications designed and developed on this platform are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Super-fast and stable and easy to maintain. Light, scalable, very secure and easy to learn and use. Graphic user interface - More user friendly and easily customizable. Do not need a high end and expensive hardware infrastructure. Save on the initial hardware setup cost. It is platform independent, so the organization can save on expensive OS license fee. We promote open source operating system (Linux OS) Works on a web browser (Mozilla, Google Chrome, Internet explorer etc.) And are very flexible. It can be up and running in a few days which is unheard of with traditional software installation. As the technology is device and location independent, users can access systems using a web browser on any device plugged into the internet Information is made available real time Upgrades and maintenance through the cloud, so your applications get security and performance enhancements and new features instantaneously. Rapid elasticity, Enhanced functionality and Greater flexibility Increased Data Security Lower overall cost Powerful Predictive Analytics tools Enhancements in browser Technology automatically benefits our clients Integrated automated SMS alert and reminders to all interested parties*

The key feature of cloud computing is that both the software and the information held in it live on centrally located servers/Internet than on a single server or a computer. This means people can access the information they need from any device with an internet connection – including mobile and handheld phones and devices – rather than being chained to a single server or a computer. It also means lower overall costs. Mobility, scalability and Connectivity are the key benefits of using this next generation Technology platform. Features like, getting Real time anywhere anytime update of critical patient medical data, administrative data and critical business information on your iPad®, iPhone®, Samsung Tab or Smartphone etc. helps you to be connected with your patients and your business always.

Our Cloud Deployment Model Includes A. B. C. D.

On Premise On Demand On Device Hybrid

With the development of the web, we have a very powerful predictive analytics system in place today. The widespread usage of Online Health Record can help senior clinicians and healthcare providers get quality insight into industry best practices and newer line of disease management.

About aGHI™ The Company aGHI technologies is an exclusive Healthcare information Technology company dedicated to delivering innovative and cutting edge Healthcare Technology solutions for the healthcare industry. Founded in 2008 in Bangalore, the IT Hub of India, we were the pioneers in researching and developing innovative, comprehensive and easy to use Healthcare Technology solutions on the next generation cloud computing platform. As we are a domain specific Healthcare Technology company, we strive to bring in all possible standards and innovative solutions for the healthcare industry. aGHI™’s product portfolio now includes Technology solutions and services for Clinics, Polyclinic, Hospitals, Enterprise Healthcare chains, Laboratories (with outreach/reference business), Pharmacies and Pharmacy chains. aGHI™’s comprehensive and fully integrated HIMS helps integrate and connect each and every department in your healthcare setup, facilitating better charge capture and streamlining all Clinical, Financial and Administrative communication across your care setting. The company’s ‘HEALTHCARE CONNECT’ module helps Enterprise Healthcare Chains, by linking and integrating all the centers to a ‘cloud’ based Centralized Medical Records Repository. One Patient One Health Record helps facilitate easy Patient movement between all your centers. Online availability of Patient Health Record also helps the treating doctor to be always ‘connected’ with his patients in the hospital. aGHI™’s ‘cloud’ based Enterprise wide Administrative and Financial data Repository will provide you with real time critical business information on the go. Key benefit of our Next-Gen web platform includes Mobility, Connectivity and Device/OS independence, saving you money upfront and helping you, stay connected with your business always. With these innovations, aGHI helps clients deliver high quality healthcare by reducing costs, streamlining processes and improving the overall safety of patient care.

© Copyright 2010 aGHI is a trademark of aGHI Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.

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