Winter 2014 Mohawk College Alumni E-Touch Magazine

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Winter ‘14

For Alumni & Friends of Mohawk College

Mohawk’s New Group of Student Leaders

The MoCrew! MoCrew


e touch Hamilton | Stoney Creek | Brantford

Publisher Mohawk College Alumni Association Editor Wendy Makey

e touch

Winter ‘14

For Alumni & Friends of Mohawk College

Design and Production Sofa Communicatons Photography Meaghan Drury, Sean Coffey, Terra Nova Images, Kelly Dunham, Lifetouch, Elia Koolsbergen Contributors Wendy Makey, Meaghan Drury, Ayan Mohamud, Jayden Ratcliff, Rebekah Ranger, Sara Kinnear, Mary Beattie, Linda Marshall, Tammy Cox, Elizabeth Gebretsadik, Robin Ploeg, Cathie Maillet, Kelly Dunham, Matt Cupido, Matt Schnarr, Jen Newton Editorial Advisory Board Wayne Joudrie — President, Mohawk College Foundation, Wendy Makey — Director, Alumni Relations, Amanda Coppola — Alumni Data Assistant, Meaghan Drury — Communications Coordinator, Kristy Ryerson — Alumni Assistant, Kelly Dunham — Alumni Services Coordinator Content Coordinator Meaghan Drury E-Touch is published annually by the Office of Alumni Relations of the Mohawk College Foundation. This magazine is circulated to alumni and friends of Mohawk College. Ideas and opinions published or expressed in E-Touch do not necessarily reflect those of Mohawk College, The Alumni Association, or the Editor. Mohawk College Foundation, Office of Alumni Relations Alumni House, 135 Fennell Ave. West, Hamilton, ON L9C 1E9 To update your Alumni Record, please contact: Phone: 905.575.2258 Fax: 905.575.2443 or the address above.

Mohawk’s New Group of Student Leaders

The MoCrew! MoCrew

feature on the Cover... In the Fall of 2013, a new group of Student Leaders were brought together to create Mohawk’s MoCrew.

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an evening of inspiration - 2012 Alumni of Distinction Awards


strive to be the best - 4th Annual Media Alumni Panel

11 haunted walk of downtown Hamilton 12 the do’s and taboo’s of dining

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welcoming words

keeping alumni connected & engaged Wendy Makey – Director, Alumni Relations The mission of the Mohawk College Alumni Association is to be a catalyst for a lifelong relationship between Mohawk College and its alumni. A diversified offering of programs, services, communications, events and activities is coordinated by the Office of Alumni Relations in order to meet the mission of the Association and to engage as many alumni as possible. To create lifelong relationships, graduates need to be engaged with the College/ Alumni Association. Alumni engagement is the opportunity for alumni to stay connected with their institution and with fellow graduates. Alumni engagement is affected by the student experience, campus and alumni communities, alumni outreach programs and institutional values. The Office of Alumni Relations has determined Alumni engagement is derived by tracking all proactive actions taken by alumni with respect to Mohawk College during a fiscal year. Engagement can take many forms. It can be keeping your phone number, mail and email addresses

current, providing updates on your employment information, or being connected online through social media outlets like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and the Alumni Blog. Also other opportunities for engagement include, volunteering or attending any of our Alumni events, speaking in a classroom or at convocation, becoming a Program Advisory Committee member or sitting on the Alumni Advisory Council. It’s important to Mohawk College, that as our alumni you value the education you received and think highly of the credential you obtained. We hope that you share your successes, stay loyal and continue to say good things about Mohawk as well as attend events, help students, volunteer and provide feedback. Engagement comes in many forms and we encourage you to participate in keeping engaged on whatever level is best for you. We want to make Mohawk College the best it can be and your engagement helps us to do that each and every day.

slate of officers

2013-2014 Mohawk College Alumni Association Advisory Council Gary Nelson Chair

Marcine Blake Vice-Chair

Business Administration, 1985

Recreation Leadership, 1988

Erin Kimbell Director

Dana Jacobs Director

Jody Matheson Director

Darren Hardenbrook Director

Samara Young Director

Police Foundations, 2004

Alan Griffiths Director

Environmental Technician, 2009

Sara Kinnear Director

Sera Nicosia Director

Ryan Chow President, MSA

Business Marketing Coop, 2007

Transportation Engineering Technology, 1995

Recreation and Leisure, 1989

Jackie Fulton President, MCACES

Business Marketing, 2006

Nursing, 1981

Dr. Sandra Ireland Past Chair Nursing, 1990

Advertising, 1994

The Alumni Association thanks these individuals for their valued contributions to Alumni activities, committees and meetings on behalf of the Alumni of Mohawk College.

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alumni news

L-R Linda Rourke, Marco Felvus, Kevin Ford, Elaine Principi, Mark Runciman, Steve Marsh, Narine Dat Sookram, Debbie Logel Butler

2012 alumni of distinction awards

an evening of inspiration Ayan Mohamud, Third-Year Broadcast Journalism As my three years at Mohawk College is coming to an end, I was lucky enough to attend the Alumni of Distinction Awards ceremony to witness eight Mohawk grads be honoured for their involvement in their community and their career successes. Witnessing each alumni receive their award and give their respective speech gave me inspiration to achieve the Alumni of Distinction award and to be a part this group. The Mohawk College Alumni Association honoured eight alumni on the evening of October 24, 2013 for their outstanding contributions and achievements since graduation. The eight alumni all come from different backgrounds and different programs, yet they all share

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the same trait of giving back to their community. Narine Dat Sookram graduated recently from the Social Service Worker program and his community involvement in the Waterloo region dates back to before he entered his program at Mohawk. “I’ve always been community oriented, so I’ve involved myself in the community for the past two decades. The only difference is I went back to [Mohawk] to do a program that fits with my values,” said Sookram. A native of Guyana, Sookram founded the Active Vision Charity Association, which helps newcomers assimilate into Canadian society and also promotes Indo-Caribbean

alumni news culture in Canada. Sookram’s community work has earned him many awards, including a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Mark Runciman was also honoured with an Alumni of Distinction Award. The CEO of the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton, graduated from Architectural Technology in 1977 and says his Mohawk education helped him succeed in his career. “Mohawk certainly exposed me to all kinds of projects that helped me with my career at the Gardens. What I also got from Mohawk was working with teams, particularly my program was all about team work, which allowed me to carry onto my current career,” said Runciman. The other six recipients honoured that night were Macro Felvus, Linda Rourke, Debbie Logel Butler, Elaine Principi, Kevin Ford and Steve Marsh.

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alumni news

strive to be the best Advice from Media Grads at the 4th Annual Media Alumni Panel Jayden Ratcliff – 3rd Year Television Broadcasting College and is now a business owner. He also has been a Sales/Project Manager at Marble Granite Countertops Inc., Prepress Technician at the Hamilton Spectator and a wedding photographer. They all mentioned you can’t just get by with doing the minimum in order to graduate. You have to make the best of your time at Mohawk College. Stand out and do the extra things to get ahead of the game. Strive to be the best.

On October 4th, I attended the annual media alumni panel. On this year’s panel pictured left to right, Nataschia Wielink (Photographer), Dinu Cebzan (CBC Technical Producer), Mike Alfano (Fresh FM), Visan Chao (Owner/ Manager of Lucky Bamboo Restaurant), Kevin Wallis (Air Farce/Don Ferguson Productions), Mark McAllister (Global Toronto News) and Nick Bernard via Skype (Radio/ Promotions). The panel was hosted by Linda Rourke (Host/Producer Cable 14). The message that stood out the most was “get your foot in the door”. Nick Bernard (through Skype) told us a story how he went down to Corus Hamilton and how he dropped off his resume in a shoe with a note saying “just trying to get my foot in the door.” The panel also mentioned that it is important to take advantage of opportunities that you get. Although it may not be what you planned on doing it could either lead to what you want to do or something completely different. Visan Chao is an example of this as he graduated from the Graphic Design program at Mohawk

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alumni news

mohawk college official tournament host 2014 Ontario Colleges Athletic Association Women’s Basketball Championship Mohawk College is pleased to be the official tournament hosts for the 2014 Ontario College Athletic Association Women’s Basketball Championship. We will be welcoming eight teams from across the province from February 26 to March 1, 2014 to the new David Braley Athletic and Recreation Centre. The Mohawk College Athletics and Recreation Department is also excited to welcome on board our presenting sponsor for the event Budds’ BMW Hamilton. “This is a really exciting year for Mohawk and the Mountaineers with the opening our new facility,

the hosting of the Women’s Provincial Basketball Championship and our new partnership with Budds’ BMW Hamilton,” says Michelle Ball, Director of Student Engagement and Athletics. “We would really love to see alumni come out and support our team, and the College.” Games start Thursday, February 27th at 1:00 p.m. and run until the gold medal game on Saturday, March 1st at 5:00 p.m. Ticket prices are $5 per day for adults and $10 for a tournament pass. Children under 12 are free. Mohawk plays at 6pm on Thursday, February 27th.

Alumni Reception Friday, February 28, 2014

David Braley Athletic & Recreation Centre 6pm to 8pm Join us as we cheer on our Women’s Team as they compete in the OCAA Women’s Basketball Championships at Mohawk College. RSVP at

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feature story

MoWhat? MoCrew!

Introducing the Mohawk College Leadership Academy Getting involved at Mohawk College has always been an important part of the student experience. Opportunities with the Mohawk Students’ Association, the Student Athletics Committee, Mohawk College Association of Continuing Education Students, students working on campus, campus recreation and varsity participants, clubs and peer tutoring have given students a chance to be involved for years. This year student leaders from all walks of Mohawk had the chance to get together to learn new skills and meet new friends at the first annual Mohawk Student Leadership Academy (MSLA). These students graduated as “MoCrew” and can be spotted around campus helping with tours, volunteering at events and welcoming new students. More than 120 students attended one of two, two-day sessions held at Crieff Hills in Puslinch which included topics such as team-building, self-awareness, diversity and presentation skills. “We really want students to connect with each other as leaders and to realize that leadership takes many forms,”

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says Michelle Ball, Director of Student Engagement and Athletics. “We invited a wide range of student leaders to attend the Academy which really made for an enriching experience.” MoCrew play an integral role on campus helping across departments and programs and volunteering at student events. As of the end of October these students had already registered more than 800 volunteer hours. There has already been interest in next year’s event and the College is hoping to invite a new crop of student leaders as well as returning MoCrew leaders. Three graduates of the first Mohawk College Leadership Academy shared what being part of the MoCrew means to them and what they will take with them once they leave Mohawk and carry on into their careers. Tammy Cox 1st Year Paralegal Office Administration Legal ‘13 Office Administration ‘12

feature story

not in your program and become more involved in your college. I encourage new students to become a part of a fantastic group of people at Mohawk College. I really have enjoyed being a part of this amazing team.

Elizabeth Gebretsadik 2nd Year Recreation Therapy I had the pleasure of attending Mohawk’s first ever Mohawk Leadership Academy. The experience is one I won’t forget. I got to meet other students who I normally wouldn’t have, since they were in different areas of the college. The activities were a lot of fun and really worked on having us leaders work as a team. The challenge of moving an entire, blindfolded group through a maze is one of the ones I will remember well. As well as the MoCrew Amazing Race that used each of our strengths to complete the team task. I looked at this opportunity to challenge myself to do things I had not done or was unsure of doing. I found the other leaders supportive and encouraging when doing this. For me getting up on the high wire was a challenge. Not only did I achieve this I was actually able to take a couple steps on the wire! When I got back down I had the congratulations of the other leaders and their support as I overcame my nervousness of being that high in the air. I think anyone who becomes a part of MoCrew is able to grow in ways not opened to them before. It allows you to have a better college experience as you meet people

The Leadership Academy is an amazing opportunity that helps students excel in their program as well as their personal and campus lives. The camp equipped students with leadership skills such as the ability to delegate, to better communicate, to build trust, and to encourage others! In my experience, the best thing about the Academy is that you get to build lifelong friendships and as a result it makes your semester all the more easy to complete; having your fellow MoCrew anytime you need them as a support system helps to relieve the stress of exams, assignments, and general school life. We walk around the halls now and when we see each other shout out “Mo What? Mo Crew!” We shared things with each other that we never shared with anybody else; I witnessed and was a part of students assisting other students and encouraging them, when needed, during our two day stay at the camp. After it was over, I felt more confident about my leadership skills and was looking forward to the next semester of volunteering with my MoCrew family. Being a part of MoCrew has

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feature story taught me to be a team member and how to function successfully on a team. The Academy taught me to be a supportive group member by encouraging others, and it equipped me with plenty of qualities that will be of value to me upon graduation. Qualities, such as organizing and presenting ideas effectively, prioritizing tasks, interacting effectively with peers, superiors and assistants, maintaining group cooperation and support, and making and keeping commitments to others. The Academy also nurtured the leadership skills we already had and added to them. I believe this program should continue in the future because it helps students to break out of their shells, it helps them to get to know their peers better, and it creates plenty of opportunities for students. Before I went to the Leadership Academy my resume was a total of 1.5 pages and now it is three pages long, thanks to the skills and experience I have gained through Mohawk College with my MoCrew family! Robin Ploeg 2nd Year Business-Accounting MoCrew is a wonderful extracurricular program for students who require volunteer experience

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upon graduation. This program has provided me with so many opportunities to exercise my leadership skills while also gaining volunteer hours. The MoCrew coordinators are always organizing events that allow students to show their true potential by allowing us to help run the events. Not only has MoCrew helped me gain valuable volunteer experience, it has also helped me build connections with many of the staff and students at Mohawk College. The people I’ve met through MoCrew have become some of my best friends and have helped me grow in ways I never could have in a classroom setting. After I graduate from Mohawk College, I know that I will be able to approach every opportunity with the skills that MoCrew has taught me. The jobs that they provide are applicable to everyday tasks and really help you stand out in a crowd. To any future students looking for volunteer experience you should definitely join MoCrew!

alumni news

haunted walk Of Downtown Hamilton On the evening of Sunday, October 27th, 2013, with Halloween just around the corner, the Alumni Association hosted a walk of downtown Hamilton, led by Mohawk grad, Daniel Cumerlato of Haunted Hamilton. This sold out event was enjoyed by many grads along with their family and friends.

In their words…

Daniel was an excellent host to a very informative tour, which included some history as well as ghost stories. I would definitely attend another Haunted Hamilton Event! Thanks Mohawk Alumni for arranging this event.

Cathie Maillet, Recreation Leadership, 1989

The Haunted Tour of Downtown Hamilton was a fascinating look into Hamilton’s dark side, a city rich in history, architectural design and stories of misadventure and death. Such stories that have lead to ghost sightings in some very prominent buildings in the Hamilton Downtown Core. Our guide, Daniel was extremely knowledgeable of the area and provided a dramatic flair for the macabre filtered with a delightful sense of humour. Many thanks to Mohawk’s Alumni Association for organizing such a great evening.

Mary Beattie, Business-Marketing, 1982

The event was awesome. Daniel, the host, was excellent in providing information about the sites as well as the spirits that are believed to be there. The history I learned was excellent: I found out information I did not know about Hamilton. I would highly recommend attending a Haunted Hamilton event. Thank you Mohawk College Alumni for organizing this great event.

Sara Kinnear, Recreation Leadership, 1989

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alumni news

the do’s and taboo’s of dining Rebekah Ranger – 3rd Year Broadcasting Television

In the Fall of 2013 the Alumni Association was pleased to host two Etiquette Dinners for Alumni and Students. In its 5th year, the annual Fall general Etiquette Dinner, held on November 7th, was well attended, with guests enjoying themselves while learning tips and tricks to proper dining. Then, on December 9th, Media Students enjoyed a 4-course meal led by facilitator Fatima Di Valentin, followed by an awards ceremony to honour the work they had completed over the term. Recently, I was fortunate enough to attend Mohawk’s Etiquette/Awards Dinner, on Monday, December 9th. I had attended a previous networking session that was hosted by Fatima, but I felt that this was a great extension to that session as it took what I already knew from before and developed it further.

Fatima’s teaching methods were wonderful and I loved that we were participating in a live/hands-on environment; it helped to really drill in the do’s and taboo’s of continental and American dining. Not only was it a good idea to learn proper dining etiquette in general, it was an excellent idea as it can transfer over into a professional business setting where dining may be involved. I had never felt more awkward eating food before in my life, yet I feel I have personally developed from the experience. It really made me think about how I looked and what impression I was giving to others. Also, it encouraged me to think about others first and make sure their experience was pleasurable by saying the right thing at the right time and continuing to use proper manners and posture. I found it amazing how the smallest detail could affect the people around me when I would not have normally given it a second thought. As a result, I learned that in a dining experience, it is highly important to make sure that not only everyone at your table is comfortable, but that everyone at surrounding tables are comfortable as well with your actions and words. I felt it noteworthy that Fatima mentioned dining was a way she thinned out job applicants. It really struck home with me because I feel that I am more prepared if such an encounter were to arise. I feel that this could be another add-on to what might already set me apart from others.

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alumni news

alumni games Men’s Volleyball “The alumni match was a great chance for our new athlete’s to meet our alumni and see how the Mountaineer pride and family lives on much further than college. Our program has worked hard to develop a community within its sport and this match proved it was working. In attendance were 25 alumni coming from as far back as 2003. We used the match as an exhibition game for our current roster against the ‘OLD’ boys to see where we were developmentally. Upon completion of the game, it gave our alumni a chance to talk with our athlete’s about what it takes to compete at this level and how important creating a family like culture is to our success on and off the court. We will look forward to keeping this tradition alive for many years.” – Matt Schnarr, ’06 (Men’s Volleyball Head Coach)

Men’s Basketball “It was a great day spent with friends and former teammates catching up and sharing stories from our playing days. The game itself really became secondary.” – Matt Cupido, ‘12

Women’s Basketball “On the EARLY Saturday morning of November 9th, the women’s basketball alumni held their annual game. As usual it was an entertaining day. It is always great to see your teammates and coaches and each year and we have a couple more alumni returning and reminiscing about the “good old days.” The sounds of laughter echoing in the new gym just reminded us all of the great times we had while we were at school. We enjoyed watching our women’s team play after our alumni social. Looking forward to seeing everyone again and those that were not able to join us at the OCAA Women’s Basketball Championships that Mohawk is hosting at the end of February! – Jen Newton, ‘96

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santa visits mohawk college On the morning of December 7th, 2013 as blistery winds and snow blew outside, inside The Arnie, Santa Claus stopped by to hear the wishes of students, grads, their family and friends for the annual Pictures with Santa. Along with the Mohawk Students’ Association and the Mohawk College Association of Continuing Education Students, the Alumni Association was happy to once again host this popular event. From face painting to balloon animals to crafts and snacks, tons of fun was had by all. Thank you to all who came out and we hope to see you and your families again soon.

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calendar of events February




Career Networking – join us for an evening of learning the art of Networking with some tips and tricks. Then put the new skills into action as you practices with fellow Mohawk students and grads - $15/person | 6pm to 9pm | Room C066 Fennell Campus | Register online Young Alumni Event – join the Mohawk Young Alumni Connection at the “Educate your Palate – Sensory Awakening” – Dinner & Tasting - $45/person | 6pm to 8pm @ Southcote 53 (Ancaster, ON) | Join Sommelier Lauren Cassa, ’06 for dinner and tasting that will provide each participant with the initial tools to start evaluating wine on their own. Register at – limited space available Mohawk Basketball | SAC | Mountaineer Hall of Fame – Alumni Reception - 6pm to 8pm | Join us as we cheer on our Women’s Team as they compete in the OCAA Women’s Basketball Championships at Mohawk College.




Planting our Roots – FREE EVENT – 10am to 1pm | Confederation Park – open to all students, Alumni and Staff – RSVP online 10th Annual Mohawk College Alumni Golf Classic – 8am Shotgun Start - $170/person | $680/team – Registration opens early March at – EARLY BIRD SPECIAL – take $10 off if you register and pay in full by May 9th, 2014

June Early June

Calgary Regional Event – visit our website for details

Early June

Edmonton Regional Event – visit our website for details

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Spring Convocation Ceremonies

March TBD

Young Alumni Event – join the Mohawk Young Alumni Connection at the “ Personal Branding Workshop” workshop - $20/person | 6pm to 9pm @ Mohawk College Fennell Campus | A professional development workshop focusing on Creating Your Own Professional Brand in the workplace. Speakers will talk on a variety of topics from Social Media to Business Communication to Work Place Leadership – Register at

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