Mohawk College Alumni In Touch Magazine - Fall 2012

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Fall ‘12

touch For Alumni & Friends of Mohawk College

Meet the Mohawk College Foundation Team

Spring ‘12

touch For Alumni & Friends of Mohawk College

Publication Mail Agreement 40065780


touch Publisher Mohawk College Alumni Association Editor Wendy Makey Design and Production Sofa Communicatons

alumni news 9

Photography Terra Nova Imaging, Carmine DeLuca and Elia Koolsbergen and Office of Monique Taylor

Editorial Advisory Board Wayne Jourdrie – President, Mohawk College Foundation, Wendy Makey – Director, Alumni Relations, Lidia Siino – Past Director, Alumni Association Council, Meaghan Drury – Communications & Data Officer, Kristy Ryerson – Alumni Assistant, Kelly Dunham – Alumni Services Coordinator

13 Ripple Effects: Mohawk Applied Music Alumni are Everywhere


Fall ‘12

Contributors Sandra Ireland, Wendy Makey, Sean Coffey, Al Craig, Darren Desmarais, Kristy Ryerson, Bernetta Scime, Meaghan Drury, Tracy Hopkins, Joanne Brohman, Wayne Joudrie, Anne Marie Peirce, Angela Gravelle, Margaret Thomson, Patrick Caleb, Danielle Nason, Kristen Turner, Steve Marsh, Victoria Harrison and Nichola Anderson

For Alumni & Friends of Mohawk College

Meet the Mohawk College Foundation Team

Spring ‘12

For Alumni & Friends of Mohawk College

Publication Mail Agreement 40065780

InTouch is published semi-annually by the Office of Alumni Relations at Mohawk College. This magazine is circulated to alumni and friends of Mohawk College. Ideas and opinions published or expressed in InTouch do not necessarily reflect those of Mohawk College, The Alumni Association, or the Editor.

To update your Alumni Record, please contact: Phone: 905.575.2258, Fax: 905.575.2443 or the address above.

feature 21 Meet the Mohawk College Foundation Team


Content Coordinator Kelly Dunham

Publications Mail Agreement Number 400065780 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Office of Alumni Relations - Alumni House Mohawk College Foundation P.O. Box 2034 Hamilton, ON L8N 3T2

Meet our Alumni Speakers from Spring Convocation

After 13 years in dormancy The Mohawk College Foundation was revitalized in April 2012. Joining The Foundation are the Alumni and Development teams led by Wayne Joudrie, President of The Foundation. Read the exciting new projects ahead and get to know the team working together to ensure the success of The Foundation.

in every issue 4

Welcoming Words


Alumni News and Events

31 Around Campus 35 Keeping In Touch 38 Looking Back


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president’s column meet some of our award winning students Rob MacIsaac – President, Mohawk College

It’s been a great year for Mohawk and an even better year to be a Mohawk student. Our student satisfaction scores are at an all-time high, putting us at the head of the pack among Ontario’s eight largest colleges, including all colleges in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. We’ve seen record donations from our fabulous supporters in the community, donations that will help students in need and allow us to move forward with our ambitious Fennell Campus Renewal project. We’ve also celebrated many firsts including the adoption of a new Academic Plan and the approval of the first comprehensive environmental management plan among all of Ontario’s colleges. There’s no doubt that we have much to be proud of as a college, but it’s our students that deserve the praise this year. Mohawk students have made headlines from east to west over the past 12 months, beginning with students from Mohawk’s Advertising program who swept last fall’s Canadian Marketing Awards, winning gold, silver and bronze in both the student creative and marketing categories. This isn’t the first time our students have done well at these and other industry-sponsored awards. Mohawk Advertising students have been making a name for themselves in the industry for the past several years which has helped many graduates of the program get jobs in well-known advertising agencies. In March, the Mohawk Men’s Mountaineers Basketball Team won its first championship in 40 years, defeating long-time rival Humber College to take the Ontario crown and then going on to win the national men’s basketball championship in Nova Scotia. In addition to winning the championship, Mountaineers team captain, and now fellow alumnus, Aminu Bello earned the title of Ontario College Athletic Association and Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association Male Athlete of the Year. We’re proud of the team’s success and look forward to another great season.


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In a competition of a different kind, Industrial Mechanic / Millwright graduate Joseph CinqMars won the gold medal at the Canadian National Skills Competition in Edmonton, Alberta in May. Joseph competed at the national event after winning gold at the Ontario Technological Skills Competition. He now works for Imperial Oil in the North West Territories. Farther west, students from the Mohawk College Applied Research Centre for eHealth took first and third in the 2012 App Challenge at the national eHealth conference in Vancouver. Software Development student Jerad Godreault, and his brother Leo, a McMaster University student, won first prize for developing an app that can be used to capture and track a patient’s prescription information. The brothers’ app uses the information to create a medication schedule that is accessible on a Smartphone. It will send reminders and track a patient’s progress throughout their treatment. Family members and doctors can also use the app to monitor progress and receive alerts if the schedule isn’t being followed. Taking the third prize in Vancouver was Mohawk student Rahulbai Patel with an app that allows Smartphone users to make informed decisions about the over-the-counter medications and remedies. Rahulbai’s app uses a phone’s camera to scan a product’s barcode and then compare that information to the person’s personal health record as well as to online pharmaceutical databases. The app could be used to help patients avoid products that could have negative side-effects or get product recommendations that are based on personal history. These are all impressive achievements in diverse fields, and they are just a sampling of the exciting work our students and staff are doing to make our communities better. It’s accomplishments like these that show how our investments in our campuses, programs, faculty and staff are paying off, and we can’t wait to see where our students shine this year.

greetings from the alumni council chair

Sandra Ireland, ‘90 – Chair, Mohawk College Alumni Association Dear Alumni Members, One of the many benefits of membership on the Council of the Mohawk College Alumni Association (MCAA) has been the opportunity to experience the Fennell and other Campuses during the first two weeks of the fall semester this year. The College is alive with students, faculty and staff on the move. The amazing environment that has been created to meet student needs is visible and in full use everywhere you look. If you haven’t already, drop in at the Fennell Campus to see the incredible changes that extend well beyond the new look of the College from the outside. You will be impressed! We want to hear from Alumni who are interested in expanding their participation in your MCAA. This year, we have welcomed four new alumni as Council member: Darren Hardenbrook, Jody Matheson, Marcine Blake and Sera Nicosia. At our Annual General Meeting in June, many other alumni attended and provided new ideas and valuable feedback that informed our annual retreat planning. Many of you have also attended our other events during the year. The best place to access all Mohawk Alumni Association opportunities and events is through our website This year your MCAA Council will focus on three priority initiatives: • Implementation of an ACCESS pilot project that will engage interested alumni in mentoring secondary school students who need support to ensure their successful application to Mohawk College • Initiation of a PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT project that will include developing an Alumni Connector Program to expand and enhance partnerships with industry, community and alumni • Continued work with the Alumni Relations staff and community stakeholders to support and enhance the ALUMNI OF DISTINCTION AWARDS process and event.

On behalf of your Mohawk Alumni Association, thank you for your support this year. We welcome your ideas, feedback and participation. Contact us at

Sandra Ireland, Nursing 1990 Chair, Mohawk College Alumni Association

Mohawk College Alumni Association is the catalyst for a lifelong relationship Between Mohawk College and its Alumni


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slate of officers

2012-2013 Mohawk College Alumni Association Advisory Council OFFICER TERM


Sandra Ireland – Chair


Gary Nelson – Director


Samara Young – Vice-Chair


Michelle Miller – Director


Diana Zanin – Past Chair


Jody Matheson – Director


Dana McNamee – Director


Darren Hardenbrook – Director


Marcine Blake – Director


Sera Nicosia – Director


Nursing, 1990 Member since 2007

Police Foundations, 2004 Member since 2009

Business Administration, 1980 Member since 2005 Business Marketing, 2006 Member since 2009

Erin Kimbell – Director

Business Marketing Coop, 2007 Member since 2009

Ernie Vidovic – Director

Electronics Engineering Technology Telecommunications, 1990 Member since 2011



Business Administration, 1985 Member since 2011 Recreation Leadership, 1995 Member since 2011 Member since 2012 Member since 2012

Recreation Leadership, 1988 Member since 2012 Diploma in Nursing, 1981 Member since 2012

Andy Hall – President, MSA


Carmine DeLuca – President, MCACES


The Alumni Association thanks these individuals for their valued contributions to Alumni activities, committees and meetings on behalf of the Alumni of Mohawk College. We appreciate your dedication.

Share with us –

become an Alumni Blogger Do you have a great memory from


your Mohawk days? Had excellent work or volunteer experiences since leaving school?



Have you attended one of our many


Alumni events? Bloggers can write a one-time entry on a variety of topics or submit on a more regular basis. Interested? Submit a 50 word or less synopsis of what you would like to write about to


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enhancing programs and services and implementing change Wendy Makey , ‘93 – Director, Alumni Relations

It seems hard to believe that the summer has past and fall is upon us bringing with it the energy and excitement of students being back on campus! It’s a wonderful time of year! The Alumni staff has been busy planning over the summer for the upcoming year with focuses on enhancing programs and services and making some changes to current events and activities. We are excited to share that we will be adapting one of our signature programs/events – the Alumni of Distinction Awards (AOD). We have reviewed and reexamined the AOD awards program and are thrilled to share that we will adding an additional category of, “Mohawk Employee” to the existing 7 categories of Business, Community Services, Creative Arts and Design, Entrepreneur, Health Sciences, Technology, and Recent Graduate. A number of inspiring graduates work at Mohawk and this is a great opportunity to recognize and celebrate the work that alumni do for our students.

The timing (submissions) for award nominations and the recognition dinner have also been modified. Nominations will now be open annually from October 15 to March 15 each year. The Selection Committee will meet in April and recipients will be notified in May. The awards ceremony and dinner to celebrate the recipients will be held annually in October, thus the entire process taking one year. The revised program will enable ample time for nominations to be submitted, reviewed and allow for a wonderful annual celebration of our Alumni of Distinction Award Recipients in the fall. If you know a graduate who has excelled in their career and is making a difference in their community we want to hear from you. Contact the Alumni House at 905-575-2258 or email Forms can be accessed at www. Should you require assistance in filling out the Alumni of Distinction nomination form, we would be happy to help. We always like to hear from you. Share your comments, feedback and insight, and Keep In Touch!

Donations support Scholarships & Bursaries Donations Donations support support Scholarships Scholarships & Bursaries & Bursaries

This Fall, for the first time ever, we appealed to our alumni in search of their financial support. This Fall, for the first time ever, we appealed to Our graduates’ generosity was urgently our alumni in search of their financial support. requested to help fund the student awards that Our graduates’ generosity was Our graduates’ was urgently urgently enable talented generosity and driven people to access requested to help fund the student awards that requested to help fund the student awards that a Mohawk education, and our graduates enable talented and driven people to access enable talented and driven people to access responded. aa Mohawk Mohawk education, education, and and our our graduates graduates responded. responded. Thank you for all the gifts we’ve received in support

The 2012 Alumni Annual Fund Appeal will accept dontations until December 2012. If If Theyou 2012 Annual Fund Appeal will haveAlumni not had the opportunity to donate, accept dontations until December If at please know that donations can 2012. be made have not had the opportunity to donate, please know that donations can be made at For Formore moreinformation informationplease pleasecontact contact Wendy WendyMakey Makeyat at905-575-2080 905-575-2080or or of this new endeavour, these gifts are truly special. more information please contact Thank you all gifts we’ve received in support Thank youfor forthat allthe the gifts received support at Wendy Makey at 905-575-2080 or We hope this willwe’ve embed a newintradition of new endeavour, these gifts are truly special. of this this new endeavour, these gifts are truly Mohawk where alumni are inspired tospecial. embrace

We hope that will embed a new tradition at Wean hope that this thisto will embed new follow tradition at opportunity help thoseawho in their Mohawk where alumni are inspired to embrace Mohawk where alumni are inspired to embrace footsteps. an an opportunity opportunity to to help help those those who who follow follow in in their their footsteps. footsteps.


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Business ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts & Design ~ Health Sciences ~ Human ervices ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk College Employee ~ ~ usiness ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts & Design ~ Health Sciences ~ Human Services Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk College Employee ~ ~ Business ~ echnology ~ Creative Arts & Design ~ Health Sciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk College Employee ~ ~ Business ~ Technology Creative Arts & Design ~ Health Sciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ ntrepreneur ~ Mohawk College Employee ~ Business ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts Design ~ Health Sciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur Mohawk College Employee ~ ~ Business ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts & Design Health Sciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk ollege Employee ~ Business ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts & Design ~ Health ciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk College mployee ~ Business ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts & Design ~ Health Sciences ~ uman Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk College Employee ~ usiness ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts & Design ~ Health Sciences ~ Human Services Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk College Employee ~ ~ Business ~ echnology ~ Creative Arts & Design ~ Health Sciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk College Employee ~ ~ Business ~ Technology Creative Arts & Design ~ Health Sciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ ntrepreneur ~ Mohawk College Employee ~ Business ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts Someone who you think deserves Design ~ Health Sciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur to be recognized his or her Mohawk College Employee ~ Business ~ Technologyfor ~ Creative Artsgreat & Design ~ work & achievements? ealth Sciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk ollege Employee ~Business ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts & Design ~ Health ciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk College mployee ~ Business ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts & Design ~ Health Sciences ~ uman Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk College Employee ~ ~ usiness ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts & Design ~ Health Sciences ~ Human Services Nomination deadline Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk College Employee ~ ~ Business ~ echnology ~ Creative Arts & Design ~ Health Sciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent March 30, 2013 Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk College Employee ~ ~ Business ~ Technology Creative Arts & Design ~ Health Sciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ ntrepreneur ~ Recent Graduate Employee ~ Business ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts Design ~ Health Sciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur Mohawk College Employee ~ ~ Business ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts & Design Health Sciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk ollege Employee ~ Business ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts & Design ~ Health ciences ~ Human Services ~ Recent Graduate ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mohawk College mployee ~ ~ Business ~ Technology ~ Creative Arts & Design ~ Health Sciences ~


Do you know a Mohawk grad who has that something extra?


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alumni news

meet our alumni speakers from spring convocation In the five short years since his graduation, Allan Giacomelli, has accomplished a lot in his field. Displaying his talent and skills long before graduating from Mohawk College’s Television Broadcasting Program, Allan received four Mohawk Television Awards in 2006 and 2007. Since graduating in 2007, Allan has worked for CBC Television, first as a Senior CG Designer and now as an Art Director. In these roles, he has created the first visual on-air graphic triggered by an iPad in North America; designed current on-air graphics for CBC News Network; designed CBC News’ first Election touch-screen and Election on-air graphics; and developed CBC’s first Social TV concept with Power & Politics, Hockey Night in Canada and the Fifth. For all his efforts and dedication, Allan has been nominated many times for the CBC President’s Awards in the categories of Audience-First, Innovation, MVP and Brand. While enrolled in Mohawk College’s Electronic Engineering Technology Program, Derrick LaRiviere, was given a great opportunity to have a placement with IBM Canada, which led to a full-time position in the Calgary office upon his graduation in 1978. Years later, Derrick took the skills he learned from Mohawk and the business world to start his own company, AMI, with two partners. As the visionary leader, founder and president of AMI, Derrick brings more than 25 years of experience working with national and global customers across North America and the United Kingdom. While working hard on his career, Derrick has taken the time to contribute to his community in many ways including: being a Big Brother, a Scout Leader and the President for his children’s school council. Since 2004 Derrick has participated in the CIBC Run For The Cure, and in both 2003 and 2004, Derrick worked as the liaison with CIPS National (Canada’s Association of Information Technology Professionals). In his spare time, Derrick has also written and published two children’s books, Silly Sam Squirrel and The Brown Christmas Light Bulb, which he has donated to many schools and charities. In 2011, Derrick received the Alumni of Distinction Award for Technology.

Over the past 10 plus years, Andy Ross, a 2010 graduate of the Mohawk College General Carpenter Apprenticeship Program, has worked in a variety of positions many of them focusing on construction. Andy attended Niagara College’s Environmental Field and Lab Technician Program for 2 years, after which he worked for the Regional Niagara, Water & Wastewater Services as well as Agricorp/CFIA Canadian Food Inspection Agency, before heading back to school to pursue carpentry. In his years attending Mohawk, Andy worked as a Foreman for Bavco Construction and upon graduation obtained his Certificate of Qualification. In 2012, he returned to Mohawk as an instructor for the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program, teaching General Carpentry to young apprentices, by planning and facilitating the course material. This past June, Andy started his own business, W.A. Ross Construction and continues to work in the field he’s dedicated to. A graduate of Mohawk’s Municipal Planning and Development Program, the once Mayor of Hamilton, Fred Eisenberger was appointed President and CEO of the Canadian Urban Institute in December of 2010. He is a member of CivicAction’s 2011-2015 Steering Committee, joining other prominent Toronto region leaders in guiding to execute CivicAction’s post-2011 Summit strategy. His career also includes serving as a Councillor for the City of Hamilton and the Region of Hamilton-Wentworth for nearly a decade in the 1990s. In 2001, he was appointed by the Federal Government as the inaugural Chairman of the new Hamilton Port Authority providing strategic and operational leadership to one of Canada’s largest inland Ports and, in 2006, Fred was elected Mayor of Hamilton and served until November of 2010. While serving on the Metrolinx Board of Directors 2006-2009 and thereafter, Fred made his mark as an advocate for public transit, transit-oriented land-use, and active transportation (cycling, walking). From 1991-2000 as Hamilton City and Regional Councillor, Fred held Committee Chairmanships


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alumni news


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alumni news of Environmental Services, Parks & Recreation, Licensing, Planning and Development and West Harbourfront Development Committees. Fred also holds a real estate license and has taken many other courses at multiple post-secondary institutions. Fred’s voluntary interests have involved the chairmanship of Giant’s Rib Discovery Centre in Hamilton highlighting the natural benefits of the Niagara Escarpment as well as the memberships of Hamilton Civic Coalition, Jobs and Prosperity Collaborative, Hamilton Roundtable of Poverty Reduction and Hamilton Chamber of Commerce. Prior to attending and graduating from Mohawk’s Educational Assistant Program in 2010, Joanne Van Dongen graduated with Honours from York University with a Bachelor of Arts in History. It was in this time period that she discovered her love of working with special needs children, while volunteering at her daughter’s school, which prompted her to enroll at Mohawk. While attending Mohawk, Joanne worked in the Communications Centre as a peer-tutor working with special needs students on assignments. Since graduation she has worked at McMaster Children’s Hospital as a Special Needs Service Provider, and currently works for the Halton District School Board as an Educational Assistant, working with students focusing on providing special needs students with skills for daily living upon their completion of high school. In her spare time Joanne, is also an active volunteer at the Lois Laxton Dance Studio, as a makeup artist.

Leonard Potts has graduated from

not one, but, two of Mohawk College programs. First, from the Registered Practical Nursing Program where he received the J. B. Lippincott Co. Award for Highest Academic standing; second, from the Nursing Program, where he was on the Dean’s Honour List as well as receiving a Gold Medal and the Prentice-Hall & B.C. Decker Publisher’s Award for clinical performance. Since 1996, Leonard has worked for Hamilton Health Sciences in a range of departments, including the Surgical Ward and the Adult Intensive Care Unit. He is a Patient Safety Specialist, constantly working to identify and facilitate Quality Improvement & Patient Safety initiatives. Leonard is also continuing his education at Athabasca University, working towards a Bachelor of Health Administration degree.

Mary Long, a life-long resident of Hamilton and a retired member of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union. She was elected as the first woman president of the Hamilton and District Labour Council in 2009. A graduate of the Social Service Worker Program in 2009 and a professional member of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers, Mary has overcome tragic loss to embrace academic challenges and emerge as a dynamic leader, mentor and agent of change. Mary seeks to be a committed member of her community by organizing many events and groups with a focus on inclusiveness and equity. Some of the events Mary has been involved with include, promoting the involvement of women from the labour movement in “Take Back the Night”; working with the “Women of Steel” to enhance an annual International Women’s Day breakfast; as well as organizing, with the help of Mohawk Social Service Worker students, the first temporary food bank in one of the poorest areas of Hamilton. She has been honoured with many awards, including the Hamilton and District Labour Council - 2010 Labour Activist of the Year, Social Services, the Dominic Agostino Memorial Scholarship Award in 2008, the Ontario Public Service Employees Union - 2002 Human Rights Award and the Health and Safety Award, and the City of Hamilton Mayor’s Status of Women Committee’s 1997 Woman of the Year. In 2011, to add to her accolades, Mary received the Human Services Alumni of Distinction Award. Upon graduating from Mohawk College’s Law and Security program in 1991, Tammy Plummer has been a member of the Ontario Provincial Police since 1992. First serving in the Huntsville Detachment until 1997, when she was assigned to the Haldimand County Detachment, where she continues to work today. Tammy currently holds the rank of Detective Constable as a member of the Haldimand County Crime Unit, seconded to the Drug Enforcement Unit, conducting drug investigations and also assisting with various major case assignments, including robbery, murder, and sexual assaults. In the past decade, Tammy has received many awards including the Commissioners Citation for Life Saving Award in 2000, the Ontario Women in Law Enforcement Medal of Valour & the Commissioners Citation for Bravery, both in 2006; as well as the province’s highest award, the Ontario Medal for Police Bravery, also received in that year. She has furthermore received the Crimestopper’s Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award, 3 years in a row from 2007-2009.


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Save $5 when registering for both the Etiquette Dinner and the Career Networking events. Payment must be received in full.


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alumni news

ripple effects:

mohawk applied music alumni are everywhere By Glen T. Brown, ‘84

“A pebble tossed into a pond sends out ripples in every direction, soon to be felt on the distant shore.” — Anonymous A beautiful young singer bows in response to enthusiastic and sincere applause. Family, friends, and faculty have filled the McIntyre Theatre at Mohawk College to attend her graduation recital as part of the Applied Music program. They know the hard work that has gone into preparing for this concert and they see the great results. The singer turns to introduce her band, which is made up of her classmates in the music program, culminating three years of training in one of Canada’s most effective and cherished music schools. Another freshly minted batch of music alumni are ready to step into the music business. If each graduate was like a pebble tossed in the pond making its own waves, the total effect would be more like a tsunami. Over the years we have seen waves of musical achievement expand outward from Mohawk College and touch the lives of many. In 1977 Patricia Rolston, concert pianist, local piano teacher, and founding director of the Mohawk College Singers, set out with a team of like-minded Hamiltonians to lobby the Ontario Community College Presidents Council for permission to start a program of applied musical

instruction at Hamilton’s newly constructed Fennell campus. Rolston, motivated by the “everything is possible” spirit in the decade following Canada’s Centennial year, had hopes of building something new and useful for young musicians in the Hamilton area. Rolston knew that the success of her program depended on equipping young musicians with business savvy as well as musical skills. Each graduate needed to be ready to creatively carve out a path for their craft in an ever-changing world. Raw talent, instructional excellence, and flexibility formed the secret sauce that has enabled Mohawk Music alumni to become some of the major talents in the music industry. Whether they work in a musical back road or in the artistic mainstream, they are tastefully making their mark. Here are a few examples: Carolyn Credico (2012), a vocalist, found opportunity knocking even before she graduated from the music program. She has been fortunate to be able to work with Don Thompson (Order of Canada, Juno awards) on her first CD of jazz


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alumni news standards, and has been playing around Hamilton and Niagara with drummer Johnathan Blaak (2011) and guitarist Will Mikuna. Blaak plays regularly and books music for weddings and special events. Mikuna recently went on a Canadian tour with Mozambique major artist Wazimbo. Credico expresses, “I just like to sing. I’m just part of the music, I’m the song. My goal in performing is just telling the story.” Drummer Jim Casson (1986) says, “Music has been my full time occupation since graduation. I’ve been performing, recording, touring, producing and teaching privately now for 26 years.” Casson lived in Toronto for 13 years before returning to Niagara. His recent CD release is entitled Dark Orchid. “I spent five years in the Downchild Blues Band touring across Canada and the US and I recorded on two CDs with them. We played with B.B. King at Massey Hall and many large blues festivals across North America.” Casson also toured Europe with Rita Chiarelli and was twice nominated for drummer of the year by the Maple Blues Awards. [] Space here is too limited to do justice to drummer/producer/composer Greg Critchley’s (1983) story. He shares that, “Touring with Michelle Branch, opening for The Who and Aerosmith in Japan, and producing a band at Sunset Sound in Hollywood including members of John Mayer’s and Bruce Springsteen’s bands are some of my career highlights.” Check his website to find out more about his remarkable musical journey. [] Others have been moved to start their own music studio while juggling performances. Vocalist Elana Laing (2008) says, “I am still involved with music on a full-time basis. Since graduating from Mohawk I have been teaching music and performing. I have recently opened The Hamilton Academy of Music, on July 2, 2012, with my business partner guitarist Kaz Simaitis, (2008) who is also


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a graduate of the same program. I perform frequently as soloist, and in ensembles such as the jazz big band Sophisticated Swing, a Bobby Darin tribute show called The Bobby Darin Story, and a wedding ensemble The Practical Players.” [] Andre Bisson, Loretta Hale, Matt Burns, and Brad Cheesman (2005) spent the summer doing festivals, shows and parties as Andre and the J-Tones Rhythm and Blues Experience, including a brief stint in the U.K. Hale also has formed her own jazz orchestra with several music alumni. [] Bassist/composer Mark Dunn (1984) appears regularly in Toronto area jazz clubs as a sideman. Drummer Dennis Ullman (1985) has formed his own company DrumsInc to encompass his music teaching, adjudication and performance work. Trombonist Jeff Agospsowicz (1985) worked with the Canadian Forces as a bandsman. [] Keyboardist Marty Anderson (1983) says, “I played and toured with Rik Emmett (of Triumph) for about fifteen years, Alfie Zappacosta for a couple, Robert Pilon (Phantom) for close to twenty, and Michael Burgess (Les Miserables) for ten, and am currently playing with crooner Matt Dusk whenever possible. My production company has worked with the biggest acts in the world including: Billy Joel, Rihanna, Barenaked Ladies, Black-Eyed Peas, Michael Buble, Kid Rock, Katy Perry, Justin Beiber, Lady Gaga, Nickelback, Norah Jones, Elton John, Jay-Z, and Eminem, to name a few.” [] Teaching in schools has enabled dozens of music alumni to influence the next generation. Guitarist Ron Palangio (1982) humbly admits to having Juno-winning jazz pianist/ composer David Braid as a student. In addition to his role as Head of Arts at Hamilton’s Cardinal Newman Catholic S.S., Palangio has directed the Golden

alumni news Horseshoe Music Festival, bringing hundreds of area high school musicians and ensembles together each spring. Bassists John Paul Szarak (1986) and Mark Novakovic (1984) also teach in Hamilton schools. Tenor sax man Dan Chabot (1984) shares, “I’m a teacher for the District School Board of Ontario North East - I teach Music at a JK to 6 French Immersion school (Bertha Shaw Public) - Love it! The biggest impact from my days at Mohawk was to learn that I actually had the discipline and perseverance to succeed. And these qualities are now instilled in me in all the things I do.” “My career hasn’t developed any way like I thought it would,” remarks woodwind player/ keyboardist/ arranger/ music director Ross Wooldridge (1984). “Even though I fully developed my woodwind skills, the reality is that ninety percent of my gigs are on keyboard. There’s all kinds of music and all kinds of places to play it. I had to be ready to go where people needed me.” Wooldridge is excited about his recent project, the Tribute to the Benny Goodman Sextet. Released in July 2012, the CD captures Wooldridge on clarinet accompanied by a top notch band including Canadian Jazz Musician, Don Thompson on vibraphone. The CD release concert, attended by about 800 people at Ancaster’s Fieldcote centre, “was like the great cherry on top of the musical cake of my life.” Mike Noack (1985) says, “I am currently the owner of Swordfish Digital since 1998. We are the largest media broker in Hamilton fulfilling CD and DVD media replication orders for hundreds of customers a year. We are also involved in location recording, specifically conferences and corporate events. I owned a recording studio as part of our

operation in Hamilton for 10 years before selling it in 2007. We worked with many talented musicians from all over Canada and the US. I have also played hundreds of live shows throughout Ontario and the US. Playing live is always fun!” [ ] Some alumni have come full circle and are now on the Mohawk Music faculty. Drummers Kevin Dempsey (1985), Anthony Michelli, (1990), (Alumni of Distinction Award, 2008 and Incredible 40 at 40), and composer/pianist Adrean Farrugia (enrolled 1992) are all players at the top of their game. They still have busy performance schedules, but teaching remains important to them. There are many more stories yet to be told. Yours may be one of them. Here’s what to do: 1) Update your information with Mohawk’s alumni department at; 2) Sign up for this author’s newsletter to stay in touch with Hamilton musicians. [] As Applied Music Alumni gain more and more career experience, their integrity and reputation make them indispensable. Their influence spreads farther and wider into the world and multiplies, like ripples from a pebble tossed into a pond. Their music resonates throughout the region and on distant shores. Thanks to the insights of the director, the support of college administration, and the commitment of every faculty member, Mohawk College continues to train well-rounded, future-ready musicians. The Applied Music program is a great success story to share with the world. ----------------About the author. Glen T. Brown (1984) teaches, plays drums, and writes about the “criminally ignored” music scene in Hamilton. He teaches at Parkdale Elementary School and publishes Greater Hamilton Musician magazine when he’s not dragging a member of his family to a live music event. Reach him at


fall 2012 | 15

alumni news

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Anthony Notar ianni, Dave Sto roschuk, Kevin Christine Stone Bundy, man and John Sozio

mountaineer hall of fame

Three soccer stars were among five athletes and a team inducted into the Mohawk Mountaineer Hall of Fame held at Mohawk College on Saturday, June 9, 2012. Two time Ontario College Athletic Association (OCAA) League All-Star Christine Stoneman was a member of the 1998-99 OCAA championship soccer squad. She also won OCAA silver and bronze medals during her three years at Mohawk, set a record with seven goals in one game and was named to the OCAA Women’s Soccer All-Millennium Team. Stoneman was the recipient of the prestigious Dr. Sam Mitminger Award for academic and athletic excellence by a graduating player. Anthony Notarianni, a two time All-Star, led his men’s soccer team to OCAA silver medals in both 1990 and 1992. Twice he was named MVP, was selected as Canadian College Athletic Association (CCAA) All-Canadian, while captaining his team and took home Mohawk’s Outstanding Male Athlete Award. Notarianni was named to the OCAA Men’s Soccer All-Millennium Team. Three time OCAA All-Star men’s soccer player John Sozio was the Mountaineer MVP in both 2000 and 2001 and was selected as the Outstanding Male Athlete at Mohawk in both of those years. Sozio became Mohawk’s first OCAA Overall Athlete of the Year across all OCAA sports, was a two-time CCAA All-Canadian and was named to the OCAA Men’s Soccer All-Millennium Team. Golfer Dave Storoschuk won OCAA golf individual silver medals in both 1977 and 1978. He helped Mohawk to


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a fourth place finish in the team competition the first year, then led the Mountaineers to the gold medal the second year. A two time team MVP, who was also selected Mohawk’s Outstanding Male Athlete of the Year, Storoschuk was named to the OCAA Golf All-Millennium Team. Rugby star Kevin Bundy had a great debut at Mohawk, as the Mountaineers won the OCAA gold medal his first season in 2000-01. The following year he was the team’s MVP, an OCAA league All-Star and was the Outstanding Male Athlete at the college. In his last season, Bundy was again the team MVP, an OCAA All-Star, OCAA AllAcademic and captured the Dr. Sam Mitminger Award. The 1985-86 Mohawk women’s basketball squad entered the Mountaineer Hall of Fame as a ‘Team of Distinction.’ After running the table with a perfect 14-0 OCAA regular season, Mohawk won the OCAA championship with a 7565 win over Fanshawe in the gold medal game. They then became the first Ontario team to win a bronze medal at the CCAA Championship. Their lone loss was to eventual champion Dawson College. The Mountaineers, coached by Hall of Famer Earl Begg, were led by OCAA and CCAA AllStar Marcine Blake and OCAA All-Star Claudia DeIulio, who was second in league scoring. Other members of the team included Theresa Kay, Joanne Laforest, Jalea Filiatrault, Deb Rensen, Michelle Osenenko, Pam Rocca, Lesley Anne Grill, Carolyn Meech and Candy Armstrong and Assistant Coaches Peter Stoyakovich and Mary Hrycay.

November Varsity Volleyball Games Mohawk vs. Humber 6:00pm – Women 8:00pm – Men

December Alumni Games

Please email contacts below if you will be joining us. 10:30am - Men’s Alumni Volleyball Game 12:00pm - Women’s Alumni Volleyball Game 2:00pm - Women’s Alumni Basketball Game eet r & G each t 3:00pm – Men’s Alumni Basketball Game ee ter M r z af e e z n tai Me n u e rs e e Mo in th ame n tai up mni G n u o u l M me Varsity Basketball Games A t s Mohawk vs. St. Clair pa welco 16 to a er lege.c All 6:00pm – Women b l m MOUNTAINEER HALL OF FAME 2012 TEAM INDUCTEES HONOURED AT HALF TIME

8:00pm – Men

ve kco o w y N oha b m 8 VP RS mni@ -225 alu -575 5 90


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alumni news

Women’s To p

Men’s Top Team

What a perfect day... The Mohawk College Alumni Association hosted its 8th Annual Alumni Golf Classic on Friday, June 8th, 2012. Over 100 golfers took part and enjoyed 18 holes of golf at Flamborough Hills Golf and Country Club. It was a beautiful day and perfect golfing weather. Congratulations to the Top Teams: Men’s – Larry Snaidero, Mario Suffoletta, Fred Elbe and Jonathon Walton-Ball Women’s – Sheila Drury, Patti Hall, Samara Young and Wendy Makey Mixed – Dane Rimmer, Kristi Rimmer, Kimberley Rimmer and Jan deDood The Alumni Association would like to thank our Tournament sponsors, Johnson Insurance Inc., Mohawk College Foundation, Leaders Frames, BMO, McDonalds of Hamilton, Lazier Hickey and The Hamilton Spectator for their commitment to our signature event.


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Thank you to Campus Living Centres, Upper James Toyota, Investors Group, Sofa Communications and Mohawk Young Alumni Connection for being our Specialty Hole Sponsors. Thank you to our Hole Sponsors – Steve Marsh, Rosemary Schmidt Marsh, Linda Marshall, Dave McKay State Farm Insurance, MSA, MCACES, Creative impact Communications, SDR Seating, Retirees Association of Mohawk College, The Morasse Family (George, Tammy and Ryan), SW Systems “The Turf Experts”, Stokoe Communications and Mohawk College Conference Services. We also would like to send out a very special thank you to our volunteer team comprised of our Mohawk Work Study Students and dedicated Alumni. Mark it in your calendar to join us next year for the 9th Annual Mohawk College Alumni Golf Classic to be held on Friday, May 31st, 2013 at Flamborough Hills Golf and Country Club. To get on the Early Bird mailing list, contact us at or call 905-575-2258 We would love for you to join us!

alumni news


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alumni news

Ottawa - May 11th Alumni and friends enjoyed the Original Haunted Walk of Ottawa

Edmonton - May 16th Alumni mingled at the Sherlock Holmes pub in the West Edmonton Mall

Calgary - May 17th Alumni and friends gathered at the Wild Rose Brewery for a tour and tasting

Sarnia - June 25th A fish fry at Purdy’s Fishery for our alumni and friends


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feature story

the foundation revitalized By Wayne Joudrie

The Mohawk College Foundation (MCF) was created on May 10, 1983 with the following objectives: i. To promote interest in and awareness of Mohawk College and to establish and administer a fund or funds and to apply from time to time all or part thereof and the income therefrom for the maintenance, improvement and development of community services and educational/operating funds not provided by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities by way of gift to Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology. ii. To accept gifts, donations, legacies and bequests for use in promoting the objects of the Corporation. iii. To invest and reinvest the monies of the Corporation not immediately required for use in promoting the objects of the Corporation in investments authorized by law for the investment of trust funds. The Foundation was moved to dormancy on October 7, 1999. It ran in this dormant state until 2012. In April, 2011, I was appointed as President of the Mohawk College Foundation to review and assess the current development capacity of the Foundation, and the development and alumni functions of the College. Upon review I recommended that we move to a revitalized, independent Foundation. Mohawk now has very aggressive plans for Future Ready facilities, services, programs and staff. Development and Alumni must play an integral role in the achievement of these plans. I felt that the fully independent Foundation model would work best to achieve these goals. The newly revitalized Mohawk College Foundation has two “arms”…Alumni and Development.

The key role of Alumni is to support present and former Mohawk College students in a manner that fosters a lifelong relationship with the College.

Key initiatives planned for this year include: • • • • • • • • •

Alumni of Distinction Awards Mentorship Program Enhanced Alumni Partnership Benefits Student Orientation Alumni Outreach across Canada Etiquette and Networking Training Convocation Speakers Young Alumni Engagement Alumni Annual Fund Appeal

The key role of Development is fundraising.

Phase 1 of the “Future Ready” Campus Campaign included: • • • •

$30 Million capital improvement goal Renovation of existing wings of the Fennell Campus Construction of the new Cummings Library Relocation of the Print/Graphic Arts Program to the Fennell Campus • Over $7 Million raised for Bursaries

Phase 2 of our “Future Ready” Campus Campaign includes:

• Construction of a new Mohawk Recreation Centre • Renewal and construction of a new Engineering/Tech Facility • Completion of the Bursary target of $9 Million • Mohawk Scholarship Program with an initial target of $2 Million


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feature story The Foundation has a positive impact on Mohawk students. For the past two years, Mohawk has been recognized by its students as being the Top Rated College in the GTHA. Our students tell us that the faculty, facilities and the services are superior. We provide the funds to help renovate facilities. We provide the bursaries to help support our students. We provide the services to help ensure success. The MCF is committed to supporting the College and transforming the lives of our students!

meet the foundation team By Kristy Ryerson, ‘09

Wayne Joudrie Wayne Joudrie became the President of the Mohawk College Foundation in April 2011. Previously, he served as Director of Education and Secretary, for the Halton District School Board until his retirement in, 2010. During his time with Halton, Wayne was a C.O.D.E. representative, Managing Information for Student Achievement (MISA) with the Ontario Ministry of Education, a role he later became an executive member of representing the GTA school boards. As well, he supervised the development of the HDSB Strategic and Operating plan. A portion of this plan was the launch of The Halton Learning Foundation who seeks to support quality education by providing emergency help for students in need, as well as enrichment funds and scholarships. This initiative raised approximately $1 million dollars per year and was used to purchase clothing, food, bus tickets and much more for students who were in need. Realizing that he still needed a challenge after retirement, Wayne launched Joudrie Consulting Inc. in 2010 working with IT companies within the education field while continuing to support public education through work with the Council of Ontario Directors of Education. Wayne began his career in the educational system as a Teacher, then Vice Principal and Elementary Principal for Brant County Board of Education, from 1976-1991. Furthering his career, he accepted a position as the Superintendent of Schools, for The Wentworth County


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Board of Education, 1991- 1997. Throughout this period he was a mentor for the Supervisory Officer Qualifications Program and the Supervisor of Technology- Renewal Implementation Plan for H.W.D.S.B. and I.B.M. In 1998, Wayne accepted a position as the Superintendent of Education for The Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board, lower city, until 2003. From there, Wayne became The Director of Education and Secretary for Grand Erie District School Board until 2005 where he transitioned to the Halton District school board in, 2005. Wayne is actively involved in the Hamilton Community as a Director on the Royal Botanical Gardens and Teachers’ Credit Union boards. Also, he works closely with Mohawk College staff and local secondary schools as an advisor for the Student Access Program, providing educational opportunities to students that would otherwise not attend post secondary schools. The program merges secondary courses with college courses that can be transferred to the college when they graduate high school. Also, Wayne volunteers for Mohawk@Work, a co-op program that gives students paid summer positions as well as experiences in their field of study, ensuring each student is “Future Ready”. Wayne earned his Bachelor of Science degree from McMaster University, followed by his Master of Education from Brock University and has completed several credentials including a partial MBA, Special Education Specialist, Principal Qualifications and Supervisory Officer qualifications.

Wendy Makey Wendy Makey works as the Director, Alumni Relations for the Foundation and joined the Alumni office in January 2005. Her position is responsible for providing vision and leadership to identify and implement strategic and operational plans that impact over 90,000 alumni. Plans include the development and implementation of programs, services, events and activities designed to recognize, inform and engage graduates of Mohawk College. She is responsible for building relationships with Alumni for the purposes of advocacy to support Mohawk College and volunteer leadership; donations; marketing; and student recruitment; employment and mentoring. Another key function of Wendy’s position is acting as the resource and

feature story advisor for the Alumni Advisory Council who provides advice and insight on Alumni activities, programs and services. Lastly, she works diligently.

prepared Debbie to work at an executive level and developed her skill set and knowledge which she applies to her current position.

Prior to coming to Mohawk, Wendy was the Coordinator of the Volunteer Management Partnership Program for Volunteer Hamilton assessing four not-for-profit organization’s volunteer programs and making recommendations for improvement. After completing a year contract she took a full-time role as Manager Agency Services, working closely with Volunteer Hamilton member agencies to provide support and training and to coordinate National Volunteer Week activities in Hamilton. Next, Wendy transitioned into fundraising as the Director of Administration and Development for Second Stage Services an organization that supported abused women and children. Fundraising 80% of the annual budget through annual giving programs, grants, foundation funding and special events was her main role while working closely with the Board of Directors. Finally, she moved to Kin Canada (a National service organization) as Membership Development Coordinator. In this role she worked directly with over 10,000 members across Canada to facilitate awards programs, plan national conventions and focus on membership development.

Debbie is currently working on establishing a marketing plan, redeveloping the website and generating policies/ procedures for the Foundation.

Wendy is committed to be a lifelong learner and has received various credentials from Mohawk College; a Diploma in Recreation Leadership, and certificates in Volunteer Management, Management in the Not-forProfit and Fundraising Development.

Debbie Matthews The position of Executive and Operations Administrator in the Office of the President, in the Foundation is held by Debbie Matthews. She is one of the liaisons between the staff and the President of the Foundation, Wayne Joudrie. Debbie is also responsible for budget management, human resources, policy development and marketing for the Foundation. Her extensive Business and Marketing skills were developed out of her experience in Real Estate, Retail Management, and Marketing Coordination roles. Debbie came to the Foundation from Sheridan College where she worked as the Executive Assistant to the Vice President, Development. Her work with Sheridan

Debbie has multiple post-secondary diplomas including business administration and the arts.

Anne Marie Peirce Anne Marie Peirce is The Chief Development Officer for the Mohawk College Foundation. Her primary responsibilities include providing the strategic programming necessary to raise funds for Mohawk College and its priority needs. This includes her role as the Campaign Director for the Fennell Campus Renewal Campaign. The intensive effort has helped to provide critical funds for the redevelopment as well as scholarships and bursaries that provide students with learning spaces and support their education. The campaign continues with new projects in development. Before joining the Mohawk College Foundation, Anne Marie was the Executive Director for the Foundation and Director of Alumni Affairs for King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario. In a move to Hamilton in 2007, she accepted a position in advancement at McMaster University as the Project Team Leader on its capital campaign. She joined Mohawk in 2010, and was appointed the position of Campaign Director providing direction for the Fennell Campus Renewal Campaign at the growing and thriving college. Subsequently, she was named Chief Development Officer for the Foundation. She works with a talented team of fundraising and advancement professionals and looks forward to increasing philanthropic support for the college and its students through new program initiatives. Anne Marie was educated at the University of Western Ontario, earning a Bachelor of Arts in History, She has earned the fundraising accreditation of Certified Fundraising Executive ( CFRE) and is a community volunteer.


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feature story Felicia Caggiano Felicia Caggiano works as the Development Assistant in the Foundation. She provides front line clerical and administrative support to the development office. This includes processing gift agreements, award appeals, generating stewardship packages for the Donor Relations Officers and helping to develop campaign materials from a marketing and communications perspective. Felicia began her career as a student working in the Alumni Relations Office as an Alumni Tracker. As the development office expanded, her role was shifted to a focus in development relations. She is an active member of the Hamilton community as a volunteer for the Art Gallery of Hamilton, the James St. N community, the Hamilton’s Farmers Market as well as participating in an active mentoring program called “Pathways to Education.” Felicia is a Mohawk College graduate in the Travel and Tourism program, Event Management and is completing her certification in Development Leadership for Non- Profit.

Meaghan Drury Meaghan Drury is the Alumni Communications & Data Officer for the office of Alumni Relations within the Foundation. In this position Meaghan’s main focus is on the Alumni Office’s social media program including sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Flicker and Issuu. She uses analytic programs to analyze which mediums have the greatest reach, engagement and utilizes this data to conclude which sites need more/less time and focus. Meaghan also maintains and updates the content and graphics of the Alumni website as well as creates a large portion of the offices graphic design projects for web and print. The data portion of Meaghan’s job requires her to query Alumni data for solicitations, E- blasts, the In Touch magazine and requested information from internal stakeholders. She also has the opportunity to organize the Alumni Tracking Program and work with three student employees each fall & winter semester. This program works


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to find the “lost” Alumni and update their information in the database. Meaghan’s experience has been developed in various volunteer events and activities as well as working as an intern at Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation as the Special Event Assistant. In this position she developed her event planning and raiser’s edge database skills which directly applies in her current role in the Foundation. Meaghan’s education includes a Certificate from Mohawk College in the Webmaster Certificate, a Certificate from Humber College’s Advertising Copywriting and a degree from Brock University with a Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies.

Kelly Dunham Kelly Dunham works as the Alumni Services Coordinator in the office of Alumni Relations for the Foundation. She is primarily responsible for envisioning and implementing services for our students and alumni. As the coordinator for Alumni events she prepares, monitors and evaluates detailed critical paths for the signature, regional, family, targeted, student and young alumni events. Along with events, Kelly oversees, develops and coordinates content for Alumni’s semi annual Magazine, In Touch and the annual E Touch online magazine which are circulated to over 60,000 Alumni. During convocation, she investigates and obtains potential convocation alumni speakers. Kelly also engages regularly with students as a mentor for student employees and practicum students and she is an Assistant Coach of the Mohawk College Women’s Basketball team. Kelly has dedicated much of her career working in the educational environment. Working consecutively for McMaster University’s Athletics and Recreation Department she was the Group Ticket Coordinator responsible for selling advertising and tickets to athletic events and season’s ticket for basketball and football. As well, she was the Assistant Coach for the Women’s Basketball Team – McMaster University. From there, she transitioned to Mohawk College working as the Community Athletics Officer and Head Coach for the Women’s Basketball Team. In this role, Kelly worked with the community and on campus personnel to raise awareness both in and around the Greater Hamilton area about Mohawk College’s Athletic programs, services and Athletic leadership opportunities. Kelly is a graduate of the Office Administration Certificate and Recreation Leadership Diploma from Mohawk College.

feature story Candice Gardner Candice Gardner’s position in the Foundation is the Development and Awards Assistant focusing on the coordination and administration of the scholarship and bursary program and the Annual Awards Solicitation. She acts as the liaison between donors and the development office to ensure the integrity of each donation is being maintained and used as it was intended. Candice began her career in Advertising, then found her true calling in fundraising for non-profit. Candice has previously worked as the Acting Development Officer and the Acting Administrative Assistant within the Development office as well as Administrative Assistant in Alumni Relations. As a proud Mohawk graduate she has dedicated much of her career at Mohawk College to “helping students with limited means but unlimited potential reach their academic goals.” In her current position Candice works on enhancing giving opportunities for current and potential donors. By

building a strong and impactful awards program, support can be provided so students have a chance to thrive in the educational system and plan for their futures. Candice is a graduate of the Mohawk College’s Advertising and Communications program and this year was presented with a ‘Mohawk Award of Excellence’ for her hard work and dedication in the Development office.

Shannon Gould As a Data Analyst for the Mohawk College Foundation Shannon Gould brings a wealth of IT and database experience to the team. Her primary responsibilities include providing data resource management of the Foundation’s database and its multiple modules, ensuring the data and information management of the Foundation is trusted, readily available and consistently accurate. Shannon provides accurate analysis and corporate reporting for enquiries on scholarships, bursaries, gifts-in-kind as well as working collaboratively

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feature story within interdisciplinary teams on the planning and implementation of key projects.

Colt Long

Shannon’s position is responsible for the development and execution of appropriate architecture, policies, practices and procedures for Foundation data functions.

Colt Long is thrilled to come back to his alma mater by joining the Foundation team as our Senior Development Officer/Annual Campaign. Working with alumni, the individual & business community, other organizations, staff, and volunteers, he looks to secure funds for the College, through major and planned gifts, bursaries, awards, scholarships, and endowments. Internally, Colt is responsible for developing our Family Campaign, Mohawk’s staff fundraising initiative, which launches in early 2013.

Previous to working for the Foundation Shannon worked at Mohawk for 13 years in the positions of Information Technology Technician and Programmer Analyst for the nursing campus at McMaster. She then moved to the Fennell campus where she worked as a Systems Analyst for Enrolment Planning and Reporting. Shannon has been committed to be being a life-long learner at Mohawk College graduating from the Microcomputer Software Engineering program, Human Resource Management, and Workplace Leadership. Along with her credentials at Mohawk College she is completing her degree in Technology Management from Thompson Rivers University.

Amy Leaming-Cote Amy Leaming-Cote recently joined the Foundation team as a Senior Development Officer focusing on the Campaign of the Fennell Campus Renewal Project. Her role includes working with donors to achieve their philanthropic goals, through the stewardship of existing donor relationships as well as introducing prospective donors to Mohawk College. Upon completion of her educational experience, Amy accepted a position with Hospice Niagara as the organization’s first formal fundraising staff member and led the organization through a successful $2.7 million fundraising campaign to build Niagara’s first residential hospice facility. Amy’s time with Hospice Niagara provided her with the fundamental skills to transition her career to St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation as Donor Relations Officer. During her five year tenure with St. Joe’s, Amy managed all aspects of the Donor Relations office during a $75 million capital campaign. For Amy, shifting her fundraising focus from healthcare to a post-secondary institution was an opportunity to join a school with a “young, vibrant and forward thinking leadership.” Amy received her education from Niagara College in the Tourism co-op program.


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Colt has over 12 years of fundraising experience. He previously held a position as a Senior Development Officer at Providence Children’s Centre in Calgary, AB., where he was tasked with supervising the Special Event and Major Gift Officers, and overseeing all fundraising efforts. Before that, he was the Senior Development Officer for the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. His focus was raising $3.5Million per year for Chairs and Professorships, equipment, capital, and for specific needs for the Welding Centre, Clean Coal Centre, and Workplace Health and Safety housed within the Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering. Colt attended Mohawk College from 1991-93, taking Business Marketing. He has a Certificate in Fundraising Management from Mount Royal University in Calgary, AB, and obtained his CFRE (Certified Fundraising Executive) credential in 2010. Colt is a longtime active member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

Kristy Ryerson Kristy Ryerson recently joined the office of Alumni Relations as the Administrative Assistant within the Foundation. Kristy is the first point of contact for general inquires regarding events, current member benefit and affinity programs and special activities. She also provides administrative support to the Director of Alumni Relations and staff by setting up meetings, coordinating travel arrangements and updating alumni records in the Raiser’s Edge database. As well, her financial responsibilities include, determining budget variance, tracking inventory, processing and

feature story controlling purchase orders and managing the transfer of information from the POS system to Financial Services at the Foundation. Finally, she assists in the organization of special events, in collaboration with Alumni staff including preparation of invitation lists, tracking RSVP’s, ordering event supplies and providing day-of on-site assistance. Once completing her education, Kristy accepted a Corporate Communications Coordinator position with Thales Rail Signalling Solutions. As the coordinator, she was responsible for working with administrative staff to design and implement a new intranet, provide internal communication to staff regarding company strategies and goals and work with Senior management to communicate with key stakeholders the company’s successes. Looking to expand her marketing and administrative skills she accepted a position as the Administrative Assistant and Treatment Coordinator for Dundas Valley Dentistry. Her main focus was providing front line support, creating dental treatment plans and developing effective marketing strategies. Taking the medical administrative skills gained in the dental field, Kristy transitioned to Dr. M. Levy’s, G.P, office as a Medical Administrative Assistant. Kristy achieved her Public Relations, Post Graduate Certificate from Mohawk College and a Bachelorette of Arts Honors in English and History- double major, from The University of Guelph.

Maria Theodorakidis Maria Theodorakidis holds the position of Data Officer within the Foundation. One of her roles is overseeing gift entry and donation management in the database and ensuring that all of the information is up-to-date and accurate. As well, she supports the Foundation’s events by providing contact lists and sending out invites.

Maria attended York University specializing in languages as well as Mohawk College’s Business Accounting Program. Pia Williams joined Mohawk College in 2007 and is the Foundation’s Senior Research Analyst. Pia is responsible for the research services and data coordination of the Foundation, in her role, Pia, uses analytical and statistical techniques and methods to provide prospect clearance, querying and reporting, data mining and analysis, predictive modeling and identifying and qualifying prospective donors.

Pia Williams Prior to joining Mohawk College, Pia developed the prospect research role at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation. Preceding her career in prospect research, Pia has worked as a public, academic and law librarian. She worked at the Brantford Public Library providing reference assistance to the public, but also in a dual role acting as liaison between Laurier University and Brantford Public Library and providing Laurier reference service to Laurier Brantford students. Before Brantford Public Library, Pia started her career as a law librarian at Torys in Toronto providing legal reference service to their corporate and human rights lawyers and after leaving Torys moved to Hamilton took the position as the law librarian for Hamilton Law Association where she provided legal research service to over 800 lawyers in all areas of the law and worked with the Law Society and LibraryCo to move the lawyers toward electronic research platforms. Pia’s education includes her Master’s of Library and Information Science from The University of Western, Honours BA in Politics and History specializing in international relations from the University of Toronto and she is continuously taking CE courses at Mohawk College.

Five years ago, Maria decided she wanted to refresh her business skills and entered into Mohawk’s Business Accounting Program. This life shift gave her an opportunity to work as a summer student in the Development office. After working in the post-secondary environment Maria decided she wanted to continue working for Mohawk and in April, accepted the position of Data Officer with the Foundation. In this position, she has learned the importance of good listening skills and improved her time management skills but most importantly, she has the opportunity to hear what inspires people to donate and see how their generosity improves the lives of students.


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around campus

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alumni reunions Therapeutic Rec The 1st Annual Alumni reception for Recreation and Leisure Services graduates took place at the Therapeutic Recreation Ontario Conference held in Niagara Falls on Wednesday May 30th. Graduates gathered at the Marriott Gateway on the Falls to enjoy a wine and cheese reception hosted by the Alumni Association. We’ll be back again in June 2013 in Kingston and hope to see you all out again!

Nursing Afternoon Tea As part of the weekend long celebrations of the St. Joseph’s Nursing Grad Annual Reunion, the Mohawk Alumni office hosted an afternoon tea for the St. Joseph’s/ Mohawk graduates. Classmates from ‘74-’78, once again gathered together and we met a few new grads. There was an abundance of laughter as they shared their stories and mingled. The St. Joseph’s Annual Reunion Dinner at the Convention Centre will be held on Friday, June 7, 2013. Attention grads from 1978 - it is your 35th reunion and we have begun planning and invite you to join in the celebration. Please contact one of your Class Connectors, Cindy Croft Knoflook at for more information.

SAC Reunion On June 9th, 2012, Mohawk College recognized the outstanding athletic achievements of individuals, teams, and coaches at the 17th annual Mountaineer Hall of Fame induction ceremonies. This event also hosted the inaugural reunion of the Students’ Athletics Committee (SAC) that brought together past and present members of an organization that has fostered the growth and development of hundreds of alumni throughout Mohawk’s proud history of student leadership development. While this evening celebrated the outcomes of Mohawk’s most honoured athletes and coaches, it also reunited alumni who played a leadership role in varsity and intramural programming and rekindled the issues debated, the decisions decided, the bonds formed and the fun we had in our day. The past, present and future SAC has much to be excited for and do hope that even more SAC alumni and our student advisors can join the 2nd SAC Reunion in 2013 and participate in recognizing Mohawk’s continued excellence in athletics. Jason McLean, SAC President, 1991-1992


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around campus

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fall 2012 | 30

around campus

celebrating our donors By Anne Marie Peirce

Mohawk College has a long history of support from its caring community. Donors have contributed millions of dollars over the years in support of scholarships and bursaries, and building projects that provide students with the best learning spaces possible. To honour and thank its donors, The Mohawk College Foundation held its first annual donor celebration in June. The Foundation was launched in April, and took the opportunity to celebrate the kindness of its supporters, and provide details of current campus news and successes. The event was held at the Fennell Campus in the stunning Harold Cummings Library and Collaboratory. With coloured glass windows and a green wall, this is one of the distinctive spaces in the College. Mohawk College President Rob MacIsaac thanked guests for their support. He also underscored the ways in which the support for our campaign has transformed the College and supported student success through scholarships and bursaries. Most recently, the College has made significant changes to its oldest and largest campus. The Fennell Campus now boasts the new Learning Exchange. This wing is home to the Harold Cummings Library and Collaboratory, as well as classrooms, study spaces and the applied research centre, iDeaWORKS. In order to serve students better, all student services have been centralized in The Square, a student centre that provides one-stop centre for all services

they may need, from the moment they register to their graduation day and beyond. President MacIsaac was also pleased to report on the remarkable results of the survey of provincial college students – Mohawk College ranked #1 among large community colleges across Ontario, as well as #1 for Greater Toronto Hamilton Area colleges for the second year in a row. Wayne Joudrie, Mohawk College Foundation’s President, was effusive in his praise for our supporters. “At Mohawk, we are truly blessed to have so many friends who support our students. We have friends who believe in the value of a college education. We have friends who contribute to the future success of our students and the continuing success of our College” he said. “Our campus has been transformed. Our students have received scholarships and bursaries that inspire success. All of this is because of your support.” Guests enjoyed meeting the many students who provided demonstrations, including Jered and Leo Geodrault, whose smart med health app won gold in the Canadian eHealth App Challenge in Vancouver this year. Mohawk College Foundation continues to raise important support for College priority needs, all for the benefit of our Future Ready students. Watch for updates on the changes you will see throughout the College in upcoming editions of In Touch.


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mohawk college enterprise (mce) receives national recognition for leadership program

The Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA) has presented the Town of Innisfil, ON with a 2012 Education Award for the Future Ready Leadership Program at its national conference recently held in Saskatoon, SK. Mohawk College Enterprise, the corporate training arm of Mohawk College partnered with the Town of Innisfil to implement the Leadership Program. Audie McCarthy, President and CEO of Mohawk College Enterprise said,“ the customized leadership program was developed to specifically align with the outcomes of the town’s strategic planning initiative, called “Inspiring Innisfil 2020.” “It has since been so well received that we are now delivering the program to municipalities and private-sector companies throughout Ontario, McCarthy said”.


The Leadership Program is a series of experiential-based training sessions designed for; directors, senior managers, managers, supervisors and emerging leaders. It runs over an eight-month period, with one session per month addressing key areas which include; The Power of Teams, Embracing Diversity through Impact Communications, Leadership Dynamics, Leading Self-Directed Work Teams, Leading Change, Facilitating Change and Managing Performance. Mohawk College Enterprise provides people and companies with leadership skills and expertise required to succeed in today’s fast-paced world. Through their expert trainers, they provide training and customized solutions with the latest techniques and technologies.





or call 905.667.6230 for more information and to register!


fall 2012 | 32

around campus

mohawk alumni success story Constable Peter Galapoulos

The online D-to-D Program allows Community College graduates holding a diploma in Business or Criminal Justice the opportunity to apply their credits toward a four-year Bachelor’s Degree from Husson University and courses are delivered online via UFred’s online learning platform. After transferring up to 90 credits, students are able to complete their Degree in as few as 10 courses, just one year of online study. Constable Galapoulos doesn’t plan on stopping his education here; “Once I complete my Bachelor’s Degree, I intend on finishing my online Master’s Degree with UFred. My supervisor has remarked that continuing my education will help advance my policing career.” For Alumni

Fall 2011

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Fall ‘11

Although Constable Galapoulos is now a full-time OPP Officer, he continues to further his education in the online Diploma-to-Degree (D-to-D) Program in partnership with Mohawk College, University of Fredericton (UFred)

and Husson University. “I first heard about the Diploma-to-Degree in Criminal Justice Program while flipping through a magazine. I was attracted to the online program because it fits my busy policing schedule” remarked Galapoulos.

Fall ‘11

Mohawk Graduate, Constable Peter Galapoulos is a firm believer that education is the pathway to career success. After participating in a police ride-along, Galapoulos knew his future was in policing. While obtaining a Law and Security Diploma at Mohawk College, he made valuable connections that would later assist him in the Police Constable Application process. “John Belisle, a Mohawk instructor, took time to help me through the application process. I was very fortunate to have knowledgeable teachers and resources at Mohawk” said Constable Galapoulos. In 2009, he was hired by the Halton Regional Police Service and currently performs duties in Oakville.

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fall 2012 | 33

awards & honours The Hamilton Sports Hall of Fame 2012 Inductee Doug Harrison, ’64 - Basketball (Builder)

Doug was the founder of the Hamilton Transway Girls Basketball Club in 1979. Transway Teams have won 75 Provincial Championships in the last 30 years, over 200 tournaments and have the most wins for a club in Ontario. In the past 27 years, Transway has brought more than 1,300 girls teams into the City which represents over 18,000 players and coaches. Doug started the Transway house league in 1985; and the Transway Annual Basketball Summer camp in 1993. Doug was born and raised in the east end of Hamilton, and retired after 40 years with Stelco in 2003.

The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipients A new commemorative medal was created to mark the 2012 celebrations of the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada. The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal is a tangible way for Canada to honour Her Majesty for her service to this country. At the same time, it serves to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians. Two accomplished Mohawk grads received this honourary Medal. Liz Lafome, ’75 was honoured with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. The medal was presented by MPP Monique Taylor to celebrate the numerous contributions Liz has made to her community. As a Managing Partner of Employee Benefits and Retirement Services at Business Insurance Services, Rosemary Marsh, ‘82 has worked with her clients in all facets to provide best in class services. No stranger to volunteer work, Rosemary currently sits as Board chair for a local Community Services organization dealing with children at risk, youth detention, seniors and an outreach program, supporting our military families. Staff and fellow board members have come to rely on her integrity to guide them through times of challenge.

Business Excellence Awards Ryan Barichello, ‘06 was awarded the Under 40 Business Excellence Award at the 2nd Annual Business Excellence Awards Gala for The Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association of Hamilton Halton (CIBPA HH) on September 24th, 2012 at Carmen’s Banquet Centre. The CIBPA HH Awards of Excellence were established to recognize and pay tribute to those individuals in the community who continue to make a difference in their professional and entrepreneurial fields.


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John Christmas | Computer Systems Technology, 1974 After working in the Information Technology field for 30 years, I decided to branch out and start my own business in the Burlington area. For the last six years I have provided computer support and website design for many home users and small businesses. For more information you can visit my website at

Rosalind (Nee Heaven) Pratt | Social Services, 1976

After finishing at Mohawk College I worked at the Children’s Aid Society. I went on to finish my BA and BSW at McMaster, became a Director of The Senior Centre at St. Josephs Villa, played cello with a local group, and volunteered at the Distress Centre for five years after retiring.

F. Rob Hill | Television Broadcasting, 1979

Traveling Canada shooting television shows.

Kathy Tzitzi | Nursing, 1986

I’ve been living and working in Greece since 1992. I returned in August with my two sons, who will be going to school. My eldest will be going to Mohawk and my youngest will be finishing high school. I will be working in nursing hopefully. Wish me luck.

R. Bruce MacKinnon | Chemical Engineering Technician,1987 I have had a great career since graduation. I have held positions from Laboratory Technologist to Senior Researcher to Laboratory Manager. I have specialized in waste water treatment technologies, PCB destruction methodologies and hazardous materials handling, and HAZMAT. I have had the pleasure of working with the Canadian Joint Task Force and NATO in Kandahar Afghanistan conducting Environmental Assessments, Compliance and Construction Health and Safety. I currently work for the federal government in a high research laboratory where I am in charge of Health and Safety, Personal Security and Environmental Protection at Canmet MATERIALS in Hamilton, Ontario (part of natural Resources Mines and Minerals Sector). I am a commissioned officer in





the Canadian Forces Reserve and I work with youth and at-risk youth, including teens with disabilities. I volunteer for other youth groups including Peacekeeper Park, Navy League of Canada and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards program.

Debbie Laurin-Phelan | Early Childhood Education, 1990

I have lived in beautiful, rural BC since 1992. My educational journey took a brief pause after graduating in 1991 with an ECE Diploma from Mohawk College. Since then, I have completed a BA in Human Social Development and a MEd from Antioch New England University. Currently, I am an instructor in ECE at Selkirk College in Castlegar, BC. I have previously taught kindergarten at the Nelson Waldorf School and continue to find inspiration and joy as the facilitator of the NWS Parent/Child program.

Jeffrey Luscombe | Computer Systems Technology, 1992 After working in IT for numerous companies in Canada and the US, I returned to university and earned a BA and MA in English at the University of Toronto. Currently I am a self-employed writer living in downtown Toronto. In 2009, I married Sean O’Donnell. My new novel, Shirts and Skins, was published in May 2012.

Derrick Willcott | Journalism Broadcast, 1992

After Graduating in ’92, landed my first job with CBC Radio as a technician and after two years went into Management where I was for nine years. My educational and practical experience has led me to a professional career in Marketing and Sales. Currently, I am the Regional Marketing Manager for KOM Consultants, International Education Consultants. Married for 10 years with a beautiful daughter. Mohawk gave me the foundation and tools to be successful.

Andy McMahon | Architectural Technology, 1993

I am a Senior Plans Examiner with the City of Brantford Building Department for the last 14 years. For the last 6 years I have also run my own architectural design business Blackhill Works. I am married to Paula and have a daughter Meghan (10) and a son Dallas (7).


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touch Thomas Wilson | Mechanical Engineering Technology, 1994

My Mechanical Engineering foundation has provided me with a logical approach to product redesign with marketing and assisted the sales aspect of my business. I extended my education after graduation with mixology courses at Mohawk (we got free samples); project management & leadership skills training.

Tammy Morasse-Heming | Child and Youth Worker, 1995 I work as a Senior Policy Analyst with the City of Hamilton in the Community Services Department and I am on the Board of Directors for Today’s Family. Since graduating at Mohawk, I completed a BA at Ryerson and I am working on my MBA at Western. My Masters is a work in progress because my husband, Steve Heming, and I have two beautiful and active children. Lucy is nearly two years old and Thomas had his first birthday in June. We’re happy and busy - there is never a dull moment!

Sandra Reed | Small Business Management, 1995

I’m enrolled in Mohawk College taking the Business Foundations Certificate with the goal of entering the Insurance Program.

Barbara Carson-Loucks | Law & Security – Private Security, 1996 I’ve been married now for 12 years and have a 10 year old daughter. I have been with Canada Post for almost 3 years and I currently work in Woodstock, Ontario.

Loretta Hale | Applied Music, 2005

I graduated in 2005 from the Applied Music Program at Mohawk College. I’m a full time musician and I teach Cello privately, as well. I play trumpet with a band called Andre & the J-Tones (all Mohawk Grads) that was started while at Mohawk in 2004 by Andre Bisson. We are very excited to have gone on tour in the UK and Ireland in August and September to share Andre’s newest original CD. ( We performed for festivals in England, Wales, and Northern and Southern Ireland. Our teachers prepared us well on our instruments and gave us great insight on how to be great musicians in this world. We are honoured to be doing this for a living and glad we had Mohawk to teach us how. Other projects I’m involved with are playing cello for bands, weddings/events with my sister and string ensembles, working on recordings in studio’s


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around Hamilton/Burlington, and rehearsing/performing with a big band I started just after I graduated called The Loretta Hale Big Band that has been active for 7 years.

Timothy Maxymuik | Office Administration – Executive, 2006 | Computer Systems Technology – Network Engineering & Security Analysts, 2012 I have been volunteering at few different organizations. In 2010 I received a ten year volunteer award and Volunteer of the Year Award from the Canadian Diabetes Association. I went back to Mohawk in fall 2007 for Computer Science Technology - Network Engineering and Security Analyst.

Natalie Shurigina | Urban & Regional Planning Geographical Information Systems, 2009 I graduated from Urban and Regional Planning at Ryerson University in 2011. I went on to become a consultant and registered my own consulting firm (NS Consulting) in 2012. I’m an avid equestrian and an artist in my spare time. I compete in Dressage at amateur levels. I showcase my artwork at

Kathleen Cullen | TV Broadcasting and Communications Media, 2010 Life since Mohawk has been very, very busy! After graduation I worked 1 year as the full- time student president at Mohawk, and then moved to Toronto to work contracts for So You Think You Can Dance Canada, and The Canadian Walk of Fame before returning home to Hamilton to work at CHCH and KX94.7. I have recently changed jobs and am now a full time videographer for Cable 14 where I host segments about the people, services, and community events within our city limits. I am also still with KX94.7 the WORLD’S BEST COUNTRY radio station (in my humble opinion!) We have just celebrated our 1year anniversary on air with ratings through the roof!! I am also looking forward to celebrating my three year anniversary with college sweetheart Daniel Clark who graduated one year after me. If we hadn`t attended Mohawk we may have never met! Something else fun: my father Gerald Cullen (Eng Tech `82) recently hosted his 30th year Mohawk College Class reunion at our home. It was so nice to meet all dad`s old college buddies and tell them all about the amazing changes going on at the college these past few years!

keeping Nathalie Frey (nee LeBlanc) | Educational Assistant, 2011 Since Graduating in June 2011, I got married to an amazing man on Oct 22, 2011. I became an aunt in June!

Crystal Kruikemeijer | Pre-Health, 2012

I am continuing my education at Sheridan College, getting my Bachelor in Information System Security. I have also started my own business as a Social Media Manager and Consultant.

Luisito Anglo | Business – Accounting, 2012

I am completed a summer job position at Canada Revenue Agency here in Hamilton. This fall, I will be pursuing my degree in Accounting at Brock University. “I am really proud to be a Mohawk Grad and represent the College at CRA”.

Manpreet Gill | Motive Power Fundamentals, 2012

Life spent at Mohawk was the diamond period from which I learned many new things; and became familiar with many new techniques. I graduated from Mohawk, but the respect towards the college and memories are stored in the deep core of my heart. After graduation I moved to Saskatchewan and am working here at McDonalds. Life is tracked to work now. I really miss my college, friends, and teachers who helped me a lot in the last years. Salute to Mohawk, which builds our future.

Tegiola Xhemalaj | Architectural

Technology, 2012

I am a proud Grad from Mohawk who is currently working full time at a Construction Company in Hamilton. Life after college is exciting especially when you have to apply what you learned in school in real life. I am glad that I took the Architectural Technology program at Mohawk, which helped me shape my goals that I was aiming in my professional life. I am very involved in the community where I volunteer whenever I can and I am also a member of the Young Alumni Connection for Mohawk College. In September, I will be enrolled in the B.Tech Program at McMaster University and I am thrilled to continue my education through this Mo-Mac Program.

Karen Tibbs | Recreation and Leisure Services, 2012


Morriston Park Nursing Home in Puslinch, Ontario. Thank you to all the terrific teachers/ role models that helped me at the age of 35 to achieve my set out goals. Not one teacher at Mohawk gave up on me and they were always there when I needed them. It wasn’t easy being one of the oldest students in the class, but the teachers made it absolutely wonderful. I am on the road to greatness, doing what I love. I am helping to put smiles back on the faces of persons with disabilities and getting them involved in recreation and leisure activities.

Protection of Personal Information From time to time, you may be contacted either by mail, e-mail or phone by one of our services and benefits partners regarding one of our programs. Mohawk College is proud of its relationship with a number of trusted partners and service providers who have an established record of treating personal information with care and provide valuable services and benefits to our alumni. We appreciate you taking the time to learn about the programs and the latest offers available. We want to let you know that at no time will your name or contact information be shared with anyone not specifically authorized by Alumni Relations. Mohawk College respects the privacy of its alumni and the sensitivity of personal information. All of our partners sign strict confidentiality agreements with us prior to receiving any contact information. Should you wish to not be contacted about services and benefit programs, JUST CALL 905-575-2258 or e-mail and tell us you wish to OPT OUT of affinity marketing plans. Thank you for your interest and your participation in the services and benefits provided by the Alumni Association and the Office of Alumni Relations.

I graduated in April of 2012 with all the knowledge I needed from Mohawk College to start my career. I am proud to say that I am now the Recreation Manager at


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looking back

Mohawk Bonds Can Last For Decades By Fred Gieratz , ‘82 at Mohawk College. We have worked for small companies, large corporations, universities, school boards, various government departments and owned our own companies. Professionally, we have identified, designed and managed small to large projects in energy conservation and facility design. Individually, we have gone through all the joys of life and the sadness of personal tragedy. We have acquired houses and condos and turned them into homes and through it all, when the call goes out, we get together. Front Left to Right: Ron Rivet, Gary Robinson, Fred Gieratz Middle Left to Right: Gerry Cullen, Tony Vastano, Mike Driscoll Back Left to Right: Leo Guidolin, Greg Jkrysko, Lloyd Cummins, Mark Burtniak

How can just a few words be used to summarize the friendship of a group of young people drawn together in 1979 by a college program? The program at the time was called Energy Systems Engineering Technology. In spite of its slightly awkward name, it brought together about twelve to fifteen people who felt they could make a difference. As course challenges and personal lives intruded, that group was reduced. Even though others joined later, this core group of ten young men formed a bond that would last over thirty years.

It happens every few years or so, with some traveling great distances, that we gather to enjoy each other’s company again. We have gone camping, swimming, enjoyed hayrides, played volleyball and baseball and sat around campfires. We talk about the old times at Mohawk and share the new adventures we have had since the last time we met. We talk about our lives and reminisce about our classes and teachers and lastly, we reflect and marvel at how, as a group of strangers that met by chance in the late seventies, we can still create that special magic that brings us together after all these years. Thank you Mohawk College for this wonderful gift.

With youthful enthusiasm (and long hair and big glasses), we were determined to complete this three-year program. Most of the memories are centered on the long hours of work to get the labs and assignments completed. After a while, our group began to connect and we would often collaborate together on projects and provide support where needed. Even though the workload was great there was still time for parties, skiing, motorcycling and concerts as well as getting free tickets for the weekly movie being shown in the auditorium. There was even time to drink green beer at the Arnie on St. Patrick’s Day. It is now hard to believe that 30 years have gone by. While most of our careers have evolved and changed we still draw on the training and experiences that we gained


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Left to right: Ma rk Burtniak, Ron Rivet, Gerry Cullen Cummins, Leo Gu , Fred Gieratz, Llo idolin, Greg Krysko yd , Gary Robinson (not pictured but and Tony Vastano missed Mike Drisc . oll)

calendar of events November 6


Etiquette Dinner – 6pm to 9pm - Courtyard Marriott Hotel - $20 per person – Business Attire please – Pre-Registration required – – book your spot early, as this event sells out fast!


711 30

Frostfest – Orientation events all week

Student Appreciation Day – All Campuses

Mountaineer Weekend – Volleyball Varsity Games vs - Humber – 6pm - Women’s Game – 8pm - Men’s Game

Register online for all events at

Please visit




Mountaineer Weekend – Varsity Games, Alumni Games, Mountaineer Social up in the Mezz after each Alumni Game on Saturday – Basketball Varsity Games vs St. Clair – 6pm and 8pm

for up-to-date events and activities

If you have any questions, please contact us at

905-575-2258 or

Pictures with Santa – 10am to 1pm – The Arnie – This is a Free Event – for more information, please visit our website

MGreatness a n i f e s t

become an Alumni


Ask Us How...

*Okay, we may have slightly overstated that. It’s quite simple actually, all you have to do is provide us, your Alumni Association, with your email address and you’re entered to win a $50 gift card to Future Shop. Any alumni who currently receive our monthly Informed Enewsletter to their non-@mohawkcollege email will automatically be entered to win. Contest ends December 20th, 2012


fall 2012 | 39

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