Mohawk College In Touch Alumni Magazine - Spring 2008

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Spring 2008

For Alumni & Friends of mohawk college

Take your best shot

and join us on May 23, 2008.

40 Years of Excellence

Celebrating a milestone anniversary and 40 of our top graduates

Homecoming 2007

Much more than just a trip down memory lane

Publication Mail Agreement 40065780

Visit us online at

In Touch Publisher Mohawk College Alumni Association Editor Wendy Makey Design and Production Perspective Marketing Inc. Photography Mary Hrycay, Terra Nova Imaging, Bernetta Scime, John Guilfoyle, David Jalowica, Chantal Spzak, Jayne Woods, David Dorken Contributors Sandi Richardson, Wendy Makey, Jay Robb, Lidia Siino, Al Craig, Bernetta Scime, Jayne Woods, MaryLynn West-Moynes, Ronald Holgerson, Linda Basso, Dana McNamee, Lesley Hardsand, Helen Maddick, Darren Desmarais, Michael Regan, Barbara Wunder, Marianne Wilson, Edward Stencil, Wendy Rolfe, Chantal Spzak, Rosemary Marsh, Denise Jackson, Les Palango, Frank Peter

Editorial Advisory Board Ronald Holgerson, VP Marketing, Communications, Alumni and Government Relations Wendy Makey, Manager, Alumni Relations Marilyn Gris, Manager, Student Recruitment and Online Communications Lidia Siino, Director, Alumni Association Council Joanne O’Brien, Director, Alumni Association Council Kelly Dunham, Alumni Assistant Content Co-ordinator Kelly Dunham In Touch is published semi-annually by the Alumni Relations Department at Mohawk College. This magazine is circulated to alumni and friends of Mohawk College. Ideas and opinions published or expressed in In Touch do not necessarily reflect those of Mohawk College, The Alumni Association, or the Editor. Publications Mail Agreement Number 400065780 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Mohawk College, Alumni Relations Alumni House, P.O. Box 2034 Hamilton, ON L8N 3T2 To update your Alumni Record, please contact: Phone: 905.575.2258, Fax: 905.575-2443 or the address above.

spring 2008

What’s inside Homecoming 2007 Incredible 40 at 40 Reception Alumni of Distinction International Education News Mohawk-McMaster Collaboration

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Cover Story It’s back! In its fourth year of existence, the Alumni Golf Classic is reaching new heights in 2008. Building on the success of the last three years we are pleased to announce that the tournament will be held on May 23, 2008 at the Century Pines Golf Course in Flamborough, Ontario. Page 15

Departments Welcoming Words Alumni News Around Campus Fundraising Update Student Association News Varsity News Keeping In Touch Looking Back | Mohawk College alumni association

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welcoming words

3 reasons to celebrate MaryLynn West-Moynes President, Mohawk College

On behalf of Mohawk College, I want to extend our congratulations to the Mohawk College Alumni Association for three remarkable achievements over the past year . First was the unanimous approval of the Association’s new mission, vision, values, Constitution, Charter, Governance Principles and job descriptions for Chair and Vice Chair. Taken together, these documents greatly strengthen and reinforce the Association’s important role in building life-long relationships between Mohawk College and our graduates. For all of their hard work over the past two years, I want to per-

in touch | Spring 2008

sonally recognize the contributions of Sandi Richardson, Morgan Seele, former Board and current Council members, as well as Wendy Makey, Debbie Logel-Butler and Duncan Gillespie. Next was the Alumni Association’s celebration of Mohawk’s 40th anniversary and a most successful Homecoming at the College. Thank you to everyone who volunteered in planning and running such a memorable event for reconnecting alumni, faculty, support and admin staff. I look forward to the ongoing annual celebrations of alumni and to Mohawk’s golden 50th Anniversary Homecoming in just nine short years.

Finally, I want to thank the Alumni Association for a truly remarkable Alumni of Distinction Awards Ceremony, an event that just keeps getting better and better with each passing year. This year, more than 300 family, friends and colleagues celebrated the career achievements and community contributions of seven remarkable graduates. As part of Mohawk’s 40th anniversary celebrations, we also recognized graduates who have earned the distinction as the College’s “Incredible 40 at 40”. It was a wonderful evening of celebration, hosted by Mohawk alumnus and local media personality Matt Hayes. To the Mohawk College Alumni Association, thank you for an outstanding year. We look forward to continuing our collaboration as we celebrate the achievements and contributions of Mohawk alumni who are getting the job done in driving economic prosperity and enhancing social wellbeing in the communities we serve.

welcoming words

Off to a Great Start! Sandi Richardson Chair, Alumni Association

Early Childhood Education, ‘71

Our Alumni of Distinction Awards dinner was held at Michelangelo Banquet and Convention Centre on Thursday, January 24, 2008 and was attended by over 300 guests. Our celebrities being recognized this year were: Scot Keith, Advertising, 1992; Len Falco, Business Administration, 1972; George Morasse, Recreation & Leisure, 1970; Ted Scott, Medical Imaging Technology, 1988 and Post Diploma Medical Diagnostic Ultrasonography, 1994; Don MacVicar, Industrial Engineering Certificate, 1992 and Ted Lourenco, Construction Management, 2004. All were in attendance with tables full of family, friends, coworkers and community leaders. As part of our Homecoming Celebrations the Mohawk College Alumni Association and the local community recognized the impressive and noteworthy contributions made by forty of its outstanding alumni over the past forty years “the Incredible 40 at 40”. We celebrated our 40 at 40 by hosting a cocktail reception prior to our Alumni of Distinction dinner. The recipients of the 40 at 40 were presented with certificates, alumni and homecoming pins. Our honoured guests were invited to

join in the celebration of the Alumni of Distinction dinner. We were truly entertained by Matt Hayes as our Master of Ceremonies. MaryLynn West-Moynes, President of Mohawk College, brought us up to date on news of the growth of our Community College and congratulated our 40 at 40 and our honoured Alumni of Distinction recipients. On behalf of the Alumni Council I would like to extend a special thank you to Mindy Tweedle for the visual presentations shown at the dinner of each recipient and to Cindy Duff for her photography skills and to the Mohawk music students for providing us with background music during our reception. Our meal at Michaelangelo’s

was outstanding! The wonderful support from our sponsors is truly appreciated. It gives me great pleasure to recognize the dedication and attention to detail that our Alumni office staff Wendy Makey, Kelly Dunham, Sanela Cosic and students, have put into making our Alumni of Distinction Awards dinner the success that it has truly turned out to be. We have raised the bar on this event and look forward to taking it to another level. The funds raised at this event will be matched by our provincial government and put towards student bursaries. I thank all of you for supporting the Mohawk College Alumni Association. See you next year! | Mohawk College alumni association

welcoming words

Focus on the future Wendy Makey Manager, Alumni Relations

Recreation and Leadership, ‘93

John Kotter states “Leaders establish the vision for the future and set the strategy for getting there; they cause change. They motivate and inspire others to go in the right direction and they, along with everyone else, sacrifice to get there.” This is exactly what your Mohawk College Alumni Association Council did during their Planning Retreat in January. They strategized, made decisions and set directions based on the Alumni Association mission, vision and value statements. Eight priority areas were established to provide direction as

the Association moves forward. These areas are: • Connection to Current Membership • Connection to Future Membership • Connection to Community • Connection to Business and Industry • Strengthening the Relationship with Mohawk College • Pride in Mohawk College Brand • Visibility • Credibility

A great deal of both energy and enthusiasm were generated throughout the

day and an exciting plan is being developed for the future. Watch for updates over the next several months and think about how you can get connected or engaged with your Alumni Association. Don’t forget to mark Friday, May 23rd on your calendar for the 4th Annual Mohawk College Alumni Golf Classic – we look forward to seeing you or your foursome for a great day of golf. For more details visit Remember, we always enjoy hearing from you - Keep in Touch.

Calling the Class of 1983 25 Year Reunion WINE & CHEESE Saturday, October 18, 2008 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Registration & Reception 5:00 p.m. 25 Year Club Presentation Be a class connector and assist us in locating your classmates from your program email: or call 905-575-2258. Other events are happening throughout the weekend, please visit us online at

in touch | Spring 2008

alumni news

Alumni Council Slate of Officers Sandi Richardson Chair Early Childhood Education, 1971

Mo Mauri Director Business, 1977

Amos Keys Director Communications Arts Radio & Television, 1976

Diana Zanin Vice Chair Business Administration, 1980

Joanne O’Brien Director Office Administration Executive, 2004

John Marshall Director Mechanical Drafting Technician. 1971

Morgan Seele Past President Computer Systems, 2002

Steve Marsh Director Law & Security, 1981

Alan Griffiths, President Mohawk Students’ Association

Lidia Siino Director Broadcast Journalism and Communications Media, 2002

Sandra Ireland Director Nursing, 1990 The Alumni Association thanks these individuals for their valued contributions to Alumni activities.

We appreciate your dedication.

Mohawk College Alumni Association Annual General Meeting Saturday, October 18, 2008 Registration and Reception - 10:00 a.m. Meeting - 11:00 a.m. The Rotunda & i131 Please RSVP by October 10th, 2008 • 905-575-2258 or email | Mohawk College alumni association

Join Us for

Alumni weekend a l u m n i . M O H A W K C OLLE G E . C A

Mark your Calendars!

Alumni Weekend October 18, 2008 Event Highlights: Mohawk College Alumni Association Annual General Meeting Class of 1983 - 25 Year Club Wine & Cheese Program & Class Reunions Grub & Pub for more information, pleae visit us online @

in touch | Spring 2008

alumni news

The Train Kept A Rolling All Night Long Homecoming 2007... Much More Than Just A Trip Down Memory Lane by Ed Stencel ‘82 We set off to board our train on Friday October 12th, destination the Fennell Campus of Mohawk College in Hamilton. We both had been on this trip before. For me it was 25 years ago (1979-1982) as a student of Business and 8 years ago (1982-1999) as an employee of nineteen years at Mohawk. Like a burning flame inside of me, I knew this weekend was going to be much more than just a trip down memory lane. This marked the 40th Anniversary of Mohawk College as an institution of educational excellence. On the agenda were two days packed full of reunions, varsity games, homecoming events, past student leader activities, Meecha at the Arnie pubs, and retirees & quarter century club celebrations, only to mention a few.

For my other half, she had been on this train before too, celebrating her 25th anniversary, but was here for moral support as well as the ride. The weekend proved to be a wonderful time as we travelled from event to event. Warm memories, Alumni networking and a lot of catching up in everyone’s lives were on the menu of the days. The place was abuzz, yes this was Mohawk College, but the dynamics and demographics of this organization had changed so significantly since I last had been here. As I walked the halls and interacted with the participants in the many homecoming events, the happy memories encapsulated me. Those warm fuzzies of days gone by took over me, as I remembered playing, learning and working in these walls that I once called my home.

As we travelled from event to event, it was as if the walls were magic. It was as if they had eyes, ears, and were whispering sweet memories of events and activities from days gone by. I was overwhelmed by feelings of comfort, joy and pride. It was so mesmerizing to recall some of the most powerful developments as a student being transformed into a well rounded adult fully capable of making significant strides in my life ahead. I’ll tell you, my education here was second to none. Those were unequivocally the best years of my life, period. What this institution gave me was a total education: (a social, cultural, recreational, educational and governance experience for life). Something to make me into a whole person that I have developed into today. Writer Gratton

Right: Ed Stencel | Mohawk College alumni association

alumni news O’Leary once wrote: “Education is not something to make a man a Lawyer, a Doctor, an Engineer or a Priest. It is something to make him a man. A true education is not to give a man a standard of living, but a standard of life.” The flame inside of me still burns passionately, a feeling of innocence came over me as if I was a baby child while participating in this weekend. Totally oblivious to the events that had transpired once during my career, as if I was in a state of neutralization. It became apparent to me as the weekend progressed that I had one more job to do. It became obvious as I talked to certain student leaders, who are now Alumni as I had once become, and are also now College employees as I once was, that it was I had a epiphany of sorts. It became perfectly clear that those individuals have done the full circle, as I once did. Those people will know who they are (Kelly Dunham, Alex Paris, Kelvin Lee, Wendy Makey, Tracey Frame and others.)

The College had changed and yes these people were now in leadership roles navigating this train called Mohawk College down the track into the future. So it was without hesitation that I bestowed the torch of “Mohawk Proud” upon them and that I ask them to carry it with pride as I once did. My job was now done. As I sat in the Arnie drinking my beer that Saturday night and interacting with the Homecoming delegates , I realized that this wasn’t my gig any more, this wasn’t my production or event. I have become a passenger just


in touch | Spring 2008

like everyone else on this train heading down the track. To the general readers of this article, let me assure you that this train is on the right track, this train is powerful and is state-of-the-art, and the train is definitely headed in the right direction. So climb aboard this train’s destination: “Lifelong Learning” & “Citizenship” All aboard!......because the train will keep on rolling. To the students reading this article, I encourage you to take this train trip when you graduate and more importantly give back to your institution what it gave to you (volunteer, advisory boards, grad nights, convocation speakers, Alumni Association involvement) and most importantly as students make sure you get a total education ... Do not hesitate, participate, you’ll be happy you did! To the Alumni who did not participate in our 40th Anniversary take the trip next time & bring fellow classmates with you, you will not be disappointed, I assure you. And yes the 50th Anniversary is approaching, so start your planning ... remember, the more the merrier. To the Mohawk College faculty & staff, do not underestimate the value of our Alumni. Get them involved and working, do not close the door on their important insight, directions, and contributions... as little as they may be, is usually free for the taking and all you need to do is ask, and once you have them engaged they’re yours for life. Now as we board this train and ride on down the track into the sunset, I thank you for a great weekend & Homecoming 2007.

alumni news

Fall Convocation Alumni Speaker Damion Steen was a student leader, systems architect and varsity basketball player who made an exceptional contribution to the quality of student life during his three years at Mohawk College. At the 2004 Winter Convocation, Damion received the Mohawk Gold Medal for academic excellence. He also received the Mohawk Technology Award, the Jostens Leadership Award and the Mohawk College Foundation Award. At the same ceremony, Damion received the Judge J.K. Warrender Award for distinguished contribution in student affairs. Damion began his studies at Mohawk in 2000. A student in the Computer

Science department he excelled in his work and in his commitment to helping others. To orient future potential students and parents attending Open Houses, he conducted personal tours, and assisted with the activities. He also acted as a

Software Engineering ambassador for prospective students at Red Carpet Days. Damion’s contribution to student life included, acting as MSA Student Technology Director, member of the Faculty of Engineering Advisory Council, member of Mohawk College Council, Vice-President Academic for the MSA and Vice-President Executive. Damion was a varsity student-athlete and participated in intramurals as well. In 2004, Damion was honoured with a Mohawk College Alumni of Distinction Award in the Recent Graduate Category. Damion is an exceptionally well rounded individual, an outstanding student, and a role model for others.

Alumni Relations Staff The Alumni Relations Department is pleased to share with you our two new faces. Sanela Cosic, Alumni Secretary and Dana McNamee, Data Entry Advertise with us and reach over 42, 000 Mohawk Alumni. Operator. Advertise with us over 42, 000 Mohawk Alumni. Sanela is an alumna from Advertise with us and reach over 42,and 000reach Mohawk Alumni. the Marketing and Office Administration Programs at Mohawk College. When you drop by the Advertise with us and reach over 42, 000 Mohawk Alumni. Alumni House, Sanela is the friendly face that welcomes you. She brings her enthusiasm, organization and administration skills to her position, and is a great addition to the Alumni Relations team. Dana is an alumna from the Business Marketing Program and will graduate this spring from the Event Management, Convention and Meeting Planning program. Dana is a valued team leader who works with our students to oversee our Alumni Phone Tracking Campaign. This summer she will be assisting with the planning and implementation of the Ontario Alumni Association Conference. | Mohawk College alumni association


alumni news

Incredible 40 at 40 reception by Frank Peter ‘88 I would like to thank the Alumni Association for the opportunity to attend the Incredible 40 at 40 Celebration. It was an honour to have been selected as one of Mohawk’s top graduates. I attended the event with my 11 year old daughter Hannah. We had such a great time together, everyone was so nice and the food was spectacular. We both really enjoyed meeting the other recipients and sharing their success stories was memorable. Hannah especially enjoyed meeting Annette Hamm and wants to pursue a career being on television. We will definitely consider Mohawk as one of our top schools of choice for her and my two sons when it comes that time in our lives.

Frank Peter and his daughter Hannah My decision to attend Mohawk was not an easy one as there were other institutions that I was considering attending like Ryerson and McMaster, but there is no doubt in my mind that Mohawk was the right choice. I credit Mohawk for paving the way to a really great career with the City of Hamilton’s Planning and Economic Development Department and for helping me achieve a really wonderful life with my beautiful wife and 3 awesome kids. I would highly recommend Mohawk College to


in touch | Spring 2008

anyone who is interested in pursuing a career in Technology. I feel that the co-op portion of the program was a very valuable part my three years at Mohawk. My nephew Jordan is attending Mohawk in September of this year and I am sure he will get as much out of Mohawk as I did. Additionally, I would like to thank Gaye Yachetti for being such a wonderful, thoughtful, kind hearted person. I am not sure if you know the story of how I was introduced to Mohawk College. Gaye read a story about me and my car accident in the Hamilton Spectator (in 1985) that was written while I was in rehab at Chedoke. In the story there was mention of my interest in Architecture. Gaye brought the story to the attention of Sergit Mendiratta who was the Head of the Department of Architecture in 1985. Mr. Mendiratta, after reading the story, came up to visit me while I was still in rehab and invited me to attend an open house. My mom (Nancy) and my dad (Bob) brought me to Mohawk for the open house and after meeting the faculty and seeing what they had to offer there was no doubt in our minds that Mohawk was the right decision. If it had not been for Gaye’s thoughtfulness I may not have attended Mohawk and may not be where I am today. I will never forget how important she has been to me. I still think about her all of the time. If she ever retires from Mohawk can you please let me know where I can purchase a ticket because this is one that I do not want to miss.

Back row L to R: Sandi Richardson, Peter Vicano, Carmine Domanico, Paul Stratford, Don MacVicar, Mike Farrell, Joesph Truscott, MaryLynn West-Moynes, Doug Harrison, Anthony Michelli and Michael Desnoyers. Sitting L to R: Frank Peter, Annette Hamm, Brandy Gowling, Patti Leonard, Marni Flaherty, Connie Smith and John Marshall Missing from picture: Nancy Heddle, Len Sharpe, Len Falco, Bruce Pearson, Thomas Cochren, Glenn Gibson, Tony Battagalia, Amos Key, Juliet Hamilton, Raymond Simmons, Brenda Flaherty, Peter Rakoczy, Matt Hayes, Tony Young, Fred Eisenberger, Kendra Gregson, Brian Mullan, Sherali Najak, Vanhbouly Kalong, Jason McLean, Scot Keith, Adam Olfield, Michael Morelli and Wade Cachagee.

Matt Hayes and John Marshall

Sandi Richardson, Annette Hamm and MaryLynn West-Moynes

Mindy Tweedle, Alan Greve, Chair Board of Governors and Brandy Gowling

alumni news

mohawk EVENT

Student Appreciation Day On Wednesday, January 30th the Alumni Association took part in activities for Mohawk College Student Appreciation Day. The theme for the day was “The Ultimate Fan” and saw students and staff wearing their jerseys and band shirts with pride. Students participated in interactive “celebrity themed” activities such as a celebrity match card game, and quizzes to test student knowledge of current movies, sports teams, and music. Prizes and candy were awarded to all that took part, making it a great day to celebrate our students!


Premier’s Award Dinner in London by Christine Ciccaglione ‘86

Above picture, Left to Right: Christina Ciccaglione, Ted Lourenco, Len Falco, MaryLynn West-Moynes, Ted Scott, Don MacVicar, Don Scott and Sandi Richardson.

Left to Right: Denise Jackson and Melissa Zwolak hosting the Alumni Booth.

On Monday, February 18, 2008 Mohawk’s Alumni of Distinction Award recipients, their guests, the Mohawk College’s Board of Governors and President, MaryLynn West-Moynes attended a spectacular night in London. The Ontario Premier’s Awards recognizes the outstanding achievements and contributions made by Ontario College graduates to their communities. Each year, Ontario Colleges can nominate up to six graduates for this prestigious award.

Although it was a disappointing result for the Mohawk Alumni Nominees, nonetheless the night was pleasant and enjoyable. The four nominees in attendance represented Mohawk College with pride and distinction. The Premier’s Award dinner gathered approximately 90 Alumni award recipients throughout Ontario. Mohawk can indeed be proud of the accomplishments of their six nominees and the support showed to them by the President, MaryLynn West-Moynes as well as board members, faculty and friends. A special thank you to Wendy Makey and Kelly Dunham for all their help and assistance and for their pride in Mohawk. It has been a pleasure working and meeting with them, as well as the entire Mohawk attendees. | Mohawk College alumni association


New Date!

R e g i s te r o n l i n e at alumni.mohawkcollege.c a

alumni news

Calling All Golfers and Good Sports The Mohawk College Alumni Association will host their 4th Annual Alumni Golf Classic on Friday, May 23, 2008. For three years, alumni, employees, corporate partners and friends have enjoyed a great day of golf, friendships and networking. The $140 ticket price per golfer or $560 for a team of four includes green fees, cart, tournament package, a steak lunch, registration gift and team prizes. The day begins with a hot buffet breakfast and Shotgun Start at 8:00 a.m. Door prizes and a silent auction will welcome golfers back to the clubhouse after their round.

“Join us for a great day. Test your skill and luck at exciting contest holes including hole-in-one, closest to the pin, and longest drive. Top men’s, women’s and mixed teams will also receive great team prizes,” states George Morasse, Golf Committee member and past Alumni Association Board Member. “Call your friends, make a foursome and don’t miss the fun – this is one great tournament.” Reservations and full payment are due prior to May 23, 2008 with reservations being honoured on a first come, first serve basis. With space for only 144 golfers re-

serve your spot today to guarantee your day of play – last year’s tournament was sold out. The proceeds of the tournament support programs, services, events and activities for Alumni and students - our future Alumni. Information concerning the tournament or sponsorships opportunities may be obtained by calling the Alumni House at 905-575.2258 or emailing You can register online at alumni. BOOK YOUR FOURSOME TODAY AND SEE YOU ON MAY 23rd! | Mohawk College alumni association


alumni news

2007 Alumni of Distinction Awards Dinner by Rosemary Marsh (Schmidt) ‘82

Standing: John Lafferty, Joanne O’Brien, Karen Prine and Holly Prine. Sitting: Ward Dilse, Shannon Dilse, Mike Farrell and Ruth Farrell

Going back to one’s old stomping grounds can bring back a host of memories and emotions. My days at Mohawk College were a wonderful time for me to grow and learn, both academically and socially. I wouldn’t trade my experience for anything! Yet, after graduating from the three-year Business Administration program in1982, life just seemed to speed along at a pace that somehow prevented me from returning to the College regularly. On the occasions when I did return, I would often wonder if I had met its goal for success. Did I make Mohawk proud? Even though I know that success comes in many forms and should always

Standing: Michael Desnoyers, Carol Desnoyers, Linda Marshall Sitting: Diane Zanin, Paul Stratford and Diane Stratford

Standing: Matt Hayes, Joanne Echlin, Sandi Richardson and Diane Eisenberger Sitting: MaryLynn West-Moynes, Tom Jackson, Alan Greve and Fred Eisenberger

Standing: Dave Claughton and Steve Marsh Sitting: Jacques Major, Steve Kolar and Rosemary Marsh 16

in touch | Spring 2008

Standing left-to-right: Len Falco, Scot Keith, Don MacVicar and Ted Scott. Sitting left-to-right: George Morasse and Ted Lourenco

be a personal measure that only you create and judge yourself by, it can be difficult in today’s society to stay true to your goals for success when society as a whole glamorizes a more public definition. So this note is to all who have aspired to and met their personal goals for success. The College will want to hear from you and join in celebrating your success. Whatever that success may be, it will have an impact on others. I’d like to share an experience that exemplifies this notion of celebrating all successes at Mohawk College. I recently attended my first Mohawk College Alumni of Distinction Awards

alumni news

Dinner. This event was a wonderful celebration of Mohawk College, its current and future plans and all that it has achieved through us, the Alumni. What was most surprising was how, through celebrating the College and the Alumni honoured that evening, the event actually highlighted the importance of every graduate of our school. When one succeeds, we all succeed. It was in this spirit that we celebrated that night. The Alumni recognized at the awards dinner were an inspiration to us all. They devoted time and energy selflessly to their community, their workplace and their college. Those who attended, I am sure, felt pride and joy in sharing in these successes. Now the challenge be-

comes harnessing the positive momentum from such an event. You could call it an “Alumni Force,” but regardless of its label, it is something we need to build on from here. By nominating a Mohawk Alumnus, we all share in one another’s success, whatever the definition of success may be. The recipients, while gracious in accepting their awards, were just people doing what they love to do and making a difference wherever they can, not unlike many others who will be reading this article. It is for this reason that I encourage you to nominate a Mohawk College Alumnus member you feel deserving of this recognition. It honours all of us by making them known.

Standing: Patti Leonard, Bill Lenoard, Brenda Flarety, Brent Wood Sitting: Anthony Michelli, Veronique Michelli and Joseph Truscott

Standing: Cathy Domanico, Jenny Thomson, Amber Stuckey, Josie Buffalino-Jasek Sitting: Carmine Domanico, Bill Pitcher, Annette Hamm and Daniel Smith




The Alumni of Distinction Awards honour the outstanding contribution that Mohawk College alumni make to their communities and professions. Award recipients may go on to become candidates for the Ontario Premier’s Awards. If you know an alumnus who possesses unique career achievements, is committed to helping others, and has made an extraordinary contribution to society, please contact us!

NOMINATE AN ALUMNUS TODAY! Visit the Alumni website at to view past recipients and to download a nomination form, or telephone the ALUMNI HOUSE 905-575-2258 for more information.

Categories include: New Graduate Business Community Service Technology Health Sciences Creative Arts and Design DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: May 30, 2008 | Mohawk College alumni association


alumni news

Health Science Recipient Mohawk graduate Ted Scott gets the job done as an award-winning educator and researcher in the college’s acclaimed Medical Radiation Sciences program in colloboration with McMaster University. As a Health Care professional with the Hospital for Sick Children and Hamilton Health Sciences -- two of Canada’s largest and most prestigious hospitals -- Ted returned to Mohawk as a faculty member in the summer of 2000. Today, Ted is the college’s Ultrasound Specialization Coordinator, overseeing the curriculum and learning experience for Medical Radiation Sciences students pursuing an Ultrasound specialization. Last year, Ted was recognized with a teaching excellence award from the Hamilton Industry Education Council. In addition to inspiring students, Ted has served on curriculum development teams for new courses offered in the collaborative advanced diploma - degree program with McMaster University and has been a strong contributor to the corporate partnerships for the program. These partnerships have resulted in a state-of-the-art Ultrasound Clinical Laboratory where students hone their clinical skills on the same equipment used by hospitals and clinics. This unique hands-on experience has played a key role in students achieving 100% certification exam pass rates, 100% graduate employment rates and 100% employer satisfaction scores. Ted is also an award-winning researcher, whose work has been recognized by the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers. Ted is currently conducting research into the use of imaging to detect fetal heart defects and is completing his doctoral studies in Medical Ultrasound. Active in the community, Ted organizes Mohawk’s participation in the annual Terry Fox Run. This fall, Team Mohawk raised $26,000 for cancer research.


in touch | Spring 2008

around campus

Mohawk Job Centre Services


Do you know that as a Mohawk Alumnus you still have support? The Job Centre provides a wide variety of job search assistance to all Mohawk College graduates. Visit our virtual office at

Do you know that you keep your Mocomotion account and Mohawk College e-mail address after you graduate?


frequently asked questions

Log in to your Mocomotion account to view job postings on your own PlaceProCanada account. We post more than 8,000 full-time, part-time and summer jobs every year! We’ve also posted a collection of general and specialized job posting sites to make your job search easier. Visit our office to browse our resource area for up-to-date employment publications. Access computer stations; take advantage of free faxing and long distance telephoning to employers. Need answers to job search questions? Faced with a barrier to your employment goal? Don’t know how to handle certain interview questions? Email your question to: Up to a year after you graduate, you can make an appointment for assistance with your resume, cover letter, references, interview skills, and portfolio.

Virtual Office: Fennell Campus, room i110, Monday to Friday: 8:30 am-4:30 pm Brantford Campus, room B101D, Thursday, 10:00 am–3 pm IAHS Campus, room 315, Tuesday, 10:00 am–3 pm Stoney Creek Campus: Wednesday, 10:00 am–3:00 pm Telephone: 905-575-2167, or from Brantford: 519-759-7200 ext. 2167

I started a degree at University, but didn’t finish it. How do I handle that in my resume and in an interview? It’s a good question, and one that many people agonize over. But it’s not so difficult . Under EDUCATION, put the word Program after the title of the degree, and indicate “ongoing” instead of a completion year. E.g: Engineering / Biology Degree Program, ongoing, Western University, London, ON Successfully completed 8 courses toward Degree Significant courses: list some courses relevant to the job here In that way, you have indicated that you have successfully completed a number of courses, and that you are interested in completing your degree sometime in the future. There are lots of options for doing that. You can transfer your credits to another university that offers distance or online courses, i.e.: Athabasca or Waterloo, and complete a degree that way. Many Universities have general degrees of 3 years in length. In an interview, you can address the question of your education by outlining how your learning at university led you to consider your current field as a career choice. You can share your intention to complete your degree through evening courses over the next few years because you feel there is value in the knowledge gained from a degree in addition to a diploma. Play with that material a little. Practice this answer in front of a mirror. Look down, ask yourself a question, like, “Can you explain why you didn’t finish your degree at Western?” Look up into your own eyes, and answer in full, out loud. It is excellent practice! Watch for more career info in upcoming issues of In Touch! | Mohawk College alumni association


around campus Mohawk College & International Education 900 Students in China and Two University Partners Mohawk College has been servicing the needs of international students and has delivered training to overseas clients for well over 30 years. The International Education department working in close collaboration with all academic and service departments has assisted the college in gaining an invaluable world wide reputation for academic excellence. In 1982, the International Education department mandate was approved by the Board of Governors. Since this time clients have benefited from our international expertise in educational training and economic institutional development in the countries around the world. Faculty and staff have delivered training in countries abroad or have had individuals from outside of Canada complete projects here. Mohawk College faculty and staff have lent their expertise to complete projects in the following countries: China, Japan, Malaysia, United Arab Emrites, Libya, Egypt, Antigua, Taiwan, Nigeria, Lebanon, Malawi, Kenya, Botswana, Trinidad and Tobago, Nepal, Venezuela, Grenada, Bahamas, West Bank. We have developed institutional linkages in China, Japan, Brazil, Taiwan, Malawi, Mexico, Denmark, Australia and the United States. These linkages have given students and staff opportunities to exchange academic ideas provide time for inter-cultural understanding. Global changes are transforming countries around the world. Local and national economies are becoming international because of government initiatives. Canada as a country is a large provider of international education. Ontario earns a great deal of its livelihood from international trade and with its ever increasing diverse society it is important that we build bridges of understanding and co-operation between cultures and countries. In 2006 there were over


in touch | Spring 2008

155,000 individuals from 207 countries studying in Canada. At Mohawk College, we have close to 400 international students studying in both postsecondary and English as a second language programs. The postsecondary programs with the largest intake of international students are Business and Computer studies, although most programs have international students. Our international students come from around the globe, the largest group coming from Asia. Their presence in our classrooms raises cultural awareness and enhances the education of all students. The friendships that develop between the Canadian students and international students studying together at Mohawk College can only help to foster better global understanding and we hope will seal long-term relationships between the future leaders of countries around the world. This reason alone merits the support and investment that the college places in international education. The International Education department is staffed by a multi-disciplinary team of individuals who are bringing the world to the college and vise versa. Over the last 30 years, the International Education department has developed and coordinated international activities with academic institutions, industry, government agencies in Canada and overseas. Our goal is to be the college of choice for international students, institutions and companies.

Mohawk students win gold, thank professors A team of Mohawk College Marketing students won gold at the 3rd annual Vanier College BDC Case Challenge in Montreal. Kristin Dores, Cody Thompson and Laura Tardif edged out teams of marketing students from nine other colleges in Ontario and Quebec, including Centennial, Sheridan and Seneca colleges. “Kristin, Cody and Laura wowed the distinguished panel of judges with their professionalism and creativity,” said Business Management professor Mark Valvasori who was in Montreal with the students. Students had three hours to analyze a real-world business case involving Montreal-based Bierbrier Brewing Company, create a marketing plan and then deliver a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation to a panel of judges. “A special recognition needs to go to our professors Mark Valvasori, Janice Shearer and Pat Kolodziejski who took the additional time to prep us, listen to our practice presentations, find cases for us to use, as well as giving up their personal time to accompany us to the event,” says Cody. “These are superior professors who provide an amazing amount of support, guidance and encouragement to their students. Without dedicated professors and coaches like them events like this, which are tremendous leaning experiences, would not be possible.

around campus

Charity Hockey Game – Mohawk Brantford vs. Brantford Laurier This year Mohawk College Mountaineers Brantford and Laurier Golden Hawks Branford competed in their 5th Annual Charity Hockey Game on January 17, 2008. Together teams raised $2,000 to support the Big Brothers Big Sisters of

Brant County. Since the drop of the puck four years ago, this event has become an important part of the academic calendar at both institutions as well as for the community in general.

Team Roster Steven Black, Brandon Maloney, Lindsay Maksymchuk, Alex Maksymchuck, Jesse Williams, Franki Grandits, Justin Settle, Casey Kingsland,

Brantford District. Over the past four years, more than $6,000.00 has been raised at this event

Past Winnings: 2004 – Laurier 2005 – Laurier 2006 – Laurier 2007 - Mohawk College 2008 – Laurier

Nick Vipond, Brody Jonathan, Meg Yzerman, Evan Henrey, Andrew Douglas, Rick Leendertse, Derrick Vinnai, Ryan Wszol and Nick Finelli Head Coach: Paul Armstrong Assistant Coach: Chantal Szpak

Berklee Partnership Partnership with the world’s largest independent music college gives Mohawk graduates global opportunity Mohawk College Music graduates can now do an encore performance with the world’s largest independent music college. An articulation agreement with Berklee College of Music in Boston allows Mohawk Music graduates to save time and money in earning a university degree. Graduates who are accepted to Berklee receive 60 credits towards a 120 credit, four-year degree. Founded in 1945, Berklee is the world’s largest independent music college with 3,800 students and 460 faculty. Famous Berklee alumni include Bruce Cockburn,

Quincy Jones, Melissa Etheridge, John Mayer and Tonight Show bandleader Kevin Eubanks. Dundas native Eric Thachuk is one of the first Mohawk graduates to take advantage of the college’s articulation agreement with Berklee. “I really enjoy the opportunity to network and jam with an incredible number of musicians,” says Thachuk, who’s working on a performance major with an emphasis on jazz and bass playing. “The other great thing about Berklee is their state-of-the-art facilities which help students stay current with the technology that’s being used throughout the music industry.” Thachuk says Mohawk prepared him well for studies at Berklee. “Mohawk was the best place for me to gain a solid foundation in both my playing as well as the theoretical side of music and the faculty were extremely talented and focused on bringing out the best in students.”

Mohawk currently has articulation agreements with 12 universities in Canada, the United States and Australia. “Articulation agreements with university partners allow Mohawk to offer expanded learning and career opportunities to our graduates,” says President MaryLynn West-Moynes. In a Fall 2007 survey, more than 36 per cent of firstyear Mohawk students indicated that they planned to obtain both a college diploma and a university degree. | Mohawk College alumni association


around campus

Partnership in applied innovation The first working prototype of Canada’s national electronic health record is under construction at Mohawk College. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. is working with Mohawk in bringing to life the electronic health record (EHR) blueprint developed by Canada Health Infoway, a federally-funded, independent, not-for-profit organization whose members are Canada’s 14 federal, provincial and territorial Deputy Ministers of Health. Satyam has donated more than $1 million in cash and in-kind services to the applied innovation project. A team of Mohawk faculty and students

is working with a Satyam team of programmers based in India. The Mohawk team is based at the new SATYAM Interoperable Electronic Health Records Centre in the Fennell Campus i-Wing.

With an estimated 2,000 healthcare transactions every minute, a Canadawide EHR that connects doctors’ offices, hospitals, clinics and pharmacies promises to make the national healthcare system more effective and efficient. “Mohawk College is proud to be working collaboratively with an industry leader such as Satyam Computer Services to build the first working prototype of Canada’s national blueprint for electronic health records,” said President MaryLynn West-Moynes. “Mohawk’s private and public sector partnerships underscore the power of applied innovation in developing meaningful, long-term solutions for Canada’s healthcare system.”

Province invests in Mohawk-McMaster collaboration

A one-of-a-kind Mohawk and McMaster University collaborative program will be expanding with a $16.5 million investment from the province of Ontario. The McMaster-Mohawk Bachelor of Technology program is the first in Canada to combine technical training with management studies and offer students the best of both a college and university education. The national Yves Landry Foundation recognized the BTech program with the 2006 Innovative Manufacturing Technology Program Award: University Level. For the first time ever in Ontario, apprentices can now pursue their education through college and university to postgraduate studies.


in touch | Spring 2008

offers three streams of learning: a uni“These students are going to help versity completion program for creOntario stay ahead of the competition,” dentialed technologists and internasaid Premier Dalton McGuinty, who antionally-trained professionals looking nounced the $16.5 million investment to upgrade their training; a four-year at Mohawk, together with John Milloy, degree/diploma program is available to Minister of Training, Colleges and Unigraduating high school students; and a versities, Ted McMeekin, Minister of certificate/diploma programs for those Government and Consumer Services looking to take individual courses. and Hamilton Mountain MPP Sophia Aggelonitis. “We’re investing in their skills and knowledge so we can continue to attract jobs and investment for our economy.” The success of the BTech program reflects the strength of the partnership between McMaster and Mohawk, said President MaryLynn West-Moynes. Today, more than 10 per cent of Mohawk students are enrolled in collaborative degree programs in Above Photo, Left to Right: Technology, Nursing and MaryLynn West-Moynes, Minister Ted McMeekin, Medical Radiation SciPremier Dalton McGuinty, MPP Sophia Aggelonitis, ences. The BTech program Dr. Peter George and Minister John Milloy

around campus

Four student champions celebrated by Mohawk College Mohawk College was proud to present 2007 President’s Awards for Excellence to Kelly Bates, Nancy Brown-Brunton, Karen Lavell and Nancy Whetstone. The President’s Award For Excellence celebrates exceptional faculty, staff and support staff at Mohawk who are nominated by their peers. The award recognizes college and community contributions as well as both professional and personal leadership and development. More than 200 people have been recognized since the President’s Award For Excellence was introduced in 1976. “A college is only as strong as its people,” says Mohawk President MaryLynn WestMoynes, who presented plaques to the award recipients during a special ceremony on November 21, 2007. “At Mohawk, our faculty, staff and support staff are second to none and we are truly fortunate to have this year’s recipients going above and beyond for students and their colleagues.” Kelly Bates was recognized for her pivotal role in the development and ongoing coor-

dination of a new, innovative and awardwinning cooperative education program at Mohawk. Kelly was praised by peers and industry partners for consistently going above and beyond in exceeding the expectations of employers and students. Nancy Brown-Brunton was honoured for her leadership within Mohawk’s Child and Youth Worker program and for her commitment to extending the classroom out into the community and offering students a wealth of real-world learning, leadership and citizenship opportunities. Nancy was also recognized for her extensive volunteer work in the community. Karen Lavell was celebrated for her leadership in developing and implementing new and improved events and initiatives to welcome all students at all four of Mohawk’s campuses. Karen was also recognized for her commitment to mentoring students and providing development opportunities while serving as the Manager of Student Life. Nancy Whetstone was recognized for serving as an invaluable resource to students, faculty and staff at the Mohawk-McMaster Institute for Applied Health Sciences. Nancy’s exceptional reference and research skills are matched by her interpersonal skills and ability to empathize with students. Nancy was also honoured for her work in bringing new technology and innovation to the College libraries.

Shown top-to-bottom: Kelly Bates, Nancy BrownBrunton, Karen Lavell and Nancy Whetstone. | Mohawk College alumni association


fundraising update

Supporting the Value of a Mohawk Education If you work in a skilled trade, or just regularly follow the news, you know that we are facing an increasing skills shortage. The baby boomers have started retiring, and many industries are not in a position to replace them fast enough. For example, Hydro One has identified that more than forty percent of its workforce is eligible to retire in the next few years. For that reason, they have made an initial investment of $3-million with four colleges including Mohawk to attract and graduate more students with skills relevant to the electrical utility industry. Along with industry and employers such as Hydro One, Mohawk has an important role to play in attracting more students to pursue careers requiring a college education. Increasing the prestige and profile of the College is one means of achieving this objective. The College leadership must continue to develop top calibre faculty, staff, facilities, equipment, academic programs and, of course, students. If you walk Mohawk’s hallways or sit in the College’s class-

rooms and feel like you are in highschool, then there is more work to be done. If bright, ambitious students are not rewarded for their achievements, then new initiatives are required. If Mohawk equipment is not similar to what is found in the workplace, then action is needed. Twenty years ago, most universities in Ontario started very actively inviting their alumni to be part of the challenge of increasing the prestige and profile of their institutions. Until then, for most universities, alumni fundraising efforts and giving had been limited. There was modest, if any, effort placed into building relationships. Fundraising had not been a priority. Today, multi-million dollar gifts are not uncommon at most Ontario universities. In 1980, McMaster University’s fundraising campaign raised $12 million. Their 1990 campaign raised $90 million, and they are now embarked on a $400 million effort. This success has been achieved by building a philanthropic culture and investing in building relationships.

Today, most Ontario universities are very different institutions than they were twenty years ago. They have built prestigious reputations and attract resources to match. If we are to address the growing labour shortage, Mohawk and other Ontario colleges must work to follow the path of fundraising achievements of other public institutions. The College must build relationships with its alumni to attract resources from those individuals and companies with the means to contribute. We must work together to attract more students to pursue a college education. Along the way, their education and yours will come to be seen as even more valuable than it is today. The organization where you work will be able to recruit the workers you need. Most importantly, countless students and their families will have opportunities for better lives. So, in the months and even years ahead, Mohawk will invite you to work with us to help transform the College. When the call comes, please join us to make it happen.

Employers Take Note! Quality Students, Quality Graduates Job Centre Fennell Campus – Room i110 Please call 905-575-2167 from Brantford 519-759-7200 ext. 2167 or toll-free 1-888-546-COOP (2667) Fax: 905-575-2359 or email


in touch | Spring 2008

• Recruit graduates from 110 academic, 18 apprenticeship and over 200 specialized certificate programs • Select from over 31 cooperative education programs • Hire co-op students for 4 to 12 months • Ontario Co-op Tax Credit for Eligible Employers • Post your full-time, part-time and summer jobs • Benefit from customized recruiting services • On-campus interview facilities • Partner with Mohawk for competitive edge and economic prosperity




DEGREE COMPLETION OPPORTUNITIES FOR MOHAWK COLLEGE BUSINESS SCHOOL GRADUATES “To me the Centenary College online program is the best opportunity for people who work a full time job and are unable to attend classes. I am most appreciative of the support I receive in the classes from the other students and the professor that is always available. By participating in the online classes, I am able to complete my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree in 16 months. I’ve made this choice for the online educational program so that I could continue working full time and I am quite pleased with that decision”. – Sheri-Ann Smith, Business Administration diploma graduate and Account Receivable Coordinator, Energy Savings Group

“The Centenary College online structure is different from in class … you really need to time manage. You’re not physically going to class, but you need to treat it as if you were attending class. The courses are quite interactive. The program requires commitment and incredible time management skills. My studies are 100% online so it meets my needs at this time. The information is ongoing, dialogues are interesting and the support is wonderful. I highly recommend this program.” – Vinnie Berman, CHRP, Executive Officer, Facilities Services, York University, HRM graduate certificate and Centenary College MBA graduate. Graduates of 2 and 3 year business diploma programs can earn a B.S. in Business Administration by completing 32 to 36 credits (3-year graduates) or 64 credits (2-year graduates). Qualifying graduates of the International Business Management and Human Resources Management graduate certificate programs can transfer 18 credits from Mohawk College into 36 credit MBA at Centenary College. Studies are available either in-residence or online. The online MBA is usually completed in 11 months. For more information on how you can turn your diploma into a four-year degree or your graduate certificate in an MBA, contact us at: or call CENTENARY COLLEGE at 1-877-236-4723, ext 5

student association news

News from the MSA….. The Fall semester proved to be a busy one with the Mohawk Students’ Association. We welcomed our new Executive Director, Richard Anderson who jumped in with both feet and put us all to work. Orientation events were a huge success with over 3500 hotdogs being served, a full Arnie for the band Hedley and a successful turnout for Tony Lee. New this year is a Pub Committee and a Street Team, with staff and students planning and theming weekly pubs, such as the Toga Pub, Jersey Pub, Halloween Pub and Graffiti Pub. We have been working closely with our charity of choice; City Kidz. The annual Rockin’ for City Kidz concert was held in the Arnie on December 1st, which was a great kick off to

our City Kidz Christmas Toy Drive. A City Kidz red bus was parked by the Student Centre for a week to promote our toy drive. On January 3rd & 4th, new students were welcomed to Mohawk with a fun event taking place in the Arnie on both days. Booths, free food, games, prizes, walk around magic and a mind reader eased new students on to campus. A trip for two to Panama City Florida was be the grand prize, thanks to Breakaway Tours. The Winter semester has been busy with Tony Lee on January 17th and illscarlet in concert on Jan. 24th followed by Alcohol Awareness week, Mohawk Idol, Campus Music Explosion and weekly Common Hours in the Theatre. Feel free to drop by the MSA office in G109 and say “hello”.

C101.5 FM - Celebrating 10 Years by Les Palango, Media Manager Mohawk Students’ Association Amongst all the clatter in the media realm, campus radio continues to find a niche audience and that is very true of things at Mohawk College. There has been a student radio station in operation at Mohawk College for more than twenty-five years. It was located in various parts of the college throughout its existence until it moved to its permanent home in room G108 of the new Student Centre which was built in 1986. As the station moved from place to place within the college its ability to be heard was increased. In the beginning the radio station was operated by the Communications Arts program and was staffed by radio broadcasting students. At first the sta-


in touch | Spring 2008

tion was broadcast via closed circuit hookup only to the student lounge and the cafeteria at the Fennell campus. In January of 1983 as the station’s operations began to round into form, an agreement was reached to feed the signal to two local cable systems for inclusion with other signals from Hamilton and Toronto and delivered to people’s homes as one of the radio signals supplied in the basic cable service. During the early 90’s then station manager Andy Posthumus initiated the process of preparing an application to the CRTC for an FM license for CHMR. Then in June of 1997 a great milestone was reached. The Mohawk College Radio Corporation, the non-profit corporation created to oversee the operation of the station, was granted a broadcast license for a

Campus/Instructional Radio Station. Up to this point the station had always been referred to as CHMR. With the

student association news granting of the license by the CRTC an official set of call letters was issued to the new station, CIOI. The station would broadcast on the FM band at a frequency of 101.5 MHz. On March 23, 1998 the station began broadcast on FM for the first time. C101.5 FM now broadcasts 24/7 with all operations and equipment located in studios within the Student Centre at Mohawk College’s Fennell campus. The station has joined the latest radio broadcasting technological stage using computer automation during the times when there are no announcers on the air. Besides broadcasting full automation, the computer software also assists the live announcers when they are in the studio doing their show. In its short history, C101.5 FM has accomplished a significant landmark. In August of 1998, after just a few

short months on the air, the station reached an agreement with the Hamilton Bulldogs of the American Hockey League to become the official radio broadcaster for the team. The first game aired on October 3, 1998. At the time, the station was the first campus radio station to become the originating broadcaster for a professional sports franchise. Currently C101.5 FM is the home game broadcaster of the Hamilton Red Wings Junior “A” Hockey Team and the radio broadcaster of Mohawk Mountaineers Men’s Basketball. C101.5 FM continues to enjoy success as a true broadcast alternative to mainstream radio paying particular attention to supporting local independent music. And as a media arm of the Mohawk Students’ Association, C101.5 FM consistently and effectively

promotes the efforts of the MSA to the Greater Hamilton and Mohawk College communities. Broadcasting on the FM band is something the students who first started the station dreamed of. Many went on to careers in radio broadcasting and related fields as a result of their positive experiences at the station. And, as new students and volunteers come on board, it is hoped that they will experience personal development and satisfaction as a result of their participation on C101.5 FM.

Mohawk Students’ Association welcomes a New Executive Director The Mohawk Students’ Association is pleased to welcome Richard Anderson as its new Executive Director, effective August 2007. Richard is a graduate of Sheridan College with a diploma in Business Administration (Marketing). He has been involved with student government since 1990. He started as the Events Programmer at Sheridan College and took over as the Student Union’s General Manager until 2004.

Some of his most memorable moments at Sheridan included witnessing the construction of two student centres, as well as a visit by Queen Elizabeth during her golden jubilee. Richard provided a royal martini while Her Majesty enjoyed a luncheon in the Student Centre. During the last two years Richard was Branch Manager for St. John Ambulance in Brampton. He worked with many wonderful volunteers and was very active in the car seat education and installation. Richard realized he missed the atmosphere of the student government world and when the opportunity arose with the Mohawk Students’ Association he jumped at the chance because he knew that the MSA had a great reputation and did good work at the College. He feels that “the MSA is an energetic student government that is constantly trying to deliver results.”

His plan for the Mohawk Students’ Association includes working with staff to review operations and services to ensure that the MSA is the most cost effective student government in the province. He will also continue to build relationships within the organization, college and community. So far his experience has been wonderful. He states that “College administration has made me feel very welcome and have been eager to provide me with any assistance I need.” He added that he is looking forward to many years “working with great staff and student leaders that go above and beyond constantly and are very committed to the students.” Richard is married to Lori and has two girls, aged 9 and 11. He lives in Burlington where his hobbies include volunteer work with the Sound of Music Festival and St. John Ambulance. | Mohawk College alumni association


Keep moving on your college education. Complete your bachelor’s degree online with Davenport University. A bachelor’s degree can prepare you for better job opportunities, a higher salary, and increased career satisfaction long term. Mohawk College and Davenport University have developed a degree continuation partnership that allows you to continue towards a bachelor’s degree — or even an MBA. You can finish your degree online — with absolutely no on-campus requirements. Many Mohawk graduates with a 3-year diploma can complete a bachelor’s degree with just 10 Davenport classes (30 credit hours).

Benefits to an online degree from Davenport University: > NO VISAS Earn your degree completely online. > 24/7 AVAILABILITY Take classes any time; work around scheduled commitments. > CREDIT TRANSFERS Mohawk credits may completely transfer to a Davenport degree. > AFFORDABLE Scholarships are available, as well as partnership tuition rates.

Visit our website regarding specific transfer programs. For more information, contact Davenport University online at 1.800.203.5323 or email A partnership with Davenport University for students, employees, and alumni of Mohawk College.

varsity news

2007 Mountaineer Fall Recap After the summer break it was not only back to the studies, but to athletic competition in September and Mohawk athletes kicked off the College’s 40th Anniversary with dynamic achievements. The women’s fastball team captured a silver medal at the OCAA Championship in Oshawa. The host Durham Lords made it two straight OCAA titles and five of the last six, defeating the Mountaineers 2-0 in the Gold Medal match. But it was an amazing accomplishment for Mohawk, which had to beat Seneca in the final regular season game just to make it to the championship, a feat which earned the Mountaineers the OCAA Female Team of the Week honour. Mohawk’s Jenny Koschanow, who threw every single pitch for her team in the tournament, was selected the event’s top hurler. Koschanow had quite a year as she twirled a no-hitter in the regular season and won the OCAA Female Athlete of the Week Award.

Charlene Gibbins of Mohawk was a solid seventh and the top Ontario runner in a field of 68, at the snowy Canadian Colleges Athletic Association Cross Country Championships in Grande Prairie Alberta. It capped a tremendous season for Gibbins, who improved week in and week out at invitational meets and as Mohawk’s lone female runner, won the Bronze Medal at the OCAA Championships in Kingston. Andre Simon finished eighth at the OCAA Championships and 18th in a field of 93 at the CCAA event, where the men’s team wound up 10th overall.

The Mohawk men’s soccer team dropped a 2-0 decision to the George Brown Huskies in their championship qualifying game in North York. The Algonquin Thunder got all their goals in the first half and downed Mohawk 4-1 in a women’s qualifier in Ottawa. Mohawk soccer players won awards during the regular campaign. Adam Bond was named Male Athlete of the Week. The rookie striker made quite a debut as his hat trick powered the Mountaineers’ 3-0 win over the Sheridan Bruins in Oakville in the opening game. Then the Canadian Colleges Athletic Association selected soccer player Heather Werkman as its Women’s Soccer Athlete of the Month in Ontario

for October. Rookie sniper Kelsey Forbes and midfielder Ali Bettger both made the West Region Women’s All-Star Team, as did James Bond and Matthew Gera for the men.

Mohawk did not repeat as OCAA rugby champions but certainly provided thrills right up to the end. The Mountaineers won their first five regular season games, before dropping their last three. They then bowed to Seneca 35-14 in the semi finals. Mohawk still had a shot at a medal at Fletcher’s Fields in Markham and staged a big rally against Peterborough Fleming before suffering a heart-wrenching 22-18 overtime decision in the bronze medal contest. Two third year “back row” players from Mohawk, Tyler Struyk and James Cumpson, were named 2007 OCAA Rugby All-Stars. The Badminton team started preparations for its OCAA Championships with

Women’s Fastball Tea

m | Mohawk College alumni association


varsity news Mountaineer Hall of Fame Friday, May 23, 2008 6:30pm - Cocktails 7:00pm - Ceremony For more details, please contact Bernetta Scime @ 905-575-2004

Badminton Team some good results at the Fanshawe Invitational. Chris Hong and Pantho Datta won the “B” fight in men’s doubles. Kathleen Mansen was runner-up in the “B” flight women’s singles, as were Laura and Sherri Arbour in women’s doubles. Jill Larlee and Lindsay Holota were runnersup in the “D” flight women’s doubles at

the same event. Earlier at a Humber tourney, Crystal Oakes finished tied for third place in women’s singles, then teamed with Kristina Hall an tied for third with the Arbour sisters in women’s doubles. Krystal Lumaoang was a “B” finalist and Adam Hayward and Jaikumar Seethpathi won the “D” flight.


Ray Lewis Community Service Award was presented to Mohawk College student, Jenny Koschanow at Hamilton’s Breakfast of Champions. The Ray Lewis Community Service Award in the Youth category is presented to an outstanding Hamilton athlete who has also made a significant volunteer contribution to the Hamilton community; the winner is selected by each institution on a rotational basis from McMaster University, Mohawk College and Redeemer University College. This year’s winner of the Ray Lewis Community Service Award is Mohawk College student, Jenny Koschanow. Jenny excels as the pitcher on Mohawk College’s Mountaineers Ladies Varsity Fastball team. She was named OCAA Female Athlete of the Week after throwing a no-hitter earlier last fall and was selected the OCAA


in touch | Spring 2008

Tournament Top Pitcher at this year’s championship. In the past three seasons, Jenny has led her team to three medal fin-

Left to Right: Jenny

Koschanow and Paula


ishes. Jenny is a member of the Students’ Athletics Committee and serves as Vice Chair of Business. She supports her fellow Mountaineers at every home game for all sports. Jenny volunteers at pitching clinics during the summer months, passing on her knowledge to future star pitchers. Presenting the Ray Lewis Community Service Award to Jenny Koschanow was Hamilton’s own Paula Schnurr. Paula is a two time Olympian in athletics, winner of a Silver Medal at the 1994 Commonwealth Games and an Executive Committee member of SportHamilton. Paula is a previous winner of the Ray Lewis community service Award in the adult category. Congratulations to Jenny Koschanow.

keeping in touch

Grad Grapevine Grad Grapevine Susan Jaap

Debbie Sherwin

Susan has a 10 year private practice in Nursing specializing in Foot Care (soak, safe toenail trimming, reflexology, corn and callus treatment, application of specialty products like fleecy web and hammertoe cushion, and foot arch strengthening exercises). Susan became a grandmother in 2006. She is a Board Member of Community Living Hamilton and McMaster Children’s Hospital Family Advisory. Contact her at

I am the Union Steward for Country Squire Villa, a long term psychiatric care home. Still working full time and still enjoying nursing.

Nursing ‘68

Rosemary Godin (Larmour) Communication Arts ‘71

After 30 years away from Hamilton, I have returned for eight months (Sept –April) as a student Minister at FirstPilgrim United Church in downtown Hamilton working with the poor. It is an internship that must be completed for me to get my M.Div at the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax and become ordained in the United Church of Canada in 2009. This change in careers comes after 30 years as a professional journalist (daily newspapers) and a term as an MLA in Nova Scotia in 1998-99. I’m delighted to be back in Hamilton!

Marie Phillips (Hubar) Nursing St. Joseph’s Campus ‘75

I’m enjoying retirement by working with the local Arts Council to stage festivals and gallery showings. No more bedpans or night shifts!

Peter Dirk Vander Ploeg Communication Arts ‘76

Have published a new book entitled, “Quest for Middle-earth” which compares J.R.R Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings to real earth history.


in touch | Spring 2008

Registered Nursing ‘77

Elizabeth Taylor (Rattray, Langs)

Nursing ‘82

I now have been nursing 25 years and have seen great changes over the years. I am now a mentor to the new nurses that are entering the work force. It is challenging and very rewarding. I plan on retiring in the next 5 years. But, as we know, nurses very seldom retire. They are an ever present being in the health care system.

Donna F lood (Brown) Nursing ‘82

I recently relocated to Rossland, BC after many years of nursing world wide. Settling in with 2 year old Liam, 4 year old Mary and husband Frank. Nursing is fabulous and I have no regrets.

Colleen Howey (Thompson) Insurance Administration ‘83

This is my 25 year of graduation and marriage! I did two great things in one year – finished my program at Mohawk and married my husband Morgan. I am working as a Child and Youth Worker and I am enjoying every minute of it.

keeping in touch Diane Tait

George Krieg

Occupational Therapy ‘83

Computer Systems Technology ‘86

CALLING the Occupational Therapy Class of ‘83

This year will be our 25 year reunion. There is a group of us that are trying to get together and we are looking to see if anyone else would be interested in joining us. Please contact me at:

Ca meron Tilbury

Media Studies (Radio Broadcasting) ‘84

I am spending most of my time in North Carolina these past three years working with Graphik Dimensions. Very exciting stuff going on there with the cultivation of new corporate consciousness and leadership in the world. I am getting to use the best of tech background along with my passion for human evolutionary potential and corporate stewardship. I am very much looking forward to connecting with some of the old “crew” as well…you know who you drop me a note when you have a moment.

John Gubesch

I’ve been living and working in England for the past three years. I’m a conceptual copywriter at t2 advertising ( in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. I’m married, have 2 great kids and a fab dog!

Electronics Technician ‘86 I worked for a few years then pursued an Electrical Engineering Degree from the University of Western Ontario and graduated in 1995. I have been employed at Chrysler LLC ever since, and currently live in Michigan. Married with two children, 5 and 6.

Robert Ja mes Todd

Mechanical Technician – Fluid Power Automation ‘88 Recent promotion to Operation Managers position involved with multi-million dollar projects in India and China in primary metals industries.

Evonne Dolphin (Cox) Coop Accounting ‘86

I just traveled around the world, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, US and Canada providing team coaching and facilitation for a global organization. An enterprise Information Systems implementation was at cutover and we needed to set up sessions with 200+ employees throughout the world.

Beverley Gail Cavanagh

Medical Laboratory Technology ‘86 Greetings to all. I am happy to be back in Ontario after many years of traveling and working throughout Canada, which provided a wide range of experiences and lots of diversity in my life.

Fabrizio Napoleone Business Administration ‘90

In 2007, I completed a Communications degree at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. I was able to apply some of my previous learning towards the program, including Mohawk College credits. Also, my fiction writing career has been moving along nicely. In 2006 I was awarded the FG Bressani Prize for short fiction, and in November I had my 7th short story published. This piece is titled “Steel Dust”. The publisher is Oberon Press (Ottawa). For details check out the press release posted here: http:// www/343/com/fab/writer. | Mohawk College alumni association


keeping in touch Tina Cherubin-Magri

Caroline McAlpine

Broadcast Journalism ‘90

Educational Assistant Program ‘95

I have been married now for almost 9 years. I have two beautiful boys who are presently 2 and a half and one year old, Kyle and Krystopher respectively. My husband is a firefighter in Mississauga and I am a supply teacher during the week and a Mental Health Support Worker on the weekends.

Four years ago, I began teaching for Continuing Education in the EA Program and as of September 2007. I am teaching in the full time program.

Marc Robertson

Business Administration ‘93

Kimberly Anne Robertson (Monkley)

Brendan Lowther

Recreation and Leisure Services ‘96 Just had a little baby boy at McMaster University Hospital, Benjamin Truman was born on March 31st. Saying hello to all Rec Leadership group from Brantford in 95-96.

Office Administration ‘93

Marc, Kim, Emma(10), & Lauren(7) are pleased to announce the arrival of the new addition & little sister, Lindsay. Born Feb 2nd, 2008, weighing 7 lbs 15 oz.

Daniel Y eboah

Mechanical Engineering Technology ‘98 After Mohawk, I continued my education at the University of Windsor and graduated with a Computer Science degree. Currently working on my bachelor of Applied Petrolum Engineering. I work full time with Encana in their IT section.

Robert Wild

Architectural Technology/ Construction Management ‘94 My wife and I had twins in May of 2007. Their names are Joe and Owen. I have been running my own business for the past 4 years; it seems to be going fairly well. I have found the program I took at Mohawk and my relationship with Oacett to be very helpful over the past few years. It has provided some credibility along the way. Hi to T2x and trans boys dokman, twaddle, Waugh, tiger, and the brent simon.


in touch | Spring 2008

Robyn Bobiak

Business Marketing ‘00 I started selling Real Estate for Coldwell Banker Pinnacle early this year. The Business Marketing program has definitely helped me in my career.

Stan Kruchka

Broadcast Radio Communications Media ‘01 After a few years with Standard Radio, I have switched for an amazing position as a District Account/ Marketing Manager.

keeping in touch Anila Noronha

Pa mela O’Hagan

Business Computer Applications Certificate ‘01 I have been working for the City of Toronto since November 1999 and various other companies prior to that.

Willia m George Martin Shmuir Child and Youth Worker ‘03

Since 2003 I’ve been working as the Vice President of Community Functionality Facilitation Incorporated. As part of a team I assist disabled individuals in hooking up to services within their community. Community Functionality Facilitation Incorporated works with all ages and all disabilities. It is not a service provider but more of a hook up system to services.

David McCall

CAD/CAM and Tool&Die ‘04 I just moved from Brantford to Ancaster after having lived there for 22 years. I’m also thinking of changing careers, but haven’t decided. When I decide, Mohawk will be my college of choice yet again!

Police Foundations/ Advanced Security Management ‘05/’06 Since graduation in 2006(ASM) and 2005(PF), I have secured a position with Canada Border Services Agency (formerly Canada Customs and Excise) as a Border Services Officer. I couldn’t have done it without the training and support from the Mohawk College staff, instructors, and program coordinators. I wanted to take a moment to thank them for their efforts.

Timothy Dwight Morton Business Computers Application ‘93 Business Window Application ‘ 95 Business Internet Skills ‘ 97 I am graduating with my Art Photography Certificate and if anyone wishes to see some of my photographic work, please visit the web site:

Protection of Personal Information From time to time, you may be contacted either by mail, e-mail or phone by one of our services and benefits partners regarding one of our programmes. Mohawk College is proud of its relationship with a number of trusted partners and service providers who have an established record of treating personal information with care and provide valuable services and benefits to our alumni. We appreciate you taking the time to learn about the programmes and the latest offers available. We want to let you know that at no time will your name or contact information be shared with anyone not specifically authorized by Alumni Relations. Mohawk College respects the privacy of its alumni and the sensitivity of personal information. All of our partners sign strict confidentiality agreements with us prior to receiving any contact information. Should you wish to not be contacted about services and benefit programs, JUST CALL 905-575-2258 or e-mail and tell us you wish to OPT OUT of affinity marketing plans. Thank you for your interest and your participation in the services and benefits provided by the Alumni Association and the Alumni Relations Department.

KEEP In Touch Keep your Alumni Record Current and Up-to-Date! To update your Alumni Record, please contact: Phone: 905-575-2258, Fax: 905-575-2443 Mohawk College, Alumni Relations Alumni House, P.O. Box 2034 Hamilton, ON L8N 3T2 | Mohawk College alumni association


looking back

Memory Lane ... 40 Years of Excellence


in touch | Spring 2008

looking back | Mohawk College alumni association


looking back


in touch | Spring 2008

Being a Mohawk College graduate has its perks! A variety of services and programs are available to you as Mohawk Alumni

Mohawk College Services • • • • • • •

Admittance to the gymnasium Access to the library for resources and lending materials Ability to participate in Campus Recreation programs Entrance to Open Access Computer labs Free Alumni photo I.D. card Access to Graduate Employment Services Access to Counselling Services

Discount Programs • Home and auto insurance coverage by Johnson Insurance or 1-800-563-0677 • Mohawk College Mosaik Mastercard by Bank of Montreal (BMO) - enter MOHALU - Alumni Leader Manufacturing • • Exclusive Mohawk College pricing of new & used Toyota vehicles, and service programs at Upper James Toyota • Summer Travel & Conference Accommodations at Residence & Conference Centres • Alumni Clothing and Gift Items • Jostens Rings

Events & Activities • • • •

Mohawk College Alumni Golf Classic – May 23, 2008 Alumni Weekend – October 18, 2008 25 Year Reunion for the Class of 1983 – October 18, 2008 Alumni of Distinction Awards Dinner – January 22, 2009

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