Mohawk College Alumni In Touch Magazine - Spring 2011

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Publication Mail Agreement 40065780

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Publisher Mohawk College Alumni Association Editor Wendy Makey Design and Production BankoMedia

Photography Terra Nova Imaging, Carmine Deluca, Daniel Banko, Simon Wilson, Daniel Jelly, Hamilton Spectator, Jayne Hall, Lidia Siino Contributors Diana Zanin, Wendy Makey, Jay Robb, Sean Coffey, Lidia Siino, Al Craig, Lesley Hardsand, Jay Robb, Helen Maddick, Darren Desmarais, Hamilton Spectator, Wade Hemsworth, Marianne Wilson, Kristy Ryerson, Rene VanGendt, Brian Breckels, Julia Alleyne, Steve Kosh Editorial Advisory Board Anne Marie Peirce, Acting Chief Development Officer Wendy Makey, Manager, Alumni Relations Lidia Siino, Past Director, Alumni Association Council Meaghan Drury, Communications & Data Officer Joanne Tansley, Director, Alumni Association Council Kelly Dunham, Alumni Coordinator Content Coordinator Kelly Dunham In Touch is published semi-annually by the Alumni Relations Department at Mohawk College. This magazine is circulated to alumni and friends of Mohawk College. Ideas and opinions published or expressed in In Touch do not necessarily reflect those of Mohawk College, The Alumni Association, or the Editor. Publications Mail Agreement Number 400065780 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Mohawk College, Alumni Relations Alumni House, P.O. Box 2034 Hamilton, ON L8N 3T2 To update your Alumni Record, please contact: Phone: 905.575.2258, Fax: 905.575.2443 or the address above.

)HDWXUHV New Member Benefits Alumni of Distinction Awards Calendar of Events Regional Alumni Program

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&RYHU VWRU\ Page 22 Mohawk’s Fennell Campus has undergone some major changes over the last few years. The most visible change, the new Learning Exchange and Cummings Library, has redefined the front entrance to the campus. A welcome change for a revitalized college.

,Q (YHU\ ,VVXH Welcoming Words Alumni News and Events Around Campus Grad Grapevine

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%XLOGLQJ 0RKDZN·V 5HSXWDWLRQ Rob MacIsaac President, Mohawk College What should your alma mater be famous for? For more than 40 years, Mohawk served the diverse needs of our community by offering a wide range of programs and courses based on the principles of supply and demand. Today, we deliver more than 100 full-time programs and 1,000 continuing education courses. But here’s our challenge. In trying to be known for everything, Mohawk risks being remembered for nothing. What’s more, if we don’t define our reputation, our reputation will be defined for us by others. We’ve long needed to put a stake in the ground. With more choices and greater competition for students than ever before, we need to tell the world what Mohawk does better than the rest. So, after a great deal of thought and discussion, we’ve done just that. We are going to build a reputation for excellence and leadership in health and technology. It’s the right reputation for two reasons. First, we’re playing to our strengths and building on a bedrock foundation of quality programs, first-rate faculty and staff, strong

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industry partnerships, innovative projects and successful students and graduates. What’s more, there are countless opportunities to strengthen and create new linkages with every program and course we offer. Most important, our reputation will help our students and graduates stand out in the job market. Our reputation as Ontario’s leading college for health and technology will help our students get great jobs and rewarding careers in two of the most exciting, dynamic and fastest-growing career sectors in our city, region and the global community. As a graduate, you play an important role in building Mohawk’s reputation. Just as the college’s reputation reflects on students and graduates, your success reflects on Mohawk. You’re proof that Mohawk is delivering on our promise to turn students into highly skilled, future ready graduates. In building Mohawk’s reputation as Ontario’s leading college for health and technology, we’re going to tell stories about graduates who are making their mark and making a difference. So, please stay in touch and if you have a story to share, drop me a line.


9ROXQWHHU 2SSRUWXQLWLHV Diana Zanin, ‘80 Chair, Mohawk College Alumni Council My two year term as Chair of the Alumni Association Council comes to an end in October 2011. I have enjoyed my time with the Alumni Association. My greatest point of satisfaction over my term was presenting 73 bursaries, valued at $500 each, a total of $36,500 for incoming students of Mohawk College at our most recent Alumni of Distinction Dinner in January 2011. It is always satisfying to know that the Alumni Association is doing exactly what Alumni should be doing, and that is preparing and paving the way for future Alumni. I look forward to my term as Past Chair and am excited about those individuals who will take up the challenge to be part of our Alumni Association for the new term beginning October 2011. Like most college Alumni Associations, here is the part where I step in to announce that we are looking for volunteers to be part of our Association as Directors, representing over 85,000 Alumni worldwide. This is your chance to make a difference. I am sure that many of you, sitting there, reading this, issue after issue, think that “I could do better than that” or “why don’t they do this instead”. I can hear you because I’ve done it myself. Over two years, you can share your ideas and see most of them come to fruition, build concrete relationships not only with your fellow Association members, but with your community and the provinces at large. You will be involved with a number of signature events, namely Alumni of Distinction and our Annual Golf Classic Tournament as well as other Alumni and College related events throughout your term. If you are looking to network, this is a prime opportunity to develop, engage and succeed in representing your fellow Alumni. The ad for an Alumni Council Director could look something like this:

WA N T E D Curious & passionate professional who is a graduate of Mohawk College

I think that there are quite a few of you who mirror this ad. I encourage you whether you are a recent or a tenured Alumnus to consider these positions. After all, it is, and always will be, about the students and what value we bring to make their experience at Mohawk College the best that it can be.

QUALIFICATIONS: Background: • Worldly and community minded, enjoys volunteering, working with youth, retired individuals and everyone in-between. Requirements: • Is a graduate of Mohawk College • Works in their area of study or studied and never worked in their area of expertise, but can share best practices, discuss ideas and probable solutions with a group, • Willing to share life experiences and success stories as it relates to 85,000 other individuals, • Has an understanding of group dynamics or wants to learn more, • Available once a month to meet with their Alumni group, live or virtually, • Available at different times in the year to participate in events that recognize and reward individuals, • Enjoys meeting new people constantly and is willing to network with others to promote the goodwill of Mohawk College Alumni Association. Benefits: • Work with an Alumni Staff that are organized and well connected, • Find out about things that no one else yet knows about, • Meet with the Alumni Association to brainstorm, have lively discussions, and decide what the future of the association should be, • Attend Alumni of Distinction events, mingle with award winners and family, • Be part of our annual golf tournament, connect with Alumni and community partners, • Be a proud representative of over 85,000 alumni, scattered worldwide, • Have some fun! Availability: • Apply now with a start date of October 2011. Contact Alumni House at 905-575-2258 or email:

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0RKDZN &ROOHJH $OXPQL $VVRFLDWLRQ &RXQFLO 2010 – 2011 Slate Of Officers

Diana Zanin, ‘80 CHAIR Business Administration

John Marshall, ‘71 DIRECTOR Mechanical Drafting Technician

Steve Marsh, ‘81 VICE CHAIR Law & Security

Dana McNamee, ‘06 DIRECTOR Business Marketing

Sandi Richardson, ‘71 PAST CHAIR Early Childhood Education

Erin Kimbell, ‘07 DIRECTOR Business Marketing

Joanne Tansley, ‘04 DIRECTOR Office Administration Executive

Ali Shahidi, ‘03 DIRECTOR Computer Science Technology

Sandra Ireland, ‘90 DIRECTOR Nursing

Samara Bartels, ‘04 DIRECTOR Police Foundations

Amos Key, ‘76 DIRECTOR Communication Arts Radio & Television

Kat Cullen, ‘10 PRESIDENT Mohawk Students’ Association Broadcasting - TV and Communications Media

The Alumni Association thanks these individuals for their valued contributions to Alumni activities, committees and meetings. On behalf of the Alumni of Mohawk College, we appreciate your dedication.

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.HHSLQJ &RQQHFWHG DQG (QJDJHG Wendy Makey, ‘93 Manager, Alumni Relations It has been a busy fall and winter at the Alumni House with the beginning of the new Regional Alumni program, the launch of new member beneďŹ t programs, send off programs for graduating students and the Harris Connect Alumni Directory Project. With over 85,000 graduates the Mohawk Alumni Relations OfďŹ ce and Alumni Association work tirelessly everyday to keep accurate contact information on our graduates to ensure we can maintain open lines of communication. Current accurate data can be a challenge to sustain. That’s why we have entered into an Alumni directory project. We are working with a US company called Harris Connect who specialize in Alumni directories. They have previously completed an Alumni directory for Mohawk, and have worked with many respected Ontario and Canadian colleges and universities. Over the past few months Alumni have been asked via email and postcards to call a phone number to update their information for the directory. The updated Alumni information is returned to Mohawk and is provided to the Alumni Relations OfďŹ ce to implement a mass update of our database. The goal of the project for the Alumni Association is receiving the updated data and the directory enables us to do this efďŹ ciently and cost effectively.

Updated graduate data enables Mohawk College and the Alumni Relations OfďŹ ce to ďŹ nd graduates who could be potential volunteers, Alumni Council members, speakers for convocation or classrooms, individuals to proďŹ le in the In Touch magazine or potential Alumni of Distinction nominees. For the Alumni Association to be successful we need input from our graduates and their active involvement with students. We are unable to connect with Alumni and engage them unless we have accurate data on where they are located, what they are doing and how to contact them. If you contact 1-888-860-0847 a customer service representative from Harris Connect will be happy to ask you some questions. After updating your information you will be given the opportunity to purchase a copy of the directory in various formats. This opportunity is for individuals who wish to connect with old classmates or network with those living in their region to purchase a “yearbookâ€? type directory. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to update your information. Your support of this project is greatly appreciated and helps us to keep connected. Keep in Touch!










FALL 2010

Mohawk Alumnae Carmi Guinto takes her Advertising Diploma Globally


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our past presidents share their Mohawk memories

Alumni Association years celebrates




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Emmy Alumni of goes to... Distinction Award Visit us online at Recipients Visit us online at

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Contact the Mohawk Alumni Association for more info.

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/FX .FNCFS #FOFGJUT 'SPN :PVS Feel confident making your travel bookings with Mohawk and Advantage INTRAVEL knowing your investment is protected by TICO. See for yourself the benefits of having access to INTRAVEL’s Top 40 Deals, where you can book your last minute vacation holiday for up to 60% off published prices! Visit or call 1.800.909.VALU (8258) and identify yourself as a Mohawk supporter.

As a Mohawk Alumni, new CAA members can receive additional discounts on the purchase of a CAA membership. For more information contact: Andrew Ezechiels, Corporate Accounts Executive Call: 416-998-0480 or 1-800-341-2226 | Email:

One of the Mohawk College Alumni Association’s newest Alumni Benefit is discounts on rooms at Delta Hotels. To book your hotel room call 1-800-268-1133 and ask for the “Mohawk College Alumni rate.”

Mohawk College Alumni Association is proud to offer access to exclusive discounts on tickets, hotels and other various events and products to all Alumni through our new discount partner Perkopolis. How does the program work? Perkopolis is a free, easy to use and exclusive benefit program that provides you with access to a variety of entertainment offers, hotels and services. You simply create an account, log into the website and add the product to your ‘shopping cart’. Payment is processed online and the tickets/vouchers are delivered to you. How do I sign up? • Visit the Mohawk College Alumni Association launch page, found on the Mohawk Alumni website in the Alumni Benefits section. • Click on the “Sign me up!” tab which will take you to the Perkopolis Member Registration page. • Enter the Member ID Code field, which can be obtained by calling us at 905-575-2258 or emailing us, at, continue to fill out the remaining fields and click the “Sign me up!” tab at the bottom. • You are now a member and on your way to great savings! Questions Perkopolis can be contacted within the GTA at (416) 236-4985, outside of the GTA at 1 (800) 761-7523, or by visiting


Back Row L to R: Brandy Gowling, Pamela Gutter, Linda Marshall, Kelly Ann Pauly and Nancy Hemrica. Front Row: Michael Le Page and Jim Tatti

%UDQG\ *RZOLQJ Small Business Management, 1992 2010 Entrepreneur Recipient Brandy Gowling has done everything from selling makeup door to door at age 16 to running a driving school at 20. Today, she is helping people with Take Control Cosmedix, which combines her amazing makeup artistry skills with camouflage therapy products to combat skin disorders including burns, scars and skin cancer. Gowling’s endless drive to educate and help people look and feel their best resulted in her founding the The Makeup Source 12 years ago. Now she is focused on the medical side of the industry with Take Control Cosmedix by developing more innovative concepts. In 2007, Brandy was named one of Mohawk College’s Incredible 40 at 40 and recently, in 2009 Brandy was featured on a 100 Huntley Street segment “What I do,” where she demonstrated how she uses prosthetics and make-up to hide imperfections

on people’s skin often caused by cancer, burns or skin disorders with no cures. Brandy and her company Take Control Cosmedix opened their doors to the public with the launch of a new camouflage therapy clinic, located in the Hamilton Hospitals Assessment Centre. This new facility offers private consultation and exam rooms, a boardroom and a lab for ongoing research and development. Brandy is highly involved in the community volunteering at multiple organizations such as Camp Bucko, a children’s camp for burn survivors, Parkview Church/Compassion Ministries, as well as many Mohawk events where she has spoken to students. Brandy has also received many awards for her hard work in both creating a successful business and for her contributions to the community.

3DPHOD *XWWHU Recreation & Leisure, 2006 2010 Recent Graduate Recipient In 2006, Pamela graduated from the Recreation and Leisure program at Mohawk College. Upon graduation, Pamela worked for over a year with seniors as a Lifestyle Enrichment Coordinator, providing programs to meet their social, emotional, spiritual and physical needs. Pamela has since gone on to work with various age and ethnic groups, but has found her passion working with at-risk youth in the community. For the past 3 years Pamela has been working as a supervisor coordinating various activities to engage youth by offering a safe place and fun social activities in the evenings. Pamela has been able to reach out to many youth who are hard to connect with and see them accomplish milestones in their lives.

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Pamela gained valuable knowledge and experience while at Mohawk College in the Recreation and Leisure Program. This program teaches individuals the importance of healthy lifestyles in communities, while giving them the real world hands-on opportunities to learn. Pamela developed the skills to deal with diverse individuals and situations, as well as learning new approaches on leadership and communication. Pamela took the skills learned about planning different activities to the youth she works with in her full-time career. Pamela gained expertise and knowledge she brings to her profession every day, most importantly, teaching youth about opportunities in their lives, healthy living and that they are important and their voices are heard.

$/801, 1(:6 1DQF\ +HPULFD Nursing, 1979 2010 Health Sciences Recipient Upon graduating from Mohawk College in 1979 as a registered nurse, Nancy began working at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas. She returned to Canada after almost a year, and worked at the Hamilton General Hospital in the ICU until 2003. In 2003, Nancy took on the position of Organ and Tissue Donation Coordinator. Nancy initially was met with significant resistance to her role and to the practice of organ donation in general. However, Nancy worked tirelessly to educate people about the importance of organ & tissue donation, not only for the recipients whose lives could be saved, but also for the donor families. Nancy has opened many people’s eyes to the fact that organ donation always occurs within the

context of a devastating loss, but that giving families the opportunity to fulfill the last wishes of their loved ones to donate their organs can provide solace in the midst of tragedy. Nancy has worked with many community groups including the Rotary Club, Lions Club, and the Catholic Women’s League. Additionally, she voluntarily speaks with groups at local schools, including Mohawk’s Continuing Education classes, in an attempt to broaden education and interest in organ donation. Nancy received the Hamilton Health Sciences Cornerstone Award in 2008. She was also nominated for the Nightingale Award in 2008, as well as completing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Ryerson University in 2007. Personally, she is married to a registered nurse and has 3 children.

0LFKDHO /H 3DJH Business Marketing, 1984 2010 Business Recipient President and Founder of Maple Ridge Community Management Ltd., Michael Le Page has served the condominium industry since 1984 with a customer service, leading edge approach. Tried, tested, true and proven, Maple Ridge employs over 60 people and the team has collectively carved a place in the industry. Named the 2009 Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO) Corporate Member of the Year, Maple Ridge stands ever taller knowing their firm has been recognized for its efforts. Graduating from Mohawk College’s Marketing program in 1984, this program provided Michael with a very sound base of

business understanding. 25 years later, Michael returned to Mohawk as a student once again, to take courses to obtain the designation of Registered Condominium Manager. Now Michael teaches these same courses to his aspiring property managers. Aside from building a successful business, Michael has coached for eight seasons in the Brampton Youth Hockey Association as well as serving as Vice-President of the league. For 14 years Michael volunteered on the Property Standards Committee for the City of Brampton. Michael has also been a speaker at Industry conferences and has published multiple articles in industry magazines.

/LQGD 0DUVKDOO Early Childhood Education, 1982 2010 Community Services Recipient Linda Marshall graduated from Mohawk College’s Early Childhood Education in 1982, and 29 years later she now enjoys a successful career at Mohawk College. In 1982, she started her professional career at the College as a Resource Teacher for the Early Childhood Education program. In the years to come her career path took her to positions such as Program Manager, E.C.E., Corporate Services Officer, Director Public & Media Relations and Special Events to her current role as Director Annual & Planned Giving. Linda’s career achievements stem from her passion for education and community development. Her accomplishments are extensive

from building a very successful United Way Campaign at Mohawk to uniting the Hillfield Strathallan College Board with Alumni. Linda is active in her community including being part of the Bay-Area Leadership Advisory Committee and is currently President of Volunteer Hamilton. In 2007, Linda and her family spear headed a fundraising campaign in honour of her father, which resulted in the Gerald Marshall Centre for Transportation at Mohawk College’s STARRT Institute in Stoney Creek. Mohawk has provided Linda with the perfect platform to nourish her passions for her community and for students.

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$/801, 1(:6 .HOO\ $QQ 3DXO\ Computer Systems Technology, 1982 2010 Technology Recipient A Mohawk College graduate of the Computer Systems Technology program, Kelly Ann Pauly has worked for ArcelorMittal Dofasco for 23 years. Her position as Senior Business Specialist and Project Manager, IT Infrastructure Services gives her the responsibility of delivering quality projects, on scope, on schedule and within budget for ArcelorMittal Information Technology organizations spanning Canada, USA, Mexico, South America and across the globe. Mohawk College started to directly contribute to Kelly Ann’s career achievements long before graduation due to co-op work terms throughout her three years at Mohawk. Upon graduation, one year of accumulated computer science experience obtained through co-op led to a full-time job at Canada Systems Group. Kelly Ann’s community involvement has included being on the school council for St. Clare School and Orchard Park Secondary School for the past 14 years. She has also volunteered for 10 years with Lois Laxton’s Dance Studio. Additionally, Kelly Ann is currently a Director at the Project Management Institute (PMI®) Lakeshore Chapter. She was instrumental in forming a partnership between PMI and the Robert Land Community Association to implement a global award winning project to obtain the North Hamilton “Voice of Community” input and to produce Robert Land’s strategic plan.

-LP 7DWWL Communications Arts, 1976 2010 Creative Arts & Design Recipient A proud graduate of the Communication Arts Program, Jim has had a 35 year Hall of Fame career as a Broadcaster in both Radio and TV. Jim was a pioneer with Global TV as the popular host for 23 years of “Sportsline”; Canada’s first half hour sports highlights show, which became the gold standard in sports television. Currently, Jim has many roles from Sales Representative at RE/MAX Hallmark to Part-Time Instructor at Cenntenial and Mohawk College. Jim is a proud member of the RE/MAX Hallmark Al Sinclair Team. RE/MAX Hallmark is the number one RE/MAX Brokerage in Canada. Aside from Real Estate, Jim also appears on the weekly TV show, “Hot Property”, on CP 24 when regular guest, Al Sinclair, is away. Additionally, Jim has taught “Sports History” and “On-Air Performance,” which he designed himself, at Centennial College; and he started teaching a course called, “On Camera” this past fall at Mohawk. Jim is recognized by his peers as a pioneer plus one of the best and most influential Sports Broadcasters in Canada. Throughout his career Jim has hired and mentored more than 75 careers in the Industry.

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1(: (QWUDQFH 6FKRODUVKLSV WKLV 6HSWHPEHU IURP 0RKDZN·V $OXPQL $VVRFLDWLRQ Seventy-three students starting their first year at Mohawk College this September will each receive a $500 academic merit entrance scholarship from the college’s Alumni Association. Each scholarship will be named in honour of a Mohawk Alumni of Distinction award recipient. Established in 1996, the Alumni of Distinction Awards celebrate the career achievements and community contributions of outstanding Mohawk College alumni. Recipients include Brian Mullan, Connie Smith, Matt Hayes, Dominic Agostino, Don MacVicar, Marni Flaherty, Gord Lewis and Sarah Moir. The $36,500 in entrance scholarships was announced during the 14th annual Mohawk Alumni of Distinction Awards Dinner, which was held on January 20, 2011 at the Michelangelo Event Venue & Conference Centre. “This year, we’re celebrating the achievements of seven outstanding alumni and investing in the promise and potential of 73 incoming students,” says Diana Zanin, Chair of the Mohawk College Alumni Association Council, a 2004 recipient of a Mohawk Alumni of Distinction Award and 1980 Business Administration graduate. Each year, more than $1 million in merit scholarships and financial need bursaries are awarded to over a 1,000 Mohawk students. The Mohawk College Alumni Association, together with the Alumni Council, students and volunteers, organize special events and offer affinity benefit programs to more than 85,000 Mohawk College alumni. Mohawk College provides hands-on and realworld training to more than 15,000 full-time and apprenticeship students and 42,000 continuing education registrants annually. A leader in health and technology education and Ontario’s largest trainer of apprentices, Mohawk is currently undertaking the biggest campus renewal project in its history.

Do you know a Mohawk grad who has that something extra? Someone who you think deserves to be recognized for his or her great work & achievements?

1 recipient will be chosen for each of the 7 categories:

Nominate an outstanding Mohawk Alumnus today!

Creative Arts & Design Business Community Services Health Sciences Technology Recent Graduate Entrepreneur

Recipients will receive their award at the 2011 Alumni of Distinction Awards Dinner on January 19, 2012


Nomination deadline is July 30, 2011


$OXPQL RI 'LVWLQFWLRQ $ZDUG 'LQQHU A Night To Remember By Kristy Ryerson, ‘07 The 14th annual Alumni of Distinction Awards Dinner, hosted by the Mohawk College Alumni Association was held on Thursday, January 20, 2011 at Michelangelo’s Banquet and Convention Centre. Over 250 Alumni, guests, previous nominees and award winners attended the prestigious event filled with great food, accomplished guests and stories of trials and successes. The recipients for 2010 included, Linda Marshall – Community Services, Nancy Hemrica – Health Sciences, Jim Tatti – Creative Arts & Design, Kelly Ann Pauly – Technology, Pamela Gutter – Recent Graduate, Michael Le Page – Business and Brandy Gowling – Entrepreneur. The evening, hosted by 2009 award recipient, Bill Kelly, of the “Billy Kelly Show,” was one to remember. As a Mohawk College Alumnus, and a guest of nominee Ryan Barichello, the President of LinxSmart – a successful web development company – I had the honour of attending the awards. I was impressed to see all of the support that this year’s recipients had around them. As I took in the

gratitude. A short media piece on their lives and successes of each recipient was shown to inform all the guests of what brought them

Ryan Barichello, ‘06 and Kristy Ryerson, ‘07 to this very moment that they would receive such a prestigious award. Although from very different backgrounds, all of the recipients gave powerful and inspiring speeches. Each one shared their pivotal moments in life that brought them to the stage and thanked those that supported them along the way. Overall, the evening was a huge success and enjoyed by all of the guests. As an Alumnus, I was left feeling proud to be apart of

Front Row L to R: Erin Kimbell, Sandra Ireland, Diana Zanin and Sandi Richardson. Back Row L to R: Steve Marsh, Dana McNamee and Ali Shahidi sights and sounds of the room, I couldn’t help but notice how the room was filled with a contagious feeling of pride and achievement. The night began with an opportunity to mingle with all of the guests including, past award recipients. In meeting with each person, I asked them which program they graduated from at Mohawk and what path in life brought them to this evening. An overwhelming response to my questions began with an appreciation of what their education at Mohawk College has done for them in their professional lives. Each individual looked back fondly on their time at Mohawk and gave credit to their education being an integral part of their success. After a delicious prime rib and yorkshire pudding dinner, each recipient was escorted to the podium to express their heart-felt

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Erin Mattis, Sera Nicosia, ‘82 and Debbie Crickmore, ‘80 an evening that honoured those who took their experience at Mohawk College and made a difference in their community.

Back Row L to R: Jay Robb, Director, Media Relations and Communications, Carol Desnoyers, ‘78 and Ward Dilse, ‘86. Front Row L to R: Anne Marie Peirce, Campaign Director, Pat Parker, ’73 and Michael Desnoyers, ‘84

Thank You! To the many alumni who have already participated in the Mohawk Alumni Today directory, we appreciate your support!

If you haven’t responded yet and you would like to be included in Mohawk Alumni Today, time is quickly running out. Rosemary Marsh, ’82 and John Marshall, ‘71

Call Harris Connect at 1-888-860-0847 today! The publication will be issued in Fall 2011 and will be available only through pre-orders by calling 1-888-860-0847.

For more information on this project please contact Mohawk College Alumni Relations Manager, Wendy Makey at 905-575-2080 or Back Row L to R: Jenn Whitten, Luanne Pannunzio, Meaghan Drury and Kayla Intine Front Row L to R: Safia Zane, Jason Kovacs and Alison Drury

Mea Boolet, President Rob MacIsaac, Jennifer Girard and Jessica Smyth










9 1. Media Alumni Panel – L to R Kevin Dunn, ’86, Sheena Snively, ‘ 06 and Melissa Raftis, ‘10 2. Students enjoying a cob of corn at MOSTOCK 3. Alison, Angela and Eric mingling at the reception for the Etiquette Dinner 4. 40th Anniversary Celebration for the Recreation & Leisure Services Program 5. A few of our newest members to the Alumni Association at Fall Convocation 6. ECE Students Korrina, Mary Kate, Kristina & Sandra with Elvis at Viva Las Vegas Student Appreciation Day 7. Pink and Blue Event in support of the OCAA Cancer Awareness Month 8. Susan, Bill, Sarah, and Karyn, our 2009 Alumni of Distinction Awards Recipients at the Premier’s Dinner 9. Alumni Assoc. Past Presidents Morgan, Carmine, Sandy, Krysia, Sandi, Don, Diana & Ted at the Ticat Game 10. Karen Lavell, ‘78, Jay Newton and Mary Hoycay, ‘86 at the Niagara Regional Alumni Event


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$OXPQL &RQYRFDWLRQ 6SHDNHU Michael Elliott After graduating from Mohawk College’s Business Administration Program, Michael Elliott went on to become a Certified General Accountant and obtain an MBA in Strategic Planning. Michael has worked at Canadian Tire Financial Services for 16 years, where he has held a variety of finance positions. Most recently, Michael was appointed Associate Vice President, Treasurer, and Officer of Canadian Tire Bank, where he manages the Bank’s deposittaking capability, liquidity and funding, and capital. Michael also serves on the Capital Plan committee for the North Hamilton Community Health Centre and the Mohawk College Accounting Program Advisory Committee.

Michael shared a few thoughts with our new graduates by saying “ Begin with the end in mind, but keep it general…Take what you can get - it doesn’t matter where you go, attack grunt work with a fury -you won’t be doing it for long, love what you do - don’t wait for happiness to come, you don’t know what you are good at yet- that will emerge, you don’t know what leads to what - the end will be different and continue to develop and keep reading, be a life long learner. Finally, perform your duties masterfully. Without exception, the cream rises to the top.”


Written by Wade Hemsworth, Hamilton Spectator – November 2010

Sarah Moir had a crazy idea. Her idea, nurtured by public and private support, and fertilized by hard work, has now been recognized by the premier of Ontario. Moir’s dream was The Moir’s Bill, Sarah and Frances to open a floral service that would build awareness of mental health issues. She named it Crazy Daisy and, appropriately enough, it blossomed, with support from Mohawk College and from a Hamilton business development company. This week, Moir won a Premier’s Award for College Graduates, recognizing the success of her project. The honours recognize social and economic achievements by graduates of Ontario’s 24 community colleges. Moir was one of seven winners selected from a list of 100 nominees. She was honoured in the category for recent graduates, but going into Monday’s awards night, she was far from certain she would win, given the calibre of the other nominees. “I was flabbergasted,” she said. “It seemed like it wasn’t real.” The award has confirmed that her hard work has been worthwhile, she said, and makes it easier to face the work that still lies ahead. Moir’s next goals are to grow her Hamilton operation from its current two employees and one volunteer, and eventually to take it

across the country, now armed with a federal designation as a nonprofit social venture. Moir graduated from Mohawk College’s small business management and entrepreneurship program in 2008 and opened her business later that same year, creating floral arrangements for individual customers and corporate clients. She had a talent for working with flowers, but before successful treatment, her own illness – borderline personality disorder – had made it difficult for her to hold a job. She wanted to create a business that would be supportive of others in a similar position and would also resolve common misunderstandings about mental illness and recovery by bringing the subject into the public discussion. After starting out on her own, she asked for some help. The college gave the business a bursary and a new logo. Mark Chamberlain agreed that her message and her method could be very effective, and the Hamilton-based business incubator of which he is president, Trivaris, decided to back it as a social enterprise, providing capital and knowledge in the same way it does with technology companies. “We felt compelled and inspired to participate with her,” Chamberlain said. “Mental illness is an issue that is quite often not spoken about, not understood and not dealt with. She is right there out front with a company called Crazy Daisy, completely debunking the myth that you can’t talk about it.”

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(WLTXHWWH 'LQQHU A Night To Remember By Vayla Roberts, ‘86





1. Vayla, ’86 and Fatima 2. Jeremy, Randy, ‘75, Kelly and Brodie

3. Practicing the proper way to toast your host 4. Group shot during the dinner

Recently I had the opportunity to attend the Etiquette Dinner event for the 2nd year Recreation & Leisure students that was sponsored by Mohawk College Alumni Association, Mohawk College Recreation & Leisure Services Program and Carmen’s Banquet Centre. In addition to the fabulous 5 course dinner provided by Carmen’s, this special event was actually a learning opportunity for both students and faculty to discover ‘proper etiquette’. Our host and facilitator for the evening was Fatima Di Valentin who used her great sense of humour to teach us all some interesting tidbits for when attending a business dinner. I went to the dinner feeling quite confident because I was raised in England and as a child table manners were stressed and quite important. Little did I know that I would actually end up with the most ‘oops’ stickers of the entire faculty. Who knew it was not appropriate to put your hands in the lap, did you know you are supposed to keep your hands visible? Did you know that you’re supposed to pass salt and pepper together? At least I knew how to hold and use my cutlery properly, unlike a certain student sitting opposite me who actually got more oops stickers than me! Our table

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5 5. Jon taking it all in

enjoyed a lot of laughs together and when it came time to let the facilitator know which faculty member had the most ‘oops’ stickers, they made sure their voices were heard much to my chagrin! I had debated on challenging the vote, especially considering Randy Miller was at the event, surely he had more ‘oops’ stickers than me? What also made the evening fun in addition to the fabulous food was the facilitator Fatima Di Valentin. She is quite convincing in the need for proper etiquette at business dinners, but does it in a humorous way. As I was enjoying the evening I even thought this would also be a great team building event for a company. The students themselves also proved to be quite entertaining and it was nice to have networking opportunities between the faculty, students and alumni. This was a lovely opportunity to see these adults outside of the normal constraints of the classroom, not only did the guys look very handsome and the women very pretty, but they were so engaged by the facilitator and provided some comic relief as well. Our table enjoyed ourselves so much that we all agreed to meet again at the networking event later in the year.


<HDUV <RXQJ« Recreation & Leisure Services program

The Recreation & Leisure Services program hosted a special reunion of its graduates on November 13th, 2010. Over 120 alumni and their guests attended the evening in The Arnie having graduated some 7, 15, 25, 30, and 40 years ago. The Reckie’s had a chance to go on a campus tour before the reunion, as well as step back in time as they entered the “Time Tunnel Decade Rooms” located in The Cellar. Entertainment was provided by Crank, an alumni band featuring two of our grads, drummer Len Mancini, ‘95 and vocals Jamie Petrie, ’94. Once they started belting out songs, it did not take long for the dance floor to become crowded. This celebration was a joint effort between the Faculty, the Reunion Committee and the 2nd Year Recreation & Leisure students who were responsible for the Decade rooms and Decade PowerPoint presentations. Many grads commented that they had a great time going down memory lane and seeing items and photos from their time spent at Mohawk. One Reckie said afterwards,


“It was a wonderful evening with a program fabulously designed allowing the maximum possible time to ‘recapture our youth’ and catch up with long-lost classmates”. George Morasse, from the first Recreation graduating class of 1970, was our Committee Chair for the Reunion. He commented, “We had representatives from each decade and it was great to see all those who returned to campus for the Reunion. The highlight of the evening for me was talking with Skip Stanbridge, the originator of the Recreation Leadership Program. Everyone had a great time.” A special thank you to the 2nd Year students for their time and effort with the decade rooms, presentations and prizes. The evening would not have been complete without prizes. Bill Brooks, ‘75 received Alumni Steak Knives for travelling the furthest, all the way from Surrey BC to join us for the reunion. Valya Roberts, ’86 won the Provo Print for being our first registrant.


3 4



1. Bill and Shannon 2. George and Skip 3. 2nd Year Recreation & Leisure Services, Class of 2011 4. 1980’s Grads 5. Class of 1993 6. Grads from Class of 1976

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VW 0HGLD $OXPQL 3DQHO By Renesha Monaco, ‘10 In October, I had the opportunity to attend the Media Alumni Panel, which was at Mohawk for the first time. I didn’t know what to expect, but what a great opportunity it was as students and young alumni got the chance to meet past alumni that not too long ago were in our shoes. Students listened as alumni spoke about their endeavors at Mohawk. They gave words of wisdom; from things like working your way to the top, never saying no to any opportunity that comes your way, networking and finding a mentor that you can look up to and connect with. I was fortunate enough to win lunch with the alumni and it was an even greater opportunity to get to network and receive advice from such inspiring men and woman. Its was great to see that even newer alumni such as Melissa Raftis, who only graduated last April, was already starting her career. It goes to show that anything is possible, when you work hard and are determined to be successful.

Eventually you have to make a choice, leave behind your passion and dream or have the strength to look past all discouraging faces and know that you have what it takes, and you will prove them wrong.

Left to Right: Cindy Wrong, ‘98, Alex Pierson, ‘79, Matt Holmes, ‘06.

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<HDUV <RXQJ Physiotherapy Class 1980 By Dr. Julia Alleyne, ‘80 – Class Connector On September 18, 2010, Hamilton was taken by storm as 15 members of the small but mighty Mohawk College Physiotherapy Class of 1980 descended on the city. The reunion was filled with lots of catching up on family and work initiatives but mostly with the satisfying feeling of being with old friends who had shared an important chapter of your life. We literally drove down memory lane on a 3 hour private bus tour of the Mohawk and McMaster Campus and all the hospital training sites while viewing the modernization downtown and uptown Hamilton. Dinner was served at the Rousseau House in Ancaster complete with video and live presentations ! It was spell-bounding to hear about the career successes of our classmates. Some who had entered health administration

providing leadership in private and public sector, some who were in teaching centres generously sharing their experience with the next generation, some in solo practice and some in multi-clinic practice yet, all focused on the single goal of providing excellence in patient care to our fellow Canadians. The Alumni Association generously donated prizes and souvenirs for our class and we were all thrilled with these gifts especially one classmate from Nelson, British Columbia who received a beautiful art print for coming the longest distance ! Will we do it again, will we keep in touch ? What really matters is that after 30 years we had not really lost touch...we remembered each other, had lots to share and knew that we were very fortunate to have rekindled a flame that was stronger than the years between.

Back Row L to R: John Parker, Vaida Hick, Brenda Ingram, Patty Nixon, Julie Moreland, Christine Lawrie, Petra Bourree. Front Row L to R: Cindy Bartle, Jayne Hall, Jennifer Nairn, Dulce Pereira, Joanne Ogle, Sandy Dusseault, Julia Alleyne. Absent: Milena Szpakowski, Collette Bondy, Barbara Mitchell, Debbie Powell, Evelyn Ford.

Davenport University specializes in career-focused programs in business, health and technology. You can transfer your credits toward a bachelor’s degree and have a leading-edge education in the important careers in the new economy. Graduates with a three-year diploma from a Canadian partner school can complete a bachelor’s degree with just 10 DU classes. Earn an online degree from DU: t No Visas: Earn your degree completely online. t 24/7 Availability: Conveniently take classes any time. t Affordable: Partnership tuition rates and scholarships are available Avail a b le online or in M ic higa n. Cont act us a t: dav en por t . edu / capar t n e rs 80 0- 6 86 - 16 00 | e mily. k a mins k i@d a v e np or t . e d u

Business Technology Health

Get where the world is going.

570)?3 4-):616/ -@+0)6/- 7..1+1)44A 78-6; New spaces for students to learn, create and collaborate at Mohawk College By Sean Coffey

Mohawk College officially opened the new Mohawk Learning Exchange at the Fennell Campus on the afternoon of February 24, 2011. Joining Mohawk President Rob MacIsaac in the official opening of the Mohawk Learning Exchange were the Honourable John Milloy, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, the Honourable Sophia Aggelonitis, Minister of Revenue, Member of Provincial Parliament Ted McMeekin, ‘70, Mayor Bob Bratina, Ward 8 Councillor Terry Whitehead, Mohawk Students’ Association President Kat Cullen, ‘10 and Mohawk College Association of Continuing Education Students’ Association President Amanda Tallon, ’05. Serving more than a thousand students a day, the Mohawk Learning Exchange is home to the new Harold Cummings Library and Collaboratory, the iDeaWorks applied research and innovation laboratory and five active learning classrooms featuring the latest in collaborative learning technology.

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Back Row L to R: Honourable John Milloy, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities and Honourable Sophia Aggelonitis, Minister of Revenue. Front Row L to R: Amanda Tallon, ’05, MPP Ted McMeekin, ’70, Kat Cullen, ’10, President Rob MacIsaac and Gaye MacLean, ‘96. Completed on time, on budget and accident-free, the $16.5 million Mohawk Learning Exchange is part of the Fennell Campus renewal project, the largest construction and renovation project in Mohawk’s history. Construction on the 40,000 square foot building began in August 2009 and was completed 17 months later in December 2010. “Ontario is committed to investing in the knowledge and skills our province needs to thrive in the global economy,” said John Milloy, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities. “Our investment in Mohawk’s modernized and expanded Fennell Campus will help provide new opportunities for students in Hamilton for generations to come.” “The Ontario government has stepped up in a big way for our students, our college and the communities we serve,” MacIsaac said in recognizing the province’s $20 million investment in the Fennell Campus renewal project. MacIsaac also paid tribute to the late Harold Cummings, a long-time West Mountain resident and college neighbour who donated $4 million to build a new library at Mohawk. “With the largest private donation in Mohawk’s history, Mr. Cummings has given generations of students a remarkable new space to learn, collaborate and create.” The Mohawk Learning Exchange is one of the region’s most environmentally sustainable buildings. Built to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) gold certification standards, the building features a two-storey indoor living

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green wall, radiant floor heating, a green roof, wind turbines and solar panels. Energy costs will be 40 per cent lower than a traditional building of comparable size. The building has approximately 75 per cent usable space for students and staff, nearly double the industry standard for educational facilities. Along with an outdoor terrace on the third storey, new green space was created next to the Mohawk Learning Exchange, including an outdoor amphitheatre. Creating a sustainable building was a consistent theme during consultations with more than 2,000 students. Through focus groups, lunch and learn sessions and surveys, students were actively involved during the design phase. The entire building and its heating, cooling and electrical systems now serve as a “living lab” for students in Mohawk technology programs. Along with construction of the Mohawk Learning Exchange, the cafeteria, common areas and a wing of the campus housing the School of Community & Urban Studies were also renovated to meet student needs. Work has begun to turn the former library into a future centre for student services, consolidating services currently offered at 17 locations on campus. The Fennell Campus renewal project follows a $27 million transformation of Mohawk’s skilled trades campus in Stoney Creek. With a vision to be internationally renowned for its innovation culture and highly skilled future ready graduates who will drive tomorrow’s opportunities, Mohawk College trains 15,000 full-time and apprenticeship students and 42,000 continuing education registrants, with an 85 per cent graduate employment rate and 95 per cent employer satisfaction rate. The majority of Mohawk’s 85,000 alumni continue to work and live in the Greater Hamilton region.


Calender of

Events April - October May 11


Simcoe Regional Event – Florence Estate Winery, visit our website for details

Welcome BBQ for New and Returning Students – Drop by the Alumni Booth while you eat a cob of corn


May 17 Windsor Regional Event – visit our website for details

September 12 Broadcasting TV - Class of 2006 5 year Reunion

May 18 London Regional Event – visit our website for details

May 27

September 14 MOSTOCK – Drop by the Alumni Booth while you are enjoying the music and have a cob of corn and free swag

St. Joseph’s Mohawk Grads – Afternoon Tea, 3:30pm to 5pm – Room 203 – RSVP to

September 16

June 2

October 12

7th Annual Mohawk College Alumni Golf Classic - Flamborough Hills Golf and Country Club, 8am Shotgun Start - $150 per person/$600 per team – Register online at

Mohawk College Alumni Association Annual General Meeting – 5:30pm – Reception / 6:00pm – Annual General Meeting / Council Meeting to Follow AGM Please RSVP to

June 11

October 21

Education Assistant Program 5 Year Celebration – 10am to 4pm – educational workshops – for more information visit our website

Fall Convocation – McIntyre Theatre

June 13 - 17

Media Alumni Panel – visit our website for details

Spring 2011 Convocation Ceremonies

Mohawk Day at the Ticats – Discounted tickets for Alumni, visit our website for details

Grimsby Regional Event – visit our website for details

Mohawk Residence Reunion – Summer 2012 Anyone interested in becoming a member of the organizing committee, please email

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5HJLRQDO $OXPQL 3URJUDP Celebrate Mohawk wherever you live...





3. 4. 5. 6.

Front Row L to R: Guy Giguere, ‘80, Frank Simpson, ‘73, Marek Wisniewski, ‘97, Marion Cousins, ‘75 and Graham Gilhooly, ‘68. Standing at the back is David Shepherd, ‘76. Front Row L to R: Kelly Dunham, ’91, June Barrie, ‘78 , Tony Lew, ‘ 81, Greg Kindree, ’79, Andy Posthumus, ‘89 and Wendy Makey, ‘91. Back Row L to R: Dean Birch, ‘79, Brian Wilson, ‘80 and Randy Woods, ‘70. Vincent Duberry, ‘74 , John Wilson, ‘76, Barb Martin, Wendy Makey, ’93, Tim Tapp, ’08, Sandra LaRiviere and Derrick LaRiviere, ‘78. Our Edmonton welcome wagon and tour guide: Randy Woods, ‘70. Brenda and Gary Sidler, ‘78, Alan Brown, ‘82 and Kat Richardson. The Jackowitz Family, Mike, ’70, Cathy, ’70 and Mike Jr ‘ 01.

Pockets of Mohawk alumni can be found in various cities around the world. With over 85,000 graduates, Alumni Relations strives to be the catalyst for a lifelong relationship between Mohawk College and its graduates. To do this, a variety of programs, services, events and activities are planned to keep Alumni engaged with the college. Regional programs are one way of keeping Alumni connected. Whether alumni are interested in networking, socializing, or community service, the Regional Alumni Program provides the opportunity for graduates to gather with each other, and hopes to offer an ideal way for Alumni to rediscover a sense of community like they once found at Mohawk College. With the Regional Alumni Program launch in December 2010, rediscovering a sense of community is exactly what happened in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa over the past four months.



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DOXPQL HYHQWV In Niagara-on-the-Lake a wine tasting event was held at Peller Estates Winery. Alumni enjoyed an evening experiencing the art of food and wine pairing. In Calgary, graduates were corralled at the infamous Ranchman’s Cookhouse where food, beverages and conversation made up the evening. In Edmonton, Alumni enjoyed the picturesque view from Café Lacombe in the Crown Plaza Hotel while networking and reminiscing about days at Mohawk. In Ottawa, Alumni gathered in the ByWard Market at the Heart and Crown to indulge in some pub fare and engaging conversation. Each event allowed graduates to browse through old yearbooks, share stories about days at Mohawk, network and talk about their career paths and how they came to their current position. Each group learned how the college is moving forward and changing to meet the needs of our students. Pictures were shared of renovated space and the opening of the new Learning Exchange. Programs, services, events and activities offered by the Alumni Association were communicated as well. Watch for the Regional Alumni Program coming to a city or community near you in 2011: May 11 – Simcoe, ON, May 17 – Windsor, ON and May 18 – London, ON .



Mohawk Alumni Annual Appeal The outstanding legacy we, as alumni, leave is not only one of commitment to improving our communities, but one that involves sharing time and resources with future graduates. *O .PIBXL $PMMFHF XJMM JOJUJBUF BO "MVNOJ "OOVBM 'VOE UP BTTJTU JO QSPWJEJOH TUVEFOUT XJUI the very best. We encourage you to help make someone’s dreams come true by donating to the Alumni Annual Appeal. Watch for more details in the fall.


If you are interested in more information or would like to make a donation today please contact Wendy Makey at 905-575-2080 or

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0RKDZN 7DOHQW RQ 6HW RI 1HZ 79 6HULHV By Mindy Tweedle, ‘02

Left to Right: Host Dr. Nick Bontis, James Milway, Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity, and Ted Scott, ‘98

Left to Right: Mindy Tweedle, ‘06 and Richard Allen, Economic Summit

Mohawk College grads and faculty are helping drive a new initiative to promote awareness and understanding of Hamilton’s evolving economy. THINK TV with Dr. Nick Bontis explores the major economic forces — local, regional and global — shaping the future of jobs and prosperity in Hamilton. The series is a creation of the Hamilton Economic Summit operating under the auspices of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce. Mindy Tweedle, an Alumni of Distinction recipient, graduate of Mohawk’s Television Broadcasting Program and owner of Hamilton-based Tweedle Productions Inc., was invited to produce the series. “I have a passion for Hamilton,” she says, referencing her dual role as avid community booster and home-grown entrepreneur. “It’s an honour for my company to be involved in a project that celebrates Hamilton as a hub of business opportunity.” Host Dr. Nick Bontis, an award-winning professor with the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University, interviewed prominent thought leaders and practitioners working in fields related to local and regional economic development. Ted Scott, Dean of Applied Research and Chief Innovation Officer at Mohawk College, contributed to a discussion on human creativity as an engine for economic growth in Hamilton. The production crew included a large number of Mohawk grads now active in professional television broadcasting and video production, locally and around the world.

“Media and entertainment are big job creators in today’s economy,” says Ms. Tweedle. “Mohawk College plays a leading role in developing new talent for this growing sector. Seeing local college grads in action fuels my pride in Mohawk and my community.” Mohawk’s connection to this initiative extends further. Brent Kinnaird, Director of Business Development for the Hamilton Economic Summit and co-founder of Inspire Marketing, is a graduate of Mohawk’s Business Administration Program (marketing major) and a devoted ambassador for Hamilton. THINK TV with Dr. Nick Bontis will air later this spring in the lead up to the fourth annual Hamilton Economic Summit on May 12, 2011 at the Hamilton Convention Centre. The series will also be packaged as six 15 minute episodes for the Internet. The series is funded in part by the City of Hamilton, McMaster University and Mohawk College. To learn more, visit

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6KRZ 7KHPHV •Introduction to Hamilton’s Economy • Innovation in Hamilton • Regeneration of Downtown Hamilton •Hamilton in the Creative Age



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Calling all Mohawk St. Joseph’s Campus Nursing Grads Join us for the Nursing Alumni Afternoon Tea hosted by the Mohawk College Alumni Association Friday, May 27, 2011 3:30pm to 5:00pm Rm 203 – Hamilton Convention Centre RSVP to or call 905-575-2258 by May 12 Hope to see you on the 27th!

Calling all Nursing graduates of St. Joseph’s campus of Mohawk College prior to 1978 to attend the annual reunion celebrations of St. Joseph’s School of Nursing Alumnae Association. Date: May 27, 2011 St. Joseph’s School of Nursing will be celebrating their 100th anniversary 1911-2011. For detailed information, visit

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L to R: Vesna Relic, Sadie Sattan, Left Mohdi to Right: Moborak, VesnaLeslie Relic, Galloway Sadie Sattan, and Mohdi SharonMoborak, Charters Leslie Galloway and Sharon Charters

Congratulations to all of our nominated Continuing Education Faculty for your outstanding contributions to lifelong learning!

Sadie Sattan Health Sciences

Sharon Charters Human Services

As a Mohawk Nursing graduate, Sadie’s dedication to lifelong learning is proven through completion of a BA and Masters programs. She is known for her strong work ethic and has a dual role of teaching part-time within the full-time nursing program and is responsible for the Bridging for Internationally Educated Nurses program through Continuing Education.

Student nominators submitted the following; “Sharon has incorporated herself 110% into educating her students. We have been privileged in experiencing 3 years of her teaching style. Sharon has a wealth of experience and she desires to pass the torch to further social advocates. Her knowledge and passion are inspiring.”

Mohdi Moborak Language and Communications

Glenda Davis Engineering Technology

Teaching within the Certificate of Competency in the French Language, Mohdi is consistently described as having a contagious passion for the French language. He encourages students to be comfortable speaking French regardless of their skill level. One student wrote how after taking his class, they understand the French language better than 11 years of French Immersion.

Glenda is known for integrity and ability to simplify complex math problems. “Whenever I had an issue with anything either the module lesson, or the results from a module quiz, she responded very quickly. Math can be dry sometimes and she gave it a little bit of excitement. I really enjoyed learning with Glenda and my marks prove it.”

Leslie Galloway Applied Arts

Vesna Relic Business

Leslie teaches Skin Care Levels 1 to 3. As one student writes; “Leslie is very animated when she teaches. She tells stories from the salon that give students an idea of what it is like in the real world. I love going to her classes because her happiness rubs off on me for a great class and overall experience.”

Vesna teaches Medical Terminology. She is a positive, knowledgeable professional who comes to every class organized and with a smile. “Vesna is very clear and precise on the expectations of her class. She takes her time explaining what needs to be taught, making sure that her students understand the concepts. I would definitely enjoy having her as a teacher again.”

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Congratulations to our MCACES Community Award Recipients! Each year, MCACES recognizes outstanding graduates from Continuing Education Programs. This year, two recipients were recognized.

Gabriela Covaci Community Ambassador In just 7 years in Canada, Gabriela Covaci has made a significant impact within Hamilton’s multi-cultural community. As an honours graduate of the Career Consultant Certificate Program, she uses the knowledge obtained from class to assist in the development of her many clients in the field of Career Practitioner. Gabriela received the Outstanding Achievement Award at the CE Fall 2010 Convocation. Currently working as an Employment Consultant at Mohawk College, Gabriela helps coordinate a variety of multicultural development projects spanning on both local and provincial levels. Combining creativity, leadership and a client-centered approach, she hopes to lead the next newcomer generation towards a path of success while promoting universal respect. Gabriela’s vision; “Follow your passions and bring passion into your community, work and life,” is a philosophy practiced on a daily basis.

Wendy Makey Staff Ambassador An avid lifelong learning, Wendy has also completed Certificates in Volunteer Management, Management in the Notfor-Profit, Fundraising Development and Event Planning Techniques through the Mohawk College School of Continuing Education. Wendy’s previous work experience includes being a Membership Development Coordinator for Kinsmen & Kinette Clubs of Canada and Student Life Assistant at Mohawk College. In 2003, Wendy became President of the MCACES Board of Directors. This role allowed her to utilize her extensive continuing education experience to provide leadership and advocacy for continuing education students. Wendy Makey’s passion, enthusiasm and can do approach to activities inspires colleagues and peers to strive for equivalent levels of poise and success. MCACES is now accepting nominations for our 3rd Annual Community Awards Program. For nomination criteria, please visit the MCACES website,

Attention Employers! Connect to Great Students and Graduates • • • • • •

Recruit graduates from over 120 full-time and apprenticeship programs Hire Co-op students from over 30 cooperative education programs Post your full-time, part-time and seasonal jobs with us Attend Career Fairs Host Lunch and Learn Information Sessions Partner with Mohawk for a competitive edge and economic prosperity • Visit our website for employer information and services Job Centre and Cooperative Education Fennell Campus, Room i110 135 Fennell Avenue West, P.O. Box 2034, Hamilton, ON L8N 3T2 Tel: 905-575-2167 or toll free 1-888-546-COOP (2667) | Fax: 905-575-2359 | Email:

,1 728&+ | SPRING 2011


Become a highly effective leader with a business honours degree from CSU

BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - with specialisations Charles Sturt University (CSU), in collaboration with Mohawk College, has developed innovative honours degree programs that allow graduates of Advanced Diplomas in Business Administration to upgrade their existing qualifications and enhance their employment and promotion opportunities.

t t t t t t t

Two years of credit given for the Advanced Diploma Two further years of full-time study to graduate with an honours degree Specialised study in either Accounting, Human Resource Management or Marketing Strands in Global Citizenship or Business Ethics and Corporate Governance An option for a year of study in China An option for a semester or year of study in Australia Eligibility for entry into MBA programs in Ontario and Australia

CSU’s Bachelor of Business Administration - with specialisations is offered full-time at Charles Sturt University in Ontario’s campus in Burlington and commences in August 2011. Applications for entry are open.

To find out more visit: or call (905) 333 4955 This program is offered under the written consent of the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities for the period from September 7, 2010 to September 7, 2015. Prospective students are responsible for satisfying themselves that the program and the degree will be appropriate to their needs (e.g. acceptable to potential employers, professional licensing bodies or other educational institutions).

CRICOS 00005F (NSW), 01947G (VIC) and 02960B (ACT). JB F1543A

Key features

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As we all know, The Arnie is one of the well-used spaces at Mohawk College. After 25 years of use and multiple renovations over time, this year’s 2010-2011 Mohawk Students’ Association Board of Directors, has agreed that it is once again time for an Arnie makeover. In May of 2011, The Arnie will undergo a $1million renovation which will see a change from its current look with exposed brick and metal to a modern “ultra-lounge” design. Over the past eight months, the Mohawk Students’ Association Arnie Renewal Committee, consisting of Jennifer Gerard, Rick Kovacs, Darryl Smith and Tegiola Xhemalaj have worked extremely hard to complete the renewal process.

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From gathering feedback from students, to selecting an architectural design company (Kasian Architects of Toronto) one of the main goals of the team was to include current Mohawk College students in the design process. Architectural Technology students Hector Castillo, Connor Clark and Rick Pozeg were an integral component of the team as they worked closely with Kasian Architects throughout the entire process. The redesigned venue will open its doors to students in September. Watch for a very special announcement of the Grand Opening to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Student Centre (G-wing) of Mohawk College.

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Mohawk College welcomes Vice President, General Counsel




A self-described “Hamiltonian by marriage”, Mohawk’s new Vice President, General Counsel knows how important Mohawk is to the community. “Mohawk provides an excellent service to the people of Hamilton. It’s the kind of education that will assist Hamiltonians and move the city towards a 21st century knowledge economy,” says Ali Ghiassi, who joined Mohawk’s executive team in January. Ali’s wife Sofia Tsakos was born and raised in Hamilton. Her family still lives here, so Ali is very familiar with the city. He’s also very familiar with its postsecondary institutions. Having served as the Chief of Staff to the Minister of Training Colleges and Universities for the three years prior to joining Mohawk, Ali is familiar with Mohawk’s excellent reputation and is excited by the direction the College is going. Those two factors are part of what attracted him to the job, he says. “I’m very impressed by the senior team here. Rob has a great vision for Mohawk and he’s surrounded by an energetic team who want to make the college even better.” Mohawk was also a chance to return to the law, says Ali. As VP General Counsel and Corporate Secretary to the Board of Governors, Ali provides legal advice to the College and the Board of Governors, a role that fits well with his legal background. Prior to serving in the Ontario government, Ali practiced law in Toronto and Washington, D.C., in the areas of commercial litigation and international law. He received his undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of Toronto, his Bachelor of Laws from the University of Windsor and his Master of Laws from Osgoode Hall Law School. He was called to the Ontario Bar in 2001. Mohawk also gives Ali an opportunity to stay involved in public policy by providing advice to the college on government relations. In his time at the Ministry, Ali was instrumental in driving the government’s post secondary education and training agenda,

providing advice to the Minister on all matters relating to colleges and universities in Ontario. Ali says he excited to part of the Mohawk team and he looks forward to seeing that Hamiltonians get the education they need to succeed.

Mohawk welcomes Wayne Poirier, Vice-President of Student Services Change you can see is what attracted Mohawk’s new Vice President Student Services to the job. Wayne Poirier is Mohawk’s new Vice President, Student Services. The former Director of Student Services and Campus Life at George Brown College, Wayne has many years of experience in the student services area in both college and university environments. He’s also from Hamilton, growing up near Ivor Wynne Stadium and graduating from Cathedral High School. Wayne led the transformation of student services at George Brown College, introducing a one-stop shop service model and an online orientation tool that was awarded the Impact Award by Colleges Ontario. He’ll lead a similar transformation at Mohawk, which is centralizing most of its student services at the Fennell campus into one location to better serve students. As Vice President, Student Services Wayne is responsible for all relationships with students, from the first point of contact to the time they graduate from the College and become alumni. The departments under his leadership include admissions and recruitment, registration, financial assistance, assessments for success, international, athletics, student life, student experience, development and alumni. “I like what Mohawk has going for it right now. It’s a really exciting time to be part of this college,” he says. “The thing that really excited me about Mohawk is the change that you can see.” Wayne holds a Masters of Arts in Education. He’s also a student, working towards a PhD at the University of Toronto.

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and lead Clarissa Bishop. Mohawk co-coach Barry Macklin was very impressed by Creighton. “Karen made more spectacular shots than I’ve seen in any women’s event at any level of curling,” said Macklin.

%DGPLQWRQ Chris Hong and Mohammed Nazimuddin captured the Silver Medal in men’s doubles at the OCAA Badminton Championships at Fanshawe College in London on February 19, 2011. The Mountaineer tandem was the lone entry from Mohawk.


0HQ·V 9ROOH\EDOO It was a well earned bronze medal for Mohawk at the OCAA Men’s Volleyball Championship at Seneca College on February 26, 2011. The Mountaineers beat the host Seneca Sting 25-12, 25-14, 25-19. Cameron Henschel was named Mohawk’s player of the match. Henschel led the Mountaineer offense with ten kills and five stuff blocks. Mo Sulaiman had nine kills and Justin Scapinello, who was named a Tournament All-Star, added seven kills, one block and 10 digs. Head coach Matt Schnarr credited Zac Schulz with setting the best match of his season. Mohawk had not beaten Seneca in three previous meetings in 2010-11 and grabbed the bronze on the Sting’s home floor.

&XUOLQJ The Mohawk women’s curling team won the Silver Medal at the OCAA Curling Championships in Lindsay on February 21, 2011. After dispatching the Fanshawe Falcons of London in the semi final, the Mountaineers lost a heartbreaker in the gold medal game, losing on last rock in an extra end to the Algonquin Thunder of Ottawa. Mohawk was skipped by Karen Creighton. Other members of the team included vice skip Jami-Lee Lyne, second Jennifer Montgomery

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OCAA Basketball awards were handed out in two different cities on March 2, 2011 and Mohawk received honours at both banquets. The women’s awards were given out in Ottawa, with Morgan Taylor being named to the 2nd All-Star team and Rachelle Abella making the All-Rookie team. In Sault Ste. Marie, meantime, Aminu Bello made the men’s First All-Star team, while Jermaine DeCosta was named to the 2nd AllStar squad. Taylor Dowhaniuk was picked for the All-Rookie team.

6RFFHU Men’s Soccer had two players selected as league All-Stars. Striker Adam Petrina from Grimsby Blessed Trinity and sweeper Mark Vanduyvenvoorde of Dundas Parkside. The Mohawk women’s side, which just fell short of making it to the OCAA Championship, also had two players named All-Stars. They are Marissa Oddi, a midfielder/forward from Hamilton St. Jean de Brebeuf and Ashley Hagen, a striker from Hamilton District Christian High School in Ancaster. Hagen also won the West Region scoring title with seven goals in eight games.

5XJE\ After posting a perfect 7-0 regular season the Mohawk rugby team has received numerous individual awards. Alex Paris, ‘93 was named Ontario Colleges Athletic Association Rugby Coach of the Year for the fourth time in the last five years. Chris VanSickle of Brantford was the OCAA Player of the Year and was the league’s leading scorer. Phil Jackson of Stoney Creek was selected West Region and overall Rookie of the Year. Jackson

$5281' &$0386 :RPHQ¡V )DVWEDOO After struggling for most of the regular season, the Mohawk women’s fastball team battled its way to the bronze medal at the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association Championship. First, the Mountaineers had to qualify for the four team event and did so in impressive fashion with an 11-1 rout of Conestoga in a sudden death game.

and VanSickle were both named to the OCAA League All-Star team as well. The Mountaineers won the silver medal at the OCAA Championships


*ROI Mohawk’s Kyle Harber qualiďŹ ed for Team Ontario and the Canadian Colleges Athletic Association Golf Championships. Harber, who plays out of King’s Forest in Hamilton, carded a ďŹ nal round par 72 to ďŹ nish in a tie for 12th place in the Ontario Colleges championship at the Raven Golf Club in Lora Bay.

Jennifer Knowles was named an OCAA First Team League AllStar and teammate Kellie Crnic was named to the Second Team League All-Star. Jennifer was named to the OCAA Championship tournament All-Star Team. “Jenn was, in my opinion the most dynamic and most effective player of any team there,� said coach Sean Pellow.

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A weekend of alumni events, varsity games, and special activities for prospective student-athletes looking at Mohawk for their college experience.

Alumni games: Men’s and Women’s basketball – contact Men’s volleyball – contact The day’s events conclude with the 2011 Mountaineer Hall of Fame Inductee Ceremony held in The Arnie.

Please visit our website for updates on Mountaineer Weekend 2011. If you are interested in coordinating an alumni game, please contact Bernetta at

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Leave a Lasting Legacy at Mohawk College

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give" - Winston Churchill Mr. Cummings’ Family at the opening of the Cummings Library and the Learning Exchange.


r. Harold Cummings and his wife Audrey lived on Bendamere Avenue for more than 50 years. From their backyard, the couple watched as Mohawk grew from the small trades college it once was in the 1960s, to the leading educational and training facility it had become at the turn of the century. A Hamilton businessman and shrewd investor, Mr. Cummings had a true passion for learning and education. When it came time to make plans for his estate, his daughter Gaye suggested he look no further than his own backyard. He agreed, and he planned a gift that was truly transformational. Quietly and without fanfare, Mr. Cummings planned his estate. When he passed away, he made history with a four million dollar gift to Mohawk College – the largest individual donation in Ontario College history. Mohawk used the donation to build an amazing new library known as the Cummings Library and Collaboratory. Thousands of students use the library every day. It’s much bigger and brighter than the previous library and features the latest technology; it’s what Mr. Cummings would have wanted it to be: a great place to learn. The students can look out into the community where they’ll live and work once they graduate. And the community can look in on Mohawk and picture themselves there. Naming the new library in memory of Mr. Harold Cummings is a fitting tribute for a neighbour who made history and an unbelievable difference at Mohawk College. While Mr. Cummings is no longer with us, his spirit and love of learning lives on.

Leave a Lasting Legacy Like Harold Cummings, you too can leave a lasting gift. Through Mohawk College’s Planned Giving Program there are many ways through which you can commemorate your passion for educational excellence in your community. Whether your gift is directed toward student scholarships and bursaries or new learning spaces and improvements, planned giving is a generous and meaningful way to express your wishes and core values. The most common type of planned gift is a bequest in your will, and many people choose this type of gift to leave a lasting legacy to charity. Estate planning comes with tax advantages that can help you and your family today and the gift you choose to leave will serve as a lasting tribute to be remembered by your family and future generations. By leaving a planned gift, you enter a partnership committed to bringing innovation, imagination, enterprise and leading edge facilities to our future leaders. Our staff are pleased to provide you and your financial or legal advisor information about how your gift can support Mohawk College. For more information on plans that will best suit your wishes, please visit: Or contact Linda Marshall, Director, Annual and Planned Giving at 905 575-2063 or email

Leave Your Legacy At Mohawk College, students are at the heart of all we do. It is our goal to provide students with the learning spaces and facilities they need to be future ready, and the scholarship and bursary support they need to make their dreams of a college education a reality. By considering Mohawk in your charitable giving or estate plans, you have the opportunity to transform the lives of thousands of individuals -- those same individuals who have the power to transform our community.

For information on how you can change a life, or create your own legacy, please contact: Linda Marshall Director, Annual & Planned Giving (905) 575-2063

*5$' *5$3(9,1( Alexander J. Miller (Sandy) Electrical Engineer Technology – Control, 1970 I’m doing some consulting work in Environmental Logistics Design. I spend my time dabbling with my hobbies and planning a cruise for later this year.

Sharon M. Dueck (nee Berthin) Early Childhood Education, 1973 After teaching one year in a privately owned Nursery School in Kitchener, Ontario, I decided to take the Opticians Coarse. I worked for Sears Optical for 17 1/2 years. I have been working for Hakim Optical for the last 10 years. Would be interested to know who stayed in the profession.

Franklin Victor Simpson Architectural Technician, 1973 Graduated 1973, 1973 - Technician Halliday Homes -Burlington 1975 - A.F. Atherton - St. Catherine’s 1977 - Quinte Planning Board - Quinte, ON. 1979 - R.V. Anderson Assoc.- Welland, ON. 1980-PresentProvincial Gas/Consumers Gas/Enbridge Gas worked various positions and franchise areas (Niagara, Toronto, Quebec, Ottawa, New Brunswick). Currently residing in the Ottawa area and for the last six years as a Project Manager. Previously and currently hold membership in OACETT, NBCETT, OPWA(Current Board Member). My wife (Tammy) and I have two grown daughters Amanda and Dana.

Carl A. Payne Architectural Technician, 1973 After graduating from Mohawk College I worked with a few private sector companies before joining the federal government department then called Public Works Canada in June 1979. This involved looking after all the government buildings in the National Capital Region (Ottawa and surrounding Area). Most of my work was electrical, but when required I worked on mechanical systems as well. Over the years, I have survived many departmental changes and managed to stay with this department for better than 32 years. During this time, I made the transition from the drafting table in 1989, to the electronic system known as

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AutoCAD in the production of contract drawings to date. As I have had a very good and interesting career and have enjoyed my work not to mention the people who I have worked with. Currently, I am contemplating retiring next year after what I consider a full career spanning more than 33 years. My wife and I raised two boys. Both were enrolled in scouting along with myself as a leader in 1990. Twenty-one years later after my sons have resigned from scouting, I am still involved and currently the contact leader for the 1st Kemptville Scout Troop, a position I have held for better than twelve years. During this same time frame, I coached soccer for eleven years. I have been involved over the last ten years with our Easter Seals District Council as chair and currently vice-chair. This is basically a brief summary of what I have done and been involved with since I graduated.

Terry Small Communications Arts, 1975 After 25 years as Senior Manager, Marketing Communications & Advertising, for Irving Oil Corporation (in Saint John, NB & Portsmouth, NH) in 2009, I took early retirement My wife Heather and I bought a home in Minneola (35 minutes NW of Orlando) and then in July of 2010 I formed my own Advertising Agency - True North Ad Agency - and have been helping small businesses increase sales, improve image and reduce costs! I have many fond memories of my years at Mohawk College in the early 70’s.

Martin Williams Chemical Engineering Technology, 1978 Ran in the Boston Marathon in 2009.

Louise M. Latourelle (nee Courtemanche) Social Service Worker, 1982 I work with families with children who have a developmental disability and connect them to community supports. It’s very rewarding work. My daughter is in college and working part time. We have a good life in Oakville. I wish all of my classmates a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2011!

*5$' *5$3(9,1( John A. Curran Radiological Technology, 1982

Wendy L. Matthews Nursing, 1992

Since graduating I have worked for the Niagara Falls Hospital and the Niagara On-the-Lake General. Moved to Minden in 1987 and worked for one year at the Halliburton Hospital. My arthritis progressed, to where I had to go on permanent disability. I have had seven major joint replacements between 1986- 1995. I am looking at possible replacement of my left ankle in near future. That’s pretty well what is new.

I’m currently visiting my daughter Misty and her husband in Germany where she is teaching English to high school students. I am working in emergency at St Joseph’s and I volunteer with my church in a programme called celebrate recovery!

Jeffrey E Johnson Municipal Planning & Development, 1995

David B. Bennett Architectural Technician, 1983 I am currently in the process of completing my re-classification to become a licensed Technologist through the OAA. My 25 years plus of experience have served me well in establishing myself with the advanced standing program administered by OACETT. I also run a home based consulting business preparing house plans, in my spare time, after working full time at G. Douglas Vallee. My home business provides me with an artistic outlet not always available through my employment with Vallee’s.

Media Buyer/Marketing for Canadian Niagara Hotels located in Niagara Falls. Responsibilities include planning, budgeting, managing and acquisitions of various media. Including online, video, outdoor and print strategies.

Hedy Gagnon Early Childhood Education, 1997 After continuing to work in E.C.E. for a few more years, I graduated from McMaster University with a Humanities degree in French. Then went on to Brock University to obtain my Bachelor of Education degree. I have been teaching Core French for the past eight years at the elementary level in an inner-city school and loving it!

Timothy Staples Mechanical Engineering Technology, 1997

Cindy Heuck Recreation Leadership, 1987 Training for three Marathons a year.

Brenda J Szabo Business, 1990 I have been married for 27 years with three boys, 24, 18, 15. Have been with Canada Post for 10 years and work out of Tillsonburg.

John R. Kennedy Architectural Technology, 1991

The company I work for is great. Two years ago I was sent to Australia for 2-1/2 weeks. This past September I was sent to Salt Lake City, Utah and then again to Park City, Utah (home of 2002 Winter Olympics) in October for the Leadership meeting. I even made it to the Nevada border, where I gambled a little, and drove the rental car on the nearby Bonneville Salt Flats.

I worked 10 years in construction and Architecture then became a Building Inspector for the past 10 years. I use my architecture background as my hobby and will continue drafting into my retirement.

Say “CHEEZ” Send us your photos! We welcome photos of Alumni, alumni gatherings and alumni events. E-mail us your pictures (300 dpi or more) to Please note: submissions may be edited due to space and/or clarity.

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*5$' *5$3(9,1( Licinia M G Torres Child & Youth Worker 1998

Michelle D. Benincasa Office Administration - Legal, 2004

I am married and I live in Portugal (approx. 12 years), and I have a 7 year old daughter, her name is Joana Inês. Currently I am completing my Social Worker degree at the IPL in Leiria, Portugal.

I graduated with Honours from the Library and Information Technician program at Seneca College in October of 2009. Now, I’m taking the Records and Information Management courses online from Mohawk and job hunting again.

Alexandra Vince General Arts & Science, 2000 I have taken courses in the Writing for Publication program through Continuing Education. I am also working on a mystery novel. Currently I am on the gritLIT (Hamilton Literacy Festival) committee helping with the festival which takes place in April. I am working on a friend’s farm helping out with yard work and cleaning. I had a brief position with Fast Link Security. I went door to door promoting their security system.

Vanessa Fraser Graphic Design Production, 2003 Since graduating, I had become a serious stained glass designer for about five years, and it was a very interesting experience. I created an issue for the Coupon Clipper magazine, and I have been pursuing fine art in oil painting. I have created my own website in 2004 which displays an online art gallery and my Mohawk College portfolio. I have also created a website in 2005 for local artists and creative businesses. Both those website are here. www. /

Lydia Di Franco Office Administration – General, 2005 Hi There! Lydia Di Franco here! Nothing too new in my life, just working away at my job as an Insolvency Administrator at 310 Debt / Herpers Chagani Gowling, Trustees in Bankruptcy. I’m actually very lucky that I found this job. Mohawk prepared me for an office job, but now that I have one, I’ve learned so much more than I ever thought possible. The insolvency knowledge that I have now isn’t something you can learn in a school, and it can be applied to practically any job, so I’m lucky that I now have this specialized knowledge. Thanks Mohawk, at getting my foot in the door, and having a rewarding career!

Brittany Gulliford Biotechnology Technician, 2010 I’d like to thank Mohawk College for being a great school to attend. The Chemical/Environmental/ Biotechnology faculty are the people who have helped me succeed. I’m currently working on another diploma and wouldn’t be where I am without a few select Biotechnology teachers. Thanks a lot Mohawk (specifically Mr. Dan Wilson, Mrs. Cindy Mehlenbacher and Dr. Vive!!) Sincerely, Brittany Gulliford

Keep In Touch Keep your Alumni Record current and up-to-date! Update your info online at

3URWHFWLRQ RI 3HUVRQDO ,QIRUPDWLRQ From time to time, you may be contacted either by mail, e-mail or phone by one of our services or benefits partners regarding one of our programs. Mohawk College is proud of its relationship with a number of trusted partners and service providers who have an established record of treating personal information with care and provide valuable services and benefits to our alumni. We appreciate you taking the time to learn about the programs and the latest offers available. We want to let you know that at no time will your name or contact information be shared with anyone not specifically authorized by Alumni Relations. Mohawk

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College respects the privacy of its alumni and the sensitivity of personal information. All of our partners sign strict confidentiality agreements with us prior to receiving any contact information. Should you wish to not be contacted about services and benefit programs, JUST CALL 905.575.2258 or e-mail and tell us you wish to OPT OUT of affinity marketing plans. Thank you for your interest and your participation in the services and benefits provided by the Alumni Association and the Alumni Relations Department.

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