Mohawk College Alumni In Touch Magazine - Spring 2010

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For Alumni & Friends of mohawk college

And the

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Editor Wendy Makey Design and Production Perspective Marketing Photography Terra Nova Imaging, John Guilfoyle, Daniel Banko, Simon Wilson Isabella-Rose Photography, Andrew Guild

Table of Contents

Contributors Diana Zanin, Wendy Makey, Jay Robb, Lidia Siino, Al Craig, Lesley Hardsand, Helen Maddick, Darren Desmarais, Michael Regan, Marianne Wilson, Rosemary Marsh, Lynn James, Kristy Ryerson, Laurie Cahill, Rene VanGendt, Brian Breckels, Martha Wallace, Lidia Siino, Al Craig, Rob Peace, Rebecca L. Wissenz, Steve Kosh, Karen Lavell, Kathy Inman

To update your Alumni Record, please contact: Phone: 905-575-2258 Fax: 905-575-2443 or the address above.

in every issue

Content Co-ordinator Kelly Dunham

Publications Mail Agreement Number 400065780 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Mohawk College, Alumni Relations Alumni House, P.O. Box 2034 Hamilton, ON L8N 3T2

8 27 31 38

Alumni Association Celebrates 25 years


Page 12 Three graduates of Mohawk’s Television Broadcasting Program have each won an Emmy Award for best Technical Team Remote in the Sports Broadcasting field. From left, Locke Eady, ‘03, Robbie Lumsden, ‘98, and Byron Young, ‘04, received this prestigious award for their hard work at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Editorial Advisory Board Cathy Collins, Chief Development Officer Wendy Makey, Manager, Alumni Relations Marilyn Gris, Manager, Student Recruitment Lidia Siino, Director, Alumni Association Council Joanne Tansley, Director, Alumni Association Council Kelly Dunham, Alumni Officer Lidia Siino, Employment and Communications Specialist, MCACES

In Touch is published semi-annually by the Alumni Relations Department at Mohawk College. This magazine is circulated to alumni and friends of Mohawk College. Ideas and opinions published or expressed in In Touch do not necessarily reflect those of Mohawk College, The Alumni Association, or the Editor.

Alumni of Distinction Reunion Weekend Mountaineer Weekend Olympic Torchbearers

Welcoming Words Alumni News and Events Around Campus Grad Grapevine

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in touch | SPRING 2010

cover story

Publisher Mohawk College Alumni Association

f e at u r e s

In Touch

W e l c o m i n g wo r d s

Mohawk alumni to shine in the decade ahead Rob MacIsaac President, Mohawk College

m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

While Mohawk alumni have made their mark for more than 40 years, this new decade will be your chance to shine. Over the next 10 years, employers and communities will be counting on you and your fellow Mohawk graduates more than ever before to get the job done; and here’s why. During the decade ahead, a record number of Baby Boomers will retire. As older workers call it a career, fewer young people will be joining the workforce. The Conference Board of Canada is forecasting that labour demand will start to outpace supply by the middle of the decade and set off critical labour shortages. In Hamilton alone, there could be as many as 50,000 vacant jobs by 2016. Good help is about to get much harder to find. We’re already seeing evidence of that here at Mohawk. A job fair held back in February attracted the most employers we’ve seen in five years and every one of those companies was hiring. The same held true at our bi-annual Meet the Grad Night for Engineering Technology students. The war for talent is heating up and employers who want the best and brightest are looking to Mohawk College. At the same time as labour shortages grow, a skills gap threatens to widen. Today’s global, knowledge-based economy is driven by technology and innovation. The most valuable resource and the hottest commodity in this economy is human capital. Now more than ever, people are the greatest competitive advantage for employers, communities and entire countries. Many of today’s students will have jobs and careers that don’t yet exist. Twenty years ago, few of us could have imagined the power of Google, Facebook and Twitter. We didn’t consider having a Global Positioning System in our hybrid cars, never mind on our iPhones. So it’s no surprise that we will need a highly skilled and

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highly educated workforce to create the industries of tomorrow. The Province of Ontario predicts that seven out of 10 new jobs will require some postsecondary education. While high school graduation and postsecondary participation rates are improving, there’s still a gap to close. And in Hamilton, half of all adults do not have any postsecondary education and a quarter do not have a high school diploma. Retraining and upskilling will be absolute priorities going forward. We simply cannot build a prosperous or sustainable community if people are getting left behind and employers can’t find skilled workers to get the job done. A critical labour shortage and growing skills gap could lead to a perverse scenario where we have jobs without people and people without jobs. Closing that divide is job one for Mohawk College and our graduates. In the decade ahead, Mohawk will be a prime job creating engine in our region. We will be teaching and training the next generation of inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs. The next generation of small business owners, industry leaders and community builders. To renew and grow our region’s talent pool, Mohawk is moving forward on three strategic priorities of quality, sustainability and innovation. We are relentlessly focused on delivering a quality education that is responsive to employer needs and ahead of industry trends. Along with quality teaching and superior service, Mohawk will give students great places to learn, collaborate and create. With renewal of our Stoney Creek and Fennell Campuses, Mohawk will have facilities that are as good as our students and staff. As a college that is committed to the principles of sustainability, we make decisions and measure our success against a triple bottom line of social, environmental and financial accountability. By living within our means today, Mohawk will be well positioned to seize tomorrow’s opportunities. We also

Mohawk alumni will be at the forefront of creating jobs, wealth and prosperity in our community. It takes the power of partnerships to transform students into highly skilled, future-ready graduates. Now more than ever, as Mohawk alumni can make a real difference in your college and in our community. From serving on program advisory committees and providing co-ops, field placements and jobs to investing in scholarships and bursaries and supporting the renewal of our campuses, you can help train the next generation of Mohawk alumni – a generation who will follow your lead and continue your work in making our community an even better and greater place to call home.

MOHAWK COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION COUNCIL 2009 – 2011 SLATE OF OFFICERS Diana Zanin, ‘80 Chair Business Administration

Dana McNamee, ‘06 Director Business Marketing

Steve Marsh, ‘81 Vice Chair Law & Security

Erin Kimbell, ‘07 Director Business Marketing

Joanne Tansley, ‘04 Director Office Administration Executive

Ali Shahidi, ‘03 Director Computer Science Technology

Sandra Ireland, ‘90 Director Nursing

Samara Bartels, ‘04 Director Police Foundations

Amos Key, ‘76 Director Communication Arts Radio & Television

Sandi Richardson, ‘71 Past Chair Early Childhood Education

John Marshall, ‘71 Director Mechanical Drafting Technician

Alan Griffiths President Mohawk Students’ Association

The Alumni Association thanks these individuals for their valued contributions to Alumni activities, committees and meetings. On behalf of the Alumni of Mohawk College, we appreciate your dedication.

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W e l c o m i n g wo r d s m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

recognize that Mohawk has a responsibility to the communities we serve and putting a College education within the reach of all students who have unlimited potential yet limited means is an absolute priority. With a focus on innovation, Mohawk will introduce new and better ways of teaching and serving our students. We are going to immerse our students in a culture of innovation and ignite a life-long spirit of entrepreneurship. When they graduate and join the workforce, Mohawk alumni will have the drive and determination, the self-discipline and self-confidence and the courage and curiosity that are the hallmarks of all successful entrepreneurs. Whether starting new businesses or helping established companies to grow and move up the value chain,

W e l c o m i n g wo r d s

Meeting your needs as we continue to grow Diana Zanin Chair, Mohawk College Alumni Association

m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

It’s a different time this 2010. Looking back over the last 25 years, who would have foreseen the misfortunes of this economic breakdown? Or did we? It is much easier, though, to deal with what we do know and that is that Mohawk College proves to be the economic engine of our local community and beyond. Many of us baby boomers are grappling with hard decisions: “do I retire or not?” Or perhaps the question we should be asking ourselves is, “can we?” As Alumni, how will we ride the wave of the tsunami that we know is already here? Surely, I am not telling you something that you don’t already know. Rob MacIsaac, President of Mohawk College, states that Mohawk College will be the prime job creating engine in our region as we face the largest disconnect of labour and skills. Mohawk Alumni Association, like Mohawk College, aligns itself with these strategic priorities: quality, innovation, and sustainability. As the college focuses on introducing new and better ways of teaching and serving existing students, the Alumni Council is improving the way we can best meet the needs of our Alumni. A recently conducted survey highlighted that Alumni want access to services with regard to job searching. As a result, we are currently investigating how we can expand our access to the existing Job Centre at Mohawk College, which offers career exploration, resume assistance and assessment services. In regard to focusing on sustainability, we continue to grow our current relationships with affinity partners: Johnson Insurance, Bank of Montreal, Jostens, Leader Frames, Upper James Toyota, Soft Moc, Campus Living Centres and welcome our newest partnerships with Alumni Insurance Services, National/Enterprise and Alamo Car Rental, National Group Mortgage and Advantage INtravel. Without the support of our affinity partners Mohawk Alumni would not be able to sustain the financial needs to provide representation to our 85,000 alumni. Look for affinity details in this issue of In Touch,visit our website at www.mohawkcollege/alumni or call our Alumni office to assist with your needs.

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Technology is the hallmark of our current generation; how we use it for the next generation of Alumni will be of paramount importance. The Alumni Council is working diligently to provide an Alumni website that is creative, accessible and reflects the requirement to meet the social as well as business needs of our Alumni. Over the next few months, the Alumni office, like it has on many other occasions, will reach out to many of you. In addition to participating, but more importantly supporting our very successful Annual Golf Tournament and Alumni of Distinction Awards Night, we will be seeking your interest in becoming involved in program advisory committees, providing co-ops, field placements and jobs for current students. Additionally, we will be providing opportunities to support students through investing in scholarships and bursaries that will help our next generation of Mohawk Alumni. The Mohawk College Alumni Council will continue to be the catalyst for a life long relationship between Mohawk College and its Alumni. Join me and my council to ensure that these words do not go forgotten. We can, as a team, and with your input and feedback, work together to make a difference, a real difference in our community and beyond. Your comments are welcome at

KEEP IN TOUCH! Keep your Alumni Record current and up-to-date! To update your Alumni Record, please contact: Phone: 905-575-2258 Fax: 905-575-2443 Email: Mohawk College Alumni Relations, Alumni House P.O. Box 2034 Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3T2

Do you know

a Mohawk grad who has that


extra something ?

Someone who you think

deserves to be recognized for his or her great work & achievements

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Well, what are you waiting for? The Mohawk Alumni Association is now accepting nominations for the 2010 Alumni of Distinction Awards.

Nominations are due by June 11, 2010. Recipients will receive their award at the Alumni of Distinction Awards Dinner in January, 2011.


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Dynamite Dinner for 2009 Alumni of Distinction A l u m n i NE W S m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Written by Rebecca L. Wissenz

Rebecca Wissenz and Bill Kelly

The evening was simply splendid! The Alumni Association pulled out all the stops in hosting the 2009 Alumni of Distinction Awards Dinner at Michelangelos on January 21, 2010. Recipients and their families were treated to a beautiful predinner reception, complete with champagne, hors d’oeuves, music and a photo shoot. As a very proud wife of a recipient, I was impressed and touched that such consideration and care was shown to the six recipients and their families, too. Every award winner received the message, loud and clear, that their ongoing contributions to their communities are very much appreciated and that they are held in high regard indeed, for the things they have accomplished since graduating from Mohawk College. Annette Hamm deftly guided us through the evening with grace and charm. While we enjoyed a delicious prime-rib dinner, we watched truly professional video vignettes about each of the recipients. Filmed and produced by Tweedle Productions in advance of the evening, the videos were entertaining, informative, and introspective about these truly fabulous individuals. After receiving their beautiful award, each recipient followed with a heartwarming and inspirational address. Their speeches made us laugh a lot, and tear up a little too. The six award winners were as unique as their stories were compelling. We left this wonderful event knowing full well why Bill Kelly, Cathy Cardy, Gord Lewis, Sarah Moir, Karyn Callaghan and Susan Gregoroff were named the very worthy recipients of Mohawk’s Alumni of Distinction Awards. This highly respected institution of higher learning has an incredible legacy in these distinguished Alumni and the many that have come before them.

Sitting; Ali Shadidi, ‘03, Ben Bartels, ‘01, Samara Bartels, ’04, past recipient Cathy Wellwood, ’99. Standing: past recipient Don MacVicar, ‘04 , past recipient Ward Dilse, ’86, Shannon Dilse, Jay Robb and Ken Wallis.

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alumni m o h aW k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e




thank you: Special Thanks to our Sponsors: Event Sponsor: Johnson Insurance

Recipient & Past Recipient Reception Sponsor: Michelangelo Banquet Centre 1. Sophia Aggelonitis, Minister of consumer Services. 2. Past recipients John Lafferty, ‘76 and John Marshall, ‘71. 3. Lori Moulden, Lisa Scott, and past recipient ted Scott, ‘88. 4. Past recipient, Brenda Flaherty, ‘80, Kathy hays, and past recipient, Patti Leonard, ‘76. 5. Sitting: Ernie Eberhard, Governor, Pat McKay, past recipient, Diana Zanin, ‘80, President Rob Macisaac. Standing: Emcee Annette hamm, ‘87, MSA President, Alan Griffiths, ‘09, Fran Agnew and Maureen Adamson. 6. Past recipient, Diane Barrafato, ‘80, and Angela Gravelle.

Life Size Photo Sponsor: Bank of Montreal

Wine Sponsor: national Group Mortgage Photography Sponsor: Data Media Floral Sponsor: Mary’s Flowers Entertainment Sponsor: Jostens

AV Equipment Sponsor: Mohawk College Public Safety and Security

Coat Check Sponsor: Mohawk College Enterprise

in touch | SPRinG 2010 9

Services for Alumni Services for Alumni Satisfied with Services

And the Survey Says… Satisfied with Services

Unsatisfied with Services

Unsatisfied with

A l u m n i NE W S m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Mohawk graduates Services give high marks for the services offered by Alumni Relations

Alumni by Graduating Year Completing Survey

Alumni by Graduating Year Completing Survey 2000-2009 1990-1999 1980-1989 1967-1979


the location, programming, quality and overall value of the experience. Survey results also showed that four out of 10 alumni stay connected with one to three fellow alumni after graduation. Recent graduates are more likely to stay connected with even more alumni through social media such as Facebook, text messaging and email. Informed and In Touch are keeping alumni connected with Mohawk, with 28 per cent of recent graduates and 44 per cent of 20th century graduates receiving and reading the Informed e-newsletter, and 75 per cent of recent graduates and 92 per cent of 20th century grads receiving and reading In Touch, the bi-annual magazine.

In the Fall of 2009, Mohawk graduates were invited to fill out an online survey and give feedback about their awareness, satisfaction and interest levels with Alumni Association programming and services. A cross section of Alumni from varying graduation years provided input. “The survey gives us another way to stay connected and be responsive to the needs of Mohawk alumni,” says Wendy Makey, Manager of Alumni Relations. According to survey results, 90 perwith cent of Mohawk Alumni Satisfied are satisfied with services offered by the Alumni Association, Services from diploma frames, home, auto & travel insurance and Jostens rings to the Bank of Montreal Affinity Mastercard, Unsatisfied with merchandise, clothing and access to the Mohawk Job Centre. Services And 90 per cent of alumni who have attended events, such as the annual Alumni of Distinction Awards and Homecoming celebrations, report being satisfied with with

Programming, Quality and Value of Events

Programming, Quality and Value of Events

Services for Alumni Satisfied with Services Unsatisfied with Services

Satisfied with Satisfied Events Services Unsatisfied with Events Services

Going forward, Wendy Makey says the survey results highlighted an opportunity to further enhance the Alumni Association website and to communicate more often and in more ways with Mohawk’s over 85,000 alumni. An example of increased communications is the Informed e-newsletter, which has moved to a monthly distribution rather than a quarterly piece. To keep up-to-date on programs, services, events and activities offered by your Alumni Association via Informed, please update your email address with the Alumni Relations Office at or call 905.575.2080. As well, the alumni website –

Alumni by Graduating Year Completing Survey

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Did not indicate

Respondents by Age

Respondents Place of Residence Ontario


Outside Ontario


Outside Canada


Did not indicate


– has been transformed into an interactive and engaging site where graduates can easily navigate to find information on benefits, services, awards, events and activities. Links to Alumni Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts can be found on

Respondents by Age

the home page to encourage Alumni to stay connected. Thank you to all graduates who took the time to complete the 2009 survey. Your feedback, input and comments will assist the Alumni Association in planning for the future.

Under 25 25-30

31-40 Mohawk College Alumni Association presents the 41-50

Includes: Breakfast Round of Golf Shared Power Cart Driving Range Lunch Corporate Gift Chances at Door Prizes Top Team Awards Specialty Hole Contests



Mohawk College Alumni G O L F C L A S S I C



6:45am Registration and Breakfast 8:00am Shot Gun Start $600 per team or $150 per person

REGISTER TODAY! Online or call 905.575.2258

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alumni neWs m o h aW k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Under 25

A l u m n i NE W S m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Former Mohawk students win Emmy gold By Rob Peace News Editor, The Satellite Hard work, determination and solid academic training pays off. Three former Mohawk College students, Emmy awards in hand, can prove it. Locke Eady, Byron Young and Robbie Lumsden are graduates of Mohawk’s Television Broadcasting program. They have won the coveted golden statuette for their work at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. They, with the rest of their technical team at NBC, were nominated and won in the Outstanding Technical Team Remote category. “I was throttled. Blown away,” said Lumsden at the recognition gala at Hamilton’s Westside Concert Theatre. “It is something that is talked about in the industry, winning an Emmy award, so I felt extremely fortunate to have actually won one. I feel blessed and privileged.” Brooke Eady is the president of Broadcast Services International Inc. (BSI), a family-run company based in Burlington for which her brother is a Partner and the Vice President of Operations. Lumsden is her step brother. Young is a close friend and a co-worker within the industry, and has been friends with her brother since high school. “We hire both Lumsden and Young frequently as independent contractors on our productions,” she said. “My father Jim Eady is CEO and founder of BSI, and works fulltime for NBC Olympics Inc. as the Senior On-site Technical Manager. He hired all three as part of his NBC Technical team for the Beijing Olympics. They have all worked very hard for their recognition. They have been working together in this

Celebrating with Emmys in hand.

12 in touch | SPRING 2010

Emmy party held in November.

capacity since the Athens Olympics, and with each event they become a stronger team. They are all thrilled, yet very humble and very modest.” Brooke and Locke’s father, Jim Eady, is no stranger to the pomp and circumstance that comes along with such an achievement. He has won a total of seven Emmy Awards – five of which in the same category that his son was recognized in this year. He joined the three winners in Beijing as the On Site Technical Manager with NBC. He said that the three have been very focused for a long time on what they wanted to do with their college training, and that very soon after their graduation from Mohawk, they took over BSI with their own peer group. “The guys were really stoked,” says Jim. “They had no idea until they won. I hadn’t even told them that their names had been put forward for the award. Many people are nominated. Few win.”

He described that the working conditions the three men endured while in China were less than optimal, and that the restrictive nature of the country sometimes made the simplest of chores take days and required incredible patience. He said that is was also some of the most dangerous work that they have ever done. “Beijing was a very tough gig for the guys. Safety standards there are not what we enjoy at home. They spent many nights hanging under the lighting grids, trying to strap cameras to the roof only to have the entire place end up as one giant firestorm in the first minutes of the Opening Ceremonies”, says Jim. “We are all glad that episode is behind us. In the end, the pictures were magnificent. They were leaders and not followers in Beijing and that’s why they got the nod for the Emmy.” Locke Eady said that since television broadcasting is his family business, it inspired him to follow in the same field. He said that the classes he took at Mohawk College contributed to his accomplishments. Everything that he learned here, he said, provided “the building blocks for a foundation to be successful.” Eady’s two co-winners and alumni recognize the same. Lumsden said that “Mohawk gave a taste of every element of television, and it allowed me to get my hands on each portion.” Young agrees, saying that the college gave him “a general appreciation for the field as a whole.” He expanded on his chosen career path, and said that he feels that the three of them “really make a difference. We’re not doctors saving lives or finding the cure to a disease, but

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A l u m n i NE W S m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Paul Gris wearing the Gold Medal from the Men’s Volleyball, shortly after the Championship game, which he produced for NBC.

everyone watches television. And we’re a part of that.” Coordinator of the Television Broadcasting program Ron Binns said recently, on behalf of the faculty that had a hand in training Eady, Young and Lumsden, that he is “pretty excited” that the former Mohawk students have gone on to enjoy such accolades within the television industry. “It speaks to their drive and their success. We’re delighted to have been associated with them. They were all excellent students in the program. I want to be humble about it, but I think Mohawk should share a little bit of that success as well.” One man, still associated with the college, is for certain; Paul Gris, in addition to being a Mohawk College alum himself, is a part-time instructor in the Television Broadcasting program. He also won an Emmy Award this year for his work with NBC at the Summer Olympics last year in Beijing. He graduated in 2007, and a work placement at Molstar Sports and Entertainment in his final year led to being employed there as a production assistant. Since 2005, he has run his own company as a freelance television producer and director. “I never really thought that a kid growing up in Burlington, Ontario was ever going to get sent to China to produce a venue and then win an Emmy. To me it was a huge deal. But the way I feel that I earned it at all is that I was asked to go to Beijing. I was just proud to be a part of the NBC team.” Gris said that his work on producing the indoor volleyball event in China was the last event to be televised on NBC prior to the closer. 34 million viewers tuned in to see the event that he helped get on the air. “That’s the population of Canada. That’s not something that I ever could have dreamed of.” He shares company with Eady, Young and Lumsden for an Emmy win this year, but also for remaining modest about the achievement. “I haven’t publicized it,” says Gris. “I’m very proud about what he and NBC did, but it was a team effort. I couldn’t have put myself in the position to win without our director, our camera crew, our great announcers and technical staff who all had to buy into the message.” Largely, however, he knows that staying open to all opportunities ultimately determines his success. “If someone comes to me with an opportunity, hopefully I’m smart enough to say I’ll take it. If I’ve got three people watching, or if I’ve got 3 million, 30 million - it doesn’t matter. I don’t change what I’m doing. On a small show I don’t do less than I do on a big show.” Regarding that solid academic training noted earlier, Gris won’t disagree. “Mohawk was able to teach me all of the fundamentals that I would ever need to get my first job, which is the most important thing,” says Gris. “What I was able to learn here has helped me far past the first job.” These four Emmy winners are a testament to that.

A l u m n i NE W S m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Bringing Together Education and Nature at Long Point Eco-Adventures By Kristy Ryerson, ‘07 Point World Biosphere and Turkey Point Marsh as well as a 40-foot repel! Along with the canopy tours, you can rent kayaks and canoes for a full or half day and enjoy all that Lake Erie has to offer. Dave Pond who just recently celebrated his 25 year reunion, is the Co-Founder of Long Point Eco-Adventures and graduated from the Business program at Mohawk College in 1984. As a student at Mohawk, Dave took a keen interest in the finance and marketing courses, which he found Dave Pond, sitting on knee, with his Business Administration classmates from 1984. to be “instrumental programs” in his education. He remarked Imagine sitting in a kayak, the warm sun beating down that the marketing courses taught him to, “always have on your face and listening to your paddle dip into the cool a plan and to work that plan.” Along the way he has taken water, feeling the warm breeze rustle the trees and push past the key teachings of these courses and implemented them your face as you zip through the Carolinian forest or looking into his business ventures as well as the development of the into the clear night and counting each of the constellations. Eco-Adventures park. When asked what advice he would give If any of these adventures sound exciting, then Long Point a student in the business program at Mohawk, he said that Eco-Adventures in Norfolk County is the perfect destination students should, “have confidence in the education you are for you! getting and set your sights high as you go into the workforce.” Five years in the making, from the purchase of the land to For Dave, Mohawk gave him the stepping stones to begin the grand opening in July 2009, Long Point Eco-Adventures and continue a successful career. As well, he developed the has been a popular destination for thrill seekers and nature lovnecessary tools to promote the five year project of making a ers alike. In just one season, an impressive 4,000 people have truly unique Eco-Adventure experience for everyone to enjoy. enjoyed the ziplines and canopy tours. The Eco-Adventure feaHis education taught him not to settle for less and to always tures eight ziplines that travel through the Carolinian Forest, keep looking for the next business venture. two sky bridges, 14 viewing platforms that overlook the Long Mr. Pond’s business philosophy has served him well in the

14 in touch | SPRING 2010

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in touch | SPRinG 2010 1

alumni neWs m o h aW k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

on the internet for easy accessibility. This publication will give Long Point Eco-Adventures international exposure that is sure to bring adventure seekers from all over! If feature covers and being published wasn’t enough, Long Point Eco-Adventures was also recognized by Mazda’s “Zoom Zoom” newsletter and the Mazda Canada website. This past summer a group of Mazda Canada’s employees took the new 2010 C-X7 to the park to see how it would handle and test out the new perks of a “greener” vehicle. Along with an article called, “Birds on a Wire,” a recording of the highlights of the trip can be seen in a short video on the “Zoom Zoom” website, which shows an overview of the activities they enjoyed. Long Point Eco-Adventures has been very successful in their first year of business. Dave attributes much of his success to his wife Heather and two boys Eric and Scott who are very supportive of the project. With all the support around them, we are sure to see great things from this local destination. As a graduate from Mohawk College, Dave shows that goal setting, having confidence in your abilities and always having a plan can lead you in the direction of life-fulfilling success.



business community he said one should, “always look through the eyes of the consumer to ensure a positive experience for them.” This has been clearly demonstrated in the wide variety of activities that Long Point Eco-Adventures offers to the public. Dave suggested one key aspect for the successful opening of any business: “finding the right partner to work with is critical and my business partner Mike McArthur has the same business philosophies as I do and this makes working together easy.” When asked what the future of Eco-Adventures holds, Dave responded they want “to provide a world class destination point in Norfolk county that people from all over can enjoy.” Recently, Long Point Eco-Adventures has received many awards including, “Entrepreneur of the Year from Norfolk County,” which is “coordinated by Norfolk County’s Tourism & Economic Development Division to honour enterprising people whose businesses have made a difference in the municipality.” As well, they are featured as an anchor for the Ministry of Tourism’s annual Ontario Tourism’s Calendar for 2010. Another exciting privilege was the offer from Attractions Ontario’s magazine who selected them for a feature cover. This popular destination guide publishes over 100,000 copies and is circulated throughout Ontario and the Great Lakes region on the Canadian and America boarder. For those who are not in these regions, the magazine is also available

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9 1

Men’s Alumni Basketball during Alumni Weekend.


Amazing MORACE Participants during Weeks of Welcome, September 15, 2009


President MacIsaac and Fall 2009 Convocation Speaker Albert Duwyn, ’78, a graduate from the Architectural Technology program.


Recreation Leadership Class of 1984, Bernetta Scime, Kerry Baertsoen, Mike Breuls and Mary Melymuka.


The Marcini Family (Ally, Marcy, ’95 and Len, ’96) popped by the Holiday Open House


Alumni and Students at the Hamilton Santa Claus Parade


Students enjoying corn on the cob during MOSTOCK, September 2009

4 5

IKEA Bus Trip during Weeks of Welcome Alumni Council members enjoying the Ti-cat game


Alumni, Students and Friends at the Mohawk College tents during the Ti-cat Game on Labour Day

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A l u m n i NE W S m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e


A l u m n i NE W S m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

18 in touch | SPRING 2010

“The ABCs of Forks, Knives, and Toasting” was the focus of the Etiquette Dinner featuring instruction on business and social etiquette on Tuesday, November 24th at Michelangelos Banquet Centre. It was a sold out event for Students, Alumni and Staff. The four-course dinner gave participants a chance to brush up on their table manners and learn tips that would help them enhance their careers and personal lives. Each fall the Etiquette Dinner is hosted by the Alumni Association, which helps participants feel more comfortable with the mechanics and protocol of power lunches and business dinners. All participants dressed in semi-formal business attire and our Alumni Council members served as table hosts, while Fatima Di Vantin guided us through the meal and answered questions.

“I used to be so intimidated going to upscale restaurants for work dinners as well as in my personal life; but after going to the etiquette dinner, I feel much more comfortable. I wasn’t really sure what to expect in terms of atmosphere, but the whole evening was very relaxed and comfortable. We were served a delicious four course meal. Fatima walked around and gave us tips on everything from how to properly eat soup, what to do with your utensils after each course and whose job it is to toast the host. Fatima worked hard to answer everyone’s questions throughout the evening; she was so inviting and non judgemental, I even asked silly questions that I always wanted to know the answer to. I had a great time, I would suggest the etiquette dinner to anyone. It is a fun night with great food and I learned so much! I am not sure if I will remember everything I learned, but at least I know how to pass the salt and pepper, PROPERLY. Do you?” Candice Gardner, ‘05

Alumni polishing up their etiquette skills.

“I love dressing up. The hair, the nails, the shoes, and of course…the dress. There is only one problem about being a tomboy who likes fancy places; I tend to eat as fast as I can with my elbows on the table. I think it is safe to say the Etiquette Dinner saved my social future. As a Mohawk Students’ Association representative, I am often invited to elegant social events to mix and mingle with college executives and community partners. It was an absolute pleasure to learn proper table etiquette alongside my peers, alumni and college staff. The evening was a total success and the MSA students at my table had so much fun “snickering” at each other for making silly mistakes like putting your hands below the table, passing the salt without the pepper or scooping soup without using the windmill technique. Thank you to the Alumni Association who made the night such a success; I truly hope to see this fun and educational event continue here at Mohawk College.” Kat Cullen Applied Arts Director Mohawk Students’ Association

Students and Alumni at the etiquette dinner.

in touch | SPRING 2010 19

A l u m n i NE W S m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Etiquette Dinner

Preferred Mortgage Rates for Alumni of Mohawk College

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National Group Mortgage Program is a company of registered Mortgage Agents licensed with Argentum Mortgages FSCO No. 11892

20 in touch | SPRinG 2010

Alumni Benefits, Services and Rewards Your connection to Mohawk doesn’t end with graduation. As an alumnus, you receive many great services that you can use throughout your life. From alumni events, reunions, network connections and mentoring opportunities to the In Touch magazine, the monthly Informed e-newsletter and our full-service website, our programs have your needs in mind. Funding for our services comes from four sources: the College’s operating student/budget alumni fees, revenues from our affinity partners, events and merchandise sales. Our travel, mortgage, credit card, ring, and insurance partners provide services to you, and provide us with financial and marketing support for our programs. The Mohawk Alumni Association’s affinity partners have been carefully reviewed and selected by both the Association’s Advisory Council and by the College’s legal counsel. They offer top-quality services to college, university and professional organizations, with value to you as the highest priority. Mohawk College Alumni Relations complies with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Statement of Ethics. The success of our programs depends on your participation. We invite you to learn more about our offerings by reviewing the information below.

ADVAntAGE IntRAVEl Advantage INTRAVEL would like to welcome Mohawk College to its Travel Affinity Program. Book package vacations, hotels, car rentals, air flights and travel insurance all on the Mohawk Alumni website.

VALU (8258) and identify yourself as a Mohawk Supporter.


Critical Illness Critical Illness can strike without warning and put more than your health at risk! Alumni Insurance Services offers you a Critical Illness plan that will give you advantages: • • • • • • •

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Go to to apply now.

Health and Dental Program Finding affordable Health and Dental protection is no longer impossible! Our Alumni Insurance Services program offers you the AlumniPlus benefits program. It lets you choose the coverage that’s right for you, offering three levels of protection to fit your needs and budget: Good, Better or Best, all available with or without Dental coverage. No medical examination is required. Protect you and your family’s health. Go to to apply now.


One Stop Travel Shopping Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Mohawk supporters will all benefit from the competitive pricing being offered on the Mohawk/ INTRAVEL site. Feel confident making your travel bookings with Mohawk and Advantage INTRAVEL knowing your investment is protected by TICO. See for yourself the benefits of having access to INTRAVEL’s Top 40 Deals, where you can book your last minute vacation holiday for up to 60% off published prices! PLUS, when booking with INTRAVEL, a percentage of your booking will be donated back to the Mohawk Alumni Association. So WHY NOT support Mohawk and book your travel with Mohawk and Advantage. Watch your Mohawk Alumni website for the Advantage INTRAVEL booking tool coming soon! In the meantime get away today by calling 1-800-909-

With the Mohawk College Alumni Association MasterCard from BMO Bank of Montreal, every purchase you make helps support current and future alumni programs with no additional cost to you. In addition, the card offers valuable benefits that personally reward you for using the card! The Mohawk College affinity MasterCard offers four product choices. Whether you’re looking for great value in a card or are interested in higher levels of rewards, there are excellent product options to consider.

in touch | SPRinG 2010 21

alumni neWs m o h aW k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Benefit From Your Mohawk College Alumni Association

A l u m n i NE W S m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

No Fee or Gold AIR MILES MasterCard No Fee or Premium CashBack MasterCard.

John’s, NL, Johnson Inc. is one of Canada’s leading and fastest growing providers of insurance.

If you don’t have a BMO Mohawk College MasterCard yet, we invite you to review the BMO MasterCard features online at If you already have one, we hope you are enjoying the personal rewards from using the card.

Visit Johnson Inc. online at or call 1-800-563-0677 for a no-obligation quote on your home or auto insurance.

Travel Insurance Make the choice that matters. Help support the Mohawk College Alumni Association by applying today and selecting the card that’s right for you. P.S.: To switch your BMO MasterCard to a BMO Mohawk College MasterCard, call 1-800-263-2263.

Enterprise Rent A Car and National Car Rental

Mohawk College Alumni Association announces partnership with Enterprise Rent A Car and National Car Rental.

Enjoy Peace of Mind when you travel with MEDOC® Travel Insurance! Members of Mohawk College Alumni Association get rates that may be much less than purchasing through a travel agency. MEDOC Travel Insurance features: Up to $5,000,000 Emergency Medical Coverage, Trip Cancellation/Interruption, and 24/7 Multilingual Assistance Hotline. For more details call 1-866-606-3362 or visit MEDOC® is a registered trademark of Johnson Inc. MEDOC is underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada and is administered by Johnson Inc. Johnson Inc. and Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada share common ownership.

Leader Frames After formal review, Mohawk College Alumni Association is happy to announce the launch of our new partnership with Enterprise Rent A Car and National Car Rental. Our agreement with Enterprise and National is to provide Mohawk College Alumni Association travelers with car rental services across North America. Our partnership begins immediately. The decision to adopt both the Enterprise and the National brands means access to the largest car rental fleet in the country, discounted rates on car classes across Canada and the USA and the best attributes of both brands. Watch out for further information regarding booking sites and our preferred customer code!

Leader Frames is proud to be associated with the Mohawk College Alumni Association by providing its alumni with sustainable and environmentally friendly frames, to showcase their achievement with distinction. As a leader in the framing industry Leader Frames continues to support various projects and events at Mohawk including the Mohawk College Alumni Golf Classic and the Alumni of Distinction Awards, while providing 24/7 service to Mohawk’s alumni and their framing requirements.

MOHAWK COLLEGE Johnson Insurance Inc.

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As a member of the Mohawk College Alumni Association, you can take advantage of Johnson Inc.’s Preferred Service HomeAuto Plan.

Free access with Alumni card to Campus Recreation programs and activities.

Mohawk Fitness Centre (at Student Residence) Johnson Inc. is a national provider of insurance and benefits. With origins dating back more than 125 years, Johnson Inc. has more than 1200 employees in over 65 locations across the country. The company prides itself on offering award-winning customer service and has been recognized as the world leader in customer relationship management. Headquartered in St.

22 in touch | SPRING 2010

$15 monthly fee for Alumni. Fitness classes are available at a small additional fee.

Mohawk Gymnasium (Brantford and Fennell) Free access with Alumni card to weight room and exercise equipment.

The Job Centre at Mohawk College offers our students and graduates a broad range of Job Search support beginning in first semester. Our virtual services are yours forever, and our personal service is available up to a year after you graduate.

Discounted ALUMNI rates for hotel-like accommodations located on Fennell Campus and at other Residence and Conference Centre locations in Ontario. Suites include two private bedrooms, a kitchenette & private bathroom.

Providing professional assistance with: Resumes, Cover Letters, Career Portfolios, Interview Preparation, and Job Search Strategies. Visit our Virtual Job Centre at

On-site fitness centre, movie theatre and meeting space available to groups and individuals. Discounted ALUMNI rate includes FREE breakfast & parking.

FREE Alumni ID Card

soFt MoC shoEs

You will need an Alumni ID Card to access most alumni services. To obtain your Alumni Card, you are encouraged to go to any Student Life Office at any campus.

20% discount off of regular priced merchandise, 10% discount on sale merchandise, which includes in store and online purchases.

Mohawk College Library Access to Library Resources with Alumni Card.


Mohawk College Open Access Ability to use Open Access labs with Alumni Card.

nAtIonAl GRoup MoRtGAGE Save thousands on your Mortgage. Alumni Relations is pleased to announce a formal agreement with National Group Mortgage as our chosen partner for providing Mohawk College Alumni with access to preferred group rates on their mortgage. National Group Mortgage Program offers one-stop convenience and impartial advice on a wide range of innovative products for first-time home buyers, refinancing, debt consolidation and more. They will help you get the best rate from the lender of your choice with the financial flexibility you deserve. For more information, visit

Exclusive Mohawk College pricing of New Vehicles at only 4.5% over dealer’s invoice. Graduate rebate program available for between $500-$1,000. Proof of graduation required.

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Call or contact us today to save thousands on your mortgage.

REsIDEnCE & ConFEREnCE CEntRE Mohawk College Residence & Conference Centre 245 Fennell Ave. West Hamilton, ON L9C 7V7 Tel: (905) 385-3200 – 1-877-225-8664

KEEP IN TOUCH! Keep your Alumni Record current and up-to-date! To update your Alumni Record, please contact: Phone: 905-575-2258 Fax: 905-575-2443 Email: Mohawk College Alumni Relations, Alumni House P.O. Box 2034 Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3T2

in touch | SPRinG 2010 2

alumni neWs m o h aW k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Mohawk College Job Centre

Does it really matter which credit card you use?

Dear Mohawk College Graduate; Yes, it really does matter, and here’s why. When you choose the Mohawk College MasterCard from BMO Bank of Montreal, every purchase you make supports current and future student and alumni programs with no additional cost to you. BMO Bank of Montreal is one of Mohawk’s valued affinity partners. Over the last few years, your Alumni Association has worked with BMO Bank of Montreal to build a successful affinity credit card program… one that not only generates revenue to support our work, but also offers valuable loyalty rewards that personally benefit you for using the card! The Mohawk College affinity card offers four product choices, a No Fee or Gold AIR MILES MasterCard and a No Fee or Premium CashBack MasterCard. Whether you’re looking for great value in a card or are interested in higher levels of rewards, there are excellent options to consider. If you don’t have a BMO Mohawk College MasterCard yet, we invite you to review the BMO MasterCard features online at If you already have one, we hope you are enjoying the personal rewards from using the card. Make the choice that matters. Please help support the Mohawk College Alumni Association by applying today and selecting the card that’s right for you.

Wendy Makey Manager, Alumni Relations



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Reward yourself.

around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Student group passes radio station over to college Both sides are calling it a good deal as Mohawk College’s 40-year-old radio station passes from the hands of its student government and into the domain of the college itself. The station, once called CHMR and now known as Indi 101, covers a radius of about 50 kilometres broadcasting at 101.5 FM. After reviewing all of its services last summer, the Mohawk Students’ Association concluded the station’s listeners were mainly nonstudents in their 30s. The Association also determined it needed to put more into connecting to students with digital communication and social media, said president Alan Griffiths. “Turning over the station frees up the resources to do that,” he said. At the same time, the College was looking for a better way to get true airtime for its broadcasting students, who now do much of their practical training on a closed-circuit campus station. “There’s so much benefit to it,” said Sam Cook, Coordinator of Mohawk’s Radio Broadcasting program. “Students will actually be able to take what they’re learning

in their first year and be in a situation where they’re in the onair chair, being broadcast on the airwaves, which is a huge deal for us.” The change will also create many more curriculum links to programs such as music, advertising and public relations, said Ken Wallis, Associate Dean of Media Studies. The faculty becomes home to the station after April 30. “At the College, we’re trying to build living labs, and this fits into that whole philosophy perfectly,” Wallis said. Listeners should not notice much of a change, he explained, since many of the same students who had volunteered at the station will now be at the controls as part of their course work. Existing staff and other volunteers will also travel with the station as it moves from the student centre to its new home in the faculty. Wallis said the licence for the station makes it clear it is open to all College students and it will remain that way. The station will continue to be operated by the Mohawk College Radio Corporation, which will be reconstituted to reflect the changeover.

Congratulations Donna Rawlin & Brad Bowman Donna Rawlin, Associate Dean of Health Sciences at Mohawk College, is the 2010 recipient of the Dorothy Wylie Graduate Fellowship Award from the Nursing Leadership Network of Ontario. The network promotes the educational activities related to the professional development needs of nurse leaders and promotes research activities related to nursing leadership issues. The Dorothy Wylie Graduate Fellowship Award is given to a recipient who is studying on a full-time basis in a graduate program in nursing or a related field and demonstrates significant interest in the area of nursing leadership.

Mohawk Professor Brad Bowman has received the FEF/AFS Distinguished Professor Award at the 2009 Foundry Education Foundation’s College Industry Conference. The annual conference, attended by executives, professors and students, is dedicated to metalcasting research and development. Caption: FEF/AFS Distinguished Professor Award presented to Brad Bowman FEF Key Professor Mohawk College (left) by Jerry Call the Executive Vice President of the American Foundry Association. Note: FEF Foundry Educational Foundation

26 in touch | SPRING 2010

Reunion Weekend

Boat Cruise

Saturday, June 19, 2010 The Arnold “Arnie” Centre, Mohawk College & Hamilton Harbour Time: 4:00 pm – Celebration of the 25 Year Club and other milestones (1980, 1985, 2000, 2005) Tours, Registration and Cocktails 5:30 pm – Transportation to Hamilton Harbour Tours 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm – Boat Cruise and Dinner 8:30 pm – Return to College Cost: $50.00 To Register call 905-575-2258

Come Celebrate your milestone with us!

Join us for Mohawk Day at the Ticats!





Game time 6:30pm. Touchdown for the Ticats!

Ticats vs Saskatchewan in touch | SPRING 2010 27

around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Meet Mohawk’s gold medal Dean Team Mohawk has recruited a new team of Deans to further build and bolster the College’s connections with industry and community partners. The Deans are also charged with the responsibility of keeping Mohawk responsive to employer needs and ahead of the curve on industry trends. If you have any partnership-building ideas and opportunities, the Deans are always looking to connect with Mohawk Alumni.

Paul Armstrong Dean of Community & Urban Studies ( Paul, a Mohawk alumnus, has been with the College for 18 years in progressive leadership roles. Most recently, Paul was Executive Dean at Brantford and successfully implemented a revitalization plan that grew enrolment to more than 2,000 students and moved 400 Human Services students to downtown Brantford.

Rick Court Dean of Business, Media & Entertainment ( Rick joined Mohawk after a successful career in launching, growing and leading several successful business ventures. Rick holds an MBA from McMaster University, where he also serves on the Advisory Council for the DeGroote School of Business. Rick is also Chair of the Board of Directors with the Art Gallery of Hamilton. Check out Rick’s blog at

28 in touch | SPRING 2010

Piero Cherubini Dean of Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship ( Piero joined Mohawk more than six years ago from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities where he served 10 years as a Program Coordinator. Under Piero’s leadership, apprentice enrolment has grown more than 50 per cent, establishing Mohawk as Ontario’s largest apprenticeship trainer.

Dr. Nandini Daljit Dean of Health Sciences ( Nandini joined Mohawk from George Brown College where she was a Director with the Faculty of Community Services and Health Sciences. Nandini has also worked at Sheridan College and the Ontario Provincial Police. Nandini holds a Doctorate in Education, specializing in Educational Leadership, from Central Michigan University.

Dean of Student Development ( Rachel most recently served as Mohawk’s Director of Student Services and Success Initiatives. A graduate of McMaster and Brock’s M.Ed. program, Rachel has held progressive leadership roles at the College, including chair of Mohawk’s Student Success, Neighbourhood Committee and Accessibility Planning teams. Rachel is working to develop a new student services model and centre at the Fennell Campus.

Tony Thoma Dean of Engineering Technology ( A graduate of McMaster, Brock and Western, Tony is a licensed engineer who has served in senior leadership positions within industry, including Vice President of Operations, Metalco Inc., and Global Technical Director at Westcast Industries. Tony currently serves on a Board Committee with St. Joseph’s Healthcare and is a Director of the Association of Major Power Consumers of Ontario.

Ted Scott Chief Innovation Officer and Dean of Applied Research ( Ted, a Mohawk Alumni of Distinction recipient, is an internationally renowned and award-winning researcher and expert in ultrasound instrumentation. With funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada, Ted helped establish the Mohawk Applied Research Centre in Health Informatics. Ted is also leading an initiative to launch innovation projects within the College.

Jim Vanderveken Dean of Interdisciplinary Studies ( Jim has held many leadership roles within Mohawk and most recently served as Director of Community Training Solutions and the Job Centre at Mohawk. Jim has led Mohawk’s Second Career Program and secured sustainable funding for Hamilton’s Job Prosperity Collaborative.

Jo-Anne Westerby Dean of Teaching, Learning and Quality ( Jo-Anne most recently served as Mohawk’s Director of Academic, Teaching and Learning Services, providing leadership to the College’s Library, Math Learning Centre and Centre for Teaching and Learning. Together with her Library team, Jo-Anne has received a Canadian Library Association Innovation Technology Achievement Award.

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around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Rachel Matthews

Ira McDonald Construction Ltd around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Mohawk College Enterprise - 2009 Partnership Award

Don Baxter, MCE, Ron Worral, ‘95 and Kim McCathy, ’97, Ira McDonald Construction and Cheryl Jensen, VP Academics, Mohawk College.

In celebration of our community partnerships, Mohawk College Enterprise (MCE) hosted the Second Annual Mohawk President’s Dinner with keynote speaker, Kathy Bardswick, President and CEO of The Co-operators and Vice Chair of the Conference Board of Canada. The Co-operators is a group of Canadian companies offering home, auto, life, group, commercial and farm insurance, as well as investment products and property development. Like Mohawk College, The Co-operators has a long-standing commitment to the principles of economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Centenary and Mohawk College form an educational partnership … Centenary College has a rich history of providing quality education for over 140 years and is U.S. accredited. • CENTENARY COLLEGE offers BS and MBA fast-track degree completion opportunities for Mohawk College graduates. • Business advanced diploma graduates (three-year) earn your BS after 36 credits. • Business post-graduate certificate graduates earn your MBA in as little as 18 additional credits – about 11 months online. • Studies available online or in-residence.

For Additional Information Contact: MR. RONALD BAYS (toll free) 1-877-236-4723 Email:

30 in touch | SPRING 2010

Mohawk College Enterprise is a separate corporation that was established by the College to benefit both the College and the community for the delivery of value-added corporate training. Proceeds from the President’s Dinner and other events MCE conducts are contributed toward a new “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund” established at Mohawk College. Each year MCE presents partnership awards at the President’s Dinner Partnership awards are presented to businesses or corporations who have demonstrated outstanding collaboration and support of Mohawk College Enterprise’s initiatives. This year, in recognition of their outstanding contribution to Infrastructure Development, particularly as it relates to the construction of the new home for Mohawk College Enterprise located at McMaster Innovation Park, Ira McDonald Construction Ltd. was presented with the Mohawk College Enterprise 2009 Partnership Award. When time was of the essence and the decision to move into the Innovation Park was realized, the Team at IRA McDonald Construction, was there for MCE all the way. The Innovation Park is a significant landmark in our community and it gives us great pleasure at Mohawk College Enterprise to be part of such an exciting development project in the City of Hamilton.

IS A B.S. OR M.B.A. IN YOUR FUTURE? I am very happy to be enrolled and half way through my M.B.A. program at Centenary College. I have found this program to be very flexible and rewarding as I continue my career. Working Full-Time can be challenging while taking courses at night, but Centenary has allowed me to manage this difficult task. The Professors and coordinators have been excellent, and I am left feeling empowered, self disciplined and enriched having started this program. I encourage other students who are interested in pursuing their M.B.A. to go through Centenary College.


Graduate of McMaster University in Labour Studies (2005) and Mohawk College, Human Resources Manager Graduate Certificate program (2006) is currently enrolled with the Centenary College M.B.A. program.

spRInG WoRKshops Resume Writing for Beginners – May 12th If you’ve never created a resume, or it has been a long time since you needed to, consider attending this refresher workshop. In this session we will look at basic resume styles and sections you could include to ensure your resume stands out.

Advanced Resume Writing – May 13th If you already have a resume, but would like to further target it, attend this session. Learn how to create a strategic, targeted document utilizing your skills and strengths.

Time: 5:30 – 7:30 pm Location: Room F114, Fennell Campus

To register, visit

2010 Mountaineer Weekend Saturday, October 16th Alumni Basketball Games Alumni Volleyball Games Campus Recreation Slo-Pitch Tournament SAC Reunion Athletics Social

Mark this date and join in on the fun!

in touch | SPRinG 2010 1

around campus m o h aW k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Alumni and MCACES Join Forces to Offer FREE Workshops

around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Legacy gift creates eight annual Health Sciences bursaries A remarkable family has left an extraordinary legacy for future generations of Mohawk students

Barr Family (Agnes, Eleanor and Bill)

When Bill Barr passed away last summer, he donated part of his estate to Mohawk College. Through a Government of Ontario matching program, the donation created a permanent endowment of more than $1 million. Interest from the endowment will fund eight annual bursaries named in memory of Bill’s daughter Eleanor. The bursaries will put a

Mohawk education within reach of students in the Practical Nursing and Personal Support Worker programs. Bill made the legacy gift to thank the Mohawk alumni who cared for his family at St. Joseph’s Villa in Dundas, Ontario. Bill’s wife Agnes became a resident at the long-term care facility in 2003. In 2005, Bill and his daughter also moved to the Villa. Bill, who had worked as a Stationary Engineer maintaining boilers at Westinghouse, managed to build a nest egg through shrewd investing and careful saving. Bill and Agnes wanted to ensure their daughter, who had a learning disability and hearing impairment, would always be provided for. Agnes passed away in January of 2008. Six months later, Eleanor suffered a stroke and died unexpectedly on Christmas Eve. Bill passed away in June 2009. “They were always so thankful for the care they received here and for the opportunity for Eleanor to enjoy a really good life here,” said Beverley Greenwood, a chaplain at St. Joseph’s. “It became their home, and we became their family. Certainly they became an extension of ours as well.”

Meet our new Chief Development Officer: Cathy Collins Mohawk welcomed Cathy Collins as the College’s new Chief Development Officer in November 2009. Cathy brings more than 20 years experience in educational fundraising to Mohawk, with positions at Mount Allison University, Nipissing University, York University, Sheridan College, Centennial College and McMaster University. At McMaster, Cathy was Associate Director of Research, University Advancement, where she was responsible for all aspects of Prospect Management, as well as implementing Performance and Benchmarking standards for their Capital Campaign. Over the course of her career, Cathy has provided leadership and expertise in Annual Funds, Alumni Marketing, Volunteer Management, Major Gifts, Planned Giving and Advocacy. Cathy has served as Campaign Director for three capital campaigns and assisted with five other campaigns in a variety of roles.

32 in touch | SPRING 2010

By Lidia Siino, ‘02 these core values, which laid the groundwork for this student training centre. “When I look around this building, I feel so proud and I see many things that remind me of my father and who he was. From the colour of the floor to the bright lights in the ceiling, I can see that a great deal of planning and work went into the building and I know that our father would be proud,” says Wayne Marshall. The two-storey centre is the new and expanded home for Mohawk’s Truck and Coach Apprentice, Truck and Trailer Apprentice and Pre-Apprentice Truck and Coach Programs. Every student graduating from these programs will be learning at a state-of-the-art facility. “Mohawk College is a key driver of economic prosperity and the prime job creating engine in the Greater Hamilton region,” says Mohawk President Rob Marshall Siblings: Wayne Marshall, Cindy Butler, Linda Marshall and Joanne Spadafora MacIsaac. “Mohawk has added another cylinder to that engine with the $2.9 million investment by the Province of Ontario and the $1.8 million donation from the Gerald Marshall was a man who lived each day to the fullest. family and friends of Gerald Marshall.” His word and a solid handshake was the way he conducted More than 400 apprentices will train at this centre annually. business, recognizing a company is only as strong as the people Utilizing values of hard work, professional integrity and a job who work there. well done, the Gerald Marshall Centre for Transportation is On Thursday February 4th, the essence of Gerald Marshall’s an illuminating representation of Mohawk’s commitment to success became the focus for the official opening of the Gerald student success while celebrating the late Gerald Marshall — Marshall Centre for Transportation. The Marshall family was an outstanding family man, business man, mentor and in great company as many supporters and friends reflected on friend.

Ross Parker, professor, Ted McMeekin, MPP Ancaster-Dundas-FlamboroughWestdale, Sophia Aggelonitis, Minister of Consumer Services, and Mayor Fred Eisenberger taking part in “Start Your Engines,” the Official Opening of the Marshall Centre.

Gerald Marshall’s Grandchildren looking at their Marshall Trucking Riggs

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around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Gerald Marshall Centre for Transportation Accelerates Innovation

Spring 2009

FAll 2009

For Alumni & FriendS oF mohAwk college

For Alumni & Friends oF mohAwk college

Mohawk Alumnae Carmi Guinto takes her Advertising Diploma Globally

IN TOUCH Advertise with us and reach over 48,000 Mohawk Alumni.

Celebrating our

alumni of Distinction

award recipients

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Welcome to the Alumni House

40 Years of Excellence

Celebrating a milestone anniversary and 40 of our top graduates


Homecoming 2007

Much more than just a trip down memory lane

Contact the Mohawk Alumni Association for more info. Visit us online at

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Job Centre

Recruit graduates from over 120 full-time and apprenticeship programs Post your full-time, part-time and seasonal jobs with us Hire Co-op students from over 30 cooperative education programs Attend Career Fairs Host Lunch and Learn Information Sessions Partner with Mohawk for a competitive edge and economic prosperity Visit our website for employer information and services

Job Centre and Cooperative Education

Fennell Campus, Room i110 135 Fennell Avenue West, P.O. Box 2034, Hamilton, ON L8N 3T2 Tel: 905-575-2167 from Brantford 519-759-7200 ext. 2167 or toll free 1-888-546-COOP (2667) | Fax: 905-575-2359 Email: |

34 in touch | SPRING 2010

community Award winner Alex Robertson and the many advocates and supporters of McAcES

On October 19, 2009, the Mohawk College Association of Continuing Education Students (MCACES) officially celebrated its 25th anniversary. The year long festivities kicked-off with the celebration of the inaugural MCACES Community Awards. Long time MCACES veteran Alex Robertson was announced as the first ever MCACES Community Award recipient. “It’s a real thrill to honour Alex Roberston. He is a passionate lifelong learner who embodies our Association’s values of integrity, diversity, advocacy and accountability,” says Karen Lavell, Manager, Continuing Education Student Activities. The MCACES Community Awards Program was developed as a means of celebrating Continuing Education graduates who have

utilized their passion for learning to demonstrate outstanding leadership within the community. As a lifelong learner, Alex Robertson is a Webmaster Certificate graduate who has served on the MCACES Board of Directors from 2001-2007. He has over 15 years of experience volunteering for Special Olympics Hamilton as an executive on their advisory board and currently coaches baseball and basketball teams. Alex would like to utilize this achievement as a message to aspiring adult learners who may be afraid to start a new course. “While it’s easy to become intimidated and talk yourself out of taking courses, I encourage students to give themselves time,” says Robertson. “The rewards from lifelong learning are far greater than the fears, and my initial apprehension with taking courses is a perfect example.” For more information about programs and services that MCACES provides, and a full roster of celebratory events, visit MCACES is the only Continuing Education Student Association of its kind in Ontario and provides programs and services to 42,000 Continuing Education and Distance Education Students annually.

ATTENTION! Registration for spring/summer 2010 CE Courses is now open! be sure to check out our catalogue with thousands of course offerings to suit your personal and

MCACES 2010 COMMUNITY AWARDS: CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Established in 2009, the Mohawk College Association of Continuing Education Students (MCACES) Community Awards Program celebrates exceptional graduates of Continuing Education at Mohawk College. Recipients demonstrate our Association’s values of integrity, diversity, accountability and advocacy within their respective communities. Recipients of the MCACES Community Award are honoured from the following three categories:

CoMMunIty AMbAssADoR: Awarded to an outstanding Continuing Education graduate who, through commitment, participation and leadership, adds value to their respective community.

professional interests!

MohAWK stAFF AMbAssADoR: Awarded to a current staff member at Mohawk College who, in addition to demonstrating the values associated with MCACES and Mohawk College, is an advocate for community enhancement.

oRGAnIZAtIonAl AMbAssADoR: Awarded to a community-based organization that hires and supports the employment of Continuing Education graduates of Mohawk College. Nominations for the September 2010 MCACES Community Awards reception will be accepted until Friday, June 26. The MCACES Community Award is a once-in-a-lifetime achievement. If you know of worthy recipient(s), please contact us!

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around campus m o h aW k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

MCACES Reaches a Milestone

around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Mountaineers on the Move OCAA Women’s Curling Team Champions Jenna Harrington’s rink from Mohawk College was clearly the class of the field in capturing the women’s title at the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association Curling Championships in Sault Ste. Marie February 18-21. The Mountaineers didn’t lose a game en route to the gold medal at the Soo Curlers Club. They went through the round robin with a 6-0 record to earn a bye to the final, where they downed the Confederation Thunderhawks of Thunder Bay 8-3. Other members of the winning team included vice Jennifer Montgomery, second Christine Moore, lead Kendra Corbett and alternate Sarah McFarlane. The Mountaineers’ coach is Barry Macklin.

OCAA Rugby Championship

Joel Clarke ran around the left side in the fourth minute of injury time for the winning try to give the Mohawk Mountaineers a thrilling 16-15 victory over the Humber Hawks in the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association Division One Rugby Championship at Fletcher’s Fields in Markham on November 14. The run by the rookie scrum half from Sarnia St. Clair came just moments after Mohawk thought they had scored, but were ruled into touch before reaching the goal line. Alex Paris, ‘91 was named Division One Coach of the Year for the second consecutive year and third overall. As well as Clarke’s honours, Mohawk’s Steven Johnston was selected Division One Player of the Year and Chris VanSickle was the division’s Scoring Champion. Mountaineers Johnston and Adam Davidson were both named Division One All-Stars.

Hap Holman Bonspiel Tailgate Zone 2009 Grey Cup Weekend On November 28, Alumni, Students and Friends gathered at the Glendale Golf & Country Club for a great day of curling, Grey Cup pool, food, networking, prizes and fun. The theme for this year’s event was TAILGATE ZONE to capture the CFL’s Grey Cup spirit. Join in on the fun next year as it will be held Grey Cup Weekend. If you are interested, please contact Laurie Cahill at or call 905-575-2259.

36 in touch | SPRING 2010

As a service provider to our students of Mohawk College, the Mohawk Students’ Association (MSA) works tirelessly to continuously improve, implement and develop services for our over 11,000 members. Over the past three months, the Mohawk Students’ Association has executed two referendums both of which passed with overwhelming support. The Mohawk Students’ Association is pleased to announce two new services that will begin in September, 2010.

Health and Dental Plan We currently possess an “accidental” Health and Dental plan which is available to our membership and included in the “Student Activity Fee.” The new plan was approved in January, 2010, and will use the provider of “Student Care” and “I have a Plan!” This plan is a mandatory fee of $154 per year which will be added to tuition costs, but gives far greater coverage including full health care, vision, dental and travel insurance. For more information on the plan, please visit and click “Mohawk College (MSA).”

Hamilton Street Railway (HSR) Bus Pass

them with 8 months (Sept – April) of unlimited HSR service. We are proud that both of these initiatives were supported by the students of Mohawk College as we believe both services provide an excellent value to our membership. We will continue to work diligently on improving student services here on campus and look forward to constantly supporting our students in innovative, effective ways!

Calling all... PAST CLASS REPS If you were a Class Rep while at Mohawk, we are looking for you! Now we would like you to be the CLASS CONNECTOR. Class Connector’s are volunteers who give input on alumni activities,

The students spoke and we listened. Beginning in May, 2009, and continuing into the September 2009 semester, there were mentions of the need for a universal bus pass for Mohawk students. After gathering the necessary signatures on a petition, a group of Mohawk students approached the MSA to conduct a referendum on the validity of an HSR bus pass for all full-time students. In January, 2010, the referendum passed with overwhelming support! Beginning in September, 2010, full time Mohawk students at the Fennell, IAHS and STARRT campuses will be charged a $121.80 mandatory fee which will provide

help find lost members of their class and work to keep classmates connected to Mohawk College. For more information on this program, please email

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Mohawk Students’ Association Service Improvements

Grads with Glowing Hearts around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

by Kathy Inman, ‘89

Kathy Inman, ‘89

The Olympic Torch Relay was the furthest thing from my mind responding to a call from my Coca Cola district manager about an “exciting opportunity,” as his message stated. I just happened to be one of the fortunate (lucky) people to have been asked to participate, as opposed to trying to win a contest, write an essay, etc. Thus began my exciting journey of being an Olympic torchbearer! When I received my outfit and the package explaining what would happen the day I was to carry the torch, it became more of a reality. Up until then, I didn’t tell too many people or get too excited. On October 30, 2009 the Torch Relay began its 106 day journey across more than 45,000 km with 12,000 Canadians carrying the Olympic Flame – and I was going to be one of them! As the days went by it was exciting to see the various towns and cities that the flame passed through, anticipating the day it was my turn. Hamilton hosted a community celebration the evening before I carried the torch. Dressed in my torchbearer outfit, I attended with my family; it was exciting to be part of the festivities, talk to others who had just carried the

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torch, and to see Ron Foxcroft light the caldron, knowing that the next morning I’d be carrying that same flame. I got the opportunity to chat with Ron prior to being interviewed by cable 14 that evening, and his words to me were to “enjoy the moment.” That I did! It was early the next morning (December 20th, at 7:30 a.m. to be exact) when I was to join the other 19 or so torchbearers at our collection point in Stoney Creek. There we met the Torch Relay team and were given our torches and briefed on the process to follow. We boarded the bus and were on route to the first drop off point. This was when we all got a chance to hear about each other. There were people from hours away who had come to Hamilton to do this; some won through writing essays, some by winning the Coca Cola contest, and others received the opportunity via other Olympic sponsors or work contests. The feeling on the bus ride was one of sheer euphoria. There were people on the side of the road watching the shuttle bus go by, waving, cheering, being very proud to be Canadian. I personally still could not believe that I was actually going to carry the Olympic flame very shortly. I thought that someone was going to pinch me and say “just joking!!” As I mentioned this to one of the other torchbearers, it was interesting to find out that we were all pretty much going through the same emotions. The bus finally pulled up to my route marker, and as I stepped off the bus, and was greeted by my family and friends, and strangers that I had never met. All of whom wanted to have their picture taken with me and the torch, kids were thrilled at the opportunity to be able to hold it as well, what a thrill that was to be able to share with them! As the Olympic Torch Relay convoy was approaching I was instructed to take my place on the road to receive the flame from the runner before me, (he

was a young athlete from a local high school who got chosen by his principal). What happened next will be a moment that I will treasure and remember always, as my torch received the flame, I held my torch high into the air, waved to everyone who came out to see me, and started on my quick paced jog of 300 meters to the next torchbearer. It seemed like an eternity at the time, but now looking back I think I ran too fast! (I tell people that the next time I carry the torch, I will go much slower) I recall several times just looking up at that flame and thinking “Wow! This is amazing! I’m the only one carrying the Olympic flame at this moment in the whole entire world!” Before I knew it, I was approaching the

“On December 28th, in Orangeville at 10:17 a.m. I carried the Torch. I had a wonderful experience and really excited to be a part of history!” - Justin Harris ’95.

next torchbearer, as I passed the flame to her, we high-fived, hugged, and she went on her way. My flame was quickly turned off and I was whisked away onto the return shuttle bus to join the others that carried the torch before me, where we shared our feelings and stories of our brief runs. The common thing we all shared that day was a wonderful feeling of being Canadian, and the knowledge that we have just been part of something amazing that has never been done before (to this magnitude). I now have the torch as a souvenir as a lasting memory of this event and the hopes that one day my children may aspire to be driven to live the Olympic dream. “With Glowing Hearts!” My thanks and gratitude go out to Coca Cola for this amazing opportunity!!

Protection of Personal Information From time to time, you may be contacted either by mail, e-mail or phone by one of our services and benefits partners regarding one of our programs. Mohawk College is proud of its relationship with a number of trusted partners and service providers who have an established record of treating personal information with care and provide valuable services and benefits to our alumni. We appreciate you taking the time to learn about the programs and the latest offers available. We want to let you know that at no time will your name or contact information be shared with anyone not specifically authorized by Alumni Relations. Mohawk College respects the privacy of its alumni and the sensitivity of personal information. All of our partners sign strict confidentiality agreements with us prior to receiving any contact information. Should you wish to not be contacted about services and benefit programs, JUST CALL 905-575-2258 or e-mail and tell us you wish to OPT OUT of affinity marketing plans. Thank you for your interest and your participation in the services and benefits provided by the Alumni Association and the Alumni Relations Department.

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“Being one of only 12,000 Canadians to carry the Olympic Torch on its journey across Canada was an amazing honour. As a proud Canadian, I feel extremely privileged to have participated in the Torch Relay. The excitement shared with family, friends and complete strangers was truly special and will be etched in my memory forever. Sincere thanks to Coca Cola for this once-in-alifetime opportunity.” - Michelle Harkness, ’82.

grad grapevine

Grad Grapevine Elske de Visch Eybergen, ‘71 Social Service Worker

Steve Fick, ‘83 Industrial Machinist-Hitc

New position with Shalem Mental Health Network, as of February 2009. The WrapAround process has been adopted by the Board of Directors as a program under Shalem’s Network of Services. Our website is:

15 year old son, Kevin, 3 year old cat, Kiki, married 20 years to my wonderful wife, Patty. 3 cars, 2000 sq. ft. house, etc, etc.

Rick Malchow, ‘73 Business Administration

Yvonne Mills, ‘83 Recreation & Leadership

Retired after 34 years at the Canada Revenue Agency office in Hamilton and moved north to cottage country.

I quit my job, sold my condo, sold my car, packed up “my life” in a U-Haul and left for Houston, Texas almost 10 years ago. I was married in 2003 and do not miss the snow (much)!

Daryl A Glover, ‘77 Business Marketing

Jackie Crews, 84 Business Administration

Due to auto job losses, I have started a new job doing fire system inspections and installs.

Just had our 25 year Class Reunion. At Hamilton Health we are implementing an electronic health record system over the next 3 years.

Paul Mayhew, ‘81 Data Processing

Marie L. Cronin (nee McGrath), ‘84 Radiological Technology

For the past 10 years, I have been working as a DB2 Database consultant in the Toronto area. I enjoy my life in Oakville with my wife Crystal and 6 year old son Cameron. I send out hello’s to all my classmates and wish everyone the best.

Just transferred to Edmonton from Esquimalt this month. Spent eight months overseas last year, working in Multi-National Hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Working with other nations was an amazing experience.

Peter Spiske, ‘81 Materials Engineering Technology After 24 years in Manufacturing, I went back to the University of Victoria and completed the Computer Based Information Systems program through Distance Ed. I’m now doing volunteer work for the Distance Ed department and looking for work in the Computer or Manufacturing industry using my Lean/6Sigma training. Anyone with openings? Find me on LinkedIN.

John A. Curran, ‘82 Radiological Technology Living in Oshawa, disabled with arthritis. Currently a church volunteer. Thinking of getting a degree in History.

40 in touch | SPRING 2010

Alvin L. Johnson, ‘84 Industrial Engineering Technology Global SAP implementation across corporate. Oldest son graduating from St. Mary’s University in Halifax, N.S., younger son wants to attend Mohawk.

Steven J. Carey, ‘85 Business Administration

Completed the 2009 Chicago Marathon in under four hours. I am an Instructor at the Running Room for Running Clinics.

Manyon Lue-Kim, ‘95 Nursing

In addition to being the full-time Business Development Coordinator with the Chamber of Commerce Brantford Brant, I also set up mortgages for family & friends in my role as Mortgage Agent for Connect2Mortgages.

After working 11 years in the Canadian Arctic, specifically all across Nunavut, working in 2-5 nurse stations, I have a new job working at home in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Just started my new job 1 1/2 weeks ago and enjoying it thus far. Hi to my fellow grad colleagues at the Brantford Site 1991-1994.

Andy Brown, ‘89 Community Planning & Development

Joel Telfer, ‘96 Industrial Woodworking Techniques

Graduated in 1989 from Municipal Planning and Development. Graduated Brock University with a Bsc in Environmental Planning and International Policy. Vice President and Senior Principal of Wardrop Engineering prior to its January 2009 acquisition by Pasedena-based Tetra Tech Corporation. Recently elected Chairman of the Canada-Minnesota Business Council. Lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with wife Allison.

I have been a high school woodwork teacher since 2004 here in Trinidad and Tobago after operating my woodwork business since 1997. I recently celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary and my first son is off to Centennial College in September 2009.

Christina Lourenco (nee Ciccaglione), ‘98 Legal Office Administration Stephen V. Coulson, ‘95 Broadcasting TV & Communication Media Having left the Weather Network where I was working as producer/ director, I moved to the Netherlands to work for the United Nations on the International War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. We televise the trials around the world. It’s really great being able to help bring justice to victims and bring criminals to justice. It is a fantastic job in a beautiful city, The Hague, Netherlands. I’m living the dream here in Europe. Weekend trips to France and Italy, great benefits and a job I can be proud to do. It all started when I applied to Mohawk. Best of luck all.

Cheryl M. Dickson (nee Kowalczyk), ‘95 Law & Security Administration I have been a correctional officer for 13 years now and I have been married for over six years with two lovely children ages 16 and 6.

We got married! Christina Lourenco (nee Ciccaglione), Legal Office Administration and Ted Lourenco, Architectural Technology 2001.

Daniel Cumerlato, ‘99 Computer Science Technician - Networking & Hardware I now run a tourism business called Haunted Hamilton - we run Ghost Walks and paranormal - style events in Hamilton and Niagara. Websites are and

Heather McClellan, ‘01 Broadcasting Radio & Communications Media

I am engaged to another Mohawk Alumni, Mike Beale (Law & Security, ‘07). We are getting married in October 2010.

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grad grapevine

Lana Lang Nagle, ‘88 Business Administration

grad grapevine

Rachona Meza (nee Robins), ‘02 Nursing

Andrea Bonilla, ‘05 Architectural Technology

I was married 7/7/2007 on a beach in Santa Monica, California to Mark Meza. Currently living in California. Previously was living in Mesa, Arizona and worked for county hospital at Desert Vista in behavioural health court-ordered treatment for three years.

Currently I am a stay-at-home mom of a little 16-month-old boy. I have been married for three years.

I’m currently working at the head office of West 49, a skateboard, fashion and apparel retailer with over 120 stores across Canada. I work in the Store Development department as a Project Manager. My department is responsible for the design and construction of all new stores and renovations. I spend about one week per month travelling across the country touring stores, performing site inspections and turning-over/opening new and newly renovated stores. I never thought I could combine my love of fashion and action sports, with my education and training in Architectural Technology and construction...but when I found this job I knew I had struck gold. Not to mention that I get to wear jeans and hoodies to work every day!

Rajinder Sidhu, ‘03 Graphic Design Production

Miranda Kett, ‘06 Advertising

Jennifer Bauld, ‘03 Travel & Tourism

For the last five years, I have been working at GJA communications, a marketing communications agency focusing on branding, advertising, web and multimedia. I started off as a junior graphic designer and moved up to Sr. Artistic Director. I now have creative and strategic influence on all projects created by the agency.

Christopher Stubbs, ‘03 Law & Security Administration Currently preparing and training to deploy to Afghanistan with the Canadian Forces in 2010.

Anna Grist (nee Robins), ‘04 Graphic Design Andrew Grist (Electrical Engineering, ‘03) and I are celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary in October. I have been working (part-time as both a newspaper ad designer and a freelance graphic designer & photographer) in the Niagara area since 2005 (including spending 2007 in England as part of Andrew’s career path). We purchased our first home this past September.

42 in touch | SPRING 2010

I just accepted the Graphic Designer position at View Magazine in Hamilton, Ontario and am having a lot of fun!

Anibal Cermeno Velasquez, ‘08 Travel & Tourism Thanks to the preparation I received at Mohawk College and the assistance and guidance of the International Student Department during the length of my program, I was able to find a successful job path. Shortly after I graduated I got an exciting job offer in the province of Saskatchewan that has allowed me to see Canada and get to know more about this country. I have had the opportunity to gain important experience dealing with clients worldwide at the same time that I have been able to enhance my communication skills and build a foundation for a successful career. As an international student at Mohawk College I can state that this institution has offered me the guidance, support and confidence that I needed to build not only a career but also a new life in a new country.

Cinzia Antonelli, ‘09 Practical Nursing Recently graduated from the Practical Nursing Program and applied through the HFO for a position in Mental Health at JBMH. Within a couple of days, I was notified that I was the successful candidate for that position and area. I am very excited

Louise Arbic, ‘09 Child & Youth Worker I recently secured a full-time permanent position with Charlton Hall as a Child and Youth Counsellor! The staff has been amazing with welcoming me to the team and it only took three months after graduation to get a full-time job. I’m really excited with all the changes and starting to feel like a grown up (sort of).

Mohammad Arshad H. Alvi, ‘09 Transportation Engineering Technology

I recently joined MTO and found that MTO is the best place for new graduates to start their career. Plenty of opportunities are available for career advancement and training in a wonderful, professional environment of teamwork.

Syed Chowdury, ‘09 Business Financial Services

grad grapevine

to serve our community for those in need. I think what I like most about nursing is that one is privileged to become a part of people’s lives in that moment that they need someone the most to care for them.

Steven Field, ‘09 Tourism and Travel I just graduated with my two year diploma college program in my 44th year of my life. I can’t tell you what an experience it is, and only hope that my 14 year old daughter uses me as a role model. Seeing that it is never too late to go to school and continue learning and succeed!

Maria-Cristi Villalba, ‘08 Architectural Technology I have been working for little over a year with the same Architect and things are going well. I am grateful for Mohawk College’s Co-op program that pushed me to find this job in the first place and gave me the necessary experience to help me land it. On a personal note my husband and I have bought our first house, but of course everyone from Mohawk that keeps in touch through Facebook already knows that!

I will be applying for Canadian citizenship in 2010.

Fan Zhang, ‘09 Electrical Engineering- Control

Ingrid Ciobotaru, ‘09 Office Administration- Legal

Mohawk College has the best Co-op programs among all the colleges. My special thanks to Victoria Smart for her hard work and dedication to students. I love my new career, and I am recommending Mohawk College Co-op programs to other students.

I will be attending university in the fall and am going to be studying Political Science and hope to go to Law School.



Send us your photos! We welcome photos of Alumni, alumni gatherings and alumni events. E-mail us your pictures (300 dpi or more) to Please note: submissions may be edited due to space and/or clarity.

Kristie Van Der Wegen, ’04, AJ Mazza, ’04, Kim Brush, ‘04, Lori Vamplew, ’04, and Candice Gardner, ‘05, at the wedding of Kim Brush and Murray Schmitt on July 18th 2009 in their home town of Port Elgin. They are expecting their first child this spring.

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Lo o k i n g b a c k m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Mohawk College Alumni Association 25 Year History by Lynn James, ‘80

On November 11, 1960, had passed a report to the Student’s Union Corporation (SUC) five people from the Hamilton as early as 1979 urging it to form an official college alumni Institute of Technology department. Mitminger, who was President of the college formed the first college alumni in 1980, had suggested that the SUC establish a new alumni association. With the help association and assist with the start-up funding. In 1981, Cal of faculty advisor, Mr. Sam Haddad, now Dean of Students, submitted a memo to Keith Mitminger, it formally invited a McIntyre, then acting President and ex-officio chairman of the member from the then Student SUC, in further support of the SRC initiative. His investigations Association Council to attend had shown that other colleges, like Mohawk, were beginning meetings and a constitution was struck; but nothing remains the process of establishing official alumni offices rather than of this first endeavour. Then, in 1970, with the creation of the performing the duties as part of another department. new Mohawk College, the graduates of the former HIT struggled To investigate and discuss the possibilities, in 1982, an Ad to retain close ties with their alma mater and the association Hoc Committee was formed of staff, faculty, and selected was reformed. Its first president alumni. In their final report was Al Arnold, a graduate and to the Board of Governors “Thanks to the efforts of 18 faculty of the earlier Hamilton dedicated volunteers, representing in February 1984 they state, Institute of Technology. Mr. “The committee members are all sectors of the Mohawk College confident that the seeds have Arnold and his committee were the original supporters of the community, the groundwork upon been sown for the creation of first student centre, and that the finest Alumni Association which a vibrant, effective Alumni famous spot, the Arnold Centre, in the Ontario Community Association can be built …” was named in his honour after College System at Mohawk his death in 1971. The centre, College.” Its interim board originally the old root cellar, was chosen from alumni - Mohawk College Alumni Association Ad was renovated in 1972 to serve Hoc Committee, Final Draft, February 1984 who already had experience as the original “Arnold Centre.” establishing various alumni With the completion of the chapters, as well as former Student Centre in 1985, the Arnold Centre was relocated and student leaders. Headed by Jim Miller (Nursing ’77), the new is now known by its more intimate name, “The Arnie.” The association set about establishing its priorities in the form of a historic root cellar was renamed “The Cellar.” But without the support of the college infrastructure, this fledgling association disbanded in 1976. Without a true alumni association, the faculty program chairman became responsible for information on their various alumni. With the hiring of Cal Haddad in 1978 as Chair of the new Student Activities Department, the college attempted to create a means to keep track of the growing number of alumni, but it proved to be next to impossible. The graduate base was growing by the thousands each year − what was needed was a dedicated office, designed for the purpose. Meanwhile, the Student’s Representative Council (SRC)

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lo o k i n g b a c k m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

constitution. equipment in various academic and technological programs. John Bruce became the first It’s highly successful Annual Fund Campaign, which ran from alumni officer in an Ontario January to April 1988, contributed over $17,500 to refurbish college to hire a full-time alumni classrooms and labs with much needed equipment. staff. With a $30,000 start-up With the Student Centre opening ceremonies under its belt, SUC grant, $30,000 from the the association began its next major event, Homecoming ’87, college, and a lot of plain old that celebrated Mohawk’s 21st year or “coming of age” and hard work, John and the interim included a 500 pound, 21 layer birthday cake. board began to plan a strategy The 25th anniversary of the college was celebrated in 1991, that would create an association and the alumni department was particularly active organizing that would be a source of support events – even commissioning a special reserve wine that was to its alumni, as well as for college served at the SRC/SAC dinner they helped organize with the advisory committees, bursaries, Student’s Athletics Committee. Another big hit, “Blue Jay and fundraising for special projects. By the conclusion of 1985, Days,” invited Mohawk alumni to celebrate at the Skydome in it was ready with a new constitution adopted and approved by Toronto and enjoy a baseball game while watching the Blue Jays’ the SUC and the Board of Governors. mascot rub tail feathers with their own “Mo the Hawk,” mascot During that first year, it secured $10,000 in pledges from of Mohawk’s Mountaineers. Even an anniversary Alumni its inaugural telemarketing Directory was in production. program, the proceeds of which The Board members of the day “There is a great college went towards refurbishing were so intimately involved named Mohawk; Alumni Hall complete with in programming events that Whose alumni department does access to the new Student year, one of its directors, Centre. It would provide a quiet Mel Leggat, wrote a poem much more than squawk. lounge space as well as another With board members in hand, they about it. Golf tournaments, potential source of income. The homecomings, convocation did what was planned, next year, John became a regular speakers, advisory board contributor to the official members, and representation And here is an quick update on school newspaper, The Satellite, at college events were, and what was so grand.” informing the general student continue to be, the heart and population about the growth soul of the association. - Mel Leggat, from his Alumni poem, 1992 of the association and actively Josie Bufalino-Jasek became promoting its activities and the Alumni Officer in 1989. services to those who were looking to graduation. As an alumna of the Business Administration Program, and an In the initial planning stages of the Student Centre, the SUC active member of student government herself, she was chosen would accommodate the alumni department. Since much to replace John Bruce when he resigned to take another position of the financing for the centre had come from past student in the private sector. Josie continued the work of promoting activity fees that had been invested in the development the Alumni Association within the college, and representing fund, now, as alumni, they could reap some of the benefits its interests to the SUC. With help from Wendy Charlong, then of that investment. It was John, a task force from the college a Director on the Alumni board and now the Student Services administration, and representatives from the SRC, who Coordinator for the Mohawk Students’ Association (MSA); planned the opening ceremonies for the centre. and Rose Charmee, then the Records Coordinator and later Foremost in the strategic plan was to track down the the Acting Alumni Manager in 2002; they concentrated their thousands of graduates with whom the college had lost efforts on establishing the 25 Year Club in 1992. Every October, contact. With fundraising as its primary consideration at the the association hosts about 200 alumni from all over North time, the alumni department used many sources to conduct America and the world. A celebration with dinner, dancing, regular phone contacts and surveys. Paid trackers, students, fun and games allows many old friends and classmates to and volunteer alumni were all recruited to make calls to the reunite, reacquaint, and search the graffiti on the walls of “The thousands of graduates that the college produced every year. Cellar” (traditionally, those who return as alumni sign a brick Together with the start-up budget and various fundraising in one of rear alcoves). efforts, the alumni department shared much of its wealth with Due to their efforts and that of the alumni’s Board of the full-time students of the college by establishing and adding Directors, Mohawk’s Alumni Association became the first to to scholarships and bursaries and contributing to badly needed introduce affinity programs for its alumni. A concept well-

Lo o k i n g b a c k m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

known in university circles, Bank of Montreal’s Mosaik® being provided by the provincial government and with its Mastercard® became the first affinity credit card created for new president, Mary-Lynn West Moynes, it embarked on a an Ontario college and was especially designed to integrate new expansion plan for Fennell Campus – the iWing. The Wray Provo’s magnificent red-tailed hawk on the front. Provo Alumni department was also realigned. With a new manager, created a print of the hawk and donated it; proceeds of the sale Linda Marshall, new, expanded office space in J-Wing, and a of limited edition prints go to the alumni association. Together new administrative staff, the alumni department became an with the Mainway Insurance Affinity Program, these affinity integral part of the college’s highly successful development programs continued to serve as fundraisers for the alumni team. In Touch, which began with its premiere issue in the department, the Mohawk College Foundation, and as services spring of 1984, was revamped under an advisory committee of to the many graduates of the college. alumni board members, and launched in the spring of 2004 to In 1995, the Province of Ontario created the Premier’s coincide with the Alumni Association’s 20th anniversary. Awards to recognize the contributions of graduates of college In 2005, Linda Marshall was ready to resume her duties programs. To coincide with this, the Alumni Association created in Corporate Services, and Wendy Makey, an alumnus of the “Alumni of Distinction” the Recreation Leadership awards where, each year, program and a diversity of “…So listen close as you hear my alumni are selected from each tale, the tale of my faithful quest, to disciplines of Continuing of the four faculties who in turn, Education Certificates, was become Mohawk’s candidates. find you alumni of Mohawk College brought on board as the new The college proudly displays manager. Joining her was to fill our ‘lost souls’ list…” pictures of these candidates on Kelly Dunham, a graduate “The Wall of Distinction” in the of the Office Administration - Jade Sinclair, “Life of a Tracker”, front lobby of Fennell campus program. It was an exciting In Touch Winter 2000 where students, staff, faculty and and challenging transition visitors alike can see among its that brought about the ranks a few well known Hamiltonians like Connie Smith of the Annual Golf Classic tournament, Homecoming Weekend, former CHTV and former Police Chief Brian Mullen along with and moving the Alumni of Distinction Awards Dinner off prominent local businessmen like Tony Battaglia of Westpark campus to build this event into a community celebration. And Developments Inc. To date, seven of the selected alumni have when the J-Wing was closed down for repairs after a flood, the gone on to be awarded Premier status, second only to Sheridan Alumni Relations Office was happily rescued by the MSA, and College, with a corresponding $5,000 contribution to the temporarily moved to the Student Centre in the G-Wing. OSOTF scholarship fund on behalf of each award winner that With the college’s expansion continuing and the alumni assists new, incoming, full-time students. registry expanding by nearly 5,000 graduates every year, the At one time, Mohawk College alumni were defined as department was rapidly running out of space. At the suggestion graduates of full-time diploma programs, but in 1995, its of Mary-Lynn West-Moynes, the department was finally moved membership expanded to include those who have graduated into a real home of its own – Alumni House. The new alumni from diploma and certificate programs through continuing administrative residence is an actual house located on Fennell education. Avenue near our neighbours, Hillfield-Strathallen school. For As a new millennium arrived, Mohawk College took some years it had been used as temporary shelter and storage advantage of the unique investment opportunities that were and was renovated by the college to suit the association’s ever growing needs. The Alumni Board of Directors saw this as a good time to engage in its own strategic process possessing a good balance of relatively new graduates and grads with history and commitment to the association. With the college’s support, and a full two years dedicated to the process, the board decided in 2008 that alumni would be best served if they reformed into the Alumni Advisory Council. Part of this change prompted a greater focus on the current student population. New initiatives are constantly being embarked on so that graduating students know that they will take Mohawk College with them wherever they may go in the future.

46 in touch | SPRING 2010


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