Mohawk College Alumni In Touch Magazine - Fall 2009

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Fall 2009

For Alumni & Friends of mohawk college

Mohawk Alumnae Carmi Guinto takes her Advertising Diploma Globally

Publication Mail Agreement 40065780

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table of contents

In Touch Publisher Mohawk College Alumni Association

in every issue

cover story

f e at u r e s

Editor Wendy Makey

Golf Classic Alumni Weekend MCACES Celebrates 25 Years

16 22 35

Photography Terra Nova Imaging, Bernetta Scime, John Guilfoyle, Ray Adamyk, David Dorken Photography, Daniel Jelly, and The Hamilton Spectator Contributors Carly Balabanowicz, Sandi Richardson, Wendy Makey, Jay Robb, Al Craig, Rob MacIsaac, Helen Maddick, Ronald Holgerson, Darren Desmarais, Steve Kosh, Daniel Jelly, Lidia Siino, Meaghan Drury, Ann Clark, Angela Gravell, Rosemary Marsh, Pat Kolodziejski, Janice Shearer, Mary Hrycay, Carmi Guinto, JP Spina, Colin Mountain, Patrick Mossman, Sandra Ireland, Tom Sutton, Karen Lavell, Brian Lewis, Suzanne Carpenter, Mark Chamberlain and Lydia Kremer

Page 8 Mohawk’s recent Grad, Carmi Guinto, believes that life is what you make it at Mohawk College. Many doors can open when you get involved as there is something for everyone at Mohawk College. Carmi graduated from Advertising and is now pursuing her Communications Degree at Griffith University in Australia.

Welcoming Words Alumni Files Alumni Events Around Campus Grad Grapevine

Design and Production Perspective Marketing

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Editorial Advisory Board Ronald Holgerson, VP Advancement & Public Affairs Wendy Makey, Manager, Alumni Relations Marilyn Gris, Manager, Student Recruitment and Online Communications Lidia Siino, Director, Alumni Association Council Joanne Tansley, Director, Alumni Association Council Kelly Dunham, Alumni Officer Content Co-ordinator Kelly Dunham In Touch is published semi-annually by the Alumni Relations Department at Mohawk College. This magazine is circulated to alumni and friends of Mohawk College. Ideas and opinions published or expressed in In Touch do not necessarily reflect those of Mohawk College, The Alumni Association, or the Editor. Publications Mail Agreement Number 400065780 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Mohawk College, Alumni Relations Alumni House, P.O. Box 2034 Hamilton, ON L8N 3T2 To update your Alumni Record, please contact: Phone: 905.575.2258, Fax: 905.575-2443 or the above address.

in touch | Fall 2009

W e l c o m i n g wo r d s

Shaking 4,500 hands in three days generates two rewards Rob MacIsaac President, Mohawk College

m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

It builds up the muscles in your hand and reafirms your faith in our future. Spring Convocation was my first as President. I got to personally congratulate 4,500 graduates and meet with some pretty proud family and friends. Judging by all of the outstanding alumni I met during three days of Convocation, our future’s in the best of hands. To help more students graduate to success and follow in your footsteps, Mohawk is rolling out a strategic plan. While it’s a new and bold plan, it’s a plan with many familiar elements. It’s a plan that plays to our strengths as a college and builds on our successes. It’s a plan that takes what we’re great at and puts some serious institutional muscle behind it. Mohawk’s vision is clear. Our college will be internationally renowned for our innovation culture and highly skilled future graduates who will drive tomorrow’s opportunities. To put it another way, when there’s a job to get done, a problem to solve or an opportunity to seize, employers and the communities we serve will count on you and your fellow alumni to make it happen. To transform students into highly skilled, future-ready graduates, Mohawk is going to focus on three strategic priorities: Quality, Innovation and Sustainability. Quality is all about continually improving ourselves to foster excellence in all that we do. Quality is about doing a great job of teaching. It’s about giving students inspiring places to learn at the College and out in the community. It’s about delivering outstanding services that help students. And Quality is about making Mohawk a great place to work, where engaged staff and engaged students do remarkable things together. Innovation is about relentlessly generating and disseminating new ideas for the benefit of all of Mohawk’s stakeholders. It’s about finding new and better ways to add even greater value to a Mohawk education and the College experience. One of

in touch | Fall 2009

the ways we’ll make this happen is by putting our students to work on real-world, game-changing applied research projects with industry and community partners. The late management guru Peter Drucker once said that every single pressing social and global issue of our time is a business opportunity. With a focus on Innovation, every social and global issue will be a learning opportunity for our students, a teachable moment, a chance to make a difference and make the grade. For Mohawk, these issues will be our defining moments, moments that reaffirm our key role in building stronger, more resilient communities. Our third priority is Sustainability and one that’ll offer peace of mind to everyone who counts on Mohawk. Sustainability is about conducting our business in ways that positively impact people, the environment and the community. As a sustainable college, Mohawk will make decisions and measure our success against a triple bottom line of financial, environmental and social performance. We’ll live within our means and thrive in perpetuity. Taken together, our three strategic priorities of Quality, Innovation and Sustainability, will bring to life our vision for Mohawk. Yet even the best plans need great people to make them happen. At Mohawk, our strategic plan is in the best, and most capable, of hands. As a graduate, you can play a key role alongside our faculty and staff, industry, education, community and government partners. To get involved in ways that play to your strengths and build on your professional and personal success, please drop a line to our Alumni Association at With your help, I look forward to shaking another 4,500 hands next Spring and congratulating the future of our community. Rob

Council on the Move

Sandi Richardson, ‘71 Chair Early Childhood Education

Sandi Richardson Chair, Alumni Association

Diana Zanin, ‘80 Vice Chair Business Administration

Your Mohawk College Alumni Association has been on the move. It has been a tradition that the Board before us and the current Council hold their meetings at the Fennell Campus. Although it is convenient for most of the members, we decided to challenge ourselves and plan to have our monthly council meetings at different campuses. Over the last few months we have met at the Brantford Campus and the new Starrt Campus in Stoney Creek. At the Mohawk Brantford campus, we were treated to an impressive tour by Paul Armstrong, Executive Dean, and Jo-Anne Procter, Associate Dean. At Stoney Creek, we held our meeting and toured on our own. The facilities gave everyone insight to the diversity of each campus. These opportunities provided us with the enthusiasm to have Council link to all of our campuses. During tours, we were able to meet and talk with students in some of the programs. The Council is on the move to grow. While we continue to build bridges within our College community it is the hope to increase our compliment of Council members around the Council table. The nominating committee is in search of interested alumni who would like to volunteer their time to be actively involved as members of the Mohawk College Alumni Association Council for a two year term. We encourage any prospective Council members to attend a monthly meeting, get to know us and ask questions. We welcome recent grads and those experienced alumni to contact the Alumni Office at 905.575.2258. Special thanks to our volunteers and guests who were on the move at the 5th Annual Mohawk College Alumni Golf Classic. Everyone enjoyed the photo opportunity and I had a chance to chat and meet every participant. Sincere thanks to the Alumni Relations Staff and Golf Committee who managed to make this huge event all come together and at the end of the day were still smiling. Special thanks to the sponsors who contributed to the success of this sold out event. It was a pleasure to host the event at Century Pines with their helpful staff and outstanding service. The Council is on the move again with invited guests at the Hamilton Tiger Cats Labour Day Classic at Ivor Wynne Stadium. We will be in the Corporate Tents in the end zone. Last year’s event was a success and this year will be special as well with alumni reconnecting and the Council building relationships with our members. I invite all alumni to come and see your Alumni Council members on the move on the dance floor at this year’s Alumni Weekend. The Arnie will be pumping out live tunes by the fantastic group “Banned from Heaven.” There are activities planned to please everyone. Please check out all the details on the Alumni website. Show your support by contacting former classmates, friends and families and put together a group to attend Alumni Weekend – Saturday, October 17, 2009. Want to be on the move…join us!

Lidia Siino, ‘02 Director Journalism and Communications Media

Joanne Tansley, ‘04 Director Office Administration Executive Steve Marsh, ‘81 Director Law & Security

Sandra Ireland, ‘90 Director Nursing

Amos Key, ‘76 Director Communications Arts Radio & Television John Marshall, ‘71 Director Mechanical Drafting Technician Alan Griffiths President Mohawk Students’ Association

in touch | FALL 2009

W e l c o m i n g wo r d s m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Alumni Council Slate of Officers

Being part of the Mohawk College Alumni family has its benefits As a graduate, your relationship with Mohawk continues. The Alumni Association provides many opportunities to stay connected and in touch. Have a look at the benefits.... MOHAWK PRIDE Alumni Pin Alumni ID Card Mohawk Ring Diploma & Certificate Framing Alumni Recognition Alumni of Distinction Awards

CONNECTIONS IN TOUCH Magazine INFORMED – e-newsletter Alumni Weekend Reunions Meet the Grad Nights Meet & Greets Corporate Coffee Breaks WEB SERVICES Update your information Online access to IN TOUCH Magazine Online access to e-newsletters Photo Gallery of Events

MEMBERSHIP PERKS • Johnson Insurance Inc Home, Auto and Travel • BMO Mohawk College Mosaik Mastercard • Toyota (Upper James – Hamilton) exclusive pricing • Residence & Conference Centres • Summer Travel Accommodations • Alumni Insurance Services • Health and Dental Benefits • Critical Illness Plan Program • National Rent-a-car • Discount Rentals • Mohawk College Fitness Centre • Discount membership FREE ALUMNI CARD • Access to Fennell & Brantford Gymnasium • Admittance to Varsity Home Games • Ability to participate in Campus Recreation programs • Access to Counselling Services • Access to Graduate • Employment Services • Open Access use • Library Access

For more information, contact the Alumni Relations Office or drop by the Alumni House 905.575.2258 • • Alumni House , 135 Fennell Ave West, Hamilton, ON L8N 3T2

Wendy Makey Manager, Alumni Relations

Thank you to everyone who submitted their email address to our “Word of Mouse Contest.” Our database is now at a total of 17, 960 email addresses! This enables the Alumni Association to communicate to a larger number of our membership. As well, it will allow us to connect with a solid group of Alumni for our 2009 survey where we hope to solicit your open and honest feedback regarding our programs, services, events and activities. The 2009 Mohawk College Alumni Association Survey is now online and ready to gather your input! We want to hear from you! Visit the Alumni website at and click on the survey icon to be directed to the survey, or look for the link to the survey in the Alumni Informed e-newsletter. The 2009 survey was opened for your feedback on Friday, September 4th and will remain available for three weeks, until midnight on Sunday, September 27th, 2009. Fellow

Alumni members, I encourage you to take a moment to share your insight, comments and suggestions. We want to hear from you. Let us know what you would like to see your Alumni Association doing, what you want, what you need from us. Those who complete the survey will be entered in a contest to win one of three prizes. Take a few minutes and complete the survey TODAY! Mark Saturday, October 17 on your calendar – Alumni Weekend at Mohawk College! Don’t miss out and hear about the great times through the grapevine. Be part of the story – the action. Get involved. Reconnect with classmates, chat with faculty and network with fellow Alumni. Come and have a good time. Create new memories. For more details visit Stay Connected – Keep in Touch.

Alumni Relations Staff Updates: A FOND FAREWELL… As the new season begins, so does a new beginning for one of our dedicated staff members. Sanela Cosic, ’05 will be leaving the Alumni Office, as she is getting married in September and moving to Etobicoke. Sanela’s delightful smile will truly be missed and we wish her well on her next adventure. Thank you Sanela for all your hard work and the many fantastic memories you have left with us. The Alumni House would like to thank our Work-Study Students for all their hard work and enthusiasm throughout the summer. Nikolina Dobric – Financial Services, Felicia Caggino – Travel and Tourism Student and Akhil Akhil – Computer Systems Networking Student

her position in stride. Meaghan brings her experience from the Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation working with the donor database. Meaghan manages our data and coordinates our Student Trackers as they help us find our Lost Alumni. Candice Gardner, ‘05 is our new front line face. Candice is a graduate of our Advertising and Communication Media program and brings experience from JanKelley Marketing and Cargill – Distribution Services. Her front line expertise and creative background will be an excellent addition to the Alumni Relations Team.

New Faces Meaghan Drury joined the Alumni Relations team in April 2009. Meaghan is our Alumni Data Officer and she has taken

Front: Candice, Wendy, Kelly; Back: Meaghan and Sanela

Left-to-Right: Akhil, Felicia and Nikolina

in touch | FALL 2009

W e l c o m i n g wo r d s m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Planning for the Future

Carmi Guinto Alumni Files m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Life at Mohawk is truly what you make it…

I was the student Advertising Assistant in the Marketing and Communications division. Having the opportunity to work in this position, I was able to be part of Mohawk College’s 2009-2010 Marketing Campaign as one of the many “Mohawk Models” featured on various publications, billboards, transit shelters and online as the Open House Virtual Host. Being a work-study student, I was exposed to volunteer opportunities at numerous events such as, the Annual Alumni Golf Classic, VIP Saturdays and Destination College. It was from then on I decided I really wanted to make a difference at Mohawk and become more involved. In 2008, I was hired on as the Mohawk Students’ Association’s Applied Arts Director, three months after I then took on the position as the Vice President of Finance and Promotions. As a student leader, I had the opportunity to be “Mo the Hawk” for welcome week September 2008 and also helped out with

Carmi shaking President MacIsaac’s hand at Spring 2009 Convocation

in touch | Fall 2009

Carmi enjoying a day trip to Cedar Creek Falls

the Mohawk Students’ Association’s first ever “MOstock.” Being an active member on the MSA, I was able to represent the Association at other events such as the Health and Wellness Expo and most importantly, the YES Campaign for Mohawk’s Referendum to establish a new Recreation, Health and Wellness Centre. More over, I was able to put forth the MSA’s first ever Sustainability policy. With the help of Sophia Aggelonitis, MPP Hamilton Mountain, I was able to voice out the Mohawk student commuter issues with Go Transit methods from the Greater Toronto Area. In addition to it all, I stayed active in Campus Recreation Volleyball intramurals and am a proud champion of Mountaineer Day. As an Advertising student, I was proudly nominated in Mediafest 2008 for Excellence in Public Relations and for Mediafest 2009 I was nominated for The Michael Reles Alumni Award for Most Improved. A rewarding experience was winning silver with my team which represented Mohawk College for the Advertising Educator Association of Canada student competition. As I received my Diploma in Advertising, I was honoured to receive the Judge W.K. Warrender Award. Now that I am considered a Mohawk Alumnae, I am proud to say I have graduated from Mohawk College, because it has allowed me to grow into the woman I am today. So here I am now, I currently live in Gold Coast, Australia. I am now studying at Griffith University, furthering my studies

I’ll be back in Canada July 2010 ready to hit the real Canadian world in hopes to work in the Toronto advertising industry. A lot can surely happen in a year. However, I plan to keep my goals ongoing, striving hard in everything I do. The “Mohawk in Me� will always be there!

Carmi with IN TOUCH Magazine at Broad Beach in Australia

Attention Employers! Connect to Great Students and Graduates s s s s s s s

Job Centre


Job Centre AND Cooperative Education

Fennell Campus, Room i110 135 Fennell Avenue West, P.O. Box 2034, Hamilton, ON L8N 3T2 4EL FROM "RANTFORD EXT OR TOLL FREE #//0 \ &AX %MAIL POST MOHAWKCOLLEGE CA \

in touch | FALL 2009

Alumni Files m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

for a Degree in Communications. Mohawk College has great articulation agreements with Griffith University by allowing me to receive my Bachelor’s in one year! With everything I made of my Mohawk experience, I plan to venture onward except with bigger ambitions.

Profile in Leadership: Ray Adamyk Alumni Files m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Ray Adamyk, a 1985 Recreation Leadership graduate, has applied his Mohawk College education and leadership experience in two very different paths, but each reflects his passion as a citizen of the world. One path as a Humanitarian helps make a difference in the quality of lives and the other path as a Preservationist helps retain our architectural and cultural heritage. Ray’s commitment to preservation led him to found Spectra Company in 1985, an award-winning historical preservation company based in Southern California. As President of Spectra Company, Ray has helped restore, preserve and protect numerous architecturally-significant and iconic buildings such as the Hoover Dam; the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Ennis House; the Gamble House, the renowned Greene & Greene Craftsman gem; and two of Hollywood’s most celebrated buildings, The Roosevelt Hotel and the famed “art deco” theatre The Pantages. Each of the last two projects represents some of Hollywood’s glamorous Golden Age history as they were both sites for early Academy Awards ceremonies. His efforts with Spectra Company have received recognition awards from statewide and local preservation groups including a 2008 Preservation Design Award from the California Preservation Foundation and a 2008 Heritage Award from Long Beach Heritage – both awards were for his company’s stellar efforts in restoring Long Beach’s grand 1929 French Chateauesque masterpiece, the Villa Riviera. These accolades and the success of heading the largest his-

Ray and his wife Ann at the California Preservation Foundation conference in Palm Springs, CA.

10 in touch | Fall 2009

torical preservation company in California, with eighty five employees, have not caused him to rest on his laurels. With his company credo — “The Greenest Building is the One That Already Exists” — he hopes to promote awareness that preservation is ultimately the shortest distance to sustainability. Concurrently, Ray continues to dedicate his creativity to broader preservation issues by serving on the board of trustees for the California Preservation Foundation and heading up CPF’s Marketing Committee. Ray may sound like a busy man and he is. Despite this, he still devotes time to his humanitarian pursuits. Ray just recently returned from the African country of Swaziland where he joined a like-minded group from the Assemblies of God International Church. Their mission was to visit hospitals and orphanages and distribute food and clothing to remote villages. Spectra Company is also sponsoring a well-drilling project. “By digging wells in some of those villages, you can change lives,” says Ray. “It’s amazing the impact it can have in helping people sustain themselves and to help them become self-sufficient just by giving them access to water.” Ray will be making other missionary trips to Africa for future projects that include building a hall for one of the communities in Swaziland. Ray’s Africa missionary trips will be documented in Spectra Company’s newsletters and website. To be added to Spectra’s newsletter distribution list, please contact Ray Adamyk at

The award-winning Villa Riviera, built in 1929, was restored to its original grandeur by Spectra Company.

School children in the rural Swaziland village Ray Adamyk visited on a humanitarian mission.

These awards honour the exceptional contributions that Mohawk College graduates make to their communities and professions.

Bill Kelly 2009 Alumni of Distinction Award Recipient Creative Arts and Design

Bill Kelly is a veteran broadcaster, having radio and television experience spanning 35 years. He graduated from Mohawk College’s Communication Arts Program in 1974, having completed the three-year course in two years. He was part of the team that was asked in 1972 to develop a campus radio station, and CHMR was born. Bill has worked as an on-air personality in a number of markets and in 2007 came home to

CHML. As host of “The Bill Kelly Show,” Bill is dynamic and knowledgeable, and has exemplary interviewing skills. His decade in politics has given him an insider’s experience, and an insider’s perspective into the people who shape our community and into the issues that define our world. Bill has a unique rapport with guests and audiences alike, and is truly an exceptional broadcaster and community advocate.

“One of the greatest assets of my education at Mohawk was honing my communication skills through the interaction, mentoring, and hands-on experience that I received. This has provided an obvious benefit to my broadcasting career of course, but the ability to impart information and ideas in a clear, articulate, and concise manner has proved to be a tremendous advantage in all endeavours as well.”

Cathy Cardy 2009 Alumni of Distinction Award Recipient Technology

Cathy graduated from Mohawk College’s first Chemical Engineering Technician program in 1974 and was hired by McMaster University in the Biochemistry Department working to support a research grant. In 1979, she moved to London and found a similar position at The University of Western Ontario’s Biochemistry department. Between these two positions she co-authored five research papers. In 1983,

she began her career with Imperial Oil in Sarnia and over the last 25 years has held several positions including Lab Technologist testing for Research products, Business Analyst, Quality Coordinator, Technical & Improve Leader, Environmental Manager and most recently Quality Assurance Lab Manager. Cathy’s entire career has been grounded in the science fundamentals which are

the focus of Mohawk College’s Chemical technology program. Science is in the heart of all we do. Cathy’s career is product quality; Cathy’s passion is promoting science to all ages. Cathy cannot only demonstrate these skills but promotes these skill sets to others. Being involved in the college accreditation programs will help ensure future graduates are kept abreast with technology needs.

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Alumni Files m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

2009 Alumni of Distinction Award Winners

Alumni Files m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Gord Lewis 2009 Alumni of Distinction Award Recipient Business

A Punk Pioneer. Philanthropist. Mentor. Family Man. Friend. Gord Lewis is many things to many people, but most important, he is the ultimate representative of the strengths and values embraced by the Mohawk community. Gord graduated from Mohawk College’s Marketing Program in 1977 and has had many achievements. Some of Gord’s accomplishments include being the founder, guitar player and lyri-

cist of musical groups Teenage Head and Sons of the Hammer. Gord’s contribution to his craft includes co-founding the Canadian Musicians Benevolent Fund supporting musicians in need. With a Certificate in Music Studies, obtained through Continuing Education, Mohawk College has provided Gord with a solid educational foundation that has allowed him to expand and strengthen

as an artist and professional. Gord was able to combine strengths of creativity and vision coupled with a strong sense of business acumen to create and maintain a successful brand, which he still currently embodies. To this day, the skills acquired from Mohawk College are maximized on a regular basis, as he still plays professionally and owns and manages the day to day operations of his business.

Sarah Moir 2009 Alumni of Distinction Award Recipient Recent Graduate

Sarah Moir is an entrepreneur, a psychiatric survivor and founder of Crazy Daisy. In 1997, Sarah started her career as a floral designer, where for the first time she found meaning and balance within her life. She then enrolled in the floral design program at Flowers Canada and went on to work as a floral designer for 10 years, before enrolling at Mohawk College where she studied Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship and graduated in the spring of 2008. Leverag-

12 in touch | Fall 2009

ing her education at Mohawk College, her expertise as a florist, and her ability to find new solutions from old problems, Sarah founded Crazy Daisy. Almost every success that Crazy Daisy has enjoyed is somehow linked back to Mohawk College. Sarah’s experience at Mohawk College was the start to her success as an entrepreneur and overall mental health as an individual. At Mohawk, Sarah for the first time found the support and resources she

needed to excel as a student. Mohawk’s disability services provided a great support system for Sarah, and she was able to leverage those services to combat her mental illness. This allowed Sarah, for the first time as a student, to focus on her studies. Sarah was able to learn what was needed to become a successful entrepreneur, and gained confidence and ability. The education Sarah received while attending Mohawk enabled her to found her own business.

2009 Alumni of Distinction Award Recipient Community Services

A Mohawk College Early Childhood Education graduate and professor and Hamilton resident, Karyn Callaghan is the co-creator and coordinator of Artists at the Centre. This program is the first of its kind in North America. Created in 2001, Artists at the Centre brings professional artists into Hamilton childcare and family resource centres where artists and children together create, invent, imagine, learn and make their think-

ing visible through art. A graduate of Mohawk College, Karyn holds a Bachelor of Arts in Child Studies from Brock University and a Master of Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto. Karyn has also conducted qualitative research into the impact of having artists in classrooms and the process of change in early childhood programs where educators are exploring the Reggio Emilia approach. Karyn believes

how students are taught should align with what they are being asked to learn and then put into practice as ECE graduates. Adopting this approach has led to changes in the classroom. These changes have created more work for Karyn, as the learning needs of every class are different. However, she says a shared sense of ownership, respect and partnership fosters a stronger learning environment with higher levels of learning and better outcomes for students.

Susan Gregoroff 2009 Alumni of Distinction Award Recipient Health Sciences

Susan Gregoroff, RN, MHA graduated from Mohawk College’s Nursing Program in 1976. Currently she works at Hamilton Health Sciences as the Director of the Regional Cardiac and Vascular Program where she is accountable for all cardiac and vascular surgical, medical, and both inpatient and outpatient services. Throughout her successful career she has helped in the development of many changes within the Hamilton Health Sciences system including co-developing the Leadership Ori-

entation Program. Susan has also served in the role of Chief of Nursing Practice and has held a variety of key clinical management positions. She has a faculty appointment with McMaster University and provides clinical tutorship to students in the McMaster-Mohawk- Conestoga Collaborative Nursing Program. Susan is a role model for exemplary leadership at Hamilton Health Sciences. Highly respected among members of the inter-professional team, Susan consis-

tently demonstrated the commitment she made to ensure the best health outcomes for patients and families. As a leader, she applies the fundamentals of assessment, planning, intervention and evaluation to her decision-making funamentals that were the foundation of her nursing education at Mohawk College. Susan’s approach to decision-making reminds others of the need to focus on the needs of patients and families in all that we do.

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Alumni Files m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Karyn Callaghan

a w a R d s

d i n n e R

A night to celebrate Mohawk’s distinguished Alumni Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gord Lewis | Business

Michelangelo Banquet and Convention Centre Reception 5:30 p.m. | Dinner 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $70 | Table: $550

Sarah Moir | Recent GRaduate

For more information, contact the Alumni Relations Office at 905-575-2258 or email Proceeds raised will support student bursaries

Bill Kelly | cReative aRts Karyn Callaghan | community seRvices Cathy Cardy | technoloGy Susan Gregoroff | health sciences

C e l e b R AT i n g O u R g R A D u AT e s and b u i l D i n g l i f e lO n g R e l AT i O n s h i P s

Mohawk College Alumni Association presents the

Friday, June 4, 2010 MArk this dAte 14 in touch | Fall 2009

September 9 | MOStock – Drop by the Alumni Booth while enjoying the music, have a cob of corn and grab some free swag 10 | Alumni Welcome Back Breakfast Beginning at 7:30am under the Tent while supplies last IKEA Bus Trip for Students – pre-registration required – bus leaves the Residence at 6:15pm 15 | The Amazing MORace Grab a partner and team up for this exciting race – meet outside the Arnie for 6:30pm 21 | University Canada West Information Session Degree opportunities – 7pm at Mohawk College – Room i131

28 | Hap Holman Bonspiel – Alumni, past players and friends are all welcome. For more information, please contact Laurie Cahill at or 905-575-2259

December 5 | 2nd Annual Pictures with Santa Get your picture with Santa, watch Christmas movies, make Christmas crafts and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate Join us in The Arnie 10am to 2pm sponsored by MSA, MCACES and your Alumni Association! 18 | Holiday Open House Drop by the Alumni House and have a cup of cheer! 2pm to 5pm

October 13 | Mohawk College Alumni Association Annual General Meeting 5:30pm – Reception/6:00pm – Annual General Meeting/ Council Meeting to follow AGM Please RSVP to 14 | Technology Meet the Grad Night 16 | MCACES 25 Year Celebration Wine and Cheese 7pm to 9pm 905-575-2176 Women’s Fastball Reunion Social – Mohawk Sports Park To be Determined as Mohawk College is hosting the OCAA Fastball Championships Visit for more information 17 | ALUMNI WEEKEND Alumni Varsity Games, Kidz Zone, Alumni Table Talks, Campus Tours, Alumni Mixer, 25 YEAR CLUB, Happy Hour with Crank, Dinner with the President and to end the night with our Alumni Party featuring Banned from Heaven. Register today at 23 | Fall Convocation – McIntyre Theatre

January TBA | Froshfest - WOW Orientation 21 | 2009 Alumni of Distinction Awards Dinner – Celebrating our Graduates and Building lifelong Relationships Michelangelo’s Banquet and Convention Centre Reception at 5:30 p.m. and Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Tickets $70 or Table (8) for $550. To purchase tickets, please contact Alumni Relations at 905-575-2258 or Proceeds raised will support student bursaries.

February TBA | Alumni Movie Night - Young Alumni Event This evening will provide yet another platform for former classmates to catch up and network informally over popcorn, drinks and movie. 3 | Technology Meet the Grad Night

November TBA | Student & Young Alumni Etiquette Dinner. The session is a “Hands on” tutorial on using proper etiquette during a dining experience. Throughout the session, information is given regarding dining as it relates to business and networking. Together, participants will walk through the various pitfalls of the dining experience and will attempt to avoid them using practice, humour and laughter. Cost: $15 per person – Business Attire Pre-registration required –

March TBA | Alumni Family Event Please visit our website for updates 23-26 | Countdown to Convocation Series for Students Pub Night, KNOW YOUR ALUMNI PERKS, Business Networking Session, Career Planning Workshop and much more. Visit our website for more details

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Alumni events m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Calendar of Events

Alumni Events

Golf fun, camaraderie and a few winners The sun was shining with not a cloud in sight at the 5th Annual Mohawk College Alumni Golf Classic held on June 5, 2009 at Century Pines Golf Course in Flamborough. Alumni, faculty, staff and friends gathered for another fun day of lighthearted competition on the fairways and greens. The day began with a shot gun start and ended with a barbeque lunch, complete with a corporate gift, prize packages, and the day’s winners. The event wrapped up with an engaging

Live Auction for a trip for two to Las Vegas, graciously donated by Marshall Truck & Trailer Repair. The generous support of this year’s Tournament, Green and Tee Sponsors, and participants resulted in over $15,000 raised to support Programs and Services for current students and Alumni. It is never too soon to plan for next year’s 6th Annual Mohawk College Alumni Golf Classic, set to take place on Friday, June 4, 2010. Save the date now! We hope you join us!

Top Men’s Team

Top Women’s Team

Top Mixed Team

Laurie Cahill, Charlie Carey, and Fred Elbe

Karen Withers, Chris Walker, Melinda Coker, and Liz Laforme

Dane Rimmer, Krisi Rimmer and Jan Dedood

Thank you to our Tournament Sponsors Breakfast Sponsor

Lunch Sponsor

Print Media Sponsor

Prize Sponsor

16 in touch | Fall 2009

Corporate Gift Sponsor

Putting Contest Sponsor

Cart Sponsor

Signage Sponsor

• • • • • • • • • •

ACE INA Arcelor Mittal Dofasco Inc. Alumni Insurance Services Business Insurance Services CBM Chartered Accountants Dave McKay State Farm Insurance Edge Interactive Publishing GIC Financial Services Greensheild Canada Haber Blain Insurance

• Ira McDonald Construction • John Knechtel and Bick Financial Security Corporation • KPMG • Kenaidan Contracting Ltd. • LG Wallace Funeral Home • Martin-Stewart Contracting Ltd. • MSA (Mohawk Students’ Association) • MCACES (Mohawk College Association of Continuing Education Students )

• Michael Lamont Law Office • Mohawk College Enterprise • Morasse Family “ Tammy, Ryan and George • Reliance Home Comfort • SCM Marketing Group Inc. • Sandi Richardson • The Kiwanis Club of Greater Hamilton • The Hamilton Tiger-cats

Thank you to our Prize Sponsors • Acorn Innovations • • Alumni Insurance Services • • Athletics & Recreation – • Mohawk College • • Bookstore – Mohawk College • • Business Insurance Services • • Carluke Orchards • • Carrying Place Golf and Country Club • • Century Pines Golf Course •

Corporate Clothier Crock-a-doodle – Rose Saunders George and Tammy Morasse Graphic ID HECFI IRA McDonald Construction Ltd Joe Badali’s Ristorante Italiano & Bar Laurie Cahill Marshall Truck & Trailer Repair

• • • • • • • • •

My-Thai Restaurant Niagara Wine Festival President’s Office –Mohawk College QScene BBQ TV Recruitment – Mohawk College Security & Parking – Mohawk College Schneider Electric Canada The Hamilton Tiger-cats Toronto Blue Jays – Trevor Johnson

in touch | FALL 2009 17

Alumni Events

Thank you to our Hole & Green Sponsors

Alumni Events

Meet the Alumni Speakers from Spring Convocation 2009 Frank Marchionda is a graduate of our Marketing program. Frank has over 20 years of self-employment and consulting experience. In 1987 he became the 5th Franchisee in Canada for Subway Sandwiches and today is still the youngest individual to have joined the brand. In 1997 he joined the Business Advisory Centre of Hamilton and assisted in the fostering and facilitating of over 500 start-up business operations. As an advisor, Frank facilitated workshops on developing Strategic Business/Marketing Plans and Cash Flow Management. Today Frank is the co-owner of the newest entry into NASCAR Canada’s National Series, the 50 car Team Atto. His partner, great friend for the past 25 years, and college classmate is Chris D’Amico. Since achieving her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing in 2006, Saima Ahmad has been working diligently towards gaining a Master of Science from McMaster University, which she will achieve this fall. Her focus for her graduate studies have been in the area of public health with projects including Health Promotion Strategies for the Youth Health Team in Halton Region Public Health and most recently Project Management on the Strategic Services & Projects Team in Hamilton Public Health Services. Saima has been working for the City of Hamilton since 2006 as a public health nurse for the Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program. Following graduating from the Architectural Technology Program in 1972, Peter Vicano has built his own business, Vicano Construction, into one of the most established and recognizable full service construction companies in Brant County. Since the inception of his company in 1975, Peter has had the pleasure of working on a wide range of projects. Some of his major project achievements include the construction of the Brantford Public Library, the Adidas Head Office in Vaughn, the Tim Horton’s Children’s Foundation Headquarters, a Camp in St. George, as well as Laurier University’s Odeon Lecture Halls and ‘Post House’ Students Residence in Brantford, just to name a few. In 2007, as part of Mohawk’s 40th Anniversary Celebration, Peter was honoured as one of the Incredible 40 at 40, a prominent group of our outstanding Alumni who were recognized for their achievements in the community. Greg Brownless graduated from Mohawk in 1978 with two diplomas, one in Advertising & Communications Media and

18 in touch | Fall 2009

the other in Marketing, which he took concurrently. His original motivation stemmed from watching the CLIO Awards and reading about David Ogilvy who is probably best known for his headline, “At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in this RollsRoyce comes from the electric clock.” It was that kind of marketing insight and the support from the late Hap Holman that propelled him first into the advertising world and then into consumer packaging, where early in his career he began winning packaging awards for innovation, design, and presentation. In 2005, he was voted by Computing Canada as IT Champion of the Year for his integration of a customer relationship management system that linked sales, service and operations together to better serve the customer. Greg now runs Solaris Healthcare, which he began in 2006, a practice management consulting firm that specializes in supporting professional small businesses in the dental and veterinary fields. Dave Kuruc, a 1999 Graphic Design Production Graduate has taken a leadership role in the renewal and revitalization of downtown Hamilton through the flourishing of an arts community in the city core. Dave is the owner and operator of Mixed Media, Hamilton’s only independent arts supply shop and gallery. From a renovated building in the heart of downtown Hamilton, Dave’s store serves as an artistic, cultural and political hub for the neighbourhood. Applying what he learned in Mohawk’s Graphic Design Production program, Dave is the publisher, editor-in-chief and art director for H Magazine, a monthly publication focused on downtown arts and culture. Sera Nicosia was instrumental in establishing Canada’s first Coordinated Spine Unit at Hamilton Health Sciences. As an Advanced Practice Nurse on the Coordinated Spine Unit within the hospital’s Neuroscience and Trauma Program, Sera provides comprehensive care, support and advocacy for patients and families who have suffered life-changing spinal cord injuries. Each year, Sera helps approximately 200 patients who have been diagnosed with quadriplegia or paraplegia through their recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration into the community. A born educator, Sera graduated from our Nursing Program in 1981 and has served as an instructor at Mohawk, Sheridan and Niagara Colleges. Sera’s commitment to patients and families was recently recognized with a Health Professional of the Year award from the Ontario chapter of the Canadian Paraplegic Association.

College’s Information Systems Technician program, which she graduated from in 1991. In 1997 Vanh proudly bought her first business. Then, in 2001, she opened the doors to her first My-Thai restaurant. Since then her business has spread to 5 successful locations located in Hamilton, Burlington, Ancaster, Brantford and Waterloo, employing over 80 people. In the future Vanh aspires to open more locations, produce My-Thai sauce to be available in local supermarkets, as well as open a green house in order to ensure the freshest ingredients are available for all her My-Thai locations. As part of owning a successful business Vanh has had the pleasure to give back to her community by taking part in multiple fundraising events, such as the Living Rock Ministry Soupfest, Hamilton’s Food and Drink Fest and Dine Out for Hospice.

Coming to Canada from a Thai refugee camp in 1985, Vanh Kalong settled in Hamilton and soon registered in Mohawk

1 2



4 1

Sandra Ireland and Sera Nicosia

2 3


6 Jesse Williamson

Diana Zanin, Rob MacIsaac and Greg Brownless

4 5

Amos Key and Dave Kuruc


Peter Vicano

Vanh Kalong

8 7 8

Frank Marchionda Saima Ahmad

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Alumni Events

Upon graduating from Stoney Creek’s Saltfleet High School in 2004, Jesse Williamson had many opportunities presented to him. These included offers for baseball scholarships to two different Division 1 Universities in the United States. However, it was Mohawk’s Recreation and Leisure Services that intrigued him and as a result he enrolled in 2005. While attending Mohawk College, Jesse experienced great opportunities to work in the community having placements at both Columbia International College and Hamilton East Kiwanis Boys and Girls Club. It was this placement that led to his current position working as the Active Living Coordinator for the Boys and Girls Club.

Alumni events m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e


Current students attending the “Get a Job, Keep your Job, Love your Job” Career Planning Workshop during the Countdown to Convocation Series for Students


MPP Ted McMeekin and President MacIsaac at the 5th Annual Mohawk College Alumni Golf Classic


Prologic was the special guest band at the “Don’t be a Fool Pub” on April 1st, hosted by the Alumni Association during the Countdown to Convocation Series for Students


(clockwise from top) Malwina Szczotka, Liisa Tervakoski-Sinclair, Rebecca Westmorland, and Melissa Davidson


Justin learning some tips on the proper hand shake from Fatima Di Valentin at the Business Networking Session during the Countdown to Convocation Series for Students


Grace Sui and Rob Cleugh with their OCAA All Millennium Award at the OCAA Hall of Fame Inductions


Diana, Mayra and Nelia at “KNOW YOUR ALUMNI PERKS”


Recent Early Childhood Education Grads at Spring Convocation


Mohawk College Mountaineers All Millennium Recipients at the OCAA Hall of Fame Banquet held at St. Clair College in Windsor


Students enjoying a free BBQ during StartSmart


Sandi Richardson, Karen Logan and Sarah Beno robing President MacIsaac at his Installation. Photo published by permission of The Hamilton Spectator


Recreation and Leisure Recent Graduates at Spring 2009 Convocation


Justin, Nikolina and Sabrina learning tips at the Networking Session


Ty and Linda sharing helpful hints at the Business Networking Session


The Mohawk College Alumni Council at the Branford Campus


The Mountaineer Hall of Fame Ceremony




Finishing touches for that competitive edge By: Ty McKenna, Business Marketing Graduate and Business Administration Graduate Just when you think you’ve nailed down the perfect handshake to arm yourself with in the business world, Mohawk College Alumni Association humbles us with those “finishing touches” sometimes overlooked in school. This fun-filled evening afforded my colleague Linda and I the opportunity to finesse our mingling skills in the formal cocktail party setting. We gained an array of refined social tools such as how to properly introduce individuals with rank, to maintaining etiquette and presence throughout a networking event. Fatima brought a professional yet relaxed, fun and very enjoyable atmosphere with her presentation. I truly believe it to be in the best interest of all students and Young Alumni to engage in the Alumni Association’s events. They are informative, fun and a great way to build that competitive edge we all strive to have in the working world. Hope to see you at the next event!”

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Alumni events m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e


Around Campus

MCACES 25 Year Celebration

y a d i r F

Wine & Cheese 7pm to 9pm 905-575-2176

Women’s Fastball Reunion Social

Alumni Wee Weekend

Friday, October 16 &


Sophisticated Ladies pROUDLy pRESENTS OUR

AnnuAl gAlA conceRT

Alumni Women’s & Men’s Volleyball Games



12pm & 1:30pm Fennell Gym

Alumni M

(Reunion Celeb

3:30pm to 5:0 The Arnie HeatHer BamBrick, tania Bove


and colina PHilliPs plus

october 17th, 2009

the MOHAWK COLLEGE JAZZ CHOIR directed by Bob Hamper and

at 8:00 P.M. McIntyre theatre, Mohawk College

the MOHAWK COLLEGE FACuLty EnsEMBLE featuring: – Mike Malone, Darcy Hepner,

Hamilton Campus, Fennell Avenue W. at West 5th Street

terry Basom, Pat Collins, Adrean Farrugia,

Tickets: Adults $25 Student Balcony Seats $10

Dave McMurdo and Kevin Dempsey.

For tickets, call: 905-575-2740

For more information please visit our website:

22 in touch | Fall 2009

* 30 Year Reunion - Cl * 25 YEAR CLUB - Cla

* 15 Year Reuion - Cl * 5 Year Reunion - Cla * Class of 2009 R

Around Campus

ekend 2009 Activities

Saturday, October 17

lumni Women’s & Men’s asketball Games 3pm & 4pm Fennell Gym



00pm e

lass of 1989 ass of 1984

lassof 1994 ass of 2004 Reunion

Campus Tours

Alumni Table Talks

2pm to 4pm

2pm to 3:30pm Everyone Welcome

(every 1/2 hour) Meet in front of Arnie

Kids Zone

Decade Room

2pm to 5pm

2pm to 10pm Heath Hall

Happy Hour with Crank


5pm to 6pm The Arnie

6pm to 8pm The Arnie

Alumni Party featuring Banned from Heaven 8pm to 1am • The Arnie

in touch | FALL 2009 23

Mohawk will present a new face and open up a world of innovative opportunities for learners and aspiring entrepreneurs. For the next 18 months, Mohawk will invest $30 million worth of new building construction and major renovations at the Fennell campus. The cornerstone of the renewal project is a new two-storey Centre for Entrepreneurship, Learning & Innovation facing Fennell Avenue and located next to A Wing. The centre, constructed to the highest environmental standards, will also be home to a state-of-theart Cummings Library and Learning Commons, and classrooms. Scheduled to open in January 2011, the centre will also be the new front door to the college for students and visitors. Major renovations will also convert the current library at the Fennell campus into a new Centre for Student Services, offering convenient, one-stop shopping for everything from registration and financial aid to counselling and tutoring. Mohawk’s Schools of Business, Human Services and Communications Media will relocate to renovated wings designed to replicate the workplace. Enrolment at the Fennell campus will grow by 2,000 students, for a total of 9,000 students at Mohawk’s largest and oldest campus. The investments are a direct response to student feedback for improved services and facilities at the Fennell campus. The renewal project is made possible by a $20 million investment by the Government of Ontario, a $4 million donation from the late James Harold Cummings, and $330,000 from leaders in the insurance industry for an Insurance Centre of Excellence. The donation from Mr. Cummings is the largest in Mohawk’s history, and the provincial infrastructure funding was championed at Queen’s Park by the Honourable Ted McMeekin, Minister of Consumer Services, and Hamilton Mountain MPP Sophia Aggelonitis. “Mohawk is committed to serving our students and supporting our community,” says President Rob MacIsaac. “Renewing our Fennell campus further strengthens Mohawk’s role as a catalyst for economic growth, prosperity and social well being.”

From Top: Front Entrance View from Fennell Avenue; Aerial View of the Main Floor Plan; Cross Section of Building; Mezzanine; Centre for Entrepreneurship, Learning and Innovation

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around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Mohawk investing $30 million in Fennell campus

Mohawk College and are proud to host the 30th Annual Ontario Colleges Marketing Competition (OCMC) on November 19th and 20th 2009. S’ ONTTARIO COLLEGE


OCMC is a student-focused learning experience that provides Ontario College Marketing Students the opportunity to demonstrate their business marketing skills with industry professionals. OCMC is a stepping stone from academia to industry.

Thank you to all our supporters for making OCMC 2009 happen.

For more information on how you can support OCMC 2009 please contact the organizing team at

Centenary and Mohawk College form an educational partnership … Centenary College has a rich history of providing quality education for over 140 years and is U.S. accredited. • CENTENARY COLLEGE offers BS and MBA fast-track degree completion opportunities for Mohawk College graduates. • Business advanced diploma graduates (threeyear) earn your BS after 36 credits. • Business post-graduate certificate graduates earn your MBA in as little as 18 additional credits – about 11 months online. • Studies available online or in-residence.

For Additional Information Contact: MR. RONALD BAYS (toll free) 1-877-236-4723 Email:

26 in touch | Fall 2009

IS A B.S. OR M.B.A. IN YOUR FUTURE? I am very happy to be enrolled and half way through my M.B.A. program at Centenary College. I have found this program to be very flexible and rewarding as I continue my career. Working Full-Time can be challenging while taking courses at night, but Centenary has allowed me to manage this difficult task. The Professors and coordinators have been excellent, and I am left feeling empowered, self disciplined and enriched having started this program. I encourage other students who are interested in pursuing their M.B.A. to go through Centenary College.


Graduate of McMaster University in Labour Studies (2005) and Mohawk College, Human Resources Manager Graduate Certificate program (2006) is currently enrolled with the Centenary College M.B.A. program.

On Friday, June 5, 2009 the Mohawk College Mountaineer Hall of Fame inducted Soccer stars Carrie Wooloff and Ardo Perri along with curler Todd Brandwood. Also recognized in the first “TEAM Category” was the 1970-71 Mountaineer men’s soccer team which captured the OCAA Gold Medal.

Ardo Perri, John Cuccaol, Tony Lacozza, Joe Lacko and coach Gerry Dunsford




Carrie Wooloff excelled in Women’s Outdoor and Indoor soccer over a three year span. She was twice named to the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA) Best Defensive Team as the Mountaineers won the OCAA Bronze Medal in 1997 and led the team to OCAA Gold in 1998 and a fifth place finish in the Canadian Colleges Championship. Carrie was Team MVP and captured the college’s prestigious Dr. Sam Mitminger award for outstanding academic and athletic excellence. Wooloff returned to Mohawk for 2000-01 and had another banner campaign as the Mountaineers won the OCAA Outdoor Soccer Bronze Medal, as well as an Indoor Silver. She was an OCAA All-Star, a CCAA AllCanadian, captured her team’s MVP Award and was named Mohawk’s Outstanding Female Athlete in 2001. A graduate of both the Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Ultrasound courses, Wooloff made the Dean’s Honour List throughout both programs.

Ardo Perri was the top goalkeeper in Ontario Colleges Athletic Association men’s soccer in both the 1970-71 and 1971-72 seasons, backstopping Mohawk to consecutive OCAA Gold Medals. The team went undefeated in his first year. The second season saw Perri lead the league in goals against average. He even saw action as a forward and was the second highest scorer for the Mountaineers. Perri also represented Ontario in the Canada Games and went on to play professionally. He joined Rochester in the North American Soccer League in 1975, and Ardo played against many international stars such as the legendary Pele. He also was with the Hamilton Steelers in the Canadian Professional Soccer League and played in the Major Indoor Soccer League with both Buffalo and Philadelphia. Perri graduated from the Marketing course at Mohawk.

Todd Brandwood had an outstanding two years as skip of the Mohawk Men’s Curling team. The Business graduate led his rink to the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association West Regional title, OCAA Gold Medal and the Canadian Colleges Bronze Medal in 1988-89. Brandwood was further recognized as he was named the All-Star Skip at the OCAA Championship. The Team MVP, Todd went on to be named Mohawk’s Outstanding Male Athlete. In 1989-90, he guided the Mountaineers to another Regional Championship, followed by a Silver Medal in the OCAA Championship. Brandwood’s curling prowess continued after his 1990 graduation and in 2000 he was a member of the Glendale Country Club Ontario Men’s Curling Champions who went on to represent the province very well in the Brier. Todd has since won many other titles in Curling and is well known for playing any position on the team to help his team’s success.

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around campus

Former Stars Join the Mohawk Mountaineer Hall of Fame

By: Mary Hrycay, ‘86 Manager, International Education

Tuesday April 7, 2009 was a day of celebration for the international students at Mohawk College. The annual International Student Celebration took place in the McIntyre Theatre, followed by a wonderful dinner in the North Cafeteria. Each year Mohawk welcomes 325 International students from over 50 countries. Student, guests, faculty and staff were treated to a variety of international entertainment, followed by the presentation of Awards and Scholarships to over 50 hard working and well deserving international students. The annual Student Celebration is an opportunity to celebrate Mohawk’s diversity and to recognize the cultural enrichment that international students bring to our college community. We are proud to honour the achievements of our international students and to showcase some of our very own international student talents at the celebration.

Rosemary Knechtel, VP Student Services, presenting the President’s Award for Academic Excellence to Qin Lin

Providing recognition to international students is just one way of supporting the success of students. The comments we receive from the thank you letters that students send us reinforce this: “The International Student Scholarship has helped in tremendous ways, far beyond the obvious and measurable financial help.” “It gives me great pleasure to accept this award that has helped me in so many ways that words are just not enough.” “Thank you again for your generosity and support. I promise you I will work very hard and eventually give something back to others.” “I always remind myself to be thankful for the opportunity my parents gave me to study in Canada.” “I will do my best to prove that the International Education Department’s choice was correct. And I will concentrate on my studies, I will get good grades, and I will prepare well for my future career.”

International Students Celebration in the North Cafeteria

International student Hyo Seon Son

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around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

International Student Celebration

around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Celebrating the Past 2009 Appreciation Awards “An evening of celebration, congratulations and thanks.” Please take a moment to read through the list of deserving award winners for 2009: • Special Award of Recognition – Rachel Matthews • Recognition of Service (The Arnie/Cellar) - Steve Ricker • Fennell Instructor Appreciation Award – Jeff Murell • IAHS Instructor Appreciation Award – Leslie Johnstone • STARRT Instructor Appreciation Award – Glen Kinaschuk • Brantford Instructor Appreciation Award – Kristin Whitney On Saturday, April 25, the Mohawk Students’ Association hosted the annual Mohawk Students’ Association Appreciation Awards banquet in The Arnie at the Fennell Campus. Over 140 guests joined in the celebration including President MacIsaac, The Honourable Ted McMeekin (MPP), Sophia Aggelonitis (MPP), Mohawk College Senior Management, administration and faculty, corporate partners, both incoming and outgoing MSA Board of Directors, MSA volunteers and MSA staff. This memorable evening is hosted annually by the MSA to celebrate people who have impacted the organization, partnerships between the College and Community, staff involvement, accomplishments throughout the year and also welcome the new Board of Directors to the MSA. As part of the celebration, the MSA recognized and rewarded many people that have impacted the organization in a postive manner.

• Students’ Athletics Committee Award – Jenny Koschanow • Walker of the Year (Walk Smart) – Jon Paxton • Entertainment Committee Volunteer Award – Jordan Stater • C101.5FM Volunteer Award – Sabrina Saltmarsh • Print Media Volunteer Award – Nathan Swyers • Arnie/Cellar Sta_ Award – Jayme Hoxie • Campus Den Sta_ Award – Heather Brock • IAHS Class Representative Award – Laura Wenzel • STARRT Class Representative Award – Casy Sokach • Fennell Class Representative Award – Tessa Hayman • Brantford Class Representative Award – Melody Lacey • Lifetouch Leadership Award – Melissa Agnew • Lifetouch Leadership Award – Sarah Beno • Mohawk College Academic Award of Excellence – Matthew McAllister • MSA Award of Excellence – Nicholas Smithson

IAHS students and staff; Michelle Ball and Jon Paxton; Rachel Mathews and Richard Anderson

30 in touch | Fall 2009

around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Welcoming the Future NEW LOGO …Proudly Supporting our Mohawk Students!

NEW FOOD SERVICES - Student Centre Fennell Campus





Front row: Jason Lee, Ramon Hilton, Melissa Schwarz , Melissa Agnew, Dan Clark, Kat Cullen and Laura Emary Back row: Amber Jones, Andrew Treco, Janelle Naiman, Alan Griffiths, Alan Dow and Laura Croitoru

in touch | FALL 2009 31

around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Bursaries and Scholarships Support Tomorrow’s Workforce Mohawk College annually provides bursaries and scholarships to eliminate affordability as a challenge for those wishing to pursue postsecondary education and graduate to career success. In addition, each year more and more alumni are joining the family of donors who want to give back to their College, or who want to invest in the future of our labour force. Mohawk students appreciate the help! The importance of an award is best stated in the words of student Michele Laderoute, School of Health Sciences, Cardiovascular Technology Program. “I was overcome by a disability and unable to maintain gainful employment. Through one of my doctors, I became aware of the Cardiovascular Technology Program. Finances, however, posed a significant barrier. As a result of your generosity, I am now in the first year of the Cardiovascular Technology Program.”

OTSS (Ontario Trust of Student Support) One of the big motivators for donors who wish to help students is the opportunity to have their contribution matched by government investment. The Ontario Trust for Student Support is a provincial endowment program that matches donations made to the Mohawk bursary program. For every dollar donated, the Ontario government matches it, up to an annual predetermined amount, after which three to one matching is available. In 2008-09, Mohawk achieved three to one matching. The challenge each year is to generate suffi-

Amos Key, 1994 Premier’s Award Recipient and Bursary Donor

cient donations at one-to-one matching to move to the next level. All monies are endowed so that over time the principal accumulates interest and creates annual bursary opportunities for students in financial need. Bursaries are for students who demonstrate financial need first and foremost, as well as academic achievement.

Awards For Students Mohawk annually serves almost 11,000 full-time students, as well as 4,000 apprenticeship students. Thanks to the generosity of donors, including alumni, last year Mohawk was able to award $368,280, for a total of 307 bursaries and $181,835 in 401 scholarships. Each year students in a variety of programs at all four Mohawk campuses have the opportunity to receive financial support based on financial need (bursaries), or academic merit (scholarships) and community involvement (both). For many students, annual financial support is essential to complete their postsecondary education.

Special Endowments Ryan Aitken and Ed Cocchiarella

32 in touch | Fall 2009

Several Mohawk donors have asked that significant sums of money be endowed and named in honour of family mem-

speakers. As a tribute to her dedication to civic engagement, the Mohawk Board of Governors created the Mary-Lynn West Moynes Active Citizenship Award. This Award will be presented annually to a student(s) with strong academic standing and financial need who has demonstrated leadership in the area of citizenship. With matching, the dinner raised $438,430, with annual interest to support Mohawk students.

Development Futures In 2009-10, Mohawk Development is actively engaged in expanding opportunities to support students and enhance our learning environments. By embracing the Mohawk value that students and learning are at the heart of all we do, Mohawk efforts to grow bursaries and scholarships continue. Alumni are invited to contribute, in support of exceptional students and their academic careers, and the contributions that successful graduates will make to social, economic and environmental sustainability around the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Areas.

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around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

bers or friends. On February 1st, 2009, Rob MacIsaac became Mohawk’s seventh President, following leadership roles as Executive Chair of Metrolinx, Mayor and Alderman for the City of Burlington, and Managing Partner of his own law firm. President MacIsaac is committed to providing access to Mohawk, as well as renewing the Fennell Campus, relocating the Brantford Campus, enhancing applied research, and embracing three strategic priorities related to quality, innovation and sustainability. To commemorate his Installation, Rob MacIsaac launched a community appeal for the Mohawk Cares Awards. To date, the college has received $85,000 in support of Rob MacIsaac’s new endowment initiative, and donations continue to arrive. On November 20th, 2008, colleagues, members of the community, family and friends joined together to honour departing President Mary-Lynn West Moynes for her leadership, vision, warmth and compassion. More than 160 community and industry leaders attended the dinner, including several guest

around campus m o h aw k a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

Mohawk College launches new B-2-B corporation In today’s global economic climate, the combination of demographics and financial challenges means that companies no longer have the luxury or time to take a trial and error approach in training and development of employees. This is an area of significant importance for Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology. In fact, the College has just recently approved their new 2009-2010 strategic plan that identifies the establishment of a “new” business-to-business (B-2-B) organization as a key priority in the plan. The College is investing funds into the creation of “Mohawk College Enterprise Corporation (MCEC).” It is a unique and separate entity from the College whose mandate is tied closely with the business community through corporate training and partnerships. The Enterprise provides a wide range of “world class” customized training and employee development opportunities. It is an area that has the potential to be transformational for the College, linking opportunity and capacity within the College to private sector leadership, funding and training needs. Mohawk College Enterprise Corporation has a solid understanding of what it takes to provide people with the necessary skills that employers are looking for in order to

compete in a local and global marketplace, said Don Baxter, Executive Director. Our quality training and development is “leading-edge” and we are proud of the partnerships we have established with many world-class companies and educational delivery agents. Together with our partners, we are taking innovative steps to providing cross-functional training, both in-class and onthe-job to promote stronger skills development that will lead to higher dividends to both the business community and the College. The Enterprise specializes in the following areas of expertise: Advanced Manufacturing, Certificate Programs, Computer Workshops, Health Sciences, Specialized Skills Training and Workplace Safety Training. Mohawk College Enterprise Corporation is pleased to announce the opening of our new location at McMaster Innovation Park, 101A-175 Longwood Road South, Hamilton which includes two state-of the art computer and training labs. For more information on the Enterprise or for a full listing of all training and workshop opportunities or to register online, visit, call 905-667-6230 or email

Did you receive OSAP as a student? You need to provide the National Student Loans Centre with your contact information if it changes after graduating. National Student Loans Service Centre P.O. Box 4030 Mississauga (ON) L5A 4M4 Toll Free: 1-888-815-4514 You are required to start paying off your OSAP loan within 6 months of finishing school or make alternate arrangements with the National Student Loans Centre

34 in touch | Fall 2009

Debra Balise (Yobbagy), ‘76 Nursing – St. Joseph Campus

Retired from Stelco after 37 plus years.

I would love to find anyone from the 1976 Nursing graduating class - St. Joseph’s Campus. Where are you Nursing Class of 1976?

Rosemary Godin, ‘74 Communication Arts After a long career in print journalism as a reporter and editor with daily papers and trade magazines in the Atlantic Provinces, and a term as a provincial MLA in Nova Scotia, I have now returned to my home province. In May, I graduated with my M.Div. from the Atlantic School of Theology and was Ordained as a United Church Minister. I am now serving the Moorefield-Rothsay Pastoral Charge, just 45 minutes northwest of Kitchener-Waterloo. I am delighted to be back around “home,” close to family and friends. Interestingly, my college apartment-mate and fellow 1974 grad, Bonnie (Stinson) Holliday, was Ordained in the United Church three years ago and is the Minister at Pioneer Memorial United Church in Hamilton. Before entering the ministry, Bonnie had a long career in community radio out of Owen Sound and Wingham. In the photo: Bonnie (Stinson) Holliday ‘74 (left), and Rosemary (Larmour) Godin ‘74 (Photo taken by George Holliday).

Edward Blaszynski, ‘76 Transportation Engineering Technology

Robert Houghton, ‘81 Broadcasting - TV & Communications Media Graduated from McMaster in the spring of 2008 with an honours BA in history and film studies (part time: 14 years) and this spring completed my B.Ed at Nipissing University in North Bay to teach in the junior-intermediate panel. While I was doing this, my son Cliff completed his Mohawk program in Computer Software Engineering (2008). I now hope to be able to combine my background in TV and Film from Mohawk with my university studies as I begin teaching at the elementary level.

Laurie Costello Small, ‘82 Radiological Technology After 18 years, I am re-entering the field of ultrasound.

From his wife: Hi, I was reading through your Spring 2009 issue of ‘In Touch’ and wanted to enclose a picture of my husband, Ed Blaszynski, a graduate of the first class of the Transportation Planning/Traffic Engineering Technology program. Ed is currently in his 33rd year of employment at the City of Ottawa, as Project Manager, Transportation Infrastructure Approvals, and Planning & Growth Management Department.

Cameron Tilbury, ‘84 Radio Broadcasting Greetings from sunny England (okay, it’s not sunny right now--it’s cloudy, windy and going to rain--but it was sunny yesterday!). How are things in Hamilton? Just thought I’d update you on my job situation. I’m now working in London, England. I work as an advertising copywriter for the in-house advertising agency at Betfair, which is an international sports/casino/poker gambling company. We’re based

in touch | FALL 2009 39

grad grapevine

Bruce Todd, ‘70 Electronics Engineering Technician

grad grapevine

in Hammersmith in west London. I’m writing primarily digital advertising (banners/ emails/websites) for our offices all around the world, including Canada. We’re also doing print advertising as well as the odd radio/TV commercial. I’ve been here at Betfair for just over a year. Hope things are good there.

Nanci McClellan, ‘89 Nursing My daughter just graduated from high school and is headed for a career in medicine. I recently got a promotion at Covance and enjoy traveling all over the world. I just returned from a business trip to Singapore. My nursing diploma opened many doors for me and I went on to complete a BA in Gerontology and Psychology as well as a BScN in Nursing.

entirely different than what they are used to. I like selling the new to those not knowing the technology.

Michelle Monaco,’86 and Christopher Monaco, ‘86 Office Administration - Executive / Electronics Engineering Technology We have been married 20 years. We have two children, our son (18) who is taking Electrical Engineering Technology at Mohawk and our daughter (14) who just started high school.

Jennifer Birch-Scholfield, ‘86 Mechanical Technician - Drafting Learning never stops, eh? After 20 years in tool and die design for the automotive industry, I took an eight month sabbatical and then for the last 21 months I have been at ESC, learning about Cleanrooms (

Elaine Barnes, ‘85 Law& Security Administration Glenn Froese, ‘85 Mechanical Drafting Technician We have started to branch out from Southern British Columbia to Southern Alberta with our unique brand of Industrial Buildings. Concrete tilt-up buildings have been built in BC for 20 plus years but we have now introduced them to Southern Alberta and they are taking the area by storm. Due to weather related issues they were never considered and now we have introduced options to make them much more feasible. My work has changed to one of more information and technology rather than just design. Education of the concept is important, to win people over to something

I have been happily married for 16 years to Jim Barnes (Television Broadcasting 1991). We have one daughter Samantha. I am employed with the Hamilton Police Service and loving every minute of my job. Life could not be any better.

David Goossens, ‘85 Advertising & Communication Media I currently own a successful Medical supply firm with agent/ reps across Canada. Worked in the Medical field in sales and marketing since 1990.

Steve Kolovos, ‘90 Electronic Engineering Technician I am married with 3 boys. I own a local security and telecom company.

Jakob Arth, ‘91 Architectural Technology I have been living in Toronto for over 10 years, and celebrated my first wedding anniversary this past May.

40 in touch | Fall 2009

Divorced twice. Two boys, six and seven, from second marriage. I moved to the US in late 1998.

Christopher Biro, ‘92 Insurance In 1999, I opened up an office for a now very successful Drag Racing Publication - RPM Magazine which is celebrating its 10th year in publication this year. We started 2009 with our first official full gloss/full color version of the magazine which is now distributed in 18 countries around the world and on the newsstands in two countries. I have two beautiful daughters and a wonderful wife (Trish who is also a Mohawk Grad) who works in the offices of RPM Magazine daily.

Scott Kealey, ‘92 Insurance My wife and I are expecting our 4th child, a boy. This makes one girl, 6 years old, twin boys almost 5 years old, and the newborn coming in August. I am an operations manager for a medium sized courier company in southwestern Ontario, which has four branches.

off my career in project controls and I worked/travelled across Canada for about nine years working on various major construction projects. In Aug ‘05, I married Stephanie whom I had met while working in New Brunswick. In Sep ‘05, I left the large mechanical/electrical contracting companies to further my career. I formed my own company named DDA Construction Services Ltd and I now contract my services to major engineering/construction companies Canada-wide. In May ‘07, Stephanie and I moved back to New Brunswick to settle down and grow some roots. We currently reside in a nice home located in Quispamsis, NB (just outside of Saint John).

Gus Cristicini, ‘97 Computer Systems Technology I have my Green Card status in the USA and work for a Global Company in Scottsdale, Arizona, headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Maxine Harris, ‘99 Practical Nursing Married and have a two year old. An RN working on a medical floor. Miss my home of Hamilton a lot.

Michael Dufton, ‘01 Architectural Technician Rosemary Roppo-Valente, ‘94 Radio Broadcasting I’m just completing my Human Resources Management Certificate in order to obtain my goal of achieving my CHRP status.

Lori Byrd, ‘96 Graphic Design Production Registered my freelance graphic design business a couple years ago. I have a granddaughter now and she is three.

D’Arcy Allingham, ‘97 Architecture Technology Let’s see. After graduation, I got a job with a large mechanical/electrical contractor for whom I was doing mechanical estimating. After about two years, I accepted an opportunity to work on my first major construction project in Nova Scotia doing project planning/scheduling. That kicked

Upon graduation from Mohawk, I began my career in construction working as a Project Coordinator for the New Terminal Building (Terminal 1) at Lester B. Pearson International Airport. Two years later I took a position with EllisDon where I now work as a Superintendent. I completed Ryerson’s Project Management Certificate program in 2004 and will be writing my PMP exam next month. I married in 2006 and we’re happily living in Mississauga.

Sarah Dankmeyer, ‘02 Chemical Engineering Technology I am graduating with a B.Sc in Chemistry and a B.Ed and am hoping to teach in the U.K this coming September.

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Michael Stortz, ‘91 Transportation Engineering Technology

grad grapevine

Melissa Lachaine, ‘04 Office Administration – General

Matthew Schnarr, ‘06 Recreation & Leisure Services

Well the boyfriend and I, after almost three years, are finally taking that next step of getting our own place. We move in September to the quaint town of Heidelberg. I will be attending Conestoga College in either September or January for ECE through Second Career and I am very excited for that. My mother just got over a bout of Breast Cancer; and I was glad that I was unemployed while she was on radiation treatment so I was here to help take care of her when she needed my help.

I am working on my coaching certification and coaching for the Mohawk Mountaineers and a club called Burlington Blaze.

Ibrahim Khalil, ‘04 Business Marketing I am currently in the hiring process of the Hamilton Police Service and the Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.). I am hoping to become a police constable by the end of 2009.

Krystalleigh Taylor, ‘05 Office Administration - Legal I have been working for the same great company since graduating from Mohawk in 2005.

MirandA Kett, ‘06 Advertising

Stefanie Bronsveld, ‘06 Office Administration - Legal I’m engaged to be married in September 2009. My fiancé and I just bought our first house together.

Christopher Creeden, ‘08 Law & Security – Private Security I am returning to school for Advanced Policing Management at Mohawk in September 2009.

Brian Paccanaro, ‘08 Civil Engineering Technician I am working at Allegra Print & Imaging and it has been great! I’ve been able to create advertisements for many different clients and have learned a lot since starting here two years ago. My own company “Miranda Kett Creative Design” has been successful and I’m having a blast in the creative world.

I have just started working at Nelson but thanks to Mohawk College, I have a very good understanding of the operations in day to day routines at a quarry. I understand that the different size stone is used for different applications and have a very good understanding of what it takes to make the asphalt that we produce all summer. Our materials are used in the Greater Burlington and Oakville areas. Our stone has gone into almost every major city project that is undertaken as we are one of the only quarries in the area.

Protection of Personal Information From time to time, you may be contacted either by mail, e-mail or phone by one of our services and benefits partners regarding one of our programs. Mohawk College is proud of its relationship with a number of trusted partners and service providers who have an established record of treating personal information with care and provide valuable services and benefits to our alumni. We appreciate you taking the time to learn about the programs and the latest offers available. We want to let you know that at no time will your name or contact information be shared with anyone not specifically authorized by Alumni Relations. Mohawk College respects the privacy of its alumni and the sensitivity of personal information. All of our partners sign strict confidentiality agreements with us prior to receiving any contact information. Should you wish to not be contacted about services and benefit programs, JUST CALL 905-575-2258 or e-mail and tell us you wish to OPT OUT of affinity marketing plans. Thank you for your interest and your participation in the services and benefits provided by the Alumni Association and the Alumni Relations Department.

42 in touch | Fall 2009

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