1950 Yearbook

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• ••• IDDITCR :-

Joe Divinski


Doug Griggs ~urt Stump Karl gayer Leo Hanover (

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--- T E X T U S ---




~una 2, 1950 is a day that some of us have been looking forward to for the past three years. It is symbolic also of the day that successive groups of students will welcome in their respective turns. It is the day upon which our first class of graduates are tq receive their diplomas.

To frequent queries as to the reputation of our diploma the answer has had to be that none have been earned as yet. The future answer rests in large measure with our present graduating class, for by their record in the mills will the work of the Institute receive its . first critical appraisal. To you our graduates we extend congratulations for success in the courses here and good wishes for a successful and happy life in the primary textiles industries. Perhaps we should regret that we have not been able to provide for you all that we had hoped but it is what the st'udeut does that brings his learning, not what is done for him. Your responses to the needs for improvisation and the like at times has been good for you. We look forward with conf~dence to the reports of your progress in the industry. If I am to give you any advice it is that you bear in mind that tho~gh you have been studying the theory and practice of textiles processing, you will still find much to learn in the mills. To our graduates, also, may I quote from my last year's message, "You have had the vision to lay the foundation of a strong student organization, and we look forward to similar leadership from you in the forming of a strong graduate body". Finally, I congratulate the student body on this issue of Textus . Notwithstanding your inability to use the more orthodox methods of publishing, you have produced a volume of which we are all proud. It is your own creation in every sense of the word.

April 1950. - 2 -

T E X T U S ---

The President of the Students' Association reports:The year has been largely a year of establishment for the StuAssociation, as few new projects were begun but .old projects enlarged upon. dents~

The interest of the Principal and the Steff in the affairs of body has been keen end their enthusiastic cooperation has materially assisted several student activities. stude~t

The undertakings of the Association have been varied. This publi9etion of the TEXTUS is a considerably improved one as compared with lest yea~ s~ Each year should produce added improvements. The Students 0 Store is much better. organized and has¡ enlarged its scope to handle rings, pins end school Jackets besides the text books end stationery demands. The store is now open to night school students. 8

Social functions have been well attended and favourably accepted because of careful planning. Guest speakers at our smokers were not ell technical men, but represented remotely end directly vocations allied to the textile industry. A crest and school colours were accepted by the Association end it was decided that school rings would be presented by the Student Association to each student upon graduation. Only P.I.T. graduates may weer this ring. Sports alone were unsuccessful and the reason was the laok of proper facilities. The finances of the Association have been carefully handled but in future budgeting for all monies should be strictly enforced. In this second year of functioning, the council has suooeeded to a ~rked extent in co-ordinating the oommon interests of the students. Until its membership becomes larger, the Association would be ill-advised to launch any new proJects of large dimen~ sions. The coming year will be an excellent opportunity for rooting per~nently the proJects already begun.


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From the Editor:Well, here we are again~ The '50 TEXTUS - bedecked with our colours and Just brimRdng over with int~~e~~~ng articles, pictures and a touch of humour. We hope you will like it, because that is expressly what we had in mind when the TEXTUS was being planned to be as enJoyable and interesting as poss~ble. Perhaps you have not realized the immensity and diversity of our curriculum. The '50 TEXTUS will help to make you aware. Our mill visits and smokers are again a feature of the Textus. Then too, there are articles written by a graduate repre~enting h~s group and these depict what we have accomplished in classes and labs in the past year. We hope you will enJoy our humour section, particularly a group of sketches made by our own talented Leo Hanover. The Staff has worked very hard and I would like to express ~ gratitude for their cooperation anQ advice. 1950 is an eventful year for many of us, (as Mr. Ashcroft has already stated in his message) for it means graduation, and graduation culminates three years of a good textile education. We are ready to step into the Textile Industry to do our humble shares. Proud be - proud and of our to God for

we are at P.I.T. - as every one of us rightly should of our Canadian heritage, of our great textile industry Provincial Institute of Textiles - and thankful too all the privileges we have as Canadians.

And now - the rest of the TEXTUS - Read



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TEXT US REPORTS Here are presented a series of 5 artioles written by members of th~ graduating class, representing the 4 separate oourses in which they were enrolled. Namely:Woollen · Worsted Weaving KnittingDyeing and

J. D. Thomson ~. T. patton Len. Kooh John. Lennard F~nishing- Tom McCoy.

These articles are in the form of reviews and give a small of what has been accomplished in the various departments.




The Institute now has a complete Woollen department consisting of mo~ern machinery. These have all been dealt with theoretically in class and have been thoroughly discussed. The equipment:1 Davis ~nd Furber Mixing Picker 1 3 cylinder 60" Woollen card with Bramwell Feed and Tape . . Qondensor 1 4o spindle Whitin Model E Ring Frame 1 40 spindle Johnson ·and Bassett Woollen Mule 1 4o spindle Whitin Ring Twister (2 fold, 3 fold, 4 fold) 1 12 spindle #50 winder c9nvertea for both cone and cheese 1 skein reeler 1 Bottle· Bobbin winder In the carding department many interesting experiments have been 9arried out for blending, carding efficiency, and uniformity of roving . Last term we carried out experiments on a new wool oil donated by Yokum Faust. This experiment was carried out for purpose of ascertaini~g whether there would be a reduction in card fly; improved spinning qualities for different percentages used. Other tests were made - these to determine to what extent additions of Monsanto 0 s Syton W-20 and C.I.L.'s Ludox (both fine s i licate dispersions) to the emulsion, ai~ 9arding and spinning. Stocks run through the card have been 58's/60's br oke n tops ; 58's/60's Australian Lambs ; a blend consisting of 5~ 58 °s/6o •s Australian Lambs and 5~ 58's/60's garnetted worsted waste ; and a blend consisting of 75% 58's/6U!s Australian Lambs and ~ 3 denier 2 1/2" M&tt Fibro. Different wts . of rovings were made.

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Woollen Report cont. On· the Whitin ring frame where the ropings are being spun, we have experimented a great deal with different drafts, twists, twister tube speeds, positions of the rod, front roller speeds. Runs from 2 1/4 to 6 have been spun. We have e~en tried spinning with 2.2 draft on the frame. The mule has just· been erected by the students themselves, and a wealth of knowledge about it went hand in hand with erection. Our "test" yarns, i.e. those yarns which have been spun in connection with our carding tests are tested for tensile strength and elasticity on t~e Scott Inclined Plane Tester. Charts and statistical data have been c~mpiled in each . case. The woollen yarns are plied 2, 3 or 4 with few turns to make them as soft in handle as possible on the Whi tin twister. These yarns are used in the knitting department. 3 warps have be~n made from the yarn spun on the frame. WORSTED:


Fibres:- considerable practice in processing of wool of ' various qualities from the top to the spun yarn, on the Bradford system of wors.t ed drawing and spinning, was attained during the year. Numerous · colours of dyed tops were used such as black, br.own, blue, green, silver, etc., to produce many attractive blends and mixtures. A new synthetic fibre, "Vicara" a product of zein, was blended 50/50 with 64•s quality wool and was successfully spun to l/28's worsted count. "Fibro" and "Rayolanda" (both 4.5 denier, 4" staple were spun blended with wool • . "Spun dy~d Fibro" was processfi)d in a blend with 64's into a very be~utiful lov~t sh~de. A blend of ~ fawn Alpaca, 75% 64 •s produced an exceptionally beautiful knitting yarn with admirable handle. New equipment:- a double head, Prince~smith and Stella, intersecting can gill box and a two spindle intersecting gill box were r eceived during the year from England, erected and placed into operation. The new Whitin 48 spindle worsted ring s p inning frame partially erected last year is now in full operation . Monsanto's Syton W-20 was tested on the worsted system . It was added to the tops at the can gill operation, and from the 2 spindle gi1l on, the slubbing was tested to see if less t wist was required at that operation for that particular dr am weight than that twist which is usually inserted . An increase of

E xperiments~-

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--- T E X T U S --Worsted - . - Report cont. strength was shown by the treated yarns, when they were compared with untreated yarns of the same count and twist, and tested on a Scott inclined plane tester. A second experiment is now being conducted to show the exact relationship between twist and strength of single yarns. Lectures:- the following are a few of the subjects dealt with during the year - costing methods; the processing of synthetic and specialty fibres on existing machinery; twist insertion, with a detailed examination of the double twist spindle principle; fancy yarns; colour blending; top testing; and A.S.T.M. standards;waste control in worsted processing; producti9n flow sheets for var,ious stock; including drafts, doublings, production, machinery, employees, efficiency, etc.



Weaving in this the third year of the Provincial Institute of' Textiles existence is living up to its promise of being "the finest ~ost satisfying course the school has to offer". This b~ased opinion, expressed by a third year weaver, expresses, I believe, the feeli~gs of the entire weaving class. It is only here, at the loo~ that one encounters the actual shape of _this interesting art form. Here, too, is the thrilling experience of self-expression and achie' ~nt brought to near completion. The schoolgs equipment has increased over the last three years to a point where it now include¡s a C .K.5, a four and one box loom, 2 one and one Draper tappet looms and several woollen looms among them two pick ~nd picks, 9 Hattersley hand looms, 1 hand warper and oreal, a Leesona 90 Pirn winder. This increase and variety in weave ing machipery has, of course, give~ our designing classes impetus and some of the unusual cloths, samples of which are in the showcase of the Institute, turned out in the last six months, certainly reflect~ the sound preparation, competent instruction, and exercise of imagination of top management and workers in th~s pilot weaving mill. An excellent example is the demonstration of approximately forty different fabrics all produced from a single draft on our C . KQ 5. A machine which is an absolute necessity for a well ~rounded course in designing and weaving is a jacquard loom for which efforts are being made to secure. And so, the future weaving classes can look forward to improvements in our already most excellent weaving courses.

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--- T ..E X T U S ---

Weaving Report cont. Topics dealt with in class were supplemented with trips to the mills to see the actual operation. Some of the topics taken in class . this term - a continuation of the loom fixing subjects, costs and ¡ productions, jacquard weaving, , new developments, pile fabric and leno weaving. In relation to the topic of Jacquard weaving, we had a jacquard (floral pattern) cloth, a brocade, to dissect and analyze and then transfer the design onto squared paper. KNITTING: .TOHN LENNARD The 1949-50 term has been a very 'good one for the ¡knitting department despite the difficulties under which it has laboured. The curriculum as laid out in the school prospectus has been carried o~t in a thorough manner and a good theoretical knowledge has been imparted, despite lack of modern equipment to demonstrate many of the subjects taught. Mill visits have been a great help in this respect. I hope that the next annual report of the knitting department in the TEXTUS will be able to tell of the acquisition of some of the newer types of knitting machines so important to this department. So much for growing pains! As a third year student looking back at the courses of instruction I am very pleased with what I have received. The small classes have given us the opportunity to ask many questions . and discuss many theories as well as learn the fundamentals. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the knitting ~ourse to any person w~o is interested in machinery and enjoys working with it as the most varied and interesting course in the school. The knitting department has received a number of second hand machines this year which are greatly appreciated. The Eaton Knitting Co. has donated 4 hand links and links machines and a Brinton circular rib machine. Mercury Mills have donated a Spiers half hose machine and Galt Knitting Co. a Berridge Jacquard rib top machine. From Newlands in Galt we received a 16 feed, sinker top machine for producing patterns in pile fabric. A good start has been made this year on a much needed sewing department thanks to the Eaton Knitting Co., York Knitting Co. and S. Lennard and Sons, Dundas. The advent of this department has made possible a more comprehensive study of cutting and making up of garments. A cardigan is in the showcase of the Institute which is definitely a P.I.T. product. All the yarn us~d - l/24's worsted was spun in the worsted department - the pattern of the body was made by one of the knitters, it being a herringbone 3 colour effect.

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T E X T U S --Knitting Report cont. The pattern was knitted on the Stafford Holt pattern wheel machine as was the plain jersey for the sleeves ~ the cuffs were made on the hand flats. The fabrics were then cut for shape of arms and body and then sew~ on a 3 thd. overseamer. This is Just one of the hundreds of fabrics and garments and hose th~t the knitters have made. This report of the knitting department should not close without a , word of thanks first to the spinning departments under Mr. Hodgson and Mr. Duxbury for keeping us so well supplied with yarn, ~nd secondly _to the dyeing department under Mr. Stewart for giving us so many interesting colours to work with and making it possible for us to see what our goods will look like when they are finished. DYEING AND FINISHING:


Here is a partial list of what the dyers have accomplished and covered during the past term. Some of the samples of fabrics dyed and finished and dye.stuffs manufactured and used can be seen in the showcases at the Institute. topic~


Silk - dyeing using basic, direct, acid, neolan and indigosol dyestuffs. Wool - dyeing of wool pieces using chromes, neolans, acid colours. Indigosols on wool yarn for light shades. Milling an9 scouri~g in grease of shoddy fabric for trousers - stripping with chromate and H2S04 - dyeing with neolans. Milling and scouring_ in grease of woollen overcoating - dyeing with neolans. Wool skeins - shrinkproofing in grease - bleach and scour in same bath - dye various Brilliant pastel ,shades soften. Shrinkproof proces~es used - megafil, permanganate - hypochlorite, proton, alkali - alcohol. Viscose - dyeing viscose rayon pieces. Viscose/acetate union knitted piece- scour - dye _with direct and dispersed dyes in same bath, match viscose and acetate for colour. Viscose/acetate knitted piece scour - dye with dispersed and direct dyes in same bath contrasting shades - soften. Vat dyeing of viscose rayon (at the boil). Cotton - classification of direct cotton colours - strike tests - time of half dyeing.

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--- T E X T U S --Dyeing end Finishing FINISHING:



crease resisting, waterproofing (application of velan end zelen) application of all types of finishes:cationic softeners, mothproofing, crease resisting, shower proofing.

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS: viscosity tests on cellulose, estimation of wool damage, rubbing tests on dyed fabrics, determination of damage to cotton, fibre analysis, dyestuff identification, wash tests on Launderometer - spray and hydraulic pressure tests, light tests. COLOUR CHEMISTRY:

manufacture of dyestuffs - azo colours, sulphurs, vats, etc~ The colours and classification being: Benzo Purpurine 4B, DiaÂŤdne Fast Red, Napthol Black B, Malachite Green, Methyl Violet 6B, Diethyl-meta~aminophenol, Rosaniline Blue, Alkali Blue, Rhodamine B, Methylene Blue.


Screen printing, application - pigments, basic colours, acid colours, Azoics, etc.


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T E XT U S 1949 - 1950 MILL VISITS Once again, to strengthen and consolidate the many hours spent in the lecture rooms, the end of 1949 and early 1950 recorded a number of mill visits being effected by the students of the Provincial Institute of Textiles. The extent of the visits 0 full . value to the partakers can~ot be covered in a few pages. However, the few outstanding machines and processes most impresse9 in the students 0 minds are recorded, by them and for them, in this issue of the TEXTUS We shall divide this section into 5 parts, separating by groups.

WEAVING: Hamilton Cottons served as host to the second year weavers. A weave. shed is discernible from far away, specially if it contains 100 fast running calico Draper looms.¡¡ We also had the opportunity of observing their cotto~ slasher work at full capacity. But gettins to the point the items of most interest doubtless were the looms weaving narrow fabrics . The impressive variety of multicoloured single a~d double ordinary and elastic fabrics produced by these looms with reciprocating geared shuttles is fascinating. Late in January the P.I.T. weavers headed towards Galt; specifically to in~pect Riversid~ Silk Mills. This mill exemplifies a changeover from the natural silk fibre to the synthetic nylon filament yarn. Our guides also explained the operations of the plant at the time - Riverside Silk Mills was handling the nylon fibre and, consequently, we enjoyed the opportunity of seeing their impregnating and throwing and twisting set-ups. The winding and twisting frames were humming deafeningly as they 90mpensated the relaxation shrinkage of the polymer filaments. Slowly a warp was formed on their warping units reminiscent of the true silk warp preparation. Not less retroprospeotive were the looms found in their weaving shed which, though marked by continuous and s trenuous u~e, proved to work on the pick. But probably the most interesting part was yet to come. R.S.M. h~d engaged the services of a recent immigrant from Czechoslovakia who, despite his limited English, displayed his fine ~ample books and imparted to us the boundless scope tangible in multi-structured nylon fabrics. The third year weavers paid a visit to Avalon Fabrics in Stratford ~o see the manufacture of silk and cotton, tapestries, and plushes. The main interest here was the operation of the Jacquard machines a~d the formation of pile fabrics. Mr. Buscher, general manager, was a very cooperative host and supplied them with numerous samples and information to aid in the study of cloth construction and jacquard weaving.

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--- T E X T U S --Mill Visits cont. The Hamilton Cottons Co. invited the weavers in to help iron out the students' problems in leno weaving. After seeing the operation of a leno loom, the students were taken into the designer's office and shown the great variety of leno fabrics in use today. Another interesting visit for the weavers was a tour through Stauffer Dobbie in Galt to see the manufacture of Turkish towels and terry fabrics. They were shown the steps in ~king a Jacquard design and the operation of card cutting. The second leg of the visit was into the weave room to see the Jacquard looms. Here for the first time the students saw how the terry motion worked to form the. pile l n towel fabrics and the action of the twilling o~ "Bessbrook" Jacquards, devices for card saving, in which each card. acts . for several picks. Cross border dobbies and many other fascinating features were noted on this visit. A visit, somewhat apart from textile manufacturing was taken in, again by the weavers, to Donald Rope and Co. Here they saw the manufacture of window screens and wire mesh. It w~s interesting to note how looms were adapted for the weaving of . wire. The greatest eye-opener was the weaving of a cloth using platinum w~rp and platinum filling~ WOOLLEN AND WCRSTED: After the 2nd year woollen and worsted spinners completed the first part of their course, they were taken on a visit to Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Hespeler. Here they saw the proces~ing of wool from the raw state to the oil~combed top. The processes consisted of a two cylinder willy, four bowl scouri~g machine, drying, carding, backwashing, filling and combing. An interesting feature of the visit was a new type card with garnett covered cylinders which made it eas ier for stripping. The wool fibres were raised to the outer surface by air currents rather than by the conventional method of a fancy. This card was also fitted with the latest type of hopper feed, having two pans instead of one built higher above the feed apron to give a more even feed. The third and second year Woollen and Worsted spinners visited the Empire Wool Stock Co . , Hamilton - shoddy manufacturers, i.e. converters of soft knits and hard woven materials into a fibrous mass suitable for processing on the Woollen system. Here the spin~ ners saw sorting and garnetting of cotton knitted waste, the fi~ brous web being taken off at the front doffer and baled for delivery

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Mill Visits cont. to a customer. The rag piokers were then seen. At this mill both Frenoh and Engli~h systems of rag picking were employed. A variety Qf materials were being picked - waste rayon, dark worsted suiting clips, knits, old carpets and draperies. The carding, spinning and winding departments were next in line and ~ere too the students found many items of interest. They inspected a 3 cylinder (Goldie and McCullough, Galt, Canada) w9ollen card with Bramwell feed, Apperley side draw intermediate feed and ring doffers; carding a low heather mixture with good blending power. Finally they saw rovin~ spun on a Johnson and Bassett small package type mule, into a heavy run wooll~n yarn, the~ cone winding. The lst year students and 2nd year wool spinners visited Porritts . and Spencer of Hamilton, manufacturers of woollen blankets and pape~kers felts ,. Here they saw New Zealand Crossbreds and Ontario shropshire wools. being treated and processed from the greas state to the finished blanket. These manufacturers were using wool and nylon mixtures in papermakers felts . Also seen was the Teazer and the Petrie and McNaught scouring unit. The spinning of woollen yarns was done on the latest Whitin Model E ring spinning frames. Had the weavers been on this trip, they would, no doubt, have notic the tubular fabrics woven on the 40ft. looms. KNITTING: Once again the knitting department reaped many benefits from their mill visits to Zimmerknit, Eaton Knitting Co., Monarch, National Hosiery Mills and Chipman Holton. At Zimme.rkni t, manufacturers of underwear and outerwear, a com· plete tour was made by the 1st year students and 2nd year knitters. Of great interest were their Jacquard machines, the Robaczynski lin links, and Mellor Bromley, an4 Scott and·.,Williams Interlock machine! Considerable time ~as spent in the sewing and seaming department a~ here the various phases of finishing a garment were noted with wide interest. The lst year students toured the Eaton Knitting Co. recently. The tour extended from the Dye House to the Underwear Department. +he students were keen on s~eing the actual manufactur~ of men°s, ~adies and children°s underwear, with particular attention paid to the Scott and Williams Rib machines, Blackburn interlock machines, Cooper, Tompkins and Wildman spring n~edle machines. 0

The . third year knitters, having Full-Fashioned Knitting on the for the final year, visited 2 IPills _where F.F. hose are knit·


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TEXT US Mill Visits cont. to supplement the class in~truction and training on the Institute's single head Wildman m/c. The first trip was to the Eaton Knitting Co. in Hamilton. In the F.F. department here, the students spent a most interesting . a~ternoon inspecting the new Reading 30 hd. 54 gauge Reading automatic welt_turning F..F ~ hosiery machines, as_ well_ as _the older end coarser ,g~ge Reading ~cs. end footers end leggers. Since a F.F . machine completes a stocking in 35 minutes average, (produotio~ ofcourse is multiplied by the 30 hds.) watching the sequence of operations was most intriguing. From the first course of knitting, through welting, fashioning, _heel, foot end toe to press off~ the students were most interested. The cou1ier mechanism, catch oar cams, splicing, picot edging, el~otronio speed control were all seen during the trip. Stockings were being knitted 0f acetate, viscose, bamberg, lisle end nylon yarns. The second trip was made to the National Hosiery Mills Limited, ¡Hamilton, manuf~,q.turers of Phantom brand hosiery. Here, Lie per~ Knecht machines were in operation from 45 to 1atest_6o gapge automatic welt turning machines Just recently installed. _ The Jacquard F.F. machine, the only one of its kind in Canada, mede . suc~ fancy intricate designs on the welt end after welt - to say the least the students were amazed at its ease in making the designs. The knitters ~enly inspecting this intricate machine were shown the l9ng pattern cards, then the pattern cerd ¡machine which punches out the design ¡ for the correct needles on cardboard. The 60 gauge fully automatic machines knitting 15 denier nylon yarn ~ere the latest thing in F.F. machine desigri. The newest machines here too had electr onic spe~d control. Fo~lowing the knitting operations, the students toured the remainder of the mill watching every process from looping to boxing of stockings. An interesting afternoon was spent by the knitters when they visited the Monarch Knitting Co. Ltd., Dunnville . Here too the machi nes seen had all been dealt with in classroom ~nstruotions and seei~g the actual operations end mechanism helped t he s t udent s immensely. Visiting the Jacquard department first, here were seen Philadel phia L. H. circular links links machines; Philadelphia T. J. machines knitting beautifully designed outerwear f abri cs ; Phila9e17 phia model TA which does no patterning but has f ull garment attachments { Other machines operating in the outerwear department at the time were the Ordi nance Interlock machine and Br i nton pattern wheel I



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--- T E X T U S --machines. Before visiting the warp knitting depa ~tment the group visited the. worsted spinning department (Bradford system) where 1 looms were nylon staple fibre was being processed. 'J;'he Raschel operating at the ti~ end were knitting v~ri-coloured yarns with certain yarns being laid in to give beautiful effects. The warping mills were also inspected. Besides just watching th~se looms knitting the students were shown_ the "how" end "why" of the machine using both 1 end 2 needle bars. The final visit of the term was made to the Chipman Holton¡ Co . , Hamilton. This trip was arranged in connection with the topics the~ taught in . the classroom - namely the Komet Links Links Half Hose me. and the Wrap StripeRib Half Hose mos. At the Chipma~ mill the students were impressed by the links li~ designs made on the stockings end the staple nylon yarns used. Examining the intricate mechanism of the Komet links links, the students noted particularly the action of the pattern drum studs on the selectors which in turn acted on the needles in the top cylinder either transferring them down or retaining them in the top according to the pattern drum. The patterns made from this machine are an endless variety . The W~ldt Wrap Stripe Half Hose machine was then seen. This machi~e was really en eye-opeQ.er_. The chief attraction was the design made on the hose by vari-coloured mercerized yarns which ere wrapped around needles in ~he bottom cylinder by a finger which is control~ed by a pattern drum. Here again, the scope for design is tremendous. Before l~aving the. mill, the students made a trip .through the F .F._ department. Here the students saw the smoothrunning Reiner _6o gauge Twin-Knitter- a 4 head me., knitting 15 denier nylon yarn. Of ~rtio~ar interest was the semi- automatic welt-forming motion, which the students discussed in comparison with the Leiberkneoht and Reading machines ~een at National and Eaton's. Knitt~ng

INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY: With a psychology oourse in the third year, a 2 hour field trip was made in connection with the topic ".Tob Evaluation" . The mill visited was the Eaton Knitting Co . wher~ the sys tem is us~d . The 3rd year students spent the first hour inspecting 4 di fferent jobs - picki ng, mule spinning, full - fashioned knitting and ta pe scouring of skeins in the dyehouse. Having learned about the Jobs to be evaluated the students then ~plit up into 4 groups each group assigned to a different Job and were given a form to complete re the four factors of job

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--- T E X T U S --Mill Visits cont. evaluation- skill~ responsibility, effort,working conditions. These were then compared and discussed in class. DYEING AND FINISHING: Early in the morning of February 6th a~ost half the P.I.T. students were standing at the entrance of Summit Dyeing Mill~, . Toronto. This mill is a commission dyeing establishment. As we were guided through the dyeing department we closely examined the 600 gal. and 200 gal. stainless steel winches, some of them dyeing, others rinsing. It was not long before our attention diverted to a ''last word" milling machine and thenoe to a very fine 4 roll pad "t~nsitive" high speed washing machine coupled with an impregnating set~up, both . of them operating under controlled pressure and speeds and the former employing a new principle altogether. We were told how a new type of tubular knit goods mangle works, at the time applying a thermosoftening compound. We examined their Festoon loop drier~ the vertical tubular knit drier, four raising mach~nes~ a Hunter pin tenter with Krauz system of air circulation, two ordinary p~n tenters drying a printed polka-dotted knit fabric and from thence went to the seoond floor. Here we examined Jersey, cardigans, heavy toy lining, underwear and pile fabrics. The fact that the two decators, the brushing machine and the shearing machines were not operating, greatly facilitated a more minute inspection of the principles involved in the machines• construction. What an intricate machine the new stripe matcher and cutter is, was obvious from all the queries. After we had seen their boiler room and permutit softening unit we concluded that the entire picture had been presented to us. Similarly to last year~ the 2nd year and 3rd year dyers and finishers inspected one of Ontario's most up-to-date mills, namely, Robinson Cottons of Woodbridge. As exemplified by a one story structure this mill is a mass production set-up characterized by ample room between machines and plenty of natural light in their dyeing and finishing departments. On watching the wet operations we enJoyed seeing their self-built bleaching ra,n ge, preceded by a singeing unit . Back and forth went the cloth thrVugh the hot sulphur dye in the Jigs; at 30 y.p.m. it traversed their dyeing ranges thence to be treated on horizontal can driers or tenters with jig motion. A To~ Dodd padding unit for one-sided finishes, washing unit, bleach pi les, a friction calender and a 7 bowl calender ensued. Of particular attraction were their Weissbach cell driers which we pledged ourselves, in investigating and two sanforizing units treating imported shirting material.

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--- T E X T U S --Mill Visits cont. A trip to Hamilton Cottons was also made by the 2nd and 3rd year ~yers. He~e, as they entered the dyehous~ 9n the ground floor, they s~w a Franklin machine with time and temperature controls. The cast i~on lining of this machine strangely enough / gave no ~11 effects with the H202 • Two jiggers take care of the wide woven goods followed by ~ 15 ca~ drier. A 500 7 250, and 100 lb. Franklin machin~ were used for package dyeing. An Abington beam _maohine with a vacuum extractor, a set-up for spot package dyeing and 2 drying cabinets complete the equipment in the dyehouse. A works visit to Eaton Knitting Co. was undertaken by students of dyeing courses of s~cond and third year and all first year students. The dyehouse processes only knitted goods and yarn in skein fo~m. Circular knit piecegoods of cotton, wool and rayon were seen being scoured,dyed and shrink resisted (wool) on eight winches qf varying sizes. Nylon hosiery was seen being dyed and treated with a resin finish (methacrol). Wool and cotton yarn was being dyed on Kl.auder Weldon and Hussong type machines, and the scouring process was being taken oyer by a continuous type machine which had been recently installed and a continuous dryer to finish the process was being put in. The interior of the kier was also examined with some interest. Th~ preboarding of hosiery was also observed on another floor. A very important point noted was that the dyehouse of this firm is situated on the top floor of the building, a situation unique in this part of the country at least. To inspect the dyeing and finishing departments was the object ~f the v.isit of the dyers to Mercury Mills. Wool, cotton, immunized cotton, viscose, acetate, 'nylon and silk were the fibres being processed and some of the materials employed to augment the appearance and handle of the materials were H202, nylon treated with methacrylic resin, polyvinyl acetate anp a cationic softener, mulsoid and chlorablanc used for stripping, and Nacconel used in fulling wool socks. The first dyeing room disclosed a number of winches, utilized in ~he wet treatment of the piece goods . Next in line were fulling machines followed by a 1500 lb. hydroextractor The hosiery section contained 4 large paddle machines, two with removable baskets serviced by an overhead tackle so that in multiphase operations the goods can be quickly transformed to the second machine ready with the required bath . The other two machines are used for dyeing and shrinkproofing of men°s hose. The third large room housed the most activity where resin finishes, shrinkproofing

- 19 -


--- T E X T U S --Mill Visits cont. and scouring took place • Ten large and two sample Smith prum rotary machines were in use; also, four paddl.e maohi.nas: As most of the dyeing of soaks was on union fabrics this proved a most interesting phase of the trip. It is hardly peremptory to stress the importance of suoh mill visits to the serious minded. It materializes the abstractness of pure theory. How true is the old adage: ~one picture is worth a thousand words"~ CarTON:

A mill visit to the J. R. Moody Co., Hamilton, was arranged for the cotton students of the school. The tour proved very distinctive as this oompany is the exclusive user in this district of the conventional system of processing throughout the entire yarn manufacturing division of the mill. At that time they were processing Mexican ootton - Good middling l 3/32" staple. In the opening section a bale breaker, hopper opener, G ri ghton and Spirawhirl were in use. The cotton was blown to a bin for stook mixing but was not allowe9 to stand any length of time. The cotton was fed by hopper to breaker picker and then to finisher picker and the lap to the oard room. Three process drawing was used with doublings and drafts of From the finisher draw frame, the sliver was fed to the slubber. For medium oounts the cotton was passed through 3 sets of roving frames. For . fine counts it was passed through 4 sets. 4os yarn was approximately the finest yarn being spun.

6 in each case.

Compiled by :- Kurt Stump Contributors:~


20 -

Bill Cousins sandy Leish.man J'oe Divinski aob Bateman Don Haig


--- T E X T U S



Five smokers were he~d during the year ~949/50. Speakers have been ;nvited from various branches of the texti~e industry. The ta~ks were of great interest to every group of students as they contained va~uab~e information gained by persona~ experience of the speaker. The main topic was fo~lowed by a general discussion. The lectures took place in the library of the Institute and refreshments were served in the common-r9om.


The first smoker of the year was sponsored by the Knitters. Mr. R9y A. Clapper of the Eaton Knitting Co. spoke on Job


tion. ~· q~apper is a graduate of the University of fittsburg, where he maJored in Industrial .Manage~nt. The speaker told his audience that Job Eva~uation is the ranking, grading and/or weighting of essenti~l work characteristics of a~ jobs or Job classes in a systematic way to ascertain the labour worth of each job c~ass re~ative to a~ others. Since informal methods are no ~onger adequate, scientific evaluation is necessary. Mr. Clapper pointed out that the four factors in Job Evaluation are: l, Skill; 2, Responsibility; 3 1 Effort, 4, Working Conditions. He then went on ~o compare two jobs, showing that the same four factors were applicable to both, assigning points to a number of sub-headings under each factor. The next was the smoker sponsored by the Cotton Spinning group. The speaker, Mr. Kenneth R. Berry, speaking on "Cost Reduction in ~he Textile Indus:try" said: ttTo be successful -you wil~ need: a working knowledg~ of . persona~.~e~ations, costs, wage administration and time study. But you will need something else that is not so generally realiz~9. That is a philosophy that ties all those things together" • Then he p:roceeded explaining that the philosophy is that a business can only prosper if it supp~ies more and better goods and services at lower and lower prices. In short it is the philosophy of cost reduction . The duty and function of industry, he said, is not to create Jobs put to decrease the number of man hours to produce a given product by technological improvements, time study, work simplification, incentives, and plain common sense. This has created more jobs than it has eliminated. a

Mr. Berry stated that industrial managers, whether they manage or a mill usually fall into one of seven groups;


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--- T E X T U S

Smokers cont. 1, Volume Minded Manager; 2, Sales Minded; 3, Mill Minded; 4, Product Minded; 5, Money Minded; 6, Price Minded Manager. All the above are necessary, but they must be blended proportionately to assure ultimate profits and job security c This is achieved by "Profit Minded" (7) management which analyzes all arising problems. However, it is not enough that problems and their solutions be understood; they must be so clearly, so precisely presented that they ~annot possibly be misunderstood. To increase productivity, he recommended the five step method of work simplification: 1, Pick a job to be improved; 2, Break down the Job into fine details; 3, Question every detail; 4, Develop a new method; 5 , Apply the new method. The first smoker for the 1950 term was sponsored by the Weaving Group; who had Mr. Bert French of Hespeler as their special guest. Mr. French , who is cloth engineer at Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Ltd. at Hespeler, s poke on "~h~ Relation of Different Phases of Manufacture to Design". Beginning with dye ing he pointed out that here lies the basic idea of de sign - colour, which actually does the selling of the fabric to the consumer. He mentioned three forma of dyeing - piece, skein and raw stock, and presented a few examples of problems met with in all three. Spinning, he said~ was most important in design, for yarn evenness, twist, and direction of twist, all affect the full handling properties expected in cloth. In weaving, Mr. Franoh mentioned a few constructions used and the differences between them i n the loom. Finally, finishing, the last important process of cloth manufacture was discussed. Fulling cloths such as gaberdine, woollen frieze, wool-rayon flannels and overcoatings were mentioned by the speaker. Some of the topics brought up in the following discussion were piling, wearing tests, crease-resisting properties, rayonwool blends, nylon, and the new f _ibre made from corn - Vicars.

_-: 24 -

--- T E X T U S --'


Mr. j . P. Redston of the Dye & Chemical Co. of Canada, Ltd., Kingston, .who i~ also a member . of the Advisory Committee of the In$titute, spoke to the students at the fourth smoker presented by the Dyeing group. The topic of Mr. Redston 8 s address was "Dyeing Rayons in Piece Goods . and Skein". Preceding the talk, sampl~s of dyed materials were shown. Th~ samples included cross-dyed wool/rayon effect yarns; sewing cotton _which was evenly dyed by the use of sulphated fatty alcohol in place of the regular kier boiling; spun nylon yarn, pure silk yarn, upholstery yarns dyed with sun fast colours; "Mattesco" viscose yarn. Along with the samples, Mr. Redston explained the . underlying problems and processes during dyeing the various yarns and fabrics. The Smith Drum cascade skein dyeing machine was dealt with in slides being shown to demonstrate the machine to the students. The machine dyes up to 165 lbs. of viscose per batch, swiftly and eve~y at averages of 12 minutes. Speed is essential to the skein winder and evenness is to the dyerus credit. Mattesco rayon had to be dyed at higher temperatures and for longer duration for evenness. detai~,

In piece-dyeing the processes are: from the loom the grey cloth goes ~o a tenter to be wound on a roll' then to a p~d to be padded with dyestuff; thence to a ¡Jig, which uses the same dyestuff. The method of dyeing rayon piece goods makes for evenness.

Mr. H. P. Smith, Vice-President of Mohawk Mills, was the guest speaker fpr the . final smoker arranged by the Woollen and Worsted Spinners at the Collins Hotel, Dundas. Mr. Smithus address was a general review of the French System of Worsted Spinning. Beginning with a brief summary on why a French system exists, he went. on to describe each operation with the certain peculiarity noted for that box. The steps are as follows: 1. 2.


The M6langeur or M1xer, into which 36 wool tops are fed is essen~ ~ial as a source of elimination of variation and as an aid in colour blending for greys, etc. Intersector Gilling of the slivers using a funnel. The Gills with rub aprons which impart false twist to the drafted zpaterial.

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T E X T U S --Smokers cont.



Getting smaller in size, the wool slivers are then put through two operations of porcupine finishing where a brass roller with pins is used for fibre control. Thence to the mules or ring spinning frames to be spun i~to any count desired.

The speaker, by describing these operations, impressed upon the members the eventual type of yarn the product would be; i.e. softhandling and lofty - ideal for certain knitted and woven cloths and particularly for half hose and jersey fabric. After discussing the merits and disadvantages of both mule and ring spinning Mr. Smith concluded his remarks with brief summaries of the latest developments in the worsted spinning industry. Among the new developments discussed were Pin Drafts, the American, Centrifugal and Ambler systems of worsted processing, and electronic yarn evenness testers. An innovation was introduced at this last smoker, this being in the form of motion pictures. We had two entertaining , movies rented from the Hamilton film library. KAROL GEYER

We are happy to learn that Bob Burrows, ~ former student of P . I.T. and a graduate of O.A.C . , is now chemist at Dominion Anilines and Chemicals Ltd. in Toronto . Bob was one of tne best- liked students at P.I.T . and a member of the staff of the 1949 TEXTUS . Congratulations, Bob~

Last night I held a hand, So dainty and so sweet; I thought ~ heart would surely break So wildly it beat . No other hand in all the world Can greater solace bring, Than that sweet hand I held last night FOUR ACES AND A KING.

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Mr. C. c. Ashcroft, BaSe. B.Paed., is the principal of the Institute .. He is a graduate of the University of Toronto; formerly the principal of the Ontario Training College for Technical Teacher~

Mr. J. H. Blare is the instructor in knitting and related subjects. He holds City and Guilds of London certificates in knitting and hosiery. Mr. Blare studied in the knitting departments of the University of Nottingham and the Leicester College of Technolog~

Mr . W. Hodgson, A.T.I., is the instructor in woollens and worsteds and related subjects. He is a graduate from Bradford Technical College in woollens and worsteds . Mr. J. R. Stewart, B.Sc., A.R . I.C . , is the instructor in chemistry and dyeing. He is a graduate from Leeds University in chemistry and colour chemistry. Mr . V. Duxbury, B.Sc., A.T . I., is the instructor in ootton E8nufacturing and its related subjects. He obtained his B.Sc~ degree at the College of Technology, Manchester University.

Mr. E . Greenhalgh, M. Sc., is the instructor in textile and colour chemistry.

He obtained his degree from Manchester University.

Mr. W. B. Neeb is the instructor in economics.

He is a Commerce and Finance graduate from the University of Toronto. Mr. Neeb also is a graduate of the Ontario College of Education .

Mr . K. J. Cox, M.A. is the instructor in statistics and industrial psychology.

He obtained his M.A. from Baston Uni versity .

Mr . R. T. Vincent is the instructur in machine shop practice .

He obtained his specialist degree (Machine Shop) from the Ontario Training College.

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·1 L£5


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2ND YEAR STUDENTS BACK ROW L;t"'o~-~- S::q.PFt'(,O.A.H~G,~.NUHN, W.LEI~MAH,"'.M.l.AING, .J.G.CFt~ot


FRoN.r L·.-t'o~-:- ~M:"S~R-M. 8ATJ!.to1fiH,P.k'oNOU~..I....,.,&J.SI.I,~.~~t&




L:t'o~-&....8.1-lRI'lOVER, O.l-.QoSSINS,..J.C.WlEC~T.A. BRERETOI'f, t<.L-.G£~A:. (_.as:t.RQS&.'t'f"SO"' -ASSE'NT) -- .

--- T E X T U S --And here we have some informative data about P.I.T.'s 1st Graduates:Tom Bolger

- a native of Renfrew, Ont. and a Senior Matriculation graduate of his home town collegiate. Tom specializeE in weaving but has a definite interest in Woollen · Spinning and Finishing.

Bill pousins

- hails from Port Credit and obtained his schooling at Port Credit High. Bill, good natured and congenial, was responsibl~ for all social activities of the Association during his 1st and 2nd years at ihe Institute. A graduate in· weaving, Bill has soma experience in Woollen Spinning.

Yoke Chong

-a real Westerner, Yoke hails from Vancouver B.C. and has a B.A. from the University of British Columbia. A hard. working and conscientious student, Yoke graduates from P.I.T. with the Dyeing and Finishing diploma.

Bob Craig

-a D.V.A. student hailing from Cobourg, Ont. Bob is interestea in art and music and is impatiently waiting until he can buy a complete album of Highland marches. Bob graduates in Dyeing and Finishing.

Joe Divinski

- hails from Brentford, Ont. and is a graduate of Brantford Catholic High School. Joe is keen on most sports but par~icularly bas~tball. He was the 1st editor of the Textus and was the Athletic chairman for the lst term of the Association°s existence. Joe is primarily a Woollen and Worsted spinner, but has a definite interest in Knitting .

Norm Eisdorfer


Doug Griggs

- formerly of Guelph, but now a Hamiltonian - came to P.I .T. after 5 years as an officer in the Army. As th~ first president of the Students Association he has exercised both tact and _good sense in helping to build up a healthy school spirit . He spec i alized in weaving and has an added interest i n c otton spinnin

a student from across the border, coming from New York City, N.Y. An American Vet he has been on the G.I . Bill of Rights. Norm has studied weaving and pl~ns. to settle in Hamilton upon graduation. He is quite an athlete (b~sketball and baseball) and. was 3rd year athletic rep. He has been largely responsible ~or the school jac~et which was adopted this year.

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--- T E X T U S --Len Koch

-another student from the u.s., Len too is from New York City, N.Y. He is an American Vet and has attended P.I.T. on the G.I. Bill of Rights. For 2 years Len has been year rep. of his class. He is a weaver, leaning toward cotton, and hopes to do textile designing on graduation.

John Lennard

- from Dundas. ~ohn is the only person graduating in knitting at the P.I.T. in this first graduation year. It is difficult to say whether ~ohn will enter textile manufacturing, join the Stock Exchange, or enter politics - perhaps all three.

Tom McCoy

- the only native of Hamilton fil. P.I.T. graduation class. Tom took th~ Dyeing and Finishing course. He held the office of Vice•President .of the Student Association for the past two years, and helped greatly in the organization and guidance of this body.

Peter Patton

- a native of Toronto and a graduate of Upper Canada College. His daily scrutiny of the financial pages is responsible for Peter's reputation as the financial wizard. Peter is specializing in woollen and worsted spinning.



- comes from Cornwall and works for Canadian Cottons which sent him to the Institute for the Dyeing and Finishing course. Jac~'s been quite an ~thiete in his day, having played on baseball and championship hookey teams from Cornwall.



- another native of the Ottawa Valley - his home town being Arnprior. A D.V.A. student, Jack will be remembered by his after dinner air-force stories. Like many vets, determination and her~ work have helped ~aok over the many problems of school unknown to a high school grad. ~ack is a woollen and worsted spinner and has considerably more practical experience than most students. ¡ DOUG 1GRIGGS '


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--- T E X T U S "SPOO.TS" as I see it ••••••••.•


The athletic program for the '49/'50 term was mostly confined to a lot of talk about sports with little active participation by the students. This was mainly due to the later hours of school and the fact that the school does not have facilities for sports activities. At the beginning of the term the athletic committee had numerous ideas and suggestions re. these extracurricular activities but as most of the students preferred to "talk" and "read" about i t, than actually get out there and play it, the sports program was very limited. The gym at a Wentworth St. Church was obtained for one night a wee~ immediately after school for basketball, but after a good start the program began to lag a little. The turnout became so small that the idea was halted. A ping pong tournament was started one night a week, that had a very fine turnout at the start but this too ended, rather abruptly. Ping pong and cards are the only forms of student participation for _which interest has not fallen off during the students free time. I think that after seeing some of our fine oard players leave their class rooms and oome charging down the hall and into the students room that we shouldn't have any t r oubl e producing a fine track team. But I guess they use all thei r energy getting down to the card t~bles and have to rest the remainder of the lunch hour. Ping pong has taken the spot light at the school during our leisure time with some real hard fought games played. It is quite amazing to see _students that could ha r dly play the game when first coming to the school playing real fine ~mas, beating all the past champs. After a number of students expressed their des i re to have school jacketsi ·the athletic ooiiiili ttee with the aid of the students' c ounc il decided on maroon c oloured athleti c j a ckets that could be b ought by all student s (a picture of the jacket is on another page of the TEXTUS). Interest i n arm chair sports is very strong at the school as shown by the way tha t the sports page is picked up in the morn ing to follow the sportin g event ~ . Some reacti ons due to sporting event can be best shown by the sad remar kS being thrown about when Jim Coleman's column was taken out of the Globe. During the Worl4 Serie

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T E X T U S --Sports cont. last fall, there were numerous radios being carried around by the students to hear the games. When the Grey Cup game was played in Toronto a couple of the students attended it, even though a blizzard rage¡d and practically froze everybody. There was quite a delegation out at McMaster when the University of Mexico played there recently. The fights and wrestling matches at the Municipal Pool have had delegations from P.I.T. on numerous occasions. In hookey, fans of the Tigers turned out at the Arena for their ga~s as did the Leafs fans journey to Toronto pro 0 hookey games. And if you want to oall figure skating a sport, many turned out to see the Barbara Ann Scott show at the Arena. For sports that are easy on the eyes, we figure that figure skating oops the title. The interest in sports will have to be from the spectator's angle until the so eoomes large enough to have time set aside for such aotivitie


--- T E X T U S ---

OUR DANCES It may be rather interesting to note the progress of our socia+ activities at P.I.T. At first due to a small number of students of which a large,percentage came from far off places it was difficult to arouse interest in a mixed party. Consequently, the first attempt of a social evening was held in form of a stag party. Then with the oncoming of second year students oame the first ann~al dance. In th~ third year of the school two dances were arranged a tal+ dance and winter dance. Our fall dance was held on October for the purpose of helping t~e first year students beoo~e better acquainted with second and third year students . It was noted, however, there was only one representative from th~ first year. Reservations were made at the 10 O'Clock Club of the Royal Connaught with an added feature over last years 8 dance of a suite of rooms. This made for a merrier atmosphere and lunch which was served at the end of the dance. Apart from the absence of the first year the party was very successful and a good time was had by all. Our winter dance was held in February at the Collins Hotel, Dundas . This was the first attempt to have a completely private party and . from the comments heard afterwards it was the best yet . The music was supplied by records and a light lunch was served ~t intermission. The boys really let their hair down that night and displayed many , of their hidden talents. BILL COUSINS

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T ~



__ President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Editor of TEXTUS Athletic Chairman 3rd year representative 2nd year representative 1st year representa tive -

Doug Griggs Tom McCoy Ross Nuhn Ted Bartlet Joe Di. Vinski Phil .Konduros Len Koch Ross . Nuhn Paul Hughson

STAFF ASSISTING ASSOCIATION Events - Mr . V. Duxbury Finance/ - Mr. J . Blore Eli gibili ty Mr. w. Hodgson Mr. J. R. St e wart )



. - .- "- - -.;~~ ---. i

For the 49/50 term, 14 students applied "f'or·'and· re-c~i-:v:ed..:; _.:::;-:- · , membership to the Textile Soc~ety of Canada, Western Division . With the membership each stuefent received ~ Technical Literai.ui...e. - _ Abstracts compiled by the Textile Technical Federation of Canada- ~ - :~. the Canadian Textile Journal and the Manual and is allowed -t.o _., attend all monthly Textile Society meetings where men fro~ the industry gather to hear a guest speaker and discuss the main topic. The 14 student members are:Bill Cousins Joe Divinski Doug Griggs Peter Pat ton ;Jerry Cardinal Mac Laing Sandy Leishman


Ross Nuhn Ted Bartlet Ed Davis Karl Geyer Paul Hughson Don Robbins Gasp WieohoFak





t· =>




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--- T E X T U S --Textus "Tex" says:Look~

Scan the Page~ Just a bunch of words eh~ Not so fast~ Don't hurry off~ There's more tban Just those words • Here ere a few interesting definitions (daffynitely) Well! Here's hoping you find them so:All our drawings in Drafting class are works of art. In Weaving, you have to be an artist to do a Jacquard design, and of course all the weavers are artists. And if you want to see some good, colourful art in good classical form, here's a recommendation that you take a look at some of the masterpieces by "Esquire" in some of the students• lockers.


Apartment:- A huge housing scheme of Messrs. Nuhn, Laing, and Bartlet. Brentford:- A booming metropolis whose citizens violently persist that theirs is not a tented city and that their transportation commission does not use horse-drawn carts (big joke, hey!) Bridge:- Not the suspension type - nor dentures - this is that ridiculously simple, low-brow, unskilful card game that occupies the noon hours of some of the more reserved P .I .T. 9 ers. Draft:- I don't mean the compulsory military service or the way your beer is served or what you get when you get a cold shoulder, but rather it is what you get by being a mathematical genius and divide a smaller number into a larger. In those certain calculations to find gauge points, d~afts, twists, etc. - all woollen and worsted and cotton spinners have found out that they~ ge~ii. Dundas:Dyer:-

The home of "Lennard's for Loveliness 11 •

An aloof student who belongs to that exclusive clique who live in a molecular world all their own on the top floor of the Institute. - 43 -

--- T E X T U S --Dancer:- We could classify a certain lst year student as being one of these, and you should see him dance backwards (Wow~) His name. - why "Art" of course • Globe and Mail:- This is the name of the morning paper we receive daily in our common room, and which is immediately devoured by ravenous P.I.T.~rs who immediately tear the paper into 4 parts - Sports, General news, Brentford news, women's activities. (The oomic page is usually thrown away as nobQdy cares to read this dull, uninteresting section). Knitter:- A person who looks askance at a woven material, then mutters to himself, "Gad, I can make it twioe as well on a btflsknit m/c. Llama Herders:-

All lst year students.

LQud annoying noise:- snores in certain instructor's classes, John Lennard's singing, the duet of Ted Bartlet and John Lennard, weights falling after a pre~s-otf on the hand flats, cussing when ends Just won't piece up, the hurrahs when the end stays up after piecing, the swish of the shuttle as it flies out of Bill Cousins• loom. Ping Pong:- Aha~ Being a bat lover mwself - I 1 Textus Tex, plan to dwell on· the topic with many eloquent w9rds - T·i ring, isn't- it? Spinner:- Any one can apply for this honour on condition that he can piece up an end without making a slub. So far, all Woollen and Worsted man have passed the test with flying colours (Paging Mr. Blore). Of course time spent in piecingthe end is not appreciable). Tie:-

This is the deadly weapon at P.I.T. Every student has gone berserk over them, and well~ you should see the grotesque things. They come in all shapes and sizes, all colours yes by all means all colours. Some were given by their landladies for Christmas, some we cut out of old sweaters and blankets, but most were bought at the bargain basement. Really the gaudiest things anyone ever wants to see. TEXTUS "Tex".

- 44 -

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--- T E X T U S --P .I .T. HOWLERS (extracted from students exam papers which, of course , have been corrected) "Oxygen in its liquid state is a solid" "The difference between these two dyes is that they require the same mordant" "Clarification is determining the amount of he.Pdness in water" "The Indigosol dyebath is set with caustio soda and sulphuric.acid" 11 A vertical cylinder of 42a' die.. holding 15000 lbs. of a substance . of s.g. 3.~ needs to be 12 x 107 metres highli wAn example of alkalinity: Ne.Cl + H20 -+- NaOH + HCl" 0 ' The obJect of setting is to give a sett to :the qloth .•••. " " Periffery" "Hardly no twist in warp" ~'~Warp threads consist of continuous visc·ose staplero 1 'Convulsionvt (Description of cotton fibre under microscope) "Protein staple fibres are used for asbestos suitings, helmets, etc. fire hosen "120/32 yarn has 120 filaments and is very finerro wDull acetate is obtained by use of a catalyst" liMelted nylon is forced through spinnerets whe4e it is wound on drawing frames •.. ~~ "Nylon is stretched under tension" "Fibreglas is used mostly for drapes because it drapes well" "Mercerizing is the dissolving of Wood Pulp in NaOH" "Prepoarding treatment'' "Cuprammonium is suitable for shearer materials" ''Greenfield Top and a worsted yarn mixed together in a gill" "Cupra has a more lustre nearer to silk" 'PWomen good such as evening dress .. 1111 nAlginate is a rayon spun from sea minel;"al matter 11 • 0






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--- T E X T U S --ON BEING A GOOD TEXTILE TECHNOLOGIST If he is p~easant, he is too familiar. If he is sober-faced, he is a sourpuss. If he is young, he doesn°t know anything. If he is old, he 0 s an old stiff. If he belongs to a lodge, the members expeot favours. If he drinks, he 0 s an old souse. If he doesn°t, he 0 s a tightwad . If he talks to everybody, he 0 s a gossip . If he doesn°t, he 8 s stuck up. If he looks around, he 8 s snooping. If he doesn 8 t he 8 s unobservant. He should have the patience of Job, the skin of a rhinoceros, the cunning of a fox, the courage of of lion, be b1ind as a bat, and silent as a sphinx. Author Unknown.

A Scotchman met an old friend and said:

'Mon, I 8 m glad to see ye. I want ye to come to my house soon- 1675 Glasgow Street. Ye press the button with yer elbow, go inside where ye 8 ll see my name on the mailbox . Just press the button with yer elbow. When ye reach my door, just press the button with yer elbow and ..•••. 11 "Fer the luvva Mike,vo said the friend, 19What 0 s all this pressin° the button with my elbow?w " Heavens, mon, " said Scotty, "Ye 0 re na comin ° emp·t;y-handed, are yeoe? 9

Lady (holding a oookie above the dog) wspeak~



"Whatell I say?"

Mrs. Simms was shaking her husband trying to waken him. ~ J'oe, get up," she whispered, nr hear a mouse squeaking." . 11 What do you want me to do," asked Joe, "get up and oil it?" 0

Employer: '9 Are you a clock watcher?" Prospective Employee: "No, I don°t .like indoor work. whistle listener. 01

- 48 -

I 0m a





0 I ,.





--- T E X T U S --THE


C 0 N S T I T UT I 0 N

of Provincial Institute of Textiles Students Association ARTICLE I - The Association Section 1 - The name of this organization shell be the Provincial Institute of Textiles Student Association. Section 2 -The purpose of this Association shell be: {e) To provide unified, self-government for the students of the Provincial Institute of Textiles. (b) To provide liaison facilities between the undergraduates, the Faculty end the Advisory Committee. All relations between the ' undergraduates end the Advisory Committee will pass through the Faculty. (c) To provide opportunities for the broadening of student education in channels not covered by the Faculty. (d) To promote the general interests of the Institute. ARTICLE II - The Membership All students registered in any full academic year in one or more of the mejor dey sohool courses leading to the diploma of the Institute shall pay the "Annual Fee" as in Article IV, Section l(a), and shell thereby become members of the Students Association ARTICLE III - Government Section 1 - The Executive authority of the Students Associetio is vested in the Students Council, by the Advisory Comadttee of th Institute, through the Chairman of the Advisory Committee and the Faculty. Section 2 - The Students Council shall be the recognized mediw between the Students Association and the Institute authorities. (Article VI, Section l(b) ). Section 3 - The Council shall be elected annually and shell be composed of members as follows: (e)President - the president shall be in his third year of the course. (b)Vioe - President - the vice-president shall be in his second or third year of the. course. (c)Treasurer - the treasurer shall be elected by th incoming Council at their first meeting from mem bers from the second year.

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TEXTUS ARTICLE III - continued (d)Seoretary - the secretary sha11 be in his first year of the course. (e)Three representatives from the Student Association, one from each year. (!)Presidents of any recognized Students Societies, Unions, Associations or Clubs within the Institute. (See Article V) (g)Ath1etic Chairman - the Athletic Chairman shel1 be in his second or third year of the course. (h)Editor of School Year Book - who sha11 be in his second or third year of the course. Section 4(a) - The President shell preside at e11 general end special meetings of the Association. The President she11 be Chairman of the Students Council end the ex-officio member of all committees appointed by the Council. The President shall represent the Student Association on all public occasions. The President shall take office at the beginning of the Fall Term. (b) - The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the 1atter. He shall be an ex-officio member of ell committees appointed by the Council. (c) - The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Students Association and Council meetings. The Secretary shall conduct ell the general correspondence of both bodies and keep a record of same. (d) - The Treasurer will be responsib1e for ell monies collected end a11 financial disbursements, upon the authorization of the Council. Section 5(e) - The Executive of the Students Council sha11 consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary end Treasurer. (b) - The Executive of the Students Council shell be empowered to deal with questions requiring minor decisions arising between regular meetings of the Council. In the case of unforeseen but necessary expenditures they wi11 be empowered to expend a sum not exceeding fifteen dollars. Section 6 - The Students Council shall have complete control over al1 insignia (used by students or student organizations) which beer the name or crest of the Institute, including pins, crests, rings, greeting cards, etc. ARTICLE IV - Finance Section l(e) - Each member of the Students Association shell pay en Annual Fee of $10.00 (ten dol1ars), to be collected by the

-- 52 -

--- T E X T U S --ARTICLE IV - continued InStitute's Treasurer. Ten percent (10%) of each fee is to be paid into a Students Association Reserve Fund, from which no monies shall be withdrawn except on authority of the Chairman of the Advisory CDmmittee in committee with the Students Council. (b) - Each recognized Students Society, Union, Association or Club, shall submit to the Students Council at their second Fall meeting, their budget for the coming year. The Students Council will examine, change if necessary, and approve the aforementioned program. (c) - The remainder of. each Annual Fee shall be distributed by the Students Council on the recommendations of the Financial Committee, to defray the expense of the Students Association and the Students Council. Section 2(a) - The Finance Committee shall be composed of the foll?wing members: . i. Chairman, the Treasurer of the Students Council. ii. 9ne Faculty me~ber, appointed by the Principal. iii. ~he fresident and Vice-President of the Students Association. (b) - The accounts of the Students Council shall be audited annually as _appointed by the Council and the Institute. (c) - All funds appointed to the Students Council shall be deposited in a chartered Bank. All cheques drawn against such deposits shall be signed by ~he Treasurer and, either the President or the Vice-President, who shall . satisfy themselves before signing that the Requisite authority exists. ARTICLE V - Organ~zation and Co~ttees ¡ section 1- Standing Organizations. Any club or society desiring official recognition as a Provincial Institute of Textiles Students organization shall submit its constitution for approval by the Council. Any such organization whose constitution provides for continuity of office shall, upon recognition of the Council, be a Standing Organization of the Students Association. Section 2 - Permanent and Select Committees. The Council shall appoint such committees as it deems necessary to execute its busines~ These shall be two kinds (i) Permanent , (ii) Select. (1) Permanent committees shall be those committees appointed and ,permanently constituted by the Council. These shall be the Finance, Events, Eligibility and Athletic Committees, as constituteg in Articles IV, IX, x, and VIII respectively. (ii) The Select committees . shall be those committees appointed but not _permanently constituted, by the Council.

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--- T E X T U S --ARTICLE VI - Meetings Section l(a) ~ There shall be an annual meeting of the Students Association the last week of April at which the financial statement of the Association ¡for the previous year ending April first shall be presented for adoption. (b) - Special meetings may be called on three days notice by the President or on written request of twenty-five percent of the Students Association membership. At suoh meetings fifty percent of the total membership of the Association shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section 2(a) - Students Council meetings shall be held once a month. (b) - The President may oall special meetings on three days notioe or on written request of three voting members. (o) - Two-thirds(2/3) of the voting members shall constitute a quorum. (d) - Three oonseoutive absences without valid reason (from Council meetings) shall be considered unsatisfactory attendance and notice will be given to the member and the organization he represents. If necessary his resignation may be required. ARTICLE VII - Elections Section 1 - The elections for the President, Vice-President, Athletic Chairman, the year Representatives of the second and third years, the Presidents of any recognized ~tudents Societies, Unions, Associations or Clubs within the Institute, the Athletic Representatives from the second and third years, and the Editor of the Sohool Year Book, shall take place on the first Friday in May . The elections for the Secretary, first year Representative and the first year Athletic Representative, shall take place on the first Friday in October. Section 2 - Written nominations for the President, ViaePresident, Secretary, year Representatives, Athletic Chairman, Athletic Representatives and the Editor of the School Year Book, with nominator and seconder, must be placed befor e the Elig~bility Co~ttee on the Friday preceding the election day. Section 3(a) ~ The Straight Secret Ballot(*) shall be used for all the elections of the student body. (b) = The entire student body shall vote for: ( i ) President, ( i i) Vice=President, (iii) Secretary, (iv) _Athletic Chairman, and (v) Editor of the School Year Book. (o) -Year representatives shall be voted on by the - 54 -

' .

TEXTUS ARTICLE VII • continued year students only. (d) - The executives of the various clubs, societies,. unions, eta. will be voted on by their members only.

- {*) Students will vote for only one nominee for eaoh office using secret ball?t·




ARTICLE VIII - Athletio Committee , · . . \Seotion· l - -The Athletic Committee shall be composed of: (i) the Athletic ,Chairman, (ii) third, second and first year



Section 2 - The Athl~tic' Committee shall be responsible for ·a ll sports ca:rried o~ within the ·Institute, and also, any outside athletios participated in by: the ~ Institute. Section 3- See Article IV> Section l(b). ARTICLE IX - Events Committee Section l - This committee of the Council shall be composed of the President an~ the Vice-President of the Students Association, a so~ial convenor (electe~ by the Council), and a member of the Faculty appointed by the Principal of the Institute. Section 2 - This committee shall draft · and present to the Council at their sec~md meeting after the Fall opening, a proposec! program of social functions and official ~ctivities for the ensuing nine months • Section 3 - Each recognized Students Society, Union, Association or Club sha~l submit a proposed pro~am for t~e coming year to the Events Committee for co-ordination. Section 4 - All social functions and official activities of any organization shall be concluded by Maroh 31. ARTICLE X - Eligibility Committee . Section l - The purpose of this committee is to determine the eligibility of a~ student to represent the Institute 1~ any activity or to hold office in any student organi~ation. Section 2 - This committee shall be composed of the President and Vice-President of the Students Association and two members of ' the Faculty appointed by the Principal of the Institute .

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--- T E X T U S --ARTICLE XI - Student Discipline The Students Council may summon any member of the Students Association for hearing. Any member so summoned shall be confronted by those hearing testimony a8Binst him and, after hearing and weighing the evidence, the Council may recommend disciplinary action to the Principal. ARTICLE XII - Amendments Section 1 - This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote at a general meeting of the Students Association, provided that notice of the proposed amendments has been given to the Secretary in writing and has been posted by him for three days. Section 2 - If any such amendment shall necessitate a change in the Constitution of any other Student Organization, ~hese changes shall be automatic on the passing of said amendment. ARTICLE

XI!! - Editor of the School Year Book

Section 1 - The main task of the Editor of the School Year Book shall be the editing and publishing of an annual Year Book, called "The Textus", depicting the year-round activities of tpe students. Section 2 - The Editor¡ of the School Year Book shall be empowered to choose his own staff. ARTICLE XIV - Student Association Store Section 1 - The store will be a Students Association project to supply the stationery and equipment needs of the students enrolled in the Provincial Institute of Textiles. Section 2 - The store will be financed as needed by the Students Association and all profits will belong to the Student Association. - Section 3 - The store will be operated by a member of the Association, in his first or second year, appointed by the Council and his term of office will be for one year, from January to January. ARTICLE .!Y- Graduation Rings Section l - The Student Association wi ll present to each graduate a Sterling Silver signet ring bearing the school crest . Only graduates may be in possession of a school ring . Pins may be obtained by any Student through the school store. Section 2 - The Students Association Reser ve Fund wi ll bear the cost of the ring up to $3.00 per ring. The balanqe of cost of the ring wi ll be borne by the Students Assooiataon General F~nd.

- 56 -


OCT. II 10

NOV. oa



·" FEB. II


10 13


Elections for council secretary, 1st yr. rep., 1st yr. athletic rep. Council meeting Fall dance ~ tter 0 s smoker






7 23


Council meeting Cotton smoker



Council meeting


Council meeting Weaver's smoker






6 22






AFR. il

Registrations at P.I.T. Lectures begin lst Council meeting Nominations to be in for sec., 1st yr. rep., & 1st yr. athletic rep.


19 It 29 " 6

Winter dance Council meeting Dyers and Finishers smoker


" "

Council meeting Wool & Worsted smoker





Council meeting Annual Meeting Students 1 Association Nominations for Pres., Vice-pres., Ath. Chairman, Yr. reps., yr. athletic reps., Socie~ pres., Editor of TEXTUS

25 "





4 8 31

" "


Elections for above Council meeting Summer vacation begins


Graduation of 3rd Year.

- 57 -



--- T E X T U S


We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of these persons who by their advice and cooperation made the printing of the '50 TEXTUS possible.

Mr. C. C. Ashcroft Miss Jean Boyd

Mr. J. H. March- Photography Mr. Bud Millage - Addressograph-Multigraph, Hamilton - Zinc plates for printing

Mr. Al Trellum

-Of J. H. French, Printers Printing

- 6o -

r -





Chemistry Lab

Dyeing and Finishing Lab

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where the '5< Mr. Ashcroft' Main offices Offices Lecture roo~ Stores


CORRIDOR Physics and Testing Lab L

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3rd FLOOR '





Hand WE Warpin1


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Woollen Lal

I Dr afting Room L


Students Common Room CORRIDOR



Ci rcular flat hand knitting machine Tricot.,. Sewing Lab




Power Kni tti ng Machine Lab GROUND FLOOR








ITEXTUS has been printed s offioe

•aving and :Lab FUTURE ADDITION

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, Lab


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Dyeing and Finishing Lab







Power Knitting

I I !


1 Hand

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- -, - - - -

Drafting Room






Students 1 Common Room


vi.ng Lab




1- _ _ _1 _ _ _ _





Warp Preparation







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I 1

Power Weaving

I I L _I ________ -· _l I

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