Integrated Urbanism Studio- Comprehensive Strategic Plan for the Parramatta CBD

Page 84

Chapter 1


Connect Action Plan

To support the given actions few precedents are taken as a benchmark such as Vancouver’s Bicycle lane which was brought after removing a car lane and adding bicycle line on it by then Mayor. Bus Rapid Transits that helped Bagota in reducing its traffic. The impact of the project is that it reduced transport times, along with increased safety, reliability and comfort attract many car and taxi drivers to the new system, which in turn leads to an improved traffic flow in the city. Cheonggyecheon Stream in Seoul which was major success restoration project initiated the pedestrian walk that connected two side of the city. Due to the uniqueness of the place people tend to walk along the stream.​

The actions are decided according to the four priorities given under the objective identified for Connectivity. Priority 1 is based on land use and transport integration the goal of the priority is to achieve all form of transits and connectivity with the land use to maximize the transport choice and managing travel demand. To increase the catchment area in the site interchanges are provided by integrating transit networks with transit hub. Due to lack of frequency and north-south accessibility in priority 2 the goal is to extend the light rail and propose bus routes to the nearby strategic centers with high frequency. The main roads such as Church street and Victoria roads will be widened to include Bus Rapid Transit and light rail that will cater to unhindered flow of transit. Priority 3 is mainly about enhancing active transport with in the study area to give a sustainable and safe metropolitan. To increase the use of active transport bicycle parking is proposed. The last priority is to revitalize the river by increasing the frequency of the ferries and proposing local ferry stop to enhance the use of local transit through water. New bridges are added to connect the both side. Lastly enhancing the Toongabie creek by enhancing cycling and walkability along the creek.

Chapter 4

Chapter 3

Chapter 2

The analysis from SWOT and the benchmarking have provided the basis for the proposed priorities and actions. ​

84 | ARCH 9093 | Integrated Urbanism Studio

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