Koel-Karo : Two rivers flowing in the south-west region of Ranchi, Jharkhand, INDIA.
Started in 1955, the “Koel-Karo Hydroelectric Project” in Jharkhand (then Bihar), would have submerged more than 55,000 acres of forests and agricultural land, and left more than a lakh of indigenous people homeless.
Since its inception the project went through many hard phases. Preeminently due to excessive rise in its expenditure and similar other hiccups such as resistance from the locals, public curfews, killings and random shoot-outs, it was finally shelved in the year 2010.
These 55 years of struggle remain a testament to the will of the indigenous people of Jharkhand, who succeeded in protecting their land by shutting down the project that threatened their lives, livelihood, culture and identity.
A homage to the martyrs of the Koel-Karo Movement in the form of a graphic novel